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|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh

|oge 1 ot 1B

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 2 ot 1B
5oss|on Ono: Acc|donta| Loadorsh|p

1homo: |oss|on

Doscr|pt|on: Nehem|oh's poss|on tor h|s brethren |n Jeruso|em |nterseoteo w|th Soo's
oonstruot|on ot Nehem|oh's ||te, pos|t|on, ono ob|||t|es. 1he resu|t wos 'ooo|oento| |eooersh|p.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 1.1 - 2.B

Drop Zono.

1here he wos, m|no|ng h|s own bus|ness, o oomtortob|e oopt|ve |n o tore|gn |ono. e hoo o
oushy ,ob, wos ohummy w|th the most powertu| po||t|oo| ru|er ot the t|me - ono got to eot o||
ooy! ^ popu|or B|b|e cnoyo|opeo|o hos th|s to soy obout Nehem|oh's ,ob os Lupbeorer.

'1he ott|oe ot oupbeorer wos 'one ot no tr|t||ng honor' [eroo. |||.34]. |t wos one ot h|s oh|et
out|es to toste the w|ne tor the ||ng to see thot |t wos not po|soneo, ono he wos even oom|tteo
to the ||ng wh||e the queen wos present [Nehem|oh 2.6]. |t wos on oooount ot th|s pos|t|on ot
o|ose |nt|mooy w|th the ||ng thot Nehem|oh wos ob|e to obto|n h|s oomm|ss|on os governor ot
Juoeo ono the |etters ono eo|ots wh|oh enob|eo h|m to restore the wo||s ot Jeruso|em.

1hen there wos thot one ooy. when Nehem|oh's tr|enos trom the 'o|o oountry oome ono to|o
h|m obout the stote ot h|s tormer home|ono.

Bra|n Burn >>

U. ^tter Nehem|oh heoro obout the s|tuot|on |n Jeruso|em, whot wos h|s t|rst reoot|on?

U. vhot o|o Nehem|oh proy obout? vos |t the bro|en wo||s, or someth|ng more |mportont?

U. vhy oo you th|n| Nehem|oh bothereo to oooress the |ssue ot s|n |n h|s proyer?

U. vhot s|gn|t|oonoe ooes |t hove to you thot Nehem|oh ooes not ment|on h|s ,ob oesor|pt|on
unt|| verse 1.11? vhere wos he try|ng to toous the ottent|on ot those reoo|ng th|s oooount?

U. vou|o you ootegor|ze th|s exper|enoe os '||te o|ter|ng tor Nehem|oh? Lou|o |t be thought ot
os o 'turn|ng po|nt? ove you hoo suoh o turn|ng po|nt |n your ||te?

Connoct|on o|nt:

Nehem|oh wos tooeo w|th o oho|oe ot th|s po|nt |n h|s ||te. e oou|o oont|nue to ||ve |n oomtort
ono oontentment, or he oou|o oo someth|ng obout the s|tuot|on thot Soo hoo p|ooeo betore
h|m. |t hos been so|o thot the o|tterenoe between those who not|oe o s|tuot|on |n neeo ot
ohonge, ono those who ootuo||y ohonge |t |s someth|ng oo||eo 'poss|on. ere |s how one
o|ot|onory oet|nes 'poss|on.

'1he stote ot the m|no when |t |s powertu||y ooteo upon ono |nt|uenoeo by someth|ng externo| to
|tse|t, the stote ot ony port|ou|or toou|ty wh|oh, unoer suoh oono|t|ons, beoomes extreme|y
sens|t|ve or unoontro||ob|y exo|teo, ony emot|on or sent|ment [speo|t|oo||y, |ove or onger] |n o
stote ot obnormo| or oontro|||ng oot|v|ty, on extreme or |noro|note oes|re, o|so, the oopoo|ty or
susoept|b|||ty ot be|ng so otteoteo
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 3 ot 1B
U. Boseo on the obove oet|n|t|on, oo you th|n| thot Nehem|oh hoo o poss|on to see the peop|e
ot Jeruso|em restoreo, ono the o|ty rebu||t?

0tten, greot |eooers or|se out ot s|tuot|ons where the|r poss|on tor o oouse |nterseots w|th
the|r ob|||ty to oreote ohonge. Nehem|oh wos |n ,ust suoh o s|tuot|on os Lupbeorer to the ||ng.
Nehem|oh oon be thought ot os on 'ooo|oento| |eooer - one who o|o not see| |eooersh|p out
ot o neeo tor persono| go|n or po||t|oo| outhor|ty - but someone who wos useo by Soo to be
poss|onote enough to 'oo someth|ng b|g.

U. |s there someth|ng |n your ||te thot you ore poss|onote obout |||e Nehem|oh?

U. ow oou|o Soo use th|s poss|on tor h|s ||ngoom?

U. ^re there ony s|tuot|ons |n your ||te where you ore o 'Lupbeorer [|n o s|tuot|on w|th oooess
to the resouroes ot t|me, to|ents, money, eto.] |||e Nehem|oh?

U. |o you th|n| thot Soo m|ght wont to sho|e your wor|o enough to resu|t |n your beoom|ng on
'^oo|oento| |eooer?

Doggy Bag.

|t you t|no yourse|t wonoer|ng exoot|y whot you ore poss|onote enough obout to beoome on
'^oo|oento| |eooer try the to||ow|ng.

1h|s wee| wr|te oown 3 to 5 th|ngs thot you t|no yourse|t oont|nuo||y.

|roy|ng ^bout
1o|||ng ^bout
Lomp|o|n|ng ^bout
Sett|ng |rustroteo,^ngry ^bout [|n o heo|thy woy]
3oo ^bout
cxo|teo ^bout

U. |o these th|ngs honor Soo? ^re they oreos thot neeo to be ohongeo tor the better ot
peop|e [who ore o|| |oveo by Soo] ono tor Soo's ||ngoom? M|ght Soo wont to use you to
ohonge them?

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 4 ot 1B
5oss|on 1wo: omo wasn't Bu||t |n A Day [No|thor was Jorusa|omJ

1homo: |ot|ent ||onn|ng

Doscr|pt|on: Nehem|oh exero|seo pot|enoe |n wo|t|ng tor Soo's t|m|ng tor h|s 'm|ss|on to
ott|o|o||y beg|n. vh||e wo|t|ng though, Nehem|oh wos busy oeve|op|ng o so||o p|on.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 2.4 - 2.16, 2.17 20

Drop Zono.

Nehem|oh hoo the poss|on, ono |new whot h|s m|ss|on wos but he o|on't rush |n to th|ngs.
|or o|most t|ve months, Nehem|oh seems to hove oont|nueo to proy ono wo|t tor Soo to show
h|m the next step. Nehem|oh wos no 'tost tooo |eooer! e |new how to be pot|ent [moybe
be|ng o oopt|ve |n o tore|gn |ono he|peo w|th thot], ono wo|t tor the r|ght t|m|ng [wor||ng |n
government he|peo w|th thot too].

|ast |act
||s|ev [9
Jew|sh Month] M|o November to M|o |eoember
N|son [1
Jew|sh Month] M|o Moroh to M|o ^pr||

0ne |nterest|ng toot to note |s thot Nehem|oh reo||y |ept th|s who|e motter to h|mse|t wh||e he
wo|teo on Soo's t|m|ng [see 2.1]. Lons|oer|ng the |ows ot thot t|me, thot wos probob|y o gooo
th|ng to oo. |t onyone wos soo orouno the ||ng [ono the ||ng wos o porty on|mo|] - they wou|o
be exeouteo [to|| obout wor|p|ooe moro|e!]. Nehem|oh oont|nueo to pertorm h|s ,ob ono ||ve
out h|s ||te, os Soo tormeo the p|on |n h|s heort.

Bra|n Burn >>

U. |n verse tour, whot |s the t|rst th|ng Nehem|oh ooes otter the ||ng's quest|on?

U. ow o|o Nehem|oh respono w|th o 'shopp|ng ||st so qu|o||y |n verses 2.4B? vos he
'th|n||ng ott the top ot h|s heoo?

U. vhy oo you th|n| thot Nehem|oh stoyeo |n Jeruso|em tor three ooys betore oo|ng onyth|ng?
vhot wou|o he hove oone |n thot t|me?

U. |ur|ng whot t|me ot ooy o|o Nehem|oh 'soope out the o|ty? vhy?

U. vhy wos there the neeo tor o|| the 'o|oo| ono oogger oot|v|ty?

Connoct|on o|nt:

|t hos been so|o thot 'those who hove no p|on, ore ru|eo by the p|ons ot others. Nehem|oh wos
o 'p|onner type ot person. |ur|ng those t|ve months ot proyer, he hoo |ots ot t|me to th|n|
obout whot he neeoeo. |n toot Nehem|oh wos ob|e to oonoense h|s request to the ||ng |nto
|ess thon one m|nute [try reoo|ng verses 2.4B out |ouo]. ^oo|t|ono||y, Nehem|oh wos ob|e to
prov|oe o t|me||ne ot how |ong the pro,eot wou|o to|e h|m to oomp|ete [someth|ng every
po||t|o|on |oves to heor]. Now thot's so||o p|onn|ng!

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 5 ot 1B
U. vhot ||no ot |now|eoge ooes |t to|e to oreote o p|on?

U. |oes o p|onner neeo to be on expert |n o|| oreos ot the p|on? ow muoh 'wo|| bu||o|ng
exper|enoe o|o Nehem|oh hove go|ng |nto the pro,eot?

U. vho u|t|mote|y prov|oes sp|r|tuo| |eooers w|th the best p|ons?

U. |s p|onn|ng sp|r|tuo|? |oes os||ng Soo to show the steps to oorreot obeo|enoe mo|e |t
horoer or eos|er tor Soo to wor| |n our ||ves?

U. |t Nehem|oh hoo stommereo ono os|eo 'tor o tew ooys ot reseoroh t|me - wou|o the ||ng
hove been os |||e|y to gront Nehem|oh's request?

vhen Nehem|oh orr|veo ot Jeruso|em, |t on|y mo|es sense thot he wo|teo tor three ooys to
oreote o p|on thot oou|o be oommun|ooteo to the wor|ers [2.16]. |t he hoo not to|en th|s
|mportont step, |t wou|o hove been o|tt|ou|t to os| the peop|e ot the o|ty to ,o|n h|m |n 'oo|ng
some wo|| stutt.

U. vhen Nehem|oh t|no||y opproooheo the peop|e ot Jeruso|em [2.17], hoo mo|es t|ve o|st|not
po|nts, whot ore they? |s hov|ng o br|et summory ot your |oeos proouot|ve or oounter
proouot|ve |n |eooersh|p?

Doggy Bag.

vo|t|ng on Soo's t|m|ng tor your 'm|ss|on, ono hov|ng o wor|ob|e p|on tor when |t orr|ves ore
two very |mportont ospeots ot sp|r|tuo| |eooersh|p.

U. |egoro|ng Soo's next 'm|ss|on tor your ||te - oo you tee| |||e you ore ourrent|y 'wo|t|ng or

U. Lon you oesor|be whot you be||eve to be Soo's next 'm|ss|on tor you ||te |n severo| short
sentenoes, or |n |ess thon one m|nute? |t not, m|ght you be th|n||ng to brooo|y?

1h|s wee|, t|no o tom||y member or tr|eno, ono oesor|be to them your next 'm|ss|on |oeo
boseo on your unoerstono|ng ot whot you th|n| Soo wonts you to oo. ^tter you exp|o|n |t
[hopetu||y |n o short omount ot t|me], os| them to oo the to||ow|ng.

|esor|be your 'm|ss|on |n one sentenoe
|esor|be whot the t|rst 'oroer ot bus|ness wou|o be tor you to oot upon to stort your
|o|nt out whot ohonges |n your ||te wou|o neeo to to|e p|ooe to oooomp||sh your

|o you hove the some, or o o|tterent unoerstono|ng ot whot Soo wonts you to oo? vhot
neeos to ohonge |n your th|n||ng? vhot m|ght neeo to ohonge the next t|me you oesor|be |t to

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 6 ot 1B
5oss|on 1hroo: Gu|ttors Mako Lousy |nvontors

1homo: 0ppos|t|on ono |erseveronoe

Doscr|pt|on: cvery pro,eot w||| hove opponents ono supporters. Nehem|oh tooeo strong [ono
vooo|] oppos|t|on trom the |ooo| ru|ers on h|s pro,eot. Nehem|oh |new thot Soo hoo oo||eo h|m
to o tos| ono persevereo oesp|te the 'Noy 3oyers.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 2.10, 2.1920, 4.19, 6.114

Drop Zono.

|t you hove ever tr|eo to bo|e o new reo|pe, |eorn o new oomputer progrom, or speo| o
o|tterent |onguoge, you hove probob|y enoountereo the neeo to hove perseveronoe |n the tooe
ot oppos|t|on ono oho||enge. 1homos co|son [|nventor ot the c|eotr|o ||ght Bu|b, ^uo|o
|eooro|ng, Mov|e Lomero, eto.] wos tomous tor th|s ohorooter tro|t.

0ne ot co|son's most tomous quo||t|es wos h|s perseveronoe. vh||e wor||ng on the n|o|e|,|ron
storoge bottery, he pertormeo 10,296 exper|ments. 1hroughout h|s |nvent|ng ooreer, co|son
to||oweo o|most every unsuooesstu| venture w|th o suooesstu| |oeo. e stuo| to h|s oreeo ot
wor||ng on on|y usetu| ono wonteo |nvent|ons ono ohongeo the wor|o w|th h|s or|ve tor suooess.
vhen co|son o|eo 0otober 1B, ot h|s home |n vest 0ronge, New Jersey, he |ett beh|no o |egooy
ot breo|throughs |n teohno|ogy ono so|enoe.

|rom the very t|rst ooy when Nehem|oh orr|veo |n Jeruso|em, 3onbo||ot ono 1ob|oh were
opposeo to whot he wos there to oooomp||sh |n the Nome ot Soo. |n toot, when Nehem|oh
showeo up |n Jeruso|em, he wos met w|th open oppos|t|on betore he wos met w|th open
support. |rom the 'st|o|s ono stones |nsu|ts ot verse 4.2 to the ossoss|not|on ottempt ot 6.1
14, Nehem|oh hoo o rough t|me oeo||ng w|th these guys!

Bra|n Burn >>

U. ove you ever been opposeo when you ottempteo to oo someth|ng tor Soo?

U. vhot torm o|o thot oppos|t|on to|e [woros, oot|ons, |oo| ot resouroes, eto.]?

U. vho o|o Nehem|oh oont|nuo||y reter to when oooress|ng the oppos|t|on [see 2.20, 4.4,9]?

U. vhot oot|on o|o Nehem|oh ono the |sroe||tes to|e |n verse 4.15 otter the |otest rouno ot
oppos|t|on? ow shou|o we m|m|o the|r oot|ons |n s|m||or o|roumstonoes |n our ||te?

Connoct|on o|nt:

|eooersh|p meons mo||ng ohonges, ono every ohonge [no motter how smo||] w||| be met w|th
some oegree ot oppos|t|on [though most ot us neeo not worry obout on ossoss|not|on ottempt
when we try to reorgon|ze the supp|y o|oset ot the ott|oe]. 1he |ey to suooesstu| sp|r|tuo|
|eooersh|p |n the tooe ot suoh oppos|t|on |s perseveronoe. ov|ng o t|rm grosp on the m|ss|on
ot hono |s on |mportont ospeot ot perseveronoe. ve oon th|n| ot the 'm|ss|on os whot Soo
wonts us to oo, ono we oon th|n| ot the p|on os how e wonts us to oooomp||sh |t |n our un|que
o|roumstonoes. vhen we ore tooeo w|th oppos|t|on return|ng to vho oo||eo us [Soo], whot
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 7 ot 1B
we ore supposeo to oo [m|ss|on] ono how we ore supposeo to oooomp||sh |t [p|on] w||| |eep us
on troo|.

U. vhot sort ot oppos|t|on ore you too|ng toworos your m|ss|on tor Soo?

U. vhot types ot oppos|t|on m|ght you tooe |n the neor tuture os you persevere?

U. vhot hos been your reoot|on to th|s oppos|t|on? |oes |t o|soouroge you or or|ve you to
wor| more o|||gent|y?

U. Lompore ono Lontrost Nehem|oh's reoot|on to h|s enem|es |n 4.45 to thot ot Jesus'
|nstruot|ons |n Motthew 5.4445. ow oo they o|tter?

|t |s |mportont to remember thot wh||e Nehem|oh wos o mon ot Soo - he wos st||| ,ust thot. o
mon, sub,eot to the some s|n ono to|||ngs os o|| ot us. |n oontrost, Jesus prov|oes us w|th the
perteot exomp|e. |emember th|s po|nt os you stuoy.

Doggy Bag.

1h|s wee|, os you wor| out your m|ss|on tor Soo - you w||| tooe oppos|t|on [seen ono unseen].

U. ow w||| you ohoose to reoot to th|s oppos|t|on? v||| you beoome o|soourogeo ono stop
wor||ng, or w||| you persevere?

U. Lon you |oent|ty the peop|e who ore the 3onbo||ot ono 1ob|oh |n your ||te? ow wou|o Soo
wont you to reoot to these peop|e?

U. |s o|| oppos|t|on to be |gnoreo, or oon some ot |t po|nt out oreos we moy not hove thought to
|noorporote |nto our p|ons [4.1114]

3omet|mes, be|ng preporeo tor oppos|t|on |s the best response. 1h|s wee|, oons|oer the oot|ng
upon the to||ow|ng toot|os |n response to oppos|t|on.

Lreote o ||st ot the t|ve most |||e|y reosons someone wou|o oppose your m|ss|on
|eve|op o sor|pt ot the top three 'oho||enge stotements your opponents m|ght use
vr|te oown the two most |||e|y opponents ono proy tor them ooooro|ng to Jesus'
woros |n Motthew 5.4445

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge B ot 1B
5oss|on |our: A ||rm Hand & A 5oft Hoart

1homo: Mo|nto|n|ng |ove vh||e |eoo|ng

Doscr|pt|on: |esp|te the toot thot he wos |n the m|oo|e ot o mo,or 'bu||o|ng oompo|gn
Nehem|oh st||| mo|nto|neo oomposs|on tor the neeoy |n the m|ost ot strong |eooersh|p.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 5.119

Drop Zono.

|n the m|oo|e ot the Boo| ot Nehem|oh, the oooount seems to o|verge trom the rebu||o|ng ot
the wo||, ono toous on on ent|re|y seporote |ssue. Mony B|b|e vers|ons w||| prov|oe o heoo|ng tor
th|s possoge suoh os 'e|p|ng the |oor or '1he |ssue ot 0ppress|on. ow ooes th|s t|t |nto
the overo|| oooount though? |t wou|o seem os |t Nehem|oh wos gett|ng otttroo| - otter o||, he
wos there to bu||o o wo||, not prov|oe soo|o| serv|oes, r|ght?

Lons|oer tor o moment thot th|s s|tuot|on |n 5.119 wos |n some woys, o test ot ohorooter tor
Nehem|oh. cor||er we o|sousseo thot |n 1.411, Nehem|oh's poss|on wos not tor o wo|| ot
br|o|s, or o o|ty ot houses, but tor someth|ng more |mportont. |t one |oo|s ooretu||y ot 1.411,
|t beoomes o|eor thot the |ssue |s peop|e. Nehem|oh wos oonoerneo obout the peop|e ot
Jeruso|em, not ,ust the o|ty |tse|t.

Bra|n Burn >>

U. vhot wos the pr|mory oonoern tor the mo,or|ty ot the peop|e?

U. vhot hoo they oone to meet th|s bos|o neeo?

|ast |act
|n B|b||oo| t|mes, |t wos oommon tor peop|e to enter |nto
'vo|untory s|overy to repoy o t|nono|o| oebt. 1he bos|o
oonoept wos thot |t o person oou|o not repoy o |oon, they
wou|o otter themse|ves or o re|ot|ve os o wor|er tor o per|oo
ot t|me [w|th no poy] |n oroer to 'wor| ott the oebt. 1ry thot
the next t|me you go to the grooery store!

U. vhy wos Nehem|oh upset |n verses 5.67? vhot shou|o the more weo|thy |sroe||tes hove
been oo|ng tor the|r oountrymen |n th|s t|me ot or|ses?

U. vhen oho||engeo whot o|o the '|oon shor|s oo tor the|r te||ow Jews [5.1213]?

Connoct|on o|nt:

0tten, |eooers ore h|gh|y toouseo wor| or|enteo peop|e - neg|eot the|r own ||ves to soor|t|oe tor
the m|ss|on. vh||e th|s oorresponos to the pos|t|ve ott|tuoe ot servonthooo, |t oon o|so
|ntroouoe on ott|tuoe ot suooess 'ot o|| oosts |nto the heort ot o |eooer os we||. |t oon be
tempt|ng to move torworo w|th suoh o rop|o pooe thot the 'weo| ore |ett beh|no ono the
'neeoy ore oroppeo ott o|ong the s|oe ot the rooo [t|gurot|ve|y speo||ng]. |eooers who see| to
honor Soo, ono |m|tote |s heort, must be oout|ous ot the|r pooe, so thot they oo not beoome
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 9 ot 1B
'steom ro||ers [orush|ng o|| |n the|r poth] os opposeo to 'tronsport truo|s [oorry|ng o|ong
others w|th them]. Untortunote|y though, |n our soo|ety, peop|e otten oonneot |eooersh|p w|th
pr|v||ege ono greeo |nsteoo ot soor|t|oe ono g|v|ng out ot on obunoonoe ot oomposs|on.
3p|r|tuo| |eooers must be very ooretu| to ovo|o pro,eot|ng th|s |moge ono must be v|g||ont |n
oeteno|ng the poor ono neeoy oonst|tuents |n the|r orgon|zot|ons.

U. Nehem|oh wos so oonoerneo w|th the neeos ot the peop|e thot he set o very strong
exomp|e tor h|s t|me. vhot wos |t [5.14]?

U. |nsteoo ot beoom|ng o 'tot oot ru|er whot ooes Nehem|oh soy thot he toouseo on [5.16]?

U. Nehem|oh o|o not ,ust |eove h|s exomp|e w|th the toot thot he o|o not os|, he o|so set o
better exomp|e. ow o|o he oo th|s [5.171B]

Doggy Bag.

0tten, when peop|e ossume new pos|t|ons ot |eooersh|p, there ore peop|e |n the orgon|zot|on
who hove been to|en oovontoge ot [5.15]. |t |s eosy to over|oo| these peop|e, beoouse they
moy hove beoome useo to be|ng v|ot|m|zeo. |t we ore to be |eooers who hove 'reverenoe tor
Soo - we must be owore thot these peop|e ex|st.

U. ^re there peop|e |n your orgon|zot|on who ore gett|ng o 'row oeo|? vhot oou|o you oo to
ohonge the|r o|roumstonoes?

U. ow oon you to||ow Nehem|oh's |eoo, ono set o s|m||or exomp|e ot oomposs|on ono oot|on
or|enteo oonoern |n your s|tuot|on ot |eooersh|p?

1h|s wee|, oons|oer to|||ng to the peop|e |n your orgon|zot|on thot never seem to speo| up, or
who ore on the '|ower |eve|s ot your orgon|zot|ono| ohort. You moy t|no thot they ore s||ent|y
sutter|ng, ono neeo o oomposs|onote |eooer to ohomp|on the|r oouse. You m|ght wont to os|
them the to||ow|ng quest|ons.

vhot |s the one th|ng you neeo the most to oo your ,ob better?
|s there onyth|ng thot you seem to os| tor trom |eooersh|p, but never heor onyth|ng
obout the|r ettorts to supp|y you w|th?
|o you tee| os |t you ore be|ng to|en oovontoge ot |n ony monner?
|t you oou|o e||m|note one th|ng trom your pos|t|on, whot wou|o |t be?

|t you port|o|pote |n o oomposs|onote o|o|ogue w|th the peop|e |n your orgon|zot|on, you w||| t|no
thot not on|y w||| you hove o better unoerstono|ng ot the peop|e you to|| to - but w||| see the
oreos thot you ono other |eooers neeo to |mprove upon to mox|m|ze your etteot|veness tor

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 10 ot 1B
5oss|on ||vo: Aro wo 1horo Yot?

1homo: Soo|s ono 3uooess

Doscr|pt|on: Nehem|oh's pro,eot [h|s m|ss|on] hoo o oet|nob|e eno - when the wo|| wos
t|n|sheo the pro,eot wos over [though new pro,eots orose]. vhen the peop|e sow the resu|t ot
whot wos prom|seo, they |new they hoo 'orr|veo. ov|ng oest|not|ons o|ong the ,ourney |s on
|mportont port ot gooo |eooersh|p.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 2.17, 3.2021, 6.1, 7.1, B.1, B.56

Drop Zono.

'^no thot's the |ost one! cveryone |||es to be ob|e to soy thot phrose [or someth|ng s|m||or] ot
the eno ot the wor||ng ooy, or ot the eno ot o mo,or pro,eot. ov|ng the ob|||ty to soy 've're
t|n|sheo |s essent|o| to oet|n|ng suooess tor your m|ss|on. |n some o|roumstonoes, your
m|ss|on w||| hove o phys|oo| resu|t [suoh os the rebu||o|ng ot o L|ty vo||], |n others the resu|ts
ore more o|tt|ou|t to see. |n e|ther o|roumstonoe, |eooers must be ob|e to oet|ne the goo|s, ono
the meosurob|e resu|ts tor suooess.

|mog|ne os||ng someone to |eove the|r home, tom||y, ono oomtort |n oroer to ,o|n you on o tr|p
to 'no p|ooe |n port|ou|or w|th o 'h|gh probob|||ty ot to||ure. You wou|o |||e|y neeo to t|no on
o|ternote ooreer |n o short per|oo ot t|me. vhen we os| peop|e to ,o|n us on our m|ss|on tor
Soo, |t w||| usuo||y |nvo|ve |eov|ng one or more ot the 'B|g 1hree [home, tom||y, oomtort] tor
some per|oo ot t|me [br|et or extenoeo]. |t we, os |eooers, oonnot oet|ne where we ore go|ng
[m|ss|on], ono whot |t w||| |oo| |||e when we get there [suooess] - then we oonnot expeot
peop|e to ,o|n us |n oooomp||sh|ng whot Soo hos oo||eo us to oo.

Bra|n Burn >>

U. ow ooes Nehem|oh oet|ne severo| mor|ers ot suooess tor h|s pro,eot |n these possoges?

U. |t you hoo been wor||ng w|th Nehem|oh, whot wou|o you hove been |oo||ng tor os o meosure
ot suooess?

U. |rom these possoges, oo you be||eve thot Nehem|oh oommun|ooteo thot |t wos up to eooh
|no|v|ouo| to oonstruot the ent|re wo|| o|one?

U. ow oon oreot|ng 'm|n|goo|s he|p to set the 'b|g p|oture |n perspeot|ve?

U. vhot vo|ue ooes |t prov|oe thot eooh person |n on orgon|zot|on |nows whot the|r ,ob |s, ono
how |t oontr|butes to the overo|| m|ss|on?

Connoct|on o|nt:

vhen we hove o port|ou|or|y |orge m|ss|on to oooomp||sh, exp|o|n|ng to ,ourney to suooess oon
seem overwhe|m|ng tor some peop|e. No one wonts to th|n| thot they w||| not be orouno to see
the tu|t|||ment ot the m|ss|on! |ort ot the ro|e ot |eooersh|p |s to prov|oe peop|e w|th
exp|onot|ons ot the|r |no|v|ouo| ro|es |n re|ot|on to the 'b|g p|oture. |eooers must |now the
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 11 ot 1B
m|ss|on we|| enough to be ob|e to oesor|be to o|| peop|e. ^oo|t|ono||y, there must be speo|t|o
'suooess mor|ers [|.e. wo||s bu||t, ||ves ohongeo, peop|e |n ottenoonoe, eto.] thot w||| po|nt out
the toot thot progress |s be|ng mooe by the orgon|zot|on.

U. ^s o |eooer, when wos the |ost t|me thot you reoommun|ooteo the m|ss|on to your

U. Lon you soy w|th oont|oenoe thot everyone |n your orgon|zot|on unoerstonos whot 'port|on
ot the wo|| [3.2021] they ore to be respons|b|e tor bu||o|ng?

U. vhot |s the next 'm|n|goo| thot you oou|o oommun|oote to your oonst|tuents thot wou|o
prov|oe o meosure ot suooess?

U. ow wou|o you oet|ne o 'suooesstu| wor|er |n your orgon|zot|on?

Doggy Bag.

cvery member ot on orgon|zot|on hos o oes|re to unoerstono the vhot ono vhy ot the tos|s
they pertorm. 1h|s wee|, oons|oer oreot|ng the to||ow|ng mot|votors tor your orgon|zot|on.

||ooe snopshots ot severo| wor|ers |n your orgon|zot|on on o bu||et|n booro |n o
h|gh trott|o oreo w|th|n your orgon|zot|on. Next to eooh person's p|oture wr|te o
short oesor|pt|on suoh os.

'v|thout [Nome] we wou|o not be ob|e to.
'|t [Nome] wos not w|th us, there wou|o be no.
'Betore [Nome] ,o|neo our teom, we o|o not hove.


^nnounoe o new short term [th|rty ooys or |ess] goo| tor your orgon|zot|on thot oon be
oontr|buteo toworos by every member. ^s o to||owup, purohose one or severo| poo|oges ot
|ost|t Notes ono wr|te o one sentenoe rem|noer ot the goo| on eooh sheet, ono then st|o|
the notes to vor|ous surtooes orouno your orgon|zot|ono| too|||t|es. |t your orgon|zot|on ooes
not hove permonent too|||t|es, try ott|x|ng the notes to repeot use |tems [oopy mooh|ne, tox
mooh|ne, ooors, eto.] thot your members w||| hove to use over the oourse ot the next tew

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 12 ot 1B
5oss|on 5|x: |t's arty 1|mo!

1homo: Le|ebrot|on ono |e,o|o|ng

Doscr|pt|on: vhen the ,ob wos oone, Nehem|oh o|reoteo thot there be o t|me ot oe|ebrot|on
ono re,o|o|ng. 1o||ng the t|me to gother the peop|e orouno them tor 'pep ro|||es w||| he|ps
|eooers to mo|nto|n moro|e, ono rem|no peop|e ot the m|ss|on.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh B.112, 12.27, 12.31

Drop Zono.

1here |s noth|ng worse thon o s||ent eno to o mo,or pro,eot. ^tter months ot ettort, oe|oyeo
en,oyment, ono oount|ess hours - the pro,eot |s over, ono no one seems to not|oe. Nehem|oh
unoerstooo the o|tterenoe between o 'oeoo pro,eot ono o 'new born suooess. 1he o|tterenoe
between the two |s |mportont to note. ^ oeoo pro,eot br|ngs o sense ot sorrow ono |etoown to
the peop|e who wor|eo so horo to br|ng |t to reo||ty. 0n the other hono, o new born suooess
oreotes o sense ot ||te ono v|to||ty w|th|n on orgon|zot|on, ono br|ngs ont|o|pot|on regoro|ng the
'next b|g th|ng. vhether o pro,eot beoomes o 'oeoo pro,eot or o 'newborn suooess |s
ent|re|y oepenoont upon the oot|ons ot |eooersh|p.

1o||ng the t|me to oe|ebrote one goo|, |no|ootes to your orgon|zot|on thot so|o goo| |s |noeeo
vo||o ono |mportont, ono w||| prov|oe oreo|b|||ty to the goo|s oheoo, os peop|e reo||ze thot the|r
wor| |s 'not |n vo|n [1 Lor|nth|ons 15.5B] - resu|t|ng |n greoter momentum ono mot|vot|on
tor o|| who wor| to oooomp||sh the m|ss|on.

Bra|n Burn >>

U. vhot were Nehem|oh's |nstruot|ons to the peop|e |n verses B.910?

U. vhy wou|o he hove |ssueo suoh |nstruot|ons?

U. |t you were port ot the |sroe||tes who rebu||t the wo||, whot wou|o hove been your reoot|on to
Nehem|oh's woros?

U. ove you ever been port ot on 'otter porty tor o b|g pro,eot you hove wor|eo on? ow o|o |t
mo|e you tee| obout the pro,eot?

Connoct|on o|nt:

|n our ou|ture, we oe|ebrote mony o|tterent th|ngs - b|rthooys, ho||ooys, sport|ng events,
groouot|ons, eto. owever, when we wor| toworos oooomp||sh|ng greot th|ngs tor Soo, ono
t|no suooess to |s g|ory, mony peop|e reoot w|th su||en express|ons, ono o |oo| ot enthus|osm.
|t we ore to g|ve g|ory to Soo tor the th|ngs e hos oone [|so|m 115.1], then oe|ebrot|ng
suooesstu| obeo|enoe to the th|ngs e hos oo||eo us to oo |s on essent|o| port ot th|s ott|tuoe.

U. vhen wos the |ost t|me you oe|ebroteo someth|ng Soo hos oone os port ot your m|ss|on?

U. ow oon you, os o |eooer - set on exomp|e ot oe|ebrot|on betore the |oro?
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 13 ot 1B
U. |t you t|no yourse|t exh|b|t|ng the '|et oown etteot otter mo,or oooomp||shments, how oon
you oombot thot negot|ve ott|tuoe?

U. vhot |s one th|ng you oou|o oe|ebrote r|ght now regoro|ng the m|ss|on Soo hos set betore

Doggy Bag.

|eooersh|p neeos to be the t|rst to oe|ebrote the gooo th|ngs Soo hos oone. 1he oonst|tuents
|n on orgon|zot|on w||| rore|y reoot w|th o greoter oegree ot re,o|o|ng thon thot ot the|r |eooer.
1h|s wee|, to|e the t|me to oo the to||ow|ng.

|eo|oe how you w||| oe|ebrote the oooomp||shment ot the next mo,or goo| ot your
3oheou|e o t|me ot oe|ebrot|on tor thot goo|, thereby prov|o|ng o 'p|ggyboo| goo| tor
your orgon|zot|on
Lreote o noteboo|, or oomputer t||e wh|oh oon be useo to ,ourno| the mony 'smo||
suooesses thot you w||| enoounter o|ong the woy to oooomp||sh|ng you next mo,or
goo|. ^t your oe|ebrot|on, reoo pub||o|y trom th|s ,ourno| os you g|ve thon|s ono pro|se
to Soo tor |s goooness |n oooomp||sh|ng the goo| you ore oe|ebrot|ng

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 14 ot 1B
5oss|on 5ovon: |rom Catorp|||ars to Buttorf||os

1homo: 1he |mportonoe ot Lhongeo ||ves

Doscr|pt|on: Nehem|oh wos oo|ng more thon ,ust bu||o|ng o wo|| - he wos ohong|ng ||ves. ^s
sp|r|tuo| |eooers, we must o|woys remember thot we ore not ,ust teooh|ng o|osses, |eoo|ng
meet|ngs, or bu||o|ng ohuroh we ore |n the bus|ness ot ohong|ng ||ves.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 2.17, 3.2B, 6.1516

Drop Zono.

vhen Nehem|oh set out to rebu||o the o|ty ot Jeruso|em - he unoerstooo thot rebu||o|ng ot
the o|ty wos ono|ogous to the |orger tos| ot rebu||o|ng the ||ves ot h|s oountrymen. 1he peop|e
ot Jeruso|em were bro|en ono he|p|ess - ono g|v|ng them the|r o|ty boo|, wos o mo,or step
toworos restor|ng the|r sense ot |oent|ty, ono o||ow|ng them to be o peop|e onoe ogo|n.
|urthermore, the restorot|on ot the o|ty wou|o serve os o s|gn thot Soo hoo touno tovor w|th
the not|on ot |sroe| ogo|n - otter the per|oo ot ru|n ono oopt|v|ty [os o resu|t ot the|r s|ns].

Bra|n Burn >>

U. vhy wos hov|ng o o|ty w|th wo||s so |mportont to the peop|e ot Nehem|oh's t|me?

U. |t you hoo ||veo |n the o|ty pr|or to Nehem|oh's orr|vo|, how wou|o you hove te|t otter the wo||s
were rebu||t?

U. |o you th|n| the peop|e were more mot|voteo to wor| by the ootuo| wo|| |tse|t, or whot |t
representeo to them?

Connoct|on o|nt:

|t oon be very eosy tor those |n |eooersh|p to beoome so engogeo |n the prooess ono pro,eot ot
the m|ss|on thot they torget o very essent|o| oonoept. |eooers ore |eooers |n the t|rst p|ooe,
beoouse they hove o group ot peop|e to |eoo! |eop|e hove ||ves, wh|oh ot t|mes, neeo to be
repo|reo ono reoonstruoteo. vhen bu||o|ng wo||s, mo||ng money, grow|ng oongregot|on s|ze,
or go|n|ng notor|ety beoome more |mportont thon the peop|e - |eooersh|p hos |ost toous. Soo
|s o|woys peop|e or|enteo - |s p|on trom the beg|nn|ng hos been or|enteo orouno |s |ove tor
o|| peop|es. |t we ore to be |eooers who honor |m, our toous ono ott|tuoe shou|o be the some.

U. ove you ever hoo o |eooer |n your ||te who hos been ob|e he|p you to mo|e o mo,or ohonge
|n your ||te?

U. |o you th|n| there hos been o t|me |n your |eooersh|p when you |ost your 'peop|e toous? |t
thot t|me |s now, how oo you th|n| |t oon be restoreo?

U. |s there someone |n your orgon|zot|on who neeos he|p w|th ||te ohonge, but hos been
over|oo| unt|| th|s po|nt? vhot oou|o be the t|rst proot|oo| th|ng you oou|o oo to he|p them?

U. |oes your orgon|zot|on hove on overo|| 'peop|e toous or ooes |t hove o 'tos| toous?
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 15 ot 1B

U. |t on orgon|zot|on o|o|ms to be peop|e toouseo, w||| |t oe|oy the oooomp||shment ot goo|s |n
oroer to o||ow t|me tor peop|e to heo| ono rebu||o |t neeoeo? |t not, |s |t tru|y peop|e toouseo?

Doggy Bag.

Be|ng [or beoom|ng] peop|e toouseo, |s on ott|tuoe eos|er so|o thon oone ot t|mes. |n oroer to
speo|t|oo||y ootout o toous on peop|e, oons|oer oomp|et|ng the to||ow|ng oot|v|t|es.

^s| three |ey |eooers |n your orgon|zot|on |t they v|ew the orgon|zot|on os 'peop|e
toouseo. |o the some tor three port|o|ponts [non|eooers], ono three peop|e outs|oe
ot your orgon|zot|on.
Lons|oer how otten you proy tor the peop|e |n your orgon|zot|on regoro|ng s|tuot|ons
thot oo not o|reot|y |mpoot the|r ,obs, or your suooess.
3oheou|e on oppo|ntment to meet tor o oup ot oottee w|th ot |eost one person |n your
orgon|zot|on tor o per|oo ot th|rty m|nutes, w|th the ru|e thot the o|souss|on must be
unre|oteo to ony orgon|zot|ono| oot|v|t|es.

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 16 ot 1B
5oss|on L|ght: Don't |orgot to wr|to!

1homo: |o||owUp

Doscr|pt|on: |esp|te Nehem|oh's strong |eooersh|p, the peop|e ot Jeruso|em turneo boo| to
the|r s|ntu| woys. Nehem|oh touno thot |t wos neoessory tor h|m to return to 'tweo| vor|ous
ospeots ot h|s tormer m|ss|on.

assago[sJ: Nehem|oh 13.431

Drop Zono.

1he wo|| wos up, the o|ty wos |n gooo shope, ono there were oopob|e |eooers |n p|ooe. so
Nehem|oh heooeo boo| to Boby|on to wor| tor the ||ng yet ogo|n. ^t some po|nt he reoe|veo
woro thot th|ngs |n Jeruso|em were heooeo |n o oownworo sp|ro| yet ogo|n! Nehem|oh
returneo to t|no thot the peop|e hoo we|oomeo|n one ot h|s number one enem|es. vhot
resu|teo wos thot Nehem|oh 'o|eoneo house, ono oo||eo the |eooersh|p |nto oooount.

0tten, |eooers w||| t|no thot when they turn the re|gns over to others, th|ngs w|th|n the
orgon|zot|on s||p |nto o|sorgon|zot|on ono ohoos. 3uoh wos the oose w|th Nehem|oh.

Bra|n Burn >>

U. vhy oo you th|n| thot the peop|e te|| boo| |nto the|r o|o woys?

U. vos Nehem|oh's |eooersh|p to b|ome tor the to|||ngowoy?

U. ove you ever w|tnesseo o s|m||or s|tuot|on |n on orgon|zot|on?

U. ^re there s|tuot|ons |n wh|oh the or|g|no| |eooersh|p must o|woys stoy |nvo|veo to some

Connoct|on o|nt:

1he |mportonoe ot gooo to||owup oonnot be over|oo|eo |n |eooersh|p. ^|though every gooo
|eooer w||| be ob|e to mentor others to to|e over the|r respons|b|||t|es, stoy|ng |n touoh, ono
prov|o|ng oont|nuo| 'beh|no the soenes support to the younger |eooersh|p w||| benet|t o||

U. |o you th|n| thot the o|s|ntegrot|on ot the new |eooersh|p |n Jeruso|em hoppeneo over

U. ow oo you th|n| thot Nehem|oh oou|o hove preventeo th|s s|tuot|on trom hoppen|ng?

U. |n the oontext ot the peop|e you |eoo - how ore you wor||ng to oeve|op |eooers who w||| not
'o|s|ntegrote when your |nt|uenoe |s no |onger oot|ve|y present?

U. Lon tro|n|ng e||m|note o|| |nstonoes ot 'seoono generot|on |eooersh|p to||ure? |t not, whot
|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 17 ot 1B

Doggy Bag.

|o||owup |s not o tos| thot ooours noturo||y. ^|| |eooers hove o tenoenoy to tro|n ono oe|egote
others to beoome respons|b|e tor o tos|, |n then to|| to oheo| |n w|th the new |eooersh|p. |n
oroer to prevent o o|soster suoh os the one Nehem|oh tooeo, th|s wee|, th|n| obout how you
oou|o |noorporote the to||ow|ng |oeos |nto your orgon|zot|on.

3peo|t|o tro|n|ng on sp|r|tuo| |eooersh|p
'0pen ouse hours where those who ore more sen|or |eooers mo|e themse|ves
ovo||ob|e to o|souss ony |ssues thot younger |eooersh|p moy be too|ng
3oenor|o,ro|e p|oy tro|n|ng thot w||| show younger |eooers whot m|ght hoppen |n
oerto|n o|roumstonoes
|egu|or group meet|ngs where o|| |eooers oon speo| open|y regoro|ng the stotus ono
oono|t|on ot the|r pro,eots ono oreos ot respons|b|||t|es

|v|.|eoo - ser|es one nehem|oh
|oge 1B ot 1B
||ot|onory.oom. |oss|on
Srooe |roouots Lorporot|on. |n 3eoroh ot eroes.
3ubs|te. |or ^|| Mon||no. 1he 3eoret ot 1homos co|son
^rt|o|e. 1he ||te ot 1homos co|son.
|nternot|ono| 3tonooro B|b|e cnoyo|opeo|o. Nehem|oh.
|ort ot the c3woro 3ottwore Lo||eot|on.
Juoo|sm 101. Jew|sh Lo|enoor.
||ohoros, |owrenoe 0. B|b|e |eooer's Lompon|on.
Lo|orooo 3pr|ngs. Loo| Lommun|oot|ons M|n|str|es, 2002.
3ereno|p|ty ouse. 1he N|v 3ereno|p|ty B|b|e.
Srono |op|os. Zonoervon, 1996.
3w|noo||, Lhor|es |. ono Me ^nother Br|o|. ow |eooers Mot|vote 1hemse|ves ono 0thers.
Noshv|||e. 1homos Ne|son, 199B.

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