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A CLOSE UP OF GIRL BUTTONING UP HER SCHOOL SHIRT, APPLYING LIPSTICK AND DOING UP HER HAIR. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE. DAY. Girl grabs the front door handle, opens up the door and pauses whilst staring at the miserable grey sky (pov) Lily is gazing out of the door thoughtfully. Lily is standing at the door looking out. Her face shows that she is feeling depressed and worried. She places her head into her hands as if she is going to cry. LILY (V.O) Its another grey day but Im not going to let this weather ruin the way I feel. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE. DAY. Lily walks into the kitchen. The kitchen is a complete mess with unwashed plates and rubbish scattered everywhere. The food is mouldy and the bottle caps are not screwed onto the bottles. LILY Are you ever going to clean this place up? CUT TO: INT. HOUSE. DAY. Lilys mum is laying spread out across the sofa in dirty pyjamas smoking a cigarette. Her hair is not brushed, there are needles and A class drugs lined up on the side table next to her. Lilys mum still doesnt respond to her. LILY Mum, are you there? (Lily shouts from the kitchen) CUT TO:

2. INT. HOUSE. DAY. Lily walks into the front room and sees her mum. She shakes her mums body as if to wake her up but her mum only responds with a moan. LILY (V.O) Dont let the looks deceive you; our family are usually pretty close. When mums back on her feet and dad stops travelling we will be back to normal again. Infact, things couldnt get any better. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE. DAY. Flashback of Lily sitting on the toilet, staring at the pregnancy test that marks positive. Lily throws her head in her hands and cries. LILY (V.O) This is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me, I cant believe Im pregnant at such a young age. I know Ill be a great mum! She throws the pregnancy test on the floor and storms out of the toilet, leaving the test behind. Flashback of Lilys mum holding the pregnancy test in her hand and shouting at Lily. Lily pushes her mum out of her way and runs out of the house, LILY (V.O) Mums dead proud of me too, she said she cant wait to be a nan. I know she is going to be by my side every step of the way. CUT TO: EXT. STREET. DAY. Lily walks down the street engrossed in her own thoughts. She spots three girls that she knows from school, Ella, Sam and Rachael. ELLA Eugh, look who it is Sam...Youre a walking STI.




SAM Youre a slut Lily, no one likes you! Ollie only slept with you because youre easy. LILY (V.O) Having good friends like these three is one of the most important things when youre pregnant; I mean the last thing you would want is to be alone. I would be lost without Ella and Sam; theyre always there for me. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL. DAY Lily walks into school wanting to use a computer, she finds a seat where there is nobody near her, and she nervously glances around and then types on google abortion. Close up of Lilys face and eyes of her scanning the pages on the computer.

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