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1. 2. !"#$% &' !() %$ &*+ !, $#-.'/ 3. 012( #( !&

345% 6"7 87 7 9:%7 7 ;7 <=-7

!() %$"


!>?@AB>? 200 CDE5"

Top1% (L) Top10% (L) Good (L) Average (MN) Below Average (O) No Basis for Judgment PQR

Academic Potential ( S) Academic Ac ievement (TU) !ntellectual "uriosit# (VWX) $ffort (YZ) A%ilit# to wor& independentl# ([\S) 'rgani(ation (\S) "reativit# (]8) )illingness to ta&e !ntellectual *is&s (^_`) "oncern for ot ers (a/) +onest# () ,elf-esteem (bc) .aturit# (TdZ) *esponsi%ilit# (!a) *espect Accorded %# /acult# (ceZ) *espect Accorded %# Peers (fceZ) $motional ,ta%ilit# (gh8) 'verall $valuation as a Person (ijMkF) 'verall $valuation as a ,tudent (jMlkF)


If the student is relatively weak or strong in any areas listed above, please elaborate. m7n-EopGA1-qr"


Please o!!ent on this student"s hara ter, iti#enship, and ontribution to your o!!unity. m 7F-8I#jstu !v% "

( )
$. Please provide any additional infor!ation that will give us a !ore o!plete pi ture of the student. m7wx'/KDyMz{|-"

2---- $
345% 6"7 87 7 9:%7 7 ;7 < } -7 -0,~er -01 l

$>?@AB>? 200 CDE5"

1. $F-*@GAHIJ X K"
Top1% (L) Academic Potential ( S) Academic Ac ievement (TU) !ntellectual "uriosit# (VWX) $ffort (YZ) A%ilit# to wor& independentl# ([\S) 'rgani(ation (\S) "reativit# (]8) )illingness to ta&e !ntellectual *is&s (^_`) "oncern for ot ers (a/) +onest# () ,elf-esteem (bc) .aturit# (TdZ) *esponsi%ilit# (!a) *espect Accorded %# /acult# (ceZ) *espect Accorded %# Peers (fceZ) $motional ,ta%ilit# (gh8) 'verall $valuation as a Person (ijMkF) 'verall $valuation as a ,tudent (jMlkF) Top10% (L) Good (L) Average (MN) Below Average (O) No Basis for Judgment PQR


%riefly des ribe your ourse. It is espe ially helpful to know what te&ts are used and if the students are grouped by ability.m7M@ 0 Z#. # l,~ \S "

( )
3. 'ow a urately does the student understand what he or she has read. m7-\S ,~\ |0"


'ow well does the student write in o!parison with other students who! you have taught( Please be spe ifi about areas of strength and weakness m7%' l#- j\S / ) jGA%, "


'ow well does the student a ept advi e or riti is!(m7-\~% *<"


If the student is relatively weak or strong in any areas listed above, please elaborate. m7 n- 1 oopGA1-qr"


Please o!!ent on this student"s hara ter, iti#enship, and ontribution to your o!!unity. m 7F-8I#jstu !v% "


Please provide any additional infor!ation that will give us a !ore o!plete pi ture of the student. m7wx'/KDyMz{|-"

( )
345% 6"7 .an /aw 'iang 87 0e!ale 7 1athe!ati s .ea her 9:%7 2,31 /hen#hen 4niversity 2ffiliated 1iddle / hool, 33*3 5ianhai 67 8anshan 7istri t, /hen#hen, 9uangdong, :hina, *1-3*$ 7 0011-23030004 ;7 8)2 < } -7 1 2ugust 2313 -0,~er 8)2 -01 l 2;

>?@AB>? 200 CDE5"

1. F-*@GAHIJ X K"
Top1% (L) Academic Potential ( S) Academic Ac ievement (TU)"uriosit# (VWX) !ntellectual $ffort (YZ) A%ilit# to wor& independentl# ( [\S) (\S) 'rgani(ation "reativit# (]8) )illingness to ta&e !ntellectual *is&s (^_`) "oncern for ot ers (a/) +onest# () ,elf-esteem (bc) .aturit# (TdZ) *esponsi%ilit# (!a) *espect Accorded %# /acult# (ceZ) *espect Accorded %# Peers (fceZ) $motional ,ta%ilit# (gh8) 'verall $valuation as a Person (ijMkF) 'verall $valuation as a ,tudent (jMlkF) Top10% (L) Good (L) Average (MN) Below Average (O) No Basis for Judgment PQR



If the student is relatively weak or strong in any areas listed above, please elaborate. m7n-EopGA1-qr" !n our routine mat -related stud#5 Alva s ows strong interest and ver# good stud# a%it6 , e is willing to s are er t oug ts a%out pro%lem solving6 , e e7 i%its some good c aracteristics5 suc as independent5 e7cellent participation in class and confidence6 , e also presents clear trac& of t oug t and strong a%ilit# of calculating6 , e s ows great aptitude for mat ematics6

( )
+. Please o!!ent on this student"s hara ter, iti#enship, and ontribution to your o!!unity. m 7F-8I#jstu !v% " , e as man# pleasant personalities suc as umor5 optimistic attitude and (ealous6 !t is an endearing and infectious c aracteristic t at all er fellow students ave a special affinit# wit 6 , e is ver# dependa%le and organi(ed6 , e is a role model for er peers6 Please provide any additional infor!ation that will give us a !ore o!plete pi ture of the student. m7wx'/KDyMz{|-" +er a%ilit# as a leader to peers and confidence in varieties c allenges as %roug t er praises not 8ust from me5 %ut also ot er teac ers as well6 !n t e assignments ! gave er5 s e alwa#s completed t em efficientl# and effectivel#6 , e ad put in a larger amount of effort in elping er peers wit class notes and revisions6


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