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Inmate File: V-739 AKA The Einherjar

Containment Procedure: Subject is to be kept in the level 2 Holding Facility in (REDACTED), Israel. Normal Procedures are to follow thereafter, with the exception of regular feeding, watering, and medical checkups as subject is immune to affects of starvation and thirst, and no disease on file has any affect on it. In case of escape attempt, subject is to be engaged with the heaviest available weapons, because of the extreme amount of damage subject has been able to receive without being in any way neutralized.

Communication Procedure: So long as they do not go into subjects cell, All personal are welcome to communicate with subject through their native tongue; subject seems fluent in all human languages yet tested. Subject possesses Vast Knowledge of many subjects, but, most importantly to us, a huge amount of experience in combat against almost every type of meta-human, making his advice a potential utility of the organization.

Appearance: Tall, Muscular, bearded male Caucasian with white streaked black hair and orange eyes. Subject is covered with tattoos from various wars over many centuries, the earliest dating back to the early dark ages.

Psychological profile: V-739 shows psychological scarring theoretically consistent with what is known of its history, with signs of mental anomalies such as addiction to what the subject refers to as Glorious Battle, and a nearly complete lack of empathy towards human life (all moral decisions originate from a dogmatic set of loose principles, rather than any ill define emotional set of moral feelings). After many tests, it has been determined that Subject, although still possessive of the natural human instinct and preference to avoid physical and mental harm if possible, is devoid of even the slightest hint of any kind of emotional response akin to fear. Subject possesses a seemingly perfect memory, and is able to recall small details from events that he claims happened centuries ago. Lastly, subject displays an almost unbreakable pathological inability to break promises that he is any way capable of keeping.

Non-Metahuman Abilities evaluation:

Ability Scores: 36 pts (I kind of pictured him muscular and sturdy and not overly nimble but the 12 Dex represents him being slightly above average in that dept.) Str 14 Dex 12 Con 30 Int 14 Wis 14 Chr 10 ------------------------------Saves: Will 5, Fort +10 (3 Points) ------------------------------Physcial qualities: 5 pts Leap 2- This gives you greater range of motion but keeps your build from being too superhuman Sup Str 2- This helps boost his str score representing the supernatural blessing he received. Immovable 1- Same as Above --------------------------------------------Immunity: All Damages (Limited-Half saves) Basically any attack you take gets cut in half. I figured this will partially represent your

awesome healing factor and make you difficult to kill. Age,disease, starvation and thirst. 44 pt Regeneration: TR2 (Persistent, Regrowth,Diehard) With the limited amount ofdamage you will be hard to kill anyways so I lowered your TR rank. =5 Points.

49 ----------------------------------------Runic Tatoos 14 pts Uruz- Boost Strength Rank 10 Sowilo- Heal (Limited Self: 8 ranks Feats: Persistent, Regrowth) Mannaz- True Sight Dagaz- (Generational Insight) Skill Boost 40 sp ( History 10 ranks, Tactics 10, +2 skills your choice) Ansuz- Comprehend languages 4 ranks, Comprehend Codes 1 rank ---------------------------------------------------Device- Rank 5- Spirit Slayer Sword (Indestructible, Easy to lose, Affects Insub 2) Strike 8 Penetrating 13 Detect Spirits- Mind Shield 2

Protection: Rank 10.

39 Skills: Melee 13 Defense 4 Slap Silly Assessment With stand dmg



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