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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Which generation do you belong to? Generation Y or X? How often do you use the internet? What kind of activities do you do on the internet? What did you do last night? Why do you want to become a doctor? Are you worried about your future? What kind of music are you interested in? What do you remember from the 1990s? What were you doing last weekend? When were you born? What kind of art are you interested in the most? What is harder: Painting or photography? Describe the best movie you have ever seen. Tell me about your dream vacation? What items do you need to pack for a vacation? (for your dream vacation) Have you ever lost your camera? How can you travel cheap? (pg.31) Do you believe in good or bad luck? why?/ why not? Have you ever failed a test? Why did it happen? What is your opinion about fortune cookies? (I think/in my opinionpage 40) Have you ever felt scared/confused/embarrassed/proud/uncomfortable? What had happened? How long have you studied English? How long have you known your teacher? Which is your favorite type of music? Have you ever been to a concert? Which concert? When? Where? What kind of music should we listen or not listen to? What do you think about blues/country/gospel/heavy metal/dance/electro/rap music? What are musical Fusions? (page 53) What is Feng Shui? What kind of furniture do you have in a living room/dining room/kitchen/bedroom? Have you ever bought a present for your mother? Which household chores do you have to do at home? Who takes the trash out in your house? What is better, to live home or to move out after you turn 18? Why? What is your favorite food? How is it prepared? List the ingredients. Where did you eat last night? How was the food? (describe using vocabulary for textures) How much rice do you eat every day? Do you drink a lot of water, or do you prefer other drinks? What is junk food? Do you like junk food? Describe the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend? What is the perfect age to start dating/get married? Where would you prefer to go on a date? Describe the nature around here (vocabulary from page 88) How can we help to save the planet? What is the weather like today? How often do you go to parties? What kind of parties? Have you ever organized a surprise party for a friend? What did you do? Where was your phone made? And what is it made of? (vocabulary page 108) Which gadgets do you use daily? Describe your relationship with your family. Talk about your ambitions and plans for the future.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Qu generacin pertenece usted? Generacin Y o X? Con qu frecuencia utiliza Internet? Qu tipo de actividades haces en Internet? Qu hiciste anoche? Por qu quieres ser mdico? Te preocupa tu futuro? Qu tipo de msica te interesa? Qu recuerda de los aos 1990? Qu estaba haciendo este fin de semana? Cundo naci? Qu tipo de arte te interesa ms? Qu es ms difcil: la pintura o la fotografa? Describir la mejor pelcula que he visto nunca. Hbleme de sus vacaciones de ensueo? Qu elementos se necesitan para empacar para ir de vacaciones? (Para unas vacaciones de ensueo) Alguna vez has perdido tu cmara? Cmo se puede viajar barato? (Pg.31) Crees en la buena o mala suerte? Por qu? / por qu no? Alguna vez fall en una prueba? Por qu sucedi? Cul es su opinin sobre galletas de la fortuna? (Creo que ...... / ...... en mi opinin, pgina 40) Alguna vez sinti miedo / confusin / vergenza / orgullo / incmoda? Qu haba sucedido? Cunto tiempo has estudiado Ingls? Cunto tiempo hace que conoce a su maestro? Cul es tu tipo favorito de msica? Alguna vez has ido a un concierto? Qu concierto? Cundo? Dnde? Qu tipo de msica que debemos escuchar o no escuchar? Qu piensa usted de blues y de los pases / Gospel / heavy metal / dance / electro / rap? Cules son fusiones musicales? (Pgina 53) Qu es el Feng Shui? Qu tipo de muebles tiene usted en una sala de estar / comedor / cocina / dormitorio? Alguna vez has comprado un regalo para tu madre? Cules son las tareas del hogar no tiene que hacer en casa? Quin tiene la basura en su casa? Qu es mejor, para vivir en casa o para salir despus de cumplir los 18 aos? Por qu? Cul es tu comida favorita? Cmo se prepara? Una lista de los ingredientes. Dnde comiste anoche? Cmo era la comida? (Describir el uso de vocabulario para texturas) Cunto arroz se come todos los das? Bebe mucha agua, o prefiere otras bebidas? Cul es la comida chatarra? Te gusta la comida chatarra? Describir el novio perfecto / novia? Cul es la edad perfecta para empezar a salir / se casan? Dnde prefieres ir a una cita? Describir la naturaleza de por aqu (el vocabulario de la pgina 88) Cmo podemos ayudar a salvar el planeta? Cul es el tiempo hace hoy? Con qu frecuencia van a las fiestas? Qu tipo de partidos? Alguna vez ha organizado una fiesta sorpresa para un amigo? Qu hiciste? Dnde se hizo el telfono? Y qu est hecho? (Pgina de vocabulario 108) Qu aparatos se utiliza a diario? Describir la relacin con su familia. Hable acerca de sus ambiciones y planes para el futuro.


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