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Viviana Armadillo

March 4, 2014

English 1250 and 1010, MWF 8 Am to 8:50 Am and 9 Am to 9:50 Am

Professor James Celestino

Rhetorical Rationale

Rhetorical Rationale


Who is the target audience in each of the 3 revised pieces?

In Four Ways of Reading, the political cartoon, and How to Tame a Wild Tongue, they are for the academic society.


What do you hope to accomplish (what is your purpose) in each of the 3 revised pieces?

I hope that with all of the revisions that I have made in the revised pieces are at least better than they were originally. And I hope to continue revising each revised piece after turning it in.


Describe the revisions you made from first to final drafts and why you made those revisions.

Each revision I made from first to final drafts was bittersweet because I made those revisions based on the comments of my fellow classmates and my instructor. I was personally revising and revising to make them perfect. But shortly after, theyll be almost to perfection.

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When I wrote my essay on How to Tame a Wild Tongue, I kept putting in outside sources such as a joke or talking about how my mom and aunt were treated by their Spanish instructor in my first draft. That was the first mistake that I have made in that essay.


Describe your engagement in peer review.

My engagement in the peer review has helped me to increase my use of writing and critical thinking on how to write better. Its a good and supporting empowerment on being a really crappy writer to an excellent writer.


Discuss anything else you would like readers of your portfolio to know about your writing or about yourself as a writer.

I may suck as a writer but I am always willing to learn more on becoming a better writer.

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Viviana Armadillo January 28, 2014 English 1250 and 1010 Professor James Celestino Political Cartoon Political Cartoon Visual Analysis The medium of the visual is a Political Cartoon. The genre is satirical. Kevin Tuma had written the political cartoon. It appeared in 2009 on Google. The intended audience of the cartoon is the general public. The logos of the essay are the confrontation of the Obama Stimulus package being used for the banks and federal agencies. The ethos of Tumas cartoon is that the government is creating idleness in the nation and the agencies. And the pathos of Tumas cartoon is frustration and sadness. As Kevin Tumas logical image is of the confrontation of the issue of the Obama Stimulus package being used to bail banks and other federal agencies out of debt that are growing more dependent on our tax dollars which is similar to the current obesity issue. Mr. Tuma illustrated the image by testifying that McDonalds or the Government has made America corpulent, creating a world where everything is easy to get hold of. Equally, Mr. Tumas ethical image states that the government, including the Obama stimulus package, has accountability of creating idleness by merely financing the federal agencies, including bailing out several banks in the nation. If Ronald McDonald in the cartoon is becoming supersized, isnt the government doing the same thing by having more of an influx of taxes from the middle class?

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In the first place, Mr. Kevin Tumas cartoon has explained that the Government is Ronald McDonald while the Obama stimulus package is the cheeseburger is freely given to the federal agencies that are like the customers. The obesity of the government is the amount of money the government has accumulated from our tax dollars to be given to the agencies who are needing the money to help them out of debt. Furthermore, Mr. Tumas emotional image shows that he is frustrated and saddened that the government is taking more than what it is giving back. As explained in the previous paragraph, Mr. Tuma has stated the obvious of why hes frustrated that the government is stealing our money from us. The final importance of the visual analysis of Kevin Tumas cartoon is that the government is stealing money from the Americans and giving it to the Federal Agencies and Banks. Kevin Tuma has created the image to show that the government is supersizing itself to help the agencies who need bailing out. It is also causing idleness and frustration. In light of the conclusion, Kevin Tuma has found the ironic caricature of our habits of eating McDonalds and being dependent on the greasy food while the government with the agencies being dependent on our money to bail them out.

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Viviana Armadillo February 27, 2014 English 1250 and 1010 Professor James Celestino Summary Four Ways of Reading Mr. Hall had written an academic essay called Four Ways of Reading. It was published in the Readings for Writing textbook in 2012-2013. This is an academic summary about what was learned from reading Four Ways of Reading. Mr. Halls Four Ways of Reading talks about his frustrations of our current reading abilities misinterpreting of our readings whether its philosophical or escaping. He informs us that there are 4 reading skills that we learn. If were in the business lifestyle, then we scan for worldly information. If were in philosophy atmosphere, then we read to learn higher concepts. If were running from reality as well as for the entertainment, then were into the escaping and engagement reading. These skills are academic and intellectual reading materials. This works in college level English classes that are being taken by students who are working on increasing their writing.

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Viviana Armadillo February 6, 2014 English 1250 & 1010, MWF 8 Am to 8:50 Am & 9 Am to 9:50 Am Professor James Celestino Rhetorical Analysis How to Tame a Wild Tongue Rhetorical Analysis How to Tame a Wild Tongue is written by Gloria Anzalda which was published in the 2012-2013 Salt Lake Community Colleges Reading for Writers. Ms. Anzalda stated that persons who experienced prejudices of language are not unaccompanied. People have become oppressed and bullied by having a dense accent or not articulating certain words in the approved and corrected manner. Gloria Anzalda claimed, Attacks on ones form of expression with the intent to censor are a violation of the First Amendment (91). Gloria Anzalda stated that any person who is multilingual should not be individually attacked because of their enunciations. Wild tongues cant be tamed, they can only be cut out (Anzalda, 91) is what is explained if someone is experiencing predisposition against their linguistic verbiage. And by the same token, Ms. Anzaldas pathos states that she had felt angered, displaced, and shocked. Ms. Anzalda felt frustrated because she was coerced into becoming American without the heavy accent. Ms. Anzalda felt colonial because the Spanish people did not accept her as an instinctive speaker. Not only was Gloria Anzalda coming into contact with chauvinism about her language from the Anglo, but she as well experienced linguistic shock from fellow Chicanas. The first time I heard two women, a Puerto Rican and a Cuban, say the word nosotras, I was shockedWe are robbed of our female being by

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the masculine plural. Language is a male discourse (Anzalda, 91) is one of the explanations why Ms. Anzalda was undergoing such emotional stress of identifying who she was becoming. In addition, Ms. Anzalda stated that her people are a patient race, being able to wait for the white people to break down because her people have suffered enough. They have had enough of being pressured into something that they now no longer have. So, Ms. Anzalda stated that Chicano Spanish was created by the Chicanos need for distinctiveness and a need of communiqu, which had made Ms. Anzalda and other Chicanos forcefully becoming communally inadequate to the Anglo or the Spanish culture and language. With this in mind, the logos in Ms. Anzaldas essay illuminates to the readers that they should not go through the equivalent understandings that she and the other Chicanos had concluded. Ms. Anzalda has expressed to her readers that they are not the only ones suffering from being different. She is expressed it by sharing her experiences which also creates the pathos and ethos of her essay. The conclusion is that people often do not understand things the same way as others do that Ms. Gloria Anzaldas experiences and her feelings on what needs to be done. Ms. Gloria Anzalda had written How to Tame a Wild Tongue, sharing her experiences. Her experiences created a world of the great ethos, pathos, and logos of the cultural language that her essay has expressed.

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