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First: "Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life." Goodreads. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.

Compliments are often judgments. However, positive of others. In this particular book, the author Marshall started his paper with explaining that the nonviolent communication is considered the language of the life. Also, he talked about some treatments that help people communicate with each other kindly. The first treatment is giving compliments and not tries to be critic most of the time. By giving compliments to someone, the person will tries to do his best in what you asked for instead of being lazy and ignoring you. Quote illustrates what I mentioned before is if a manager compliments employees, they work harder. And the same goes for school. If teachers praise students, they study harder. The second treatment is the appreciation. Appreciation is very important in our life because when someone receives an appreciation, he would do things perfectly. when we receive appreciation expressed in this way, we can do without any feelings of superiority or false humility-instead we can celebrate a long with the person who is offering the appreciation. This object related to what I wrote in my observation. How? When actors treat each other kindly, this builds up the respectful between them. As a result, by good communication between them, this builds up the life. So, we can say that good communication is the language of life.

Second: "Emotion and the Structure of Narrative Film: Film As An Emotion Machine." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. < In this article, the author explains how narration effects and changes the movie or series in different ways. From the authors point of view, narration is a very effective and successful way to begin and start the movie or series with. Narration has different useful aspects when used in a movie and series, some of those benefits are that it can increase the suspension and thrill in both movie and series. Furthermore, narration can and is scientifically proven that it can increase the number of watchers and makes them focus more on the movie or series due there is only sound that explains the story with no acting to see. In Hollywood and any production this technique is very good and risky at the same time, due it has to be used at the suitable time and moment so the audience would not lose focus or get distracted. In the series how I met your mother this technique is mostly used at the very first beginning of the episode and at the end. The producers allowed the narration to explain in a curious way about what might we expect in the episode and at the end the narration explains what are the lessons that were learned from the episode. Third: "Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <

In this article, Martin discussed a matter of optimism and the ways that people look to the life. He started his writing with a definition of optimism. Optimism Is to predict good things in the future and confidence in the future. Then, Martin talked about some features and benefits of optimism. First, Optimism gives the human ability to cope with difficult situations and make the right decision. This makes you likable people, because people love the optimistic person. Second, optimism makes your relationships with people very strong. Finally, optimism makes you able to adapt with your surrounding medium. In conclusion, a case makes this article related to my observation is that Marshall was looking for a job for a long period. However, no company hired him. His friend Ted was trying to give him an optimistic outlook on life, but Marshall insisted that his luck is very bad in life. After several attempts from Ted to his friend in order to make him have an optimistic outlook on life, Marshall finally believes optimism. After several days, a company called Marshall telling him that we agree to hire you. This little story makes this article related to my observation.

Four: "Home." PsycNET. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>. In this chapter, James discussed a very important subject, which is the affect of closer friends. In our daily life, a lot of people have many good friends and bad friends. Then he talked about Friend. Friend is a pressure factor on you; affect you as you affect him. Between friends transmitted habits and behavior of each other under the influence of a gradual deep. This effect increases over nights and days, even staying with friends cause interventions in the feelings and habits. Between friends transmitted habits and behavior of each other under the influence of a gradual deep. This effect increases over nights and days, even staying with friends cause interventions in the feelings and habits. These customs and behavior vary due to the diversity of friends every person owns many of the habits and behaviors that are different from the other person. Also, this diversity in the behaviors and habits may be negative may be a positive depending on the type of friends that the person has. This subject related to my observation in how Barney has a huge affect on his friends In terms of changing the bad behavior of his friends into good behavior. Five: " Cs ArXiv:0812.1045." [0812.1045] Social Networks That Matter: Twitter under the Microscope. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>. In this article, the author Bernardo explained an essential matter of our social life that is how to communicate with people easily. In the beginning, he explained about the new technology such as texting by using Facebook or Whatsapp. Technological developments have caused a global revolution in the world of communication. Now young and old people became

used these networks for social networking between families and friends. Social networking through social networks impact on the world in terms of social cohesion within the community. Then, the author talked about the benefits of social networking using new technologies. Of the most important features of it are very fast to reach a person. Also, by using these new technologies gives new methods for collective action. This subject related to my observation by showing people in How I Met Your Mother series are using these social networks to communicate. For example, Ted was trying to call his friends to hang out, but he remembered that his sim-card expired. However, by using the Internet inside home, he finally could reach them. Six: "Relationships Successful Marriage | The Leading Newsletter for Work-life Balance. Covers Wide Range of Issues regarding Parenting, Relationships, Elder Care, the Workplace, Wellness and Work-life Balance." RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.

In this article Frank discussed about the relationships. In the beginning, He defined the relationship. Relationship is a link between two people that is based on love. The relationship between the girl and the boy has a very important feature, which is marriage. In order to make the relationship between the boy and the girl reaches an important goal, a marriage, the relationship must be based on the truth in love, not to lie, and sacrifice. If all these conditions are available, this relationship will lead to happiness. Studies have proven that married couples are happier than people who are not married. Researchers have consistently found that married people feel happier and more secure than unmarried people (Frank). Example illustrates the relationship between this article and my observation is when Lilly and Marshall got married, they became happier than before.

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