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Economy of Pompeii Cicero's description of acceptable and unacceptable modes of employment for the upper classes acceptable agriculture,

, landowning and commerce on a landscale. Unacceptable tax gatherers, usurersl hired uns illed labour! traders! mechanics! pleasure enablers! small scale commerce. Could do things li e law and politics ob". #o ma e money from land, you must be able to ma e money off the land. Patronius' satyricon etc there was a corps of rich landowning elites prior to $% bc then after the earth&ua e the nou"eaux riche came in too. 'dea of traditional elites (oined by newly wealthy elites. ') #*E +E,-'). the house of pan/o 'nscription tells us that the whole place was owned by one dude who rented out his shops. 't was o to earn a li"ing from renting shops etc. +obinson there were middle to lower class owners of shops. 0ere bars and brothels out of bounds for middle class ownership1 2andowning and agriculture3 "illa of the 4ysteries had wine presses and dolia on a large enough scale for there to be export. *ad a mechanical winepress (uice ran into the dolia for fermentation. -olia are usually underneath where the "illa sits. 5illa +egina 6.7 m )0 Pompeii 68 storage (ars 69,999 litres. :99 "ine ca"ities etc. -olia were lined with pitch which changed the taste of the wine. 0e don't need -olia to argue for wine production wine can be fermented in wines ins wines from this area are considered the best wines in the roman world, 'nn of Euxinus small scale urban "ineyard for his inn thingy he brews his own and brings some more in. he could ha"e %99 gallons on the premises. Public ;fficials those who could hold office free, rich and elite. <reemen could not run but could put on politiclal pressure. 0e get political depintii these were made by professionals= >ome were (ust writing, some had

picachoors. 0e get a lot of stuff about *olconius e"en a statue= *e wears soldiers stuff and loo s young and badass. ,t this time they are still stic ing their own heads onto idealised bodies. <ullonicae= 2oo it up. 67 of them. #he best exca"ated ones are not in the centre of the city laundries= ?ou ha"e to loo at the si/e of them to try firgure out how wealthy people are. +egion @ insula three doorway 6@-%9 ba ery= #here's a mechanical neader= 0hich is cool Pompeii is famous for it's fish sauce AgarumB it's made a number of ways by adding salt to entrails of small fish which ferments in the sun for se"eral months...the li&uid is drawn offCstrained and the remains of the fish are turned into allac. Common misconception is that garum is made from rotting fish (ust fermenting fish. 0e ha"e literary sources saying that .arum in pompeii is famous there is only one factory in Pompeii. #here are lots of little mosaics ad"ertising fish sauce from some dude. ,mphora from the "ia dell',bbondan/a. 4ar ets and general commerce macellum, (ust near the forum. #he central room at the bac was dedicated to the household deity. , shop counter runs around :CDs of the room. #here was a slight incline to the counter allowing li&uids to drain off. #here is a 6% columned structure which was, rather than a temple, a fish mar et= ?ay= .ree myths on paintings= ,rgued A&uestionedB to ha"e a moralising affect on people in the mar et. #here are lower class people shopping but it doesn't mean that the elite didn't use the mar ets. 6999 coin disco"ery in the macellum. ,s bron/e basic unit >esterce bron/e coin worth D asses -enarius >il"er coin worth D denariusC6$ assess ,ureus D99 assess Ean ers= Caeclius Fucundus his father was a freedmen also a ban er. 't was mostly freedmen who engaged in commerce. 0ax tablets stored in wooden chest= #hey record the transactions of Caecilius from the 79s. *e loaned people money for buying things and recei"ed a commission for the purchase and interest. 0omen could own businesses and engage in commerce but couldn't "ote or hold political office. Eread, walnuts and oli"es food imported from the hinterland of pompeii. Eoo , unrolled document, bag of rolled up documents and money bag ban ing1 Upper classes and freedmen Ea ery grinders= Ea er= >er"es e"eryone= *ouse of the surgeon= <orceps and twee/ers and scalpels= 2ots of people ha"e them (ust in case

something bad happens. ,re +oman Cities producers or consumers1 4oses argued that the roman city functions to support the landowning elite in that it's a place where the landowning elite can sell their product and consume what the countryside produces. Pompeii as Consumer had to consume things things needed to be imported. #hey loo ed o"er things inda. 0as refounded for a place for "eterans to retire. 4ostly things were brought in produced some stuff. *,> U+E,) 5')E?,+->= Producing enough wine to export -U) -U) -U)1 <ish >auce...only one dude doing that though... the only thing the hinterland is bringing to the textle table is your mum. 0e ha"e an urban elite who are primarily concerned with ma ing money in the city. 0hen you ha"e a wor shop that is next to a big house suggests you ha"e a relationship in textile relationship. ;nly D9G textile places are owned by middle class rest are owne by rich dudes. 4ost people in the elite li"ed and made their money in the cities...

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