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Basic human needs. Psychologists agree that there are basic human needs.

So, they are nine: security, adventure, freedom, exchange, power, expansion, acceptance, community, expression. Each of us has three that are more important than the other six needs, which we have to a less degree. Each of the needs have their positive aspects and negative aspects. When people do not get their needs met, they can become agitated, aggressive, and have to use the negative aspects of their needs. Each person is responsible for seeing that they get their own needs met this is an inside job. People who share the same needs feel a connection. Two people who do not share at least one common need feel little connection with another person. Coworkers who do not share similar needs have a hard time working together. Close friends, partners and mate relationships usually share two or three needs in common. Security is the need to feel safe, to feel assured that they know what is going to happen, to know ahead of time what the plans are. Adventure is the need for an adrenaline rush, to have new experiences, to travel, to have drama in your life, to have a sense of anticipation about upcoming events. Freedom is the need for independence and spontaneity. It is also the need to have choices and feel in control of making those choices. Exchange is the need to trade information and knowledge with others, to deliver and receive something valuable. It may be information, conversation, communication, energy, friendship, services, money, gifts, love, justice, shared experiences. People with a need for power want to be in a position of authority and responsibility. The need to explore power, leadership and accomplishment. People with a need for power tend to be good organizers and accept responsibility. Expansion is the need to build something, to create an empire, to expand horizons, to go where no one has gone before. Acceptance is the need to accept yourself and be accepted by others. This includes a feeling of belonging. People with a need for acceptance are usually very easing going and pleasant to have in group. People with a need for community are highly social and like parties and company gatherings. They seek out people and are able to maintain large numbers of relationships. Expression is the need to be artistic, to be seen, to be heard, to be felt. It is the need to express oneself through words, actions, dress, art and self creations of all types. Traducerea:
Necesitatile umane de baza. Psihologii sunt de acord c exist nevoile umane de baz. Deci, ele sunt nou: securitate, aventur, libertate, de schimb, de putere, de expansiune, de acceptare, de comunitate, de exprimare. Fiecare dintre noi are trei care sunt mai importante dect celelalte ase nevoi, pe care le avem la un grad mai mic. Fiecare dintre nevoile lor au aspecte pozitive i aspecte negative. Cnd oamenii nu primesc nevoile lor ndeplinite, ele pot deveni agitat, agresiv, i trebuie s utilizeze aspectele negative ale nevoilor lor. Fiecare persoan este responsabil pentru a vedea c ei a lua propriile nevoi ntlnit -acesta este un loc de munc n interiorul. Oameni care mprtesc aceleai nevoi simt o conexiune. Doi oameni care nu mprtesc cel puin o nevoie comun simt puin legtur cu o alt persoan. Co-lucrtorilor care nu mprtesc nevoi similare au un timp de greu de lucru mpreun. Prieteni apropiai, parteneri i relaiile materia mprti, de obicei, dou sau trei nevoi n comun.

De securitate este necesitatea de a se simt n siguran, s se simt siguri c ei tiu ce se va ntmpla, s tii dinainte ce planurile sunt. Aventura este nevoie de o adrenalina, pentru a avea noi experiene, de a cltori, de a avea dram n viaa ta, pentru a avea un sentiment de anticipare cu privire la evenimente viitoare. Libertatea este nevoia de independen i spontaneitate. Este, de asemenea, nevoia de a avea alegeri si sa se simta in control de a face aceste alegeri. Schimb este nevoia de a comerului de informaii i cunotine cu alte persoane, pentru a oferi i de a primi ceva de valoare. Acesta poate fi de informaii, conversaie, comunicare, energie, prietenie, servicii, bani, cadouri, dragostea, dreptatea, experien e comune. Oamenii cu o nevoie de putere doresc s fie ntr-o poziie de autoritate i responsabilitate. Necesitatea de a explora putere, conducere i realizare. Oamenii cu o nevoie de putere tind s fie buni organizatori i s accepte responsabilitatea. Expansiune este necesitatea de a construi ceva, de a crea un i mperiu, de a extinde orizonturile, s mearg acolo unde nimeni nu a mers nainte. Acceptarea este nevoia de a te accepte i s fie acceptate de ctre alii. Aceasta include un sentiment de apartenen. Oamen ii cu o nevoie de acceptare, de obicei, sunt foarte relaxare? merge i plcut s aib n grup. Oamenii cu o nevoie de comunitate sunt foarte sociale i ca partidele i adunri companiei. Ei cauta oameni i sunt capabili s menin un numr mare de relaii. Exprimarea este necesitatea de a fi artistic, s fie vzut, de a fi ascultat, s se fac simit. Este nevoia de a se exprima prin cuvinte, actiuni, rochie, art i de sine? creaii de toate tipurile.

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