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Literature Circle Small Group

Student Teacher ___Breanna Slimmer____________ Date __2/3/14____________ College Supervisor Mr. Crossan_________________ Cooperating Teacher Stephanie Heffner__________ Grade Level __Third_______ Subject Readers Workshop

Preliminary Planning:
PA Standards

R3.A.1.1.1: Identify and/or interpret meaning of multiple-meaning words used in text. R3.A.1.2.2: Define and/or apply how the meaning of words or phrases changes when using context clues given in explanatory sentences. R3.A.1.4.1: Identify and/or explain stated or implied main ideas and relevant supporting details from text. R3.A.2.3.1: Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.
Modifications Jacob, Jackson, Tanner and Ryan will be placed in a group with a slightly higher novel in order and can read at their own pace, as well as being responsible for reading two Beverly Cleary novels. Objectives Students will: Work in groups to read and discuss books

Vocabulary Tier 1:

Tier 2:

Tier 3:

Essential Question(s) How do we become a better reader?

Materials and Resources Ribsy by Beverly Cleary Henry Huggins by Beverly Cleary Ramona Quimbly, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary Socks by Beverly Cleary Small Group Folders -Character Chart

-Literature Circle Reminders -Discussion Topics Literature Response Question cards -Literature Circle Note pages Popsicle Sticks Chart Paper rules

Learning Sequence
Instructional Procedure Introduction (10 minutes), Learning Activities (25 minutes), Closure (5 minutes) All novels chosen are within the lexile range for the class. The high level group will given the highest lexile novel in order to challenge them with length and with concepts. The rest of the group can choose their books, however the range has already been preselected for them. Before dismissing students to their groups have the students review the guidelines for Literature circles posted on Chart Paper at the back of the room. Each day all students will be responsible for reading one chapter of their book (except the higher level group) and filling out the literature circle note page. -Vocabulary words -Questions -Any notes -Prediction pages if there is one Students will have until 2:35 to read their chapter. If students finishing reading their chapter before this time they may work on their independent literature circle note page until their entire group is finished. At 2:35 all students will meet with their groups to discuss the novels. After each group reads their chapter they will be responsible for having a small group discussion Each group will look up vocabulary words, discuss questions and talk about what has happened during the book. Students will be responsible for talking and sharing at least twice during the discussion. Each student will have two popsicle sticks that they will put down on the ground after they have shared. If it is getting towards 2:45 and there are students who have not put down their popsicle sticks remind them they have five minutes before the end of discussion. Each day at 2:50 the class will gather back together and discuss how the meetings went, what they liked and did not like and if there was something that they wanted to change for future days. There will be some days that the teacher will introduce a new paper into each groups folder Day 1: The character graph, ask them to fill in the character graph putting their name and then a description of them in the chart Prediction questions will be introduced on the first day as well with a list of future chapters to make predictions as well.

Day 3 or 4: Students will be given more in depth questions to help understand the novel and make sure all students are on the same page. Assessment(s) Each group will do a final project at the end of the literature circle process High Group- Compare the two novles using a Venn Diagram and writing six sentences comparing and contrasting the novels. Rest of class- Write at least six sentences persuading someone to read the novel and draw a movie poster to go along with it. Students will be informally assessed throughout discussions by the teacher using observations sheets Post Instructional Planning Reflective Action Plan After completing the Literature Circle Unit with this class, I realized that the lessons did not always fit the schedule and fit to the students more each day. Sometimes the whole class would start reading and read for the entire time, taking notes and discussing the following day. Some day the class would start out discussing for ten minutes and then read for the rest of the block, where they would then finish reading the following day. Depending on the novel and the group of students the schedule changed but each group finished reading in two weeks and completed their final projects. Students also did a great job at taking notes and working together, it took all of the groups about a day or so to really get their own routine set and figure out who was in charge of what. Some students were much stronger discussion leaders than others but all of the students did a great job at participating and this was never an issue. For my first attempt at Literature circles and the classs first attempt I think it went well and was a success. If I were to do this again with a class I would try to make the groups more even, similar amounts of students. I would also give them more of a schedule for rotating the positions, maybe a job wheel so that they had that independence and werent looking to me for direction each day. I think I would also like to do literature circles twice the next time so that I can see the progression in my students.

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