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I am that merry wanderer of the night I jest to Oberon and make him smile" A Midsummer Night's Dream/Shakespeare PROLOGUE

E highlands of scotland castle brodie1 !" adam black materiali#ed in the greathall$ Silently% he obser&ed the towering warrior who paced before the fire$ 'ircenn (rodie% laird and thane of (rodie% e)*ded the magnetism of a man born not merely to e)ist in his world% b*t to con+*er it$ Power has never been so seductive% ,dam tho*ght% except, perhaps, in me$ -he object of his st*dy t*rned from the fire% *nr*ffled by ,dam.s silent presence$ "/hat do you want0" 'ircenn said$ ,dam was not s*rprised by his tone$ 1e.d learned long ago not to e)pect ci&ility from this partic*lar 1ighland laird$ ,dam (lack% the deadly jester in the 2airy 3*een.s co*rt% was an irritant 'ircenn s*ffered *nwillingly$ 4icking a chair close to the fire% ,dam lo*nged in it backward% resting his arms o&er the slatted back$ "Is that any way to greet me after months of absence0" "5o* know I despise it when yo* appear witho*t warning$ ,nd as to yo*r absence% I had been sa&oring my good fort*ne$" 'ircenn t*rned back toward the fire$ "5o* wo*ld miss me if I were gone for long%" ,dam ass*red him% st*dying his profile$ Sinful that he looks such a powerful beast, yet comports himself with such decorum% ,dam tho*ght$ If 'ircenn (rodie was going to look like a sa&age 6ict warrior% then by Dagda he sho*ld act like one$ "-he same way I might miss a hole in my shield% a warthog in my bed% or a fire in my stables%" 'ircenn said$ "-*rn aro*nd in yo*r chair and sit like a proper person$" ",h% b*t I am neither proper nor a person% so yo* needn.t e)pect me to conform to yo*r re+*irements$ I sh*dder to think what yo* wo*ld do witho*t all yo*r r*les for a .normal.

e)istence% 'ircenn$" /hen 'ircenn stiffened% ,dam grinned and e)tended a gracef*l hand to a maid who.d been lingering in the shadows at the perimeter of the 7reathall$ 1e tossed his head% casting silky dark hair o&er his sho*lder$ "'ome$" -he maid approached% her ga#e darting between 'ircenn and ,dam% as if *ncertain which man posed the greater threat$ Or which the greater l*re$ "8ay I ser&e milords0" she said breathlessly$ "9ay% 7illendria%" 'ircenn dismissed her$ "Off to bed with yo*$ It is well past the goblin.s ho*r"he shot a dark look at ,dam"and my g*est has no needs I care to see filled$" ",ye% 7illendria%" ,dam p*rred$ "-here are many ways yo* may ser&e me this night$ I will take pleas*re in teaching yo* all of them$ Off to yo*r +*arters while we men talk$ I will join yo* there$" -he yo*ng maid.s eyes widened as she hastened to obey him$ ":ea&e my wenches alone%" 'ircenn ordered$ "I don.t get them pregnant$" ,dam flashed his most insolent grin$ "-hat is not my concern; it is the fact that they are all b*t witless once yo* ha&e finished with them$" "/itless0 /ho was witless tonight0" 'ircenn tensed b*t said nothing$ "/here are the hallows% 'ircenn0" , glint of mischief kindled in ,dam.s remote eyes$ 'ircenn t*rned his back f*lly to the fairy$ "5o* did protect them for *s% did yo* not0" ,dam asked$ "Don.t tell me yo* lost them0" he chided when 'ircenn failed to reply$ 'ircenn t*rned back to face him% legs wide% head cocked% arms folded; his *s*al position when +*ietly f*rio*s$ "/hy do yo* waste my time asking me +*estions when yo* already know the answers0" ,dam shr*gged elegantly$ "(eca*se the droppers at the ea&es will be *nable to follow this splendid saga if we do not speak of it alo*d$" "9o one ea&esdrops in my castle$"

"I forgot%" ,dam p*rred% "no one misbeha&es at 'astle (rodie$ <&er=spotless% e&er= disciplined% perfect 'astle (rodie$ 5o* bore me% 'ircenn$ -his paragon of restraint yo* pretend to be is a waste of the fine breeding that forged yo*$" ":et *s ha&e done with this con&ersation% shall we0" ,dam folded his arms across the back of the chair$ ",ll right$ /hat happened tonight0 -emplars were to meet yo* at (allyhock$ -hey were to entr*st the hallows to yo*r care$ I heard they were amb*shed$" "5o* heard correctly%" 'ircenn replied e&enly$ "Do yo* *nderstand how important it is that the -emplars be gi&en sanct*ary in Scotland% now that they.&e been disbanded0" "Of co*rse I *nderstand%" 'ircenn growled$ ",nd how imperati&e it is that the hallows do not fall into the wrong hands0" 'ircenn wa&ed ,dam.s +*estion away with an impatient hand$ "-he fo*r hallows ha&e been sec*red$ -he moment we s*spected the -emplars were going to come *nder siege% the spear% the ca*ldron% the sword% and the stone were r*shed back into Scotland% despite the war going on$ (etter they rest in a co*ntry torn than with the persec*ted -emplars% whose Order is being ripped as*nder$ -he hallows are safe" "<)cept for the flask% 'ircenn%" ,dam said$ "/hat of it0 /here is it0" "-he flask is not a hallow%" 'ircenn pre&aricated$ "I know that%" ,dam said dryly$ "(*t the flask is a sacred relic of o*r race% and we co*ld all be in danger sho*ld it fall into the wrong hands$ I repeat% where is the flask0" 'ircenn pl*nged a hand into his hair% p*shing it back from his face$ ,dam was str*ck by the sens*al majesty of the man$ Silky black hair was gripped between elegant fingers% re&ealing a face composed of strong planes% a chiseled jaw% and dark brows$ 1e had the oli&e=toned skin% the intense eyes% and the aggressi&e% dominant temperament of his (r*de ancestors$ "I doona know%" 'ircenn finally said$ "5o* doona know0" ,dam mimicked his brog*e% aware that s*ch an admission m*st ha&e tasted fo*l on 'ircenn (rodie.s tong*e$ 9othing was e&er o*t of the laird of (rodie.s control$ >*les and more r*les go&erned e&erything and e&eryone in 'ircenn.s world$ ", flask containing a sacred eli)ir% created by my race% disappears from yo*r &ery grasp and yo* doona know where it is0"

"-he sit*ation is not so dire% ,dam$ It is not permanently lost$ -hink of it as temporarily displaced% and soon to be regained$" ,dam arched a brow$ "5o* split hairs with a battle=a)$ Skillf*l pre&arication is a woman.s art% (rodie$ /hat happened0" "Ian was carrying the chest that holds the flask$ /hen the attack came% I was on the so*th side of the bridge waiting for Ian to cross o&er from the north$ 1e took a blow to the head and was knocked off the bridge% into the ri&er below$ -he chest was whisked away by the c*rrent" ",nd yo* say that is not so bad0 ,nyone co*ld ha&e it now$ /o*ld yo* like to see the <nglish king get his hands on that flask0 Do yo* *nderstand the danger it presents0" "Of co*rse I do$ It will not come to that% ,dam%" 'ircenn said$ "I laid a geas *pon the flask$ It will not fall into another.s hands% beca*se the moment it is disco&ered it will be ret*rned to me$" ", geas0" ,dam snorted$ "6*ny magic$ , proper fairy wo*ld ha&e simply spelled it back o*t of the ri&er$" "I am not fae$ I am (r*de=Scot and pro*d of it$ 'o*nt yo*rself fort*nate I c*rsed it at all$ 5o* know I ha&e no fondness for the dr*id ways$ '*rses are *npredictable$" "/hat cle&er in&ocation did yo* choose% 'ircenn0" ,dam asked silkily$ "5o* did choose yo*r words well% did yo* not0" "Of co*rse I did$ -hink yo* I ha&e learned nothing from past mistakes0 -he moment the chest is opened and the flask is to*ched by a h*man hand it will be ret*rned to me$ I c*rsed it &ery specifically$" "Did yo* specify whether the flask wo*ld come by itself0" ,dam asked with s*dden am*sement$ "/hat0" 'ircenn regarded him blankly$ "-he flask$ Did yo* consider that the mortal who to*ches it might be transported with the flask% if yo* *sed a binding spell0" 'ircenn closed his eyes and r*bbed his forehead$ "5o* *sed a binding spell$" ,dam sighed$

"I *sed a binding spell%" 'ircenn admitted$ "It was the only one I knew%" he added defensi&ely$ ",nd whose fa*lt is that0 1ow many times ha&e yo* ref*sed the honor of training among my people0 ,nd the answer is yes% 'ircenn% the man will be carried by the binding spell$ (oth man and flask will be deli&ered to yo*$" 'ircenn growled his fr*stration$ "/hat will yo* do with this man when he arri&es0" ,dam pressed$ "3*estion him% then ret*rn him to his home with all haste$" "5o* will kill him$" "I knew yo* wo*ld say that$ ,dam% he may not e&en *nderstand what it is$ /hat if an innocent man finds the chest washed *p on the bank of the ri&er somewhere0" "5o* will kill the innocent man% then%" ,dam said easily$ "I will do no s*ch thing$" ,dam rose with the gracef*l s*rety of a snake *ncoiling for the death strike$ 1e crossed the space between them and pa*sed an inch from 'ircenn$ "(*t yo* will%" he said softly$ "(eca*se yo* c*rsed it foolishly% with ins*fficient tho*ght as to the o*tcome$ /hoe&er comes with the flask will arri&e in the midst of a -emplar sanct*ary$ 5o*r c*rse will bring him% innocent or not% into a place where none b*t yo*r f*giti&e warriors may trespass$ 5o* think yo* can simply send him away with a fare=thee=well and ne&er=speak= of=this% stranger0 ,nd a by=the=bye% please don.t mention that half the missing -emplars linger within my walls% and don.t be tempted by the price on their heads$" ,dam rolled his eyes$ "So yo* will kill him% beca*se yo* pledged yo*r life to p*t >obert the (r*ce firmly on the throne% and to take no *nnecessary risks$" "I will not kill an innocent man$" "5o* will or I will$ ,nd yo* know I ha&e a habit of playing with my prey$" "5o* wo*ld tort*re an innocent man to death$" It was not a +*estion$ ",h% yo* *nderstand me$ 5o*r choices are simple? either yo* do it% or I do it$ 'hoose$" 'ircenn searched the fairy.s eyes$ on't seek compassion, ! have none was the message he read there$ ,fter a protracted moment% 'ircenn inclined his head$ "I will take care of the bearer of the flask$"

"5o* will kill the bearer of the flask%" ,dam insisted$ "Or I will$" 'ircenn.s &oice was flat and f*rio*s$ "I will kill the man who brings the flask$ (*t it will be done my way$ 6ainlessly and swiftly% and yo* will not interfere$" "7ood eno*gh$" ,dam took one step backward$ "Swear it *pon my race$ Swear it *pon the "uatha de anaan$" "On one condition$ In e)change for the &ow I now gi&e yo*% yo* will not darken my door again witho*t in&itation% ,dam (lack$" ",re yo* certain that.s what yo* want0" ,dam.s lips thinned with displeas*re$ 'ircenn had re&erted to his arms=folded% f*rio*s stance$ Such a glorious warrior, dark angel# $ou could have been my mightiest ally$ "-hat.s what I want$" ,dam inclined his dark head% a mocking smile playing at the corners of his lips$ "So be it as yo* asked it% (rodie% son%of the (r*de kings$ 9ow swear$" -o sa&e a man from a painf*l death at the fairy.s hands% 'ircenn (rodie sank to his knees and pledged *pon the oldest race in Scotland% the "uatha de anaan% that he wo*ld honor his &ow to kill the man who arri&ed with the flask$ -hen he sighed with relief as ,dam (lack% the sin siriche du% the blackest elf% disappeared% ne&er to darken 'ircenn.s door again beca*se 'ircenn certainly wo*ldn.t e)tend an in&itation% e&en if he li&ed a tho*sand years$ FALLING @p and down% *p and down% I will lead them *p and down I am feared in field and town$ 7oblin lead them *p and down$ %A Midsummer Night's Dream/Shakespeare CHAPTER 1 present day "heyA watch where yo*.re goingA" lisa cried% as the 8ercedes #ipped aro*nd an idling ta)i and passed dangero*sly near the c*rb where she stood% splashing sheets of dirty water *p her jeans=clad legs$

"/ell% get o*t of the street% yo* idiotA" the dri&er of the 8ercedes yelled into his cell phone$ :isa was close eno*gh to hear him say into the phone% "9o% not yo*$ It looked like some homeless person$ 5o*.d think as m*ch as we pay in ta)es" 1is &oice faded as he dro&e off$ "I wasn.t in the streetA" :isa yelled after him% t*gging her baseball cap lower on her head$ -hen his words s*nk in$ "1omeless0" ear &od, is that what ! look like0 She glanced down at her faded jeans% worn and frayed at the hems$ 1er white -=shirt% altho*gh clean% was soft and thin from h*ndreds of washings$ 8aybe her slicker had seen better days% a few years before she.d bo*ght it at Secondhand Sadie.s% b*t it was d*rable and kept her dry$ 1er boot had a hole% b*t he co*ldn.t ha&e seen that% it was in the sole$ -he chilly p*ddles from the recent rain seeped into her boot% soaking her sock$ She wriggled *ncomfortable toes and made a mental note to d*ct tape her boot again$ (*t s*rely she didn.t look homeless0 She was spotlessly clean% or at least she had been before he.d come whi##ing by$ "5o* don.t look like a homeless person% :isa$" >*by.s indignant &oice interr*pted her tho*ghts$ "1e.s a pompo*s ass who thinks anybody not dri&ing a 8ercedes doesn.t deser&e to li&e$" :isa flashed >*by a gratef*l smile$ >*by was :isa.s best friend$ <&ery e&ening they chatted as they waited together for the e)press sh*ttle to the city% where :isa went to her cleaning job and >*by sang in a downtown cl*b$ :isa eyed >*by.s o*tfit longingly$ (eneath a do&e=gray raincoat with classic lines she wore a st*nning black dress adorned with a string of pearls$ Strappy% se)y shoes displayed 2rench=manic*red toenails; shoes that wo*ld feed :isa and her mom for a month$ 9ot a man ali&e wo*ld let his car splash >*by :ano*e$ Once% :isa might ha&e looked like that% too$ (*t not now% when she was so deeply in debt that she co*ldn.t fathom a way o*t$ ",nd I know he didn.t get a good look at yo*r face$" >*by wrinkled her nose% irritated with the long=gone dri&er$ "If he had% he certainly wo*ld.&e stopped and apologi#ed$" "(eca*se I look so depressed0" :isa asked wryly$ "(eca*se yo*.re so bea*tif*l% honey$" "5eah$ >ight%" :isa said% and if there was a trace of bitterness% >*by tactf*lly ignored it$ "It doesn.t matter$ It.s not like I.m trying to impress anyone$" "(*t yo* co*ld$ 5o* ha&e no idea what yo* look like% :isa$ 1e m*st ha&e been gay$ -hat.s the only reason a man co*ld miss a woman as gorgeo*s as yo*$"

:isa smiled faintly$ "5o* j*st ne&er gi&e *p% do yo*% >*by0" ":isa% yo* are bea*tif*l$ :et me doll yo* *p and show yo* off$ -ake off that cap and let yo*r hair down$ /hy do yo* think 7od ga&e yo* s*ch magnificent hair0" "I like my cap$" :isa t*gged at the faded bill of her 'incinnati >eds cap protecti&ely% as if she feared >*by might snatch it away$ "Daddy bo*ght it for me$" >*by bit her lip hesitantly% then shr*gged$ "5o* can.t hide beneath that hat fore&er$ 5o* know how m*ch I care abo*t yo*% and yes"she wa&ed away :isa.s protest before it e&en reached her lips"I know yo*r mother is dying% b*t that doesn.t mean yo* are too% :isa$ 5o* can.t let it defeat yo*$" :isa.s e)pression grew sh*ttered$ "/hat are yo* singing for yo*r opening n*mber tonight% >*by0" "Don.t try to change the s*bject$ I won.t let yo* gi&e *p on life%" >*by said gently$ ":isa% there.s so m*ch ahead of yo*$ 5o*.ll s*r&i&e this% I promise$" :isa a&erted her ga#e$ "(*t will I want to0" she m*ttered% kicking at the c*rb$ 1er mom% 'atherine% had been diagnosed with cancer a few months ago$ -he diagnosis had come too late% and now little co*ld be done with the e)ception of making her as comfortable as possible$ Six months, maybe a year% the doctors had ad&ised ca*tio*sly$ 'e can try experimental procedures, but -he message was clear? 'atherine wo*ld die anyway$ 1er mom had ref*sed% with *nwa&ering determination% to be the target of e)perimental proced*res$ Spending the last months of her life in a hospital was not how either :isa or 'atherine wanted it to end$ :isa had arranged for home health care% and now money% which had always been tight for them% was e&en tighter$ Since the car accident fi&e years ago that had crippled her mother and killed her father% :isa had been working two jobs$ 1er life had changed o&ernight following her father.s death$ ,t eighteen% she.d been the cherished da*ghter of wealthy parents% li&ing in 'incinnati.s most elite% pri&ate comm*nity% with a brilliant% sec*re f*t*re ahead of her$ -wenty=fo*r ho*rs later% on the night of her high=school grad*ation% her life had become a nightmare from which there.d been no awakening$ Instead of going to college% :isa had gone to work as a waitress% then picked *p a night job$ :isa knew that after her mother was gone she wo*ld contin*e to work two jobs% trying to pay off the astronomical medical bills that had acc*m*lated$ She winced% recalling her mother.s recent instr*ctions that she be cremated beca*se it was less e)pensi&e than a b*rial$ If she tho*ght abo*t that comment too long she might get sick right there at the b*s stop$ She *nderstood that her mom was trying to be practical% seeking to minimi#e e)penses so :isa wo*ld ha&e some small chance at life when she

was gone% b*t frankly% the prospect of life alone% witho*t her mother% held little appeal for her$ -his week 'atherine had taken an irre&ocable t*rn for the worse% and :isa had been slapped in the face with the inescapable fact that she co*ld do nothing to ease her mother.s pain$ It wo*ld stop only with death$ -he gam*t of emotions she e)perienced lately was bewildering to her$ Some days she felt anger at the world in general; other days she wo*ld ha&e offered her so*l in e)change for her mom.s health$ (*t the worst days were the ones when she felt a twinge of resentment beneath her grief$ -hose days were the worst beca*se with the resentment came a cr*shing load of g*ilt that made her aware of how *ngratef*l she was$ 8any people had not had the chance to lo&e their mothers for as long as she had$ Some people had far less than :isa? (alf full, )isa% 'atherine wo*ld remind$ ,s they boarded the sh*ttle% >*by p*lled :isa into the seat ne)t to her and maintained a stream of bright chatter intended to lift her spirits$ It didn.t work$ :isa t*ned her o*t% trying not to think at alland certainly not abo*t "after$" 9ow was bad eno*gh$ (ow did it come to this* &od what has happened to my life0 she wondered% massaging her temples$ (eyond the glass and steel panes of the e)press sh*ttle to downtown 'incinnati% the chilly 8arch rain began to fall again in *niform sheets of gray$ BBB :isa breathed deeply as she entered the m*se*m$ In its tomblike silence% she felt a cocoon of peace settle aro*nd her$ 7lass e)hibit cases graced marble floors that were polished to a high sheen and reflected the low light from the recessed wall sconces$ She pa*sed to wipe her wet boots caref*lly on the mat before stepping into her sanct*ary$ 9o soggy footsteps wo*ld mar these hallowed floors$ :isa.s mind had been star&ed for stim*lation since her last day of high school% fi&e years ago% and she imagined that the m*se*m spoke to her% whispering sed*cti&ely of things she wo*ld ne&er e)perience? l*sh% e)otic climates% mystery% ad&ent*re$ She looked forward to going to work each night% despite ha&ing spent an e)ha*sting day waiting tables$ She lo&ed the domed ceilings with their brilliantly painted mosaics depicting famo*s sagas$ She co*ld describe in &i&id detail the most min*te n*ances of the latest ac+*isitions$ She co*ld recite the placards by heart? each battle% each con+*est% each larger=than=life hero or heroine$ /hen her boots were dry% :isa h*ng her slicker by the door and strode briskly past the introd*ctory e)hibits% h*rrying toward the medie&al wing$ She br*shed her fingers o&er the pla+*e o*tside the entrance% tracing the conto*rs of the gilded letters? :<- 1IS-O>5 (< 5O@> 8,7I' DOO>/,5 -O -1< 6,S- <C'I-I97 9</ /O>:DS ,/,I- 5O@

, wry smile c*r&ed her lips$ She co*ld *se a magic doorway to a new world? a world in which she.d been able to attend college when all her high=school friends had scampered off with brand=new l*ggage to brand=new friends% lea&ing her behind in the d*st of broken hopes and dreams$ 'ollege0 +angA 6arties% friends0 +ang, bangA 6arents who wo*ld li&e to see her grow *p% perhaps marry0 +angA She glanced at her watch and b*ried her misery in a b*rst of acti&ity$ /orking +*ickly% she swept and mopped the wing *ntil it was spotless$ D*sting the presentations was a pleas*re she sa&ored% r*nning her hands o&er treas*res in a way no day g*ard wo*ld ha&e permitted$ ,s was her c*stom% she sa&ed Director Steinmann.s office for last$ 9ot only was he the most metic*lo*s% he often had interesting new ac+*isitions in his office to be cataloged prior to being placed on display$ She co*ld ha&e spent ho*rs wandering the silent m*se*m% st*dying the weapons% the armor% the legends and battles% b*t Steinmann had a strict policy that she lea&e the m*se*m by D?!! ,$8$ :isa rolled her eyes as she ret*rned books to their slots in the mahogany bookcases that lined his office$ Steinmann was a pompo*s% condescending man$ ,t the concl*sion of her inter&iew% she had risen and offered her hand% and Steinmann had stared at it with distaste$ -hen% his tone pinched with displeas*re% he.d informed her that the only e&idence he wanted of her noct*rnal presence was impeccably clean offices$ 1e.d gone on to remind her of the fi&e o.clock "c*rfew" so stren*o*sly that she.d felt like 'inderella% certain that Steinmann wo*ld t*rn her into something far worse than a p*mpkin sho*ld she fail to lea&e the m*se*m on time$ Despite his r*de dismissal% she.d been so elated to get the job that she.d allowed her mom to talk her into going o*t with >*by for a belated birthday dinner$ >ecalling that fiasco% :isa closed her eyes and sighed$ ,fter dinner% :isa had waited at the bar for change so she and >*by co*ld play a game of pool$ , handsome% well=dressed man had approached her$ 1e.d flirted with her and :isa had felt special for a few moments$ /hen he.d asked what she did for a li&ing% she.d replied% pro*dly% that she worked at a m*se*m$ 1e.d pressed her% teasing? Director0 Sales0 -o*r g*ide0 Night maid% she.d said$ And during the day ! waitress at ,irst 'atch$ 1e.d made his e)c*ses a moment later and mo&ed away$ , fl*sh of h*miliation had stained her cheeks as she.d waited at the bar for >*by to resc*e her$ >emembering the slight% :isa skimmed her d*st cloth o&er the bookshel&es and flicked it angrily across the large globe in the corner of the office% *pset that the incident still bothered her$ She had nothing to be ashamed of; she was a responsible% dedicated person% and she wasn.t st*pid$ 1er life had been c*rtailed by responsibilities that had been thr*st on her% and in the final analysis% she felt she.d handled things pretty well$ <&ent*ally her anger was do*sed by a wa&e of the e&er=present e)ha*stion that ner&o*s energy *s*ally kept at bay$ Dropping into a chair that faced Steinmann.s desk% she caressed the b*ttery soft leather% rela)ing into it$ She noticed an e)otic=looking chest on

the corner of Steinmann.s desk$ She hadn.t seen it before$ It was abo*t two feet long and ten inches wide$ 2ashioned of ,frican ebony b*ffed to a deep l*ster% the edges car&ed with e)+*isitely detailed knot work% it was ob&io*sly a new ac+*isition$ 'ontrary to Steinmann.s c*stomary &igilance% he had not locked it in the glass case where he stored new treas*res yet to be cataloged$ /hy wo*ld he lea&e s*ch a &al*able relic on his desk0 :isa wondered as she closed her eyes$ She.d rest j*st for a min*te or two$ ,s she did so% she treated herself to a moment of fantasy? She was a financially independent woman in a bea*tif*l home% and her mother was healthy$ She had lo&ely hand=car&ed f*rnit*re and comfortable chairs$ 8aybe a boyfriend Imagining the perfect place for the lo&ely ebony chest in her dream home% :isa drifted off to sleep$ BBB "5o* sho*ld ha&e called me the moment it arri&ed%" 6rofessor -aylor reb*ked$ Steinmann *shered the professor past the e)hibits toward his office$ "It arri&ed yesterday% -aylor$ It was shipped to *s immediately *pon e)ca&ation$ -he man who d*g it *p ref*sed to to*ch it% he wo*ldn.t e&en remo&e it from the gro*nd$" Steinmann pa*sed$ "-here.s a c*rse engra&ed on the lid of the chest$ ,ltho*gh it.s in ancient 7aelic% he *nderstood eno*gh of the lang*age to discern its intent$ Did yo* bring glo&es0" -aylor nodded$ ",nd tongs to handle the contents$ 5o* ha&en.t opened it0" "I co*ldn.t find the mechanism that releases the lid%" Steinmann said dryly$ "Initially% I wasn.t certain it wo*ld open$ It appears to be fashioned of a single piece of wood$" "/e.ll *se the tongs to handle e&erything% *ntil the lab has a chance to e)amine it$ /here did yo* say it was fo*nd0" "(*ried near a ri&erbank in the 1ighlands of Scotland$ -he farmer who *nearthed it was dredging creek rock to b*ild a wall$" "1ow on earth did yo* get it o*t of the co*ntry0" -aylor e)claimed$ "-he farmer called the c*rator of a small anti+*ities firm in <dinb*rgh who coincidentally owed me a fa&or$" -aylor didn.t press for more information$ -he transfer of priceless relics to pri&ate collections inf*riated him% b*t it wo*ld ser&e no p*rpose to alienate Steinmann before he got his chance to st*dy the chest$ -aylor was obsessed with all things 'eltic% and when Steinmann had called him to disc*ss the *n*s*al medie&al piece% -aylor had barely

managed to conceal his interest$ -o re&eal it wo*ld only gi&e Steinmann power to manip*late him% and any power in the director.s hands was a dangero*s thing$ "Idiot maid%" Steinmann m*ttered as they entered the wing$ "/o*ld yo* look at that0 She left the lights on again$" , thin beam of light showed beneath his office door$ :isa awoke abr*ptly% *ncertain of where she was or what had awakened her$ -hen she heard men.s &oices in the hallway o*tside the office$ 7al&ani#ed into action% :isa leaped to her feet and shot a panicked glance at her watch$ It was D?E! ,$8$she wo*ld lose her jobA Instincti&ely she dropped to the floor and took a nasty blow to her temple on the corner of the desk in the process$ /incing% she crawled *nder the desk as she heard a key in the lock% followed by Steinmann.s &oice? "It.s impossible to get decent help$ /orthless maid didn.t e&en lock *p$ ,ll she had to do was press the b*tton$ <&en a child co*ld do it$" :isa c*rled into a silent ball as the men entered the office$ ,ltho*gh the footfalls were c*shioned by thick (erber carpet% she heard them approaching the desk$ "1ere it is$" Steinmann.s spotlessly b*ffed shoes stopped inches from her knees$ :isa drew a ca*tio*s% tiny breath and eased her knees back$ Steinmann.s shoes were joined by a pair of tasseled loafers encr*sted with m*d from the recent rain$ It took e&ery o*nce of her willpower not to reach o*t and pl*ck the offending bits of sod from the carpet$ "/hat ama#ing detail$ It.s bea*tif*l$" -he second &oice was h*shed$ "Isn.t it0" Steinmann agreed$ "/ait a min*te% Steinmann$ /here did yo* say this chest was fo*nd0" "(eneath a cr*sh of rock near a ri&erbank in Scotland$" "-hat doesn.t make any sense$ 1ow did it remain *nto*ched by the elements0 <bony is obd*rate wood% b*t it isn.t imper&io*s to decay$ -his chest is in mint condition$ 1as it been dated yet0" "9o% b*t my so*rce in <dinb*rgh swore by it$ 'an yo* open it% -aylor0" Steinmann said$ -here was a r*stle of noise$ , softly m*rm*red ":et.s see 1ow do yo* work% yo* lo&ely little mystery0" (eneath the desk% :isa scarcely dared to breathe as a prolonged silence ens*ed$ "6erhaps here0" -aylor said finally$ "8aybe this little raised s+*are ,h% I ha&e itA I.&e seen this before$ It.s a press*re latch$" -he chest made a faint popping noise$ "It was tightly sealed%" he obser&ed$ ":ook at this% Steinmann$ -his latching mechanism is

brilliant% and do yo* see the g*mmy resin that seals the inner channels of wood where the groo&es interlock0 Don.t yo* wonder how o*r ancestors managed to create s*ch cle&er de&ices0 Some of the things I.&e seen simply defy" "8o&e the fabric and let.s see what.s *nder it% -aylor%" Steinmann c*t him off impatiently$ "(*t the cloth may disintegrate when handled%" -aylor protested$ "/e ha&en.t come this far to lea&e witho*t disco&ering what.s in the chest%" Steinmann snapped$ "8o&e the cloth$" :isa battled an *rge to pop o*t from *nder the desk% c*riosity nearly o&erriding her common sense and instinct for self=preser&ation$ -here was a long pa*se$ "/ell0 /hat is it0" Steinmann asked$ "I ha&e no idea%" -aylor said slowly$ "I.&e neither translated tales of it nor seen sketches in my research$ It doesn.t look +*ite medie&al% does it0 It almost looks why f*t*ristic%" he said *neasily$ "2rankly% I.m baffled$ -he chest is pristine% yet the fabric is ancient% and this"he gest*red at the flask"is damned odd$" "6erhaps yo* aren.t as m*ch of an e)pert as yo* wo*ld ha&e me belie&e% -aylor$" "9o one knows more abo*t the 7aels and 6icts than I do%" he replied stiffly$ "(*t some artifacts simply aren.t mentioned in any records$ I ass*re yo*% I will find the answers$" ",nd yo*.ll ha&e it e)amined0" Steinmann said$ "I.ll take it with me now" "9o$ I.ll call yo* when we.re ready to release it$" -here was a pa*se% then? "5o* plan to in&ite someone else to e)amine it% don.t yo*0" -aylor said$ "5o* +*estion my ability$" "I simply need to get it cataloged% photographed% and logged into o*r files$" ",nd logged into someone else.s collection0" -aylor said tightly$ "6*t it back% -aylor$" Steinmann closed his fingers aro*nd -aylor.s wrist% lowering the flask back to the cloth$ 1e slipped the tongs from -aylor.s hand% closed the chest% and placed the tongs beside it$ "I bro*ght yo* here$ I.ll tell yo* what I need from yo* and when$ ,nd I.d ad&ise yo* to stay o*t of my b*siness$"

"2ine%" -aylor snapped$ "(*t when yo* disco&er no one else knows what it is% yo*.ll be calling me$ 5o* can.t mo&e an artifact that can.t be identified$ I.m the only one who can track this thing down and yo* know it$" Steinmann la*ghed$ "I.ll see yo* o*t$" "I can find my own way$" "(*t I.ll rest easier knowing I.&e escorted yo*%" Steinmann said softly$ "It wo*ldn.t do to lea&e s*ch a passionate anti+*ity worshiper as yo*rself wandering the m*se*m on his own$" -he shoes retreated with m*ffled steps across the carpet$ -he click of a key in the lock jarred :isa into action$ amn and double damnA 9ormally when she left% she depressed the b*tton latch on the doorno lowly maid was entr*sted with keys$ Steinmann had bypassed the b*tton latch and act*ally *sed a key to lock the deadbolt$ She jerked *pright and banged her head against the *nderside of the desk$ "OwA" she e)claimed softly$ ,s she cl*tched the edge and drew herself *pright% she pa*sed to look at the chest$ 2ascinated% she to*ched the cool wood$ (ea*tif*lly engra&ed% the black wood gleamed in the low light$ (old letters were seared into the top in angry% slanted strokes$ /hat did the chest contain that had perple)ed two sophisticated p*r&eyors of anti+*ities0 Despite the fact that she was locked in Steinmann.s office and had no do*bt that he wo*ld ret*rn in moments% she was cons*med by c*riosity$ ,uturistic0 7ingerly% she ran her fingers o&er the chest% seeking the s+*are press*re latch they.d mentioned% then pa*sed$ -he strange letters on the lid seemed almost to p*lse$ , shi&er of foreboding raced *p her spine$ Silly goose open it- !t can't hurt you$ -hey touched it$ >esol&ed% she isolated the s+*are and depressed it with her th*mb$ -he lid sw*ng *pward with the faint popping so*nd she.d heard earlier$ , flask lay inside% s*rro*nded by d*sty tatters of ancient fabric$ -he flask was fashioned of a sil&er metal and seemed to shimmer% as if the contents were energi#ed$ She cast a ner&o*s glance at the door$ She knew she had to get o*t of the office before Steinmann ret*rned% yet she felt strangely transfi)ed by the flask$ 1er eyes drifted from door to flask and back again% b*t the flask beckoned$ It said% "ouch me% in the same tone all the artifacts in the m*se*m spoke to :isa$ "ouch me while no guards are about, and ! will tell you of my history and my legends# ! am knowledge :isa.s fingertips c*rled aro*nd the flask$ -he world shifted on its a)is beneath her feet$ She st*mbled% and s*ddenly she 'o*ldn.t Stop

2alling CHAPTER 2 d*nnottar% scotland% 1 1F water sprayed lisa.s jeans=clad legs for the second time that day as the man s*rged from the bath$ 1e towered o&er her% his lips drawn back from his teeth in a snarl$ :isa blinked incred*lo*sly$ Once$ -wice$ ,nd a third time &ery slowly% gi&ing the apparition time to e&aporate$ It didn.t$ -he n*de giant remained% his fierce e)pression *nwa&ering% his eyes narrowed$ 'hat on earth had happened to Steinmann's office* (e wouldn't fire her if he found her with a nude man he'd have her arrestedA :isa closed her eyes and shifted her feet% ca*tio*sly ascertaining that the world was solid beneath her boots again$ Only when she was firmly con&inced that she stood in Steinmann.s office cl*tching a medie&al flask did she open them$ She was not in Steinmann.s office$ She lost her breath in a great e)halation of astonishment as she lookedreally looked at the man$ Droplets of water glistened on his skin$ 2lames leaped in the hearth behind him% bron#ing and shadowing the slopes of his m*scles$ 1e was the tallest man she.d e&er seen% b*t his si#e was not confined to his improbable height$ 1is sho*lders were massi&e% and his broad chest tapered to a lean% m*scled abdomen% tight hips% and long% powerf*l legs$ ,nd he was n*de$ She e)pelled a sigh of protest$ 1e co*ld not be real$ ,nd beca*se he co*ldn.t be real% there was no harm in dropping her ga#e for a +*ick tally of his perfection$ , flawlessly proportioned man who didn.t really e)ist was standing naked before her$ /here wo*ld any healthy twenty=three=year=old woman look0 She looked$ -hat sealed it$ 1e co*ldn.t be real$ 'heeks flaming% she a&erted her ga#e and faltered back a step$ 1e roared something at her in a lang*age she didn.t *nderstand$ Stealing a glance at his face% she shr*gged helplessly% *nable to make sense of her sit*ation$ 1e bellowed again% gest*ring angrily$ 1e spoke nonstop in a stream of words for se&eral min*tes% wa&ing his arms and glowering$

She watched him% mo*th agape% her conf*sion deepening$ It didn.t help that the man seemed obli&io*s to the disconcerting fact that he was glorio*sly n*de$ She fo*nd her tong*e and% with some diffic*lty% coa)ed it into action$ "I.m sorry% b*t I don.t *nderstand yo*$ I ha&e no idea what yo*.re saying$" 1e flinched as if she.d hit him; his dark eyes narrowed and he scowled$ If she.d tho*ght he was angry before% that was only beca*se she hadn.t yet seen him tr*ly f*rio*s$ "5o* are .nglishA" he spat% swiftly switching to <nglish% tho*gh with a thick% rolling brog*e$ :isa spread her hands as if to say So what0 /hat was his point% and why was he so angry with her0 "Doona mo&eA" he roared$ She remained motionless% cataloging him as if he were one of the m*se*m.s recent ac+*isitions% absorbing the incredible length and breadth of his body$ -he man dripped s*ch intense se)*ality that fantasies of a sa&age warrior% recogni#ing no law b*t his own% shi&ered thro*gh her ancestral memory$ -he danger rolling off him was frightening and sed*cti&e$ $ou're dreaming, remember* $ou fell asleep and only dreamed you woke up and Steinmann came# +ut you're still asleep and none of this is really happening$ She scarcely noticed when the man reached for the weapon propped against the t*b$ 1er mind registered dim am*sement that her figment of fancy came replete with a&enging sword$ @ntil% with a gracef*l flick of his wrist% he pointed the deadly weapon at her$ !t was her dream% she reminded herself$ She co*ld simply ignore the sword$ Dreams were penalty=free #ones$ If she co*ldn.t ha&e a boyfriend in real life% at least she co*ld sa&or this &irt*al e)perience$ Smiling% she e)tended a hand to to*ch his flawlessly sc*lpted abdomencertainly the st*ff of dreamsand the tip of the sword gra#ed her jaw% forcing her eyes to meet his$ , girl co*ld get a kink in her neck from looking that high% she decided$ "Doona think to distract me from my ca*se%" he growled$ "/hat ca*se0" she asked% feeling short of breath$ ,t that moment the door crashed open$ , second man% dark haired and clad in a strange wrap of cloth% b*rst into the room$ "/hate&er it is% I doona ha&e time for it now% 7alanA" said the man holding the blade to her neck$ -he other man looked asto*nded at the sight of :isa$ "/e heard yo* roar nigh down to the kitchen% 'in$"

"Sin0" :isa echoed disbelie&ingly$ /h yes, he is definitely sin# Any man who looks like this must be pure sin$ "7et o*tA" 'ircenn th*ndered$ 7alan hesitated for a moment% then rel*ctantly retreated from the room and closed the door$ ,s :isa.s ga#e ret*rned to Sin% she looked down again at his improbable endowments$ "Stop looking there% womanA" 1er eyes swept *p to his$ "9obody looks like yo*$ ,nd no one speaks like yo*% e)cept maybe Sean 'onnery in "he (ighlander$ See0 6roof positi&e that I.m dreaming$ 5o*.re a figment of my o&erta)ed% sleep=depri&ed% tra*mati#ed mind$" She nodded firmly$ "I ass*re yo*% I am most certainly not a dream$" "Oh% please$" She rolled her eyes$ 'losed them$ Opened them$ 1e was still there$ "I was in the m*se*m and now I.m in a bedroom with a n*de man named Sin0 1ow foolish do yo* think I am0" "'ircenn$ 'ir= cin%" he repeated$ "-hose who are close to me call me 'in$" "5o* can.t be real$" 1e had sleepy% hooded eyes so dark that they seemed rimmed by kohl$ 1is nose was strong% arrogant$ 1is teethand 7od knows she was getting a good look at them with all the scowling he was doingwere straight and white eno*gh to make her dentist weep with en&y$ 1is forehead was high% and a mane of midnight hair fell to his sho*lders$ ,ltho*gh none of his feat*res was c*rrent model material% e)cept for his sens*al lips% the o&erall effect was that of a sa&agely bea*tif*l face$ 'arrior%lord was the word perched on her tong*e$ -he tip of the sword gently poked the soft *nderside of her chin$ /hen she felt a bead of moist*re on her neck% she was ama#ed by the &erisimilit*de of her dream$ She br*shed her fingers o&er the spot% then ga#ed at the drop of blood in astonishment$ "Does one bleed in a dream0 I.&e ne&er bled in a dream before%" she m*rm*red$ 1e flicked the baseball cap off her head so +*ickly that it frightened her$ She hadn.t e&en glimpsed the mo&ement of his hand$ 1er hair r*mbled o&er her sho*lders% and she l*nged for the cap% only to draw *p short on the point of the sword$ -he top of her head barely reached his chest$

"7i&e me my cap%" she snapped$ "Daddy ga&e it to me$" 1e regarded her in silence$ "It.s all I ha&e from him% and he.s deadA" she said heatedly$ 'as that a flicker of compassion in his dark eyes* 1e e)tended the cap witho*t a word$ "-hank yo*%" she said stiffly% folding the bill and st*ffing it into the back pocket of her jeans$ 1er ga#e dropped to the floor as she pondered the sword at her throat$ If it was a dream% she co*ld will things to happen$ Or *nhappen$ S+*ee#ing her eyes sh*t% she willed the sword to disappear% then swallowed tightly as cold metal bit into her neck$ 9e)t% she tried willing the man to disappear; the t*b and fire she gracio*sly conceded to keep$ Opening her eyes% she fo*nd the man still towering o&er her$ "7i&e me the flask% lass$" :isa.s eyebrows rose$ "-he flask0 -his is part of the dream0 5o* see this0" "Of co*rse I doA (linding tho*gh yo*r bea*ty is% I am not a foolA" My beauty is blinding0 2labbergasted% she handed o&er the flask$ "/ho are yo*0" he demanded$ :isa so*ght ref*ge in formality; it had ser&ed her well in the past as a compass thro*gh *nknown territory$ -his dream certainly +*alified as *nknown territory$ 9e&er before had she dreamed so l*cidly yet been so o*t of control of the elements of her dream% nor had her s*bconscio*s e&er before conj*red *p a man like this$ She wanted to know from what prehistoric corner of her so*l the le&iathan had come$ "/o*ld yo* mind dressing0 5o*r er state of% *h *ndress is not cond*ci&e to a serio*s disc*ssion$ If yo* p*t on some clothes and p*t down yo*r sword% I.m certain we.ll be able to sort things o*t$" She hoped he wo*ld find the note of optimism in her &oice pers*asi&e$ 1e scowled as he looked down at his body$ :isa co*ld ha&e sworn that the color in his face deepened as he reali#ed his state of aro*sal$ "/hat do yo* e)pect of me when yo* ha&e clad yo*rself in s*ch a fashion0" he demanded$ "I am a man$"

As if !'ve been suffering doubts on that score% she tho*ght wryly$ A dream of a man, no less$ Snatching a wo&en blanket of crimson and black% he tossed it o&er his sho*lder so that it draped the front of his body$ 1e grabbed a small po*ch% st*ffed the flask into it% and finally lowered his sword$ :isa rela)ed and took a few steps back% b*t as she did so% her hat fell o*t of her back pocket$ She t*rned aro*nd and bent to retrie&e it$ -*rning back to face him% she ca*ght his ga#e fi)ed in the &icinity where her behind% encased in tight jeans% had been only an instant ago$ D*mbfo*nded by the reali#ation that the flawless apparition had been per*sing her derriere% she glanced at the fabric he.d wrapped aro*nd himself% then ca*tio*sly at his face$ 1is dark eyes smoldered$ She had a s*dden insight that where&er she was% women didn.t *s*ally wear jeans$ 6erhaps not e&en tro*sers$ 1is jaw tensed and his breathing +*ickened noticeably$ 1e looked e&ery inch a predator% poised in the heightened alertness that precedes the kill$ "-hey.re all I ha&eA" she said defensi&ely$ 1e raised his hands in a conciliatory gest*re$ "I doona wish to disc*ss it% lass$ 9ot now$ 6erhaps ne&er$" -hey looked at each other in meas*ring silence$ -hen% for no reason she co*ld define% drawn by a force beyond her ability to resist% she fo*nd herself mo&ing toward him$ It was he who stepped back this time$ /ith one swift ripple of gorgeo*s m*scle% he was o*t of the room$ -he instant the door sw*ng sh*t% :isa.s legs b*ckled and she collapsed to her knees% her heart po*nding painf*lly in her chest$ -he familiar so*nd of metal sliding across the door told her she was once more locked in$ Dear 7od% she had to wake *p$ (*t somewhere in her heart she had beg*n to s*spect that she was not dreaming$ CHAPTER 3 "shall we remo&e teh body% circenn0" galan asked% when 'ircenn entered the kitchen$ 'ircenn drew a +*ick breath$ "-he body0" 1e r*bbed his jaw% concealing a wince of anger behind his hand$ 9othing was *nfolding as he wished$ 1e.d left his chambers% planning to find some cider wine in the kitchen% clear his head in pri&ate% and make some decisionsspecifically% what to do with the lo&ely woman he was bo*nd by honor to kill$ (*t he was to be granted no s*ch reprie&e$ 7alan and D*ncan Do*glas% his tr*sted friends and ad&isers% occ*pied a small table in the kitchen of the keep% watching him intently$

Since either the <nglish or the Scots kept b*rning down D*nnottar e&ery time it changed hands% the hastily patched r*in of the keep was drafty% cold% and *nfinished$ -hey were stationed at D*nnottar only *ntil the (r*ce.s men relie&ed them% which was e)pected any day now% so no f*rther repairs wo*ld be made$ -he 7reathall opened to the night sky where the roof sho*ld ha&e been% so the kitchen was s*bstit*ted for the dining hall$ -onight% *nfort*nately% it was a gathering place as well$ "-he bearer of the flask%" 7alan prodded helpf*lly$ 'ircenn scowled$ 1e had hidden the flask in his sporran% hoping for time to resign himself to f*lfilling his oath$ Se&eral years ago% he.d informed the Do*glas brothers of the binding c*rse he had placed on the chest and of the &ow he had sworn to ,dam (lack$ 1e had felt more comfortable knowing that when it did appear% if for some reason he was *nable to f*lfill his oath% this tr*sted pair wo*ld see it finished$ (*t what did one do when oaths were in direct opposition to each other0 -o ,dam% he had sworn to kill the bearer of the flask$ :ong ago% at his mother.s knee% he.d sworn ne&er to harm a woman for any reason$ 7alan merely shr*gged at 'ircenn.s scowl and said% "I told D*ncan she had arri&ed$ I saw the flask in her hand$ /e ha&e been awaiting its ret*rn$ Shall we remo&e the body0" "-hat might be a bit awkward$ "-he body. is still breathing%" 'ircenn said irritably$ "/hy0" D*ncan frowned$ "(eca*se I ha&e not yet killed her$" 7alan appraised him for a moment$ "She is lo&ely% is she not0" 'ircenn didn.t miss the acc*sation$ "1a&e I e&er allowed lo&eliness to corr*pt my honor0" "9ay% and I am certain yo* will not now$ 5o* ha&e ne&er broken an oath$" 7alan.s challenge was *nmistakable$ 'ircenn sank into a chair$ ,t thirty% 7alan was the second eldest of the fi&e Do*glas brothers$ -all and dark% he was a disciplined warrior who% like 'ircenn% belie&ed in strict adherence to r*les$ 1is idea of a proper battle incl*ded months of caref*l preparation% intense st*dy of the enemy% and a detailed strategy from which they wo*ld not wa&er once the attack was beg*n$ D*ncan% the yo*ngest in the family% held a more nonchalant attit*de$ Si) feet tall% he was r*ggedly handsome% always had a day.s growth of beard so black that it made his jaw

look bl*e% and his plaid was *s*ally r*mpled% hastily knotted% and looked like it was abo*t to slip off$ 1e drew lasses like flies to honey and wholeheartedly a&ailed himself of the fairer se).s attraction to him$ D*ncan.s idea of a proper battle was to wench right *p to the last min*te% fall o*t of bed% then dash off with a plaid and a sword and pl*nge into the melee% la*ghing all the while$ D*ncan was a bit *n*s*al% b*t all the Do*glases were forces to be reckoned with in one way or another$ -he eldest brother% Games% was the (race.s chief lie*tenant and a brilliant strategist$ 7alan and D*ncan had been 'ircenn.s tr*sted co*ncil for years$ -hey.d warred together% implemented attacks and co*nterattacks *nder >obert the (r*ce.s standard% and trained &igoro*sly for the final battle they prayed wo*ld soon liberate Scotland from the <nglish$ "I am not certain I see what harm this woman might do to o*r ca*se%" 'ircenn hedged% ca*tio*sly ga*ging their reaction to his words$ Silently% he was ga*ging his own reaction as well$ @s*ally his rales comforted him% ga&e him a sense of p*rpose and direction% b*t e&ery o*nce of his conscience rebelled at the tho*ght of killing the woman abo&estairs$ 1e began to tally the possible reperc*ssions of allowing her to li&e% besides destroying his honor$ 7alan laced his fingers together and st*died his call*ses while speaking$ "I scarce think that matters$ 5o* swore an oath to ,dam (lack that yo* wo*ld eliminate the bearer of the flask$ /hile I can see that a woman might e&oke sympathy% yo* ha&e no knowledge of who she really is$ She was dressed strangely$ 'o*ld she be of Dr*id descent0" "I think not$ I sensed no magic in her$" "Is she <nglish0 I was s*rprised to hear her speak that tong*e$ /e ha&e been speaking <nglish since the -emplars arri&ed% b*t why does she0" "Speaking <nglish is not a crime%" 'ircenn said dryly$ It was tr*e that since the -emplars had arri&ed they.d been con&ersing more often in <nglish than in any other tong*e$ -he majority of 'ircenn.s men did not speak 2rench% and most of the -emplars did not speak 7aelic% b*t nearly all of them had learned some <nglish% d*e to <ngland.s far=reaching borders$ 'ircenn fo*nd it fr*strating that he was *nable to *se 7aelica lang*age he felt was bea*tif*l beyond compareb*t he accepted that times were changing and that when men from many different co*ntries came together% <nglish was the most commonly known tong*e$ It galled him to speak the lang*age of his enemy$ "8ost of o*r -emplars do not speak 7aelic$ -hat doesn.t make them spies$" "She does not speak 7aelic at all0" 7alan pressed$ 'ircenn sighed$ "9ay%" he said% "she did not *nderstand o*r tong*e% b*t that alone is ins*fficient to condemn her$ 6erhaps she was raised in <ngland$ 5o* know many of o*r clans tread both sides of the border$ (esides% it was *nlike any <nglish I ha&e e&er heard$"

"8ore reason to be s*spicio*s% more reason to dispose of her promptly%" 7alan said$ ",s with any other potential threat% one m*st first st*dy and assess the e)tent of the threat%" 'ircenn e+*i&ocated$ "5o*r oath% 'ircenn% s*persedes all else$ 5o*r mind m*st be on holding D*nnortar and opening the (r*ce.s path to a sec*re throne and a liberated Scotland% not on some woman who sho*ld be dead e&en as we speak%" 7alan reminded him$ "1a&e I e&er failed to li&e *p to my d*ties in any way0" 'ircenn held 7alan.s ga#e$ "9ay%" 7alan admitted$ "9ot yet%" he added$ "9ay%" D*ncan said easily$ "-hen why do yo* +*estion me now0 1a&e I not far more e)perience with people% wars% and choices than any of yo*0" 7alan nodded wryly$ "(*t if yo* break yo*r &ow% how will yo* e)plain it to ,dam0" 'ircenn stiffened$ -he words break your vow lingered *ncomfortably in his mind and wo&e a promise of fail*re% defeat% and potential for corr*ption$ It was critical that he adhere to his r*les$ ":et me handle ,dam% as I always ha&e%" he said coolly$ 7alan shook his head$ "-he men will not like this% sho*ld they catch wind of it$ 5o* know the -emplars are a fierce lot and are partic*larly wary of women "(eca*se they can.t ha&e any%" D*ncan interr*pted$ "-hey seek any reason to mistr*st women in their effort to keep l*stf*l tho*ghts at bay$ , &ow of celibacy is not nat*ral for men; it makes them cold% irritable bastards$ I% on the other hand% am always rela)ed% e&en= tempered% and amiable$" 1e flashed a pleasant smile at them both% as if to pro&e the &alidity of his theory$ Despite his problems% 'ircenn.s mo*th +*irked$ D*ncan had a tendency to beha&e o*trageo*sly% and the more irre&erent he was% the more irritated 7alan became$ 7alan ne&er seemed to reali#e that his yo*nger brother did it on p*rpose% and the entire time D*ncan was acting like an irresponsible yo*th% his ast*te Do*glas mind wasn.t missing a thing going on aro*nd him$ ":ack of discipline does not a warrior make% little brother%" 7alan said stiffly$ "5o* are one e)treme and the -emplars are the other$" "/enching does not diminish my battle prowess one whit and yo* know it%" D*ncan said% sitting *p straighter in his chair% his eyes sparkling in anticipation of the arg*ment to come$

"<no*gh%" 'ircenn interr*pted$ "/e were disc*ssing my oath and the fact that I am forsworn to kill an innocent woman$" "5o* doona know she is innocent%" 7alan protested$ "I doona know she is not0 'ircenn said$ "@ntil I ha&e some indication of g*ilt or innocence% I" 1e broke off and sighed hea&ily$ 1e fo*nd it nearly impossible to say the ne)t words$ "5o* what0" D*ncan asked% watching him with fascination$ /hen 'ircenn didn.t reply% he p*shed% "/ill yo* ref*se to kill her0 /ill yo* break a forsworn oath0" D*ncan.s incred*lity was etched all o&er his handsome face$ "I didn.t say that%" 'ircenn snapped$ "5o* didn.t not say it%" 7alan said warily$ "I wo*ld appreciate it if yo* wo*ld clarify yo*r intentions$ Do yo* plan to kill her or not0" 'ircenn r*bbed his jaw again$ 1e cleared his throat% trying to form the words his conscience demanded he say% b*t the warrior in him resisted$ D*ncan.s eyes narrowed as he regarded 'ircenn tho*ghtf*lly$ ,fter a moment% he glanced at his brother$ "/e know what ,dam is like% 7alan$ 1is way has oft been swift% *nnecessary destr*ction% and eno*gh blameless li&es ha&e been taken in the +*est to sec*re the throne$ I propose 'ircenn take the time to disco&er who the woman is and whence she comes prior to passing sentence$ I cannot speak for yo*% 7alan% b*t I doona wish the blood of another innocent on my hands% and if we *rge him to kill her% the deed becomes o*rs as well$ (esides% recall that altho*gh 'ircenn swore to kill the bearer of the flask% nothing in his oath addressed timeliness$ 1e might wait twenty years to kill her witho*t breaking his oath$" 'ircenn glanced *p at D*ncan.s last words% s*rprised$ 1e hadn.t considered that possibility$ In tr*th% his oath had not contained one word specifying how swiftly he m*st kill the bearer of the flaskhence it was neither amoral nor a &iolation of his oath to refrain for a short time in order to st*dy the person$ One might e&en arg*e that it was wise% he decided$ $ou split hairs with a battle%ax$ ,dam.s words% from si) years ago% s*rfaced in 'ircenn.s mind to mock him$ "(*t yo* had best be aware%" 7alan warned% "that if yo* doona kill her% and sho*ld any of the -emplars disco&er who she is and the nat*re of the oath yo* swore% the knights will lose faith in yo*r ability to lead$ -hey will see a &ow broken as an *nforgi&able weakness$ -he only reason they agreed to fight for o*r co*ntry is beca*se of yo*$ Sometimes I think they wo*ld follow yo* into hell$ 5o* know they are fanatic in their beliefs$ -o them% there is no j*stification for breaking an oath$ <&er$"

"-hen we will not tell them who she is or what I swore% will we0" 'ircenn said softly% knowing the brothers wo*ld s*pport his decision whether they agreed with it or not$ -he Do*glases always stood behind the laird and thane of (rodiean ancient blood oath had *nited the two clans long ago$ -he brothers st*died him% then nodded$ "It will remain between *s *ntil yo* reach yo*r decision$" BBB (reathing deeply of the crisp% cool air% 'ircenn paced the co*rtyard while the woman waited in his chambers for mercy that was not his to grant$ 1e str*ggled to harden himself against her$ 1e had li&ed so long by the r*les that he almost hadn.t heard his conscience clamor when he.d raised his sword to her neck$ /hile his warrior.s training had insisted he honor the &ow% a thing he had tho*ght dead in him had *ndermined his resol*tion$ 'ompassion$ Sympathy$ ,nd an insidio*s little &oice that had softly% b*t relentlessly% +*estioned the sagacity of his r*les$ 1e had recogni#ed that &oice; it was do*bta thing he hadn.t s*ffered for an eternity$ ! swear to kill the bearer of the flask% he had pledged years ago$ , warrior.s oaths were his lifeblood% an *nbreakable code by which he li&ed and died$ 'ircenn (rodie.s r*les were the only thing standing between him and a swift descent into chaos and corr*ption$ /hat was the sol*tion0 She m*st die$ She# (y Dagda% how co*ld it be a woman0 'ircenn liked women; he had adored his mother and treated all women with the same deference and co*rtesy$ 1e felt women e)hibited some of the best characteristics of h*manity$ 'ircenn was (r*de% whose line of royal s*ccession was matrilineal$ 5ears ago% when 'ircenn had sworn his oath to ,dam (lack% he had not once considered that the flask might be fo*nd by a woman% and s*ch a delightf*l one at that$ /hen he.d torn the strange bonnet from her head% her thick hair had cascaded nearly to her waist in a fall of copper and gold highlights$ 7reen eyes% *ptilted at the o*ter corners% had widened with fear% then +*ickly narrowed with anger as she.d prono*nced the bonnet a gift from her da$ It was only fitting that he ret*rn the family heirloom% no matter how *gly it was$ @n*s*ally tall for a woman% and lithe% her breasts were f*ll and firm% and he had glimpsed the press of her nipples against the thin fabric of her strange garment$ 1er legs were genero*sly longlong eno*gh to wrap aro*nd his waist and permit her to comfortably

cross her ankles while he b*ried himself between them$ /hen she had bent to retrie&e her bonnet he.d nearly snaked an arm aro*nd her waist% p*lled her against him% and let his demanding nat*re take free reign$ And then slit her throat when your desire was sated0 She$ 1ad ,dam s*spected that the bearer of the flask might be a female0 8ight he ha&e seen into the f*t*re with his fairy &ision and e&en now be la*ghing at his dilemma0 5et% if he hadn.t *sed a binding c*rse in the first place% the woman.s life wo*ldn.t be in danger now$ It was his inept c*rse that had bro*ght her here% and now he was s*pposed to kill the *ns*specting so*l$ @nless he fo*nd some proof of d*plicity on her part% her death wo*ld be innocent blood on his hands that wo*ld ha*nt him for the rest of his life$ 'ircenn girded his will% conceding that the best sol*tion was to kill her$ 1e wo*ld f*lfill his oath; then% come tomorrow% life wo*ld be normal again$ 1e wo*ld sec*re the flask in the secret place with the other hallows and contin*e their war$ 1e wo*ld ret*rn to his tidy regimen and find solace in knowing that he wo*ld ne&er become the abomination he so feared he had the potential to be$ 'ircenn (rodie.s primary goal was to see the (r*ce sec*rely on the throne of Scotland$ @pon the <nglish king :ongshanks. death% his son <dward II had contin*ed his father.s war% relentlessly chipping away at Scotland.s heritage$ Soon nothing of their *ni+*e c*lt*re wo*ld remain$ -hey wo*ld be (ritons? weak and obedient% ta)ed into star&ation and s*bmission$ -heir greatest hope against the r*thless king of <ngland was the renegade -emplars who had so*ght sanct*ary at 'astle (rodie$ 'ircenn blew o*t a breath of fr*stration$ -he persec*tion of the -emplars grie&ed and inf*riated him$ 1e had once considered joining the renowned Order of warrior=monks% b*t some of their r*les hadn.t been +*ite to his taste$ 1e.d settled instead for working closely with the religio*s knights% since both he and the Order protected hallowed artifacts of immense &al*e and power$ 'ircenn respected the Order.s many ca*ses% and knew its history as well as any -emplar$ -he Order had been fo*nded in 111" when a gro*p of nine predominantly 2rench knights had gone to Ger*salem and petitioned 4ing (a*do*in to allow them to li&e in the ancient r*in of the -emple of Solomon$ In e)change% the nine knights had offered their ser&ices to protect pilgrims tra&eling to the 1oly :and from robbers and m*rderers along the p*blic highways leading into Ger*salem$ In 11E"% the 6ope had gi&en his official appro&al to the Order$ -he knights had been handsomely paid for their ser&ices% and the Order had increased dramatically in n*mbers% wealth% and power thro*gh the twelfth and thirteenth cent*ries$ (y the fo*rteenth cent*ry% the Order owned o&er nine tho*sand manors and castles across <*rope$ Independent of royal or episcopal control% the Order.s profits were free of ta)ation$ -he Order.s many estates were farmed% prod*cing re&en*es that ser&ed as the basis for the largest financing system in <*rope$ In the thirteenth and fo*rteenth

cent*ries% the 6arisian Order of the -emplars &irt*ally f*nctioned as the 2rench >oyal -reas*ry% lending large s*ms to <*ropean royalty and indi&id*al nobles$ 1owe&er% as the -emplars. wealth and power increased% so did the s*spicion and jealo*sy among some members of the nobility$ 'ircenn hadn.t been s*rprised when the Order.s s*ccess became the &ery reason for its downfall$ 1e.d anticipated it% yet been helpless to pre&ent it; the politics of 6ope and king were too mighty for one man to infl*ence$ 'ircenn recalled well how% nearly a do#en years past% the -emplars. wealth had drawn the deadly attention of the 2rench king% 6hilippe the 2air% who was desperate to line his coffers$ In 1 !D% 6hilippe maligned the Order% con&incing 6ope 'lement H that the -emplars were not holy defenders of the 'atholic faith% b*t rather seeking to destroy it$ 6hilippe campaigned e)ha*sti&ely against the knights% and acc*sed the -emplars of heino*s acts of heresy and sacrilege$ In 1 !I% the 6ope ga&e the king the order he.d been waiting for? the right to arrest all the -emplars in 2rance% to confiscate their properties% and to direct an in+*isition$ So the infamo*s% bloody% and biased trial of the -emplars had beg*n$ 'ircenn ran a hand thro*gh his hair and scowled$ 4nights had been arrested% imprisoned% and forced thro*gh tort*re to confess to sins of 6hilippe.s choosing$ <&en more had been b*rned at the stake$ In trial% the knights had been permitted no defense ad&ocates; they had not e&en been allowed to know the names of their acc*sers and witnesses against them$ -he so=called "trial" had been a witch=h*nt% de&io*sly orchestrated to strip the -emplars of their fab*lo*s riches$ ,dding ins*lt to inj*ry% the 6ope had iss*ed a papal b*ll that s*ppressed the Order and denied it recognition$ -he few knights who managed to escape imprisonment or death had become o*tcasts% witho*t co*ntry or home$ /hen 'ircenn had reali#ed the knights. downfall was ine&itable% he had hastened to meet with >obert the (r*ce and% with >obert.s appro&al% had sent word to the Order that they wo*ld be welcomed in Scotland$ >obert had offered them sanct*ary% and in ret*rn% the powerf*l warrior=monks had t*rned their fighting skills to the battle against <ngland$ -he -emplars were formidable warriors% trained in weaponry and strategy% and they were essential to Scotland.s ca*se$ O&er the past few years% 'ircenn had been stealthily slipping them into the (r*ce.s troops as commanders% with the (r*ce.s assent$ ,lready the Scots were warring better% implementing c*nning strategies% and winning minor battles$ 'ircenn knew that if he faltered now% if he began to break oaths or did anything that jeopardi#ed the -emplar.s loyalty% he might as well throw away the past ten years of his life% along with his lo&e for his motherland$

:isa had no idea how m*ch time had passed since she.d sat on the floor$ (*t it was long eno*gh for her to reali#e that time didn.t pass in s*ch a fashion for dreamers$ If one sat still in a dream and did nothing% the dream either ended or mo&ed on to some new and incredible ad&ent*re colored by shades of the abs*rd$ Absurd like the proportions of that man's body% she tho*ght irritably$ 6*shing herself *p from the floor with her hands% she pa*sed in a cro*ch% obser&ing the wide% flat stones beneath her palms$ 'ool$ 1ard$ Dry% with a skimming of stone d*st$ .ntirely too tangible$ >ising to her feet% she began to e)amine her s*rro*ndings$ -he chamber was large% lit by fat% soapy candles$ -he walls% fashioned of massi&e stone blocks% were h*ng with random tapestries$ , h*ge bed occ*pied the center of the room% and se&eral chests were scattered abo*t with neatly folded fabrics piled atop them$ -he room was spartan% tidy$ -he fireplace was the only concession to atmosphere; there was not a single woman.s to*ch in the room$ 6a*sing near the batht*b% she dipped her hand in the water; tepidanother sensation too tangible to deny$ She mo&ed to the fireplace and flinched at the confo*ndingly real sensation of warmth$ She st*died the flames a moment% mar&eling that the rest of the room was so chilly when the hearth was throwing off s*ch a bla#e$ It was as if the fire were the sole so*rce of heat% she tho*ght$ Str*ck by that notion% she briskly walked the perimeter of the room$ 1er s*spicion was +*ickly confirmed? -here was not one heating &ent in the entire chamber$ 9o radiators in the corners collecting d*st$ 9o little metal &ents in the floors$ 9o pipes or% for that matter% a single electrical o*tlet$ 9o phone jack$ 9o closets$ -he door was made of what looked like solid oak; no hollow=core &eneer there$ She took a deep% calming breath and ass*red herself that she m*st ha&e o&erlooked something% at least in terms of the heating$ 'ircling the room a second time% she s*r&eyed e&ery nook and cranny as she trailed her hand along the wallanother way of testing the solidity of her prison$ 1er fingertips br*shed a thick tapestry that yielded beneath them and felt far colder than the stones$ -he ro*gh fabric shi&ered beneath her palm as if the wind were batting at it from the other side$ 8ystified% she t*gged it aside$ She lost her breath in a s*dden r*sh of air$ -he &iew from the window str*ck her as intensely as an *ne)pected blow to her stomach$ She ga#ed o*t *pon a misty night from ancient history$ 2ifty feet abo&e the gro*nd% she was in a stone castle that stood on an island promontory s*rro*nded by a th*ndering sea$ /a&es h*rled themsel&es at the rocky crags% breaking into foam and becoming one with the mist that swirled *p from the black s*rface of the ocean$ On a cobbled walkway% men carrying torches mo&ed silently between the castle and small o*tb*ildings$ -he distant cry of a wolf competed with faint strains of bagpipes$

-he night sky was bl*e=black% tinted p*rple where it met the water% dancing with tho*sands of stars and a thin scythe of a moon$ She.d ne&er seen so many constellations in 'incinnati; smog and the halo effect of the brilliantly lit city dimmed s*ch bea*ty$ -he &iew from the window was breathtakingly stark% majestic$ , bitter wind howled *p from the sea and across the promontory% b*ffeting the tapestry in her hand$ She dropped it as if she.d been b*rned and it fell across the window% blessedly sealing o*t the ine)plicable &ista$ @nfort*nately% as her eyes foc*sed on the tapestry% she disco&ered a new horror$ It was brilliantly wo&en and far too detailed? a warrior riding a horse into battle while an army of men clad in bloodstained plaid cheered$ ,t the bottom of the hanging% embroidered in crimson% were fo*r n*mbers that chipped away at her sanity? 1 1F$ :isa mo&ed to the bed and sank limply onto it% her energy sapped by the s*ccessi&e shocks$ She stared blankly at the bed for a moment% then her hand flashed o*t and poked frantically at the mattress as she tested another part of her en&ironment$ Not your run%of% the%mill Serta Sleeper here, )isa$ 2illed with a growing sense of panic% she p*lled back the tightly t*cked blankets and was momentarily sidetracked by the fragrance that cl*ng to the linens$ (is scent? spice% danger% and man$ 2irmly ignoring a desire to b*ry her nose in the sheets% she t*gged at the mattress% which was little more than thin pallets laid atop one another encased in bristly fabric$ One cr*nched like dried br*sh% the ne)t seemed st*ffed with l*mpy wooly st*ff% and the top had the feel of limp feathers$ 2or the ne)t twenty min*tes :isa scr*tini#ed her s*rro*ndings% dri&en by increasing desperation$ -he stones felt cool% the fire felt hot$ -he li+*id in the c*p near the bed tasted &ile$ She heard the bagpipes$ <&ery sense she possessed was acti&ated by her tests$ ,bsently% she swiped at her neck with the back of her hand% and when she drew it away a single drop of blood lay crimson *pon her skin$ She *nderstood with s*dden certainty that she sho*ld ne&er ha&e to*ched the flask$ ,ltho*gh it defied rational e)planation% she was neither in 'incinnati nor in the twenty= first cent*ry$ She felt the last of her hope that she was dreaming slip from her ten*o*s grasp$ Dreams she knew well$ (*t this was too real to be a dream% detailed far beyond her mind.s ability to fabricate$ &ive me the flask% he.d demanded$ $ou see this* "his is part of the dream0 She.d been astonished$ (*t now% reflecting *pon it% she reali#ed that he.d seen it beca*se it was not part of a dream$ It was part of reality% his reality% a reality she now shared$ -hat it was the flask she had to*ched j*st before she.d started to feel like she was falling% and the flask that he.d

demanded% seemed too logical a connection to e)ist within a dream$ 1ad the flask somehow carried her back to a man who had direct or indirect proprietary rights to it0 ,nd if so% was she tr*ly in the fo*rteenth cent*ry0 /ith growing horror% she saw the frightening pattern? 1is odd manner of dress% his intent per*sal of her clothing as if he.d ne&er seen the like before% the primiti&e wooden t*b sit*ated before the fire% the strange lang*age he.d spoken% the tapestry on the wall$ ,ll of it hinted at the impossible$ Stricken% she glanced aro*nd the room% reassessing it from a different perspecti&e$ She &iewed it as her employment in the m*se*m had led her to belie&e a medie&al chamber wo*ld appear$ ,nd all the oddities made perfect sense$ :ogic insisted she was in a medie&al stone castle% and according to the wall hanging% at some point in the fo*rteenth cent*ry% despite the improbability of it$ :isa blew her breath o*t in a frantic attempt to calm down$ She co*ldn.t be somewhere else in time% beca*se if this was medie&al Scotland% 'atherine was some se&en h*ndred years in the f*t*realone$ 1er mother desperately needed her and had no one else to rely on$ -hat was *nacceptable$ (eing st*ck in a strange dream was now relegated to the minor problem it wo*ld ha&e been% had it been tr*e$ , dream wo*ld ha&e been easy to manage; e&ent*ally she wo*ld ha&e awakened% no matter how awf*l things had been in the dream$ If she was act*ally in the past% which was what all her senses insisted% she had to get back home$ (*t how0 /o*ld to*ching the flask do it again0 ,s she pondered that possibility she heard footsteps in the corridor o*tside the chamber$ She mo&ed +*ickly to the door% debated cowering behind it% then pressed her ear to it instead$ It wo*ld be wise to disco&er e&erything she co*ld abo*t her en&ironment$ "Do yo* think he.ll do it0" a &oice echoed in the hall$ -here was a long silence% then a sigh so lo*d that it carried thro*gh the thick wood$ "I belie&e so$ 1e does not take oaths lightly and knows the woman m*st die$ 9othing can come in the way of o*r ca*se% D*ncan$ D*nnottar m*st be held% that bastard <dward m*st be defeated% and oaths sworn m*st be honored$ 1e will kill her$" ,s the steps faded down the corridor% :isa leaned limply against the door$ -here was no do*bt in her mind e)actly which woman they.d meant$

unnottar* .dward* ear &od- She hadn't merely traveled through time she'd been dropped smack into the se1uel to (ra&eheartA CHAPTER 4 it was late at night when circenn +*ietly eased his chamber door open a few inches$ 6eering thro*gh the narrow apert*re% he saw that the room was dark$ Only a faint bar of moonlight fell from behind the tapestry$ She m*st be sleeping% he decided% which wo*ld gi&e him the ad&antage of s*rprise$ 1e wo*ld get this o&er with% +*ickly$ 1e sw*ng the door open% stepped into the room with swift con&iction% and promptly lost his footing$ ,s he hit the floor of his chamber% he c*rsed; it had been c*nningly littered with sharp pieces of broken stoneware$ 1e scarcely had time to register that he.d tripped o&er a ta*t and cle&erly tied cord% when he was smashed on the back of his head with a stoneware basin$ "(y Dagda% lassA" he roared% rolling o&er on his side and cl*tching his head$ ",re yo* trying to kill me0" "Of co*rse I amA" she hissed$ 'ircenn co*ld discern nothing more than a bl*r of motion in the darkness when% m*ch to his astonishment and pain% she kicked him in a most sensiti&e part of his bodya part most women to*ched re&erently$ /hen he do*bled o&er% his hands gra#ed more of the jagged shards on the floor% and he winced$ She leaped o&er his body like a frightened doe% bo*nding for the open doorway$ Deadening himself to the pain% he mo&ed swiftly$ 1is hand flashed o*t and fastened on her ankle$ ":ea&e this room and yo* are dead%" he said flatly$ "8y men will kill yo* the moment they see yo*$" "So what.s the difference0 5o* will tooA" she cried$ ":et go of meA" She kicked ineffect*ally at the hand clasped aro*nd her ankle$ 1e growled and banged the door sh*t with his foot$ -hen% p*lling on her ankle% he ca*sed her to lose her balance and bro*ght her crashing down on top of him$ 1e.d tried to roll her toward him as she fell to keep her from striking any of the stoneware she.d so de&io*sly strewn abo*t% b*t she b*cked as she hit him and bo*nced o&er his side$ , grapple ens*ed and she fo*ght him with a s*rprising amo*nt of co*rage and strength$ ,ware of his s*perior brawn% he foc*sed his efforts on s*bd*ing her witho*t h*rting her or allowing her to harm herself$ If anyone was going to be harming her% it was he$ -hey wrestled in silence% e)cept for his gr*nts when she landed a partic*larly painf*l shot and her gasps when he finally capt*red her hands and held them abo&e her head and stretched her on her back on the floor$ 1is grasp nearly slipped when his hand closed aro*nd a band of metal on her wrist$ ,s he forcef*lly restrained her arms% it slipped off and he closed his fist o&er it% then placed it in his sporran for later inspectionit might

yield cl*es to her identity$ 1e deliberately let the f*ll weight of his body settle atop hers% knowing she wo*ld not be able to breathe$ Submit% he willed silently as she b*cked against him% trying to win her freedom$ "I am stronger than yo*% lass$ 'ede this battle to me$ Doona be foolish$" ",nd let yo* kill me0 9e&erA I heard yo*r men$" She panted% trying to draw air into her l*ngs while cr*shed beneath his weight$ 'ircenn scowled$ So that was why she.d laid a trap for him$ She m*st ha&e o&erheard 7alan and D*ncan as they.d retired to their rooms; they.d ob&io*sly said something abo*t his killing her$ 1e.d ha&e to speak with those two abo*t discretion% perhaps enco*rage them to re&ert to 7aelic while within the walls of the keep$ 1e s*ffered a momentary lapse in concentration while admiring her reso*rcef*lness% and she e)ploited it by bashing her forehead into his chin% and it hurt$ 1e shook her forcef*lly and was astonished when the woman didn.t yield% b*t tried to head b*tt him again$ She showed no signs of gi&ing *p the fight% and he reali#ed that she wo*ld beat at him *ntil she passed o*t from lack of breath$ Since the only part of their respecti&e bodies they both had free were their heads% he did the only thing he co*ld think ofhe kissed her$ It wo*ld be impossible for her to head b*tt him with her lips pressed against his% and he.d learned long ago that the best way to control a fight was to get as far into his enemy.s space as possible$ It took ner&es of steel to handle si) feet and se&en inches of r*thless (rodie a breath away from one.s heart$ /hile congrat*lating himself for the in&enti&e strategy he.d employed to keep her from hitting him with the only part of her body she co*ld mo&e% he acknowledged his attempt at self=deceit$ 1e had wanted to kiss her since the moment she.d materiali#ed in front of his bathyet another &iolation of his caref*l r*les$ 1e knew that physical intimacy with this woman might skew his impartiality$ (*t their skirmish had bro*ght him into contact with e&ery inch of her body% her c*r&es were pressed against his hard length as if they were naked together% and her fierce% intelligent amb*sh had aro*sed him e&en more than her bea*ty had$ 1e had the scent of her in his nostrils? fear and woman and f*ry$ It made him rock hard$ 1e so*ght to s*bd*e her with his kiss% to make her *nderstand his complete dominance% b*t the cr*sh of her breasts beneath his chest heated him% and he fo*nd himself pl*nging his tong*e between her lips with the intention of sed*cing rather than con+*ering$ 1e sensed the moment when his kisses stopped being his way of controlling her and became nothing b*t a sa&age desire to ind*lge his appetite for the woman$ ,ll he need do was p*sh aside his plaid% peel off her strange tro*sers% and p*sh himself inside her$ -he temptation was e)+*isite$ 1is breathing +*ickened% so*nding harsh to his own ears$ It had been too long since he.d been with a woman% and his body was tightly str*ng$ 1e angled himself away% drawing back to stop the painf*l press of his aro*sal against the cradle of her hips$

/hen she went motionless beneath him% he girded his will$ :oath to lose the f*llness of her lower lip% he s*cked it hard as he drew away$ 1e ga#ed down at her; her eyes were closed% her lashes dark fans against her cheeks$ ",re yo* going to kill me now0" she whispered$ 'ircenn stared at her% conflicting directi&es warring within him$ In their t*ssle% he.d freed his dirk% and now he laid it against her throat$ One swift pl*nge and it wo*ld be o&er$ (rief% mercif*l% simple$ 1is oath wo*ld be f*lfilled% and there wo*ld be na*ght to do b*t remo&e the lass with the torn neck and fore&er=silenced heart and ret*rn to his caref*lly orchestrated world$ 1er eyes widened in alarm as she felt the chill metal br*sh against her skin$ 1e made the mistake of ga#ing into them$ 1e closed his eyes and clenched his jaw$ 2ut% he ordered himself% b*t his fingers didn.t so m*ch as tense aro*nd the handle of the short knife$ 2utA he raged at himself$ 6er&ersely% his body hardened against her% and he felt a s*dden wa&e of desire to drop the knife and kiss her again$ 3ill her nowA he commanded himself$ 9ot a finger flinched$ -he knife lay *seless against her skin$ "I can.t die now%" she whispered$ "I ha&en.t e&en lived yet$" -he m*scles in his arm recogni#ed defeat before his mind did$ -here were no other words she co*ld ha&e said that wo*ld ha&e dismayed him more$ ! haven't even li&ed yet$ ,n elo+*ent plea to taste what life had to offer% and% whether she reali#ed it or not% +*ite re&ealing$ It told him m*ch abo*t her$ 1is arm rela)ed% and he remo&ed the knife from her throat with far greater ease than he.d placed it there$ 1e m*ttered a c*rse as he fl*ng it across the room and it sank into the door with a satisfying so*nd$ "9ay% lass% I will not kill yo*$" Not tonight% he appended silently$ 1e wo*ld +*estion her% st*dy her% determine her in&ol&ement$ G*dge her? g*ilty or innocent$ If he fo*nd e&idence of s*bterf*ge or a shallow and a&aricio*s personality% his blade wo*ld easily find the mark% he ass*red himself$ "I need to ask yo* some +*estions$ If I let yo* *p% will yo* sit +*ietly on the bed and answer me0" "5es$ I can.t breathe%" she added$ "1*rry$" 'ircenn shifted so his weight was not resting f*lly on her$ 1e allowed her to regain her freedom in reg*lated stages so she *nderstood that he was gi&ing it to her$ It was neither a freedom she had earned nor one she co*ld e&er hope to take$ 1e granted her passage%

permitted her range of motion$ It was imperati&e she *nderstand that his control o&er her was absol*te$ Despite his *ncomfortable state of aro*sal% he forced her to keep close contact as she slipped her body from beneath his$ It was a p*rely male show of dominance$ 1e scarcely ga&e her room eno*gh to find her knees beneath her$ 1e leaned back min*tely so she was forced to falter to her feet by cl*tching his sho*lders% which p*t her lips a mere breath away from his$ 1e wo*ld be all o&er her% *ntil she ac+*iesced to his dictates$ She kept her ga#e defiantly a&erted% ref*sing to look at him while she *sed his body to p*ll herself *p$ (ad you met my ga4e, lass, ! would have pushed you farther% he tho*ght% for had she still possessed eno*gh defiance to meet his eyes he wo*ld ha&e pro&oked s*bmission some other way$ 1e rose in tandem with her so their bodies to*ched at many contact points% and didn.t miss her swift intake of breath when he deliberately shifted so her breasts br*shed against his abdomen$ 1e backed her to the bed and% with one gentle p*sh% seated her *pon it$ -hen he t*rned his back on her as if she were nothing% no threat% insignificant$ ,nother lesson she m*st learnhe had nothing to fear from her$ 1e co*ld t*rn his back on her with imp*nity$ 1is mo&ement had the secondary boon of gi&ing him time to +*ell his desire$ 1e took se&eral deep breaths% bolted the door from the inside% and whipped his dirk from the wood and slapped it into his boot$ 1e lit tapers before t*rning back to face her$ (y then he was breathing e&enly and his plaid was caref*lly b*nched at the front$ She didn.t need to know what toll their enforced closeness had taken on him$ She had b*ried her face in her hands and her coppery hair slipped in a glossy fall across her knees$ 1e reminded himself not to look at her long legs in those re&ealing tro*sers$ Scarcely concealed by the pale bl*e fabric% a man co*ld follow the slim line of her ankles o&er m*scled cal&es and *p shapely thighs to the &ee of her woman.s pri&acy$ -hose tro*sers co*ld sed*ce a -emplar 7rand 8aster$ "/ho are yo*0" he began +*ietly$ 1e wo*ld contin*e in a gentle &oice *ntil she demonstrated resistance$ -hen he might roar at her$ /ith a small meas*re of am*sement% he conceded the probability that this lass wo*ld roar back$ "8y name is :isa%" she m*rm*red into her palms$ , good start% obedient and swift$ ":isa% I am 'ircenn (rodie$ /o*ld that we had met *nder different circ*mstances% b*t we did not% and we m*st make the best of it$ /here did yo* find my flask0" "In the m*se*m where I work%" she said in a monotone$ "/hat is a m*se*m0" ", place that displays treas*res and artifacts$"

"8y flask was on display0 2or people to see0" he asked indignantly$ (adn't the curse worked0 "9o$ It had j*st been fo*nd and was still in the chest$ It hadn.t been placed on display yet$" She didn.t raise her head from her hands$ ",h% so the chest had not been opened$ 5o* were the first one to to*ch it$" "9o% two men to*ched it before I did$" "5o* saw them to*ch ittr*ly to*ch the flask0" She was silent for a long moment$ "Oh my 7od% the tongsA" she e)claimed$ 1er head shot *p and she stared at him with an e)pression of horror$ "9o$ I didn.t act*ally see them to*ch it$ (*t there was a pair of tongs lying ne)t to the chest$ I.ll bet Steinmann and his cohort ne&er to*ched the chest or the flask at allA Is that what did this to meto*ching the flask0 I knew I sho*ldn.t ha&e pried into b*siness that wasn.t mine$" "-his is &ery important% lass$ 5o* m*st answer me tr*thf*lly$ Do yo* know what the flask contains0" She ga&e him a look of *tter innocence$ She was either the cons*mmate actress or was telling the tr*th$ "9o$ /hat0" Actress or innocent0 1e r*bbed his jaw while he scr*tini#ed her$ "/here are yo* from% lass0 <ngland0" "9o$ 'incinnati$" "/here is that0" "In the @nited States$" "(*t yo* speak <nglish$" "O*r people fled from <ngland se&eral h*ndred years ago$ Once% my co*ntrymen were <nglish$ 9ow we call o*rsel&es ,merican$" 'ircenn regarded her blankly$ , look of s*dden re&elation crossed her face% and he wondered at it$ "-hat was silly of me$ Of co*rse yo* co*ldn.t possibly *nderstand$ -he @nited States is far across the sea from Scotland%" she said$ "/e didn.t like <ngland either% so I can empathi#e%" she said reass*ringly$ "5o*.&e probably ne&er heard of my land% b*t I.m from &ery far away and it.s imperati&e that I get back$ Soon$"

/hen he shook his head% her jaw tightened% and 'ircenn felt a flash of admiration; the lass was a fighter to the last$ 1e s*spected that if he had attempted to kill her% there wo*ld ha&e been no pleas from her lips b*t &ows of &engeance to the bitter finale$ "I am afraid I cannot send yo* back j*st now$" "(*t yo* can send me back at some point0 5o* know how0" She held her breath% awaiting his reply$ "I am certain we can manage%" he said noncommittally$ If she was from a land across the sea% and if he co*ld find a way to accept not killing her% he co*ld s*rely find a ship to p*t her on% if it was decided that she co*ld be released$ -he fact that she was from so far away might make it easier for him to free her% beca*se it was do*btf*l her homeland had any interest in Scotland; and once she was gone% perhaps he co*ld force himself to forget he.d broken a r*le$ O*t of sight might well be o*t of mind$ 1er appearance in the keep co*ld tr*ly ha&e been a &ast mistake$ (*t how had his chest gotten to a land so far away0 "1ow did yo*r m*se*m obtain my chest0" "-hey send people all o&er looking for *n*s*al treas*res" "/ho are.they.0" he asked +*ickly$ 6erhaps she was innocent% b*t perhaps the men she.d mentioned were not$ "8y employers$" 1er ga#e flickered to his% then away$ 1e narrowed his eyes and st*died her tho*ghtf*lly$ /hy had she a&erted her ga#e0 She seemed to be making a gen*ine effort to comm*nicate with him$ ,ltho*gh he saw no sign of o*tright deception% he sensed strong emotions in her; there were things she was not saying$ ,s he pondered the direction of his in+*isition% she st*nned him by saying "So how do yo* send me thro*gh time0 Is it magic0" 'ircenn released a soft whistle$ +y agda, how far had this lass come0 CHAPTER 5 lisa sat on the bed an)io*cly awaiting his reply$ She fo*nd it diffic*lt to look at him% partly beca*se he frightened her and partly beca*se he was so damn bea*tif*l$ 1ow was she s*pposed to think of him as the enemy when her bodywitho*t e&en briefly cons*lting her mindhad already decided to like him0 She.d ne&er felt s*ch a &isceral% instant attraction$ :ying beneath his o&erwhelming body% she.d been flooded with a frantic se)*al desire that she.d hastily attrib*ted to fear of dying; she.d read somewhere that happened sometimes$ She forced herself to remain motionless so she wo*ld betray neither the panic she felt nor her *nacceptable fascination with him$ In the past few min*tes she.d been transported

from fear and rage that her life might end so ina*spicio*sly% to astonishment when he.d kissed her$ 9ow she settled into wary n*mbness$ She reali#edthe man had some serio*sly intimidating body lang*age=that he was in complete control% and *nless she co*ld catch him *naware% she didn.t ha&e a chance of escaping$ She had already blown her best opport*nity to catch him off g*ard when she.d amb*shed him at the door$ 1e was well o&er si)=and=a=half=feet tall% more massi&e than any professional football player she.d e&er seen% and she wo*ldn.t ha&e been s*rprised if he weighed in at three=h*ndred=pl*s po*nds of solid m*scle$ -his man didn.t miss a thing; he was a nat*ral=born predator and warrior% scr*tini#ing her e&ery mo&e and e)pression$ She fancied that he co*ld smell her emotions$ Didn.t animals attack when they scented fear0 "I see I m*st approach this from a different angle% lass$ 'hen are yo* from0" She forced herself to look at him$ 1e.d lowered himself to the floor and was leaning back against the door% his powerf*l bare legs o*tstretched in front of him$ -he jeweled handle of his knife protr*ded from his boots$ -here was blood trickling down his temple and his lower lip was swollen$ /hen he wiped absently at it with the back of his hand% tendons and m*scles rippled in his forearm$ "5o*.re bleeding$" -he inane comment slipped from her mo*th$ And wearing a tartan% she mar&eled$ ,n act*al plaid% wo&en of crimson and black% draped abo*t his body% carelessly re&ealing m*ch more than it concealed$ -he corner of his lip c*r&ed$ "Imagine that%" he mocked$ "I was amb*shed by a spitting banshee and now I am bleeding$ I was tripped% bashed in the head% rolled o&er broken stoneware% head b*tted% kicked in the" "I.m sorry$" "5o* sho*ld be$" "5o* were trying to kill me%" :isa said defensi&ely$ "1ow dare yo* get mad at me when I was mad at yo* first0 $ou started it$" 1e ran an impatient hand thro*gh his hair$ ",ye% and now I am ending it$ I told yo* I ha&e decided not to kill yo* for the moment% b*t I re+*ire information from yo*$ I ha&e fifty men o*tside this door"he gest*red o&er his sho*lder with a th*mb"who will need reasons to tr*st yo* and let yo* li&e$ ,ltho*gh I am the laird here% I cannot keep yo* safe all the time if I doona gi&e my men pla*sible reasons why yo* are not a threat$" "/hy do any of yo* want to kill me in the first place0" :isa asked$ "/hat ha&e I done0" "I am in charge of this in+*iry% lass$" /ith deliberate leis*re% he folded his arms across his chest$

:isa had no do*bt that he.d str*ck the pose to make a point$ It made all the m*scles in his arms b*nch and reminded her how small she was compared to him% e&en at fi&e feet ten inches$ She.d j*st learned another lesson? 1e co*ld be co*rteo*s% e&en demonstrate a droll sense of h*mor% b*t he was always deadly% always in command$ ">ight%" she said tightly$ "(*t it might help if I *nderstood why yo* consider me a threat to begin with$" "(eca*se of what is in the flask$" "/hat.s in it0" she asked% then berated herself for her incessant c*riosity$ @nchecked c*riosity had created this sit*ation$ "If yo* doona know% yo*r innocence will protect yo*$ Doona ask me again$" :isa blew o*t a ner&o*s breath$ "/hen are yo* from0" he asked softly% circling back to his initial +*estion$ "-he twenty=first cent*ry$" 1e blinked and cocked his head$ "5o* e)pect me to belie&e yo* are from a time se&en h*ndred years from now0" "5o* e)pect me to belie&e that I.m in the fo*rteenth cent*ry0" she said% *nable to conceal a note of pee&ishness in her &oice$ 'hy did he expect such madness to be any easier for her to deal with0 , +*ick smile flashed across his face% and she breathed more easily% b*t then the smile &anished and he was again the remote sa&age$ "-his con&ersation is not abo*t yo*% lass% or what yo* think or what yo* belie&e$ It is abo*t me% and whether I can find a reason to tr*st yo* and let yo* li&e$ 5o*r being from the f*t*re and yo*r feelings abo*t being here mean nothing to me$ It is irrele&ant where or when yo* are from$ -he fact is that yo* are here now and yo* ha&e become my problem$ ,nd I doona like problems$" "So send me home%" she said in a small &oice$ "-hat sho*ld sol&e yo*r problem$" She flinched as his intense ga#e fi)ed on her face$ 1is dark eyes latched on to hers and for a space of time *nmeas*red% she co*ldn.t look away$ "If yo* are from the f*t*re% who is Scotland.s king0" he asked silkily$ She drew a ca*tio*s breath$ "I.m afraid I don.t know% I.&e ne&er followed politics%" she lied$ She certainly wasn.t abo*t to tell a warrior who was fighting o&er kings and territories that se&en h*ndred years from now Scotland still didn.t ha&e a recogni#ed king$ She might not ha&e a college degree% b*t she wasn.t a complete fool$

1is eyes narrowed and she s*ffered the *ncanny sensation that he was ga*ging far more than her facial e)pressions$ 2inally he said% "I accept that$ 2ew women follow politics$ (*t perhaps yo* know yo*r history0" he enco*raged softly$ "Do yo* know yours from se&en h*ndred years ago0" :isa e&aded% +*ickly int*iting where he was headed$ 1e wo*ld want to know who won what battle and who fo*ght where and the ne)t thing she knew she.d be all tangled *p in screwing *p the f*t*re$ If she really was in the past% she was not going to participate in instigating world chaos$ "8*ch of it%" he said arrogantly$ "/ell% I don.t$ I.m j*st a woman%" she said with as m*ch g*ilelessness as she co*ld m*ster$ 1e regarded her appraisingly and the corner of his lip lifted in a half=smile$ ",h% lass% yo* are decidedly not .j*st. a woman$ I s*spect it wo*ld be a &ast mistake to deem yo* merely anything$ 1a&e yo* a clan0" "/hat0" "-o which clan do yo* belong0" /hen she didn.t answer% he said% "Do yo* ha&e clans in 'incinnati0" "9o%" :isa said s*ccinctly$ 1e certainly didn.t ha&e to worry abo*t someone trying to resc*e her; she hardly had a family anymore$ 1ers was a clan of two% and one was dying$ 1e made an impatient gest*re with his hands$ "5o*r clan name% lass$ -hat is all I am after$ :isa what0" "Oh% yo* want to know my last nameA Stone$ :isa Stone$" 1is eyes widened incred*lo*sly$ ":ike rock0 Or bo*lder0" 9o half=smile this time? , f*ll grin c*r&ed his lips% and the impact was de&astating$ 1er fingers itched with the *rge to smack it off$ .nemy% she reminded herself$ "9oA :ike Sharon Stone$ -he famo*s actress%" she added at his blank look$ 1is eyes narrowed$ "5o* descend from a line of actresses0" he demanded$ /hat on earth had she said wrong0 "9o$" She sighed$ "-hat was my attempt at a joke% b*t it wasn.t f*nny beca*se yo* don.t know who I meant$ 8y last name is Stone% tho*gh$" "1ow foolish do yo* think I am0" he echoed the e)act words she.d said to him abo*t his name only ho*rs ago$ ":isa >ock0 -hat will not do$ I can hardly present yo* to my men% sho*ld I decide to% as :isa Stone$ I may as well tell them yo* are :isa 8*d or :isa Straw$

/hy wo*ld yo*r people take the name of a stone0" "It.s a perfectly respectable name%" she said stiffly$ "I.&e always tho*ght it a strong name% like me? capable of end*ring calamity% mighty and able$ Stones ha&e a certain majesty and mystery$ 5o* sho*ld know that% being from Scotland$ ,ren.t yo*r stones sacred0" 1e m*lled o&er her words a moment and nodded$ "-here is that$ I had not considered it as s*ch% b*t aye% o*r stones are bea*tif*l and treas*red mon*ments to o*r heritage$ :isa Stone it is$ Did yo*r m*se*m say where they fo*nd my chest0" he coolly res*med his in+*isition$ :isa reflected% trying to recall the disc*ssion she.d o&erheard as she.d hidden beneath Steinmann.s desk$ "(*ried in some rocks near a ri&erbank in Scotland$" ",h% it begins to make sense%" he m*rm*red$ "It did not occ*r to me when I c*rsed it that if my chest went *ndisco&ered for cent*ries% the person who to*ched it wo*ld ha&e to tra&el thro*gh both terrain and time$" 1e shook his head$ "I ha&e little patience for this c*rsing b*siness$" "It wo*ld also seem yo* ha&e little aptit*de for it$" -he words t*mbled from her mo*th before she co*ld stop them$ "It worked% did it not0" he said stiffly$ Shut up, )isa% she warned herself% b*t her tong*e paid no heed$ "/ell% yes% b*t yo* can.t j*dge something simply by its o*tcome$ -he end does not necessarily j*stify the means$" 1e smiled faintly$ "8y mother was inclined to say that$" Mother# :isa closed her eyes$ 7od% how she wished she co*ld keep them closed and maybe it wo*ld all go away$ 9o matter how fascinating this was% how gorgeo*s he was% she had to get o*t of there$ <&en as they spoke% somewhere in the f*t*re the night n*rse was being relie&ed by the day n*rse% and her mother wo*ld ha&e e)pected her home ho*rs ago$ /ho wo*ld check her medicines to be certain the n*rses had gotten the doses right0 /ho wo*ld hold her hand while she slept so if she slipped away she wo*ldn.t die alone0 /ho wo*ld cook her fa&orite foods to tempt her appetite0 "'*rse me back%" she pleaded$ 1e regarded her intently and she again s*ffered the sensation of being e)amined on a deeper le&el$ 1is ga#e was a nearly tangible press*re$ ,fter a long silence he said% "I cannot send yo* back% lass$ I doona know how$" "/hat do yo* mean yo* don.t know how0" she e)claimed$ "/o*ldn.t to*ching the flask do it0"

1e jerked his head in a sharp gest*re of negation$ "-hat is not the flask.s power$ -ra&eling thro*gh timeif indeed yo* didwas an incidental part of the c*rse$ I doona know how to send yo* back home$ /hen yo* said yo* were from across the sea% I tho*ght I co*ld p*t yo* on a ship and sail yo* home% b*t yo*r home is se&en h*ndred years from happening$" "So c*rse something else to send me backA" she cried$ ":ass% it does not work like that$ '*rses are wily little creat*res and none can command time$" "So what are yo* going to do with me0" she asked faintly$ 1e rose to his feet% his face de&oid of e)pression% and he was once again warrior=lord% icy and remote$ "I will tell yo* when I ha&e decided% lass$" She dropped her head in her hands and didn.t need to look *p to know he was lea&ing the room and locking her in again$ It offended her that he was so m*ch in control of her% and she felt an o&erwhelming need to ha&e the last word% childish tho*gh the imp*lse was$ She decided that making small demands early on might strengthen her position$ "/ell% are yo* going to star&e me0" she yelled at the closed door$ She.d also learned years ago that m*stering defiance co*ld pre&ent tears from spilling$ Sometimes anger was the only defense one had$ She wasn.t certain if she heard a r*mble of la*ghter or if she imagined it$ CHAPTER 6 lisa woke with sore% knotted m*scles and a kink in her neck from sleeping witho*t a pillowsensations so tangible they sho*ted% 'elcome to reality$ She was s*rprised she.d managed to fall asleep at all% b*t e)ha*stion had finally o&ercome her paranoia$ She.d slept in her clothes and her jeans were stiff and *ncomfortable$ She was cold% her -=shirt was twisted aro*nd her neck% her bra had come *nsnapped% and her lower back ached from the l*mpy mattresses$ She sighed and rolled o&er onto her back% stretching gingerly$ She had slept% dreamed an)io*s% eerie dreams% and awakened to the same stone chamber$ -hat sealed it? -his was no dream$ 1ad she any resid*al do*bts% they disintegrated in the pale light of dawn that lined the edges of the gently blowing tapestries$ 9o nightmare co*ld ha&e conj*red the na*seating food she.d choked down late last night% nor in any dream wo*ld she ha&e s*bconscio*sly s*rro*nded herself with s*ch primiti&e amenities$ 2ertile tho*gh her imagination was% it was not sadistic$

,ltho*gh% she reflected% 'ircenn (rodie was indisp*tably the st*ff of dreams$ 1e.d kissed her$ 1e.d lowered his mo*th to hers and the to*ch of his tong*e had sent heat lancing thro*gh her body% despite her fear$ She.d trembled% act*ally shaken from head to toe% when his lips had br*ised hers$ She.d read abo*t things like that happening b*t ne&er tho*ght to e)perience it$ (efore she.d fallen asleep last night% she had filed e&ery detail of the kiss away in her memory% a priceless artifact in the barren m*se*m of her life$ 'hy had he kissed her0 1e was so intent and controlled% she had imagined that if he e&er to*ched a woman it wo*ld ha&e been with a disciplined caress% not s*ch a kiss as he.d gi&en herone that had been wild% hot% and *ninhibited$ (ordering on sa&age% yet infinitely sed*cti&e$ 8ade a woman want to toss her head back and whimper with pleas*re while he ra&ished her$ 1e was skilled% and she knew she was o*t of her leag*e with 'ircenn (rodie$ It m*st ha&e been a strategy% she decided; the man dripped strategies$ 6erhaps he.d tho*ght to sed*ce her into compliance$ 7i&en his appearance co*pled with the dark se)*ality he e)*ded% he.d probably controlled women all his life in s*ch a fashion$ "Somebodyanybodyplease help me%" she whispered softly$ "I.m in way o&er my head$" 6*shing the memory of his kiss far from her mind% she stretched her arms o&er her head% testing for br*ises from their skirmish last night$ /hen she heard a scrabbling at the door and the so*nd of the bolt being slid% she s+*ee#ed her eyes sh*t% pretending she was asleep$ She was not ready to face him this morning$ "/ell% come on with ye% lassieA 5e willna escape by being a lie=abo*t in bed all day%" said a mischie&o*s &oice$ :isa.s eyes flew open$ , boy stood beside her% peering down$ "Och% aren.t ye the bonniest lassieA" he e)claimed$ -he lad had a*b*rn hair% a gamin grin% and *n*s*ally dark eyes and skin$ 1is chin was pointy% his cheekbones high$ 3*ite a fey=looking child% she tho*ght$ "'omeA 2ollow meA" he cried$ /hen he darted from the room% :isa tossed back the co&ers and dashed o*t the door behind him witho*t a second tho*ght$ (eavens, the boy was 1uickA She had to stretch her long legs to keep pace as he skimmed o&er the stones toward a door at the end of the dim corridor$ "1ere% +*icklyA" he cried% as he d*cked thro*gh the doorway$ 1ad it been anyone b*t a child she wo*ld ne&er ha&e blindly followed% b*t waking *p and being granted a chance to escape by an innocent child o&errode her common sense% and she fo*nd herself trailing him into a small t*rret$ ,s she d*cked in% he closed the door swiftly$ -hey stood in a circ*lar stone room% with stairs winding both *p and down$ /hen he grabbed her hand and started to p*ll her down the stairs% :isa.s eyes narrowed

s*spicio*sly$ /ho was this child and why was he intent on helping her flee0 She resisted his grip so s*ddenly that he st*mbled backward$ "/ait a min*te$" She held him by the sho*lders$ "/ho are yo*0" -he boy shr*gged innocently% dislodging her grip$ "8e0 G*st a wee lad who has the r*n of the keep$ Dinna fash yerself% lassie% no one notices me$ I.&e come to help ye escape$" "/hy0" -he boy shr*gged again% a hasty *p=and=down of thin sho*lders$ "Does it matter to ye0 Dinna ye wish to flee0" "(*t where will I go0" :isa drew se&eral deep breaths% trying to wake *p$ She needed to think this thro*gh$ /hat wo*ld escaping the keep accomplish0 ",way from here%" he said% pee&ed by her obt*seness$ ",nd where to0" :isa repeated% as her sleepy mind finally started f*nctioning with a semblance of intelligence$ "(ecome one of the (r*ce.s camp followers0 7o talk to :ongshank.s son0" she said dryly$ ",re ye a spy0" he e)claimed indignantly$ "9oA (*t where am I going to go0 <scaping the keep is only the beginning of my problems$" "Dinna ye ha&e a home% lassie0" he asked% perple)ed$ "9ot in this cent*ry%" :isa said% as she sank to the floor with a sigh$ ,drenaline had flooded her body at the prospect of escape$ Han+*ished by logic% it now fled her &eins as swiftly as it had arri&ed% and its s*dden absence made her feel limp$ G*dging by the coldness of the wall behind her back and the chilly draft circling thro*gh the tower% it was cold o*tside$ If she left% how wo*ld she eat0 /here wo*ld she go0 1ow co*ld she escape when there was no place for her to escape to0 She eyed the boy% who appeared crestfallen$ "I dinna ken what ye mean% b*t I tho*ght only to help ye$ I ken what these men do to the lassies$ .-isna pleasant$" "-hanks for the reass*rance%" :isa said dryly$ She st*died the lad for a moment$ 1is ga#e was bright and direct% his eyes were old for s*ch a yo*ng face$ 1e sank to the floor beside her$ "So% what can I do for ye% lassie%" he asked dejectedly% "if ye ha&en.t a home and I canna be freeing ye0"

-here was one thing he co*ld help her with% she reali#ed% for she certainly wo*ldn.t ask the ill*strio*s 'ircenn (rodie this +*estion$ "I need to *m I drank too m*ch water%" she informed him caref*lly$ , +*icksil&er grin flashed across his face$ "/ait here with ye$" 1e dashed off *p the stairs$ /hen he came back he was carrying a stoneware basin that looked identical to the one she had str*ck 'ircenn in the head with last night$ She regarded it *ncertainly$ ",nd then what0" "/hy% then ye d*mp it o*t a window%" he said% as if she were daft$ :isa winced$ "-here is no window in this tower$" "I.ll d*mp it for ye%" he said simply% and she reali#ed that this was the way of things$ 1e.d probably d*mped h*ndreds of them in his short life$ "Och% b*t I.ll be gi&ing ye some pri&acy for the now%" he added% and dashed off again *p the stairs$ -r*e to his word% he ret*rned in a few moments and dashed off a third time with the basin$ :isa sat on the stairs% waiting for the lad to ret*rn$ 1er options were limited? She co*ld foolishly escape the castle and likely die o*t there% or go back to her room and get as close to her enemy as possible in hopes of finding that flaskwhich she had to belie&e was a two=way ticket$ It was either that or accept that she was condemned to the fo*rteenth cent*ry fore&er% and with her mother dying back home% she wo*ld sooner die herself than accept that fate$ "-ell me abo*t 'ircenn (rodie%" she said when the boy ret*rned$ 1e h*nkered down on the step beside her$ "/hat do ye wish to ken0" oes he kiss all the lassies0 "Is he a fair man0" "9one fairer%" the lad ass*red her$ ",s in honorable% not attracti&e%" :isa clarified$ 1e grinned$ "I ken what ye meant$ -he laird is a fair man% he doesna make hasty j*dgments$" "-hen why were yo* trying to help me escape0"

,nother shr*g$ "I heard his men speaking last night of killin. ye$ I fig*red if ye was still breathing this morning I.d be helping ye go free$" 1is thin face stilled and his eyes grew distant$ "8e mam was killed when I was fi&e$ I doona like to see a lassie s*ffer$ 5e co*ld be someone.s mam$" 7*ileless brown eyes so*ght hers$ :isa.s heart went o*t to the motherless boy$ She *nderstood all too well the pain of losing a mother$ She hoped his "mam" had not s*ffered long% b*t had met with a swift and mercif*l death$ She gently br*shed his tangled hair back from his forehead$ 1e leaned in to her caress as if he.d been star&ed for s*ch a to*ch$ "/hat.s yo*r name% boy0" "5e may call me <irren% b*t in tr*th I.d answer to anything from ye%" he said with a flirtatio*s grin$ She shook her head in mock reproach$ "1ow old are yo*0" 1e cocked an eyebrow and grinned$ "Old eno*gh to know yer a bonny lassie$ I may not be a man yet% b*t one day I will% so I better be getting all the practice I can$" "Incorrigible%" she m*rm*red$ "9ay% j*st thirteen%" he said easily$ "-he way I see it% a boy can get away with a lot a man can.t% so I.d best do it all now$ /hat else did ye wish to ken% lassie0" "Is he married0" 'hat kind of wife could handle a man like him0 She co*ld ha&e kicked herself the moment she said it% b*t then she decided <irren s*rely wo*ldn.t *nderstand her interest$ "5e wish to t*p him0" he asked c*rio*sly$ "up him0 :isa p*##led o&er that for a moment$ "OhA" she said% as she reali#ed what he meant$ "Stop thatA" she e)claimed$ "5o* can.t think like thatA 5o*.re too yo*ng$ -*p% indeed$" 1e grinned$ "I grew *p hearing it from the men% how co*ld I not0 I ha&en.t had me a mam in a long time$" "/ell% yo* need one%" :isa said softly$ "9o one sho*ld be witho*t a mother$" "Did he kiss ye0" "9oA" she lied hastily$ She d*cked her head% bringing a fall of hair forward to hide her bl*sh from the too=percepti&e boy$ "2ool he is% then%" <irren said with his gamin grin$ "/ell% lassie% ye better be deciding what ye wish to do$ If yer not going% yer staying% and if yer staying ye best go back to yer

room afore he disco&ers ye missing$ 1e doesna like r*les bein. broken% and ye escaping yer room wo*ld fair gi&e him a fit$" 1e rose to his feet and d*sted off his scabbed knees$ "5o* need a bath%" she informed him% deciding that if she had anything to say abo*t it while she was there% he.d ha&e a mother of sorts$ ",ye% and there are some things I dinna miss abo*t me mam being gone at all%" <irren said cheerf*lly$ "'ome on with ye$ I see ye.&e decided to stay in the ca&e with the bear% which isna all bad; his growl is m*ch worse than his bite% once ye get him to rela)$" :isa smiled as she followed him from the stairwell$ 5o*ng <irren saw far too m*ch for her comfort% b*t he might pro&e a *sef*l ally for that &ery reason$ Scampering abo*t like a b*sy mo*se% the in+*isiti&e lad probably knew e&ery nook and cranny of the castle$ She wo*ld do well to c*lti&ate his company% s*rreptitio*sly of co*rse$ ,s if he.d read her tho*ghts% <irren spoke% as he gently p*shed her back in her room$ "Doona be telling the laird abo*t me% lassie$ 1e willna like me speaking with ye$ It m*st be a secret between only two$ I ken ye wo*ldna wish to get me in tro*ble% wo*ld ye now0" 1e held her ga#e$ "O*r secret%" :isa agreed$ CHAPTER 7 circenn smacked d*ncan.s thigh with the flat of his blade$ "6ay attention% Do*glas%" he growled$ "Distraction will kill a man in battle$" D*ncan shook his head and frowned as he co*nted off fi&e paces and faced 'ircenn$ "Sony% b*t I tho*ght I saw a child dart into the bothy behind the keep$" "8ost likely that yo*ng ser&ing lass 2loria% who scarce reaches my ribs%" 'ircenn said$ "5o* know no children are permitted at D*nnottar$" "If so% it was a bloody small lass$" D*ncan le&eled his sword with a smooth flick of his m*scled forearm$ ",nd altho*gh yo* and 7alan think I like .em all% I doona like .em that yo*ng$" -heir swords met in a clash of steel that sent sparks cartwheeling into the mist as dawn broke o&er D*nnottar$ Dimly &isible beyond damp low=hanging clo*ds% the s*n bobbed on the shimmering hori#on of the ocean% and the mist that had blown in with the night tide began to steam off slowly$ "'ome% Do*glas% fight me%" 'ircenn goaded$ D*ncan had trained with 'ircenn since yo*th and was one of the few men who co*ld hold his own in battle against him% for a short time% at least; then 'ircenn.s s*perior strength and end*rance finished him$

6arry and thr*st% feint and spin$ -he two performed an ancient warrior.s dance aro*nd the co*rtyard *ntil s*ddenly D*ncan penetrated 'ircenn.s protecti&e stance% the tip of his blade resting at the laird.s throat$ -he circle of knights flinched collecti&ely as 'ircenn fro#e% his ga#e fi)ed not on D*ncan.s blade b*t high on the east face of the keep$ "She is walking calamity$ -he lass is absol*tely witho*t wits% I &ow it%" 'ircenn said$ 1e released a string of c*rses that ca*sed e&en D*ncan to raise a brow$ ,ll eyes t*rned to the east where a slender woman cl*ng to the stone wall% fifty feet abo&e the gro*nd$ 4notted linens flapped in the bree#e% dangling a do#en feet beneath her$ It was ob&io*s what she was doing% dropping down the do#en feet to the window beneath hers% preparing to enter it$ "/hy does she not simply *se the door% milord0" one of the -emplars asked$ "I locked it%" 'ircenn m*ttered$ D*ncan lowered his sword and c*rsed$ "I sho*ld ha&e known I didn.t beat yo* fairly$" "/ho is she0" another knight asked$ ",nd what manner of dress is she wearing0 It is as if she has na*ght a stitch on$ 5o* can see the separate c*r&es of her er" "5es% who is she% milord0" a half=do#en knights echoed$ 'ircenn.s eyes ne&er strayed from the slim fig*re descending the wall with no small degree of finesse$ 'lad in those strange tro*sers% one co*ld indeed see e&ery inch of her shapely derriere as her long legs stretched to find a toehold$ 1e.d been holding his breath since the moment the flicker of linen had ca*ght his eye$ 9ow he e)pelled it in a g*sty sigh$ "I was not s*pposed to re&eal her%" he lied swiftly% meeting D*ncan.s ga#e with a silent warning$ 1e was momentarily appalled at how easily the lie had spr*ng to his lips$ See% he berated himself% break one rule and they all go to hell$ "She is co*sin to the (r*ce and I ha&e been entr*sted with her keeping$ 5o* will protect her as yo* wo*ld fight for >obert himself$ ,pparently she cares little for being sec*red$ I s*ppose we may ha&e to gi&e her r*n of the keep$" /ith those words% he thr*st his sword into his scabbard and stalked off into the r*in$ ,t the door% 'ircenn glanced o&er his sho*lder at D*ncan with another warning look that threatened gra&e reperc*ssions if D*ncan didn.t s*pport his story and protect the lass$ -he look on D*ncan.s face made him feel two inches tall$ 1is friend and tr*sted ad&iser was ga#ing at him with astonishment% as if a stranger had taken o&er the laird of (rodie.s body$ D*ncan shook his head and his e)pression clearly said% 'hat the hell are you doing* (ave you lost your mind0

,s 'ircenn entered the tower and took the stairs two at a time% he decided he &ery possibly had$ BBB :isa kicked her feet and gently sw*ng herself into the window% e)haling a sigh of relief$ /ith her daddy.s enco*ragement she.d taken e)trac*rric*lar t*mbling and rappelling thro*gh j*nior high and high school$ ,ltho*gh this climb hadn.t looked too diffic*lt% it certainly had been *nner&ing dangling abo&e the co*rtyard% praying her knots wo*ld hold$ She.d hoped the mist wo*ld take longer to b*rn off% and when the s*n had beg*n to steam away the thick clo*ds she.d h*rried% aware that the fighters below wo*ld ha&e a clear &iew at any moment if they looked *p$ (*t :isa was co*nting on the fact that people rarely looked *p; the &ast majority kept their ga#e fi)ed firmly on the gro*nd or on some none)istent point in the sea of people s*rging down the city sidewalks$ Only :isa and some of the homeless people scanned the sky% watching the clo*ds break and sc*ttle$ reamer% her father had teased$ /nly dreamers watch the sky# $ou're a romantic, )isa# Are you waiting for a winged horse to break through the clouds carrying your prince on his back0 ,fter <irren had left% she.d waited in her room for 'ircenn (rodie to come% and when he didn.t appear she.d grown increasingly restless$ She needed to find the flask% and with her door bolted from the o*tside% she didn.t ha&e many options$ She.d looked o*t the window and disco&ered another one a do#en feet below it$ She.d +*ickly decided to ha&e a look aro*nd while it was possible$ ,nd if he ca*ght her0 She didn.t care$ -he lord of the castle needed to know that she was not the kind of woman who wo*ld sit abo*t waiting for his decisions% abiding his control$ She.d considered her sit*ation thoro*ghly% and yes% it appeared that she was tr*ly in the fo*rteenth cent*ry$ ,nd yes% she had a mother who was dying in the twenty=first$ She co*ldn.t escape the castle% b*t she needed to assert herself as an innocent woman who was d*e a modic*m of respect% and whom 'ircenn sho*ld help ret*rn to her time$ Doing nothing was simply not an option$ -he only way she.d e&er been able to cope with the diffic*lties in her life had been to meet them head=on% eyes open% mind working to achie&e resol*tion$ She sho&ed aside the tapestry and leaped down from the windowsill$ 1er boots hit the floor with a soft th*d j*st as he b*rst thro*gh the door$ "/hat an idiotic% insensible% st*pid thing to doA" "It was not st*pid%" she snapped% harboring a special hatred for that word$ "It was a perfectly calc*lated and well=tho*ght=o*t risk$ Don.t e&en start$ If yo* hadn.t locked me in% I wo*ldn.t ha&e been forced to do it$"

1e crossed the room swiftly and grabbed her$ "Do yo* reali#e yo* co*ld ha&e fallen0" he roared$ She drew herself *p to her f*ll height% her back ramrod straight$ "Of co*rse I do$ -hat.s why I knotted the linens together$ 2or hea&en.s sake% it was only a do#en feet$" ",nd the wind co*ld ha&e snatched yo* off at any moment$ /hile it may only be a do#en feet from window to window% it is a fifty=foot fall to the gro*nd$ <&en my men wo*ldn.t do something so st*pid$" "It wasn.t st*pid%" she repeated e&enly$ "It was an intelligent e)ercise of my skills$ /here I come from I.&e done it before% and besides% I had no way of knowing whether yo* planned to feed me today or talk to me or listen to the fact that I desperately need to get back home$ ,nd while we.re on the s*bject of idiocyis l*nging at each other with sharp swords any less st*pid0 I saw what yo* were doing down there$" "/e train%" he said% lowering his &oice with ob&io*s effort$ "/e prepare for war$" If the man clenched his teeth any harder% his jaw wo*ld lock% she decided$ ",nd war is a partic*larly intelligent &ent*re% is it not0 I.m merely battling for my rights and trying to ret*rn home$ I ha&e a life% yo* know$ I ha&e responsibilities at home$" 1e opened his mo*th% then snapped it sh*t and regarded her for a moment$ "/hat e)actly are those responsibilities0" he asked finally% &ery softly$ Hery softly from this man made her ner&o*s% as did his hands on her waist% as did his mo&ing so near that his breath fanned her face as she stared *p at him$ She felt s*ddenly cowed$ amn the man for ha&ing s*ch an impact$ She was not going to cry her heart o*t to this wall of warrior$ She took a deep breath and willed herself to calm down$ "I know this is not the best sit*ation for yo* b*t it.s not for me either$ 1ow wo*ld yo* feel if yo* were s*ddenly yanked from yo*r time% thrown somewhere else% and held capti&e0 /o*ldn.t yo* do e&erything in yo*r power to get yo*r life back0 -o ret*rn to yo*r homeland and win yo*r battle for freedom0" 1is jaw rela)ed as he pondered her words$ "5o* beha&e like a warrior%" he said gr*dgingly$ ",ye% I wo*ld do e&erything in my power to ret*rn$" "-hen yo* can.t blame me for trying$ Or for being here% or for complicating yo*r life$ I.m the one whose life has been messed *p$ ,t least yo* still *nderstand where yo* are$ 5o* still ha&e yo*r friends and family$ 5o* still ha&e sec*rity$ ,ll I know is that I m*st get back home$"

1e was +*iet for what seemed an interminable time% looking into her eyes$ She co*ld feel tension emanating from his body as he st*died her% and she reali#ed that this fo*rteenth= cent*ry warrior was str*ggling as hard as she was to fig*re o*t what to do ne)t$ "5o* frightened me% lass$ I tho*ght yo* wo*ld fall$ Doona climb my walls again% eh0 I will find a way to gi&e yo* some small freedom within the keep$ I tr*st yo* were not trying to escape the keep itself; yo* are ob&io*sly intelligent eno*gh to see yo* ha&e no place to go$ (*t doona climb my walls%" he repeated$ -hen he r*bbed his jaw% looking s*ddenly weary$ "I am *nable to send yo* back home% lass% I told yo* the tr*th abo*t that last night$ -here.s something else yo* sho*ld know as well$ -he con&ersation yo* o&erheard before yo* attacked me last night was correct? I did swear an oath to kill whoe&er arri&ed with my flask$" :isa swallowed% her mo*th s*ddenly dry$ 1e had come to kill her last night$ /o*ld he ha&e slipped in stealthily and slit her throat if she hadn.t been awake and amb*shed him first0 1e looked directly into her eyes$ "(*t I ha&e made the decision to temporarily refrain from f*lfilling my oath$ -hat is not an easy thing for a warrior to do$ /e hold o*r &ows sacred$" "Oh% how gracio*s of yo*%" she said dryly$ "So yo* don.t plan to kill me today% b*t yo* might j*st decide to tomorrow$ ,m I s*pposed to find that reass*ring0" "-here are &alid reasons why I swore my oath$ ,nd aye% yo* sho*ld be gratef*l that I am letting yo* li&e for the now$" She wo*ld take what she co*ld get$ It wasn.t as if she had m*ch to bargain with$ "/hat possible threat co*ld I be to yo*0 /hy wo*ld yo* swear an oath to kill a person yo* didn.t e&en know0" (*t e&en as she asked% she knew the answer to her +*estion whate&er was in the flask was immensely &al*able$ 6erhaps it was a tool to tra&el thro*gh time; that wo*ld certainly e)plain why people were casting c*rses *pon it and willing to kill for it$ 1adn.t he snatched it from her the moment she.d arri&ed0 "8y reasons doona concern yo*$" "I think they do concern me% when yo*r reasons determine whether ! li&e or die$" She knew that oaths were sacred to knights of yore$ 1e had nothing to lose by killing her$ She was a woman lost in time; no one wo*ld miss her$ 4eeping her ali&e created a liability for him% and what wo*ld pre&ent him from s*ddenly changing his mind and honoring his &ow0 She wo*ld not be able to stand li&ing day to day% always wondering if this wo*ld be the day he killed her$ She needed to gain insight into how this warrior tho*ght so that she co*ld plan a defense$ "/hy did yo* decide to break yo*r oath0" "-emporarily%" he corrected stiffly$ "I did not break the oath% I merely ha&e not filled it$

5et$" "-emporarily%" she conceded$ , r*thless m*rderer wo*ld not ha&e bothered to ha&e this con&ersation with her% which meant he had reser&ations abo*t killing her$ Once she knew what they were% she wo*ld e)ploit them to her ad&antage$ "So% why0 Is it beca*se I.m a woman0" If that was the case% she resol&ed% she wo*ld be as feminine as possible from this moment on$ She wo*ld drip &*lnerability% bat her eyelashes% and oo#e helplessness while doing e&erything in her power to steal the flask back and regain the *pper hand$ "-hat is what I tho*ght at first% b*t nay% it is beca*se I doona know if yo* are g*ilty of anything$ I ha&e no problem killing a traitor% b*t I ha&e not yet taken an innocent life and I doona wish to start now$ (*t% :isa% sho*ld I disco&er yo* are g*ilty of anything% no matter how small the transgression" 1e trailed off% b*t his point was perfectly clear$ :isa closed her eyes$ So% he intended to watch her% st*dy her% before he decided whether he wo*ld kill her$ (*t she didn.t ha&e time to be st*died and watched$ 1er mother needed her now$ -ime was of the essence% and if she didn.t find a way back soon% she might lose 'atherine witho*t getting to say good=bye% and there was m*ch she needed to say to her mother still$ She.d been so obsessed with earning eno*gh money to make ends meet% and with maintaining a cheerf*l smile on her face to keep her mom.s spirits *p% that somehow they had +*it talking$ (oth mother and da*ghter had retreated into ca*tio*s pleasantries beca*se the reality was too painf*l$ (*t :isa had always tho*ght there wo*ld be time% a few special ho*rs% maybe a week% in which she stopped going to work% inc*rred more debt% and did what she most wantedstayed at home with 'atherine% holding her hand and talking *ntil the &ery end$ She shook her head% bewildered and more than a little angry at what life had dealt her$ 1ow dare her life keep getting worse0 She stiffened her spine and her eyes flew open$ "I must get back home%" she insisted$ "It is impossible% lass$ >et*rning yo* is not in my power$" "Do yo* know anyone who can0" she p*shed$ "5o* m*st concede% it wo*ld be the best sol*tion$ ,ll o*r problems wo*ld be sol&ed if yo* simply sent me back$" "9ay$ I know no one who has s*ch power$" Did he hesitate briefly0 Or did her desperate need to cling to hope conj*re the ill*sion0 "/hat abo*t the flask0" she said +*ickly$ "/hat if I to*ched" "2orget the flask%" he sho*ted% straightening to his f*ll height and glaring down at her$ "It belongs to me% and I ha&e already told yo* that it cannot ret*rn yo* to yo*r time$ -he flask is my property$ 5o* wo*ld do well to forsake all tho*ght of it and ne&er mention it to me again$"

"I ref*se to belie&e there is no way for me to ret*rn$" "(*t that is the first fact yo* m*st accept$ @ntil yo* acknowledge that yo* cannot ret*rn home% yo* will ha&e no hope of s*r&i&ing here$ One of the first lessons a warrior is ta*ght is that denial of one.s circ*mstances only res*lts in fail*re to recogni#e real danger$ ,nd I ass*re yo*% :isa Stone% there is infinite danger in yo*r present sit*ation$" "5o* don.t scare me%" she said defiantly$ 1e stepped so close that his body br*shed against hers% b*t she ref*sed to back *p an inch$ 2or all she cared% he co*ld stand on top of her% b*t she wo*ld not yield gro*nd; she had a feeling that lost gro*nd was not something a person e&er got back from 'ircenn (rodie$ She ret*rned his glare$ "5o* sho*ld be afraid of me% lass$ 5o* are a fool if yo* are not afraid of me$" "-hen I.m a fool$ If I went thro*gh time once% it can happen again$" "/o*ld that it co*ld% for it wo*ld certainly make my life easier$ -hen I wo*ld not be ca*ght in this dilemma$ (*t I doona know how to make it happen$ (elie&e that m*ch% at least$" :isa fo*nd herself st*dying his face the way he.d searched her eyes moments ago% seeking some way to ga*ge if he was telling her the tr*th$ (*t she was intelligent eno*gh to recogni#e that she was in the defensi&e positionhe being the massi&e and in&incible offense$ She wo*ld be wise not to p*sh him too far$ "-emporary tr*ce0" she offered at last% not meaning a word of it% resol&ed to find the flask at the earliest opport*nity and fight him any way she co*ld$ "5o* will abstain from climbing my walls0" "5o* promise yo* won.t try to kill me witho*t first telling me% so I can ha&e a bit of time to accept it0 , few days wo*ld do%" she co*ntered% postponing the possibility of death any way she co*ld$ "/ill yo* pretend to be co*sin to the (r*ce% as I told my men0" he said gra&ely$ "/ill yo* promise that if there is a way for me to get back home% yo*.ll let me go0 Alive0 she added% stressing the word$ "Say .aye. first% lass%" he demanded$

:isa held her breath for a moment% looking at him$ She had little choice b*t to pledge this bi#arre tr*ce to him$ If she tried to back o*t now% she s*spected they.d be fighting again in a matter of moments$ ",ye%" she mimicked his accent$ 1e st*died her% as if meas*ring the depth of her honesty and commitment to her words$ "-hen aye% lass$ If a way can be fo*nd to ret*rn yo*% I will help yo* do it$" -he corner of his mo*th twitched in a strangely bitter smile$ "It will get yo* the hell o*t of my life and my compromised integrity%" he added softly% more to himself than to her$ "-r*ce%" she accepted$ !ntegrity% she jotted in her mental file of significant facts abo*t 'ircenn (rodie$ It was important to him$ She e)perienced a flash of hope? -he precise knightly characteristics that might dri&e him to f*lfill his oathwhich incl*ded integrity% honor% protection of those weaker than he% and respect and chi&alry toward women co*ld also be pre&ailed *pon to prevent him from doing it$ 4illing a helpless woman wo*ld s*rely not be easy for him$ She knew that sealing an agreement was no small matter to a knight% so she e)tended her hand for the seal of a handshake% not reali#ing how thoro*ghly modern=day the gest*re was$ 1e eyed it for a moment% took it% then pressed it to his lips and kissed it$ :isa snatched back her hand with a scowl$ 1eat tingled where his lips had br*shed her skin$ "5o* offered it%" he snapped$ "-hat wasn.t what Ioh% forget it%" :isa flo*ndered% then e)plained% "/e don.t kiss hands in my time" "(*t we are not in yo*r time$ 5o* are in my time now% lass$ I cannot stress eno*gh how important it is for yo* to remember that% at all times$" 1is &oice was low% his words clipped as if he were irritated by her response$ ",nd so there are no f*rther mis*nderstandings between *s% I will e)plain? Sho*ld yo* offer me a part of yo*r body% lass% I will kiss it$ -hat is what men in my cent*ry do$" 1is smile was mocking% co*ching a none=too=s*btle challenge$ :isa folded her hands behind her back$ "I *nderstand%" she said% casting her ga#e to the floor in a decepti&ely s*bmissi&e manner$ 1e waited for a moment as if not +*ite tr*sting her ac+*iescence% b*t when she didn.t raise her eyes again% he t*rned toward the door$ "7ood$ 9ow we need to find yo* decent clothing and teach yo* how to be a proper fo*rteenth=cent*ry lass$ -he better yo* blend in% the less risk yo* will face% and the less risky yo*r presence will be for me$" "I will not empty chamber pots%" she said firmly$

1e looked at her as if she.d lost her mind$ BBB 'ircenn ret*rned :isa to his chambers% had hot water sent *p for her to wash with% then went off in search of clothing for her$ 'hamber pots% indeed$ Did she think they were so barbaric that they did not ha&e garderobes0 'hamber pots were *sed only for noct*rnal emergencies% primarily by children and the infirm% and in his opinion there was no reason why anyone co*ld not manage to make it down the hallway% *nless they were possessed of e)treme la#iness and lack of discipline$ 1e snorted% foc*sing his mind on the task at hand$ 1e co*ldn.t gi&e her r*n of the keep *ntil he.d managed to hide some of those c*r&es and long legs beneath the *gliest gown he co*ld find$ 1is men needed no distractions$ 1e gathered the maids and instr*cted them to proc*re a gown% all the while brooding o&er what to do with her$ /hen he.d +*estioned :isa last night% he.d nearly beg*n to belie&e she was innocent$ She had a disarming air abo*t her% an altit*de of sincerity$ 1e.d rela)ed a bit% e&en glimpsed a wry h*mor in their con&ersation$ -hen she.d admitted that she was from the f*t*re% and he.d reali#ed that his c*rse had inad&ertently carried her thro*gh time$ ,ltho*gh it had st*nned him% it made sense? 1er strange <nglish% her odd clothing% her mention of co*ntries of which he.d ne&er heard% all were e)plained by her being from the f*t*re$ 1e co*ld certainly *nderstand her people fleeing <ngland% he tho*ght wryly who wo*ldn.t want to0 It didn.t s*rprise him that in the f*t*re% <ngland was still trying to control e&eryone$ 1e la*ghed softly% thinking that she didn.t know how l*cky she was that she.d been bro*ght to him and not some other medie&al lord$ 'ircenn accepted time tra&el% b*t he was an e)treme e)ception$ ,ny other laird wo*ld ha&e b*rned her for a witch$ (*t then again% he tho*ght dryly% no other laird wo*ld ha&e had the power to c*rse the damned flask to begin with$ It was d*e to ,dam (lack that he was familiar with the art of sifting time$ ,dam did it fre+*ently% had often spoken of other cent*ries% and he.d bro*ght 'ircenn odd "gifts" in some of his attempts to b*y the laird.s loyalty and obedience$ -hey were gifts 'ircenn had ref*sed% b*t when ,dam wo*ldn.t take them back% he had locked them sec*rely in a pri&ate room off his chambers% not tr*sting their powers$ 1e knew that ,dam was trying to tempt him% hoping to make him become like ,dama thing 'ircenn wo*ld destroy himself before permitting that to happen$ -he lass had been wearing one of those strange "gifts" fastened abo*t her wrist% before 'ircenn had slipped it from her arm in their str*ggle last night$ 1e.d inspected it later; it was what ,dam had once called a "watch$" ,dam had fo*nd it endlessly am*sing% saying

it was how mortals co*nted their "pathetic span of life$" 1er watch seemed to confirm her story$ If he belie&ed her &ersion of e&ents% his chest had washed down the ri&er% s*rfacing in some remote area$ It had not been fo*nd% and% o&er time% nat*re had b*ried it$ 1*ndreds of years had passed before it had been d*g *p% and when she.d to*ched it% it had bro*ght her back to him$ /as it possible that in the f*t*re% men still so*ght the hallows and the secret of the flask as a&aricio*sly as they did in his cent*ry0 /as it possible she had come there to *nco&er the treas*res of the "uatha de anaan and the -emplars0 1e might ha&e s*spected ,dam.s in&ol&ement in this% b*t for two reasons? -here was no point in ,dam.s bringing to him a woman he was forsworn to kill% and ,dam didn.t manip*late e&ents *nless there was a &ery specific thing he wanted to gain from his de&io*s machinations$ 'ircenn co*ldn.t see one possible thing ,dam might be after in this tangle$ -he flask and the hallows already belonged to ,dam.s race; 'ircenn was merely the g*ardian$ ,dam had already shaped 'ircenn as he wantedthere was nothing more he co*ld possibly hope to "change" abo*t the laird of (rodie$ 9o% 'ircenn m*sed% there was nothing of ,dam in this$ (*t the lass might be in leag*e with the "employers" she.d mentioned; she co*ld well be from a treachero*s f*t*re% after his secrets$ 1e wo*ld ha&e to watch her% st*dy her% keep her near$ It wo*ld take time% and time was a l*)*ry he co*ld ill afford in the thick of an ongoing war$ (esides% he brooded% any time spent in the lass.s presence was a slow tort*re$ :oath tho*gh he was to admit it% he was s*sceptible where she was concerned$ St*nning% pro*d% sens*al% and intelligent% the woman wo*ld be a formidable foeor a &al*ed ally$ 1e hadn.t met a woman like her in cent*ries$ 2urse me home% she.d said$ 'ircenn snorted% recalling her plea$ -he only person who co*ld send her back home was the one person who wo*ld kill her instantly if he knew she was there? ,dam$ 1e certainly co*ldn.t call on ,dam and ask him to send the woman home% nor co*ld he risk meeting with ,dam to dig for cl*es as to whether he was somehow in&ol&ed$ -he blackest elf was far too cle&er to be probed% e&en by 'ircenn$ 1e was acting against e&erything he had li&ed by% all his caref*l r*les designed to keep him h*man; he was breaking an oath% defending a person who co*ld be a spy% lying to his men$ 1e was taking a h*ge risk by letting her li&e% and if he was wrong Sighing% he finished gi&ing orders and headed off for the kitchen to prepare his men for the introd*ction of :isa 8ac>obertson% co*sin to >obert the (r*ce$ ,dam (lack didn.t bother to materiali#e$ 1e remained in&isible% a wisp of s*ltry air lightly scented with jasmine and sandalwood% dogging 'ircenn.s footsteps% cons*med by c*riosity$ -hat perfect paragon of a man'ircenn (rodie% who.d ne&er broken a r*le% ne&er betrayed a weakness% not once wa&ered on rigid iss*es of moralitywas breaking a

sworn oath and willf*lly decei&ing his men$ ,ascinating% ,dam mar&eled$ 1e.d long tho*ght the laird of (rodie had no breaking point% and had nearly despaired of e&er finding the proper catalyst$ 1e sensed that 'ircenn didn.t belie&e ,dam was in&ol&ed in his present tangle% beca*se he co*ldn.t pinpoint anything ,dam might want$ ,dam smiled faintly$ 'ircenn hated being manip*lated$ It was best that the laird of (rodie remain blissf*lly *naware that ,dam had caref*lly orchestrated e&ery mo&e in this game% and was playing for the highest stakes of all$ CHAPTER 8 lisa stepped into the go+n and t*rned to face the polished metal propped against the wall$ She.d been s*rprised when a mirror had been bro*ght to her chamber$ Sifting thro*gh her history st*dies% she recalled that mirrors dated as far back as <gyptian times% perhaps earlier$ She knew the >omans had constr*cted sophisticated sewage systems tho*sands of years ago% so why sho*ld a mere mirror s*rprise her0 It was too bad she co*ldn.t help them redisco&er pl*mbing% she m*sed$ She r*bbed at the soot on the chipped metal *ntil it re&ealed her shadowy reflection$ -he soft dress cl*ng to her hips% so f*ll of static it crackled$ She str*ggled for a moment% trying to p*ll it *p o&er her sho*lders% b*t the gown had been made for someone considerably smaller than she$ ,ltho*gh she was slim% she was tall and had f*ll breasts; half of her wo*ldn.t fit in the dress$ Sighing% she slipped the gown from her hips and stepped o*t of it$ She was mo&ing toward the bed to retrie&e her jeans when the door opened$ "I bro*ght yo*" -he words terminated abr*ptly$ She whirled aro*nd to find 'ircenn fro#en in the doorway% his ga#e fi)ed on her% a cloak tossed o&er his arm$ It slipped to the floor% *nheeded$ -hen he stepped into the room and kicked the door sh*t behind him$ "/hat manner of dress ha&e yo* donned0" he th*ndered$ 1is dark eyes glittered as they swept her body from head to toe$ 1e s*cked in a ro*gh breath$ :isa shi&ered$ 1e would ha&e to catch her standing there in the only fri&olo*s thing she owned% a pair of la&ender bikini panties and a matching lace p*sh=*p bra that >*by had gi&en her for her birthday$ ,nd skin$ ,nd a damp ner&o*sness she attrib*ted to fear$ 1e stalked to her side and slipped a finger beneath the delicate lace edging one c*p of her bra$ "/hat is this0" "It it OhA" She co*ldn.t form a coherent sentence$ 1is ringer lay against her pale skin% and she was mesmeri#ed by the contrast in colors and te)t*res$ 1e had large hands%

call*sed and strong from swordplay% with elegant fingers% one of which now rested against the smooth swell of her breast$ She closed her eyes$ "(ra%" she managed$ 7rasping at formality% she pretended she was gi&ing a history lesson in re&erse% teaching him what the f*t*re held? "It.s a garment designed t=to protect a woman.s% yo* know% and k=keeps them from% well% yo* know" "9ay% I doona think I know at all%" he said softly% his lips a few breaths from meeting hers$ "/hy doona yo* enlighten me% lass0" 1er breath ca*ght in her throat with a small gaspa cons*mmately feminine so*nd% and she c*rsed herself silently for it$ 5ust pant, why don't you0 she berated herself$ -hey were scant% dangero*s inches from f*ll body contact% his finger t*gging gently at the edging of her bra$ She was ac*tely aware of her near n*dity% of her nipples beneath the thin fabric in perilo*s pro)imity to his hands% and the fact that he wore nothing more than a drape of easily discarded cloth$ She felt electricity race thro*gh her body e&erywhere his ga#e skimmed$ If he ripped off his plaid and co&ered her body with his% wo*ld she ha&e the strength to protest0 /o*ld she e&en want to0 1ow co*ld her body betray her to a man who was her enemy0 "-he gown was too small%" she managed$ "I see$ ,nd yo* ast*tely concl*ded this wo*ld co&er more of yo*0" "I was j*st abo*t to p*t my j=jeans back on%" she informed his chest$ "I think not$ 9ot *ntil yo* tell me what this"he r*gged lightly at the strap"keeps yo*r .yo* knows. from doing$" 'as he teasing her0 She forced herself to meet his ga#e and instantly wished she hadn.t$ 1is dark eyes were intensely se)*al% his lips parted in a faint smile$ "Drooping when yo* get older$" -he words escaped her in a r*sh of air$ 1e tossed his head back and la*ghed$ /hen he lowered his head she saw the *nner&ing intensity in his eyes% and she reali#ed he was aro*sed$ +y her$ -he knowledge asto*nded her$ She.d decided that his kiss last night and his inn*endos today had simply been part of his strategy% b*t now% looking at him% she *nderstood that he had a fierce physical reaction to her% possibly as painf*l as her attraction to him$ It was sim*ltaneo*sly a heady feeling and a frightening one$ She had a s*dden premonition that if she ga&e him the slightest indication of her interest% he wo*ld descend *pon her with the gale force of a Saharan sirocco% e&ery bit as hot and de&astating$ 1*ngry for it% aching with ine)perience and c*riosity% she wanted desperately to disco&er what a man like 'ircenn (rodie might do to a woman$

(*t she dared not e)plore that desire$ She wo*ld be as a lamb to the sla*ghter$ She had ne&er been romanced% and the laird of (rodie co*ld sed*ce a saint% she tho*ght$ ,ltho*gh she.d wanted him to be aware of her as a woman% thinking it might make him more protecti&e of her% she had a dreadf*l feeling that she wo*ld lose herself entirely if he kissed her again$ 1e was j*st too o&erwhelming$ She had to def*se the se)*al chemistry between them% and the best way to do that was to get her clothing back on$ She dropped to her knees% l*nging for the gown pooled at her feet% b*t he mo&ed in flawless accord and she ended *p kneeling nose to nose with him% and he was holding her dress$ -hey stared at each other while she co*nted her heartbeats; she.d reached twenty before he fa&ored her with a slow smile$ -ension crackled in the air between them$ "5o* are a bea*ty% lass$" 1e c*pped her cheek with his hand and swept a light kiss across her lips before she co*ld protest$ ":ong legs% bea*tif*l hair"he slipped his hand into it% letting silky strands sweep thro*gh his fingers"and fire in yo*r eyes$ I ha&e seen many bonny lasses b*t I doona belie&e I ha&e e&er enco*ntered one +*ite like yo*$ 5o* make me think I might disco&er parts of myself I doona know e)ist$ /hat am I to do with yo*0" 1e waited% his lips mere inches from hers$ ":et me get dressed%" she breathed$ 1e searched her face intently$ She held her breath then% terrified that if she opened her mo*th she wo*ld cry% $es- "ouch me, feel me, love me, damn it, because ! don't know what it feels like any more to forget that ! hurt and that my mother is dyingA Often% d*ring her mother.s illness% :isa had fo*nd herself longing for a boyfriend% a lo&er? someone she co*ld take her bartered heart to and c*rl *p with% e&en if only for an ho*r% for the ill*sion of sec*rity% warmth% and lo&e$ 9ow% half terrified% worried abo*t her mother dying alone% she had a per&erse imp*lse to seek shelter in the arms of the &ery man sworn to kill her$ on't try to use a +and%Aid on your heart, )isa% 'atherine wo*ld ha&e reminded her% had she been there$ ,ny sense of sec*rity or intimacy with him wo*ld be nothing b*t an ill*sion$ She needed to keep her mind clear% not filled with romantic fancy abo*t some medie&al 1ighland laird who might decide to kill her tomorrow$ 1e dropped his hand from her hair% skimming her collarbone and c*r&ing his fingers o&er the lacy scallop of her bra$ 1e st*died the sheer fabric with fascination% his ga#e caressing the *plifted c*r&es of her breasts% the deeper shadow of her clea&age$ ":ook at me% lass%" he whispered$ :isa raised her eyes to his and wondered what he saw in them$ 1esitation0 '*riosity0 Desire she co*ldn.t hide0

/hate&er it was he saw in her eyes% it wasn.t a 5es% and this man was a pro*d one$ 1e traced a finger down the hollow between her breasts and the smile he ga&e her held a sadness she co*ldn.t fathom$ "I will send someone to fetch yo* another gown% lass%" he said$ -hen he left the room$ :isa sank to the floor% cl*tching the gown$ ear heavens% she tho*ght% what am ! going to do0 BBB 'ircenn stomped from her room% his mood worsening by the moment$ 1is body ached from head to toe with the effort of being gentle with the lass$ 1is face felt stiff from smiling gently6 his fingers clenched and *nclenched from to*ching the swell of her breasts gently$ 1is body rebelled at his gracio*s% honorable% gentle retreat from her room% and the man within him that had been born into the world fi&e h*ndred years ago roared that the woman was his% by DagdaA 7entleness be damnedA In the ninth cent*ry a man had not askeda man had takenA In the ninth cent*ry a woman had been amenable% gratef*l to find s*ch a fierce protector and able pro&ider$ 'ircenn la*ghed softly% bitterly$ 1e.d been far too long witho*t a woman to end*re s*ch torment$ /hen he.d walked into the room% carrying the cloak that wo*ld ha&e drowned her in its o&ersi#ed folds% his mind had been foc*sed solely *pon co&ering as m*ch of her as possibleonly to find her clad in nothing b*t two lacy% ga*#y pieces of fabric$ /ith little bowsA (y Dagda% a tiny satin ribbon had perched ja*ntily between her breasts% and another at the front of the silky fabric that slipped between her legs$ )ike a gift% he tho*ght$ 7ntie my bows and see what ! have to give you 1e.d tried to look away$ -o spin on his heel and lea&e the room% ref*sing himself the pleas*re of &iewing her lo&ely body$ 1e.d sternly reminded himself of r*le n*mber fo*r no physical intimacy$ (*t it had done him no good$ >*le n*mber fo*r seemed to ha&e become +*ite friendly with r*le n*mber onene&er break an oathand was co#ying *p nicely to r*le n*mber twodo not lie$ /hat a crowd they were becoming% his broken r*les$ Seeing her clad in s*ch a fashion had been worse than if he.d ca*ght her in complete *ndress$ 9*de% his h*ngry eyes co*ld ha&e feasted *pon e&ery cre&ice and hollow of her body; b*t those pieces of fabric had been c*nningly designed to tort*re a man with the promise of the pri&ate slopes and hollows% while granting none of them$ Secrets lay beneath that fabric$ /ere her nipples ro*nd d*sky coins or p*ckered coral b*ds0 /as her hair golden and copper there% too0 If he had dropped to the floor at her feet% closed his hands aro*nd her ankles% and kissed his way *p her long% lo&ely legs% wo*ld she ha&e moaned softly% or was she silent when she made lo&e0 9ay% he decided abr*ptly% :isa

Stone wo*ld so*nd like a lioness mating when he took her$ &ood$ 1e liked that in a woman$ She.d made him feel like a h*ngry animal% caged by his own r*les% and all the more dangero*s for it$ 2or a few moments% l*st had risen so f*rio*sly that he.d feared he might drag her beneath his body% *ncaring whether she wished it$ Instead% he.d clenched his shaking hands behind his back% dropping the cloak to the floor and thinking of his mother% 8organna% who wo*ld ha&e disowned him e&en for thinking abo*t taking by force that which m*st be gifted$ 9e&er had he felt so nearly &iolent with desire$ She had ro*sed deep% primiti&e feelings in him? possessi&eness% jealo*sy that another man might see her clad th*s% a need to hear her say his name and ga#e at him with appro&al and desire$ 'ircenn drew a deep breath% held it *ntil his heart slowed% then released it$ 9ow that he knew what was beneath her clothingno matter what gown he made her wearhow wo*ld he be able to look at her again witho*t seeing in his mind the endless e)panse of silken skin0 -he gentle swells of her breasts% the tight nipples peaking the sheer ga*#e% the slight mo*nd between her thighs$ -hwarted desire translated well into rage$ 1e stomped down the stairs to the kitchen% determined to find ,lesone or 2loria and ha&e one of them see to it that the lass was properly attired$ -hen he wo*ld send one of the Do*glas brothers to teach her abo*t their time% something he sho*ld ha&e done himself% b*t he simply co*ldn.t tr*st himself near her at the moment$ 1e wo*ld go train with his men and release some of his fr*stration in the p*re% clean joy of swinging a hea&y sword% gr*nting and c*rsing$ ,nd he wo*ld not entertain one more erotic tho*ght for the remainder of the day$ Shaking his head% he b*rst into the kitchen$ It took him only an instant to reali#e that none of his plans for the day was going to go right$ In fact% the day seemed to ha&e taken on a de&ilish persona% determined to mock him$ 1e drew to an abr*pt halt% hastily a&erting his ga#e from the sight of the ro*nded and fl*shed bare bottom gripped in D*ncan Do*glas.s hands$ ,lesone had one long leg wrapped aro*nd D*ncan.s waist% her arms twined aro*nd his neck and her skirts tossed *p to her sho*lders$ -he foot that remained on the floor was arched *pon the tips of her toes% as D*ncan.s hands g*ided her against him in a steady% intense rhythm$ -he low% sens*al so*nds of passion filled the room% soft intakes of air% h*sky m*rm*rs of pleas*re% and damned if D*ncan wasn.t emitting a deeply satisfied so*nd with each thr*st$ "Oh% for 'hrist.s sakeA" 'ircenn roared% glancing at the ceiling% the walls% the floor anywhere b*t at ,lesone.s shapely derriere$ "D*ncanA ,lesoneA 7et o*t of the kitchenA -ake it to the rooms *pstairsA 5o* know I ha&e r*les

",h% yes% the legendary (rodie r*les%" D*ncan said dryly$ 1e stopped rocking the maid against him with more leis*re than 'ircenn appreciated$ "/hich incl*de among them? /hen knights are in residence% no t*pping in the kitchen$" ,lesone made a soft so*nd of protest at being interr*pted$ "I eat in hereA" 'ircenn th*ndered% feeling entirely too p*t *pon$ "So does D*ncan%" ,lesone p*rred s*ggesti&ely$ She slid her leg down from D*ncan.s waist slowly% gi&ing 'ircenn a good% long look$ /ith a coy smile% she dropped a lid onto the honey pot perched on the table near D*ncan$ 'ircenn did not want to know what they.d been doing with the honey% and his e)pression m*st ha&e clearly said as m*ch% for D*ncan b*rst into la*ghter$ "<)c*se *s% 'in$" 1e grinned as he dropped ,lesone.s skirts with one hand% sw*ng her *p into his arms% and swept her from the kitchen$ Images of one=person=in=partic*lar.s bare% ro*nded bottom assa*lted him$ 'ircenn kicked o*t a chair% dropped his head on the table% and reconsidered killing the lass j*st to p*t himself o*t of his misery$ CHAPTER 9 r*by took the stairs to the stones. apartment two at a time% b*t slowed her stride when she reached the third floor and proceeded down the dimly lit corridor$ , colorf*l welcome matone of :isa.s determinedly optimistic to*chesbrightened the appearance of the dismal door with its chips of peeling brown paint c*rling *p from the *nderlying gray metal$ ,6-$ =7 dangled at a lopsided slant from a single screw$ >*by raised her hand to knock b*t fo*nd herself straightening the sign instead% then dropped her fist to her side$ She was dreading this &isit$ -wining a strand of hair aro*nd a ner&o*s finger% she reminded herself that :isa always faced things head=on; the least she co*ld do was em*late her$ /hen she raised her hand again% she knocked firmly$ <li#abeth% the day n*rse% opened it and *shered her in$ ":isa0 Is that yo*% darling0" 'atherine called% a note of hope in her &oice$ "9o% 8rs$ Stone$ It.s j*st me% >*by%" she replied as she crossed the small li&ing room and t*rned down the narrow hallway to the bedroom$ <ntering the co#y room% she sank into a chair ne)t to 'atherine.s bed and wondered where to begin$ She pl*cked idly at the half= finished patchwork +*ilt resting on the arm of the chair$ 1ow was she going to break the latest news to :isa.s mom0 'atherine was critically ill% her da*ghter had disappeared% and now >*by had e&en worse news for her$

"/hat did the man at the m*se*m say0" 'atherine asked an)io*sly$ >*by smoothed her hair and shifted in her seat$ "/o*ld yo* like some tea% honey0" she e&aded$ 'atherine.s green eyes% *ptilted and once as bright as her da*ghter.s% met >*by.s with a cool reminder that she wasn.t dead yet and wasn.t st*pid either$ "/hat did yo* find o*t% >*by0 Don.t try to distract me with tea$ 1as anyone seen my da*ghter0" >*by gently r*bbed her eyes with her fingertips% caref*l not to smear her mascara$ She.d been *p most of the night and wondered for the tenth time how :isa had managed to s*r&i&e working two jobs for so long$ She had been closing at the cl*b when she recei&ed an *rgent message from 8rs$ Stone saying that :isa had been missing since the night before last$ She had immediately phoned the police% then gone to the m*se*m to see if :isa had arri&ed at work last nightwhich she hadn.tthen gone directly to the police station after speaking with that horse.s ass Steinmann$ -he officer had d*tif*lly filed a missing person.s report% which had been amended in a matter of ho*rs by a warrant for :isa Stone.s arrest$ "9o one has seen her since night before last%" >*by informed 'atherine$ "-he m*se*m.s sec*rity cameras ha&e her on tape$ -he last recorded image of her is o*tside Steinmann.s office$" "So at least we know that she made it to work the night yo* saw her at the b*s stop%" 'atherine said$ "Do the cameras show her lea&ing that night0" "9o$ -hat.s what.s so strange$ 1er slicker is still hanging by the door% and none of the cameras register her lea&ing$ -here are no cameras in Steinnman.s office% b*t he was +*ick to point o*t that there.s a window she might ha&e *sed$" ,nd +*icker to make heino*s acc*sations that >*by knew weren.t tr*e$ (*t how was she to pro&e it% and where on earth was :isa0 She didn.t mention to 'atherine that she.d gone to the police a second time% then had called e&ery hospital within a si)ty=mile radi*s% praying there were no Gane Does; blessedly% there hadn.t been$ "Isn.t Steinmann.s office on the third floor0" 'atherine asked% perple)ed$ "5es$ (*t he promptly pointed o*t that :isa took rappelling when she was yo*nger$ I g*ess she listed that on her application as one of her hobbies$ I know she was pretty pro*d of that skill$" >*by shifted in her chair and took a deep breath$ "8rs$ Stone% there.s an artifact missing from the m*se*m% and" "-hey.&e acc*sed my da*ghter of stealing%" 'atherine said tightly$ "Is that what yo*.re telling me0"

"1er er disappearance does make things look bad$ ,ccording to Steinmann and his tr*sty tapes% he and a colleag*e entered his office se&eral ho*rs after :isa had$ -he door wasn.t locked and initially he tho*ght she.d simply failed to lock *p$ 9ow he thinks she was hiding in the office% took the artifact after they left% and slipped o*t the window$" "/hat is this artifact0" "-hey won.t say$ It seems they aren.t completely certain what it was$" "8y da*ghter is not a thief%" 'atherine said stiffly$ "I will go speak with them$" "'atherine% let me handle this for yo*$ 5o* can.t get *p" "I ha&e a wheelchairA" She gripped the sides of her hospital bed with thin hands and tried to p*sh herself *p$ "'atherine% honey%" >*by said% her heart breaking$ "/e.ll find her$ I promise$ ,nd we.ll clear her name$" She placed her hand o&er 'atherine.s% gently loosening her grip on the rails$ "/e both know :isa wo*ld ne&er do something like this$ /e.ll find a way to pro&e it$" "8y da*ghter wo*ld ne&er steal and she certainly wo*ldn.t lea&e meA" 'atherine snapped$ "She should lea&e me% b*t she wo*ldn.t$" -he s*dden b*rst of anger drained her% and she lay still for a moment$ She drew a sh*ddering breath% then said faintly% "Steinnman pressed charges% didn.t he0 -here.s a warrant o*t for her% isn.t there0" >*by flinched$ "5es$" 'atherine inclined her head stiffly% then sank back against the pillows and closed her eyes$ She was silent for so long that >*by wondered if she.d fallen asleep$ /hen she spoke again there was steel in her &oice? "8y da*ghter did not steal anything% and she.s in great tro*ble$ :isa is too responsible not to come home *nless something awf*l happened to her$" 'atherine opened her eyes$ ">*by% I hate to ask anything more of yo*% b*t for :isa" >*by didn.t hesitate$ "-here.s no need for apologies% honey% yo* know I lo&e :isa like a sister$ @ntil she comes homeand she will be fo*nd and clearedI.ll be spending most of my time here$ She may call or try to get a message to yo*% and someone who can mo&e at the drop of a hat needs to be here in case she does$" "(*t yo* ha&e yo*r own life" 'atherine said gently$ >*by.s eyes filled with tears$ 'atherine.s health had deteriorated rapidly since she.d last seen her% the night they had gone o*t to celebrate :isa.s birthday$ She clasped 'atherine.s

hand in hers and said firmly% "/e.re going to find her% 'atherine% and I.m hanging aro*nd *ntil we do$ I won.t hear any arg*ments abo*t it$ /e.ll find her$" !f she's still alive% >*by tho*ght% with a silent prayer$ CHAPTER 10 d*ncan whistled a li&ely t*ne as he made his way to 'ircenn.s chambers$ -hings had become +*ite interesting since the lass from the f*t*re had arri&ed$ 'ircenn had willf*lly broken an oath and lied% and that% in D*ncan.s mind% was nearly ca*se for celebration$ <&en 7alan had conceded o&er breakfast this morning that it was something of a breakthro*gh$ ,ltho*gh 7alan had p*shed 'ircenn to f*lfill his &ow last night% this morning he.d admitted to D*ncan that he hadn.t seen 'ircenn (rodie +*ite so off balance in years$ 9or had he seen s*ch a look of fascination on his face as he.d glimpsed when he.d b*rst into 'ircenn.s chambers last night$ 7alan had agreed with D*ncan that the lass might be the best thing that co*ld ha&e happened to 'ircenn% shaking *p his rigid r*les% forcing him to +*estion himself$ <ighteen generations of Do*glases had ser&ed the immortal laird of (rodie% and in the past few generations there had been m*ch talk and deep concern abo*t his increasing withdrawal$ -he Do*glases were worried abo*t him$ In the not=so=distant past% the laird of (rodie had presided o&er the co*rts of his ele&en manors$ (*t he hadn.t done so in o&er a cent*ry% lea&ing it to the &ario*s knights he.d appointed in his place to settle his people.s disp*tes$ It *sed to be that the laird of (rodie had acti&ely ridden o*t to his &illages% talked with and been well ac+*ainted with his people$ 9ow D*ncan wasn.t s*re 'ircenn co*ld identify one of his own &illagers if he stood before him$ 2or the past h*ndred years% 'ircenn had spent most of his time tra&eling from co*ntry to co*ntry% fighting other people.s wars% and ne&er being to*ched by any of it$ 1e had only ret*rned to Scotland to join the fight for his motherland when >obert the (r*ce had been crowned king by Isabel% 'o*ntess of (*chan% at Scone$ D*ncan.s @ncle -omas arg*ed that the laird of (rodie needed to wed% that it wo*ld draw him back into the joys of life$ (*t 'ircenn ref*sed to wed again% and they co*ld hardly force him$ D*ncan.s father had settled for trying to get him to be intimate with a woman% b*t it seemed that 'ircenn (rodie had taken another of his abs*rd oaths and sworn off intimacy$ 'ircenn.s origins were lost in the mists of time% and the few times D*ncan had +*estioned him abo*t how he.d come to be immortal% the laird had grown tacit*rn% ref*sing to disc*ss it$ (*t while sharing e)cessi&e +*antities of whisky with 'ircenn one night% D*ncan had come to *nderstand a bit of why 'ircenn had decided not to become in&ol&ed with another woman$ -wo h*ndred and twenty=eight years ago% 'ircenn.s second wife had died at the age of forty=eight% and 'ircenn had admitted% in a whisky=ind*ced confidence% that he simply ref*sed to watch another wife die$

"So% j*st t*p e&ery now and then%" D*ncan had offered$ 'ircenn had sighed$ "I cannot$ I cannot seem to keep my heart from following where my body goes$ If I am interested eno*gh in a woman to take her to my bed% I want more of her$ I want her o*t of my bed% too$" D*ncan had been shaken by that comment$ "So spend time with her *ntil it wears off%" he.d said easily$ 'ircenn had shot him a dark look$ "1a&e yo* ne&er met a woman with whom it did not wear off0 , woman with whom yo* went to sleep at night% with the scent of her in yo*r nostrils% and woke *p in the morning wanting her as badly as yo* wanted to breathe0" "9ay%" D*ncan had ass*red him$ ":asses are merely lasses$ 5o* attrib*te too m*ch significance to it$ It is simply t*pping$" (*t it was not simply t*pping to the laird of (rodie% and D*ncan knew that$ :ately% "simply t*pping" wasn.t scratching D*ncan.s endless itch% either$ 1e wondered if it might be related to agingthat as a man grew older% indiscriminate intimacy began to chafe rather than to soothe$ >ecently% D*ncan had s*rprised himself by lingering with a wench past the d*ration of their physical intimacy% prolonging the afterglow% e&en asking +*estions besides "/hen is yo*r h*sband e)pected back0" Damned *nner&ing was what that was$ 1e shr*gged% p*shing the tho*ght from his mind with a more pleas*rable m*sing abo*t 'ircenn$ 1e had bet 7alan his best horse that 'ircenn co*ldn.t bring himself to kill the woman from the f*t*re% and it was a bet he planned to collect on$ -he laird of (rodie needed to come back to life% and perhaps the *n*s*al lass was the one to help him do it$ BBB :isa sat in the window of her room in 'ircenn.s chambers% ga#ing o*t at the afternoon$ (ehind a thick bank of clo*ds% the s*n had passed midpoint and beg*n its slow descent toward the ocean$ She instincti&ely glanced at her wrist to see what time it was and reali#ed she didn.t ha&e her watch on$ She tried to recall if she.d had it on at the m*se*m b*t wasn.t certain$ She often took it off and p*t it in her coat pocket when she cleaned% so it wo*ldn.t get wet or dirty$ She imagined she m*st ha&e done so two nights ago and% ca*ght *p in her c*rrent mess% simply hadn.t tho*ght abo*t it since then$

She inhaled deeply% enjoying the crisp% salt air$ !'m at unnottar% she tho*ght% her ama#ement in no way diminished by twenty=fo*r consec*ti&e ho*rs in the keep$ She.d seen pict*res of it% and one in partic*lar had been etched into her memory% a black=and= white shot in which the enormo*s bl*ff towered *p from the misty sea$ It had looked a gothic% romantic place% and more than once :isa had dreamed of someday going to Scotland to see it$ She knew from the photo that the bl*ff was s*rro*nded by ocean on three sides% connected to the mainland by a land bridge that she s*rmised was behind the keep$ She knew also that D*nnottar had been taken by the <nglish repeatedly% then reclaimed by the Scots% and that the (r*ce had de&eloped the habit of b*rning down e&ery Scottish castle he reclaimed to pre&ent the <nglish from taking it again$ :isa had st*died this period of history% snatching time to read on the sh*ttle b*s% and had mo*rned the loss of so many glorio*s castles% b*t she conceded that the (r*ce had been smart to do what he.d done$ -he Scots had b*ilt cle&erly defensible castles; when the <nglish took them% their men became nearly in&incible$ (y destroying the stone keeps% the (r*ce forced the battles led by <dward II to b*ild their own fortresses% which were not nearly as defensible$ /hile the <nglish wasted an immense amo*nt of time and reso*rces b*ilding their own strongholds in Scotland% the (r*ce gained time to replenish his forces and ro*se the co*ntry$ "his is 898: ScotlandA :isa mar&eled$ -here wo*ld be a decisi&e battle at (annockb*rn only a few months away% in which the (r*ce reso*ndingly defeated <ngland% finally t*rning the war in Scotland.s fa&or$ , sharp knock on the door interr*pted her tho*ghts$ >ising +*ickly% she tripped o&er the hem of her gown$ ,t least this one fit her% she tho*ght% b*t it certainly was *ncomfortable$ She s*spected that part of 'ircenn.s desire to see her properly attired was beca*se she wo*ldn.t be able to climb walls in s*ch clothing$ "'oming%" she said% snatching a wad of the fabric in her hand$ She raised it from the floor% crossed the room% and opened the door$ , man clad in a plaid of gray and cobalt stood in the doorway$ 1is m*sc*lar arms were brown and bare% and he had the highly de&eloped m*sc*lat*re of a dancer$ -here wasn.t one o*nce of flesh on his body that wasn.t necessary$ 1is dark hair was loose aro*nd his face and br*shed his sho*lders$ 1e wore a braid at each temple% and when he grinned he flashed straight white teeth% altho*gh his nose looked as if it had been broken a time or two$ 1is alert% mischie&o*s dark eyes st*died her% and his sens*al mo*th c*r&ed appreciati&ely$ "I am D*ncan Do*glas% lass$ 'ircenn asked me to teach yo* a bit abo*t o*r time so yo* might fit in$" 1is ga#e tra&eled the length of her body$ "I see they fo*nd a gown that fits yo*$ 5o* look lo&ely% lass$" "'ome in%" :isa said% feeling a bit short of breath$ /hile D*ncan didn.t compare to 'ircenn (rodie% she knew a do#en women in her time who wo*ld ha&e gone absol*tely n*ts o&er him$

D*ncan entered and glanced abo*t the room$ "(y Dagda% it.s as tidy as all his chambers$" 1e snorted$ "Doona yo* wish to mess things *p in here a bit0 8aybe n*dge the tapestry so it hangs crooked0 In&ite spiders in% to wea&e great drooping cobwebs in the corners and collect d*st0 ,ss*ming% of co*rse% d*st possessed the effrontery to gather in the laird of (rodie.s chambers$ ,t times I s*spect e&en the elements dare not cross him$" 1e walked to the perfectly co&ered bed with the neatly folded throws$ 6l*nging his arms beneath the co&ers% he p*shed them into a ball$ "/o*ldn.t yo* like to j*st r*mple the bed a bit and defy his sense of order0" :isa begr*dged a smile$ It was reass*ring to hear someone poke f*n at the disciplined laird of (rodie$ -he neatness of the room had annoyed her$ -he bed had been so tightly t*cked that she.d had to peel the blankets down to sleep in it last night$ She.d left them in a tangle% b*t when she.d ret*rned from descending the wall% it had been perfectly remade% daring her to sleep so wantonly again$ "5es%" she agreed$ ",ye%" he corrected$ ",ye and nay and t*p and doona$" "I hardly think I will be *sing the word t*p%" she said% embarrassed$ 1e looked her *p and down$ "/ell% yo* sho*ld$ 5o* are a lo&ely lass% and if e&er I met a man who needed to t*p% it is 'ircenn (rodie$" :isa +*ickly masked her s*rprise$ She.d percei&ed the laird as a man who wo*ld t*p with great fre+*ency$ "It almost so*nds as if yo*.re enco*raging me$ Don.t yo* wish to kill me too0" D*ncan snorted and% p*shing the blankets into a comfortable pillow% dropped himself onto the bed$ "@nlike 'ircenn and my brothers% I doona see e&erything in terms of plots and co*nterplots$ Sometimes bad things happen to good people$ I consider people innocent% *nless pro&en g*ilty$ 5o*r appearance with the flask does not necessarily signify g*ilt$ (esides% he said yo* handed the flask o&er to him when he asked for it$" 1e eyed her tho*ghtf*lly$ "1e said yo* st*mbled *pon it in a place that displays artifacts$ 5o* m*st be +*ite shocked by all of this$" "-hank yo*%" :isa e)claimed$ "5o*.re the only person who has gi&en any tho*ght to how I m*st feel$" "I always consider how a woman feels%" he replied smoothly$ :isa had no do*bt of that% b*t she sensed that entering a flirtatio*s con&ersation with D*ncan Do*glas might be a street with no @=t*rns permitted$ So she g*ided the con&ersation back to 'ircenn$ "1e wo*ld reali#e I.m an innocent &ictim if he e&er stopped growling at me and stomping abo*t$ ,ll I want is to ret*rn home$ I didn.t choose to come here$ I need to be back home$"

"/hy0 1a&e yo* a lo&er there for whom yo*r heart pines0" "1ardly$ (*t I ha&e responsibilities" "OchA" D*ncan interr*pted% wa&ing a hand$ "Doona say that word to me$ I loathe that word% I detest that word$ It is a fo*l=tasting word$" ",nd a &ery important word%" :isa said$ "-here are things that I m*st take care of back in my time$ D*ncan% yo* m*st pers*ade him to send me back$" ":ass% 'ircenn cannot send yo* back$ 1e cannot sift time$ 1e may ha&e some *n*s*al +*alities% b*t sending people thro*gh time is not co*nted among them$" "/o*ld the flask send me back0" she asked +*ickly% st*dying D*ncan caref*lly for his reaction$ -he man.s face grew as sh*ttered as 'ircenn.s had when she.d mentioned it to him$ "9ay%" he said s*ccinctly$ ",nd I wo*ld not recommend bringing that *p to 'ircenn$ 1e is damned prickly abo*t that flask and yo* will only s*cceed in inciting his s*spicions sho*ld yo* in+*ire after it$ , large part of what proclaims yo*r innocence to him is that yo* relin+*ished it so easily$" :isa sighed inwardly$ 7reat; so when she went searching for it% if she was ca*ght it wo*ld only make her look g*ilty$ "5o* know of no way I can ret*rn home0" she pressed$ D*ncan eyed her c*rio*sly$ "/hy do wish to go back so badly0 Is it so distastef*l here0 /hen I saw yo* ga#ing o*t the window earlier% yo* were watching the sea with an e)pression of pleas*re$ It seemed yo* fo*nd this co*ntry bea*tif*l$ /as I wrong0" "9o% I mean nay% yo* weren.t wrong% b*t that.s not the point$" "If yo* will not tell me what it is yo* are so desperate to ret*rn to% I am afraid I cannot feel m*ch sympathy for yo*%" D*ncan said$ :isa e)pelled a breath and glanced away$ She might cry if she started talking abo*t 'atherine$ "Someone who lo&es me &ery m*ch needs me right now% D*ncan$ I can.t fail her$" "1er%" he repeated% seeming pleased$ "/ho0" :isa glared at him$ "Isn.t that eno*gh0 Someone is depending on me$ I can.t let her downA"

D*ncan st*died her% meas*ring her$ 2inally he spread his hands in the air$ "It grie&es me% lass% b*t I cannot help yo*$ I know of no way for yo* to ret*rn to yo*r time$ I s*ggest yo* confide whate&er yo*r plight is in 'ircenn" "(*t yo* said he co*ldn.t ret*rn me%" :isa said +*ickly$ "9ay% b*t he is a fine listener$" "1aA , t*rnip wo*ld listen better%" she said and rolled her eyes$ "G*dge not the man yo* see on the s*rface% lass$ -here are depths and there are depths to 'ircenn (rodie$ -hink yo* he will kill yo*0" :isa saw in his dark eyes the ass*rance that 'ircenn (rodie wo*ld not$ "1e can.t bring himself to do it% can he0" "/hat do yo* think0" "I think he abhors the tho*ght of it$ ,ltho*gh he stomps and glowers% I think he.s more angry at himself than me most of the time$" "'le&er lass%" D*ncan said$ "1e is indeed angry beca*se he.s torn between oaths$ I doona belie&e he tr*ly thinks yo* are a spy% or g*ilty of something$ If anything% he.s angry at himself for swearing the oath in the first place$ 'ircenn has ne&er broken his word before% and it does not sit well with him$ It will take him time to accept what he percei&es as a fail*re$ Once he does so% he will not hold any oath abo&e yo*r life% conse+*ences be damned$" "/ell% that.s a relief%" :isa said$ It occ*rred to her that perhaps 'ircenn and his friend were merely playing "good cop% bad cop" b*t she didn.t think so$ She regarded D*ncan c*rio*sly$ "Don.t yo* ha&e +*estions abo*t what my time is like0 I wo*ld if I were yo*$" D*ncan.s e)pression t*rned serio*s$ "I am a man who is content with his lot in life% lass$ I ha&e no wish to know the f*t*re% no desire to meddle$ , small slice of a small life is good eno*gh for me$ S*ch things are best left alone$ -he less I know abo*t yo*r time% the more we can work to help yo* adapt to my time$ Speaking of yo*r cent*ry wo*ld only keep it ali&e for yo*% and% lass% since I know of no way to ret*rn yo*% I wo*ld ad&ise against clinging to any memories$" :isa took a deep breath and e)haled it slowly$ "-hen teach me% D*ncan%" she said sadly$ "(*t I will be honest with yo*? I ha&e no intention of gi&ing *p$ If there is a way home for me% I will find it$" 'ircenn paced the co*rtyard% kicking irritably at the loose stones$ -he terrace needed to be repaired% he noted% as did the keep itself$ 1e was tired of li&ing in half=b*rned=o*t

castles% not beca*se of the lack of amenitiesthat scarcely bothered himb*t beca*se the general chaos and disrepair of D*nnottar too acc*rately mirrored his own condition$ 1e eyed the cornerstone of the keep$ D*ring the last siege% the great stone that s*pported the tower had been p*shed off center% ca*sing the wall abo&e it to list dangero*sly$ ,nd he felt j*st like thathis cornerstone was askew and his entire fortress dangero*sly weakened$ No more% he tho*ght$ 1e had *ttered his last lie% broken his last r*le$ 1e had gi&en matters serio*s consideration and decided that D*ncan.s loophole indeed protected him from act*ally breaking his oath$ 1e wo*ld accept that slight bending of his r*les$ Sho*ld ,dam someday show *p% he wo*ld simply point o*t to him that he hadn.t killed her yet$ (*t lying abo*t who she was% and entertaining the notion of becoming physically intimate with her ah% those were *nacceptable$ 1e wo*ld not *tter one more lie% nor wo*ld he permit himself to be tempted by her$ Sighing% he headed for the o*ter co*rtyard% resol&ed to take one of the feistiest stallions o*t for a p*nishing ride$ ,s he loped down the rocky slope% he noted a clo*d of d*st spiraling beyond the land bridge behind the keep% at the same moment as his g*ard cried a warning$ 9arrowing his eyes% he st*died the approaching d*st clo*d$ 1is body tensed% eager for a battle$ It wo*ld do good to fight right now% to con+*er% to reaffirm his identity as a warrior$ ,s the first riders crested the ridge% the adrenaline flooding his body altered swiftly to dismay% and then to something akin to desperation$ -he banner of >obert the (r*ce was splayed between his standard bearers% anno*ncing his arri&al to relie&e 'ircenn.s men and send them home to (rodie$ ,nd as for his last lie ha&ing been told% he tho*ght sardonically% (mphA 1ere came the lass.s "co*sin" himself$ CHAPTER 11 circenn rode liek a man possessedor perhaps% he tho*ght% aggrie&ed% more acc*rately obsessed with a long=legged% *npredictable womanto intercept the (r*ce before he co*ld reach the keep$ ,s he rode% he mar&eled o&er how his one wee decision not to kill her yet had created do#ens of problems$ <ach time he tried to address one of those problems% he s*cceeded only in creating a new set of problems$ 'ommitted th*s far% he co*ld not t*rn back$ 1e dared not stop perpet*ating the lies he.d beg*n witho*t e)posing her to risk$

>obert raised his hand in greeting and +*ickly broke off from his troops% his personal g*ard falling back a few paces% b*t not lea&ing his side$ Directing the b*lk of his men toward the keep% he kicked his horse into a gallop$ 'ircenn.s ga#e swept o&er the king.s g*ard$ Instincti&ely% he dropped his chin% looking *p from beneath his brows$ 9o hint of a smile to*ched his face$ In warrior.s lang*age% the lookhead lowered% eyes *nwa&eringly fi)edwas a challenge$ 'ircenn ass*med the post*re s*bconscio*sly% his blood responding to the two men flanking his king$ It was the simple and timeless instinct of a wolf when confronted by another mighty wolf stalking the same territory$ 9othing personal% j*st a need to assert his masc*linity and s*periority% he tho*ght with an inward grin$ /hen 'ircenn had last seen >obert% the king had not had these two men with him$ -heir presence meant that the deepest 1ighland clans were now folly in the forefront of the war$ 'ircenn was pleased that his king merited two of the legendary warriors to=protect him$ -hey were massi&e men with eyes of preternat*ral bl*e marking them as what they were(erserkers$ "'ircenn$" >obert greeted him with a smile$ "It has been too long since last we met$ I see D*nnottar is still the r*in I left last fall$" 1is ga#e played across the o&ergrown landscape% the piles of rocks% the blackened stones of the keep$ "/elcome% milord$ I hope yo* ha&e come to tell *s it is time to join forces with yo*r men%" 'ircenn said pointedly$ "Since Gac+*es de 8olay was b*rned a fortnight past% my -emplars are seething with the need to do battle$ I doona know how m*ch longer I can placate them with minor missions$" >obert shook his head% a wry smile c*r&ing his mo*th$ "5o* are as impatient as e&er% 'ircenn$ I.m certain yo*.ll manage to rein in their tempers% as yo* always do$ 5o*r -emplars ser&e me better in their stealthy% circ*mspect missions than on the front for the now$ -he do#en I.&e slipped into my troops ha&e done remarkable things$ I tr*st yo* will keep the rest ready for my command$" 1e gest*red to his g*ard$ "I belie&e yo* know 9iall and :*lach 8cIllioch$" 'ircenn inclined his head$ ,s his ga#e mo&ed o&er the 8clllioch brothers% he smiled with anticipation$ One mo&e from either of them and he wo*ld be off his mo*nt and at their throats$ ,dmittedly the brawl wo*ld end in la*ghter% b*t e&ery time he saw these two men he reacted the same way$ -hey were the strongest warriors he.d e&er trained with% and fighting with them was as e)hilarating as it was f*tile$ 1e co*ld no more take a (erserker than a (erserker co*ld take him$ -heir fights ended in a draw e&ery time$ Of co*rse% that was one on one$ 'ircenn had no do*bt that if e&er both of them combined forces they wo*ld bring him down with little effort *nless he *sed magic$ "(rodie%" :*lach said with a nod$

"6erhaps we.ll ha&e time for swordplay before yo* ride to (rodie%" 9iall offered$ "I think yo* co*ld *se another lesson%" he pro&oked$ ",nd yo* think yo* can teach me one0" 1e.d lo&e nothing more than to channel his fr*stration into a challenging fight% b*t his mind was cons*med with the problem at hand$ "6erhaps later$" 1e dismissed them from his tho*ghts and t*rned to >obert$ "8ay we speak in pri&ate% milord0" -he (r*ce nodded to 9iall and :*lach$ "7o on with yo*$ I am well g*arded with (rodie$ I will join yo* shortly$" 'ircenn kneed his horse aro*nd and he and >obert rode in silence to the edge of the cliff$ >obert looked o*t to the sea% breathing deeply of the chill% salty air$ -he wa&es crashed against the rocks below% sending sil&er pl*mes of foam spraying *p the cliffs$ "I lo&e this place$ It is wild and f*ll of power$ <ach time I &isit D*nnottar I feel it seeping into my &eins and lea&e renewed$" "-his bl*ff does ha&e that effect%" 'ircenn agreed$ "(*t perhaps what I sense is nothing more than the ghostly co*rage of the many men who ha&e died defending this co&eted rock$" >obert was silent for a moment% and 'ircenn knew he was brooding o&er the n*mbers of Scotsmen who had fallen and wo*ld contin*e to fall before their co*ntry was free$ 'ircenn waited *ntil >obert ro*sed himself from his tho*ghts$ "5et it does not compare with 'astle (rodie% does it0 5o* m*st be eager to ret*rn$" "8ore eager to join the battle%" 'ircenn said +*ickly$ /eary of holding critical sites% tired of protecting and r*nning messages% he needed to b*ry his fr*stration in the all= cons*ming heat of battle$ "5o* know I need yo* in other places% 'ircenn$ 5o* also know the -emplars are h*nted for the price on their heads$ ,ltho*gh I ha&e gi&en them sanct*ary% parading them o*t in force wo*ld in&ite an attack before I.m ready$ 8ine ha&e sha&ed their beards and doffed their t*nics% mas+*erading as Scots$ Do yo*rs still cling to their ways0" ",ye% they ha&e a hard time breaking any of their r*les$ (*t I might be able to pers*ade them% if they tho*ght they wo*ld be permitted to wage war$ /e co*ld help take back some of the castles%" 'ircenn pointed o*t irritably$ "5o* help me best precisely where I ha&e yo*$ I will s*mmon yo*r pri&ate forces to battle when I am ready and no sooner$ (*t I doona wish to arg*e% 'ircenn$ -ell me what

is weighing *pon yo*r mind so hea&ily that yo* rode o*t to greet me with *n*s*ally grim co*ntenance% e&en for yo*$" "I need to re+*est a fa&or from yo*% milord$" >obert +*irked a brow at him$ "2ormality between *s in pri&ate% 'ircenn0 /ith o*r past0" 'ircenn smiled faintly$ ">obert% I need ask of yo* a boon% and that yo* not +*estion me% b*t simply grant it$" >obert angled his horse closer to 'ircenn.s and placed a hand on his sho*lder$ "Do yo* mean tr*st yo* as yo* tr*sted me so many years ago when I.d fo*ght for :ongshanks against my own motherland0 Do yo* mean grant yo* my faith as *nwa&eringly as yo* granted me yo*rs when yo* had no reason to belie&e I wo*ldn.t cross the lines and go back to <ngland again0" >obert.s mo*th c*r&ed in a bitter smile$ "'ircenn% not too long ago yo* ga&e me reason to belie&e in myself$ /hen yo* came at my s*mmons I knew na*ght of yo* b*t that yo* were r*mored to be the fiercest warrior in all the lands$ I belie&ed that with yo* behind me% I co*ld regain Scotland.s freedom$ 5o* came to me% and yo* ga&e me yo*r fealty when I did not deser&e it$ 5o* had no reason to tr*st me yet yo* did% and in the strength of yo*r faith I redisco&ered my own$ Since that day I ha&e come to belie&e that I ha&e earned a place in this land again$ ,sk$ ,sk me and it is yo*rs$" >obert.s words had the impact of a fist in 'ircenn.s g*t$ 1is king ga&e him his faith and tr*st% and he was asking 'ircenn to help him break a &ow and perpet*ate a lie$ /hat wo*ld >obert say if he knew the tr*th0 'ircenn e)pelled a breath$ "It is a woman%" he said finally$ "I need yo* to claim her as yo*r co*sin% and when yo* meet her to pretend it is the renewal of an old ac+*aintance$ 'o*sin by blood:isa 8ac>obertson$" >obert la*ghed$ 1is eyes sparkled and he whistled$ "/ith pleas*re$ It is long past time yo* took a wife and had sons to contin*e yo*r line$ -his land needs yo*r blood to fight for o*r freedom$" "It is not that kind of" "6leaseA" >obert raised his hands$ "I see in yo*r eyes what kind of sit*ation it is$ I see passion I ha&e seen only in battle$ I also see discomfort% which tells me yo* ha&e deep feelings abo*t this matter$ ,nd since I ha&en.t seen any feeling in yo* for far too long% I am pleased$ It is done$ I am eager to reac+*aint myself with my .co*sin$."

eep feelings indeed% 'ircenn tho*ght morosely$ eep disgust with myself$ (*t if >obert needed to belie&e there was marriage interest in order to acknowledge her% so be it$ -he end res*lt was what mattered$ In a few ho*rs% he% his men% and :isa wo*ld be on their way to (rodie% and >obert wo*ld ha&e no more in&ol&ement in the iss*e$ She need ne&er know he had sec*red the king.s cooperation by leading him to belie&e he cared for her$ 'ircenn remained silent% wallowing in his g*ilt% ashamed that his king tr*sted him so readily$ "Do yo* recall when we were in the ca&es in the &alley of 9orth <sk0" >obert asked% his ga#e on the hori#on$ ",ye$" "It was the blackest ho*r of my life$ I had warred against my own motherland for wealth% land% and :ongshanks. promise that he wo*ld spare my clan$ /hether from sharing too m*ch whisky with yo*% or inspired by a moment of di&ine clarity% I saw myself as I was a traitor to my own people$ Do yo* recall the spider0" 'ircenn smiled$ id he recall the spider0 1e.d coa)ed it in% compelled it to perform its feat before >obert.s eyes as he lay healing from battle wo*nds% and in watching the spider try time and again to wea&e a web across a span of f*tility% >obert had remembered his own strength and determination$ /hen the spider had s*cceeded on the se&enth try% >obert the (r*ce had dragged his battered body and so*l from the damp soil of the ca&e and shaken his fist toward the sky% and the battle to liberate Scotland had beg*n in earnest$ >obert regarded him intently$ "I ha&e ne&er seen a spider of that kind% before or since$ One almost wonders if it was a nat*ral occ*rrence$ I do not +*estion some things% 'ircenn$ 9ow take me to yo*r woman$" BBB ,fter D*ncan left her chamber% :isa waited three min*tes% impatiently tapping her foot% then &ent*red into the hall% determined to track down the flask$ She.d made it no more than halfway down the corridor when D*ncan came storming back *p the stairs$ "I tho*ght yo*.d left%" she e)claimed$ "I did$ -hen I looked o*t the window$ /e ha&e a problem and I s*ggest yo* pack$" "6ack what0 I don.t ha&e anythingA"

"'ircenn.s things$ 6*t them in the chests and the men will load them$ /e.ll be riding o*t &ery soon$ ,s soon as we can possibly manage$ ,s soon as I can sneak yo* o*t of the castle%" he m*ttered% glancing ner&o*sly abo*t$ "-o where0" she e)claimed$ "/hat.s wrong0" D*ncan stalked to her side% took her none=too=gently by the arm% and steered her back down the hall and into 'ircenn.s chambers$ "I am not going to ask what yo* were doing o*tside of yo*r room$ I feel better not knowing$ (*t% lass% as I glanced o*t the window I saw yo*r .co*sin. arri&ing to relie&e o*r post at D*nnottar$ @nless yo* wish to enco*nter him and reminisce o&er old times that ne&er happened% I s*ggest yo* keep o*t of sight and do as I tell yo*$ /o*ld yo* please ind*lge me and e)ercise blind obedience now0 It may keep yo* ali&e$" "/o*ld someone really try to harm me if they knew I was from the f*t*re0" D*ncan.s e)pression was gl*m$ "-he -emplars doona tr*st women% they doona care for Dr*id magic% and they feel there is ne&er a reason to break an oath$ Sho*ld they disco&er 'ircenn lied abo*t yo*% they will lose faith in him% and if they do that% he will not be in m*ch of a position to protect yo*$ 9ot to mention the fact that the (r*ce will also wonder who yo* are$ -hen it will come o*t that yo* are from the f*t*re% and ochI doona e&en wish to think abo*t it$ /e m*st hide yo*$" "I.ll pack%" she offered hastily$ "7ood lass$" D*ncan whirled aro*nd and raced back down the corridor$ BBB :isa finished packing in fifteen min*tes% ha&ing simply thrown e&erything that wasn.t too hea&y to mo&e into the many chests scattered abo*t the room$ ,fterward% she paced between the door and the window for another ten min*tes% trying to con&ince herself that she m*st not% *nder any circ*mstances% lea&e the room$ It wasn.t working$ In the keep j*st below her room% there were legends walking% talking% planning$ @nable to resist the l*re of the &oices of history% she slipped from the chamber and followed the noise to the balcony that encircled the 7reathall$ /ith no roof% the hall was free#ing b*t the men didn.t seem to notice% nor did any of them look *p% as they were far too engrossed in battle plans$ She l*rked abo&estairs% s*rreptitio*sly watching from behind the bal*strade% prepared to d*ck and cower at any moment$ She knew D*ncan wo*ld strangle her if he had an inkling of the risk she was taking% b*t the l*re was irresistible? 1ow many twenty=first=cent*ry women co*ld lay claim to watching >obert the (r*ce plan the o*sting of <ngland% battle by battle0 9ot that anyone wo*ld belie&e her% b*t there he was% standing below her% pacing% bending o&er maps and gest*ring angrily% orating% breathing% inspiring$ 1is &oice% rich and strong%

was pers*asi&e and f*ll of passion$ 7od in hea&en% she was watching >obert the (r*ce plan to &an+*ish <nglandA 'hills raced *p her spine$ "8ilady% wo*ld yo* like to reac+*aint yo*rself with yo*r co*sin0" a man said behind her$ :isa winced$ She hadn.t considered that someone might &ent*re *pstairs% or ha&e been *pstairs before she.d come o*t$ She.d been so worried abo*t someone beneath her looking *p that she hadn.t de&oted any attention to the stairs$ -his man m*st ha&e slipped *p while her fascinated ga#e had been foc*sed on the king$ 1eart hammering% she t*rned slowly to see who had disco&ered her spying% hoping that whoe&er it was co*ld be pers*aded not to tell D*ncan or anyone else$ It was one of the knights she.d glimpsed in the co*rtyard earlier as she.d watched them train$ 1e sank swiftly to one knee$ "8ilady%" he m*rm*red% "I am ,rmand (erard% a knight in yo*r protector.s ser&ice$ Shall I escort yo* belowstairs0" -he knight rose to his feet and she noted that altho*gh they were identical in height% his neck and sho*lders were as thick as a football player.s$ 1is chestn*t=brown hair was close cropped; his gray eyes were serio*s and intelligent$ , thick beard co&ered his jaw% and she glimpsed the flash of a crimson cross beneath his m*ltiple t*nics$ "9o er nay% I am fair certain he.s too b*sy for me$" ">obert the (r*ce is ne&er too b*sy for clan%" he said$ "It is one of the many things I admire abo*t him$ 'ome$" 1e e)tended his hand$ "I will take yo* to him$" "9ayA" she e)claimed% then added more gently% "'ircenn ad&ised me to stay in my room and he.ll be *pset sho*ld he disco&er I.&e disobeyed$ 1e said he wo*ld see to it I had time to speak with my co*sin later$" "1e will not be *pset with yo*$ 9e&er fear% milady$ 'ome$ -he (r*ce will be eager to see yo* again% and smitten by the king.s pleas*re% the laird of (rodie will forgi&e yo*r transgression$ It is only nat*ral yo* wo*ld be o&erjoyed to see yo*r co*sin again$ 'ome$" 1e latched a hand aro*nd her wrist and leaned o&er the bal*strade$ "8ilordA" he called down to the 7reathall$ "I bring yo*r co*sin to yo*A" >obert the (r*ce looked *p% a c*rio*s e)pression on his face$ CHAPTER 12 lisa fro#e$ this was it% she r*ed$ circenn brodie might ha&e permitted her to li&e% b*t her c*riosity had j*st deli&ered the fatal blow$ 2irst% her c*riosity had led her to try to get a job in a m*se*m% so she co*ld learn$ -hen her c*riosity had compelled her to open the

chest and to*ch the flask; and finally% her c*riosity had led her from her room% into the middle of a deadly sit*ation$ She was doomed$ She flinched when ,rmand (erard took her hand and looped it thro*gh his elbow$ 1er sho*lders sl*mped in defeat% her chin slipped a notch$ Never let anyone take your dignity, )isa% 'atherine whispered in her mind$ Sometimes it is all one has$ 1er chin shot back *p$ If she was going to her death% by 7od% she wo*ld do it regally$ D*ring all her s*ffering her mother had ne&er relin+*ished her dignity% and :isa wo*ld do no less$ Inclining her head% she smoothed her gown and straightened her spine$ It seemed to take fore&er to descend the few do#en stairs$ -he hall was jammed with -emplars and the (r*ce.s tra&el=weary men% and nearly a h*ndred warriors ga#ed c*rio*sly *p at her% incl*ding the f*rio*s glare of one warlord who definitely looked like he wanted her dead% and the in+*isiti&e ga#e of the king of Scotland$ She pasted a defiant smile on her lips$ ,s they reached the bottom% the dark=haired king broke away from the crowd$ 1e mo&ed toward her% his arms e)tended$ ":isa%" he e)claimed$ "1ow lo&ely to see yo* again$ 5o* ha&e blossomed *nder 'ircenn.s care% b*t I s*spected yo* wo*ld$" 1e wrapped her in a fierce h*g% and her face was b*ried in a thick beard that smelled of wood smoke from camping in the open co*ntry$ She pressed close% concealing her st*nned e)pression in his cheek$ 'ircenn m*st ha&e gotten to him first% she reali#ed$ 1e s+*ee#ed her so tightly% she nearly s+*eaked$ /hen he fondly patted her r*mp% she did s+*eak% and tried to draw away$ 1e was grinning at her$ 'lose to her ear% he whispered% "Doona fash yo*rself% lassie$ 'ircenn told me all$ I am pleased he has chosen a wife$" 'ife0 She s+*eaked again as her knees weakened$ Surely that oversi4ed, scowling barbarian didn't think she would marry him ;ust to stay alive0 She glanced o&er the (r*ce.s sho*lder and saw 'ircenn standing fi&e paces behind him% eyeing her with a glare that wordlessly instr*cted% /bey# +ehave$ On second tho*ght "Did he tell yo* that0 1e promised me he wo*ldn.t anno*nce it yet%" she lied glibly$ If that was what 'ircenn had told him% and it wo*ld keep her ali&e% she.d go along with it for the moment$ -here wo*ld be ample time to amend things later$ "9ay% lass% he didn.t say it$ 1is eyes did$" 'hose eyes has he been looking at0 she wondered% beca*se the only eyes she.d seen held m*rder in their depths$

-he (r*ce smiled broadly$ "8ay yo* be as fertile as the hare$ /e need do#ens of his sons in this land$" 1e la*ghed and patted her abdomen$ :isa bl*shed% concerned that he might pat her breasts and in+*ire abo*t her n*rsing abilities$ She.d j*st been patted more familiarly by the king of Scotland than she.d been to*ched by any man% sa&e 'ircenn$ "Does yo*r clan breed well0" "@h aye%" she said brightly% with another bl*sh$ -he (r*ce hooked an arm behind him and drew 'ircenn forward% h*gging them together$ 2or a moment% her cheekbone was smashed against 'ircenn.s chest$ ,fter a few moments of the most *ncomfortable gro*p h*g she.d e&er been s*bjected to% the (r*ce fl*ng back his head and yelled% "I gi&e yo* my co*sin% :isa 8ac>obertsonA" -he (r*ce stepped back% n*dging them closer together$ 1e took :isa.s hand and c*rled her fingers into her palm% making a fist$ Ignoring her look of conf*sion% he placed her balled fist in 'ircenn.s large hand$ :isa.s ga#e flew to 'ircenn.s face and she saw the f*ry there% tho*gh the king seemed obli&io*s to it$ "It is with great pleas*re I gi&e this lass% my belo&ed co*sin% hand=in=fist% to my fa&ored laird and knight in o*r blessed ca*se% 'ircenn (rodie% along with fo*r additional manors o*tlying his demesne$ -he wedding will be at (rodie when we meet there in three months. time$ (ail the future mistress of +rodieA" >obert roared% smiling at them both$ 'ircenn.s hand clenched aro*nd her fist$ ,s the hall er*pted into cheers% the look he t*rned on her was &enomo*s$ "Don.t yo* dare look at me like thatA I didn.t tell him that%" she hissed$ " $ou're the one who told him that$" 'ircenn took ad&antage of the momentary chaos and p*lled her into his arms$ 1is mo*th to her hair% he growled in a brog*e thickened by anger% "I did not tell him that$ -he king decided% wholly independent of me% so% lass% if yo* tr*ly can be lea&ing this cent*ry% I s*ggest yo* set yo*r mind to determining how to do so% long before the third moon passes$ Or yo*.ll be finding yo*rself wed to me% and I promise% lass% yo* will not fare well for it$" ", kiss to seal it% (rodieA" the (r*ce cried$ Only :isa saw the fierce look on his face before he kissed her p*nishingly$ BBB

7alan fo*nd D*ncan lying on the floor of the kitchen% cl*tching his sides$ <&ery few seconds he drew a deep% whee#ing breath% st*ttered% then lost himself again in wa&es of la*ghter$ 7alan watched him repeat the ridic*lo*s se+*ence se&eral times before n*dging him with the toe of his boot$ "/o*ld yo* stop it%" he said disg*stedly$ D*ncan gasped% po*nding his chest with his fist% then collapsed again into g*ffaws$ "D= did ah%hahahadid yo* see his f=face0" D*ncan roared% holding his stomach$ 7alan.s lips twitched% and he bit the bottom one to remain serio*s$ "-his is a fankle% D*ncan%" 7alan chastised$ "9ow he.s nearly handfasted to the wench$" D*ncan.s only response was another roar of la*ghter$ "9=nearly0 1=he isA" "I doona know what yo* think is so am*sing abo*t this$ 'ircenn is going to be f*rio*s$" "(*t he.s st=st*ckA" D*ncan gasped between near=sobs of la*ghter$ -hen he rose to his feet% took se&eral great breaths% and finally managed to s*bd*e his la*ghter for the moment% yet the corners of his mo*th twitched f*rio*sly$ "Doona yo* see what m*st ha&e happened% 7alan0 'ircenn m*st ha&e re+*ested the (r*ce acknowledge her% and the kingknowing 'ircenn is of (r*de descentass*med 'ircenn wished her to be of royal alliance so he might wed her$ So% >obert took it a little f*rther% kindly thinking he was clearing the way for the woman to be accepted as his wife$ -hinking he was gi&ing 'ircenn e)actly what he wanted$" "Oh% really0" a cool &oice said$ D*ncan and 7alan both sobered to immediate attention$ "8ilord$" -hey nodded respectf*lly$ "5o* *nderestimate me%" >obert the (r*ce said softly$ "/here.s 'ircenn0" 7alan asked% glancing warily behind the (r*ce$ "I left 'ircenn in the 7reathall% accepting congrat*lations with his new lady on his arm%" >obert said sm*gly$ "-hink yo* I doona know the man has taken one of his ridic*lo*s oaths not to wed0" D*ncan ga#ed at the king admiringly$ "5o* cle&er bastard$" "D*ncanA" 7alan roared$ "5o* doona address the king as s*chA"

>obert raised his hand and grinned$ "5o*r brother has called me worse% as I ha&e him% besotted with whisky and wenches$ 1e and I *nderstand each other well% 7alan$ In fact% it was while wenching with yo*r brother at <dinb*rgh that we disc*ssed this &ery concern$ It is no longer a concern% is it0 I fi)ed what most of yo*r clan has not been able to fi) for years$" >obert looked enormo*sly pleased with himself$ 7alan glared at D*ncan$ "-hat.s where yo* went when yo* said yo* were getting s*pplies0 /enching and drinking with the king0 1a&e yo* no sense of responsibility0" D*ncan smiled innocently$ ">obert needed to alle&iate some tension% and I know of no better way$ ,nd while we were being entertained most grandly by a few lasses% we disc*ssed the fact that 'ircenn was getting no closer to making sons for Scotland$ ,s >obert pointed o*the has managed to fi) what none of *s co*ld$ I% for one% am gratef*l$" 7alan shook his head$ "'ircenn wo*ld kill *s all if he s*spected this wasn.t a &ast mis*nderstanding$" "(*t he.ll ne&er know% will he0" >obert said calmly$ D*ncan b*rst into la*ghter again% and after a brief% startled look% 7alan joined him$ BBB "I am not marrying yo*%" 'ircenn r*mbled behind a flawless smile$ "I didn.t ask yo* to%" :isa hissed back% a smile of sp*n glass bowing her lips$ /ith brittle displays of teeth% they glared at each other% while accepting congrat*lations from the &ario*s men standing in the hall$ <ach time they had a moment of near pri&acy% or their mo*ths and ears were pressed close together% one of them hissed at the other$ -o the room at large% they looked like a happily whispering co*ple$ "Doona think this changes a thing%" he snapped% lips ta*tly stretched o&er his teeth$ "I.m not the one who told him a lie%" :isa snapped back% certain she appeared to be snarling$ She smiled with effort$ "'ongrat*lations% milord$" ,rmand (erard clapped 'ircenn.s sho*lder$ "-hank yo*%" 'ircenn said% beaming as he forcef*lly po*nded ,rmand on the sho*lder$ ,rmand.s brows dipped$ "/hy did yo* not tell *s this morn% 'ircenn% when yo* told *s who she was0"

'ircenn didn.t e&en pa*se before spilling another lie$ Och% b*t they were coming fast and f*rio*s% with shocking ease$ 1e managed a self=effacing smile$ "I wasn.t certain the king wished it anno*nced% b*t it seems he was eager$" "8ilady$" ,rmand bowed low o&er her hand and kissed it$ "/e are pleased 'ircenn has chosen to settle down and begin a family$ ,ltho*gh those of o*r order do not wed% we belie&e if a man is not going to take an oath of celibacy% he sho*ld take a wife$ It keeps him h*mble and inclined toward sobriety$" :isa smiled brightly at ,rmand$ (umble indeed% she tho*ght$ -here wasn.t a h*mble bone in 'ircenn (rodie.s body$ ,ltho*gh% dislike him as she may% she wo*ldn.t ha&e minded searching for one$ "/here did he go0" 'ircenn growled% the moment ,rmand melted into the crowd$ ",rmand0" :isa asked blankly$ "1e.s right there$" She pointed to his retreating back$ " <rroberrrtA -hat traitoro*s bastard$" 1is b*rr was so thick on the name that that the rs were a growl with a weak t at the end$ "1ow sho*ld I know where the king went0" :isa rolled her eyes$ "I.m the last person who e&er knows what.s going on aro*nd here$" "-his entire fiasco is yo*r fa*lt for lea&ing yo*r chamberA Did I not tell yo* to remain in yo*r chamber0 1ow many times did I tell yo* to remain in yo*r chamber0 Did I tell yo* at least a do#en times in the past two days not to leave your chamber0" ">epeating the same +*estion three times% in slightly different ways% does not make me more inclined to answer yo*$ Don.t talk to me as if I.m a child$ ,nd don.t e&en think yo*.re going to blame this one on me$" :isa sniffed and a&erted her face$ "I certainly wo*ld ne&er ha&e told anyone I was marrying yo*$ :ea&ing my chamber didn.t get *s betrothed$ $ou did that all by yo*rself$" 'ircenn st*died her thro*gh narrowed eyes% then lowered his head menacingly near hers$ "6erhaps I will wed yo*% lass$ Do yo* know that a wife m*st obey her h*sband in all things0" he p*rred against her ear$ 1e stopped scowling abr*ptly$ ">ena*dA" 1e clapped another -emplar on the sho*lder and smiled painf*lly$ "/e are pleased% milord%" >ena*d de Hichiers said formally$ "-hank yo*%" 'ircenn replied$ "If yo* will e)c*se me% >ena*d% my betrothed is feeling a bit faint$ She grows swiftly o&erta)ed$" /ith a dismissi&e nod to >ena*d% he whisked :isa away from the crowd and p*shed her into a corner of the hall% *ncaring what anyone tho*ght$ 2or the moment% they were as alone as they co*ld be in the crowded room$

"I do not grow swiftly o&erta)ed$ I am the pict*re of calm% considering all I.&e been thro*gh$ ,nd I am not marrying yo*%" she said defiantly$ 1is response chilled her blood? "In three months. time% lass% neither of *s will ha&e any choice$ 9ow I will escort yo* to yo*r room% and yo* will remain in it this time$" 7libly informing the room at large that his wife=to=be was o&ere)cited by the commotion a fib that :isa resented beca*se it made her appear fragile'ircenn g*ided her abo&estairs% his hand a steely &ise on her arm$ 1e stopped at her door and informed her that if she left the room% he wo*ld ens*re that she had e)treme ca*se to regret it$ She opened the door and began to step in% when he s*ddenly sp*n her aro*nd into his arms$ /itho*t a word% he closed his mo*th o&er hers br*tally$ -oo shocked to resist% :isa stood motionless% her lips parting at the insistence of his tong*e$ 1e darted it between her lips in blatant mimicry of se)*al play% probing firmly% receding% only to thr*st again$ She tipped back her head% her body sparking to life$ 1e was angry% she co*ld feel it in the br*ising cr*sh of his lips% and it fed her own anger$ -hen it occ*rred to her that kissing was +*ite a *sef*l and fascinating way to e)press anger% so she worked diligently at p*tting e&ery bit of her irritation and displeas*re into her response$ She bit% she nipped% she fo*ght his tong*e with hers$ /hen his tong*e withdrew% she followed it with hers and s*cked it hard back into her mo*th% priding herself on how nicely she won that battle$ /hen he kissed her so deeply she co*ldn.t breathe aro*nd it% she dropped her hands to his waist% then dipped lower% j*st to show him she was completely in control$ "ight, muscled ass6 the tho*ght was accompanied by a s*rge of e)citement as she imagined his powerf*l hips tensing in a timeless rhythm$ /hen his teeth n*dged against hers% a moan blossomed in her throat$ She bro*ght *p her hands and pl*nged them into his hair% sliding her fingers thro*gh black silk$ 1er fingers mo&ed down the nape of his neck% then she wrapped her arms aro*nd him and kissed him back so *ninhibitedly that he stiffened abr*ptly% stepped back% and ga#ed at her with a startled e)pression$ (riefly% he looked pleased% then his eyes narrowed swiftly$ "I doona like yo*% and I will not tolerate yo* complicating my life$" "Ditto%" she clipped thro*gh swollen lips$ "-hen we *nderstand each other%" he said$ "8m=hmm%" she said$ "6erfectly$"

"7ood$" -hey stared at each other$ She noticed that his lips were slightly f*ller$ She had done that$ 1er own lips felt tingly% warm% and most ass*redly not finished e)pressing her anger$ "Doona forget who.s in control in this castle% lass%" he snarled before stalking off down the hallway$ If that was how he asserted his control% she might j*st ha&e to challenge his a*thority more often$ RISING /hat is yo*r s*bstance% whereof are yo* made% -hat millions of strange shadows on yo* tend0 Shakespeare% Sonnet =9 CHAPTER 13 the jo*rney from d*nnottar to in&erness and from there to 'astle (rodie wo*ld li&e long in :isa.s memory$ /ith dismay she tallied each day of their jo*rney that ticked by% knowing it was one more day she was losing in the f*t*re% and the tho*ght made her miserable$ She feared that the farther they rode from D*nnottar% the slimmer her chances became of ret*rning home$ She knew it probably wasn.t tr*e% beca*se if anything had the power to ret*rn her% it was the flask% and she s*spected 'ircenn wo*ldn.t permit it o*t of his care$ Still% each step she took deeper into his l*sh% wild land made her feel she was mo&ing a step farther away from her own life% farther into a realm in which she had no control and might lose herself entirely$ Shortly after 'ircenn had deposited her in her roomor more acc*rately left her reeling in the hallwayhe.d sent D*ncan and 7alan to whisk her o*t of the keep% and the three of them had ridden off ahead$ 'ircenn and the rest of his ento*rage had joined them ho*rs later$ She was ac*tely aware that the knights st*died her far too intently for her comfort$ -hey were not men she wished to slip *p aro*nd% so she spoke as little as possible% choosing her words with great ca*tion$ -he first night they jo*rneyed across Scotland% a nearly f*ll moon h*ng abo&e the shadowy ridges and &alleys% and the th*nder of more than a h*ndred horses carrying packs and hea&ily m*scled men was deafening$ -he gro*nd trembled as they galloped the hills$ 'old despite the thick plaid co&ering her gown% she was awed by the miles of *nto*ched% open co*ntry$ ,ltho*gh her body ached after riding only a few ho*rs% she wo*ld ha&e ridden all night to sa&or the *ntamed &ista$

She was of a far different mind the ne)t morning% tho*gh% and wo*ldn.t ha&e ridden at all had it been left to her discretion$ She.d arrogantly tho*ght she was in good condition% b*t riding a horse was +*ite different from rappelling or t*mbling% and she +*ickly reali#ed that her athletic skills had better trained her for falling off the horse properly than for staying on it with any degree of finesse$ -he second thing that lingered in her mind was 'ircenn (rodie% who rode beside her the entire way% not speaking% b*t watching e&ery mo&e she made% e&ery e)pression$ She hid her discomfort well% determined not to re&eal any weakness to the indefatigable warrior$ Since lea&ing D*nnottar the man had scarcely *ttered two words to her% had not so m*ch as to*ched her to help her dismo*nt; she co*ld tell he was seething$ 1e mo&ed away from her side occasionally to talk with his men in low &oices$ In e&ery &illage they passed thro*gh% she noted the people heralded 'ircenn as befitted royalty% and he comported himself with regal reser&e$ If he appeared a bit detached% none of the &illagers seemed to mind$ 'hildren ga#ed at him with awe; old men clapped him on the sho*lder and smiled pro*dly; the ga#es of yo*ng warriors followed him admiringly$ It was clear that the man was a legend in his own time$ /ith each admiring% flirtatio*s glance flashed by a woman beneath lowered lids% :isa felt a s*rge of irritation$ In more than one &illage% women fo*nd a reason to approach him and try to l*re him off "to disc*ss a most pri&ate matter% milord$" She was relie&ed to see that none of them s*cceeded$ 1owe&er% she wasn.t certain if it was beca*se he gen*inely wasn.t interested or beca*se they were riding so hard$ -hey rarely slept more than a few ho*rs each e&ening% b*t she was *sed to inade+*ate sleep from working two jobs$ -he third thing that weighed *pon her mind was the flask% which she now knew that 'ircenn had with him% beca*se she.d ca*ght a glimpse of it one night as he r*mmaged in his satchel$ @nfort*nately he was s*ch a light sleeper that trying to get the flask while he was asleep wo*ld be a fool.s &ent*re$ (etter to bide her time% waiting for the right moment$ It was the last night of their ride% howe&er% that wo*ld li&e longest in her memorythe night they approached the perimeter of 'astle (rodie$ -hro*gho*t the physically p*nishing jo*rney% :isa had worried abo*t 'atherine% wondering who was taking care of her% weeping silently *nder co&er of darkness$ ,ll the while Scotland was s*btly in&ading her &eins% and despite her fear and feelings of helplessness% she knew she was falling in lo&e$ /ith a co*ntry$ It was too early for spring in the 1ighlands% b*t she co*ld sense the dormant earth waiting to b*rst into bloom$ ,ltho*gh she knew she m*st find a way home% part of her ached to remain in the past long eno*gh to glimpse the &alleys filled with heather% to

watch the golden eagles fly abo&e the mo*ntains% to see the carpet of bracken and br*sh t*rn l*sh and b*d with spring$ -he final night of their jo*rney% the weather warmed slightly$ D*e to e)ha*stion% her emotions b*bbled dangero*sly near the s*rface% and in the past few ho*rs she.d gone from e*phoria o&er the bea*ty of the 1ighland night to *tter terror at what her f*t*re might hold$ :isa wasn.t certain what she had e)pected of 'astle (rodie b*t it wasn.t the elegant stone str*ct*re she.d ca*ght glimpses of from the tops of distant hills% as she.d strained in her saddle to see as m*ch as possible$ -hey descended into a &alley% and the castle was again hidden from sight$ -he silence was broken only by the beat of hoo&es against the sod and the occasional sighs of men glad to be ret*rning home$ -he sky was deep royal bl*e% min*tes from becoming black it was "gloaming%" their word for twilight$ -he path they were tra&eling climbed a ridge that stretched across the hori#on% and beyond it lay 'ircenn.s home$ ,s they topped the crest% her ga#e swept *p and she sighed at the sight that greeted her$ 'astle (rodie was as magnificent as the man who owned the palatial str*ct*re$ (rilliantly lit by torches% it seemed something from a dream$ (eyond an arched gate that gleamed palely in the moonlight rose a str*ct*re of s+*are towers and t*rrets% high spires% and low walkways connecting the &ario*s wings$ , great wall encircled the estate% and with the gate sh*t% it wo*ld be an ins*rmo*ntable fortress$ 7*ards stalked the parapets and paced the perimeter$ She co*ld j*st imagine the do#ens of ser&ants and their families inside% sc*rrying to and fro% their children.s la*ghter filling the air$ Safe$ /arm and s*rro*nded by clan% go&erned by a warlord who committed his life to protecting them$ :isa felt a twinge of impossible longing$ /hat a life this was$ Someday he wo*ld wed in tr*th and carry his wife home to this magical place$ -his was his worldthis magnificent castle shining pale gray in the moonlight% these men s*rro*nding him who fo*ght on his command and wo*ld lay down their li&es for him$ 'hat an incredible world to be part of% she tho*ght$ She felt torn$ 1er need to get back home battled an o&erwhelming desire to belong in a place like this% to be s*rro*nded by family$ <)ha*sted beyond the ability to decei&e herself any longer% :isa confronted a tr*th she.d been trying desperately to a&oid$ She knew she had no real f*t*re to look forward to in either place or time$ BBB 'ircenn cornered D*ncan and 7alan in the stables of 'astle (rodie$ 1e backed them against a wall with the sheer force of his glare$

"I heard yo* la*ghing% D*ncan%" he acc*sed% a m*scle twitching in his jaw$ 'ircenn had been simmering for the past week% seeing the am*sed light in D*ncan.s eyes% hearing his la*ghter% and *nable to reprimand him in front of the -emplars$ ,lready his -emplars had directed c*rio*s glances his way% p*##led by his s*llen temper on the jo*rney$ D*ncan was the portrait of innocence$ "If yo* mean on the trip here% 7alan and I were merely reciting bawdy poems% nothing more$" "7alan0" 'ircenn snorted disbelie&ingly$ "7alan co*ld not recite a bawdy poem if the o*tcome of a battle depended *pon it$" "I co*ld%" 7alan protested$ "I am not +*ite as bad as yo* make me o*t to be$" "Do yo* reali#e that I am *tterly compromised0 Do yo* reali#e that I made a pledge to ,dam to kill her and to >obert to marry her0" 'ircenn demanded irritably$ D*ncan.s am*sement didn.t diminish one whit$ "'onsidering that ,dam isn.t allowed to &isit yo* witho*t in&itationthat was part of yo*r deal% if yo* recallit so*nds to me as if yo*.d better wed the lass$ She co*ld be long dead by the time ,dam comes to bother yo* again$ 5o* said sometimes fifty years pass witho*t him tro*bling yo*$" 'ircenn stiffened$ She could be dead 1e didn.t like the tho*ght of her dead% either by his hand or by nat*ral ca*ses$ <&en if he ne&er f*lfilled his oath% she wo*ld die long before he wo*ld$ ,s e&erything else% passing away before his eyes$ ,s he wo*ld one day b*ry D*ncan% whose hair wo*ld gray% bones wo*ld brittle% and eyes wo*ld fog by time$ 1e wo*ld weep o&er the loss of s*ch irre&erence and enth*siasm for life% a heart so f*ll of joy$ ,nd he wo*ld b*ry 7alan% and >obert and his ser&ants and maids$ ,nd his horses% and any pets he might be foolish eno*gh to lo&e$ 2or that reason% it had been cent*ries since he.d permitted himself to sleep with a fa&ored wolfho*nd lying across the foot of his bed$ @nlike the mortal span most men li&ed% 'ircenn wo*ld enco*nter death not a do#en times% b*t a tho*sand% making him the greater fool if he cared abo*t anything$ 6erhaps that was why ,dam (lack was so detached; after a tho*sand deaths he.d simply +*it caring$ 'ircenn t*rned witho*t another word% lea&ing his tr*sted ad&isers gaping after him$ BBB :isa stood in the middle of the co*rtyard% drinking in the sights$ ,fter a growled "Doona mo&e%" 'ircenn had gone tearing off after D*ncan and 7alan the moment they.d come thro*gh the gate$ She.d been perfectly content not to mo&e% beca*se it meant she co*ld direct all her awed attention to the castle$ 4nights s*rged aro*nd her in wa&es% tending to

their horses and *npacking gear% while she scanned the elegant lines of the medie&al castle$ -he rectang*lar estate was enclosed by a mighty stone wall$ In the northeast corner% a chapel was sit*ated amid a small gro&e of trees$ In the northwest corner% near the main wall% in which the gate was located% was a series of low o*tb*ildings she ass*med garrisoned the soldiers$ She co*ldn.t see past the castle% as it sprawled nearly the width of the walled estate$ -he perimeter wall t*mbled *p slopes and &alleys% e)tending as far as she co*ld see% intermittently set with g*ard towers e&ery fifty yards or so$ /hen 'ircenn took her by the elbow% a few moments later% she started$ "'ome%" he said +*ietly$ She looked at him sharply$ Instead of looking angry as he had d*ring the week=long ride% now he looked sad$ ,nd it bothered her that he looked sad$ ,nger she co*ld deal with% b*t sadness bro*ght o*t her n*rt*ring instincts and tempted her to draw him aside% cradle his face gently% and ask what was wrong$ 7et to know him$ Soothe him$ She shook her head at her own idiocy$ -his was one man who clearly did not need her tenderness and n*rt*ring$ -hey entered the main door of the castle and he mo&ed away from her again% into the midst of ser&ants% +*ietly gi&ing orders$ :isa stood in the 7reathall% pi&oting slowly% her mo*th open$ 'ow$ O&er the past week% she.d beg*n assimilating some of their archaic e)pressions% b*t *nder some circ*mstances% only a thoro*ghly modern "wow" wo*ld do$ D*nnottar had been a r*in; 'astle (rodie was a medie&al castle at its finest$ -he 7reathall was &ast% with a high ceiling and fi&e hearthstwo each on the east and west walls of the room% and a central hearth that looked as if it had long been inacti&e$ -he walls were h*ng with enormo*s tapestries% and a long% ornately car&ed table with do#ens of chairs was positioned near one of the hearths$ She looked down% eager to see a r*sh=co&ered floor firsthand% b*t was disappointed to disco&er that the floor was of scr*bbed pale=gray stone$ -here was an ab*ndance of light in the room% and she recogni#ed the "r*shlights"candles of wa) and tallow impaled on &ertical spikes in an iron candlestick with a tripod base$ In the 'incinnati 8*se*m% they.d had two a*thentic r*shlights$ 1ere% many were s*pported on wall brackets% while others sat on the tables scattered thro*gh the hall$ Still others were set in iron loops% carried o&er the arms of ser&ants$ "5o*r mo*th is ajar%" 'ircenn said beside her ear$ She blinked$ "5o*rs wo*ld be too% if yo* s*ddenly fo*nd yo*rself in my home$" 1e wo*ld certainly gawk o&er tele&ision% the radio% the Internet$

"Is it to yo*r liking0" he asked stiffly$ "It.s lo&ely%" she breathed$ 1e permitted himself a small smile$ "'ome% they.&e prepared a chamber for yo*$" "D*ring the past two min*tes0" 1ow efficient was his staff0 "I sent a sco*ting troop ahead% lass% and since they e)pect yo* to be my wife"he grimaced"they may ha&e made +*ite a f*ss$ Doona mistake that for my doing$ I co*ld hardly deny my ser&ants their enth*siasm$ -hey are likely beside themsel&es with pleas*re that I am handfasted%" he m*ttered dryly$ /itho*t thinking% she laid a hand on his forearm% plag*ed by c*riosity% her animosity temporarily forgotten$ "/hy ha&en.t yo* wed before now0" 1e glanced down at her hand on his arm$ 1is ga#e lingered o&erlong on her fingers$ "/hat0 1a&e yo* s*ddenly become interested in me0" he asked% with a mocking lift of a dark brow$ "I s*ppose when I saw yo* at D*nnottar% I saw yo* merely as a warrior% b*t here I see yo*" ",s a man0" he finished for her% in a dangero*s tone$ "1ow intrig*ing%" he m*rm*red$ "2oolish% b*t intrig*ing$" "/hy is that foolish0 5o* are a man$ -his is yo*r home%" she said$ "5o*r men gi&e yo* their tr*st and loyalty% yo*r ser&ants are pleased to see yo* ret*rn$ -his is a spacio*s castle% and yo* m*st be at least thirty or thirty=fi&e$ 1ow old are yo*0" 1er brow f*rrowed as she reali#ed that she knew &ery little abo*t this man$ 'ircenn regarded her impassi&ely$ Impatiently she barreled on$ "1a&e yo* ne&er been married0 S*rely yo* intend to be someday% don.t yo*0 Don.t yo* want children0 Do yo* ha&e brothers and sisters% or are yo* as solitary as yo* make yo*rself o*t to be0" 1is eyes narrowed$ ":ass% I am weary from the jo*rney$ 2abricate yo*r own answers as they may please yo*$ 2or the now% let me see yo* to yo*r chamber% so I might get on with my other d*ties$ If yo* wo*ld like to t*rn yo*r mind to a p*##le% p*##le a way o*t of a formal wedding in less than three moons$" "I g*ess that means yo* can.t kill me% doesn.t it0" she said% half jesting$

1e scowled$ "'orrect$" -hen% close to her ear so no one co*ld o&erhear% he said% "1ow co*ld I kill a royal co*sin0 1ow co*ld I dispose of yo* when the (r*ce has gi&en yo* to me in marriage0 /e.re handfasted now$ /e.re nearly as good as wed$ 4illing yo* now wo*ld ca*se more problems for me than failing to f*lfill my &ow e&er wo*ld ha&e$" "So yo*r oath" "Is well and tr*ly broken%" he finished bitterly$ "Is that why yo*.&e been looking so angry0" " Stop asking +*estionsA" he th*ndered$ "Sorry%" :isa said defensi&ely$ 1e propelled her *p the staircase by her elbow and deposited her at the entrance to her chamber% in the east wing$ "I.ll ha&e hot water sent *p so yo* may refresh yo*rself$ Stay in yo*r room for the d*ration of the night% lass% or I may ha&e to kill yo* anyway$" :isa shook her head and began to t*rn toward the door$ "7i&e me yo*r hands% lass$" She t*rned back toward him$ "/hat0" 1e e)tended his hands$ "6lace yo*r hands in mine$" It was not a re+*est$ :isa held o*t her hands warily$ 'ircenn closed them in his and locked his ga#e with hers$ 1e *sed his body% as was his waya s*btle leaning% a slight shifting% an *nspoken dominanceto press her back against the stone wall beside the door% holding her ga#e$ 2ascinated% she co*ldn.t tear her eyes away him$ /hen he stretched her hands abo&e her head% she s*cked in a worried breath$ 1e mo&ed so slowly that% l*lled by a false sense of sec*rity% she didn.t *tter a word$ 7ently% he br*shed his lips against hers$ It was incredibly intimate% being kissed so slowly and tenderly$ 1ad he kissed her heatedly% it wo*ldn.t ha&e been nearly as de&astating$ /ith e)cr*ciating leis*re% he kissed her so slowly that she co*ld hear a do#en of her own heartbeats between each slight alteration in the caress of his lips$ She dropped her head back against the wall and closed her eyes% lost in the b*tterfly=light friction of his lips

br*shing hers as if he had all the time in the world$ -he castle s*ddenly seemed *nnat*rally silent% her breath *ncommonly lo*d$ If it was fi&e min*tes or fifteen that he kissed her in s*ch a fashion% she had no way of knowing$ She wo*ld ha&e held still fore&er$ 1e capt*red her wrists with one hand and% with the other% he traced the conto*r of her cheekbone$ 1er heart sank as she reali#ed how close she was to being *tterly sed*ced by his tantali#ingly slow and delicio*s to*ches$ 1is fingers pressed at the corner of her mo*th and her lips parted on a sigh of pleas*re$ 1e contin*ed kissing her% b*t did not offer his tong*e% and it was dri&ing her mad$ Slowly$ 7ently$ /ith intimacy so prolonged that it made her aware of e&ery n*ance of what he was doing$ 1e drew back% his ga#e dark% and ran his finger across her lower lip$ Instincti&ely% she to*ched his finger with her tong*e$ /ith a h*sky groan% he cradled her head in his hands% closed his mo*th o&er hers% and slipped a long &el&ety stroke of his tong*e against hers$ -he moment she melted against him% he drew back sharply% sp*n on his heel% and stalked away$ 1er lips tingled% and she to*ched the tips of her fingers to her mo*th as he walked down the corridor$ ,t the end of the hallway% he glanced back o&er his sho*lder% and when he saw her standing there with her fingers pressed to her mo*th% he flashed her a smile of masc*line satisfaction$ 1e knew the effect he had on her$ She stepped into her chamber and slammed the door sh*t$ BBB Something had changed between them% she reali#ed% d*ring the ride from D*nnottar to (rodie$ Or perhaps shortly after they.d arri&ed% when he.d left her side looking so angry and come back looking sad$ 1e seemed more h*man% less the r*thless sa&age$ Or was she beginning to tr*st him% dri&en by the dawning reali#ation that she had no one else to t*rn to0 5awning and eager to stretch o*t on something besides the hard gro*nd% she looked aro*nd the chamber$ It was bea*tif*l% the walls h*ng with palls of silk and tapestries that looked as if they.d been stolen from <ngland$ -he tho*ght am*sed her greatly% that 'ircenn decorated his castle with stolen <nglish goods$ 1er bed% canopied with c*rtains of sheer i&ory and co&ered with do#ens of pillows% was so wide she co*ld lie across it witho*t her legs sticking off the edge$ -he headboard was a wonder of drawers and c*bbyholes% and the maids had sprinkled the nooks and crannies with herbs and dried flowers$

Of co*rse% they.d gone to s*ch pains to make her chamber welcoming and bright beca*se they tho*ght she was going to be mistress of this castle% b*t she knew better$ -here was no way she wo*ld still be in the fo*rteenth cent*ry three months from now$ It was simply not an option$ 'ome tomorrow% she resol&ed sleepily% l*lled by the wine she.d dr*nk and the gently b*rning fire% she wo*ld track down the flask and get back to her own time$ She drifted off to sleep$ BBB )isa was running as fast as she could, chasing her mother through the halls of the hospital# She'd be able to catch up with her if the doctors would ;ust 1uit pushing her bed so fast- idn't they understand that 2atherine needed her* +ut if they did, they didn't care# "hey wound down one hallway and up the next, turned right and circled around, almost as if they were purposefully trying to elude her# "he entire time she chased them, her mother was struggling to sit up, holding her hand out, reaching imploringly for her# Several times )isa came within inches of grasping that fragile hand, only to lose it when the doctors picked up a sudden burst of speed# ,inally she closed in on them near the reception desk# "he desk was situated in a corner, with an aisle all around it, but there was only one hallway open to the left# "here was no way they could escape her# She would cut them off, by circling around to the left, and gather 2atherine up she weighed so little now->and take her home, where she wanted to be$ +ut as she raced around and blocked the hallway, an elevator appeared in the previously solid wall, and the doctors rushed her mother in, glancing at )isa reprovingly# 0)isa-0 2atherine cried, as the doors began to close# )isa pushed forward, straining against the suddenly thickened air that prevented her from moving# She watched in horror as the elevator door closed and her mother was lost to her forever# CHAPTER 14 armand rode swiftly thro*gh the forest as dawn broke o&er the high co*ntry% glancing fre+*ently o&er his sho*lder to ascertain that he wasn.t being followed$ >ena*d had been far too c*rio*s abo*t his *rge to go for a solitary ride beyond the walls% b*t ,rmand had told him he needed to meditate% that his faith was often renewed by the breaking day and he fo*nd his prayers more easily recited in 7od.s nat*ral splendor$ ,rmand had rolled his eyes and c*rsed$ 7od.s nat*ral temple was not% nor wo*ld e&er be% eno*gh for him$ 'ertainly not now% li&ing in the abject po&erty and h*miliation he.d end*red since the o&erthrow of their Order$ 1e longed for a fine roof o&er his head% l*)*rio*s s*rro*ndings% wealth% and respect$ 1e.d lost all of those things when they.d

been dri&en o*t of 2rance% o*sted by 4ing 6hilippe the 2air% who had desired the -emplars. wealth$ 8any had co&eted that wealth% and feared the -emplars. growing power% b*t only 6hilippe had been cle&er and a&aricio*s eno*ghand had been owed eno*gh political fa&orsto bring the mighty Order crashing to its knees$ (eing forced to his knees was not a position ,rmand co*ld accept$ 1is life had been precisely as he.d wanted it% and each day he.d come closer to the tr*e secrets of the Order% becoming more tr*sted and taken into greater confidences$ ,s 'ommander of 4nights% he.d nearly been able to taste the pri&ilege and power of the enticing inner circle he.d been laboring to penetrate$ -hen the false arrests had been made and the knights had been dri&en from their homeland$ Only a barbaric% e)comm*nicated king had been willing to grant them clemency$ /hen the Order of -emplars had been dissol&ed by papal decree in 1 !I% no order of s*ppression was iss*ed in Scotland; and *nder >obert the (r*ce% the -emplars had so*ght ha&en and become the Militi "empli Scotia$ (a% he tho*ght morosely% more like the Minutiae Puppets Scotia% for they danced to a new king.s t*ne now% a king who% while he did not seek to take from them% had no wealth to confer *pon them% no respect and no lands$ -hey were f*giti&es% h*nted and re&iled$ (*t ,rmand (erard wo*ld not be so for long$ -he recent years of r*nning and hiding% of pretending to keep the faith when the Order was so *tterly destroyed% had firmed his resol&e$ 1is brother knights might cling to the abs*rd hope that they wo*ld be able to reb*ild their Order in Scotland and e&ent*ally regain their prominence% b*t ,rmand knew better$ -he shining ho*r of the 4nights -emplar had passed$ 1e pitied his pio*s brothers% who belie&ed that power was ne&er to be *sed for personal gain$ 2or what other reason wo*ld one e&er *se it0 1e c*rsed and spat f*rio*sly$ 1e.d been so closeso near the forbidden knowledge of the -emplars. tr*e power$ ,rmand reined in his mo*nt% d*cking *nder a low=hanging limb and slowing to a trot as he entered the clearing$ 1e nodded a greeting to the cloaked rider awaiting him there$ "/hat ha&e yo* for *s% (erard0" ,rmand smiled$ It had been impossible to get word to his co=conspirator% Games 'omyn% while stationed at D*nnottar% b*t he hadn.t had anything to tell him at the time$ In the past week% howe&er% he had come *pon powerf*l information and knew it was a portent of good things to come$ ,rmand (erard wo*ld sell his ser&ices for wealth and titles in <ngland% and set abo*t making *p for lost time with wine% women% and wea&ing his way into the inner circles of <dward.s co*rt% by whate&er means were necessary$ 1e was a m*sc*lar% attracti&e man% and word was that <dward had a special fondness for personal

ser&ices from well=fa&ored men$ ,rmand smiled% pondering how he wo*ld bend the <nglish king to his will$ "1a&e yo* been able to find o*t any more abo*t (rodie0" the 'omyn pressed impatiently$ ,rmand regarded the thin% sadistic face of his companion$ 7ri##led white brows arched o&er pale bl*e eyes that were far colder than the iciest loch$ ":ittle$ 1e is a pri&ate man and those closest to him do not speak of him freely$" ,rmand tightened his hold on the reins% soothing his mo*nt to a standstill$ "<dward is ad&ocating laying siege to his castle$ 1e wants the hallows% (erard% and he grows impatient$ 1a&e yo* been able to confirm they are there0" ",s yet it is still r*mor$ (*t now that I am finally in his keep% I will be able to search thoro*ghly$ -hat.s what <dward wanted% wasn.t ita spy within his walls0 (id him be content that someone has finally managed to penetrate (rodie% and grant me time to search$ It wo*ld be better that I find the spear and the sword than yo* storm his walls and try to take them%" ,rmand warned$ 2ind them he wo*ld% and then sell them to the highest bidder$ -he fo*r hallows had been *nder the protection of the -emplars *ntil the Order fell$ If he co*ld now lay his hands on the Spear that >oars for (loodthe lance that had allegedly wo*nded 'hrist.s side there wo*ld be no limit to the wealth and power he might obtain$ If he also fo*nd the Sword of :ight% r*mored to bla#e with holy fire when wielded% his f*t*re wo*ld be ass*red$ ,llegedly% the ca*ldron and the Stone of Destiny were also somewhere in (rodie.s keep$ 9ow that he was being ho*sed in the middle of that keep% ,rmand wo*ld not fail to e)ploit the opport*nity$ -o diss*ade <dward.s men from attacking 'astle (rodie before he located the hallows% he warned% "(rodie has fifty -emplars in residence% in addition to his troops% and if he indeed possesses the sacred objects% he possesses the ability to cr*sh yo* before yo* so m*ch as breach his gate$" -he 'omyn shifted irritably$ "/e know that$ It has th*s far restrained <dward.s hand$" "(esides%" ,rmand added tho*ghtf*lly% "I wonder if he tr*ly has them$ If he did% one wo*ld think he wo*ld ha&e t*rned them to Scotland.s aid long ago$" "6erhaps he is as self=ser&ing as yo* and keeps them for the power they gi&e him$ Or perhaps he is de&o*t% and belie&es they may only be *sed for 7od.s will$" "It scarce matters% for I now ha&e the means to l*re him forth%" ,rmand replied$ -he 'omyn straightened abr*ptly and snapped his fingers$ "Information$ 9ow$"

"It will cost yo*%" ,rmand said coldly$ "Dearly$" "<dward will pay dearly if yo* deli&er 'astle (rodie and its notorio*s master to *s$ I ass*me yo* ha&e a price in mind0" "9o less than my weight in p*rest gold$" ",nd what do yo* offer *s for s*ch an e)tra&agance0" "'ircenn recently became betrothed% to one :isa 8ac>obertson% who happens to be >obert the (race.s co*sin by blood%" ,rmand said$ "I will deli&er her into yo*r hands$ 1ow yo* destroy (rodie from there is yo*r doing$" Games 'omyn.s e)citement was palpable% and it translated to his mo*nt% who nickered and paced in skittish circles$ 'alming him with a thin white hand% 'omyn kneed the horse close to ,rmand.s$ "Is she fair0" he demanded% his eyes glittering$ "<)traordinarily%" ,rmand ass*red him% knowing the woman wo*ld beg for death at this man.s hands% long before it was granted$ "She is well c*r&ed and l*sh$ , fiery woman% too pro*d for her own good$" -he 'omyn r*bbed his hands$ "Once we ha&e her% (rodie will follow$ <dward will delight in caging and +*artering another of the (race.s kin$" "I will bring her to yo* for the gold and a title and lands in <ngland$" "7reedy% are we not0" Games mocked$ "If I bring the sword and spear% I may ask for the crown%" ,rmand said% with a chilly smile$ "2or the sword and the spear% I might try to help yo* get it%" his companion p*rred$ ,rmand raised his hand in a mock sal*te$ "-o <ngland$" -he 'omyn smiled$ "-o <ngland$" ,rmand rode back to 'astle (rodie well pleased$ 1e need only entice the woman o*tside the walls of the castle% and his new life wo*ld begin$ BBB :isa sighed as she r*mmaged thro*gh the chest$ 2o*r days had passed since they.d arri&ed at 'astle (rodie% and her +*est to find the flask had not been s*ccessf*l$ She was beginning to despair$ -he man co*ld ha&e a tho*sand hiding places in a castle so large$

2or all she knew% he might ha&e b*ried it in the d*ngeonwhich was one place she wasn.t in a h*rry to see$ She now *nderstood the e)pression "looking for a needle in a haystack$" 'astle (rodie had two floors% with do#ens of other floors in the t*rrets and towers that popped *p at *ne)pected inter&als% and the wings circled aro*nd not one b*t fo*r enclosed co*rtyards$ 3*ite simply% the castle was so large it co*ld take her a year to search e&ery room thoro*ghly$ She.d tried to think like 'ircenn% to p*t herself inside his mind% b*t that had pro&ed impossible; the man was an enigma to her$ 1e.d caref*lly a&oided her since their arri&al and had meals sent *p to her room$ She had seen him stomping abo*t the o*ter bailey with his men$ Once% he.d glanced *p as she.d watched him thro*gh a window% as if he.d felt her ga#e$ -he smile he.d gi&en her had bared teeth and not m*ch more$ 1is eyes had been distant% tro*bled$ Defiantly% she.d blown him a kiss to agitate him$ It had worked$ 1e.d pi&oted in a whirl of cloak and stalked away$ :isa r*bbed her temples and ret*rned her attention to the chest she.d been digging thro*gh$ She was better off not thinking abo*t him$ "1ere ye be% lassie$ I was wondering where ye.d gotten off to in this drafty old castle$" :isa abr*ptly stopped poking thro*gh the chest and t*rned aro*nd$ 1er eyes felt gritty and hea&y; she.d woken to a pillow wet from tears again this morning$ She dimly recalled her dreamshe.d been ha&ing horrible ones for days now% and she felt braised from them$ (*t her nightmares had gal&ani#ed her into action$ She had to find the flask$ 1er hands fell to her sides$ <irren stood a few paces away% leaning against a chair and watching her% his eyes bright with am*sement$ "1a&e ye fo*nd what yer searching for0" he asked$ "I wasn.t searching for anything%" :isa lied hastily$ "I was merely admiring the room and wondering what treas*res this chest might hold$ I can.t help myself% I.m a c*rio*s girl%" she added bree#ily$ "8e mam *sed to tell me c*riosity was one of the eight deadly sins$" "-here are only se&en sins%" :isa said defensi&ely% "and c*riosity can be a good thing$ It enco*rages one to learn$" "8e% I.&e ne.er wanted to learn m*ch of anything%" <irren said with a shr*g$ "Doin. is m*ch more f*n than learnin.$" "Spoken like a tr*e male%" :isa said dryly$ "5o* are in dire need of a mam$ Speaking of which% yo* and I ha&e a date with warm water and soap later this afternoon$"

<irren la*ghed and tossed himself into the chair$ 1is thin legs protr*ded from beneath his dirty plaid and he dangled them o&er the side% bare feet swinging$ "It.s not a bad castle% is it% lassie0 1a&e ye seen the b*ttery0 -he laird stocks a fine larder and hosts a grander feastthat is% when he.s not planning wars and battling$ -here ha&na been many feasts in this castle for years now$ Sad%" he added dejectedly$ ", lad co*ld star&e for want of spiced pl*ms and s*gared hams$" :isa had a feeling that <irren didn.t want for m*ch of anything his cle&er little mind co*ld ded*ce a method to obtain$ "1ow did yo* get to 'astle (rodie% <irren0 I don.t recall seeing yo* with the men when we were riding from D*nnottar$" "8e and me da dinna lea&e till later that night$ /e doona tra&el with the troops$ 8e da is of the ser&ing folk; it doesna sit well to mi) with warriors$" "/ho is yo*r da0" she asked$ "9o one ye wo*ld ken%" he replied% leaping from the chair$ "I hear the laird told his men ye were co*sin to the (r*ce%" <irren said% changing the s*bject swiftly$ "Is that the way of things0" "9o%" :isa said% wondering why she tr*sted him eno*gh to share confidences$ 6ossibly beca*se she had no one else to tr*st% and if she co*ldn.t tr*st a child% whom co*ld she tr*st0 "I told yo* I.m not from this time$" "Did the fae folk m*ck abo*t wi. ye0" "/hat0" :isa asked blankly$ "-he fairiesyo* ken we ha&e .em in Scotland$ Oft they are wily little folk% m*ssing abo*t with time and whatnot better left alone$" ",ct*ally% it was the laird himself who.s responsible for my being here$ 1e c*rsed something and it bro*ght me to him when I to*ched it$" <irren shook his head disparagingly$ "-hat man has ne.er c*rsed a thing well$ 5e.d think he.d stop trying$" "1e.s c*rsed things before0" :isa asked$ <irren shook his head$ "Doona be asking me% lassie$ ,sk him these +*estions$ I only ken the few things I hear% and it.s not always the tr*th of the matter$ I hear tell yer handfasted to the laird$" "I.m not really$ /hat does that mean anyway0"

"8eans yer as good as wed% and if within a year an. a day yer carrying his bairn%.tis a weddin. witho*t a weddin. being needed$ ,re ye carryin. his bairn0" "9oA" :isa was certain she looked as appalled as she felt$ -hen she briefly considered what a child of his wo*ld be like% and how she wo*ld ha&e to go abo*t getting one$ She drop=kicked the intrig*ing tho*ght from her mind$ <irren smiled gamely$ "5e can forgi&e c*riosity% canna ye0 5er g*ilty of it as well$ /o*ld ye like to e)plore0 I can gi&e ye a wee to*r before me da is needing me$" "-hank yo*% <irren% b*t I.m happy here$" She had to get back to her search and needed pri&acy to do it$ "I tho*ght I.d look thro*gh some of these man*scripts and pass the rainy afternoon in the er st*dy$" /hat did one call a room like this0 It was a medie&al &ersion of a modern den$ , circ*lar piece of wood ser&ed as a desk% for lack of a better word$ It looked as if it had been hewn from a massi&e tree tr*nk and was nearly fi&e feet in diameter$ 'entered before the hearth% it had smoothly ro*nded drawers that had s*rely been a woodcar&er.s nightmare to create$ On either side of the hearth were recessed bookcases in which man*scripts bo*nd in leather and rolled scrolls were neatly arranged on the shel&es$ 'ar&ed chairs with pillowed arms and c*shionssomeone in the keep was a cle&er seamstresswere strewn in co#y arrangements$ 'olorf*l tapestries adorned the walls% and the floor was dotted with wo&en r*gs$ It was ob&io*sly the room where 'ircenn tallied acco*nts% went thro*gh correspondence% and drew *p maps and battle plans$ -he east wall was lined with tall windows% paned with a greenish gla#ed glass thro*gh which the green lawn was &isible$ 'ircenn (rodie was wealthy% that was a certainty% for in some of the rooms in the castle she.d seen clear windows$ "S*it yerself% lassie$ I.ll be seeing ye before anon% I.m fair certain$" <irren flashed her a grin and left as +*ickly and silently as he.d arri&ed$ "/ait<irrenA" she called after him% hoping to set a time to meet with him later$ -he lad needed a bath% and she had a do#en +*estions to ask$ She s*spected his cheerf*l demeanor was m*ch as hersa facade shielding a lonely heartand she belie&ed he wo*ld welcome her mothering once he grew acc*stomed to it$ She wo*ld track him down in a few ho*rs% she decided% b*t for now it was back to the b*siness at hand? /here wo*ld 'ircenn hide the flask0 She had no do*bt he.d secreted it away as soon as they.d arri&ed$ She had tried to watch what he did with his pack when they.d entered the castle% and had last seen it lying beside the door% b*t it had been gone the ne)t morning when she.d sneaked down to begin her search$ /hate&er was in the sil&ery container m*st be e)traordinarily &al*able for him to be so caref*l with it$ /as it indeed a potion to manip*late time0 /as he blatantly lying to her abo*t whether he co*ld

ret*rn her0 She might consider drinking whate&er it contained once she fo*nd it; perhaps the contents were magic$ She r*mmaged thro*gh the chest% sorting past ledgers$ , few l*mpy c*shions% throws% and balls of thick thread had been cas*ally tossed in with the mi)$ 9earing the bottom% she *nco&ered a sheaf of papers filled with slanted scrawl$ -he words looked angry% as had the words car&ed on top of the chest in the m*se*m$ "1a&e yo* fo*nd what yo* seek% :isa0" 'ircenn (rodie asked +*ietly$ :isa dropped the papers back into the chest% closed her eyes% and sighed$ /ith a ga#illion rooms in this castle% e&eryone seemed hell=bent on joining her in this one$ "I was getting a blanket o*t of the chest"she snatched *p a plaid that had been folded near the top "when one of my earring backs came off%" she lied splendidly$ "5o* are not wearing ear rings% lass%" he said% breaking it into two distinct words% eyeing her ears$ "On either ear%" he said impassi&ely$ :isa cl*tched at her ears% then nearly assa*lted the chest in a fren#ied search$ "Oh hea&ens% they both fell off%" she cried$ "'an yo* belie&e that0" She flinched when his strong hands settled *pon her waist as she bent o&er the chest$ "9o%" he said +*ietly$ "I cannot$ /hy doona yo* simply tell me what yo* are looking for% lass0 6erhaps I can help yo*$ I know the castle well$ It is mine% after all$" :isa straightened slowly; she hadn.t fooled him for a moment$ She was e)cr*ciatingly aware of his presence behind her% co*ld feel the br*sh of his chest against her back$ 1is hands were hot thro*gh the fabric of her gown$ She glanced down% and the sight of his elegant fingers c*r&ing aro*nd her waist +*ickened her breath$ "5o* don.t need to to*ch me to talk to me%" she said softly$ She wasn.t in f*ll command of her mental fac*lties when 'ircenn to*ched her% and she needed e&ery o*nce of her wits to deal with him$ 1e remo&ed his hands% and she e)haled a sigh of relief that ser&ed also to calm her erratic heartbeat% b*t then he gripped her by the sho*lders and t*rned her abo*t to face him$ She tilted back her head to look at him$ 1e regarded her in silence *ntil she was too ner&o*s to hold her tong*e any longer$ "I was merely snooping$ I.m c*rio*s abo*t this place$ It.s my history "1ad yo* been strolling abo*t the castle st*dying portraits% e)amining the weapons% or looking at f*rnit*re% yo* might ha&e con&inced me% b*t r*mmaging thro*gh my chest strikes me as somewhat odd$ 8y ser&ants tell me they.&e seen yo* in e&ery wing of my castle$"

:isa swallowed% da*nted by the cool e)pression on his face$ , m*scle j*mped in his jaw and she reali#ed she had *pset him more than he was letting on$ anger% her mind ca*tioned$ "his man is a warrior, )isa$ "/ere yo* looking for battle plans% lass0" he asked tightly$ "9oA" she ass*red him hastily$ "I.m not interested in that$" 'ircenn stepped past her% bent o&er the chest% and poked thro*gh it$ ,pparently he fo*nd little to warrant concern% b*t he remo&ed the sheaf of papers she.d disco&ered% folded them% and placed them in his sporran$ 1e pi&oted behind her and angled his body so that his chest br*shed her sho*lder$ She co*ld smell himthat faint spicy scent that l*red% bef*ddled% and sed*ced her$ 1e was m*ch too close for comfort$ :isa stolidly ref*sed to b*dge an inch; she wo*ld not t*rn to meet his ga#e again$ )et him talk to my cheek% she tho*ght defiantly$ She was not going to let him *se his body to intimidate her% altho*gh she had no do*bt he.d *sed it effecti&ely to that p*rpose for most of his life$ 1is breath fanning her ear% he said% "I came to tell yo* D*ncan awaits yo* in the oriel that is the room abo&e the 7reathall$ 1e will gi&e yo* a to*r and has more to teach yo* before yo* mingle with my people$ I e)pect yo* for dinner this e&ening" "/e.&e not dined together before$ I see no reason to start now%" she interr*pted hastily$ 1e contin*ed as if she.d not spoken$ ",nd I.&e had some gowns sent to yo*r room$ I s*ggest yo* spend the early e&ening with 7illendria% who will arrange for a bath and dress yo*r hair" "I don.t need to f*ss%" she protested +*ickly% her eyes fi)ed on the wall$ "8y f*t*re wife wo*ld f*ss with her appearance to befit her station$" 'ircenn dropped his hand from where it was s*spended abo&e her nape and clenched it so he wo*ldn.t gi&e in to the temptation to caress her hair% perhaps place a finger beneath her chin% and t*rn her face to his$ O&er the past few days% knowing she lay in his bed% slept in his castle% he.d grown deeply intrig*ed with the tho*ght of being handfasted to her$ 1is desire for her had in no way responded to his efforts at discipline; rather% it seemed to be growing defiantly% in in&erse proportion to his attempts to contain it$ 1andfasting seemed to be ac+*iring the elements of a nicely bent r*le% to the new and decidedly not impro&ed 'ircenn (rodie$ If she t*rned to look at him% she wo*ld clearly see his h*nger for her% and he wanted her to see it; it was like a &olcano inside himhot% far from dormant% and bordering on dangero*s$ 1e wanted to see how she wo*ld react% if her eyes wo*ld widen% her p*pils

dilate% her lips part$ 1e ga#ed at her for a moment% willing her to t*rn and face him% b*t she was stalwart in her stance$ BBB 'ircenn entered his chambers% gliding so*ndlessly across the floor$ 1e drew a deep breath and let himself feel the raw power s*rging in his &eins$ 'hy fight it now0 he tho*ght sardonically$ -he past fo*r days had been hellish$ Since they.d ret*rned to his castle% he.d tried to keep himself b*sy training% attempting to e)ha*st himself physically so he might sleep at night% b*t to no a&ail$ ,t e&ery moment he was e)+*isitely conscio*s of the woman in his keep$ ,nd e)+*isitely tempted$ 1e.d broken e&ery damned r*le on his list b*t two% and now he.d come to this chamber to bend yet another one$ 1e.d come to scry his f*t*re$ 1e pa*sed before the brightly b*rning fire$ 6erhaps% if he had peered into his f*t*re the moment she had appeared% he might ha&e glimpsed the disasters coming and been able to a&ert them$ 6erhaps he sho*ld ha&e broken that r*le first$ Or perhaps he sho*ld ha&e practiced scrying years ago and foreseen her arri&al% b*t he hadn.t for two reasons? 1e disliked *sing magic% and scrying was not an e)act art$ Sometimes he co*ld see clearly% and at other times his &isions were impossible to decipher% more conf*sing than helpf*l$ 'ircenn stared into the flames for a long moment% arg*ing with himself o&er s*ch things as fate and free choice$ 1e.d ne&er been able to reach a solid concl*sion abo*t predestination$ /hen ,dam had first shown him the art of scrying his f*t*re days% 'ircenn had scoffed% arg*ing that to belie&e one co*ld see one.s f*t*re meant that it was *nchangeable% which annihilated the concept of personal control% something he co*ldn.t accept$ ,dam had merely la*ghed and goaded 'ircenn that if he ref*sed to learn all the arts% he co*ldn.t e)pect to *nderstand the few he did know$ A bird's eye views the entire terrain over which it flies, a mouse sees only dirt# +e ye free or be ye mouse0 ,dam had asked% his mo*th c*r&ed in that perpet*ally mocking smile$ Sighing% 'ircenn knelt by the fireplace and ran his hand beneath the crack where the hearth met the floor$ , portion of the wall containing the hearth silently re&ol&ed ninety degrees% re&ealing a pitch=black chamber behind it$ 1e picked *p a candle and stepped into the hidden chamber$ /ith a slight mo&ement of his foot% he depressed the le&er that sp*n the wall closed$ It took a few moments for his eyes to adj*st to the room with no windows$ It was an *ncomfortable place for him% a place he so*ght only in his darkest ho*rs$ 1e passed the small tables% toying idly with the &ario*s "gifts" the blackest elf had bro*ght him$ Some he *nderstood% some he ne&er wanted to *nderstand$ ,dam had gi&en them strange names? batteries% a*tomatic rifles% lighters% tampons$ 'ircenn had e)plored a few of them% and one he.d fo*nd himself drawn to many times o&er the cent*ries$ ,dam

called it a "portable 'D player$" 1is *s*al fa&orite was 8o#art.s <e1uiem% b*t today% howe&er% he was more in the mood for a piece called <ide of the ?alkyries by >ichard /agner$ Slipping the de&ice o&er his ears% he th*mbed the ga*ge to f*ll &ol*me and sank into a chair in the corner% staring at the candle flame$ 6apers crackled in his sporran and he remo&ed them with a wry smile$ 1e.d long ago forgotten st*ffing those shea&es in the chest in his st*dy% b*t he had narrowly escaped a disastro*s sit*ation by retrie&ing them$ -he last thing she needed to st*mble *pon was his scribbled and ma*dlin introspections$ She wo*ld tr*ly think him deranged$ 1e knew the first sheaf by heart? @: ec# A=A@ ! have lived forty%one years, and today ! have discovered that ! will live forever, courtesy of Adam +lack# ! can scarcely dip my 1uill in ink6 my hand trembles with rage# (e gave me no choice but what matter the wishes of mere mortals to an immortal race that has lost the ability to feel* (e didn't tell me until after my wedding today, and even then he would not tell me all, he merely acknowledged that he had slipped the potion in my wine sometime in the past ten years# Now ! shall watch my wife grow old and lose her to death, while ! continue on, solitary# Shall ! become a monster like Adam* 'ill time dim my ability to feel* 'ill a thousand years make me weary beyond enduring and tinge my mind with that puckish madness that delights in mischievous manipulation* 'ill two thousand years make me become like them enamored of mortal struggles they can no longer feel* '"is no curse ! would wish upon my love6 better she should live and die as nature intended$ AhB was it only this summer past ! dreamed of my children, playing around the reflecting pool* Now ! pause and think what, give the fool more fodder* 'hat atrocities might he commit upon my sons and daughters* /ch, Naya, forgive me, love# $ou shall find me seedless as the grape in wine$ ,nd the second% the one that had laid the co*rse of his life? @98 ec# A=A@ My mind is consumed with this immortality# ! have pondered naught but these 1uestions during the waxing and waning of the moon, and now on this eve before the new year dawns the first of forevermore ! have at long last achieved resolution# ! will not permit the immortal madness to take me, and ! shall con1uer it thusC ! have devised a set of rules#

!, 2ircenn +rodie, )aird and "hane of +rodie, do vow to adhere faithfully to these tenets, never to break them, for if ! should, ! may tumble headlong into Adam's destructive irreverence and become a creature who holds nothing sacred# ! shall not lie# ! shall not spill innocent blood# ! shall not break an oath sworn# ! shall not use magic for personal gain or glory# ! shall never betray my honor# ,nd the third% when br*tal *nderstanding had finally dawned and he.d tasted the bitter dregs hidden in the c*p of immortal life% camo*flaged by the sweet nectar of perfect health and longe&ity? @8, April D:E@ ! buried my foster son 5amie today, knowing it was only one of an eternal succession of burials# "he hour grows late and my mind turns, as it oft is wont, to Naya# !t has been a score of years since ! lay with a woman# are ! love again* (ow many people will ! lower into their graves, and is it with such grim doings that madness begins* Ah, fie# '"is a lonely life# , lonely life% indeed$ -he sa&age m*sic th*ndering in his ears% he ga#ed deep into the flame and deliberately opened that part of his mind he *s*ally kept tightly sh*t$ @nlike Dr*idism% which was a rit*alistic art that incl*ded binding c*rses and spells% tr*e magic re+*ired neither ceremonies nor rhymes$ ,dam.s kind of magic was a process of opening one.s mind and *sing a foc*s for the power once s*mmoned$ 'ircenn had fo*nd that the glassy s*rface of the reflecting pool in the rear gardens% or a polished metal disk% was often the best foc*s$ 1e retreated into his mind% staring intently at the shield propped against the wall$ 1e.d fashioned it himself h*ndreds of years past% and altho*gh it was far too battered to carry into battle% it ser&ed him well as a focal point$ -he last time he.d tried to scry his life% he.d been trying to see himself fi&e h*ndred years in the f*t*re% to determine what he might become$ -he &ision that had flickered within this same shield had been bitter indeed$ 1is &ision had told him that by the se&enteenth cent*ry% he wo*ld be possessed by a depra&ed madness$ ,ate* Predestination*

1is &isions had told him tr*ly when and how 9aya wo*ld die; still% he.d been *nable to sa&e her$ 9at*ral ca*ses% old agea thing against which he possessed no weapon$ Impotent in all his power% he.d lost her$ ,nd she.d raged against him as she.d died% c*rsing him a demon% for his hair had ne&er grayed% his face had ne&er lined$ 1e shook off the memory and intensified his foc*s$ Images bl*rred and slowly coalesced$ ,t first he co*ld define only blobs of color? pink% bron#e% d*sky rose% and a backdrop of i&ory$ 1e narrowed the span of control% foc*sing on what the ne)t few months wo*ld bring him$ /hen the pict*res became clear% his hands closed like claws *pon the arms of his chair$ 1e stared% first in shock% then with fascination% and finally with ac+*iescence% a faint smile playing abo*t his lips$ /ho was he to arg*e with fate0 If that was what his time held% who was he to be so arrogant to think he co*ld change it0 1e had sworn this wo*ld not happen% yet all e&ents had consistently car&ed the path to it% from the first day she.d arri&ed$ 1e wo*ld be the worst kind of liar if he tried to con&ince himself that he.d hoped to see anything different$ 1e s*cked in a shallow breath as he watched the n*de woman reflected in the shield roll astride his naked body$ 1is abdomen tightened and his cock hardened painf*lly as she straddled him and lowered her hot% wet sheath onto him inch by inch$ In the shield% he had a clear &iew of her% as if he were lying on his back% looking *p at her as she rode him$ 1er f*ll breasts bobbed tantali#ingly abo&e him% her nipples tight$ 1is hands swept *p to palm them ro*ghly% to tease the p*ckered crests$ She arched her back% tossing her head and baring the col*mn of her neck$ -he m*scles in her neck were ta*t with passion as she strained for her pleas*re% and it aro*sed him immeas*rably$ 1is hot ga#e swept down o&er her breasts% followed the hollows and planes of her stomach% to the soft c*rls between her thighs% and he stared% fascinated% as she impaled herself *pon his shaft% watched as the thick col*mn of his cock was re&ealed% then b*ried again in her mo*nd$ She had a tiny dark mole on the inside of her left thigh% and in his &ision% his fingers splayed o&er it$ 1e ached to kiss it% to r*n his tong*e o&er it$ 1e co*ld nearly feel her body clench aro*nd him? tight% hot% and slick with that woman.s wetness that made a man feel in&inciblethe meas*re of which bespoke his prowess? the wetter the woman% the more desired the man$ /hen the shield finally went dark% he came to himself with his hand on his cock$ It was swollen and aching for release$

"So% that is what is to be%" he m*sed alo*d$ "2ate$" 1e co*ldn.t deny that he.d wanted it since the day he first saw her; he.d had to forcibly restrain himself from taking her on se&eral occasions$ -he &ision had j*st confirmed that he wo*ld indeed ha&e her% and that she wo*ld indeed be willing$ 'hy do you fight it0 ,dam had asked him angrily on more than one occasion$ 'hy can you not glory in what you are and en;oy the power of being 2ircenn +rodie* $ou possess the ability to give and take more pleasure than most mortals ever know# Soar, 2ircenn# rink of the life of my kind# ! offer you it, freely$ Not freely% 'ircenn scoffed$ "here was a price$ 1e s+*ee#ed his eyes sh*t as the m*sic th*ndered in his ears$ It was his fate that she wo*ld ride like a mighty% demanding Halkyrie *pon his body$ She already sang like a siren to his heart% this woman of defiance and fear% of c*riosity and contradiction$ 9aya had been soft and passi&e toward her lot in life% *ntil the end when she.d t*rned bitter$ 9e&er before had he met a woman like :isa% a woman with needs and desires and a mind of her own$ Deep emotions roiled in her breast% c*nning intelligence glowed in her eyes% and a fierceness that &ied with the legendary Halkyries. breathed in her &eins$ >*les be damned$ 1ow co*ld he arg*e with the f*t*re0 It was written$ 1e co*ld only take it% enjoy it% and make the most of it% praying he wo*ld s*r&i&e it when he lost his heart to her% then ine&itably lost her in a short span of years$ If he was going to be mad in the f*t*re% he may as well sa&or the present$ 'ircenn (rodie rose from his chair% ripped the machine from the f*t*re off his head% and did what he.d ne&er dared do before? 1e eased his control a tiny bit and enco*raged the magic to throb inside him$ ark angel% ,dam had in&eigled him% soar into my world and fear nothing$ 1e tossed back his head and tasted the power r*nning thro*gh his formidable body$ It was a &ery different creat*re who left the dark% hidden room to find his woman$ BBB ,dam (lack smiled as he remo&ed the tampon from the barrel of the rifle$ ,ltho*gh 'ircenn had ref*sed to *se any of the weapons ,dam had bro*ght him% the warrior within him co*ld not permit time to tarnish them$ 1e snorted% dangling the tampon from its

string$ Only his fastidio*s 'ircenn (rodie wo*ld decide that the soft white swabs were to be *sed for cleaning$ <yeing the rifle% ,dam grinned$ -hey were the perfect si#e to slip inside the barrelit nearly seemed sensible$ (*t he hadn.t bro*ght tampons back to medie&al Scotland for 'ircenn to play with; he.d bro*ght themand e&ery gift he.d chosenfor another reason$ ,ltho*gh if he had his way% there wo*ld be many nine=month inter&als d*ring which she wo*ld ha&e no *se for them$ CHAPTER 15 "yer a bea*ty% lass%" gillendria said% clapping her hands$ "I tho*ght I co*ld refashion it well% b*t.tis the woman who makes this gown$" :isa stood before the mirror% ga#ing at herself with no small meas*re of shock$ 7illendria had refitted a dress that she said had belonged to 'ircenn.s mother% 8organna$ 9ow she slipped it o&er her sho*lders% atop a shift of softest linen$ 8idnight=bl*e silk cl*ng to her breasts% and the scooped neck slipped off her sho*lders% accent*ating her transl*cent skin and fine collarbones$ It h*gged her hips and fell to the floor in a r*stle of bl*e embroidered with gold$ ,t her waist% 7illendria had fastened a gold girdle that knotted low and from which h*ndreds of tiny gold moons and stars dangled$ 8atching slippers encased her feet% and a lo&ely gold tor+*e that predated medie&al times encircled her throat$ ,n embroidered s*rcoat was tied below her breasts$ 7illendria had c*rled her hair% caref*lly picking o*t the gold highlights and c*rling them a bit tighter so that they lay atop the wa&y mass% then m*ssed it gently$ , dab of some combination of root% herb% and flower colored her lips r*by$ 'ho was this woman in the mirror who looked like sin0 she wondered$ )ike Sin's% she amended fancif*lly% for e&en she had to admit that the woman in the mirror now looked a s*itable companion for the laird of the castle$ 2or once she didn.t c*rse herself for being tall% beca*se in this gown her height added an *nmistakable to*ch of elegance$ "5o*.re incredible% 7illendria%" :isa breathed$ "I am% aren.t I0" 7illendria replied witho*t a trace of arrogance$ ",ltho*gh I ha&e not had a woman with yer perfect fig*re to clothe for some time% I ha&e not forgotten how$ -he laird will be well pleased$" :isa was well pleased$ She.d ne&er known she co*ld look like this$ ,t se&enteen% she.d hoped one day to look like 'atherinea golden% striking bea*tyb*t work had become all=cons*ming as she.d str*ggled to pro&ide for her mother% and :isa hadn.t spared another tho*ght for her own appearance in fi&e long years$ 1er mother wo*ld lo&e /h-

MomA She shi&ered$ 1ow co*ld she ha&e forgotten e&en for an instant0 ",re ye cold% milady0" 7illendria asked$ "I can fetch a wrap$" "9ay%" :isa said softly$ "G*st a momentary chill% nothing more$ 7o on with yo* now% 7illendria$ I.ll find my way to the 7reathall$" ,fter 7illendria left% :isa sank down on the bed$ 'astle (rodie was the lo&eliest place she.d e&er been% and there she sat in a dress made for a princess% abo*t to ha&e dinner with a man who was the st*ff of her e&ery romantic dream$ 2or a few min*tes she.d forgotten all abo*t 'atherine$ She.d been too b*sy e)periencing all the anticipation and e)citement of a woman preparing for a special date$ (*t this was no date% and there wo*ld be no happily e&er after$ 1er mother needed her desperately% and :isa was doing something she had ne&er before permitted herself to do? She was failing to carry o*t her responsibilities to 'atherine$ 2ail*re was not a thing to which she was acc*stomed$ She.d always been able to work harder% or for longer ho*rs% to ens*re% if not s*ccess% at least safety% food% and a roof o&er their heads$ She had no right to feel e&en a brief moment of happiness% she admonished herself% *ntil she fo*nd the flask and established her way home$ And then will you feel happy, )isa0 her heart asked gently$ 'hen you leave him and go home to sit at your mother's bedside* 'hen she's gone and you are left alone in the twenty%first century* 'ill you be happy then0 BBB 1er resol&e to feel no pleas*re lasted all of an ho*r$ :isa finished her dessert and sighed contentedly$ If she.d learned nothing else% she.d learned to appreciate the good things that were interspersed with the bad% and dinner had been the best$ -he formal dining hall was bea*tif*l% lit by do#ens of candles$ She was warm% clean% and f*ll$ 2or the first time since she.d been in the fo*rteenth cent*ry she.d eaten a splendid meal$ ,dmittedly% her meals back in her cent*ry had ne&er been se&en co*rses of hea&en% b*t e&en /hite 'astle hamb*rgers fared well against the bland% to*gh meat and hard bread to which she.d been s*bjected$ D*ring the past few weeks% she.d despaired of e&er eating a decent meal again$ -wenty feet of table separated themlike in the old mo&ies% she tho*ght$ She needed twenty feet between her and the lord of (rodie 'astle$ -hey.d dined mostly in silence% and he.d been the epitome of a gracio*s host$ 1e hadn.t scowled at her e&en once$ In fact% se&eral times she.d ca*ght him regarding her with an admiring ga#e$ 1is pre&io*s bad temper seemed to ha&e melted away witho*t a trace% and he appeared as close to rela)ed as she.d e&er seen him$ She wondered what had changed his mood; perhaps he was going to war soon% she decided% which wo*ld s*it them both fine$ 1e.d get to throw his weight aro*nd being the brash o&erbearing male% and she.d be free to tear the castle apart from

top to bottom in search of the flask% witho*t fear of his watchf*l ga#e$ 1e certainly wo*ldn.t carry s*ch a &al*able relic into battle$ 1e.d ha&e to lea&e it here somewhere$ -he idea made her feel positi&ely magnanimo*s$ She glanced at him% feeling sec*re in the distance between them% and smiled$ "-hank yo*%" she m*rm*red$ "2or what% lass0" 1e idly licked a swirl of fl*ffy topping from his spoon$ "2or feeding me%" she replied% ass*ring herself that the mere glimpse of his tong*e flicking o&er a spoon was not s*fficient ca*se for her blood press*re to rise$ "I.&e fed yo* e&ery day since yo*.&e been here and yo*.&e not thanked me before%" he obser&ed mockingly$ "-hat.s beca*se yo* ne&er fed me anything worth eating before$" She watched as he licked a dab of cream from the tip of his spoon$ "I think yo* got it all%" she said *neasily$ S*ddenly the ca&erno*s room seemed to shrink and she felt as if she were sitting mere inches away from him% not twenty feet$ ,nd who had poked *p the dratted fire0 She fanned at her face with a hand that betrayed not the slightest tremor she was feeling$ "7ot what all0" he asked absently% filling his spoon with a mo*nd of berries and cream$ "1ow is this topping made0" she asked% changing the s*bject swiftly$ "8*ch like b*tter$ 5o* ch*rn it with paddles or shake it in a j*g$ It is merely cream skimmed from the top of milk% mi)ed with s*gar and a to*ch of cinnamon$ It thickens as yo* paddle it and add the sweetening$ I *sed to watch them make it when I was a lad% flattering cook and anyone else in the kitchen to get my hands on it$" 'hipped cream in the fourteenth century% she mar&eled$ She wondered how many things these "barbarians" had that modern scholars ne&er disc*ssed$ (*t why wo*ldn.t they ha&e s*ch condiments0 In the few days she.d been in 'astle (rodie% she.d noted many things that s*rprised her$ It all j*st seemed too ci&ili#ed$ She fi)ed her ga#e on her plate trying to pre&ent herself from rising from her chair% taking his spoon away% and gi&ing him something else to lick$ 1er finger$ 1er lower lip$ -he hollow of her spine$ ,ltho*gh she.d had little e)perience with men% she was innately sens*al and she.d fantasi#ed often$ 6erhaps more than most% beca*se she.d tasted so little of se)*ality$ -onight% with this magnificent warrior dining regally at the end of the table% her imagination took flight$

In her fantasy he walked to her end of the table% capt*ring and holding her ga#e with that s*btle magnetism he had$ 1is eyes were hea&y lidded% banking a challenge? +ecome a woman, )isa0 1e took her hand% p*lled her to her feet% and kissed her% a soft br*sh of his lips% a +*ick &el&ety stroke of his tong*e% promising so m*ch more% slipping deep into her mo*th when her lips parted on a sigh$ 1er fantasy picked *p speed% fast=forwarded abr*ptly to his pressing her back onto the table% slipping the gown from her body% dropping whipped cream on her breasts% and licking it from her moist% warm skin with the same caref*l deliberation he.d gi&en his spoon$ 6erhaps a dab of warm% rich cream wo*ld inad&ertently fall where she.d to*ched herself before% and with his lips he wo*ld Swallowing hard% she looked at him$ 1e raised his eyes from the frothy concoction on his spoon at the precise moment she looked *p% and their ga#es locked o&er the length of the polished wood table$ 'here would you drip whipped cream on him, )isa0 -he answer came with frightening swiftness and con&iction? .verywhere$ She wanted to e)plore his body% the hard ripples% the smooth skin$ -he candlelight bathed his oli&e skin with a golden h*e% and his dark good looks were set off perfectly by his linen shirt and the splash of black and crimson draped across his chest$ 1e was mesmeri#ing$ ",re yo* h*ngry% lass0" 1e licked his spoon lang*idly$ She co*ldn.t tear her ga#e away$ "9o$ I.&e eaten +*ite eno*gh%" she managed$ "5o* seem to be watching my dessert most intently$ ,re yo* certain there isn.t something else yo* wish to sate yo*r appetite0" +esides you to remove your clothing, lie on the table, and let me finger paint you with whipped cream, you mean0 "9ope%" she said cas*ally$ "9ot a thing$" She watched him for a moment; he still had a great deal of dessert left$ 1ow was she going to get thro*gh this0 ",ct*ally%" she said% leaping to her feet% "I.m e)ha*sted and wo*ld like to retire$" 1e dropped his spoon and mo&ed swiftly to her side$ "I will escort yo* to yo*r chambers%" he m*rm*red% taking her arm and t*cking it into his$ :isa shi&ered$ -he man was throwing off the heat of a small forge$ 1is scent en&eloped her% faint b*t spicy$ It was a fragrance she co*ldn.t +*ite p*t her finger on$ She was certain she.d smelled it before b*t co*ldn.t fig*re o*t where$ It was definitely a *ni+*e scent% one that modern=day perf*mers wo*ld ha&e killed to get their hands on$ "I can walk by myself perfectly well%" she said% remo&ing her arm from his$ ",s yo* wish% :isa%" he replied easily$ 1er eyes narrowed$ "/hy are yo* s*ddenly being so nice to me0 I tho*ght yo* were angry with me$ I tho*ght yo* didn.t want to marry me$ I tho*ght yo* tho*ght I was a spy$"

1e shr*gged innocently "2irst% I.&e always been reasonably pleasant to yo*$ Second% I doona ha&e any choice b*t to marry yo*% and third% marrying yo* renders distr*sting yo* obsolete$ I am a logical man% lass$ /hen a warrior reali#es he has only one co*rse of action% he makes the best of it$ ,nything else wo*ld be foolish$ -hat doesn.t mean that I doona still ha&e many +*estions$ I plan to learn e&erything abo*t yo*% lass%" he said meaningf*lly$ "(*t I am no longer going to fight my sit*ation$" Not one bit of it% he added silently$ Not my magic, not my dark side, not my adherence to rules# ! am a new man, )isa Stone% he told her inside his head$ ,nd it felt good$ 9e&er before had he accepted any portion of what he considered his dark side% b*t ne&er before had he been so tempted by a woman to do so$ 1e had a feeling that a man might need a little magic to woo and win :isa Stone$ -hey ascended the stairs in silence$ 1e smiled% thinking he.d finally managed to still her acerbic tong*e merely by being as nice to her as he.d wanted to be% b*t% constrained by his oath and his r*les% had resisted$ She wo*ld enco*nter no f*rther resistance from him$ ,t the door to her chambers% she stopped and looked *p at him$ 1e was pleased by her action% for it told him clearly that she desired his kiss$ ,nd he planned to gi&e her m*ch more than a kiss before the night was thro*gh$ CHAPTER 16 lisa waited% c*rsing herself silently$ d*ring the walk to her chambers she.d tho*ght of a do#en e)c*ses to escape him and flee to her room alone% b*t one thing had pre&ented her? She wanted a good=night kiss$ Dinner had been perfect% and she wanted to end it like a real date$ /ith a real kiss$ So she faced him and t*rned her face *p e)pectantly$ (*t he neither kissed her nor left her there$ >ather% he reached aro*nd her to the door% p*shed it open% and smoothly backed her into the room$ "/hat are yo* doing0" she asked *neasily$ "I tho*ght merely to &isit with yo* awhile% lass$" "I don.t think that.s a good idea%" she said$ "5o* may bid me good night now$" 1er fantasy was too fresh in her mind$ She wanted a simple kiss to dream on% not the whole man$ She co*ldn.t handle the entire man$ "/hy0 Do I make yo* *ncomfortable% lass0" 1e stepped farther into the room and closed the door behind him$ "Of co*rse not%" she lied% mo&ing away from him +*ickly$ "Inf*riate me0 2re+*ently$"

She s*ddenly reali#ed she was pacing and forced her feet to still$ "I j*st don.t see any reason for yo* to be in my chambers$ 7o$" She wa&ed her hand at him$ 1e la*ghed% a h*sky r*mble$ "I think yo* find being in a room with me and a bed dist*rbing$" :isa mo&ed swiftly to the pl*mp mattresses and pl*nked herself *pon them defiantly$ "9o% I don.t$ It doesn.t bother me in the slightest$ It.s simply that I.m tired and wo*ld like to sleep$" She yawned h*gely$ "3*ite a yawn$ :o&ely pink tong*e% by the way$ Do yo* recall how it feels when yo*rs jo*sts with mine0 I ha&en.t forgotten$ I want more$" Despite her resol&e not to% she looked at him% fascinated$ "I want yo*r tong*e in my mo*th$" She a&erted her ga#e with effort$ "I want mine all o&er yo*r body$" :isa swallowed$ "I am not interested%" she said faintly$ "Doona lie to yo*rself% :isa$ Doona lie to me$ 5o* want me$ I can feel it in the air between *s$ I can smell it$" :isa didn.t dare breathe$ She harbored an abs*rd hope that he wo*ld j*st lea&e after declaring that tr*th and not force her to confront the enormity of it$ She did want him$ Desperately$ 2antasies collided in her mind% daring her to relin+*ish her innocence and embrace womanhood$ 1e mo&ed slowly toward her and sat on the edge of her bed$ She scooted back hastily% her back fl*sh to the headboard% and h*gged a pillow to her chest$ "5o* enjoy looking at me% doona yo*% :isa0" She enjoyed doing more than looking at him$ She liked fighting him with her kisses$ -asting the salt and honey of his skin$ /ith deft fingers% he *ntied the laces of his linen shirt and shr*gged it off o&er his head$ -he m*scles in his abdomen rippled% the c*r&es of his biceps fle)ed$ "-hen look%" he said% his &oice ro*gh$ ":ook yo*r fill$ -hink yo* I doona recall how yo* ga#ed at me in

my bath0" /hen his wide sho*lders were re&ealed% she shook her head and s*cked in a breath$ "St=stop thatA /hat are yo* doing0" :isa e)claimed$ :o*nging at the foot of her bed was si) feet se&en inches of dark% sed*cti&e man% with rippling m*scles beneath bron#ed skin; a warrior in e&ery sense of the word$ 2ine black hair d*sted his powerf*l chest and thick forearms$ , finer trail of hair skittered down his abdomen and crept beneath the brilliant red and black tartan knotted at his waist$ ,ll in all% 'ircenn (rodie was the most desirable man :isa had e&er seen$ "@se me% :isa%" he enco*raged softly$ "-ake whate&er yo* want$" /hen she made no reply% he said% "5o* ha&e ne&er been with a man% ha&e yo*0" :isa smoothed the co&erlet% her mo*th dry$ She had no intention of disc*ssing this with him$ She wet her traitoro*s lips and was appalled when they parted and said% "Is it so apparent0" "-o me$ 6erhaps not to other men$ /hy0 5o* are old eno*gh to ha&e been with many men$ 5o* are bea*tif*l eno*gh that many m*st ha&e tried$ Did yo* find none to yo*r liking0" :isa h*gged the pillow tighter$ In high school% she.d had se&eral boyfriends% b*t they.d always seemed so immat*re to her$ 'atherine said it was beca*se she was an only child% that she was more acc*stomed to being aro*nd ad*lts$ She.d s*spected her mom was right$ "Did I take yo* from someone0 , lo&er perhaps0" , m*scle twitched in his jaw$ "9o$ -here.s been no one$" "I find that diffic*ltnay% impossible to belie&e$" "-r*st me%" :isa said with a self=deprecating la*gh$ "8en were not e)actly beating down my door$" If they had been% they wo*ld ha&e fled shortly after gaining entrance and disco&ering her financial straits and her caretaker role$ ",h% perhaps they were afraid of yo*% beca*se yo* are so m*ch woman0" "I am not fat%" :isa bristled$ "I.m healthy%" she s*pplied defensi&ely$ 'ircenn smiled$ "-hat yo* are% b*t that is not what I meant$" "/ell% I.m not too tall$ , giantess wo*ldn.t be too tall for yo*$" ,t fi&e feet ten% she had towered o&er many of the boys in her class *ntil the last two years of high school$ "9ot what I meant either$"

"-hen what did yo* mean0" she asked% feeling wo*nded$ "5o* are smart" "9o% I.m not%" she said$ Anything but smart$ "5es% yo* are$ 5o* were smart eno*gh to reali#e it wo*ld be foolish to escape me at D*nnottar% and cle&er eno*gh to ded*ce a way o*t of my chambers$ ,ye% e&en fearless eno*gh to dare it$ -ell me% do yo* read and write0" "5es$" Inwardly% :isa glowed$ She was smart in the fo*rteenth cent*ry$ "5o* are persistent$ -enacio*s$ Determined$ Strong$ 5o* doona need anyone% do yo*0" "I ha&en.t had the opportunity to need anyone$ <&eryone.s always been too b*sy needing me%" she m*ttered% then felt g*ilty for &oicing her most secret resentment$ "9eed me% :isa$" She searched his face$ /hat had changed him0 /hy was he acting this way0 It was as if he gen*inely cared and sincerely desired her$ "9eed me%" he repeated firmly$ "@se me to e)plore the woman who has ne&er been gi&en the opport*nity to li&e$ -ake from me% need from me% and satisfy all that c*riosity I feel b*rning in yo*$ ,nd by Dagda% let go of that maidenhead$ Do yo* wish to li&e and die% ne&er ha&ing known passion0 9e&er ha&ing tasted what I offer yo*0 (e bold$ -ake$" 1e *ttered the last word in a low% masc*line tone$ "ake$ -he word lingered in her mind$ It was almost as if it had rolled from his tong*e imb*ed with some kind of sorcery$ /hat wo*ld it be like to take% as he said itto *tterly cons*me witho*t g*ilt or fear0 "ake beca*se her blood demanded it% beca*se her body needed it$ :isa.s lips parted as she contemplated his words$ 1is *pper torso was a &ast e)panse of oli&e skin that wo*ld be &el&ety to the to*ch$ 1er fingers ached to trail o&er the hard ridges of his chest% to linger o&er his sho*lders% to c*r&e aro*nd his powerf*l neck and drag him into a kiss that wo*ld make her forget where he began and she ended% "I tho*ght yo* medie&al men pri#ed &irginity$ Don.t yo* think it.s wrong for a woman to ha&e her own desires and act on them0" "5o*r &irginity is a piece of skin% a membrane% :isa$ 8y first lo&e was long ago and it has not changed who I am in any fashion$ 8ind yo*% I am not saying yo* sho*ld gi&e the gift of lo&emaking to j*st anyone$ (*t an obsession with &irginity is abs*rd and ser&es no p*rpose b*t to make a woman t*rn away from a fine part of her nat*re$ /omen and men ha&e the same desiresat least they do *ntil the priests ha&e their go at the women and con&ince them it is shamef*l$ /hat the priests sho*ld be saying is .choose well$."

"1ow many" she broke off +*ickly$ 'hat a stupid 1uestion to ask$ She wo*ld so*nd like a childish% possessi&e adolescent$ (*t she wanted to know$ It said something abo*t the man$ , man who.d been with h*ndreds of women had a real problem% as far as she was concerned$ "Se&en$" 1is teeth flashed white against his face$ "-hat.s not &ery many$ I mean for a man% yo* know%" she added hastily$ 'hat would she think if she knew it was only seven in five hundred years* "housands of times with those seven, enough to know well how to please any woman, but only seven all the same$ "<ach woman was a co*ntry% rich and l*sh as Scotland% and I lo&ed them with the same dedication and thoro*gh attention I gi&e my homeland$ I confess% the first few were na*ght b*t the man in me celebrating life when I was less than a score of years$ (*t the last two were wonderf*l women% both friends and lo&ers$" "-hen why did yo* lea&e them0" , shadow crossed his bea*tif*l face$ "-hey left me%" he said softly$ ied# "oo young, in a land too harsh$ "/hy0" ":isa% to*ch me$" 1e mo&ed closer% close eno*gh that she co*ld smell the spice of his skin$ 'lose eno*gh that she co*ld feel the heat radiating from his body% mingling with the heat from hers$ 'lose eno*gh that his lips were a breath and a "yes" away from hers$ -empting% more compelling than her need for basic s*r&i&al$ 2ingers e)tended% she reached for him% b*t at the last moment she dropped her hand% forming a fist in her lap$ 1e was silent for a long moment$ "5o* aren.t ready yet$ Hery well$ I can wait$" 1e rose in a fl*id motion$ ,s he stood% the knot on his tartan slipped and the fabric dropped lower on his hips% gi&ing her a sinf*l glimpse of what she was denying herself$ 1er ga#e fi)ed on the black trail of hair that fanned below his belly b*tton% then dropped lower to the thicker hair that peeked abo&e the tartan$ -he sight of it ga&e her a hea&y feeling in the pit of her stomach% an awf*l empty press*re$ /hether he mo&ed or the plaid slid% she didn.t know% b*t s*ddenly it dipped lower% re&ealing the thick base of his shaft amid silky dark hair$ She co*ldn.t see the length of it% b*t that wasn.t what made her heart po*nd$ It was the thickness of him$ She wo*ld ne&er be able to wrap her hand aro*nd it$ /hat wo*ld it feel like to ha&e him p*sh that inside her0 1er mo*th went dry$ 1is eyes lit appreciati&ely as her ga#e snagged there$ "I co*ld pick yo* *p and wrap those lo&ely long legs of yo*rs aro*nd my waist$ Slip deep inside yo*% rock yo* against me and lo&e yo* till yo* lay in my arms and slept like a babe$ I will spend each night stretched beside yo*% teaching yo* what yo* want me to teach yo*$ I can feel that yo* want it from me$ 5et it will be at yo*r pace% when yo* choose$ I will wait as long as I m*st$

"(*t know this% :isawhen yo* are across the dinner table from me on the morrow% in my mind I am p*shing yo* back on a bed$ In my fantasy"he la*ghed% as if at his own brashness"yo* are disco&ering yo*rself with my willing body$ /ho knows% perhaps e&en laying siege to the heart that beats within this chest$" 1e th*mped his chest with a fist and silently admitted she.d already beg*n to do that% otherwise he wo*ldn.t ha&e offered himself$ (*t she didn.t need to know that$ 1e knotted the tartan slowly% ne&er taking his eyes from hers$ "7ood night% :isa$ Sleep with the angels$" 1er eyes st*ng from +*ick tears$ It had been her mother.s nightly benediction? Sleep with the angels$ (*t then he added words her mother ne&er had? "-hen come back to earth and sleep with yo*r de&il% who wo*ld b*rn in hell for one night in yo*r arms$" 'owA was all her reeling mind co*ld come *p with as he slipped from the room$ CHAPTER 17 three days had passed since their first dinner in the formal dining room$ -hat was se&enty=two ho*rs$ 2o*r tho*sand three h*ndred and twenty min*tes% and :isa had felt each one of them whi# past hergone fore&er$ 9ine shifts of n*rses had changed at home$ 9ine meals had been taken by her mother bland food% she was certain$ 9o ripe pl*ms and apricots caref*lly selected from the market on her l*nch ho*r$ Illness had changed 'atherine.s appetite% and she.d de&eloped a cra&ing for fr*its$ :isa had spent the days snooping as f*rti&ely as possible% b*t she had beg*n to s*spect it was f*tile$ She didn.t ha&e the first idea where to look for the flask$ She.d tried his chambers se&eral times d*ring the day% b*t the door was always locked$ She.d e&en gone to the t*rret to the left of his chambers to see if there was a way she co*ld manage to scale the o*tside wall to get there% b*t it was hopeless$ 1is chambers were on the second floor of the east wing% and there were g*ards on the battlements abo&e it at all times$ She.d passed the e&enings ind*lging herself in offensi&ely s*mpt*o*s meals$ :ast night% the first co*rse had been a mi)t*re of pl*ms% +*ince% apples% and pears with rosemary% basil% and r*e in a pastry tart$ -he second co*rse had been a chopped meat pastry% the third an omelet with almonds% c*rrants% honey% and saffron% the fo*rth roasted salmon in onion and wine sa*ce% the fifth artichokes st*ffed with rice$ (y the honey=gla#ed chicken rolled in m*stard% rosemary% and pine n*ts% she.d been wallowing in g*ilt$ (y the berry pastries with whipped cream% she.d despised herself$

,nd each night% he.d sa&ored his dessert with the same la#y sens*ality that made her long to be a berry or a fl*ff of topping$ She co*ldn.t fa*lt his demeanor% he.d been an impeccable dinner companion and host$ -hey.d made ca*tio*s small talk; he.d told her of the -emplars and their plight% spoke of their training and e)tolled the strengths of his 1ighland fortress$ She.d asked abo*t his &illagers% whom he seemed to know s*rprisingly little abo*t$ 1e.d asked abo*t her cent*ry and she.d made him talk abo*t his instead$ /hen she.d asked abo*t his family% he.d t*rned the tables and asked abo*t hers$ ,fter a few moments of strained e&asions% they.d m*t*ally conceded to lea&e each other alone on that topic$ 1e seemed to be going o*t of his way to be gracio*s% patient% and accommodating$ In t*rn% she.d been caref*lly reser&ed% finding an e)c*se each night to dash from the table after the final co*rse and hole *p in her room$ 1e permitted her escape% for the price of a tantali#ing kiss each night at her door$ 1e had not tried again to enter her chambers; she knew he was waiting for her in&itation$ She also knew she was perilo*sly close to e)tending it$ <ach night it was more diffic*lt to find a reason not to take what she so desperately desired$ ,fter all% it wasn.t as if letting him spend one night in her bed wo*ld ha&e the same effect as 6ersephone eating si) seeds in 1ades$ 1er problem was twofold? 9ot only was she losing precio*s time and getting no closer to finding the flask% b*t she was beginning to adapt in insidio*s little ways$ -he immediacy of her presence in fo*rteenth=cent*ry Scotland seemed to be sapping her resol&e$ She.d ne&er had a time in her life that was so peacef*l% so filled with idle time% so safe$ 9o one was relying on her% no one.s life wo*ld fall apart if she ca*ght a bad cold and was *nable to work for a few days$ 9o bills were pressing% no deep blanket of gloom encompassed her$ She felt like s*ch a traitor$ (ills were pressing; someone was relying on her$ ,nd she was helpless to do a damn thing abo*t it *ntil she fo*nd that flask$ She sighed% wishing fer&ently that she had something to do$ /ork wo*ld be cathartic; immersing herself in physical d*ties was the only way she.d e&er managed to keep her demons at bay$ 6erhaps she co*ld help a few of the maids% insin*ate herself into their confidence and learn more abo*t the laird and his c*stoms% like which were his fa&orite rooms% where he stored his treas*res$ :eaping from her perch in the window seat in the st*dy% she went off% determined to track down a job for herself$ BBB

"7illendria% waitA" :isa called as the maid h*rried down the corridor$ "8ilady0" 7illendria pa*sed and t*rned% her arms heaped with bed linens$ "/here are yo* going0" :isa asked% catching *p$ She e)tended her hands to relie&e a portion of 7illendria.s b*rden$ "1ere% let me help yo* carry some of those$" -he maid.s face was half hidden behind the mo*ntain of linens% b*t what :isa co*ld see of it was +*ickly transformed by an e)pression of horror? her bl*e eyes widened% her dark brows flew *p% and her mo*th parted in a gasp$ "8iladyA -hese are soiled%" 7illendria e)claimed$ "-hat.s all right$ 5o*.re doing wash today$ I can help%" she said cheerf*lly$ 7illendria skittered back$ "9ayA -he laird wo*ld banish meA" She t*rned and sc*rried down the hall as +*ickly as she co*ld beneath the towering pile of linens$ (eavens% :isa tho*ght% ! was only trying to help$ BBB ,fter searching for half an ho*r% :isa fo*nd the kitchen$ It was as splendid as the rest of the castle% spotless% efficiently designed% and c*rrently occ*pied by a do#en ser&ants preparing the afternoon meal$ (*##ing with con&ersation% wanned by melodic la*ghter% the kitchen was made e&en co#ier by a brightly leaping fire o&er which sa*ces simmered and meats roasted$ -he flames hissed and flickered as basting j*ices dri##led onto the logs$ She smiled and called a cheery hello$ ,ll hands stilled? kni&es stopped dicing in midslice% br*shes stopped basting% fingers stopped kneading do*gh% e&en the dog c*rled on the floor near the hearth dropped his head on his paws and whimpered$ ,s one% the ser&ants sank low in deference to her station$ "8ilady%" they m*rm*red ner&o*sly$ :isa st*died the fro#en tablea* for a moment% str*ck by the abs*rdity of the sit*ation$ /hy hadn.t she anticipated this0 She knew her history$ 9o one in the castle wo*ld permit her to labor? not the kitchen staff% not the la*ndress% not e&en the maids d*sting the tapestries$ She was a ladyand a lady was to be kept% not to keep$ (*t she didn.t know how to be kept$ Depressed% she m*mbled a co*rteo*s good=bye and fled the kitchen$ :isa sank into a chair by the hearth in the 7reathall and ind*lged herself in a serio*s brood$ She had two things with which to occ*py her mind? her mother and 'ircennboth

were dangero*s% altho*gh for &astly different reasons$ She was considering cleaning o*t the hearth and scr*bbing the stones when 'ircenn entered$ 1e glanced at her$ ":ass%" he greeted her$ "1a&e yo* had breakfast0" "5es%" she replied with a dejected sigh$ "/hat.s amiss0" he asked$ "I mean other than the *s*althat which is always amiss with yo*$ 6erhaps I shall preface each con&ersation we ha&e by ass*ring yo* that I still cannot ret*rn yo*$ 9ow% what has yo* looking gl*m so early on a fine 1ighland morn0" "Sarcasm does not become yo*%" :isa m*ttered$ 1e bared his teeth in a smile% and altho*gh she kept her face inscr*table% inwardly she sighed with pleas*re$ -all% powerf*l% and *tterly gorgeo*s% he was a &ision a woman co*ld get *sed to seeing first thing in the morning$ 1e was wearing his tartan and a white linen shirt$ 1is sporran was b*ckled aro*nd him% accent*ating his trim waist and long m*scled legs$ 1e.d j*st sha&ed% and a bit of water glistened on his jaw$ ,nd he was h*ge she liked that% a mo*ntain of masc*linity$ "/hat do yo* e)pect me to do with myself% 'ircenn (rodie0" she asked irritably$ 1e was &ery still$ "/hat did yo* call me0" :isa hesitated% wondering if the arrogant man co*ld really e)pect her to call him "milord%" e&en after he.d offered himself to her a few nights ago$ 2ine$ It wo*ld keep things impersonal$ She rose and bowed sweepingly$ "8y lord%" she p*rred$ "Sarcasm does not become yo*$ -hat is the first time I.&e heard my name on yo*r lips$ ,s we are to be wed% yo* m*st *se it henceforth$ 5o* may call me 'in$" :isa blinked at him from her ser&ile position$ Sin$ -hat he was$ ,nd that was the b*lk of her problem$ If he were not so irresistible% she wo*ldn.t feel so ali&e aro*nd him% ergo she wo*ldn.t constantly feel so g*ilty abo*t her mom$ 1ad he been an *nattracti&e% spineless% st*pid man% she wo*ld ha&e felt miserable e&ery min*te of the dayand that wo*ld ha&e been acceptable$ She should be miserable$ She had abandoned her own mother% for hea&en.s sake$ 1er back stiffened and she stood *p straight$ "6erhaps I sho*ld preface each of o*r con&ersations as well% by reminding yo* that I won.t be marrying yo*$ My lord$" , corner of his mo*th +*irked$ "5o* are tr*ly possessed of a streak of defiance% aren.t yo*0 /hat did the men in yo*r time make of it0" (efore she co*ld answer% D*ncan came bo*nding into the hall% followed by 7alan$

"8orning all% and a fine day it is% eh0" D*ncan said brightly$ :isa snorted$ 'o*ldn.t the handsome 1ighlander be pessimistic j*st once0 "'ircenn% 7alan was down in the &illage early this morning% hearing some of the disp*tes that ha&e backed *p in the manor co*rts" "Isn.t the lord s*pposed to decide those0" :isa asked acerbically$ 'ircenn.s ga#e shot to her$ "1ow wo*ld yo* know that0 ,nd what b*siness of yo*rs is it0" :isa blinked innocently$ "I m*st ha&e o&erheard it somewhere$ ,nd I was merely c*rio*s$" "One wo*ld think yo* might learn to tame that c*riosity% seeing where it has led yo*$" ",nd while 7alan was in the &illage%" D*ncan forged on% "he reali#ed the &illagers are e)pecting to ha&e a celebration$" "I don.t *nderstand why yo* don.t hear the cases$ ,ren.t yo* the laird0" :isa p*shed$ "Or are yo* j*st too b*sy m*cking *p e&eryone else.s life and brooding all the time0" she added sweetly$ 1er inacti&ity was getting on her ner&es% and if she didn.t start being mean to him% she.d end *p being entirely too nice$ 1er resol&e might not withstand another dessert with him$ D*ncan.s la*ghter rang to the rafters$ "It.s none of yo*r b*siness why I doona hear them%" 'ircenn growled$ "2ine$ 9othing.s any of my b*siness% is it0 /hat do yo* e)pect me to do0 G*st sit aro*nd% ask no +*estions% ha&e no desires% and be a l*mp of spineless femininity0" "5o* co*ld not be spineless if yo* tried%" 'ircenn said with a long=s*ffering sigh$ ", celebration%" D*ncan said lo*dly$ "-he &illagers are planning for the feast" " 'hat are yo* blathering abo*t0" 'ircenn gr*dgingly rero*ted his attention to D*ncan$ "If yo* wo*ld permit me to complete an entire sentence% yo* might know%" D*ncan said e&enly$ "/ell0" 'ircenn enco*raged$ "5o* ha&e my f*ll attention$" "-he &illagers wish to celebrate yo*r ret*rn and the *pcoming wedding$"

"9o celebration%" :isa said immediately$ "-he idea is appealing%" 'ircenn co*ntered$ :isa glared at him as if he.d lost his mind$ "I am not marrying yo*% remember0 I.m not going to be here$" -he three warriors t*rned to regard her as if she.d j*st informed them she wo*ld spro*t wings and fly back to her time$ "I will not be party to this%" she snapped$ ", celebration might be j*st the thing for yo*% lass%" D*ncan said$ ",nd yo* will ha&e the opport*nity to meet yo*r people$" "-hey are not my people% nor will they e&er be%" :isa said stiffly$ "I won.t be here$" /ith that she t*rned and fled *p the stairs$ BBB (*t she fo*nd she co*ldn.t stay away for long$ Stealthily% she crept back to the top of the stairs% fascinated by the e&ents ongoing below$ -hey were planning her wedding% and it was eno*gh to boggle the mind$ -here they were% sprawled aro*nd the table in the 7reathall% and the o&erbearing b*t irresistibly se)y h*nk of a 1ighland laird had his hands b*ried in fabric$ "9ay$ It is not soft eno*gh$ 7illendria% go fetch the silks stored in the tapestry room$ ,dam ga&e me something that sho*ld s*it well$ (ring me the bolt of gold silk$" D*ncan leaned back in his chair% his arms folded behind his head and his boots propped on the table$ -he front legs of his chair ho&ered precario*sly a few inches abo&e the floor% then hit the floor with a th*mp when 7alan kicked the back of the chair$ "/hat is wrong with yo*% 7alan0" D*ncan complained$ "4eep yo*r feet off the table%" 7alan reprimanded$ "-hey.re dirty$" ":ea&e him be% 7alan$ -he table can be wiped%" 'ircenn said absently% fingering a pale bl*e wool and discarding it with a shake of his head$ D*ncan and 7alan looked at 'ircenn as if he.d lost his mind$ "/hat ha&e we come to0

8*d on the table0 5o*sorting thro*gh fabric0 Does this mean t*pping in the kitchen is acceptable now% too0" D*ncan asked% disbelie&ingly$ "2ar be it from me to reg*late t*pping%" 'ircenn said mildly% lifting a fold of crimson &el&et$ 7alan snapped D*ncan.s mo*th sh*t with a finger beneath his chin$ "I tho*ght yo* hated the gifts ,dam bro*ght yo*% 'ircenn%" 7alan reminded the laird$ 'ircenn tossed aside a pale rose linen$ "Only bold colors for the lass%" he told the maids$ "<)cept perhaps la&ender$" 1e glanced at the seamstress standing near his chair$ "1a&e yo* any la&ender0" ,t the top of the stairs% :isa bl*shed$ 1e was ob&io*sly recalling her bra and panties$ -he tho*ght sent a fl*sh of heat thro*gh her$ (*t then her brow f*rrowed? /ho was ,dam and why did he bring gifts and why did 'ircenn hate them0 She shook her head% watching him pick thro*gh the bolts spread across the table$ , half=do#en women were gathered aro*nd 'ircenn% picking *p the fabrics he had appro&ed$ ", cloak from the &el&et%" he said% "with black f*r at the rim of the hood and c*ffs$ 8y colors%" he added sm*gly$ :isa fro#e% thrown off balance by the possessi&e note in his &oice$ My colors% he.d said% b*t she.d clearly heard him say% my woman$ ,nd it had thrilled her$ She stepped back +*ickly and d*cked into a corner% leaning against the wall% her heart po*nding$ /hat was she doing0 She.d been standing at the top of the stairs in the fo*rteenth cent*ry% watching him select fabric for her wedding gownA Dear 7od% she was completely losing herself$ -he immediacy of the present was so compelling% so rich and e)citing% that it was eroding her ties to her real life% *ndermining her determination to ret*rn to her mother$ She sank to the floor and closed her eyes% forcing herself to think of 'atherine% to imagine what she was doing% how sick with worry she was% how alone$ :isa remained cro*ched on the floor% br*tally forcing herself back to reality *ntil she felt tears sting her eyes$ ,nd then she rose% determined to take control of things for once and for all$

CHAPTER 18 lisa pressed back into the deep stone arch of the doorway% scarcely daring to breathe$ 1er feet were n*mb and cramped from h*ddling on the chilly floor$ She tightened her fingers aro*nd the hilt of the knife she.d filched from the kitchen$ It was a lethal blade% ra#or sharp% as wide as her palm and at least twel&e inches long$ It wo*ld ser&e nicely to demonstrate her point$ She was thro*gh biding her time and trying patiently to find the flask$ She was going to get back to the f*t*renow$ /atching him plan her wedding gown had been the final straw? 'ircenn had accepted that she was going to be here fore&erworse% she had started to accept it as well$ 'oncealing the knife in the folds of her gown% she.d slipped *p to the second floor and hidden in the shadows of a doorway diagonal to 'ircenn.s chambers% waiting for him to come *p to change for dinner% as he did e&ery night$ She conceded that if she hadn.t had an ill mother% she might well ha&e embraced this e)perience$ In her cent*ry% there were no men who co*ld begin to compare to the masc*line splendor of 'ircenn (rodie$ (*t 'atherine needed her and wo*ld always come first$ -he staircase creaked faintly and she tensed$ 6eeking aro*nd the corner of the doorway she glimpsed 'ircenn gliding silently down the hallway$ 2or s*ch a large man he certainly mo&ed +*ietly$ In a moment% his back was to her$ 1e inserted the key in the lock and she reali#ed the time was *pon her$ She wo*ld obtain the flask% no matter whom she had to go thro*gh to get it$ 9o more passi&e% bewildered% s*sceptible=to=sed*ction :isa$ She s*rged from her hiding place% pressed the tip of the blade to his back% directly in line with his heart% and commanded% "8o&e$ In the door$ Now$" 6lacing her other hand at the small of his back% she p*shed him forward$ 1is spine went rigid beneath her palm$ "9ow% I said$ 7et in the room$" 'ircenn kicked the door open and entered the chamber$ "Stop%" she ordered$ "Do not t*rn aro*nd$" "I saw yo* spying in the 7reathall% lass%" he said easily$ "If yo* doona like the gold silk% yo* needn.t get so f*ssy abo*t it$ 5o* may select yo*r own gown$ It was not my intention to offend yo* with my choice$" "Don.t be obt*se$ 5o* know that.s not what I.m *pset abo*t%" she hissed$ "-he flask% (rodie$ 9ow$ 7et it$" She pressed the tip of the blade harder against his back to ill*strate her resol&e% and bit her lip when a drop of blood blossomed below his sho*lder blade% spreading on the white linen of his shirt$ She wished desperately that she co*ld see his

face$ /as it dark with f*ry0 /as he am*sed at her tenacity% or foolishly *nderestimating her resol&e0 1e sighed hea&ily$ "2or what p*rpose do yo* wish my flask0 ,re yo* in tr*th the traitor we feared0" "9oA I want to go home$ I ha&e no desire for yo*r flask% I only need it to take me back$" "5o* still belie&e the flask will ret*rn yo*0" "It bro*ght me here" "I ha&e e)plained to yo*" ",ll yo*.&e said is that it isn.t the flask.s power% b*t yo* won.t tell me what it can do$ Do yo* e)pect me to tr*st yo*r word0 /hy sho*ld I0" "I wo*ld not lie to yo*% lass$ (*t I see that yo* will not belie&e me$ 1ad I known yo* still harbored this foolish hope% I wo*ld ha&e obliged yo* sooner$" 1e pi&oted so swiftly that she f*mbled% b*t reco&ered and jabbed the tip of the knife into his chest$ 8ore blood blossomed as the lethally sharpened blade slipped thro*gh his shirt as if it were b*tter$ "'aref*l with that thing% lass$ @nless it pleases yo* to r*in my shirts$" "Don.t mo&e and I won.t ha&e to c*t yo*%" she snapped$ 1e dropped his hands to his side$ "I m*st mo&e to collect the flask$" "I.ll follow yo*$" "9ay% yo* will not$ I will not take yo* to my lair$" "I am the one with the knife%" she reminded him$ ",nd it c*rrently rests abo&e yo*r heart$" If he mo&ed% she didn.t see it$ ,ll she knew was that one moment she had the knife at his chest% and the ne)t it was gone$ She blinked% trying to bring the room back into foc*s$ -he blade was fl*sh against her throat$ 1er eyes flared wide and she gasped$ "1ow did yo* do that0"

"5o* cannot control me% lass$ 9o one can%" he said wearily$ "If I gi&e to yo*% it is beca*se I choose to gi&e to yo*$ ,nd% :isa% I wo*ld choose to gi&e yo* e&erything% if yo* wo*ld b*t permit$" "-hen gi&e me the flask%" she demanded% ignoring the cold metal at her neck$ "/hy do yo* seek it0 -o what do yo* wish to ret*rn0 I ha&e told yo* I will wed yo* and care for yo*$ I am offering yo* my home$" , groan of fr*stration escaped her$ 9othing was working o*t as she.d planned$ 1e had so easily disarmed her% stripped away her control$ ! am offering you my home% he had said% and a treachero*s part of her was deeply intrig*ed by that offer$ She was doing it again &acillating$ She glared at him% a sheen of tears clo*ding her &ision$ ,t the sight of her tears% he fl*ng the knife to the bed% where it landed with a soft th*d$ 6*lling her into his arms% he caressed her hair tenderly$ "-ell me% lass% what is it0 /hat ca*ses yo* to weep0" :isa p*lled from his embrace$ -hr*mming with fr*stration% she began pacing between him and the door$ "/here is my baseball cap% anyway0 Did yo* ha&e to take that away from me% too0" 1e cocked his head$ "5o*r base ball cap0" he repeated awkwardly$ "8y"what had he called it0"bonnet$" 1e mo&ed to a chest beneath a window% lifted the lid% and retrie&ed her clothing$ 1er jeans and -=shirt had been neatly folded% and atop them was her cap$ She leaped toward him and snatched it greedily from his hand% cl*tching it to her breast$ It seemed a lifetime ago that she and her father had sat in the third row% in the bl*e seats% directly behind home base$ -hey.d la*ghed and yelled at the baseball players% dr*nk sodas and eaten hot dogs drenched with m*stard and relish$ She.d decided that &ery day that she wo*ld one day marry a man j*st like her daddy$ 'harming% smart% with a fab*lo*s sense of h*mor% tender% and always willing to take time for his family$ -hen she.d met this capable% mighty warrior% and in his shadow the real Gack Stone had come into sharper foc*s$ ,s had her real feelings abo*t him$ She was angry at her father$ ,ngry at his irresponsibility? his fail*re to ha&e cars ser&iced% to take o*t life ins*rance% to carry ade+*ate a*to co&erage% to plan for a f*t*re that might stretch beyond his present$ In so many ways her father had been an o&ergrown child% no matter how charming he was$ (*t 'ircenn (rodie wo*ld always plan for his

family.s f*t*re$ If he wed% he wo*ld keep his wife and children safe% no matter the cost to himself$ 'ircenn (rodie took preca*tions% controlled his en&ironment% and b*ilt an impenetrable fortress for those he called his own$ "-alk to me% lass$" :isa dragged herself from her bitter tho*ghts$ "If yo* tell me why yo* seek so desperately to ret*rn% I will bring yo* the flask$ Is it a man0" he asked warily$ "I tho*ght yo* told me there had been no one$" -he tension that had +*ickened in her &eins while she.d sat in the doorway% cl*tching the knife and waiting for him% dissipated s*ddenly$ She chided herself for her foolishness? She sho*ld ha&e foreseen that force wo*ldn.t work with this man$ -he primary reason she.d ref*sed to disc*ss 'atherine with him was that she hadn.t wanted to make a fool of herself% to start talking and end *p weeping openly before the impassi&e warrior$ (*t her emotions were no longer *nder her control% and the need to talk cons*med her% the need to ha&e someone to tr*st% to confide in$ 1er defenses slipped f*rther% lea&ing her raw and e)posed$ She sank to the floor$ "9o$ It.s nothing like that$ It.s my mother%" she whispered$ "5o*r mother what0" he p*shed gently% sinking down beside her$ "She.s d=dying%" she said$ She dropped her head forward% creating a c*rtain with her hair$ "Dying0" "5es$" She drew a deep breath$ "I.m all she has left% 'ircenn$ She.s ill and won.t li&e m*ch longer$ I was taking care of her% feeding her% working to s*pport *s$ 9ow she is completely alone$" Once the words had started coming% they t*mbled forth more easily$ 8aybe he did care eno*gh to help her$ 8aybe if she told him all of it% he wo*ld find a way to ret*rn her$ "She was in a car wreck fi&e years ago$ /e all were$ 8y daddy died in it$" She stroked the baseball cap lo&ingly$ "1e bo*ght me this a week before the wreck$" , bittersweet smile crossed her face at the memory$ "-he >eds won that day% and we went to dinner afterward with 8om% and that.s the last time I remember *s all being together e)cept for the day of the wreck$ It.s my last good memory$ ,fter that% all I see are the cr*shed% jagged pieces of a bl*e 8ercedes co&ered with blood and" 'ircenn winced$ 6lacing a finger beneath her chin% he forced her to look at him$ "Och% lass%" he whispered$ 1e traced her tears with his th*mb% his eyes mirroring her grief$

:isa was soothed by his compassion$ She.d ne&er spoken alo*d of this% e&en to >*by% altho*gh her best friend had tried many times to get her to talk abo*t it$ She was disco&ering that it wasn.t as hard to confide in him as she.d feared$ "8om was crippled in the car wreck "'ar wreck0" he asked softly$ She str*ggled to e)plain$ "8achines$ -he 8ercedes was a car$ In my time we don.t ride horses% we ha&e metal"she searched for a word to which he might relate"carriages that carry *s$ 2ast% sometimes too fast$ -he tire er% wheel of the carriage came apart and we crashed into other machines$ Daddy was cr*shed behind the steering wheel and died instantly$" :isa blew o*t a breath and pa*sed for a moment$ "/hen they released me from the hospital% I fo*nd a job as +*ickly as I co*ld% and a second one to take care of me and 8om and pay the bills$ /e lost e&erything%" she whispered$ "It was horrible$ /e co*ldn.t pay the laws*its% so they took o*r home and e&erything we had$ ,nd I.d accepted itI hadI.d accepted that was how my life wo*ld be% *ntil yo* took me away in the middle of something that I ha&e to finish$ 8y mother has cancer and only a short time to li&e$ 9o one is there to feed her% pay the bills% or hold her hand$" 'ircenn swallowed$ 1e co*ld not interpret m*ch of what :isa had said% b*t he *nderstood that her mother was dying and she had been trying to take care of e&erything for +*ite some time$ "She is entirely alone0 -here is no other of yo*r clan left ali&e0" :isa shook her head$ "2amilies aren.t like yo*rs in my time$ 8y father.s parents died long ago% and my mother was adopted$ 9ow there.s only 8om% and I.m st*ck here$" "Och% lass$" 1e drew her into his arms$ "Don.t try to comfort me%" she cried% p*shing against his chest$ "It.s my fa*lt$ I.m the one who had to work in a m*se*m$ I.m the one who had to to*ch that damned flask$ I.m the selfish one$" 'ircenn dropped his hands and e)pelled a fr*strated breath$ -here was not one selfish bone in her body% yet she was lambasting herself% carrying the blame for e&erything$ 1e watched helplessly as she rocked back and forth% her arms wrapped aro*nd herselfa post*re of deep grie&ing he.d seen far too many times in his life$ "9o one has e&er been there to comfort yo*% ha&e they0" he asked grimly$ "5o* carried the weight of it all alone$ -his is *ntenable$ -his is what a h*sband is for%" he m*ttered$ "I don.t ha&e one$" "/ell% yo* do now%" he said$ ":et me be strong eno*gh for both of *s$ I can% yo* know$"

She wiped angrily at her tears with the back of her hand$ "I can.t$ 9ow do yo* see why I m*st ret*rn0 2or 7od.s sake% will yo* please gi&e me the flask0 5o* promised when we were at D*nnottar that if there was a way for me to ret*rn% yo* wo*ld help me$ /as that something yo* said merely to placate me0 8*st I beg0 Is that what yo* want0" "9ay% lass%" he said &iolently$ "I ne&er want that from yo*$ I will gi&e yo* the flask% b*t I m*st collect it$ It is in a safe place$ /ill yo* tr*st me0 /ill yo* go to yo*r chambers and await me there0" :isa searched his face frantically$ "/ill yo* really bring it0" she whispered$ ",ye$ :isa% I.d bring yo* the stars if it wo*ld cease yo*r tears$ I did not know$ I knew none of this$ 5o* did not tell me$" "5o* ne&er asked$" 'ircenn scowled as he mentally kicked himself$ She was right$ 1e hadn.t$ 9ot once had he said% .xcuse me, lass, but were you doing something when ! snatched you out of time with my curse* 'ere you wed* id you have children* A dying mother who relied upon you, perhaps0 1e helped her to her feet% b*t the moment she had her balance she t*gged her arm from his hand$ "1ow long will it take yo* to retrie&e it0" ", short time% a +*arter ho*r% no more$" "If yo* don.t come to me% I will ret*rn with a bigger knife$" "5o* won.t need a knife% lass%" he ass*red her$ "I will bring it$" She left silently% carrying part of his heart o*t the door with her$ BBB 'ircenn opened his secret chamber and grimly retrie&ed the flask from the hidden compartment in the stone floor$ It had ne&er occ*rred to him that she.d had a f*ll life in her time; he.d been so selfish that he.d ne&er once asked her what he.d taken her away from$ 1e had seen her only as pro*d% tenacio*s% sens*al :isa% as if she.d li&ed nowhere before she had come to him% b*t now he *nderstood clearly$ She had sacrificed most of her ad*lt years caring for her mother% carrying b*rdens a laird wo*ld stagger beneath% n*rt*ring the only clan she had left$ It e)plained m*ch? her resistance to adaptation% her contin*ed attempts to search his castle% her illogical *nwillingness to gi&e *p on the flask as a way to ret*rn home$ 1e knew :isa was an intelligent woman% and he s*spected that deep down she reali#ed that the flask wo*ldn.t ret*rn her% b*t if she formally ga&e *p on the flask% she wo*ld ha&e no hope$ 6eople often cl*ng to irrational hopes to a&oid despair$

1is heart wept for her% beca*se he knew that the only man who co*ld ret*rn her wo*ld see her dead first$ 2or the first time in his life he was f*rio*s with himself for ref*sing to learn the things ,dam had so often offered to teach him$ 2ome train with my kind% ,dam had coa)ed on n*mero*s occasions$ )et me teach you the fae arts# )et me show you the worlds you might explore$ Never% 'ircenn had replied scornf*lly$ ! will never become like you$ +ut the magic is inside you ! will never accept it# 5et now he wo*ld ha&e gi&en anything for the art of sifting time$ ,nything ,dam wanted at all$ 1e straightened his sho*lders% closed the hidden chamber% and mo&ed to the door$ 1ow co*ld he ha&e been so blind as not to reali#e that she.d had a life and lost it0 1ow co*ld he ha&e e&er tho*ght she was d*plicito*s0 -he image of her h*ge green eyes% shimmering with tears as she.d ga#ed *p at him% ref*sing his solace beca*se she.d ob&io*sly ne&er been gi&en comfort and didn.t know how to accept it% wo*ld b*rn fore&er in his mind$ 1e had a diffic*lt path to walk with her now$ 1e s+*ee#ed his eyes sh*t for a moment% bracing himself for her disco&ery that she was tr*ly trapped$ /ith a deep sigh% he left his chambers$ ":ass%" he said softly$ :isa glanced *p as he entered the room$ She was h*ddled in the center of her bed% her pale face stained with tears$ 1e fished abo*t in his sporran and mo&ed slowly to her side% making a jo*rney he was rel*ctant to complete$ "Stand *p% lass%" he said +*ietly$ :isa rose swiftly$ 1e held o*t the flask$ "5o* bro*ght it%" she whispered$ "I told yo* I wo*ld$ I sho*ld ha&e done so before now$ I knew yo* wanted it$ I saw the look on yo*r face when we were riding from D*nnottar and yo* glimpsed it in my pack$" "5o* can read me so easily0" "9ot always$ Sometimes I can.t read yo* at all% b*t that night I co*ld$ 5o*.d been crying

" "I was not$ I almost ne&er cry$ I only cried now beca*se I.m so fr*strated$" "8y apologiesit had been raining%" he corrected swiftly% protecting her pride$ 1is heart was to*ched? She was embarrassed by her tears$ -here was no shame in weeping$ 1e.d seen her cheeks wet with tears se&eral nights on their jo*rney% b*t they.d been +*iet tears% and he.d ass*med it was part of her acceptance of her transition% ne&er s*specting she was grie&ing o&er her mother$ 1e was ama#ed that she hadn.t wept openly before now$ (*t she was resilient and to*gh% and that ga&e him hope that she wo*ld reco&er in time$ "-hat night it was raining%" she agreed$ "7o on$" "5o* glimpsed the flask as I remo&ed an e)tra plaid$ -o protect yo* from the rain%" he teased% hoping to lighten her grim mood$ She arched a brow% b*t her eyes were sad% filled with *nshed tears$ 1e sighed and contin*ed$ ",nd I saw the hope in yo*r eyesa hope that centered *pon my flask$ I knew it co*ldn.t ret*rn yo*% so I dismissed the tho*ght% b*t I sho*ld ha&e reali#ed that yo* wo*ld need to pro&e to yo*rself that it wo*ldn.t work%" he said gently$ "7i&e it to me%" she demanded$ 1e dreaded this% dreaded the moment when he wo*ld see in her lo&ely green eyes stark certainty that she co*ld ne&er ret*rn$ 1e proffered the shimmering sil&er flask in silence$ She reached for it$ "1ow does it work0" she whispered$ "It doesn.t%" he whispered back$ "5o* only think it does$" 1er fingers closed on the flask$ 1e watched as she wrapped her hand re&erently aro*nd it$ /rapped both hands aro*nd it% did something f*nny with her feet% and closed her eyes$ She m*ttered softly$ "/hat are yo* saying0" " "here's no place like home$" -he words were half m*mbled b*t painf*lly clear to his ears$ 1e winced$ ,ye% there was no place like home% he agreed silently% and he wo*ld do his best to make this feel like home to her% since he was the one who.d *prooted her with his tho*ghtless c*rse$ "I am &erra sorry% lass%" he said softly% his brog*e thickened by emotion$

She didn.t open her eyes% ref*sed to mo&e$ 2inally she crossed to the bed and lowered herself on it% tightly holding the flask$ She looked as if she was mentally reciting e&ery prayer or rhyme she.d e&er learned$ ,fter a long time% she rose and stood by the fire$ She stood like that% fro#en% cl*tching the flask% for so long he finally sank into a chair beside her$ 1ow m*ch time passed% he had no idea% b*t he wo*ld not mo&e an inch *ntil she accepted it% and then he wo*ld be there to wrap her in the shelter of his body$ 2*ll night had descended when she finally stirred% the dinner ho*r long past$ 1er hair shimmered in the firelight% her face was ashen% and her lashes were dark fans against her pale skin$ 1e c*rsed when a tear slipped down her cheek$ /hen she finally opened her eyes he saw pain in the brilliant green depths$ Denial and acceptance warred on her e)pressi&e feat*resacceptance the br*tal &ictor$ She had held the flask% she had performed whate&er rit*al she belie&ed in% and she had e)perienced incontestable defeat$ "It didn.t work%" she said in a small &oice$ "Och% lass%" he said with a sigh% helpless to alle&iate her s*ffering$ She began to fiddle with the stopper on the flask$ "/hat are yo* doing0" he th*ndered% half rising from the chair% ready to rip the flask from her hand$ "6erhaps if I drink this0" she said hesitantly$ "9e&er% lass%" he said% his oli&e comple)ion paling$ "-r*st me% yo* doona wish to do something so foolish$" "/hat.s in it0" she gasped% clearly stricken by his reaction$ ":isa% what is in that flask wo*ld not only fail to ret*rn yo* to yo*r home% it wo*ld be the p*rest glimpse of hell for yo*$ I wo*ld not lie to yo*$ It is a poison of the &ilest origin$" 1e didn.t need to say more to con&ince her$ 1e co*ld see her acceptance that not only wo*ldn.t it take her home% it might kill heror make her wish she were dead$ 1e *nderstood that :isa% as sensible as she was% had now acknowledged that she.d been clinging to an impossible hope and wo*ld not do so again$ If he said it wo*ldn.t work% that was eno*gh$ (y tr*sting her% he had gained her tr*st$ She sniffed and% to her apparent chagrin% another tear slipped o*t$ She dropped her head forward to hide behind her hair in the way he.d noticed she did when she was *ncomfortable or embarrassed$

'ircenn mo&ed swiftly% intending to catch the tear *pon his finger% kiss it away% then kiss away all her pain and fear% and ass*re her that he wo*ld permit no harm to to*ch her and wo*ld spend his life making things *p to her; b*t she dropped the flask onto the table and t*rned swiftly$ "6lease% lea&e me alone%" she said and t*rned away from him$ ":et me comfort yo*% :isa%" he entreated$ ":ea&e me alone$" 2or the first time in his life% 'ircenn felt *tterly helpless$ )et her grieve% his heart instr*cted$ She wo*ld need to grie&e% for disco&ering that the flask didn.t work was tantamo*nt to lowering her mother into a solitary gra&e$ She wo*ld grie&e her mother as if she.d in tr*th died that &ery day$ May &od forgive me% he prayed$ ! did not know what ! was doing when ! cursed that flask$ 1e snatched the flask from the table% t*cked it into his sporran% and left the room$ BBB ,nd that was that% :isa admitted% c*rling *p on the bed and p*lling the c*rtains tight$ In her co#y nest all she lacked was her st*ffed -igger and her mother.s sho*lder to cry on% b*t s*ch comforts wo*ld ne&er again be hers$ ,s long as she hadn.t tried the flask% she.d been able to pin all her hopes on it$ She.d been astonished by 'ircenn.s reaction to her confessionshe.d glimpsed a kindred moist*re in his eyes$ $ou're falling, )isa% her heart said softly% for more than a country$ &ood thing% she told her heart acerbically% because it looks like he's all !'ve got, for now and forever$ She glanced aro*nd the c*rtained bed and sn*ggled deeper into the co&ers$ -he fire made her chamber toasty% and there was a flask of cider wine in a c*bbyhole in the headboard$ ,s she took a deep swallow% sa&oring the spicy% fr*ity taste% she ga&e in to her grief$ 1er mother wo*ld die alone and there was nothing :isa co*ld do to pre&ent it$ She drank and cried *ntil she was too e)ha*sted to do more than roll onto her side and slip into the gentle% wine=ind*ced obli&ion of sleep$ All ! wanted was to hold her hand when she died was her last tho*ght before dreaming$ BBB 'ircenn (rodie stood beside the bed and watched :isa sleep$ 1e parted the filmy bed c*rtains and stepped close% dropping his hand to lightly to*ch her hair$ '*rled on her side% she.d folded both hands beneath one cheek% like a child$ -he faded red bill of her bonnet

base ball cap% he reminded himselfwas cr*shed between her hands and a plaid she.d b*nched *p into a pillow of sorts$ She had clearly cried herself to sleep% and it looked as if she had fo*ght a losing battle with her co&ers$ 7ently% he eased the plaid away from her neck so she wo*ldn.t strangle herself with it% then straightened the fabric twisted abo*t her legs$ She sighed and sn*ggled deeper into the soft mattress$ >emo&ing the wineskin from where it was nestled close to her side% he winced when he disco&ered it was empty% altho*gh he *nderstood what had dri&en her to drink it$ She had been seeking obli&ion% a +*est he.d embarked *pon a time or two himself$ She was lost$ -orn from her home$ Stranded in the middle of a cent*ry she co*ldn.t possibly *nderstand$ ,nd it was his fa*lt$ 1e wo*ld marry her% help her adj*st% protect her from disco&eryand most of all% protect her from ,dam (lack$ One way or another% he promised himself firmly% he wo*ld make her smile again and win her heart$ She was e&erything (r*de and more$ 1is mother wo*ld ha&e lo&ed this woman$ "Sleep with the angels% my (r*de +*een%" he said softly$ +ut come back# "his devil needs you like he's never needed anything before$ ,s he t*rned to lea&e he spared a last glance o&er his sho*lder$ , faint smile c*r&ed his lips as he recalled her fascination with whipped cream$ 1e hoped one day she wo*ld tr*st him% desire him eno*gh to allow him to take his spoonf*l of whipped cream% trail it across her lo&ely body% and remo&e the sweet confection with his tong*e$ 1e wo*ld heal her$ /ith his lo&e$ ,nd he wo*ld ne&er die on herthat he co*ld promise$ BBB "/hat.s wrong0" 7alan asked% taking one look at 'ircenn.s grim e)pression as he entered the 7reathall$ -he laird dropped himself hea&ily into a chair and picked *p a flask of cider wine% absently t*rning it in his hands$ "Is it :isa0" D*ncan asked swiftly$ "/hat happened0 I tho*ght the two of yo* were growing closer$" "I ga&e her the flask%" 'ircenn gr*nted% barely intelligible$

"5o* what0" 7alan roared% leaping from the chair$ "5o* made her like yo*0" "9ay$" 'ircenn wa&ed an impatient hand$ "I wo*ld ne&er do that$ I merely ga&e it to her so she co*ld see for herself it wo*ld not ret*rn her to her home$" 1e pa*sed% then raised his eyes from the floor$ "I fo*nd o*t why she wants to ret*rn so badly%" he said$ -hen% haltingly% he told him what :isa had confided$ "Och% 'hrist%" D*ncan said when he was finished$ "-his is a fankle$ 'an yo* not ret*rn her0 It is her mother$" 7alan m*rm*red his agreement$ 'ircenn shr*gged and spread his hands in a helpless gest*re$ "I doona know how$ -he only creat*re who knows how is ,dam" ",nd ,dam wo*ld kill her%" D*ncan finished bitterly$ ",ye$" D*ncan shook his head$ "I ne&er knew$ She told me that a woman was depending on her% b*t she wo*ldn.t tell me more$" "She told yo* that0" 'ircenn snapped$ ",ye$" 'ircenn.s lips twitched bitterly$ "/ell% here I ha&e been offering to be her h*sband and she didn.t tell me that m*ch$" "Did yo* e&er ask0" 7alan asked softly$ 'ircenn m*ttered a c*rse% *ncapped the wine% and started to drink$ CHAPTER 19 armand gritted his teeth and permitted james 'omyn to &ent his anger% ass*ring himself that soon the tables wo*ld be t*rned% and then he wo*ld re&el in cr*shing the traitoro*s Scot$ 1e *nderstood the 'omyn.s moti&ations well$ -en years ago% when >obert the (r*ce had slain >ed Gohn 'omyn in 7reyfriars 4irk at D*mfries% thereby eliminating the only other real contender for the Scottish crown% the remainder of the 'omyn clan had eagerly allied themsel&es with the <nglish$ -hey were a&id to m*rder any relati&e of the (r*ce they co*ld get their hands on$ "It has been weeks% (erardA ,nd yo* bring me nothing$ 9o woman% no sacred hallows$" ,rmand shr*gged$ "I ha&e done all I can$ -he woman has not left her chambers in weeks$ She stays holed *p there% altho*gh I cannot fathom why$"

"-hen go in and get her%" 'omyn spat$ "-he war grows fiercer% and the (r*ce.s brother <dward has made a foolish wager$" "/hat say yo*0" ,rmand had heard nothing of this$ "Only last night he made a wager that may win or lose this war$ 4ing <dward is most displeased$" "/hat wager0" ,rmand pressed$ "It is not my place to speak of it$ <&en the (r*ce hasn.t recei&ed word of it yet% and he will be f*rio*s when he hears what his brother has done$ It is imperati&e that we capt*re the woman$ ,t least then we will ha&e something to appease his temper$ 5o* m*st get her%" 'omyn ordered$ "-here are g*ards o*tside her chambers day and night% Games$ I m*st wait *ntil she comes o*t$" 1e raised a hand as the 'omyn started to arg*e$ "She will ha&e to come o*t soon$" ,nd while he waited% he wo*ld contin*e to search the castle for the sacred hallows$ -h*s far he.d managed to search only the north wing; somehow% he had to get into both the laird.s and the lady.s chambers$ ", fortnight% (erard$ ,ny longer and I cannot ass*re yo* I will be able to pre&ent 4ing <dward from ordering his men to attack$" "It will be done before a fortnight is *p$" BBB :isa rolled o&er% stretching gingerly$ She knew that she wo*ld ha&e to lea&e her bed e&ent*ally b*t hadn.t been able to face it$ She sat *p slowly% s*rprised to disco&er that the painf*l knot in her chest seemed to ha&e loosened$ She glanced aro*nd her room as if seeing it for the first time$ She.d been sleeping more than si)teen ho*rs a day and wondered if perhaps the past fi&e years had finally claimed their price$ She.d slept and grie&ed for e&erythingnot j*st her mother% b*t the car accident% her father.s death% and the loss of her childhood$ She hadn.t let herself feel any of that for fi&e years% and when she.d finally permitted a tiny sli&er of pain% all of it had come crashing in and she.d lost herself for a time$ She hadn.t reali#ed how m*ch b*ried anger she held$ She s*spected that only a bit of it had been released$ (*t now she had to face the facts? -he flask wo*ld not ret*rn her% 'ircenn co*ld not c*rse her back% and this was going to be her lifefor the rest of her life$ She rose from the bed% r*bbing her neck to ease the kinks$ She had no idea how long it had been since she.d bathed$ Disg*sted with her protracted inertia% she mo&ed to the door$

/hile closeted in her room% she.d been dimly aware that men were posted o*tside in the corridor$ She.d ne&er spoken to them% had merely accepted the food they handed in thro*gh the door and picked at it listlessly$ She f*mbled with the handle and p*lled the door open$ 'ircenn crashed in and hit the floor$ 1e rolled smoothly onto his back and sprang to his feet% hand on his sword% looking da#ed$ She reali#ed he m*st ha&e been sitting on the floor% leaning back against it% and when she.d opened it she.d taken him by s*rprise$ 1e blinked se&eral times% as if he.d fallen asleep in that position and been awakened abr*ptly$ She was startled and to*ched? 1ad he been o*tside her room all this time0 1e ga#ed down at her and they regarded each other silently$ -here were dark circles *nder his dark eyes% his face was lined with fatig*e and worry% and the look he ga&e her was so tender and self=effacing that it made her catch her breath$ ", bath%" she said softly$ "8ight I ha&e a bath0" 1is smile was slow to form% b*t da##ling when it did$ ",bsol*tely% lass$ /ait right here$ Doona mo&e$ I.ll see to the preparation myself$" 1e r*shed o*t to f*lfill her re+*est$ BBB "She wants a bath%" 'ircenn bellowed% barreling into the 7reathall$ 1e.d been waiting weeks for some spark of life$ -hat she was aware of her body again meant she was slowly retreating from the dark place within% where she.d lang*ished so long$ 1e roared for the maids% who came at a r*n$ "1a&e hot water drawn immediately$ ,nd a meal$ Send her all the tempting food yo* can find$ ,nd wine$ 'lothingA She m*st ha&e clean clothing as well$ See to my lady$ She wants a bathA" 1e smiled$ (y Dagda% the day was looking brighter already$ BBB -he last person :isa wo*ld ha&e imagined might slip into her chambers while she was bathing was <irren$ She.d ind*lged in a two=second fantasy that 'ircenn might come in *nin&ited% with sed*ction on his mind% b*t had +*ickly s+*ashed that tho*ght% ob&io*sly a lefto&er from the historical romances she.d de&o*red in lie* of a social life$ -hings like that didn.t really happen$ /hat really happened was that small% mischie&o*s children in&aded$ "/hat are yo* doing in here% <irren0" She swished her hands in the water% trying to whisk *p more b*bbles to co&er her breasts$ /hen that failed% she placed her wash cloth atop them$

-he rascal grinned broadly% waggling his brows in a comically lechero*s e)pression$ "I didn.t e&en hear yo* open the door$" She sank lower in the t*b$ "5e were too engrossed in yer bath% lassie$ I e&en knocked%" he lied$ 1e mo&ed swiftly to the hearth near :isa$ "I hardly think this is appropriate%" she said$ -hen she regarded him tho*ghtf*lly$ "On second tho*ght% it.s perfectly appropriate$ 5o* may *se my bath when I.m done% and we.ll finally get yo* clean$" <irren grinned p*ckishly$ "In order to do that% ye.ll ha&e to be gettin. o*t$ 2or my first look at a naked lass% I.d e&en consent to washin. meself$ 2or a look at ye% I.d wash twice$ (ehind me ears% e&en$" 1is grin faded as he took a seat on the stone base of the hearth$ ",re ye feelin. better% lassie0 5e.&e been in here a long time$ I co*ldna help b*t hear grim gossip$" :isa was to*ched$ "5o* were worried abo*t me% weren.t yo*0 -hat.s why yo* came today$" ",ye% I was%" <irren m*ttered$ ",nd I dinna like it a bit$ I o&erheard the men sayin. ye really are from another time and ye disco&ered ye can ne&er ret*rn$" 1e looked at her +*estioningly$ "-hat is so%" :isa said sadly$ "/ill ye be gi&in. *p on life% lassie0" :isa glanced at him sharply$ "Sometimes yo* seem far older than thirteen% <irren$" 1e shr*gged his bony sho*lders$ " .-is the way of this world$ 'hildren doona stay children long$ /e see too m*ch$" :isa felt a flash of longing to shield his eyes% to ens*re he ne&er again glimpsed anything a child sho*ldn.t see$ -hen she ca*ght him trying to peek beneath the water line$ "Stop thatA" She splashed water at him$ 1e la*ghed and wiped his face gamely$ " .-is nat*ral$ I.m a lad$ (*t I.ll be lookin. o*t yon window if it makes ye feel better$" She smiled% watching him lift his chin and t*rn his face toward the window% making +*ite a prod*ction of it$ 1e was s*ch a melodramatic boy$ "/ill ye be wedding the laird0" he asked after a moment$

:isa.s brows lifted as she pondered that$ , shi&er skittered *p her spine$ She co*ld not ret*rn home$ "his was her life$ /hat wo*ld 'atherine want her to make of it0 :isa knew the answer to that$ 'atherine wo*ld ha&e f*ssed and cosseted and dressed :isa in the finest wedding gown% p*shed her into bed with the brawny 1ighlander% and ho&ered o*tside the door to ascertain that :isa made appropriately satisfied honeymoon so*nds$ "I do belie&e I will%" she said slowly% trying to acc*stom herself to the tho*ght$ <irren clapped his hands and beamed at her$ "5e willna regret it$" :isa.s eyes narrowed ast*tely$ "Do yo* ha&e a special interest in this% <irren0" "I merely wish to be seein. a lassie happy$" "-hat.s not all of it%" :isa said$ "'onfess$ 5o* like the laird% don.t yo*0 5o* admire him and yo* think he needs to get married% don.t yo*0" <irren nodded% his eyes bright$ "I s*ppose I ha&e a fondness for him$" 6robably beca*se his own father didn.t ha&e m*ch time for him% she tho*ght$ 'ircenn (rodie wo*ld be easy for a lad to worship$ "1and me my towel% <irren%" :isa ordered$ She wo*ld get the filthy boy in the bath if she had to parade aro*nd n*de to do it$ Someone needed to take responsibility for him% treat him to tender arms and lo&ing discipline$ /ith an arch glance% he picked *p her towel and% with an e)aggerated swing of his arm% fl*ng it far across the room to land on the bed$ "7et it yerself$" She ga&e him her most forbidding yo*=will=obey=me=little=boy=or=die glance$ -hey waged a battle with their glareshis challenging% hers promising di&ine retrib*tion *ntil with a gamin grin he leaped to his feet% slipped behind her% and was gone$ She didn.t e&en hear the door open and close$ She sighed and leaned her head back against the t*b% admitting that she hadn.t really wanted to lea&e the warm% soapy water anyway$ "I.ll get yo* for this% <irren%" she &owed$ "5o* will ha&e a bath before the week is o*t$" She wasn.t certain b*t she tho*ght she heard a soft tinkle of la*ghter o*tside the door$ BBB

-he s*n was shining% :isa obser&ed with pleas*re$ ,fter bathing% she had slipped on a clean gown b*t forgone slippers$ /hile the maids had remo&ed her bath water% she.d fl*ng open the window and reali#ed that spring had graced the co*ntryside while she.d grie&ed$ She.d felt a fierce need to &ent*re o*tside% to feel the s*n% to sa&or the birdsong% to connect with what was to be her world$ 7od% she needed to get o*t of her room$ It was s*ffocating after so long$ She strolled the co*rtyard at a leis*rely pace% c*rling her bare toes in the l*sh green grass$ 2ollowing the perimeter wall of the castle% she was ac*tely aware of the c*rio*s ga#es of the g*ards in the high towers$ -hey watched her intently% and she s*spected that 'ircenn had instr*cted them not to let her slip from their sight$ >ather than feeling g*arded or trapped% she fo*nd it comforting$ /hile finishing her bath she.d reali#ed that she.d been l*cky; things co*ld ha&e been m*ch worse$ She might ha&e been d*mped thro*gh time into the keep of a tr*e barbarian% who wo*ld ha&e ab*sed her% t*rned her o*t% or simply killed her$ She skirted a small gro&e of trees and pa*sed% capti&ated by a clear reflecting pool encircled by smooth white rocks and cornered by fo*r massi&e standing stones with 6ict inscriptions$ :*red by history% she trailed her fingertips o&er the engra&ings$ , lo&ely stone bench s+*atted in a small copse before an *n*s*al mo*nd of earth that was abo*t twenty feet long and a do#en feet wide$ It was nearly as tall as she was% and the grass on it was a brilliant green% thicker and l*sher than the rest of the lawn$ 1er toes ached to to*ch it$ She stood regarding it% wondering what it was$ , medie&al b*rial mo*nd0 "It is a fairy mo*nd$ , shian%" 'ircenn said% mo&ing behind her$ 1e placed his hand on her waist and inhaled the clean fragrance of her freshly washed hair$ :isa tipped back her head and smiled$ "It is said that if yo* circle the mo*nd se&en times and spill yo*r blood *pon the peak% the 3*een of the 2airies may appear and grant yo* a wish$ I cannot g*ess how many yo*ng lads and lasses ha&e pricked their fingers here$ Old% tall talesthis land is f*ll of them$ 8ost likely some prior kin once emptied the chamber pots here$ It wo*ld e)plain how thick and green the grass is$" 1e dropped a kiss on her hair% wrapping his arms aro*nd her from behind$ "I glimpsed yo* from the window and tho*ght I might seek a word with yo*$ 1ow are yo*% lass0" he asked gently$ "(etter%" she said +*ietly$ "I.m sorry$ I didn.t plan to stay in there for so long$ I j*st needed time to think$ @ntil yo*.d gi&en me the flask I still belie&ed I might ret*rn$ I needed time to come to terms with the reality of my sit*ation$" "5o* need offer me no apology$ It is I who sho*ld offer yo* one$" 1e t*rned her to face him$ ":isa% I am sorry yo* were ensnared by my c*rse$ I wo*ld like to say that I.m sorry yo* came here% b*t I m*st confess that I"

:isa glanced *p at him searchingly$ 1e took a deep breath$ "-hat I will de&ote my life to making it *p to yo*$ -hat I wish to wed yo* and will see yo* well cared for$" :isa a&erted her ga#e% mortified to feel tears threatening$ 1e stepped back% sensing that she was fighting for control$ "-hat was all I wished to say% lass$ I will lea&e yo* to yo*r walk now$ I merely wished to be certain yo* knew how I felt$" "-hank yo*%" she said$ ,s she watched him retreat% a part of her longed to s*mmon him back% to make small% idle talk and while away the s*nny afternoon% b*t tears still came too easily$ ,fter he.d gone she contin*ed strolling% drawn to e)plore her new home$ She soaked *p the warm fays% stopping periodically to e)amine small b*ds and *n*s*al foliage$ It occ*rred to her that since she was to stay there% she co*ld finally do something she.d longed to do for yearsshe co*ld ha&e a p*ppy$ She.d always wanted a dog b*t their apartment had been too small$ /hen she ret*rned to the castle% she wo*ld ask 'ircenn if he knew of any recent litters in the &illage$ ,s she approached the bothy% she reali#ed she was going to s*r&i&e$ 1er normal feelings were ret*rning% her c*stomary optimism% her desire to be in&ol&ed in the world and to e)plore it$ She wondered what a bothy act*ally was$ , storeho*se0 , workshop0 -*rning the handle% she opened the door open and +*ietly stepped inside$ D*ncan Do*glas stood there% n*de% his back to her$ My &od% she tho*ght$ 9ot 'ircenn% b*t certainly remarkable$ O&erwhelmingly c*rio*s abo*t all things sens*al% she was *nable to look away$ ,n e+*ally *nclothed maid was pressed between his body and the wall$ -he maid.s cheek was fl*sh to the wooden wall and her palms were flattened against it abo&e her head% with D*ncan.s strong hands co&ering them$ 1is hips b*cked against her% p*shing into her from behind$ :isa wet her lips and breathed softly$ She knew she sho*ld slip o*t +*ietly before they reali#ed they.d been obser&ed$ !n ;ust a minute% she told herself% cheeks flaming$ 1er ga#e dropped from his wide sho*lders to his waist% o&er a m*scled% tight ass that fle)ed as he po*nded into her$ :isa co*ldn.t mo&e% assa*lted by erotic images of 'ircenn doing the same to her$ "Oh% my hea&ens$" She was so fascinated% the words escaped her before she co*ld spare tho*ght to pre&ent them$ -hey both t*rned to look at her at the same moment$ -he maid shrieked$ -he o*trageo*s D*ncan merely grinned$ "Oops%" he said nonchalantly$

:isa fled the bothy$ ,t least now she knew what the ancients had *sed the o*tb*ilding for$ 6ri&acy$ BBB -he days passed +*ickly% in a ha#e of warm s*nny mornings and afternoons spent with D*ncan% who took her on to*rs of the castle and estate% and +*iet e&enings spent with 'ircenn o&er scr*mptio*s dinners$ 'ircenn had been noticeably absent d*ring the afternoons% neither training with his men nor present aro*nd the castle% and as they finished dessert that night she in+*ired abo*t it$ "'ome$" 1e rose from the table and motioned for her to follow$ "I ha&e something for yo*% :isa$ I hope it pleases yo*$" She let him t*ck her arm thro*gh his and g*ide her down a corridor she hadn.t yet e)plored$ It led to the end of the east wing% down winding and narrow stone hallways% thro*gh high arched doors% and *p a circ*lar stone staircase$ 1e pa*sed o*tside the door to a tower and remo&ed a key from his sporran$ "I hope yo* doona think I ha&e" 1e blew o*t a sigh% looking *ncomfortable$ ":ass% this seemed an e)cellent idea when I str*ck *pon it% b*t now I ha&e some concerns" "/hat0" she asked% perple)ed$ "1a&e yo* e&er come *p with an idea that yo* think will make someone happy% then when it is time to gi&e it to them yo* worry if perhaps yo* were wrong0" "Did yo* make something for me0" she asked% recalling the flecks of wood d*st she.d glimpsed him br*shing off his tartan the day before$ ",ye%" he m*ttered% r*nning a hand thro*gh his hair$ "(*t it s*ddenly occ*rred to me that if I doona know yo* as well as I think I do% it may make yo* sad$" "/ell% I.ll j*st ha&e to see it%" she said% slipping the key from his hand$ /hate&er he.d done% he.d pleased her simply by caring% and thinking abo*t her% not to mention in&esting his time in labor with the intent to please her$ ,side from her parents and >*by% she.d recei&ed few imp*lsi&e gifts in her lifetime% and ne&er one someone had fashioned by hand$ '*rio*s% she inserted the key in the door% opened it% and stepped inside$ Do#ens of candles flickered% filling the room with a warm glow$ -he ceiling rose and met in a high

wooden arch% and there were small benches strewn abo*t$ ,t the front of the room% before fo*r bea*tif*lly colored windows% was a flat slab mo*nted on a thick base of stonean altar$ She reali#ed he.d bro*ght her to his pri&ate place of worship$ ":ook down% lass%" he said +*ietly$ 1er ga#e dropped to the floor$ "1ea&ens% did yo* do this0" She glanced at 'ircenn% bewildered$ "I had a lot of idle time a few years past%" he said with a shr*g$ About thirty years% he didn.t add$ 5ears d*ring which he had tho*ght he might go insane from loneliness% and so he.d b*ried his ang*ish in creating$ 1er ga#e flew back to the floor$ It was an e)+*isite mosaic hand fashioned of wood% ranging o*t like a star from the center of the chapel$ :ight pine% dark waln*t% and deep cherry interwo&e to create the patterns$ Some of the pieces of wood were no more than an inch in diameter$ !t must have taken him years% she tho*ght% ama#ed$ One man% designing this floor% caref*lly car&ing and sanding the pieces and laying them in a fab*lo*s geometric pattern that wo*ld ha&e made 8$ '$ <scher wild with en&y$ "7o *p near the altar%" he enco*raged$ "-hat is where I changed it$" :isa walked gently across the floor% rel*ctant to mar it with her footsteps$ In front of the altar% he.d torn *p the old pattern and laid a new one$ -he area in front of the slab had been di&ided into two sections? to the right% painstakingly inlaid into the pattern in deep ebony was 8O>7,99,% (<:OH<D 8O-1<> O2 'I>'<99$ -o her left% in the same black wood% was ',-1<>I9<% (<:OH<D 8O-1<> O2 :IS,$ -here were no dates% an omission she *nderstood% beca*se they certainly wo*ldn.t want anyone to see twenty= first=cent*ry dates in a medie&al chapel$ She co*ld j*st imagine the heyday modern scholars wo*ld ha&e had with that$ -he names were encircled by elaborate inlaid 'eltic knot work$ Dropping to her knees% she ran her fingers o&er the freshly laid wood% her heart swelling with emotion$ 1e.d placed her mother right ne)t to his% clearly showing her she was half of his life$ 9ow she co*ld go there when she was missing her mother and feel as if she had a place to be near her$ It startled her% his keen insight$ /hen 'atherine had been diagnosed with cancer% :isa had de&o*red "how to" books on dealing with the loss of a lo&ed one% hoping to find some magic way of handling the impending loss of her mother$ One of the things each book had addressed was that clos*re was a critical part of the healing process$ In making this marker for her mother% 'ircenn had created a tangible and% by ancient social c*stom% innately comforting symbol of her absence% so that her absence became a soothing presence$

:isa swallowed a l*mp in her throat and looked *p$ 1e was regarding her as if she were the most infinitely precio*s thing to him in the world$ "/as I a fool0" he worried$ "9o$ 'ircenn% I don.t think yo* co*ld e&er be a fool%" she said +*ietly$ "-hank yo*$ /e do this in my time% too$ ,nd I will come here often to to" She trailed off% shaken by the depth of her emotion$ /hen he said% "'ome%" she mo&ed easily into his arms$ CHAPTER 20 circenn stalked to the mirror and st*died himself for the fifth time in as many min*tes$ 1e t*rned his face to the side and eyed his profile$ 1e ran his hand o&er his shadow beard tho*ghtf*lly$ :isa.s skin was &ery sensiti&e; perhaps he sho*ld sha&e more fre+*ently$ (*t that wasn.t the problem% he m*sed$ ,ltho*gh she.d opened *p considerably in the past few days% she retained a distance between them$ She was healing% and it was time to complete the process$ 1e needed to woo her into a closer intimacy% to help her f*lly accept her position as his soon=to=be wife$ 'hom was he trying to deceive* (e needed to bed her before he turned into a ravening beast$ 9ot for a moment had he forgotten the &ision he.d spied in his shield$ ,nd he wanted it% was eager to embrace his f*t*re$ 1e.d been going e)cr*ciatingly slowly with her% allowing her time to heal$ (*t she was changing again% becoming stronger$ 1e snorted% reflecting that she was not the only one who had *ndergone changes since her arri&al$ , few months ago he.d been a man of rigid discipline who despised many things abo*t himself$ 9ow he was a man of deep passion who welcomed what he might become with her$ , few months ago he.d eschewed physical intimacy% compiling do#ens of reasons why it was logical to forswear it$ 9ow he longed for physical intimacy% armed with do#ens of reason why it was logical% arg*ably e&en necessary that he embrace it$ ,fter he.d gi&en her the chapel% he.d escorted her to her room% hoping to sweep her past a good=night kiss% b*t she.d been reticent$ 1er kiss had been stormy% and he.d plainly scented the desire in her body% b*t she.d been the one to stop the kiss% bidding him good sleep before lea&ing him at the door$ 1e s*spected that while she wo*ld allow herself to be somewhat happy% she was still not +*ite ready to belie&e that she sho*ldn.t contin*e to s*ffer for sins she hadn.t committed$ 2or her sake% he needed to be r*thless$ 1e needed to penetrate her shell and ease her f*lly into his life$ 1e wanted her% this fascinating woman with her deep emotions% her passionate heart% her witty and c*rio*s mind$ 1e wanted her droll sense of h*mor% which had been noticeably absent of late$ 1e needed her to accept the deepest physical bond

with him beca*se he knew that once she did% she wo*ld bar no +*arter of her heart from him$ ,nd he wanted to e)plore e&ery pri&ate nook and cranny of her so*l$ >*thlessly sed*cti&e% that was what he wo*ld be$ 1e gathered his hair back into a thong and considered sha&ing% b*t was too impatient for her$ -hey had retired from dinner a half=ho*r past% and with any l*ck she wo*ld be c*rled *p in bed$ ,nd he wo*ld join her$ It was time$ -onight he wo*ld make her his$ BBB :isa sipped her cider wine and watched the fire% feeling remarkably dissatisfied after finishing a delicio*s meal with a delicio*s companion and being gi&en the lo&ely gift of the chapel$ 1er body was thr*mming with fr*stration and she.d been ha&ing a perfectly &icio*s arg*ment with herself$ Since she.d emerged from her chambers after her bo*t of grie&ing% 'ircenn had repeatedly gi&en her e&ery indication that he desired to enter a se)*al relationship with her% b*t something was holding her back and she didn.t ha&e the faintest idea what it was$ She.d st*died it from e&ery angle b*t still was no closer to *nderstanding why she p*lled away each time he tried to do more than kiss her$ She ho&ered on the &erge of asking him if he knew why she did% b*t co*ldn.t bring herself to be +*ite so br*tally honest$ , part of her wished he wo*ld try to storm her walls% so she co*ld fig*re o*t what the damned walls were$ She tho*ght she.d decided to be happy here% b*t then why resist his sed*ction0 , knock at the door set her heart to po*nding$ "'ome in%" she called softly% desperately hoping it wo*ld not be 7illendria who entered% carrying yet another restitched gown or s*rcoat$ ":ass%" 'ircenn m*rm*red% as he closed the door behind him$ :isa sat *p straight and placed her wine goblet on the table$ on't say anything>;ust kiss me% she tho*ght$ 3iss me hard and fast and don't give me time to think$ "-here was something I wanted to disc*ss with yo*% lass%" he said$ 1e crossed the room and p*lled her *p from the chair$ "5es0"

1e stopped and ga#ed down at her for a long moment$ "Och% sometimes I make a fankle of things with words%" he finally said$ "I.&e been a warrior all my life% not a blethering bard$" 'radling her head in his hands% he sei#ed her mo*th with his$ 1e b*ried his fingers in her hair% slipped his tong*e between her lips with a smooth &el&ety stroke% kissing her slowly and thoro*ghly$ 1e ga&e her a long% delicio*sly romantic kiss that left her clinging to him breathlessly$ 1e nibbled her lower lip% s*cking and t*gging% then swept inside again% possessing her mo*th$ 1is hands slid down her back and o&er her bottom% and he groaned$ 1e needed her desperately% b*t he also needed her to seek his affection$ 1is tong*e retreated and he pa*sed% waiting for her to seek its ret*rn$ She didn.t$ 1e sighed and mo&ed back an inch to look at her$ ",t least fight me% lass% like yo* did when the (r*ce declared *s handfasted$ -hink yo* I.&e forgotten that0 /hen I took my tong*e from yo* then% yo* wo*ld ha&e none of it$" :isa a&erted her ga#e$ <uthless% 'ircenn reminded himself% or she will slip away from you# $ou cannot leave her trapped in grief and guilt$ /hen she mo&ed to sit on the bed% he e)haled a small sigh of relief$ -he fact that she felt comfortable perching on the target of his sed*ction told him she wasn.t entirely ad&erse to it$ "/hat are yo* waiting for% :isa0" 1e sank ne)t to her onto the bed$ 1e was heartened that she didn.t p*ll away b*t merely sat together% sho*lder br*shing sho*lder$ "Do yo* remember what yo* said to me the night that yo* arri&ed here% when yo* feared I might take yo*r life0" She glanced warily at him% indicating that she was listening$ " ! have not even li&ed yet$ -hose are the words yo* said to me% and I heard many things in that statement$ I heard fr*stration and regret$ I heard c*riosity and h*nger for e)periences% and a terrible fear that yo* wo*ld ne&er get to ha&e them$ ! cannot die# ! have not even lived yetA yo* said to me$ I tho*ght yo* meant it$ -hat gi&en the chance yo* wo*ld li&e boldly$" :isa flinched$ She co*ld feel the echo welling *p inside her$ It was tr*e% she tho*ght defiantly% she hadn't e&en li&ed yet$ She felt a s*dden flash of f*ry$ She.d spent years denying herself the l*)*ry of feelings% and with a few simple sentences% 'ircenn stripped them bare in front of her$ She resented his psychoanaly#ing her$ It made her angry that he dared be so intimate with her feelings$ 1er eyes narrowed$

1is lips c*r&ing in a faint% *nderstanding smile% he said% "7o on% be angry with me% lass% for gi&ing &oice to the things yo* try not to feel$ (e angry with me for saying alo*d what yo* scarcely permit yo*rself to thinkthat a part of yo* resents yo*r mother being ill beca*se yo* cannot gi&e yo*rself permission to li&e while she is dying$ (e angry with me for saying that it tears yo* into little pieces% and that yo* feel yo* sho*ld s*ffer% beca*se how co*ld yo* not when yo*r own mother lies dying0 (e angry with me for demanding that yo* li&e now$ :i&e with me$ 2*lly$" 1er hands clenched aro*nd wads of blanket$ She co*ldn.t deny anything he.d said$ She did feel that she sho*ld s*ffer% since her mother was s*ffering$ She did feel that e&ery small smile she permitted herself was somehow a betrayal of 'atherine$ 1ow dare :isa smile when her mother was dying0 /hat kind of monster co*ld be happy for e&en an instant0 5et% she.d smiled occasionally% and e&en la*ghed% and then had hated herself for it$ 1e was right onthis was what had been holding her back$ ,n insidio*s little belief that she still had no right to be happy$ "/ill yo* contin*e to p*nish yo*rself for sins not of yo*r making0 1ow m*ch m*st yo* s*ffer before yo* feel yo* ha&e paid in f*ll0 /o*ld yo*r lifetime be eno*gh0" 1er lashes swept down% shielding her eyes$ "/o*ld it be so wrong to pl*nge headlong into the lo&e I offer yo*0 -akedraw of life% s*ck it into yo*r body% taste it with a &engeance$" "Damn yo*%" she whispered$ "2or saying what yo* think0 :ass% I am the one yo* may say anything to$ I ass*re yo*% I will *nderstand$ I doona care how ignoble yo* think yo*r tho*ghts or feelings are$ 2eelings% emotionsthey are neither right nor wrong$ -hey cannot be assigned a &al*e$ 2eelings are$ (y labeling a feeling wrong% yo* force yo*rself to ignore that feeling$ ,nd what yo* most need is to feel it% let it b*rn thro*gh yo*% then get on with life$ 5o* are not responsible for any of what happened to yo*r parents$ (*t to p*nish yo*rself for a ha&ing a feelingoch% lass% that is wrong$ 5o* felt some resentmentthere is no shame in that$ 5o* are yo*ng and f*ll of lifethere is no shame in that$" :isa looked as if she desperately wished to belie&e him$ "It wasn.t yo*r fa*ltnot the wreck% not yo*r mother getting ill% not yo*r being bro*ght here to me$ :et go of it$ Stand *p% :isa$ -ake what yo* want from me$ :i&e now$" "Damn yo*%" she repeated% shaking her head$ 2eelings long denied now flooded her$

She sat still% his words echoing in her mind$ -hen another &oice startled her% beca*se it so*nded so like 'atherine.s% reso*nding in her head? No more punishment# (e's right% you know# o you think ! didn't see what you were doing to yourself* )ive, )isa# 1er hands were trembling$ 'o*ld she0 Did she know how0 ,fter years of ref*sing to belie&e that anything good might happen to her% co*ld she reclaim the dreams she.d had of being a woman *nafraid to lo&e0 1er ga#e swept o&er him$ 8agnificent 1ighlander% half sa&age% yet more ci&ili#ed than most modern men$ -ender% caring eno*gh to penetrate her shell in a &aliant effort to wrench her from it$ She wo*ld ne&er find a better man$ )ive% she agreed$ /itho*t a word% she rose to her feet% s*ffering the sensation that she was splitting into two different people$ ,s if in the act of rising she slipped from her twenty=first=cent*ry body% lea&ing the old :isa h*ddling on the bed% her arms wrapped aro*nd a pillow% &ehemently denying her own needs$ -his new :isa stood tall and composed% waiting for in&itinghis ne)t demand$ >eady to make demands of her own$ ">emo&e yo*r gown% :isa$" 1er breath clawed its way from her l*ngs$ "I said remo&e yo*r gown$" "/hat abo*t yo*0" "-his is not abo*t me$ -his is abo*t yo*$ :et me lo&e yo*% lass$ I promise yo* will not regret it$" :isa drew a shallow breath$ 1e saw her heart as it really was% f*ll of complicated and less=than=noble emotions% yet he wanted her$ ,nd in remo&ing her gown she was dropping her barriers and e)tending her arms to welcome him$ /elcoming what they co*ld be together$ 1er fingers felt stiff and cl*msy as they mo&ed o&er her clothing% b*t grew more nimble the more honest she was with herself$ "I want yo*$ I am here for yo*$ I adore yo*$" ! adore you 1is words lingered$ ,nd she acknowledged that she wanted it to be j*st like this$ -o disrobe for this man% to offer him her body% to find the appro&al and desire she knew he felt for her$ -o reach o*t and taste what he offered% to t*rn her willing body o&er to him to be ta*ght% initiated% sa&ored$

-o li&e$ 1er gown r*stled to the floor$ "StopA" 1e sat motionless% ga#ing at her as she stood% pale in the candlelight% in her la&ender bra and panties$ 1e made a so*nd low in his throat$ :isa had ne&er heard a man make s*ch a so*nd before% b*t she reali#ed that she wanted to hear him make that so*nd many times% looking at her in j*st the same way$ "6roceed%" he said finally% "&erra slowly% lass$ 4ill me with it$ 5o* know I want yo*; *se it$ It is one of yo*r many powers$" :isa blinked% thrilled to reali#e that she had s*ch power as a woman$ 1is plaid was lifting% his chest was falling and rising rapidly% and his eyes were dark with desire$ 1e was in&iting her to wield her feminine strength% and she wanted to$ In her fantasies she.d dreamed of j*st this? being with a man whose attraction to her was something she was so certain of that she co*ld tease him% re&el in her femininity% pro&oke and in&ite the conse+*ences$ Slowly she began to strip away her lingerie% sliding the straps of her bra off her sho*lders% t*gging playf*lly% pro&ocati&ely at the bow between her breasts$ /hen his eyes flared% she slipped off her soft slippers and tossed one at him$ -he motion made her breasts sway gently$ /hen the slipper hit him lightly in the chest% he swallowed hard and tensed to rise from the bed$ "9o$ I find I like this$ 5o* enco*raged me$ :et me disco&er who I am$" 'ircenn sank back to the bed% b*t looked ready to la*nch himself at her at any moment$ , scrap of lace fl*ttered to the floor% then another% and :isa stood before him holding her breath$ She saw herself reflected in the polished mirror behind him and mo&ed a bit to the right$ Perfect% she tho*ght? She co*ld now see him f*lly clothed% his wide sho*lders and m*scled back% the bed% and herself standing n*de before him$ It was fiercely aro*sing% erotic% her desire strangely heightened by the fact that he was still completely dressed$ "-*rn aro*nd$" "/hat0" she gasped% nearly losing her compos*re$ 1is la*gh was a low p*rr$ "5o* are perfection% lass$ (*t t*rn aro*nd and show me all of yo*r lo&ely body$ I.&e been dreaming abo*t yo* for weeks$" :isa swallowed% *ncertain that she co*ld do it$ She wo*ldn.t be able to see him$ /hat if he tho*ght her behind was fat0 Men never think a behind is fat% >*by had told her once$ "hey're so happy ;ust to be seeing it$

"'ome% lass$ Show me if yo*r back arches as I think it doesa cool sweep of i&ory% with yo*r hair t*mbling down it$ Show me that bea*tif*l bottom$ Show me those long lo&ely legs$ Show me e&ery inch of what I am going to kiss and taste$" 1is words were more than ade+*ately pers*asi&e; what woman co*ld ref*se s*ch a promise0 :isa drew a deep breath and t*rned$ ,fter a few moments of e)cr*ciating silence% she glanced ner&o*sly o&er her sho*lder% seeking their reflection in the mirror$ 1e had dropped to his knees by the bed and was cro*ched behind her% looking *p and down% and *p and down again$ (lack eyes lifted to meet her ga#e$ -he e)pression on his face was wild% possessi&e% and made her feel she was the most bea*tif*l woman e&er to stroll thro*gh his fo*rteenth= cent*ry world$ 1e l*nged to his feet and ha*led her back against him% hard$ -he ro*gh fabric of his plaid was aro*sing against her sensiti&e skin and she melted against his body$ /ith a firm t*g% he p*lled her bare bottom against his hips% and she lost herself in the sensation of the fabric and the hard length of maleness that lay j*st beneath it$ She p*shed back% feeling the ridge of him pressing in the cleft of her behind$ It jerked against her and she gasped with anticipation$ 1is hands slid *p her waist% o&er her ribs% and he held her breasts re&erently at first% then with ro*gh e)citement$ 1er nipples were already hard and aching from the cool air in the room% and when his fingers br*shed them she nearly screamed$ 1er hips b*cked back% and a flash of pleas*re darted from her nipples to where she wo*ld take him into her body$ 1e pinched them% and she felt her world spinning% narrowing down to nothing b*t her and him% and a desire to do e&erything with him that was possible between a man and a woman$ "-hat.s it$ 6*sh back against me$ Show me how yo* want me$" 1e rocked against her% imitating the thr*st and draw of lo&emaking% and she felt the wetness between her thighs$ 1er mo&ements became strained as wordlessly she begged for his body$ 1e wrapped an arm aro*nd her waist% bit the nape of her neck% catching the tendon between his teeth$ It felt so dominating$ 1is other hand so*ght her lips% and he slipped his finger between them$ She stroked it with her tong*e% closing her lips o&er it and s*cking it into her mo*th$ 7ently% he inched her toward the chest at the foot of the bed$ "Sit$" She sat breathlessly% so aro*sed that e&en the chest felt good to her aching bottom$ 1ard% that was what she wanted% something hard% and solid% and him$

1e stood before her% legs splayed% eyes dark$ 1e br*shed her nipples with his palms% his call*ses delicio*sly abrasi&e against her sensiti&e peaks$ She watched them tighten% fascinated by her body.s responses to him$ /ith his knee he n*dged her legs apart slightly% seemingly transfi)ed by the small dark mole on the inside of her left thigh$ 1e wet his lips% and she knew he wo*ld kiss her there many times$ 1olding her ga#e% he *ndressed for her% with e)cr*ciating leis*re% ne&er taking his eyes off her$ 9o modern=day stripper co*ld ha&e competed with the performance he ga&e her$ It had a f*nny effect on her emotions% that e&en tho*gh she was naked% e&en tho*gh he co*ld ha&e taken her +*ickly% he was making it as he.d promised? all abo*t her$ 1e was progressing slowly% feeding her e&ery fantasy$ 1e was still trying to woo her% despite the fact that he.d clearly already won her$ /hen he stood n*de before her she closed her eyes% o&erwhelmed by him$ She took a deep breath and opened them again% only to disco&er him bobbing before her$ !t's beautiful% she tho*ght$ She.d ne&er reali#ed that a man co*ld be so bea*tif*l$ -he hard b*lges in his abdomen tapered into lean m*scles that rippled down to his thighs% creating a &ee of ta*t ridges that commanded attention to the raw masc*linity that h*ng hea&ily between his legs$ -he mere sight of him made her stomach feel tight and empty$ It was thick and long and raising itself eagerly$ Oli&e=pink% smooth% &el&ety=looking% hooded% with a strong &ein r*nning the length of it$ It wo*ld be warmno% it wo*ld feel hot and silky beneath her hand$ :eaning closer for a better look% she was startled when it bobbed again and br*shed her cheek$ :a*ghing% she looked *p at him% and lost her breath$ 1e stared down at her transfi)ed% his e)pression so possessi&e that she gasped$ She wo*ld ne&er be the same after this night$ +e bold% she told herself$ +e brave and wanton and everything you always fantasi4ed about being# "ake from life, )isa$ She wrapped her hand aro*nd him% and% as she.d s*spected% her fingers co*ldn.t close$ , shi&er shot thro*gh her% imagining her body yielding to take so m*ch of him$ 1e b*cked within her grip$ , smile c*r&ed her lips$ She co*ld do that to him% make him jerk h*ngrily in response to her to*ch$ She s+*ee#ed% sliding her hand *p and down$ -his part of him was s*ch a contradiction? so hard% yet the skin so &ery soft and sensiti&e% so strong% yet so weak before a woman% so easily wielded by a man as a weapon% yet so easily *sed as a weapon against him$ :isa licked her lips% wondering how he tasted$ Salty0 Sweet0 /here was her whipped cream0 She dropped her head and br*shed her lips o&er the tip of him$ G*st once% a tight s*ction with her lips% the +*ick flick of a tong*e% j*st eno*gh to taste him and ass*age her c*riosity$ A bit salty, and a scent of spicy man% she tho*ght% pondering the fla&or on her tong*e% her hand momentarily still$ 1is spicy scent that n*mbed her brain was more pre&alent here%

near the center of his manhood$ It did alarming things to herboth rela)ed and stim*lated her$ She glanced *p% wondering why he.d gone motionless% and was st*nned by the startled% sa&age look on his face$ 1e drew her *p into his arms% swept her back onto the bed% and stretched himself on top of her$ ":ass% I am going to lo&e yo* *ntil yo* cannot walk from my bed%" he whispered% before kissing her$ She responded eagerly% fiercely% molding her mo*th to his$ "Slowly first$" 1e drew back slightly$ /ith e)cr*ciating gentleness he br*shed his lips against her% once% twice% a do#en times$ She parted her lips against his gentle friction% signifying her desire for more$ 1e la*ghed softly and ran the tip of his tong*e in a playf*l circle o&er her lips$ 1e teased *ntil she was mo&ing frantically% trying to catch his tong*e with hers$ "6lace yo*r hands abo&e yo*r head% lass% and if yo* ha&e a problem keeping them there I will be happy to *se fabric to sec*re them%" he m*rm*red$ "/hat0 Do yo* want to tie me *p0" she e)claimed% mildly shocked$ She felt his lips c*r&e in a smile against hers; he was am*sed by her reaction$ "I wo*ld not be ad&erse to the idea$" 1is la*ghter was h*sky% darkly erotic$ "(*t for now% I merely wish yo* to restrain yo*r hands from my body$ 5o* need gi&e nothing% do nothing; I ass*re yo*% I.ll be taking my pleas*re in the gi&ing$" )ie back and let me pleasure you% he was saying$ (ave ! died and gone to heaven0 she wondered$ And he prefers to do this0 1er fantasy lo&ers had always been dominant and demanding ill*sions who e)ha*sted themsel&es in bed% gi&ing their woman pleas*re$ Obediently% she raised her hands abo&e her head$ -he mo&ement lifted her breasts% and he ca*ght one ro*ghly with his mo*th$ -hen she was b*rning% her nipples were on fire$ 1e nipped and tong*ed% licked and t*gged *ntil her breasts felt swollen and hot$ 1e raised them together and dragged his tong*e down the soft cre&ice% then he separated them and kissed each nipple$ 1e nipped her stomach and kissed her hipsthe &ery sensiti&e part where her leg met her *pper body% only inches from the soft hair between her thighs$ -he skin was thinner there% more delicate$ 1e pressed hot kisses to the tiny mole inside her thigh% dragged his &el&ety tong*e o&er it% and she arched against him% instincti&ely g*iding him closer to her center$ 1is tong*e flicked o*t to taste her and her hands flew down to cradle his head between her legs as she arched against him$ 1e tasted her with long% smooth strokes against the sensiti&e n*b% alternately fast% then lang*id% then fast again$ "Oh% 7odA" She embraced the pleas*re$ She soared% spiraled% sh*ddered% and when she fell he was there to catch her% with promise in his eyes$

1e slipped a finger inside her and she contracted helplessly aro*nd it$ She reali#ed that there was an entirely different sensation she.d not yet e)perienced$ She.d heard that orgasms co*ld be &ery different when a man was inside a woman% as opposed to an orgasm from e)ternal sensation$ She co*ld feel j*st the hint% the promise of the f*llness it wo*ld offer$ "-ight$ -oo tight% lass$ 5o* need to be more rela)ed% and I know of only one way to accomplish that$" 1is lips b*rned against her skin as he kissed her mole% tong*ed it% then stroked his &el&ety kisses down to her ankles% her toes% and back *p with delicio*s slowness$ ,nd when he ret*rned% he lowered his head and ens*red that she was completely rela)ed by sending her o&er the edge again$ -wo fingers$ -he f*llnessA -hree$ ">ela)% lass$ I doona wish to h*rt yo* o&erm*ch$ I am" "I know%" she panted$ "5o* are$ I saw yo*$" She was awed and a little afraid$ 1is hands were magic% her body eased open% only to contract swiftly when he remo&ed his fingers$ "he ache, oh, the unbearable ache$ "6lease%" she groaned$ 1e raised himself abo&e her and positioned himself between her legs$ (*t he didn.t enter nay% he took her lips with his and kissed her? light and teasing% kissed her deeply; kissed her so hard that his teeth b*mped against hers% which she.d always tho*ght might seem cl*msy b*t it wasn.t% it made her nearly wild beneath him$ She arched her lower body% pressing against that hot male part of him% and he pressed back against her% hard$ "In me%" she cried$ 1e la*ghed against her lips$ "Impatient lass$" "5es I am$ In me$" ",ye aye% mistress%" he whispered$ 1e ga&e it to her slowly$ -he first inch was a most *n*s*al sensation and she do*bted she co*ld take him$ -he second inch promised pain$ -he third and fo*rth were painf*l% b*t the se&enth and eighth promised hea&en$ :isa closed her eyes and de&oted her f*ll attention to the hard man inside her$ She had ne&er felt s*ch a press*re% s*ch a completing sensation in her life$ She co*ld ha&e stayed like that fore&er$

,nd then he rocked slowly within her$ "S+*ee#e me%" he whispered$ "/hat0" "/ith yo*r m*scles$" /hen she stared at him blankly% he tickled her s*ddenly% ca*sing her to la*gh$ -he m*scles inside her contracted and she *nderstood$ "S+*ee#e like that% yo* mean0" 1e went completely still inside her$ "S+*ee#e$" It was the most incredible sensation$ She co*ld *se her woman.s m*scles to contract on him and release% and e&ery time she contracted aro*nd him it sent her perilo*sly close to the edge$ 1e lay motionless atop her% letting her feel him% grow *sed to him% de&elop an insatiable h*nger for the pleas*re of him b*ried within her$ "Does it aro*se yo*0" he asked$ "Oh% yes%" she m*rm*red$ 1e withdrew slowly% sa&oring e&ery sweet contraction of her m*scles% then filled her to the mo*th of her womb$ -he night was yo*ng% and o&er the co*rse of it he made a wee bit of progress down his endless list of things he wanted to do with her$ 1er insatiable c*riosity e)tended into the bedchamber% as he had hoped it wo*ld$ She was a most willing conspirator thro*gho*t the long night of passion=slicked bodies and yielding hearts$ /hen he rose% bracing his hands wide on the bed to either side of her% threw back his head and lost a part of himself deep within her% he nearly do*bled o&er in agony$ 1is m*scles wrenched tightly in his abdomen% his heart po*nded alarmingly% and his head felt it might split$ In all his life% he had ne&er permitted himself to spill inside a woman% ref*sing to ha&e children$ 2irst beca*se he.d not been ready% then beca*se of what ,dam had done to him$ (*t he.d laid his fears aside% and this time he let go$ ,nd at the precise moment he filled her% he felt a bond flare into life between the two of them% as if a channel had been c*t between their so*ls% allowing a bit of her to seep into him% and a bit of him into her$ It b*rned thro*gh his body% t*nneling to the part of his mind that held magic$ It was like a blinding white heat that roared inside him and e)ploded in a flash of heightened awareness$ It was the most incredible sensation he had e&er e)perienced$ S*ddenly he co*ld feel her pleas*re% co*ld e&en sense that she felt gratef*l to him for helping her forget her pain and making her first time s*ch an incredible e)perience$

(mm% he tho*ght% liking this new bond$ (e had exceeded her expectations for lovemaking$ 1is ga#e flew to hers and he saw that it had been the same for her$ (*t she didn.t know% beca*se this was her first and only time of physical intimacy% that s*ch an awareness of each other was not a normal res*lt of lo&emaking$ 1er eyes were h*ge and filled with wonder$ 1e didn.t *nderstand what had transpired in the creation of their strange bond% and he wondered what lasting effects it might ha&e on her$ 1e wondered if perhaps the immortality potion had changed him% so that if he spilled seed into a woman.s body they became linked$ -here was m*ch he did not *nderstand abo*t himself$ ,nd then he wondered no more% b*t cradled her in his arms and felt at peace for the first time in cent*ries$ BBB ,fterward% :isa lay with her cheek pressed to 'ircenn.s chest% one of his strong arms c*rled aro*nd her waist% wondering at the 7od who had seen fit to take so m*ch from her% yet gi&e her this incredible man$ She.d ne&er known that lo&emaking wo*ld make her so m*ch more aware of his feelings$ It was as if someone had flipped a switch inside her? , da##ling white heat filled her% and s*ddenly she was able to sense his emotions; e&en now he was worrying for her% wondering if he.d pleased her$ It was a strange awareness% a press*re that he was near% s*rro*nding her; she.d ne&er before felt so linked to anyone% not e&en her mother% who.d carried her inside her body$ She &owed to pl*nge headlong into all the pleas*re she co*ld find with 'ircenn% beca*se one ne&er knew how long anything might last$ 1e co*ld be cr*shed *nder a rock while b*ilding an addition on his castle; he co*ld be inj*red in many ways; he might be wo*nded in battleohA It was G*ne% she reali#ed% and the mighty battle at (annockb*rn was j*st weeks away$ 1e co*ldn.t go; that was all there was to it$ She co*ld not let him go to war$ -he way her l*ck ran% she wo*ld get a few blissf*l weeks with him% then he wo*ld be killed in battle and there she.d be in the fo*rteenth cent*ry all by herself$ 1er fingers clenched aro*nd his hand$ "I will not die% lass%" he whispered against her hair$ "'an yo* read minds too% in addition to c*rsing things0" she asked% startled$ "9ay$ (*t yo* were feeling it rather lo*dly$ I know what yo* fear$ 5o* fear being abandoned$ /hen yo*r hand tensed on mine I s*rmised where yo*r fears had gone$ -hat I might die too yo*ng% as yo*r father did$" 1e acted as if their new bond was nothing o*t of the ordinary$ It was easier for her to accept beca*se% being *ntried% she didn.t know it wasn.t the c*stomary res*lt of t*pping$

"(*t yo* co*ld die%" she said$ "-here.s a war going on" "Shh$" 1e drew her close and rolled from his back to his side% so they lay facing each other% their heads sharing a pillow% their noses to*ching$ "I swear to yo* that I will not die$ Do yo* tr*st me% lass0" "5es$ (*t I don.t *nderstand$ 1ow co*ld anyone possibly swear that they won.t die0 <&en yo* can.t control that$" "-r*st me$ 1a&e no fear for me% :isa$ It wo*ld be wasted fear$ :et.s j*st say my *ni+*e abilities incl*de the knowledge of when I will die% and it will not be for a &ery long time$" She was silent% and he felt a shi&er r*n thro*gh her$ 1e knew she was hearing more than his words% was feeling his intent behind them$ -hey had a new awareness of each other that transcended words% as if their so*ls had become entangled$ Hia that bond% she was comforted% sensing tr*th in his words% altho*gh she didn.t *nderstand the how or why of it$ 1e held her% re&eling in their strange tie$ 1e sensed the moment at which she relin+*ished her fears and rela)ed% not merely beca*se she wet her lip and glanced at him pro&ocati&ely$ ,nd what he felt ne)t needed no words$ CHAPTER 21 adam sifted the grains of time and darted thro*gh them to the isle of 8orar$ 1e wo*ld rela) there for a day or so% ponder the de&elopments% st*dy the potentials% and determine where his gentle n*dging might be re+*ired$ -hings were progressing well% and he had no intention of losing what he.d th*s far gained$ 1e.d e)perienced a bit of concern d*ring the time she.d remained in her chambers% grie&ing% b*t she had indeed been as strong as he.d s*spected% emerging ready for lo&e$ ,nd how lo&ely she.d been in her bath% he reflected with a smile$ ,s his feet hit the beach% he willed his clothing gone% then he strolled lang*idly% b*rying his toes deep in the wet% silky=warm sand$ Once% he.d walked on a 'alifornia beach% n*de in the f*ll glory of his tr*e form$ -ho*sands of 'alifornians had been stricken by high fe&ers that had er*pted in p*blic displays of eroticism$ 1e lo&ed being ,dam$ -he s*n beat down *pon his m*scled chest% a tropical bree#e licked his dark hair$ 1e was a pagan god% sa&oring his worldthere was no better place to be$ 8ost of the time$

In the bay% a ship sailed past$ ,dam grinned and wa&ed$ -he pitif*l occ*pants of the ship co*ld no more see the island than they co*ld fly to the stars$ -he e)otic isle simply didn.t e)ist% in the *s*al sense of the word$ (*t fairy isles were like thatin the mortal world% b*t not of the mortal world$ Occasionally% a mortal was born who co*ld see both worlds% b*t those creat*res were rare% and *s*ally stolen +*ickly after birth by the "uatha de anaan% to minimi#e the risk$ <&er since 8anannan had gi&en his people the drink of immortality and the 'ompact had been negotiated% the "uatha de anaan had been e)ceedingly ca*tio*s when treading in the world of man$ Still% ,dam tho*ght% there were times when e&en a demigod s*ch as himself co*ldn.t resist$ -here was something abo*t the world of man that fascinated him% made him think he had perhaps once been more similar to them than he co*ld clearly recall% his memories dimmed by time.s passage$ "In what merriment ha&e yo* been ind*lging0" ,oibheal% 3*een of the 2airies% p*rred behind him$ She joined him% her long% bea*tif*l legs keeping pace with his% and g*ided him toward a crimson chaise that con&eniently appeared before them$ She sank into it and patted the c*shions% indicating that he sho*ld join her$ She glistened% sprinkled in gold d*st as was her c*stom$ /ere he to r*n his ringer down her% it wo*ld come away glittering with fine gold powder$ 1e had long s*spected the d*st contained an aphrodisiac that penetrated the skin of those who to*ched her% rendering them powerless to ref*se her$ /hen she beckoned him intimately near% he masked his astonishment$ It had been an eternity since his +*een had in&ited him to share her pillowed ha&en$ /hat was she *p to0 ,s he sank down beside her% she molded her body against his$ 1e e)haled a low r*sh of breath% the e+*i&alent of a h*man shi&er$ She was the 3*een of the "uatha de anaan for a reason? 1er power was enormo*s% her all*re immense$ She was erotic% and many fo*nd her frightening; a mere mortal co*ld lose his life in her arms% drained by her appetites$ <&en among ,dam.s kind% males had walked away from her bo*doir changed$ "9a*ght to worry% my 3*een% I ha&e been b*t passing idle time with 'ircenn$" @nable to resist% he kissed a golden nipple% dragging his tong*e across the peak$ ,oibheal watched him% her *n*s*al eyes bright% her head propped *pon a delicate fist$ She fisted her other hand in his hair and lifted his head from her breast$ 1er e)otically slanted eyes were ancient in her ageless face$ "-hink yo* I know not of the woman0" she said$ "5o*.&e done it again$ 1ow far do yo* think yo* may p*sh o*r limits0" "I did not bring her thro*gh time$ It was not my doing$ 'ircenn c*rsed something% and% as a res*lt% the woman was bro*ght back to his cent*ry$"

"I see$" She stretched her long% slim body lang*idly% sweeping the c*r&e of her breasts against him$ "6lease remind me% I seem to be forgettingwho was it that ta*ght 'ircenn (rodie how to c*rse things in the first place0" ,dam acknowledged his g*ilt with silence$ ",ss*re me% fool mine% that yo* had nothing to do with precisely when and where that c*rsed object was fo*nd$ 5o* did not perhaps n*dge it a bit in one direction0" "I no more n*dged the object than arranged the battle in which it was lost$" She la*ghed softly$ ",h% another ,dam=ismthat which confesses nothing while arrogantly concealing nothing$ I ha&e seen her$ I went to (rodie and inspected her$ I find her +*ite interesting$" ":ea&e her alone%" ,dam snapped$ "So yo* do ha&e an interest in this% altho*gh yo* con&eniently blame it on that Scot laird$" She cocked her head and regarded him coolly$ "5o* will not interfere again$ I know yo*.&e been &isiting her in another g*ise$ <irren will pay her co*rt no more$ 9o$" She raised a hand when he wo*ld ha&e protested$ ",madan D*bh% I compel yo* th*sly? 5o* will lea&e neither my side nor the isle of 8orar *nless I grant yo* permission$" ,dam hissed$ "1ow dare yo*A" "I dare anything$ I am yo*r 3*een% tho*gh yo* seem to forget it from time to time$ 5o* pay cle&er tithes to my s*premacy with yo*r lips% b*t yo* defy me o&er and again$ 5o* ha&e gone too far$ 5o* broke one of o*r most serio*s co&enants with 'ircenn (rodie% and now yo* dare to compo*nd it$ I will not tolerate it$" "5o* are jealo*s%" ,dam said cr*elly$ "5o* resent my attachment" "It is *nnat*ralA" ,oibheal hissed$ "5o* sho*ld ha&e no s*ch attachmentA It is not o*r wayA" "It was done long ago and cannot be *ndone$ Do not think to constrain me$ I will only find a way aro*nd it$" ,oibheal arched a gilded brow$ "I think not% ,madan% for yo* are at my side *ntil I release yo*$ 8y command was clear$ 6onder it$ -here is no weak spot for yo* to e)ploit$" In his mind% ,dam sorted thro*gh her words$ 1er command had been simple% direct% and flawless$ 1is eyes widened as he comprehended how completely she had snared him with so few words$ 8ost who tried to command him composed lengthy written canons% like that boorish Sidheach Do*glas at Dalkeith=@pon=the=Sea% who.d written a &eritable book$

(*t sometimes% less was tr*ly more% and she had chosen her words well$ 1e co*ld lea&e neither her nor the island *nless and *ntil she said so$ "(*t they will s*lly my creation$" "I care not$ 2rom this moment on% yo* are powerless in their li&es$ ,madan D*bh? I take from yo* the gift of sifting time$" "StopA" "Obey me and cease yo*r tiresome protests$" "5o* bitch$" "2or that I take from yo* yo*r ability to wea&e worlds$" ,dam fell silent% his face ashen$ -he 3*een co*ld strip e&erything from him% if she so desired$ ",re yo* +*ite finished0" she asked silkily$ ,dam nodded% not tr*sting himself to speak$ "7ood$ /hen it is done% I will release yo*$ /hen they ha&e played o*t their choices$ 9ow come% lo&ely fool? Show me yo* still know how to please a 3*een% and make it yo*r finest effort% for yo* ha&e offended me most egregio*sly and I shall re+*ire m*ch in the way of mmm0 BBB >obert the (r*ce was f*ming$ -he tra&el=stained% weary messenger who stood before him sh*ffled miserably% awaiting the fatal blow$ 1e eyed the (r*ce.s sword% knowing that the moment his king p*lled it from its scabbard% he wo*ld likely lose his co*rage and dignity and beg or% worse% r*n$ "/hat was my brother thinking0" "I doona know that he was%" the messenger replied dejectedly$ "-hey were well besotted with whisky$" "1ad he been drinking with the <nglish again0" >obert.s lips c*rled in a sneer$ -he messenger nodded% afraid to speak$ "1ow dare he be the one to determine the time and place for my battles0" >obert th*ndered$ 1e co*ldn.t belie&e what the messenger had imparted? 1is brother <dward% who was in charge of the siege against Stirling 'astle% which was being held by the

<nglish% had made a "wager" with the <nglishman holding it$ , wagerA , drink=ind*ced challenge% and booty far more &al*able than Stirling itself was the pri#e$ ,n admission of defeat was the pri#e% a f*ll retreat from the battle for the crown$ >obert co*ld nearly feel his kingdom slipping from his ten*o*s grasp$ 1is men weren.t yet ready for this battle$ 1e needed more time$ "5o* may be *nderestimating yo*r men%" 9iall 8cIllioch said$ "I know it often seems the present is not the right time% b*t perhaps it is$" >obert shot him a f*rio*s glance$ "<)actly what were the words e)changed0" he demanded of the ashen messenger$ -he messenger winced and glanced aro*nd the dim interior of the (race.s tent% seeking help$ 9o one came to his aid$ -wo bl*e=eyed (erserkers watched his e&ery mo&e from the shadowsas if that wasn.t eno*gh to make a man collapse in a p*ddle of fearA 1e sighed% resigned to f*rther inf*riating his king$ "Sir 6hilip de 8owbray% the c*rrent commander of the <nglish forces at Stirling% wagered with yo*r brother th*sly? If a relie&ing <nglish army does not approach to within three miles of Stirling 'astle by 8ids*mmer.s Day% he will s*rrender the castle to yo* and yo*r brother and lea&e Scotland% ne&er to ret*rn$ If the relie&ing army s*ccessf*lly attains Stirling% yo* will gi&e *p yo*r fight for Scotland.s independence$" ",nd my dim=witted brother <dward accepted this0" >obert roared$ ",ye$" >obert shook his head$ "Does he not reali#e what this means0 Does he not reali#e that 4ing <dward will gather e&ery troop he has<nglish% /elsh% Irish% 2rench% s*pported by e&ery mercenary he can hireand dri&e them into my land in less than two weeks. time0" 9o one breathed in the tent$ "Does my idiot brother not reali#e that <ngland has triple o*r mo*nted men% +*adr*ple o*r spearmen and archers0" "(*t they.re our hills and &alleys%" 9iall reminded softly$ "/e know this land$ /e know what ad&antages to e)ploit% and doona forget% we ha&e (rodie and his -emplars$ /e ha&e the gentle mists and bogs$ /e can do this% >obert$ /e.&e been fighting for years for o*r freedom and we ha&e yet attained no decisi&e &ictory$ It is time now$ Doona *nderestimate the men who follow yo*$ /e ha&e two weeks to rally the forces$ (elie&e in *s as we ha&e belie&ed in yo*$" >obert drew a deep breath and pondered 9iall.s words$ (ad he been too ca*tio*s0 1ad he been willing to fight only small battles beca*se it wo*ldn.t be s*ch a terrible loss if they

failed0 1ad he *nwisely restrained his men from a major war beca*se he feared the possibility of defeat0 'ircenn had been impatient to war$ 1is (erserkers were impatient to war% ayeand his own impatient brother had wagered their f*t*re$ 6erhaps they were all impatient beca*se it was time$ ":et *s s*mmon (rodie$ -his is what yo*.&e been waiting for%" 9iall said firmly$ ",ye% milord%" said :*lach% 9iall.s brother$ "If we pre&ent <dward.s army from reaching Stirling% we will ha&e t*rned the tides$ /e will be *nstoppable% and if e&er the time was now% the time is now$ 6lantagenet grows weaker in his own co*ntry; many of his own lords will not follow him into o*r land$ I say we face this wager boldly% as a gift of fate$" >obert nodded finally$ -o the messenger% he said% "7et yo* to 'astle (rodie with all haste$ 'ommand 'ircenn to bring his men to join *s at St$ 9inian.s 'h*rch by the >oman road$ -ell him time is of the essence and to bring e&ery weapon he possesses$" -he messenger e)pelled a relie&ed breath and fled the tent for In&erness$ BBB :isa and 'ircenn e)plored each other with *ninhibited joy% withdrawing completely into a world of their own making$ 'ircenn la*ghed more than he had in cent*ries$ :isa talked more% &oicing tho*ghts and feelings she hadn.t e&en s*spected lay dormant within her$ In this way they redisco&ered themsel&es% opening *p closed compartments that needed the light of day$ -he two of them roamed the estate% picnicking in the fresh spring air% dashing off to the bothy for a pri&ate moment$ It was there that :isa confided to 'ircenn what she.d seen D*ncan doing with ,lesone$ "Did yo* look0" 1e scowled possessi&ely$ "Did yo* see him entirely in the bl*sh0" "5es$" :isa.s cheeks heated$ "I doona care for that tho*ght$ 5o* will not look *pon another man *nclothed for the rest of yo*r life$" :isa la*ghed$ 1e so*nded so thoro*ghly medie&al$ "1e didn.t look as good as yo*$" "I still doona care$ It makes me angry with D*ncan merely for being a man$" -hen he erased her memory of the yo*ng% &irile Do*glas% against the wall in the bothy$ -wice$

-hey spent long nights in his bed% in her bed% on the stairs late one night when the 7reathall was deserted$ She told him abo*t her life% and slowly% haltingly% he began to tell her of his$ (*t there she sensed he was holding something back$ (eca*se of their odd connection% she co*ld feel a darkness in him that wa)ed and waned witho*t e)planation$ Sometimes% when he watched the children playing o*tside in the co*rtyard% he grew silent% and she co*ld feel that pec*liar mi)t*re of ang*ish and anger that she simply didn.t *nderstand$ -he castle staff was delighted with the laird.s newfo*nd la*ghter% and D*ncan and 7alan beamed when they dined together$ 7one were the pri&ate sed*ction dinners'ircenn sa&ed that for later in the pri&acy of their chambers$ 8eals were now taken not in the formal dining hall b*t in the 7reathall% with an assortment of knights and the occasional -emplar$ :isa was slowly and irresistibly becoming fo*rteenth=cent*ry$ She learned to lo&e the flowing gowns and tartans% e&en sitting with some of the women% watching them dye the fibers and fashion the (rodie wea&e$ She lo&ed the fact that people sat abo*t the hearth and talked in the e&ening% rather than retreating to their indi&id*al electronic worlds of tele&ision% phones% and comp*ter games$ -hey possessed richly detailed oral histories and were eager to share them$ D*ncan and 7alan knew their clan history cent*ries back and wo&e grand tales of the many Do*glas heroes$ :isa listened and sorted thro*gh her own genealogy% looking for a Stone to speak of% b*t who cared if one.s *ncle was a lawyer0 'o*ld he chop wood and carry water0 (lissf*lly the days and nights *nf*rled% and :isa reali#ed that she now *nderstood why her mother had lost the will to li&e when Gack died$ If her mom had felt a tenth of what :isa felt for 'ircenn% it wo*ld ha&e been de&astating for 'atherine to lose her h*sband$ ,nd her mother had lost so m*ch in one dayher lo&e% her ability to walk% her entire way of life$ :isa attained a new respect for her mother.s strength% only now *nderstanding the e)tent of her mother.s loss and the pain it m*st ha&e ca*sed her to contin*e li&ing witho*t Gack$ 'ircenn.s strength and lo&e were always c*rled aro*nd her like a protecti&e cloak$ She co*ldn.t imagine how she.d li&ed before witho*t it$ -he link between them kept her constantly aware of him% no matter where he was$ It was ne&er in&asi&e% b*t she.d disco&eredfeeling a need for complete pri&acy while *sing the chamber potthat it co*ld be dimmed if she wished$ She wo*ld ne&er be lonely again$ Sometimes% when he was far away% riding with his men% something wo*ld am*se him and she wo*ld sense his rich la*ghter rolling inside her% altho*gh she wo*ld ha&e no idea what had made him la*gh$

,t other times she wo*ld feel his fr*stration while he was off with his knights% and witho*t e&en knowing what he was angry abo*t% she wo*ld be flooded by his raw masc*linity that roared to wield a battle=a) and acti&ely protect his homeland$ Hia their bond% she e)perienced masc*line emotions and dri&es she.d ne&er *nderstood before% and was fascinated by the knowledge that he was feeling her more tender% womanly ones$ It wasn.t *ntil she asked him if he knew of a p*ppy she might adopt that she choked on a deep% bitter swallow of the blackness inside him$ -hey were sitting on the stone bench by the reflecting poolit had become a fa&orite spot of theirswatching some children tossing a bladder ball in the co*rtyard$ , small m*tt had pl*nged into the melee and grabbed the ball between his sharp teeth% and when it had b*rst against his whiskers% he.d shot straight *p into the air% yipping frantically% comically trying to scrape the remains of the skin off his nose$ /hile the children had giggled helplessly% :isa had la*ghed *ntil tears sparkled in her eyes$ "I want a p*ppy%" she said% when her am*sement s*bsided$ "I.&e always wanted one% b*t o*r apartment was too small and" "9o$" 6erple)ed% her smile faded$ , wa&e of sorrow eng*lfed her% radiating from him$ It cloaked her in a deep sense of f*tility$ "/hy0" 1e brooded% staring at the yapping m*tt$ "/hy wo*ld yo* want a p*ppy0 -hey doona li&e long% yo* know$" "5es% they do$ -hey can li&e ten to fifteen years% depending on the breed$" "-en to fifteen years$ -hen they die$" "5es%" :isa agreed% *nable to fathom his resistance$ ,nother wa&e of darkness and anger s*rged aro*nd her$ "Did yo* ha&e a p*ppy once0" "9o$ 'ome$ :et *s walk$" 1e rose and e)tended his hand$ 7*iding her away from the playing children% he led her into a thick copse$ "(*t% 'ircenn% I don.t mind that a p*ppy will die$ ,t least I get to lo&e it for the time I ha&e with it$" 1e p*shed her back against a tree and co&ered her mo*th with his% sa&agely$ 1er breath came o*t in a soft humph% as he cr*shed her between his body and the tree$

She was smothered in his emotions? pain% hopelessness% and h*nger tinged by a sa&age need to possess her completely% to brand her with his body$ ,nd something more% something that danced tantali#ingly o*t of her reach$ "8ine%" he whispered against her lips$ "/hat a totally barbaric"she drew a deep breath beneath the onsla*ght of his lips "medie&al% arrogant% warlord thing to say$" ",nd tr*e$ 5o* are mine$" 1e dragged his tong*e across her lower lip% tasting% s*ckling$ 1is fingers d*g into the soft flesh of her hips$ 1e crowded her against the tree% pressing her into it$ 1is blackness charged the air between them and infiltrated her% drenching her with his tension$ 1e raised her skirts and slipped his hand *p her thigh% abr*ptly b*rying his finger inside her$ "5o* are wet% lass%" he said ro*ghly$ "Dripping for me yet I.&e scarce kissed yo*$ I like knowing yo* walk aro*nd ready for me$" 1e t*rned her aro*nd to face the tree$ 1e sho&ed his tartan aside and p*shed the folds of her gown o*t of his way% trapping the fabric between her body and the bark$ 1e c*pped her e)posed c*r&es% spreading and opening her for him$ 1is breathing was harsh% and she gasped when she felt him hea&y and swollen between her b*ttocks$ -hen s*ddenly he thr*st into her$ 1e was too big from behind$ :isa tried to p*sh him away with her hips% b*t he p*shed back relentlessly$ She grabbed the tree with her hands% conf*sed by the intensity of his emotions% do*bly conf*sed beca*se she was ca*ght *p in the maelstrom of his f*ry$ It imb*ed her with an *nidentifiable rage that had no object she co*ld discern% translating into a fierce need to possess% to dominate% to take e&en that which wo*ld% *nder other circ*mstances% be willingly gi&en$ -he only release for the anger was in the taking$ 1is rage cons*med her% and she b*cked back against him and t*rned% forcing him from her body$ She rammed the heels of her palms against his chest$ "I don.t *nderstand yo*%" she snapped% her eyes flashing$ Still% his intense darkness seeped inside her% dri&ing her% goading her to release it somehow$ 1is eyes were dark% *nfathomable pools% and danger radiated from him$ 1e sho&ed her back against the tree$ She knocked his hands from her sho*lders with a swift o*tward thr*st of both arms$ "Oh no$ 5o* said I get to be in control% too$ Don.t think I.&e forgotten$ 5o* do what ! want this time$"

",nd what do yo* want% :isa0" he asked% his &oice dangero*sly soft$ She grabbed his plaid and ripped it from his body$ She dropped it to the gro*nd% spreading it with the toe of her slipper$ ":ie down%" she demanded% his strange darkness f*eling her$ 1e complied% his eyes glittering$ ,ltho*gh he.d honored her demand% he was by no means s*bd*ed$ 1e was dangero*s and deadly% b*t she didn.t care one bit% beca*se his emotions made her feel e&ery bit as lethal$ She dropped on top of him and kissed him with all his fr*strated rage$ She became a wild thing% *ncaring that she filled the air with so*nds of passion$ 1er hands c*pped his face and she kissed him deeply% tong*ing his mo*th% nibbling his lips% shifting her hips so she was astride him$ -he mo&ement with which she claimed him inside her body was not a gentle one$ -heir eyes met and locked% and she imagined sparks flying from the sheer heat of it$ She felt like a Halkyrie% demanding satisfaction from her mate$ 1is hands swept *p and closed o&er her breasts% his ga#e fi)ed on the mole inside her left thigh$ She rocked herself on him% raising and lowering her hips again and again% her palms fl*sh to his chest% bracing herself% watching the area where their bodies were joined by his thick shaft$ 1e reared *p h*ngrily% s*ckling her nipples as her breasts swayed abo&e him% his hips thr*sting *rgently$ /hen he e)ploded inside her% sa&age satisfaction flooded her and she nearly swooned from the intensity of both their emotions$ It was o&erwhelming% and p*shed her swiftly past the edge$ She arched her neck and cried o*t$ ,fterward% she lay on his chest% wondering what had j*st happened$ 1ad she taken him with his desire% or had he taken her with hers0 It was so conf*sing% so mind paraly#ing% their strange bond$ /hen their passions were high and their bodies sweat=slicked against each other% she tr*ly co*ldn.t see where he began and she ended% beca*se she felt it all$ It heightened her pleas*re a h*ndredfold$ "/hat j*st happened0" she whispered$ "I think we demonstrated the tr*e e)tent of o*r need for each other% lass%" he said softly% stroking her hair$ "Sometimes need can be a &iolent thing$" "(*t what was all the darkness I was getting from yo*0" she pressed$ "/hat did it feel like% lass0" he asked caref*lly$ ":ike yo* were f*rio*s with something or someone% and almost like yo* tho*ght I wo*ldn.t be here tomorrow$"

1e sighed against her hair$ 1is arms tightened aro*nd her and she felt his throat work as he swallowed$ "-ime is too short% lo&e$ -hat.s all yo* felt$ -hat no matter how long I might ha&e with yo*% it wo*ld ne&er be eno*gh$" "/e ha&e a whole lifetime% 'ircenn%" she reass*red him% kissing him$ "5o* ha&e all of my life$" "I know%" he said sadly$ "I know$ ,ll of yo*rs$" "-here.s something yo*.re not saying% 'ircenn$" "It.s still not eno*gh%" he replied$ "I begin to fear that only fore&er will satisfy me$" "-hen I.m yo*rs fore&er%" she said easily$ "(e caref*l what yo* promise% lass$" 1is eyes were dark$ "I may hold yo* to it$" :isa pressed her cheek against his chest% weary from the o*tb*rst of emotion and conf*sed by his strange words$ She sensed some dark threat there that she wasn.t certain she wished to *nderstand$ BBB "-ell me e&erything abo*t yo*r life% lass%" he demanded later% as they lay in his bed$ 1e shifted inside her and rocked$ "<&erything0" 1er breathing was rapid and shallow$ &od, but he knew how to touch her$ She had ne&er *nderstood being to*ched% *ntil this 1ighlander had placed his hands on her body$ "<&erything$ Did yo* e&er know a woman.s pleas*re before I made yo* mine0" "Do yo* mean did I e&er ha&e an orgasm0 -hat.s what we call them in my time$ , clima) or an orgasm$" ",ye$ Did yo*0" :isa bl*shed$ "5es%" she said softly$ 1is fingers tensed on her hips% and he b*ried his face in her thighs% lapping gently$ "/hen0" he growled$ -he &ibration was e)+*isite$ "-his is really rather personal%" she protested weakly% arching against him$

"5es%.this is really rather personal%. " he mocked$ ",nd yo* think to withhold mere words when I.m doing this to yo*0" "I was c*rio*s$ I to*ched myself a time or two$" ",nd0" ",nd I fo*nd a most *n*s*al sensation$ So I bo*ght a book that e)plained it all$" ",nd0" ",nd what0" she said% feeling embarrassed$ "Did it feel like this0" 1e slipped a finger inside her$ "9othing feels like yo*%" she whispered% arching against his hand$ "Did yo* to*ch yo*rself like this0" 1e drew back so she co*ld see him$ One hand palmed her mo*nd% the heel of it e)erting gentle friction; the other he wrapped aro*nd himself$ She lost her breath% mesmeri#ed by the sight of his hand holding his hea&y shaft$ Gealo*s of his hand being where hers longed to be$ She reached o*t and knocked his hand away and he la*ghed$ "8ine%" she said ro*ghly$ ",h% yes$" BBB :ater he began again$ "-ell me e&erything abo*t yo*r life$ -ell me abo*t the wreck and what.s wrong with yo*r mother and what yo* missed and what yo* longed for$" 1e +*ickly tried to mask his feelings% ashamed of what he was thinking$ 1e m*st ha&e been s*ccessf*l at hiding his emotions% for she confided readily% teaching him many new words as they went along$ , dangero*s tho*ght had formed in the back of his mind% and he pressed against it% trying to force it into s*bmission$ (*t he knew well the danger of seeds once sown$ CHAPTER 22 "galan% we.&e done it%" d*ncan said sm*gly$ the two brothers were leaning against a stone col*mn near the entrance of the 7reathall% obser&ing the re&elry$ 'ircenn was teaching :isa one of their less complicated 1ighland dances$ <ngrossed in watching her feet%

e&ery few moments she tossed back her head and la*ghed at him$ She was adorable% D*ncan decided$ -he &illagers had finally gotten their feast% thanks to 7alan% D*ncan% and the enth*siastic castle staff who had planned it witho*t awaiting f*rther inp*t or permission$ /hile 'ircenn and :isa had wandered abo*t% obli&io*s and infat*ated% the residents of 'astle (rodie had finali#ed the plans% simply informing the co*ple when the celebration wo*ld be$ -he laird.s blossoming romance with his lady had inf*sed the estate with good h*mor$ D*ncan conceded that they.d done an astonishing job; the staff had de&oted lo&ing care to transforming 'astle (rodie for the festi&ities$ (rilliantly lit by h*ndreds of r*shlights% the hall was warm% the atmosphere most cond*ci&e to romance$ >ippling banners of crimson and black (rodie tartan decked the walls$ -hirty long tables formed a rectangle aro*nd the room% each laden with a s*mpt*o*s feast$ -he m*sicians gathered behind the laird.s table at the head of the hall% while in the center of the rectangle% on the floor cleared for dancing% co*ples% children% e&en an occasional wolfho*nd ind*lged the fierce Scot penchant for celebrating$ In s*ch a war=torn land% any ca*se was reason to feast as if there was no tomorrow% beca*se there might not be$ -he m*sicians were playing a sprightly% edgy t*ne and the dancers faced the challenge with relish$ ,s feet flew% the tempo increased% and ripples of la*ghter broke o*t as they kept pace with the frenetic beat$ ":ook at them%" 7alan said softly$ D*ncan didn.t ha&e to ask whom he meant; 7alan.s eyes were fi)ed on :isa and 'ircenn% as were many other eyes in the room$ -he laird and his lady were clearly in their own *ni&erse% absorbed in each other$ D*ncan had heard the strange note in 7alan.s &oice and now ga#ed at him sharply% seeing his older brother in a new light$ "-hey are so in lo&e$" 7alan so*nded weary% and longing inf*sed his &oice$ D*ncan frowned% confo*nded by a new and *ncomfortable sensationas if he were the older brother and sho*ld take care of 7alan$ It occ*rred to him that 7alan was thirty years old and had single=mindedly de&oted the past ten years of his life to warring for Scotland.s independence$ -hat didn.t lea&e m*ch time for a disciplined warrior to taste the comforts of family and home life$ 1ow had he failed to see that 7alan% in the midst of all the warriors and the fighting and the splendid wenching to be had% was lonely0 "/asn.t there a lass in <dinb*rgh yo* &isited when last we were there0" D*ncan asked$ 7alan glowered$ "Doona try to finagle a match for me% little brother$ I.m fine$" D*ncan lifted a brow$ 1ow often had 7alan ass*red him that he was fine% and D*ncan had gone abo*t his merry way% lea&ing him alone0 (ewildered by his new insight% he

*neasily filed the s*bject away for f*t*re consideration$ 1is brother needed a woman% b*t not in the way D*ncan needed a woman; 7alan needed a wife$ "-hink yo* they will ha&e children0" D*ncan changed the s*bject% noting 7alan rela) &isibly when he did so$ "(ahA If they ha&en.t already concei&ed one$ I hear they ha&e taken o&er one of yo*r fa&ored t*pping spots$" "8y bothy0" D*ncan e)claimed indignantly$ ", man can.t ha&e any pri&acy$" 9either brother spoke for a time% each absorbed in his own tho*ghts$ -he m*sicians commenced a slow% ha*nting ballad and the dancers mo&ed into more intimate embraces$ S*ddenly 7alan said% "Och% by Dagdalook yonder% D*ncan$ /ho is that st*nning lass0" 1e pointed across the hall$ "-oo lo&ely for me% that.s for certain$" D*ncan glanced swiftly where 7alan pointed% his body tightening with anticipation$ "oo lovely for me was the slap of an irresistible ga*ntlet to D*ncan$ 1e adored s*ch words% his innate maleness rose to them aggressi&ely; he.d long been restless and ready for something different$ "/here0 I see no one of note$" D*ncan craned his neck to peer thro*gh the crowd$ /hen the dancers parted for a moment% he glimpsed a mane of shimmering red hair$ 1e s*cked in a breath$ "-he redhead$ Is she the one yo* meant0 5o* know what they sayfire on top% fiery t*p$" 7alan p*nched him in the arm$ "Is that all yo* e&er think abo*t0 -here she is again$" -he dancers mo&ed apart again% and this time the woman was t*rned slightly toward them$ D*ncan.s brows lifted as heat lanced thro*gh his groin$ She was e)+*isite$ 8asses of red hair% streaked with blond and honey% spilled o&er her sho*lders$ 1er face was delicate% pointed at the chin with high cheekbones and dark eyes$ 1er lips were f*ll$ >idic*lo*sly f*ll$ <rotically f*ll$ 2ome suck me full% he tho*ght irritably$ 9o woman sho*ld ha&e lips so l*sh and pl*mp$ 1er skin was flawlessly transl*cent% her lips a perfect rose$ ,nd f*ll$ 'omposed and gracef*l% she e)*ded confidence that he wo*ld soon shatter with his sed*cti&e charm$ "@nto*chable" might ha&e been branded on her forehead% and been more s*btle than the way she carried herself$ (*t he was man eno*gh for s*ch a dare; he wo*ld penetrate her reser&e% gain entrance where he s*spected few men had e&er gone% and be satisfied only when she became a wanton she=animal in his bed$ 1is ga#e swept the length of her$ 'lad in a simple white gown beneath a green s*rcoat% her body in it was the only adornment necessary$ "/ell0" 7alan demanded$ "/hat are yo* waiting for0 Doona yo* need to t*p to con+*er0"

"Och% and aye%" D*ncan said% melting into the crowd$ 7alan shook his head% and if his smile was a bit melancholy% he.d learned not to feel it$ BBB D*ncan s*rfaced behind her$ 1e held his breath as his ga#e played admiringly o&er her sens*al mane$ Soft% silky% and of a do#en flame h*es% he longed to wrap his fists in it$ 1e harbored a special passion for redheads$ 1e longed to t*g her head back and take her throat with his lips$ 1e ached to spread her hair across his pillow$ She% he wo*ld claim in a bed$ 1er fine body wo*ld re+*ire the soft mattresses beneath her% to handle his intensity$ "Shall we dance0" he m*rm*red in her ear$ She pi&oted so +*ickly it startled him% and he fell back a step$ 1er lips were e&en more l*scio*s *p close% and when she moistened them with her tong*e% he nearly groaned alo*d$ 1er eyes narrowed% and her lips parted aro*nd a knowing la*gh$ "Oh$ It.s you$" "6ardon0" 1e was taken aback$ "Do we know each other% lass0" 1e was +*ite certain they didn.t; he co*ld ne&er ha&e forgotten this woman$ -he enticing manner in which her lips were c*rrently p*rsed wo*ld ha&e been seared into his memory$ "-he answer is no$ ! don.t know yo*$ (*t e&ery other woman in this room does$ D*ncan Do*glas% isn.t it0" she said dryly$ D*ncan st*died her face$ ,ltho*gh she was yo*ngperhaps no more than twentyshe had a regal bearing beyond her years$ "I do ha&e some rep*tation with the lasses%" he conceded% downplaying his prowess% confident of her impending maidenly swoon$ -he look she ga&e him was far from admiring$ 1e did a do*ble take when he reali#ed her ga#e was downright disparaging$ "9ot something I care for in a man%" she said coolly$ "-hank yo* for yo*r offer% b*t I.d sooner dance with last week.s r*shes$ -hey wo*ld be less *sed$ /ho wants what e&eryone else has already had0" -he words were deli&ered in a cool% mod*lated tone% shaped by an odd accent he co*ldn.t place$ 3*ite finished with him% she presented her back and res*med talking to her companion$ D*ncan was immobili#ed by shock$ 'ho wants what everyone else has already had0 She made it so*nd as if he were all *sed *p$ IndeedA 1e certainly had m*ch more to spare% and she wo*ld soon learn it$ 1is hand

closed *pon the fine bones of her sho*lder% and he sp*n her aro*nd$ "-hat means I ha&e all the more e)perience with which to pleas*re yo*$ ,nd pleas*re yo* I will%" he promised$ 1e waited for her to melt$ -he women he.d sed*ced in the past had shi&ered at his possessi&e promises$ 1e.d learned to offer them with a h*sky note in his &oice% learned precisely what to say to affect a lass most$ "It means%" she corrected with a mocking smile% "that yo* are a lothario$ It means that yo* can.t keep yo*r tartan abo*t yo*r knees$ It means that I am no different than anyone else% and that yo* hold no special regard for a cherished act of intimacy$ I am not intrig*ed$ I care na*ght for lefto&ers$" -he inf*riating woman ga&e him her back again$ 1e eyed the s*pple arch of her back% the lo&ely hips% the longs legs mo&ing in restless tempo to the m*sic beneath her soft white gown$ She tossed her head and la*ghed at something her companion said$ ,bashed% he st*died her companion$ , foot taller than she% the man was lean and well m*scled$ -hey ob&io*sly shared a close relationship% leaning their heads close and la*ghing$ D*ncan.s hands fisted at his sides$ /hat did a man say to that0 $es, but now that !'ve seen yo*% ! doona wish anyone else* All that was merely practice, preparing me for you0 1e do*bted that wo*ld be effecti&e with this woman$ She.d only la*gh at him again$ Seething% he tapped her companion on the sho*lder$ "6ardon me% b*t are yo* her lo&er0" "/ho the hell are youA" -he redhead placed a soothing hand on her companion.s arm% ignoring the look of f*ry D*ncan directed at her ringers$ "-his is D*ncan Do*glas% -ally$" ",h$" 1er companion smirked$ ",nd as any blackg*ard worth his salt% confronted with the ins*rmo*ntable challenge of yo*r bea*ty% he m*st con+*er yo*% eh% (eth0" -hey shared an intimate glance$ "I.m afraid so$" "/ho are the two of yo*0" D*ncan demanded$ 9e&er had he been so mocked% ne&er had he felt so so insignificant$ @nimportant$ "/e are friends of >ena*d de Hichiers% one of yo*r -emplars%" she replied easily$ "/e were on o*r way to <dinb*rgh when we heard >ena*d was at 'astle (rodie$ I am <li#abeth 8ac(reide$" She gest*red with an elegant% slim hand$ ",nd this is my brother% -ally$"

"8ac(reide of Shallotan0" "9ear there%" -ally replied e&asi&ely$ "5o*r brother%" D*ncan obser&ed alo*d% as the significance of their relationship s*nk in$ 1e was not her lo&er$ 1e wo*ldn.t ha&e to kill him$ ",nd protector%" -ally added dryly$ "Do not think to attempt to sed*ce my sister% D*ncan Do*glas$ /e heard of yo*r e)ploits shortly after arri&ing% and (eth said she saw yo* dallying with one of the maids$" D*ncan cringed inwardly$ 1e had indeed t*pped less than pri&ately early this morn$ So% she had noticed himand how long had she watched0 "'hasing her abo*t in the bailey% then *p onto the parapet%" <li#abeth added% witho*t the slightest bl*sh$ "-he maids here cannot say eno*gh abo*t yo*$ <&en as far as the ta&erns in In&erness we.d heard of the wild and irre&erent Do*glas brother$ -hey say there isn.t a fair maid yo* ha&en.t t*mbled$" /ords that wo*ld ha&e made him preen with masc*line pleas*re on any other tong*e made him wince% coming from her abs*rdly f*ll lips$ It was all too ob&io*s what she tho*ght of him$ -here was nothing he co*ld say in his own defense; she plainly did not care for cas*al t*pping% and he.d ne&er concealed the fact that he relished it$ -here were certain rooms he.d entered in his life that had held a do#en different women he.d t*pped$ 9e&er before had that fact bothered him$ <etreat and reform into afresh attack% he ad&ised himself% then charge again when she least expects it$ (y 7od% this was battle% and if the front line co*ldn.t be breached% he wo*ld find a way to circ*m&ent her o*tlying g*ards and penetrate her flank$ -hat he.d blown the first attack didn.t mean he.d lost the war$ 1e raised her hand and kissed the air abo&e it$ "<li#abeth% -ally% welcome to (rodie%" he said coolly before t*rning away$ ,s he mo&ed off into the crowd% he walked tall% concealing the *ncomfortable sensation of slinking away from a reso*nding set=down$ ,s he wo&e thro*gh the dancers% D*ncan m*ttered darkly to himself$ 1ow dare she critici#e him for being a good lo&er% an enth*siastic man0 1e was considerate with his wenches% he was patient% always ens*ring their pleas*re$ 1ow dare she belittle him for his fre+*ency$ )eftovers% indeedA Scowling% he headed for the co*rtyard% the glorio*s night now fract*red by her disdain$ BBB

,rmand watched the lord and lady with growing fr*stration$ 1e.d been impatiently following her for days now% and not once had he been able to catch her alone$ -he laird was at her side constantly$ 1e m*st capt*re her tonight% or he wo*ld ne&er make it to the arranged meeting place with Games 'omyn on time$ 1e.d completed searching the castle% all b*t the laird.s chambers% into which there was no entrance witho*t the key$ 1e.d e&en climbed to the roof% only to enco*nter a do#en forbidding g*ards% at which point he.d pretended to ha&e so*ght the gloaming to meditate closer to 7od$ -here wo*ld be no scaling the wall to the laird.s room% for the castle was too caref*lly obser&ed$ (*t s*rely she had a key% and once he snared her% he wo*ld spare time to search their pri&ate bedchambers before lea&ing$ 1e needed those weapons$ 1e gritted his teeth% watching 'ircenn toss back more wine$ -he man had cons*med s*ch +*antities that any other man wo*ld ha&e so*ght the garderobe long before now$ 1is eyes narrowed as he watched :isa whisper something in 'ircenn.s ear$ 1e noted that she briefly pressed her hand to her abdomen$ ,h% altho*gh he might hold his drink well% she did not$ ,rmand slipped thro*gh the crowd% maintaining an innoc*o*s distance% ready to sprint to her side the moment she left the protecti&e arms of the forbidding laird of (rodie$ BBB :isa was da##led by her first medie&al feast$ She.d ne&er forgotten the night she.d first arri&ed at 'astle (rodie and ga#ed *p at the towering str*ct*re% thinking how incredible it wo*ld be to belong within its walls% to be part of a la*ghing% warm gro*p of clansmen$ -o belong$ ,nd now she did$ 'ircenn had pro*dly introd*ced her to his people% and altho*gh she.d noticed he st*mbled o&er many of their names% that didn.t worry her o&erm*ch$ She co*ld change that$ She wo*ld help him get reac+*ainted with his clan and draw him into the joy of their li&es$ "/hy do yo* smile% lass0" :isa tipped back her head$ 1appiness radiated from him% increasing hers tenfold$ 'lad in f*ll clan regalia% he looked like a sa&age Scot warlord% b*t she knew what kind of man he really was$ Intense and deeply emotional$ 8ercilessly se)*al$ 7entle$ , di##ying wa&e of feeling grew and spread inside her$ "So this is what it feels like%" she whispered$ She ga#ed *p at him% her eyes wide with disco&ery$ "/hat what feels like0"

"'ircenn$" , wealth of emotion inf*sed his name$ 1e watched her% *nblinking$ "I lo&e yo*$" 'ircenn drew a s*dden% deep breath$ -here it was$ -here was no coyness abo*t her% no games% no attempt to hide the tr*th or manip*late him into making s*ch a declaration first$ (oldly she ga&e her heart$ /hy wo*ld he ha&e e)pected anything less0 1e swept her into his arms and closed his eyes% absorbing the feelings ebbing and flowing between them$ "Does this mean yo* are not ad&erse to the fact that I.&e lost my heart to yo*0" she teased$ "'o*ld a man be ad&erse to the s*nshine warming his skin0 , spring rain +*enching his thirst or a night s*ch as this one% when any wonder seems possible0 -hank yo*$" 1is smile was de&astating$ "I.d beg*n to fear yo* might ne&er gi&e me those words$" ",nd0" she enco*raged$ 1e said nothing% b*t s*ddenly a shi&er of pleas*re danced beneath her skin$ It penetrated her thoro*ghly% lea&ing her breathless$ "/hat was that0" "I.&e been practicing trying to say it witho*t words$ Did it work0" She blew o*t a calming breath$ "Oh yes%" she said$ "I want yo* to do that tonight when we.re yo* know$" ",ye% aye% mistress%" he teased$ ",nd how abo*t this one0" :isa.s nipples stiffened as a wa&e of dark eroticism washed o&er her$ "Oh% 7od$ -hat was tr*ly ama#ing$" "-his bond can be wonderf*l% can it not0" Smiling her agreement% :isa stood on tiptoe and kissed him$ /hen he mo&ed to deepen the kiss% she p*lled back$ 1e looked startled% so she hastened to reass*re him$ "I.&e dr*nk too m*ch wine% 'ircenn$ I.m afraid I m*st find one of those dratted chamber pots$" She sighed morosely$ "-here are some things I really miss abo*t my cent*ry$" ", chamber pot0 /hy not *se the garderobe0" "-he what0" "-he garderobe$"

"5o* ha&e garderobes here0" she said stiffly$ 1e looked at her as if she.d lost her mind$ "9ot that I wish to pry% lass% b*t where ha&e yo* been going0" "'hamber pots%" she m*ttered$ ",nd what ha&e yo* been doing er" "D*mping them o*t the window%" she said% prickly as a porc*pine$ So m*ch for dem*re pri&acy$ If there was a garderobe% why on earth had <irren told her to *se the chamber pot0 -hen she reali#ed how mischie&o*s the lad co*ld be$ It was j*st like <irren to be prankish$ "/as there a garderobe at D*nnottar% too0" "It is you who has been d*mping them o*t the windows0 I ha&e been blaming it on my men% making them wash down the stones$ ,ye% there was one at D*nnottar$ I had garderobes p*t in e&ery keep I own or &isit$" "5o* ne&er told me$" "5o* ne&er asked$ 1ow was I to know0 /hen yo* first arri&ed here% I wasn.t abo*t to address s*ch pri&ate iss*es$ I ass*med yo* had fo*nd o*r garderobe on yo*r own$" :isa snorted$ <irren had tr*ly bamboo#led her% and her pride had kept her tidily trapped in his jest$ "I can.t belie&e all this time I.&e OhA /here is the blasted garderobe0" 1e told her% biting his lip to keep from smiling$ 1e watched her hips sway gently in her emerald gown as she climbed the stairs$ She.d said she lo&ed him$ -hat was promising$ 6erhaps it was nearly time to talk to her abo*t lo&ing him fore&er$ CHAPTER 23 lisa shook her head as she e)ited the garderobe$Hery ci&ili#ed$ 9ow that she knew where it was% she co*ldn.t belie&e she.d bypassed it while she.d searched the castle for the flask% b*t the entrance ga&e the impression of a ser&ant.s door% so she.d not gi&en it a second tho*ght$ -he garderobe was not what she had e)pected; it was larger than most modern bathrooms% and spotless$ It was ob&io*s that the laird of (rodie prided himself on tidy garderobes$ 2resh herbs and dried petals were scattered amid the hay piled inside the chambermedie&al toilet paper$ She resol&ed not only to bathe <irren the ne)t time she saw him b*t to d*nk him a time or two as well for all those miserable chamber=pot moments$ Slipping from the small room% she was s*rprised to enco*nter ,rmand (erard loitering in the corridor$

"8ilady% are yo* enjoying the festi&ities0" "5es% I am$" 1er feet were still tapping from the cheery m*sic and she was eager to ret*rn and perfect her steps$ (*t she hadn.t seen ,rmand for o&er a month and had rather missed the opport*nity to get to know a real li&e 4night -emplar$ She frowned% eyeing his somber attire$ 'ircenn had told her the -emplars wo*ld stay in their garrison and not join the re&elry$ "I tho*ght yo*r Order did not hold with feasting s*ch as this$" 1e shr*gged$ "Some of my brothers are more rigid than others$ , few of *s ha&e accepted that the Order is destroyed% bitter tho*gh it is to admit that yo* ha&e pledged yo*r life to something that no longer e)ists$" "I.m sorry%" :isa said% feeling awkward$ (efore her stood one of the legendary 4nights -emplars and she co*ldn.t think of one thing to say to make him feel better$ ",re yo*r men h*nted% e&en here in Scotland0" she r*shed on$ She was intensely c*rio*s abo*t the -emplars% their legendary powers and myths$ "It depends on who enco*nters *s$ If it.s an <nglishman% he might try to take *s across the border$ , Scot is far less inclined to do so$ 8ost of yo*r people care little for the edicts of 2rance% <ngland% or e&en the 6ope$" 1e *ttered a harsh la*gh$ "5o*r own king was e)comm*nicated by the 6ope for the m*rder of the >ed 'omyn in the ch*rch at D*mfries$ 5o*r land is a wild one$ /hen a co*ntry is fighting merely for the right to s*r&i&e% they are less inclined to be j*dgmental$ 'ome$" 1e offered his arm% and she looped hers thro*gh it$ /ithin moments% she was so engrossed in their con&ersation that she paid no heed to where he was leading her$ She listened% fascinated% while he spoke of the Order% of their residence o*tside 6aris% of their lifelong commitment to their &ows$ 1is e)pression grew bitter as he reco*nted how the papal b*ll Pastoralis praeeminentiae% iss*ed on 9o&ember EE% 1 !I% had ordered all monarchs of 'hristendom to arrest the -emplars and se+*ester their lands in the name of the papacy$ 1e skimmed o&er the persec*tion% the interrogations% and the tort*re% *nwilling to gi&e s*ch detail to a woman% for which she was gratef*l$ -here were some limits to e&en her c*riosity$ 1e e)plained how% in 1 1!% si) h*ndred of their brothers had agreed to mo*nt a defense against the *nj*st persec*tion% and 6ope 'lement had finally agreed to postpone the 'o*ncil of Hienne for a year while they prepared$ -hen% 6hilippe the 2air% desperate to cr*sh the Order and line his coffers before it was too late% circ*m&ented the 6ope% reopened his episcopal in+*iry% and had fifty=fo*r -emplars b*rned at the stake o*tside 6aris% silencing the remaining -emplars. protests$ In 1 1E% the papal b*ll ?ox in excelso was iss*ed% fore&er s*ppressing the Order$

-here were many +*estions she wanted to ask him% and this was a rare opport*nity to e)plore history from a -emplar.s perspecti&e% b*t her first +*estion was patently twenty= first cent*ry% br*shed by a bit of romanticism$ "/hat is the secret of the -emplars% ,rmand0" So many r*mors abo*nded? that they had protected the 1oly 7rail% that the 7rail was really the genetic bloodline of 'hrist% that the -emplars had *nco&ered a personal alchemy for the transformation of the so*l% that s*ch alchemy co*ld manip*late time and space$ She didn.t really e)pect him to answer% b*t since she had her arm thro*gh the arm of a -emplar% there was no harm in asking$ ,rmand.s smile made her shi&er$ "Do yo* mean what co*ld we possibly possess that wo*ld make a king and a 6ope fear *s so greatly they wo*ld *se e&ery weapon they had to destroy *s0 ,re yo* a religio*s woman% :isa 8ac>obertson0" ", bit%" she conceded$ "/hat might the 6ope and king want from *s0" "7old0" she g*essed$ ">eligio*s artifacts0" 1is la*ghter sent a chill *p her spine$ "'onsider this? /hat if the -emplars had disco&ered something that wo*ld tear as*nder beliefs that had been held for cent*ries by nearly e&ery land in the world0" 9ow he really had her c*riosity going$ "5o* must tell me%" she breathed$ "I didn.t say that we had%" he pre&aricated$ "I merely post*lated the possibility$" "So% is it tr*e then0" she asked% fascinated$ "Does yo*r Order possess s*ch knowledge0" 1e didn.t answer$ 1is face was a&erted% so she didn.t see it contort with rage% hence she was completely *nprepared when he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back% arcing it *p between her sho*lder blades% forcing her to do*ble o&er in an effort to escape the pain$ 1e sho&ed her against the wall and pressed a knife to her side$ :isa was so st*nned that she made no so*nd$ One moment she was strolling with a perfectly sociable -emplar% ind*lging her incessant c*riosity% teetering on the brink of st*nning re&elations% and the ne)t her life was being threatened$ It had happened too swiftly for her to grasp% and% in shock% she had wasted precio*s seconds d*ring which she might ha&e fo*ght back$ "7i&e me the key%" ,rmand growled into her ear$ ",nd if yo* so m*ch as whimper% I will kill yo*$"

"-he key to what0" "'ircenn.s chambers$" "I don.t ha&e oneA" "5o* lying little" 1ooking a thick forearm aro*nd her throat% he patted her body% searching for a key ring$ "-hen it is in yo*r room%" he acc*sed$ "1e has ne&er gi&en me oneA" ,rmand tightened his arm aro*nd her throat% c*tting into her windpipe$ 1is arm was an *nrelenting band of steel% and :isa felt her air s*pply being c*t off$ 1er cheek smashed against the stone wall% and she grew dangero*sly light=headed$ "/e can play as ro*gh as yo* like% lass%" ,rmand m*rm*red into her hair$ "/here is the key0" :isa closed her eyes and reached for 'ircenn$ BBB 'ircenn cr*shed his metal goblet in his hand% spraying half a do#en &illagers with wine$ 1e glanced abo*t% his eyes wild$ :isa$ anger# ,rightened# 2an't breathe# (*t where0 1e raced *p the stairs to the garderobe% feeling for her with his heart% reass*ring her he was coming$ Pain# 1e c*rsed the emotional bond by which he co*ld share her feelings b*t not obtain words or a hint of her location$ /here wo*ld she ha&e gone0 1ow co*ld she be in danger0 /ho co*ld possibly wish her ill0 1e ranged the corridors like a maddened beast% fighting an *rge to bellow for her% aware that that wo*ld only alert whoe&er was threatening her$ 1e paced *p the so*th corridor% then back$ <&ery o*nce of his intellect was absorbing her fear% sponging it *p% and it was rendering him senseless$ 1e pl*nged down a hall% then stopped abr*ptly$

(rash f*ry wo*ld not ser&e$ 1e m*st be logical$ 1e sho*ld check his room and hers% then other areas she had been inclined to attend$ 6erhaps the chapel$ 1e pi&oted sharply and raced back down the hall$ 1e flew thro*gh the castle and into the east wing$ ,s he neared his chambers he slowed% alerted by a soft m*rm*r and a strangled so*nd$ Drawing to a halt% he slipped stealthily aro*nd the corner$ ,rmand had :isa pressed *p against the wall o*tside his chambers% his thick forearm choking her to *nconscio*sness$ 'ircenn labored to draw slow% silent breaths when his lips begged to roar$ She was going limp in the -emplar.s arms% gi&ing *p the fight as she lost her precio*s breath$ , flicker of sil&er flashed in the dim glow from the r*shlights mo*nted on the walls$ -he -emplar had a blade$ 'ircenn didn.t wait to see more$ 1e drew on his *nnat*ral abilities and mo&ed like the wind% stopping behind the -emplar% who had no warning that 'ircenn stood a breath behind his heart$ "-he key% yo* st*pid bitch%" ,rmand m*ttered$ "Don.t pass o*t on me$" 1e shook her$ "/here does he keep the hallows0" 'ircenn.s mo*th twisted$ So that was what this was abo*t$ , rog*e -emplar% t*rned on his Order$ ,rmand wasn.t the only knight who.d lost his faith$ 'ircenn had heard of others who% belie&ing that 7od had abandoned them% had t*rned mercenary and faithless$ In an instant of bl*rred space% 'ircenn disarmed the knight and fl*ng him across the corridor% where he str*ck the stone wall with a sharp crack of his head$ 1e sl*mped to the floor$ 'ircenn spared no regret that the attack had been *nfair$ /hen in the past he.d s*ffered g*ilt o&er *sing his enhanced abilities% he now felt grim satisfaction$ 1e towered o&er the fallen knight and raised his sword for the fatal blow$ "StopA" :isa cried$ 'ircenn.s jaw locked% his face contorted with f*ry$ 1is arm s*spended at eye le&el% the point angled down% ready for one swift thr*st into ,rmand.s heart$ /hen he pl*nged down% it wo*ld be with s*ch anger that the force wo*ld likely shatter his blade against the stone beneath the knight.s back$ 1e spared her a glance% and from her horrified e)pression he reali#ed that she was feeling his internal landscape? barren% bleak% and m*rdero*s$ 1ot$ 1ellishly hot$ 1e wo*ld ne&er *nderstandnot e&en sho*ld he li&e to be fi&e tho*sand why women consistently protected &illains$ It was simple in a man.s mind? 3ill the man who tries to harm your own$ (*t women made it m*ch more comple)$ -hey held o*t hope that e&il co*ld be redeemed$ , foolish hope% to his way of thinking$

"Don.t kill him% 'ircenn$ 1e didn.t harm me$" She to*ched her throat with gentle fingertips$ "I will be fine$ , few br*ises% nothing more$ 5o* fo*nd *s in time$" "1e to*ched yo*%" 'ircenn snarled$ "1e planned to harm yo*$" "(*t he didn.t s*cceed$" She appealed to his logic? "3*estion him% determine what he is after% then banish him% b*t please" She trailed off and he stared helplessly at her$ amn her% he tho*ght$ She was deliberately flooding him with mercy% forgi&eness% and the cool wind of logic$ ,ll those feminine things% they t*mbled like snowflakes *pon his masc*line heat$ Do*sing it$ :oath tho*gh he was to admit it% she was right$ (y killing ,rmand swiftly% he wo*ld ne&er know his moti&es$ 1e needed to *nco&er the -emplar.s p*rpose% determine with whom he was in coll*sion and if there were other corr*pt knights in his employ$ 1e needed information first$ -hen he wo*ld kill him$ 1e lowered the sword with a low growl of *nsatisfied rage$ BBB :isa crept down the stairs$ She.d tried to wait in bed for 'ircenn to come *p% b*t had been *nable to stand it any longer$ It had been ho*rs since ,rmand.s attack% and altho*gh 'ircenn had promised not to kill the -emplar% &owing angrily that he wo*ld t*rn him o&er to his own brothers% :isa still felt his m*rdero*s f*ry$ -heir bond was fra##ling her ner&es$ She had no idea why the knight had t*rned on her$ 6erhaps she sho*ldn.t ha&e +*estioned him$ 6erhaps it was simply too *psetting for him to speak of the atrocities he.d end*red$ -he feast was still *nder way in the 7reathall% the &illagers obli&io*s to the bitter e&ents of the e&ening$ 'ircenn wo*ld keep the problem +*iet% resol&e it% and no one wo*ld s*ffer for it$ She admired his methods$ 1e was a laird who wo*ld not tro*ble his clan with dissension that he co*ld resol&e alone$ 8o&ing stealthily% she slipped down the corridor to the st*dy$ -he door was ajar and she peered in ca*tio*sly$ 1e was there% as she.d s*spected% with D*ncan and 7alan$ , do#en grim=faced -emplars filed before him% and from the light misting of rain on their robes% she ded*ced that she.d missed their entrance by mere min*tes$ "It is done% milord$ /e ha&e finished o*r interrogation%" >ena*d de Hichiers said wearily$ ",nd0" 'ircenn growled$

"It was worse than we feared$ 1e was do*bly a traitor% both to his own brothers and to Scotland$ 1is plan was to abd*ct yo*r lady and sell her to the <nglish king for his weight in gold% pl*s titles and lands in <ngland$" >ena*d shook his head$ "I do not know what to say$ It grie&es me$ ,rmand was a 'ommander of 4nights in o*r Order% and highly regarded$ /e had no idea$ I swear to yo* *pon o*r Order that he acted entirely alone$" >ena*d directed his ga#e to the floor$ "/e await yo*r decision regarding the rest of *s$ /e *nderstand if yo* decide yo* m*st send *s away from here$" 'ircenn shook his head$ "I will not hold the rest of yo* responsible for his actions$ 5o* ha&e been loyal to me for years$" -he -emplars r*stled with m*rm*rs of gratit*de and repeated &ows of loyalty$ "5o* ha&e been good to *s% milord%" >ena*d said$ 1e took a deep breath% and when he spoke again% it was with s*ch fer&ency that his words so*nded stilted$ "/e do not wish to jeopardi#e yo*r goodwill in any way$ /e look forward to a f*t*re in Scotland$ /hat can we do to restore yo*r faith in *s0" "It was ne&er lost%" 'ircenn said% r*bbing his jaw$ "If ,rmand hadn.t been acting alone% yo* likely wo*ld ha&e s*cceeded in taking her$ I do not *nderestimate the powers of yo*r Order% >ena*d$ I know what yo* can do when yo* pit m*ltiple -emplar wills against a problem$ ,n attack from m*ltiple brethren wo*ld ha&e peacef*lly l*red her where yo* wished her to go$ 5o* do not *se &iolence$ 5o* *se powerf*l pers*asion$" >ena*d looked abashed$ "I hadn.t considered that% b*t it.s tr*e$ /e co*ld ha&e taken her as a gro*p$ I forget yo* know so m*ch abo*t *s$" 1e bowed% a post*re of abject apology$ "8ilord% we wo*ld ne&er harm yo*r lady$ /e shall protect her as o*r own$" 'ircenn inclined his head$ "/hat of ,rmand0" ",s a show of o*r allegiance% we resol&ed that matter$ 1e will tro*ble yo* no more$" :isa leaned a bit closer to the door$ /hat had they done to him0 (anished him0 /o*ld they dri&e him across the border for the <nglish to catch0 "<)plain%" 'ircenn ordered$ "/e determined his crime and dispensed fitting p*nishment$" "1e is dead0" 'ircenn asked wearily$ "1e died by recei&ing the price he himself had named for his corr*ption$ /e ga&e him his weight in gold$"

:isa made a strangled so*nd that was fort*nately masked by 'ircenn.s own$ 1er eyes flew to his% b*t he hadn.t yet noticed her$ 1e looked shocked$ "Do not fear we acted wastef*lly%" >ena*d hastened to ass*re him$ "/e know we will re+*ire the gold to reb*ild both o*r Order and Scotland once the warring is o&er$ /e will reclaim it when we +*arter ,rmand$" :isa retched instincti&ely% *nable to contain it$ , do#en eyes flew to the door% where she stood cl*tching her stomach$ ":isa%" 'ircenn e)claimed% half rising$ 1is eyes were wide and apologetic$ "I asked yo* to wait in yo*r room$" "5o* know I ne&er do%" she said irritably$ "/hy wo*ld yo* e)pect me to this time0" She looked directly into >ena*d.s eyes$ "/hat do yo* mean yo* ga&e him his weight in gold and will retrie&e it0" She knew she sho*ldn.t ask% b*t her s*spicions were so awf*l that she co*ldn.t help herself$ If they didn.t tell her% she wo*ld j*st imagine atrocities$ She.d long ago fo*nd it was easier to deal with reality than imagined fears$ >ena*d did not respond% clearly rel*ctant to disc*ss the matter with a woman$ "-ell me%" she repeated% thro*gh clenched teeth$ She glanced at 'ircenn% who was watching her with sorrow and *nderstanding$ She appreciated that he did not try to shield her; he *nderstood that she needed her own answers in things$ >ena*d cleared his throat *neasily$ "8olten$ 6o*red down his throat$ It will cool and be remo&ed witho*t diffic*lty$" " )isaA" 'ircenn rose from the desk% b*t it was too late$ She was already r*nning down the hall$ CHAPTER 24 it was se&eral days before lisa ret*rned to her normal self$ 'ircenn spent the time b*sying himself on the estate% waiting patiently as she worked thro*gh her feelings$ 1e was ne&er alone% always accompanied by the press*re of her heart$ One day% he.d almost sworn that he.d heard her &oice right ne)t to his ear% m*ttering pig%headed, bloodthirsty primates% b*t the phrase had not made any sense to him$ /hate&er it meant% she m*st ha&e been feeling it &ery strongly for him to pick it *p$ 1e wondered if their bond wo*ld contin*e to grow stronger o&er time% affording them deeper comm*nication$ 1e respected her mild retreat% accepting that it was a necessary part of her adj*stment to their way of life$ 1is time m*st seem strange to her% and the ways of the -emplars wo*ld likely seem e)treme in any cent*ry$ 1e was deeply grie&ed that she had fo*nd o*t abo*t ,rmand% b*t if he had learned nothing else abo*t :isa Stone% he had learned how great

her c*riosity was$ She wished to be shielded from nothing; she wished to be accorded respect and gi&en all the knowledge a&ailable so she co*ld make her own choices from a well=informed position$ 1e wo*ld not ha&e wished ,rmand.s gr*esome death *pon any man% yet the -emplars had their own j*stice and dispensed it with the same *nyielding discipline with which they performed all their d*ties$ In his heart he acknowledged that he was not sorry the man was dead$ ,rmand had nearly killed his woman% nearly sn*ffed her fragile% tiny% delicate life$ ,nd that terrified him$ ,rmand.s br*tality had ele&ated :isa.s mortality to an obsession with him$ 1e loathed it% resented ither mortality had become his archenemy$ /as he becoming like ,dam0 /as it in this fashion that s*ch a monster had been fabricated0 Did one broken r*le permit the ne)t and the ne)t% *ntil finally he wo*ld be able to j*stify taking anything he wanted0 /here was the line that he m*st not tra&erse before it was too late0 $ou could make her immortal# $ou know you want to# $ou wouldn't even have to tell her# ,ye% he wanted to$ ,nd it confo*nded him$ 1e.d been married twice and ne&er once considered trying to make his wife immortal$ (*t no other woman was :isa$ (esides% *p *ntil now% he.d &iewed what ,dam had done to him as a c*rse% a &ile corr*ption of the nat*ral order of things$ (*t now that he.d fo*nd :isa% things were no longer so clear$ Since she.d arri&ed in his life% he.d been ree&al*ating his beliefs% his objections% and his prej*dices$ 1e longed to storm into his castle% *nearth the flask from its compartment in the stone% and force it between her lips% b*t he co*ld ne&er j*stify taking her choice away from her$ Somehow% he had to bring himself to tell her$ ArghA he tho*ght% closing his eyes$ (ow0 -ho*gh he gr*dgingly accepted his immortality% after fi&e h*ndred years there was m*ch abo*t himself he still despised$ (y Dagda% he.d been born in the ninth cent*ryA -here was a part of him that was hopelessly old=fashioned$ ,ltho*gh time.s passage had carried him o*t of the ninth cent*ry% nothing co*ld remo&e the ninth=cent*ry sensibilities from his heart$ 6art of him was a simple warrior and s*perstitio*s man who belie&ed that magic sprang from e&il; hence% he was an abomination teetering on the brink of corr*ption$ 1e s*spected that holding on to his birth=cent*ry.s mores made him a bit of a barbarian% b*t that was preferable to what he might ha&e become$

Still% he had to reach a decision% and soon$ 1e needed to tell :isa what he was and offer her the same% before her mortality completely *ndid him$ 1elplessly% he.d beg*n to obsess abo*t her en&ironment$ She s*ddenly seemed incredibly &*lnerable$ 1e.d beg*n to blow o*t r*shlights comp*lsi&ely% afraid they might spark and catch the tapestries and she wo*ld die in something as senseless as a castle fire$ 1e.d beg*n to st*dy e&ery man he enco*ntered% seeking hints of any possible threat to her e)istence$ ,rmand.s attempt to abd*ct her had escalated his fears$ She was delicate% and one slip of a knife co*ld steal her from him fore&er$ Once% he.d tho*ght fore&er was bitter indeed% b*t now% ha&ing lo&ed her% if he lost her% fore&er wo*ld be a cold% bleak hell$ 6erhaps% &ia their special bond% she wo*ld *nderstand and accept$ 6erhaps the tho*ght of li&ing fore&er wo*ld appeal to her$ 1e wo*ld ne&er know *ntil he tried$ -he worst that co*ld happen was that she wo*ld be horrified% reject him% and try to escape$ If that occ*rred% he worried% he might tr*ly re&ert to his ninth=cent*ry self% and lock her *p *ntil she agreed to drink from the flask$ Or worsedo to her what ,dam had done to him$ BBB :isa was c*rled in a chair before the fire when he entered the st*dy$ She smiled warmly at him$ -hey shared a wordless greeting with their eyes% then she parted the chair beside her$ 1e mo&ed to her side and rested a portion of his weight on the arm of the chair% and bent to kiss her thoro*ghly$ 7od% he co*ldn.t bear the tho*ght of e&er losing her$ /hen he finally forced himself to break the kissit was either that or t*p her right there in the chair with the st*dy door openshe glanced at him c*rio*sly and said% "5o* were fr*strated today$ 8any times$ /hat is worrying yo*% 'ircenn0" 1e sighed$ Sometimes their bond was a tro*blesome thing; there wasn.t m*ch he co*ld hide from her% and the effort of withholding his emotions was e)ha*sting$ "5o* were stricken by enn*i%" he co*ntered% not yet ready to broach the diffic*lt con&ersation$ (etter to sa&or a few moments of peace and intimacy$ "(*t then yo* seem to be that way often when yo* are not in my bed%" he teased$ In bed was precisely where he wanted her now$ 6erhaps l*lled by sens*al satisfaction she wo*ld be more recepti&e$ , mercenary tactic% b*t deployed with lo&e$ 1e caressed her hair% sa&oring the silky feel between his fingers$ :isa la*ghed% a low% in&iting so*nd$ "'ircenn% I need something to do with myself$ I need to feel involved$" 1e.d been thinking that &ery thing% as her fr*stration had attended him for +*ite some time now% e&er since their bond had blossomed into e)istence$ 1e knew that in her cent*ry :isa had worked constantly% and she was a woman who needed to feel she had accomplished something worthwhile at the end of the day$

"I will ha&e D*ncan bring yo* the list of the pending disp*tes to be heard in the manor co*rt in (allyhock$ /o*ld yo* like that0 7alan has been hearing the cases for the past few years and wo*ld be pleased to get +*it of the position$" ">eally0" :isa was delighted$ She wo*ld lo&e to immerse herself in the &illagers. li&es% perhaps make friends among the yo*ng women$ Someday% she wo*ld ha&e children with 'ircenn% and she missed ha&ing a girlfriend$ She wo*ld want her children to ha&e playmates$ She didn.t *nderstand why 'ircenn had kept himself so distant from his people in the past% b*t she planned to bring him close again$ 1earing the cases and mingling with the clansmen wo*ld be the perfect way to set her plans in motion$ "'ertainly$ -hey will be most pleased$" ",re yo* certain they will accept a mere lass deciding disp*tes0" she asked worriedly$ "5o* are not a mere lass$ ,nd they adored yo* when they met yo* at the feast$ (esides% I am (r*de% :isa$" "I m*st ha&e missed that part of history in school$ /ho were the (r*de0" ",h% merely the most &aliant warriors who e&er li&ed%" he said% arching an arrogant brow$ "/e are the original 6icts; many of o*r kings were named (r*de% *ntil we ass*med that as o*r name$ (rodie is merely another form$" !s now the time to tell her more of my history* "hat my half%brother rust the ,ourth was slain by 3enneth McAlpin in A9A0 "(eing (r*de% the descent of royalty in my line was matrilineal for cent*ries% handed down thro*gh the +*eens% not o*r kings$ -he crown transferred to brothers or nephews or co*sins as traced by a complicated series of intermarriages by se&en royal ho*ses$ 8y people will readily accept the decisions of the :ady of (rodie$" "So*nds like the 6icts were more ci&ili#ed than the Scots%" :isa said dryly$ ".-his legion which c*rbs the sa&age Scots. is how <mperor 'la*di*s referred to my people% and for a time we did$ @ntil 4enneth 8c,lpin m*rdered most of the members of o*r royal ho*se in an attempt to erase *s from Scotland fore&er$" "(*t yo* still li&e% so apparently he wasn.t too s*ccessf*l$" Ah, yes# ! do still live# "So why were yo* fr*strated today0" she asked% circling back to her initial obser&ation$ "I can feel yo* all the time% yo* know$ I co*ld feel impatience and anger$"

'ircenn stood and scooped her from the chair$ 1e dropped into it and reseated her across his lap$ "-hat.s better$ I like being beneath yo*$" "I like yo* being beneath me$ (*t don.t try to distract me$ /hy0" 'ircenn sighed% gathering her close$ 1e was afraid$ 1e% the fearless warrior% feared her reaction to what he was abo*t to tell her$ ,s he drew a breath to begin% he heard the door to the 7reathall crash open% as g*ards all o&er the castle sent *p a reso*nding cry$ -hey both tensed instantly$ "Is someone attacking0" :isa worried$ 'ircenn rose swiftly% depositing her on the floor with a kiss$ "I doona know%" he said% taking off for the 7reathall at a r*n$ :isa raced after him% as the noise o*tside grew to an immense roar$ ,s she entered the 7reathall% she saw do#ens of knights clamoring e)citedly% gathered aro*nd a lone stranger$ D*ncan glanced *p as they entered% and his smile was blinding$ "-o Stirling% 'ircennA -he (race.s messenger has arri&ed$ /e finally go to warA" CHAPTER 25 "what say yo*0" circenn demanded% his eyes glittering with anticipation$ -he messenger spoke +*ickly$ "-he (race.s brother has made a wager% and we m*st pre&ent the <nglish from reaching Stirling 'astle by 8ids*mmer.s Day$ -he (race has ordered yo* to present yo*r troops with all weapons at St$ 9inian.s by the >oman road 'ircenn c*t him off with a deafening bellow of joy that was echoed by all the men in the hall$ :isa mo&ed closer to his side and he ca*ght her in his arms% swinging her high in the air$ "/e go to warA" he sho*ted% elated$ Men% she tho*ght% ama#ed$ ! will never understand them$ -hen a worse tho*ght followed? 'hat if ! lose him0 "(*t yo* m*st h*rry%" the messenger yelled into the din$ "If we ride witho*t pa*se we will scarce arri&e in time$ <&ery moment is critical$" 'ircenn h*gged her close$ "I will not die$ I promise%" he said fer&ently$ 1e kissed her deeply% then slipped from her arms$ -here was no time to tell her more$ 1e wo*ld go to

war% and *pon his ret*rn they wo*ld ha&e their long=o&erd*e talk$ In the meantime% he wo*ld send constant reass*rance to her &ia their bond$ 'ar- !t's about damned timeA he tho*ght% elated$ "I m*st gather my weapons%" he m*ttered% racing from the hall$ Drawn to spend e&ery possible moment with him before he left% :isa left the hall shortly after he had$ -he estate was a riot of acti&ity as the men prepared to ride o*t immediately$ She sho*ld ha&e remembered that 'ircenn wo*ld ha&e to lea&e soon$ She.d known that the battle at (annockb*rn occ*rred on G*ne EF; history records had placed the thane of (rodie and his -emplars in the midst of the legendary battle$ (*t in the pleas*re of their newfo*nd lo&e% and then in the fright of ,rmand.s abd*ction attempt% she.d gi&en little tho*ght to the date or the impending war$ She headed for 'ircenn.s chambers and slipped +*ietly into his room% wondering if there was eno*gh time to steal a moment of passion$ She do*bted it; she sensed that his mind was already far away$ 1e was all masc*line warrior right now% cons*med with the looming battle$ ,s she mo&ed deeper into his room% she was shocked to see a great gaping maw in the wall where the hearth normally was$ , hidden room$ (ow fantastic% she tho*ght% and how appropriate for a medieval castle$ '*rio*s to see what he kept in there% she slipped past the hearth and entered$ -he fabric of her gown ca*ght on the ro*gh stones of the rotated hearth and ripped a*dibly$ (*sy trying to disengage the fabric from the sharp edge of the stone% she didn.t see 'ircenn look *p$ 9or did she see his e)pression$ "7et o*t% lass%" he th*ndered% leaping to his feet$ ,s :isa glanced *p% 'ircenn fro#e in mid=leap% his plan to thr*st her from the room aborted$ 1e watched with dawning horror as her ga#e skimmed the interior of his hidden room$ 1e stood motionless% s*rro*nded by incriminating e&idence$ Standing amid items from her time% he knew that she wo*ld ne&er belie&e him% and worse% that he m*st lea&e immediately if they were to pre&ent the <nglish troops from reaching Stirling by 8ids*mmer.s Day$ :isa was motionless b*t for her ga#e% which roamed disbelie&ingly o&er the items in the room$ 1er eyes widened% narrowed% and widened again as she reali#ed what she was seeing$ /eapons% yes$ ,rms and shields% yes$ Ine)plicably% items from her own cent*ry0 5es$

-he first wa&e of emotion that b*ffeted her was hers? a s*ffocating feeling of pain% bewilderment% and h*miliation that she.d be+*eathed her heart so wrongly$ -he second wa&e was his? an en&eloping cloak of fear$ 1ow co*ld he possess s*ch things0 1ow co*ld he ha&e items from her time% yet not be able to send her home0 Simple# (e'd lied# "hat was the only possible explanation# "5o* lied%" she whispered$ She co*ld ha&e gone home to 'atherine% b*t he.d lied$ /hat else had he lied abo*t0 1er hands closed on a 'D player$ A 2 playerA She raised it with shaking hands% peering closely at it% as if she co*ldn.t +*ite belie&e what she was seeing$ SO95 was embla#oned on the chrome=colored case$ <yes narrowed% she fl*ng it across the room% where it shattered into bits of plastic% narrowly missing his head$ @nappeased% she reached for another missile% closing her fingers aro*nd an oddly familiar cardboard bo)$ She spared it a glance% and her lip c*rled in disbelief$ "-ampons0" she cried$ "5o* had tampons0 ,ll this time0 1ow dare yo*A" 'ircenn gest*red helplessly$ "I didn.t know yo* had anything to clean$" She growled% a feral so*nd of pain and anger% as she fl*ng the bo) of 6layte) easy=glide applicators at him$ It missed% too% hitting the wall behind him% showering the room with small white missiles$ "9oA" She raised a shaking hand when he mo&ed to approach her$ "Stay there$ 1ow m*ch ha&e yo* lied to me abo*t0 1ow many other women ha&e yo* bro*ght back herethat yo* needed tampons for0 Did I not rate tampons0 /as I won so easily that yo* didn.t ha&e to bribe me with con&eniences0 /as it all a lie0 Is this some sick game I can.t fathom0 Didn.t the fact that my mother is dying to*ch yo*r heart at all0 /hat are yo* made of0 Stone0 Ice0 ,re yo* e&en h*man0 ,ll this time yo* co*ld ha&e ret*rned me% b*t yo* wo*ldn.t0" "9ay$" 1e mo&ed forward again% b*t stopped when she cringed back from him$ 1is pained e)pression deepened$ "Don.t e&en think of to*ching me$ 1ow yo* m*st ha&e been am*sing yo*rself with me$ 8e and my pathetic tears% me and my weeping for my mom% and all this time yo* co*ld ha&e ret*rned me at anytime$ 5o* 1e let loose a bellow of pain and fr*stration$ It had the desired effect of terminating her acc*sations% silencing her with its sheer &ol*me$

,s she stood there gaping% he said% ":isten to me beca*se I doona ha&e m*ch timeA" "I.m listening%" she hissed$ ":ike a fool% I.m waiting for yo* to gi&e me one decent e)planation for all of this$ 7o aheadtell me more lies$" 1e ran a hand o&er his face and shook his head$ ":ass% I ha&e ne&er lied to yo*$ I adore yo* and there ha&e ne&er been any other women from the f*t*re here$ ,nd these"he fl*ng a tampon in the air"cleaning swabs% I cannot fathom why they *pset yo* so greatly% b*t I ass*re yo* I ha&e ne&er let the maids *se them$" :isa.s brow f*rrowed$ 9o man co*ld be so st*pid$ "'leaning swabs0" 1e snatched *p a g*n and jerked the barrel in her direction% and an *nwrapped tampon shot o*t$ It was coated with black from the slow corrosion of the steel$ She eyed it for a moment% bent% and pl*cked it from the floor$ "5o* clean yo*r g*ns with these0" 1e lowered the g*n$ "Is that not the p*rpose for which they were designed0 I &ow I co*ld not concei&e of another$" "Didn.t yo* read the bo)0" "-here were too many words I didn.t *nderstandA" :isa.s eyes widened and she reached for him internally% wondering why she hadn.t done that first$ -here% where they joined% he co*ld hide nothing from her$ (*t she.d been so st*nned that she hadn.t been thinking clearly$ She reached and felt 2ear that she wo*ldn.t belie&e him$ 6ain$ ,nd honesty$ 1e gen*inely didn.t know what the tampons were$ (*t there was something else% something he was willf*lly concealing$ , monstro*s dark thing% cloaked in despair$ It made her shi&er$ 1e raised his hands in a gest*re of s*pplication$ ":isa% I ne&er lied to yo* abo*t the fact that I cannot ret*rn yo*$ -hese are gifts a man named ,dam bro*ght me$ I ha&e ne&er been to yo*r time% nor can I get there% nor send anyone else$" She pondered his words% weighing them for tr*th$ She recalled watching him pick thro*gh the fabrics and o&erhearing mention of this ,dam person? ,dam whose gifts 'ircenn had disdained% e)cept for the gold fabric he.d chosen for her wedding gown$ One floor beneath them% men roared for 'ircenn$

Ignoring the s*mmons% he said% "I wo*ld not ha&e had it come o*t like thisnot now% when I ha&e no choice b*t to race off to battle$ 5o* m*st belie&e that I ha&e ne&er lied to yo*% :isa$ (elie&e in me and await my ret*rn$ I promise we will speak of it all then$ I will answer any +*estions yo* ha&e% e)plain e&erything$" 1e sighed% r*bbing his jaw$ 1is eyes were dark with emotion$ "I lo&e yo*% lass$" "I know$ I can feel it$" She inclined her head stiffly$ "5o* do lo&e me$ If I hadn.t blown *p so +*ickly% I wo*ld ha&e sensed yo*r feelings and reali#ed that all this aside% yo* harbored no intent to harm me$" 1e hea&ed a sigh of relief$ "-hank Dagda for o*r bond$" "7o on%" she said% enco*raging him to re&eal the dark secret that was yet *ntold$ ,s 'ircenn mo&ed toward the entrance she reali#ed he.d mis*nderstood her words$ 1e looked askance when she didn.t step aside$ "I m*st reseal the chamber% lass% before I can ride o*t$ I promise to let yo* e)amine it to yo*r fill *pon my ret*rn$" 1e mo&ed toward her% edging her back into his chamber$ "9o%" :isa said +*ickly$ "I meant go on and tell me the rest$" 1e stopped mo&ing rel*ctantly$ "I tho*ght yo* meant that I sho*ld join my men and we wo*ld speak of this *pon my ret*rn$" 1e noted her tense jaw% her *nyielding ga#e$ "/hat else do yo* sense0" he e&aded$ "Something that terrifies me% beca*se it scares yo*% and I s*spect that anything that ca*ses yo* fear wo*ld cr*sh me$ -here is something yo* aren.t telling me that yo*r fear cloaks$ 5o* m*st tell me% 'ircenn$ 9ow$ -he +*icker yo* tell me% the more +*ickly yo* may go$ /hat are yo* hiding from me0" 1e drew a deep breath$ ",dam% who ga&e me these oddities"he gest*red sweepingly "co*ld ret*rn yo* to yo*r time$ I did not tell yo* that beca*se it was pointless$ >ecall that I swore an oath to kill the bearer of the flask0" She nodded$ ",dam is the one I swore the oath to$" :isa closed her eyes$ "In other words% the only person who co*ld ret*rn me wo*ld kill me first$ ,ll right$ /hat is the other thing0" 1e looked at her with an e)pression of innocence she didn.t b*y for a moment$ "I can still feel it% 'ircenn$ 5o* ha&en.t told me the biggest thing$" ":isa% I will tell yo* all% b*t now I m*st get to Stirling$"

'on&eniently it must be part of a male timing conspiracy% :isa tho*ghtD*ncan bellowed 'ircenn.s name with ob&io*s fr*stration$ "5o* see0" 'ircenn said$ "-he men await me$ It will be a near race% :isa$ I m*st go$" "-ell me%" she repeated e&enly$ "Doona make me do this now$" "'ircenn% do yo* really think I co*ld bear sitting here for weeks wondering what other fantastic fact yo*.&e been concealing0 It wo*ld be tort*re for me$" 'ircenn.s hands clenched aro*nd the g*n$ "I will follow yo* on horse% if I m*st% right into battle$" , pregnant% tense silence filled the space between them$ -he contin*ed bellows of the men below heightened her tension$ /hom wo*ld he heed0 1is men or her0 :isa felt her heart po*nding$ 1e licked his lips and started to speak se&eral times% then stopped% a&erting his ga#e$ /hen he finally spoke% his &oice was tight and weary$ "8y mother was a (r*de +*een who was born fi&e h*ndred and se&enty=odd years ago$ I am immortal$" :isa went as still as the stone walls aro*nd her$ She blinked rapidly% deciding she m*st ha&e mis*nderstood$ "Say that again$" 1e knew which word she needed repeated$ "Immortal$ I am immortal$" :isa stepped back$ ",s in li&e fore&er% like D*ncan 8c:eodthe 1ighlander0" "I doona know this D*ncan 8c:eod% lass$ I was *naware there was another like me$ -he 8c:eod ha&e ne&er spoken of s*ch a man$" :isa co*ld not speak for a moment$ "Im=immortal0" she managed in a dry whisper$ 1e nodded$ 1e th*mped the stock of the g*n on the floor in response to a partic*larly f*rio*s s*mmons$ >ejecting the abs*rd possibility% :isa reached for him emotionally$ 1er incred*lity was s+*ashed with one firm draw on their bond$ 1e was telling the tr*th$ 1e was immortal$

Or at least he belie&ed he was$ 'o*ld he be del*ded0 ,fter a moment of reflection% she discarded that possibility$ , person wo*ld know if he had li&ed fi&e h*ndred yearsit wasn.t e)actly something one co*ld o&erlook$ 9ot looking at her% he contin*ed% "I disco&ered I was immortal when I was forty=one$" "(*t yo* don.t look forty=one%" she protested% eager to object to any small part of s*ch madness$ "I wasn.t when ,dam changed me$ I was% as near as I can calc*late% nearer thirty than forty$ 1e ne&er wo*ld admit e)actly when he slipped me the potion$ (*t when I confronted him% he confessed that he had indeed poisoned my wine$" "/hy0 ,nd who is this man that possesses the power to make yo* li&e fore&er0 /ho is this ,dam who co*ld send me home0 'hat is he0" 'ircenn sighed$ -here was no point in trying to r*sh away now$ 1e wo*ld gi&e her a few answers to consider while he was gone$ /hen he ret*rned% he wo*ld tell her all% and offer her the flask againto drink% this time$ "1e is of the old race called the "uatha de anaan$ 1e is what some call the fairy$" "2airy0" :isa was incred*lo*s$ "5o* e)pect me to belie&e in fairies0" 'ircenn smiled bitterly$ "5o* accept that yo* ha&e tra&eled se&en h*ndred years across time% yet disp*te the e)istence of creat*res who predate *s by millennia and possess *n*s*al powers0 5o* cannot pick and choose yo*r madnesses% lass$" "-he fairy%" :isa repeated% sagging against the edge of the rotated hearth$ "9o wonder my tra&eling thro*gh time didn.t seem so strange to yo*$ I tho*ght yo*.d accepted it *n*s*ally well$" "-hink not of the fairies as wispy% ethereal creat*res% flitting abo*t on wingsthey are not$ -hey are an ad&anced ci&ili#ation that inhabited some faraway world before they came to o*rs in a clo*d of mist% tho*sands of years ago$ 9o one knows whence they came$ 9o one knows who or what they really are% b*t they are powerf*l beyond compare$ -hey are immortal% and they are capable of sifting time$" "(*t why did he make yo* immortal0" 'ircenn e)haled a bitter sigh$ "1e said he did it beca*se his race had selected me as g*ardian of their treas*res% of which the damned flask is one$ -hat is why he made me swear to kill whoe&er fo*nd it$ 1e said his race had long been looking for someone who

co*ld keep their hallows safe; they needed someone who wo*ld ne&er die and co*ld not be bested in battle$" "So yo* will tr*ly li&e fore&er0" 'ircenn said nothing% his eyes dark with emotion$ 1e nodded$ :isa shook her head% beyond coherent tho*ght$ 1er ga#e swept o&er him% disbelie&ingly$ ":isa" "9o$" She raised her hands as if to protect herself$ "9o more$ -hat.s it$ I.&e heard eno*gh for today$ -hat.s all I can hear$ 8y ears are f*ll$" "Is it so terrible a thing to accept0 I accepted that yo* were from my f*t*re%" he said$ " (aud yer wheeshtA" he roared% th*mping on the floor again$ "G*st let me ha&e time to think$ 6lease0 7o$ 7o off to yo*r war%" she said% pointing to the door$ -hen a small% half=hysterical la*gh escaped her$ ":isa% I am not lea&ing yo* like this$" "Oh yes yo* are%" she said firmly% "beca*se according to my recollection of e&ents% yo* and yo*r -emplars are necessary at (annockb*rn$" She needed desperately to be alone% to think$ It was not hard for her to p*sh him o*t to war% now that she knew he co*ld not die$ "(*t yo* bled when I poked yo* with the knife%" she added% as an aftertho*ght$ "(eneath my shirt the wo*nd closed instantly% lass$ I can bleed% briefly$" 2ootsteps th*ndered down the corridor; his men had e)ceeded their patience$ 'ircenn n*dged her back a step and swiftly sealed the chamber$ "5o* said my -emplars were necessary at (annockb*rn$ 5o* know of this battle0" he said% his ga#e brooding$ "5es$" "So it seems perhaps we.&e both been withholding information from each other%" he pointed o*t +*ietly$ "Is there anything else I sho*ld know0" "Is there anything else ! sho*ld know0" she co*ntered$ S*ddenly he looked weary$ "G*st that I lo&e yo* with all my heart% lass$" 1e kissed her swiftly and was gone$

CHAPTER 26 immortal$ circenn brodie was immortal$ (ow ironic% she tho*ght$ In the twenty=first cent*ry% she.d raged against her mother.s mortality$ 9ow% in the fo*rteenth% she was raging against his immortality$ 1er life co*ldn.t be a simple one of going to college and collecting kisses from handsome and mostly harmless yo*ng men$ -hat j*st wo*ldn.t do for :isa Stone$ She s*ddenly *nderstood how bewildered and p*t=*pon (*ffy m*st ha&e felt *pon disco&ering it was her plight in life to slay &ampires$ She h*rt$ 1e rode miles away from her% b*t their bond did not diminish$ She was battered by his feelings% b*ffeted by his anger and sorrow and g*ilt$ She fo*nd herself p*shing it away% relegating it to the backgro*nd$ She co*ld not afford to feel what he was feeling right now$ She needed to feel only her own emotions% to sort thro*gh them *ndistracted by his p*lsing intensity$ -he man was downright o&erwhelming sometimes% and it was no wonder$ 1e had o&er fi&e h*ndred years of li&ing% and lo&ing and losing his lo&ed ones% and being in&incible$ She felt a s*rge of concern emanating from him beca*se she was trying to sh*t him o*t$ -oo e)ha*sted to do more% she sent a b*rst of reass*rance% then firmly corralled his emotions in a corner of her mind$ -hat was better$ 6erhaps a walk wo*ld clear her tho*ghts% she decided% rising from his bed% where she.d been sitting since he.d left$ She strolled thro*gh the silent castle and &ent*red into the night$ It was strangely +*iet? there were no knights jo*sting in the co*rtyard% no children playingwar was grim b*siness indeed$ She didn.t ha&e to worry abo*t 'ircenn dying% b*t most families at (rodie had a lo&ed one who might be mortally wo*nded in battle$ ,n air of sobriety draped the estate$ ,bsorbed in her tho*ghts% she wandered to the reflecting pool and sank down on the stone bench$ -ilting her head% she ga#ed *p at the &el&ety black sky$ /hy co*ldn.t she ha&e fallen in lo&e with a normal% mortal man0 She.d been so happy with 'ircenn% b*t she was a realist% if nothing else$

She had some idea of what it wo*ld be like to age$ She knew how she wo*ld feel when she was forty and he was thirty still$ She co*ld only imagine with horror how she wo*ld feel when she was fifty% yet he still appeared thirty$ She co*ld taste the fear of being si)ty when she wo*ld be old eno*gh that most wo*ld think she was his mother% or worse in this land where women had children at fo*rteenhis grandmother$ /h, &od# (er body would age and wrinkle, but his never would# :isa didn.t think she was a shallow person% b*t there was only so m*ch a woman.s &anity co*ld willingly embrace$ /o*ld he still make lo&e to her0 /o*ld she be able to permit him to ga#e *pon her when her body was so aged0 It wasn.t merely a +*estion of &anity; the physical contrast between them wo*ld be a daily reminder that she was dying b*t he was not$ "ake the years and don't think too far ahead% a part of her offered hopef*lly$ (*t she knew herself too well$ She wo*ldn.t be able to$ She wo*ld be li&ing in fear% watching her mirror% waiting for the ine&itable$ ,nd there was an e&en bigger pict*re to be considered$ 9ot only wo*ld she age while he didn.t% she wo*ld *ltimately die% while he contin*ed to li&e$ 1e wo*ld be left witho*t her% and she knew she wo*ld ha&e to enco*rage him to lo&e again when she was goneand% 7od forgi&e her% she didn.t think she possessed s*ch a noble so*l$ <nco*rage 'ircenn to share s*ch a precio*s% intimate bond again with some other woman0 She was sei#ed by hatred for her faceless% nameless s*ccessor$ (*t she wo*ld ha&e to% beca*se she knew him well eno*gh to know that he shared her tendency for self=inflicted atonement$ 1e wo*ld deny himself$ 1e co*ld spend tho*sands of years alone% ref*sing intimacy% and s*ch stark solit*de wo*ld dri&e any person mad$ 1e must lo&e again after she was gone% for the sake of his own so*l$ -hen% too% there was her intimate knowledge of what her death wo*ld do to him; beca*se of their bond% he wo*ld feel e&ery less=than=noble emotion she end*red% and e&ery bit of the pain$ She knew what it felt like to watch a lo&ed one die$ It went beyond hell$ /hat if she had act*ally been able to feel her mother.s physical pain o&er the last few months0 1er despair and her fear0 'ircenn wo*ld feel e&ery bit of hers% *nless she co*ld somehow hide it$

! can't- !'m not strong enough2rantic% she l*nged to her feet% dri&en to mo&ement$ She walked swiftly% skirting the pool% ga#ing *p at the hea&ens as if they might hear her and grant a prayer$ 2oc*sed on the sky% she tripped and fell to the gro*nd$ It was the final straw$ 'rying% she h*ddled with her arms abo*t her knees and began to rock$ ,fter a few moments she reali#ed that she had fallen on the side of the mo*nd and was weeping in probable chamber=pot remains$ She went &ery still$ !t is said that if you circle the mound seven times and spill your blood upon the peak, the Fueen of the ,airies may appear and grant you a wish# >ecalling 'ircenn.s words% she slowly opened her eyes$ (*t what wo*ld she wish0 ! cannot guess how many young lads and lasses have pricked their fingers here# /ld, tall tales this land is full of them# Most likely some prior kin once emptied the chamber pots here# !t would explain how thick and green the grass is$ (*t she didn.t know what might happen ne)t in her life$ /hy not try it0 She co*ld decide *pon a wish later% if it worked$ 9*mbly% she stood and began circling the shian$ Slowly at first% then picking *p speed and determination as she progressed aro*nd the mo*nd$ One time% three times% fi&e% then se&en$ She stopped$ She reali#ed she didn.t ha&e anything to c*t herself with$ /ith a pec*liar detachment% she pierced the heel of her palm with her teeth% drawing blood$ She ascended to the peak of the shian and% applying press*re with her fingers% forced the droplets to fall on the center of the mo*nd$ She waited$ She had no idea what she e)pected% if anything$ (*t considering how strange her life had been for the past few months% it wo*ld not s*rprise her o&erm*ch if a fairy sprang from the earth% wa&ing a magic wand$ She held her breath$ -he night was eerily still% e&en the night creat*res strangely m*te$ 9othing happened$

/h, )isa no ,airy Fueen will spring from this mound, and you will simply have to deal with the fact that you are in love with an immortal man$ She closed her eyes and shook her head% am*sed by her foolish fancy$ ,fter a moment more% she descended the *n*s*ally symmetric pile of sod$ -his land had definitely done something to her blood$ She.d nearly belie&ed that a mythical creat*re wo*ld appear$ 8agic per&aded Scotland.s air as thick and fre+*ent as the mist% and she.d disco&ered little that seemed beyond the realm of possibility$ 'ircenn was immortal$ She had tra&eled thro*gh time$ 8aking a wish seemed &ery reasonable in comparison$ She t*rned her back on the mo*nd% tilted her head% and ga#ed at the moon% admitting that despite her h*rt and fear% she was more than a little relie&ed$ -oo many choices co*ld be o&erwhelming$ 9ow she had none; she had no choice b*t to stay there and lo&e 'ircenn (rodie$ 6erhaps she wo*ld learn to &iew aging% while he remained ageless% as a small price for the kind of lo&e they shared$ She felt for him with her inner senses% slowly remo&ing her earlier barricades$ 2rom their bond% she knew he was h*rt% angry% and deeply worried$ 1e was also cons*med with fear that she wo*ld somehow try to lea&e him$ /ell% he needn.t worry abo*t that$ She co*ldn.t$ "/hat shall yo* wish% h*man0" , &oice that held a tho*sand cool shades of snow shattered her re&erie% chilling her blood$ :isa fro#e$ CHAPTER 27 the &oice had come from behind her% where the fairy mo*nd lay$ "5o* were watching the moon% as one entranced$ Do yo* wish to fly to it0 -o co*nt the stars as yo* to*ch them0 Or something more earthy0" :isa drew a deep breath as the &oice shi&ered thro*gh her$ 9ot a mortal &oice$ She co*ld ne&er mistake s*ch a so*nd for a mortal &oice$ It resonated with t*ne and with passionless obser&ation$ It frightened her$ She t*rned slowly on her heel$ -he sight that greeted her was frightening only in the magnit*de of its bea*ty$ -he air ca*ght in her windpipe% forcing her to draw rapid% shallow breaths$ ":o&ely%" she whispered$ "Oh% 7od$" She s*ddenly *nderstood the l*re of fairy tales% of creat*res who were so blindingly bea*tif*l that it nearly h*rt to look at them$ -his creat*re o&erwhelmed her senses$

-he &ision inclined her head regally$ "/e are$ :o&ely% that is$ (*t not gods$ 8ost call *s children of the 7oddess Dan*$" :isa stared% lips parted on a sigh% mesmeri#ed$ -he woman had sil&er hairmoonbeams had br*shed her delicate head% loath to depart$ -he night air shimmered aro*nd her% as if lit by a tho*sand tiny s*ns$ 1er brows arched abo&e e)otic almond=shaped eyes in a pale face$ ,nd her eyesthey were of no color known to man% b*t conj*red images of the iridescent h*es of a mermaid.s wet tail gleaming in the s*n$ 1er cheekbones were so high that they lent her face a feline cant% and her lips were f*ll% blood=red% and *ptilted at the corners as if ca*ght in a perpet*al smile$ 1er skin was d*sted with gold; a sheer gown of white clothed her witho*t co&ering a thing% and the body that was clearly &isible beneath the shimmering fabric sparkled gilded pearl and rose% and made :isa feel like she was twel&e years old$ 6erfection$ "/hat shall yo* wish% h*man0" >emote eyes held hers% widened by the barest hint of c*riosity$ "5o* made this door with yo*r own blood% now wish before I weary of yo*$" :isa swallowed$ 1ere was her chance$ ,ll she had to say was% ! want to go home to my mother$ (*t co*ld she lea&e 'ircenn0 ,nd how co*ld she know whether her mother was still ali&e0 "5es%" the 2airy 3*een said% t*cking a strand of moonbeam behind her ear$ "/hat0" :isa gasped$ "5o*r mother li&es$ If yo* call that li&ing$" 1er lips shaped a mo*e of distaste$ ", mortal bane% the body$ She is dying$" "1ow did yo* know what I was thinking0" :isa whispered$ -he fairy la*ghed and the so*nd slithered aro*nd :isa$ 2or a moment% she lost herself in it? forgot who she was% that she had a mother% that she lo&ed a man% that she was h*man$ 2or an instant she wanted nothing more than to linger as close to this creat*re as she wo*ld permit$ -o kiss the hem of her fairy skein% to breathe her e)hales% to dance barefoot *pon a mo*nd of green$ She recogni#ed it for an enchanted madness% when the comp*lsion eased as the la*ghter faded$ "I am of the "uatha de anaan$ /e see all$ So what shall it be% h*man0 Shall I send yo* home to die with yo*r mother0 Is she so important0 Shall yo* lea&e this lord who lo&es yo*0" "I need time to think%" :isa protested faintly$

"5o* s*mmoned me now0 "I didn.t really think it wo*ld work$ I ha&e not prepared my wish" "If tho* needed time to think% tho* sho*ld not ha&e dist*rbed me$" -he 2airy 3*een.s face grew th*ndero*s$ , bree#e kicked *p aro*nd the shian% tossing lea&es into the air$ :isa was startled% t*rning aro*nd% absorbing the s*ddenly charged night$ 'harged by the 2airy 3*een.s displeas*re$ "/e are Scotland%" the 3*een stated% obser&ing the dist*rbance$ "-he land once wept when we wept% and spring came when we danced$ 9ow the seasons roll consistently% and aside from the fool.s pranks% this soil is mostly tame$" "(eca*se yo* are consistently detached% remote%" :isa said% before thinking$ "1as time done that to yo*0" -he 2airy 3*een blinked$ G*st a blink% b*t it said% "read not here, mortal% in a forbidding glance that promised wrath :isa ne&er wanted to e)perience$ :isa reco&ered +*ickly from her f*mble$ "I meant% will my mother be ali&e if I ret*rn0" "2or a time$" :isa s+*ee#ed her eyes sh*t$ She hadn.t really belie&ed that the 2airy 3*een wo*ld appear and grant her wish$ (*t now here stood a being that co*ld% and apparently was offering to ret*rn her to her mother$ 1ow co*ld she choose0 -o stay in Scotland and watch her body grow old and fall apart while her belo&ed ne&er aged% or to ret*rn to her time and watch her mother die0 9either choice was *nanimo*sly appealing$ "I don.t s*ppose yo* co*ld bring my mother here0 8aybe make her well0" :isa s*ggested hopef*lly$ "6erhaps yo* co*ld make me immortal0" "-wo choices% h*man$ Stay or go$ I am not feeling genero*s% nor am I inclined to rearrange on a grand scale$ It re+*ires m*ch will$ , wish is a stone% and my granting is the toss into a loch$ -here are ripples$ Shall I read yo*r heart and find yo*r tr*e choice0 5o* mortals think li&ing is a war? 1eart or mind0 Silly child% g*ilt is not mind$ D*ty is not heart$ 1ear with that which yo*r race claims we no longer possess$ Shall I read yo*r desire0" :isa.s hand flew instincti&ely to her breast as if she co*ld shield her heart from this creat*re$ "9o% I will choose% if yo*.ll j*st gi&e me a few moments$"

"I weary of waiting$ /o*ld yo* like to see her0" -he fairy *nf*rled a slim white hand toward the reflecting pool% and it grew glassy and still$ /ithin the water% like a sil&ery portal% her mother.s bedroom took shape$ It was dawn in the twenty=first cent*ry and 'atherine was awake% a rosary clasped between her gnarled hands$ :isa cried o*t when she saw her% for illness had taken so m*ch of her life that it was hard to belie&e she still breathed$ She was praying alo*d$ She was aliveA D*ring the past few weekscon&inced she wo*ld ne&er see her again:isa had nearly laid her to rest in her heart% b*t her mother still li&ed and breathed and was missing her desperately% worried sick$ :isa shook her head bitterly% confo*nded by her choices$ -he &ision of her mother was a fatal blow$ 'atherine was ali&e in the twenty=first cent*ry% and after all these months she m*st certainly ha&e gi&en *p :isa for dead$ (*t :isa had the chance to go back and hold her hand% and reass*re her that her only child was well$ -o hold her hand while she died$ -o comfort and lo&e% and keep her from dying alone$ <motions o&erwhelmed her% and dimly she felt 'ircenn panicking somewhere o*t in the nightreading her feelings$ 2irmly% she sh*t him o*t$ :isa glanced again at the pool and s*ffered a killing &ision of herself in 'atherine; weakened by life% faded% a brittle wisp of desire to li&e% ga#ing *p at 'ircenn% who wo*ld be *nto*ched by time$ 'ircenn had gi&en her lo&e$ 'atherine had gi&en her lo&e$ 'ircenn wo*ld li&e fore&er$ :isa knew how 'atherine.s death was destroying her% breaking her heart$ /hen she died% 'ircenn wo*ld be s*bjected to s*ch pain$ If she stayed what wo*ld she ha&e0 -o grow old while 'ircenn ne&er aged% to die while the magnificent warrior stood by her bed% holding her hand% his heart breaking$ 1e% who had lost so many lo&ed ones o&er fi&e h*ndred years$ /o*ldn.t it be kinder to go now than to make him s*ffer her death in ten or thirty or fifty years0 She knew intimately the pain of losing someone so deeply lo&ed$ 1er head h*rt and the back of her throat b*rned with the effort of s*ppressing tears$ :isa t*rned in a slow circle% taking a long look at 'astle (rodie% the enchanted night% the bea*ty that was the Scottish 1ighlands$ ! love you with all my heart, 2ircenn% she willed into the night$ +ut ! fear ! am a coward and have little stamina# "he years would destroy me$ "/ell0" the 2airy 3*een demanded$ "Oh%" she gasped aro*nd a swift intake of air% jarred from her tho*ghts$ "9ow%" the 3*een p*shed$

"I oh h=home%" she said so softly that the wind snatched it from her lips and it was nearly lost$ (*t the 2airy 3*een heard$ "/hat of the lord0 Do yo* not wish to say farewell0" "1e is gone%" she said% tears slipping down her cheeks$ "1e.s on his way to (annockb*rn "(annockb*rnA" -he fairy stiffened% and looked nearly alarmed% altho*gh it was diffic*lt to tell in s*ch a face$ She clapped her hands% spoke in a lang*age :isa co*ldn.t *nderstand% and s*ddenly the night went mad aro*nd her$ -he shian glowed% light r*shed from within it% and :isa was treated to a sight few h*mans e&er glimpsed% or li&ed to tell of$ 2airies by the do#ens po*red from the shian% b*rsting into the night% mo*nted on mighty horses$ , tempest blew *p aro*nd her% tossing lea&es and limbs% and the &ery earth seemed to strain as it loosed its strange cargothe wild h*nt$ "-o (annockb*rn%" they cried$ She had no idea how long it lasted% the mad s*rge of e)otic creat*res r*shing by$ -he gro*nd trembled% the moon hid ner&o*sly behind a clo*d% e&en the trees seemed to draw back from the shian$ :isa co*ldn.t help itnear the end she had to close her eyes$ ,t last the night was silent and she ca*tio*sly peeped at the shian$ , man stood there% tall% powerf*l% with silky dark hair% regarding her$ "-hey forget the time%" he said dryly$ "<dward has more than triple the Scots. troops% and my people ha&e a &ested interest in this battle$ 'ircenn and his men will arri&e in time to sa&e the day$ 8y people lo&e to obser&e mortal tri*mphs and cas*alties$" "/ho are yo*0" :isa gasped% praying he wo*ldn.t la*gh$ Sens*ality dripped from the man% a sens*ality that nearly competed with the effect 'ircenn had *pon her$ If he la*ghed as the 2airy 3*een had% she feared she might lose herself in his sed*cti&e madness$ Send her% came the 2airy 3*een.s bodiless command$ And then you are free to leave my side$ 'hat of my sifting time and weaving worlds0 he demanded$ ! withhold them still# $ou are restrained until ! otherwise decree, Adam#

,dam made a f*rio*s gest*re% then ret*rned his attention to :isa$ "It seems yo*r wish has been granted$" -he corner of his mo*th c*r&ed into a mocking e)pression of displeas*re$ ",nd they call me a fool$" 'hat right do you have to ga4e at me with such disappointment0 she tho*ght% bewildered$ ,lmost as if he cared$ ,s if he felt she.d made a terrible decision$ -hen the 2airy 3*een.s words sank in? Adam$ "(*t wait" :isa began$ She ne&er got to finish her sentence$ ",re yo* the ,dam (lack0" she yelled% flooded with m*rdero*s rage$ (*t it was too late$ She was 2alling ,gain BBB 9ear the 2erh (og% 'ircenn do*bled o&er in his saddle and cl*tched his stomach$ Deep rasping breaths e)ploded from his l*ngs and he stared into the night with dawning horror$ 7alan and D*ncan jerked to an immediate stop at his side$ "/hat is it0 /hat is it% 'ircenn0 -alk to meA" D*ncan yelled$ 1e.d ne&er seen 'ircenn (rodie.s face so ang*ished$ "She is gone%" he whispered$ "I cannot feel :isa anymore$" "/hat does this mean0" D*ncan asked swiftly$ "1as she somehow ret*rned to her time0" 'ircenn.s ga#e was sa&age$ "<ither thator ,dam fo*nd her$" "/hy didn.t yo* gi&e her the flask0" D*ncan demanded$ "-hen this couldn't ha&e happenedA" 'ircenn nearly l*nged from his mo*nt at D*ncan$ "5o* arg*ed against it when last we spoke$" "(*t that was before ,rmand" "I didn.t ha&e timeA" 'ircenn roared$

"5o* m*st go back$" "She.s gone0 'ircenn said thro*gh tightly clenched teeth$ "If she has left this cent*ry% it is too late for me to seek her$ If ,dam fo*nd her% it is too late for me to seek her$ Doona yo* *nderstandit is one or the other% and either way it is already too late beca*se she is gone0 1e raised his hand and slapped D*ncan.s mo*nt on the r*mp$ "9ow rideA" he commanded his troops$ ">ide and a&enge%" he swore softly% knowing that e&ery <nglishman who fell beneath his a) or his sword wo*ld bear ,dam.s face$ CHAPTER 28 the battle near the stream from which it took it.s namethe (annock (*rnlasted only two days% b*t they were two glorio*s days that resonated thro*gho*t the co*ntry% from end to end$ <dward 6lantagenet.s troops assembled near the b*rn$ -hey were boistero*s% they o*tn*mbered the Scots by fi&e to one% and they were arrogantly certain that &ictory was scant ho*rs away$ -hey were mere miles from Stirling% they had a s*preme ad&antage in n*mbers% and they still had two days to defeat the barbaric Scots$ <dward scoffed% joking with his men$ It wo*ld take no more than two ho*rs% he gloated$ -he opposing troops engaged% and m*ch to <dward.s dismay% o&er the co*rse of the ne)t two ho*rs a large n*mber of the <nglish fell prey to the (r*ce.s cle&erly concealed pits and caltropsspiked pieces of iron treachero*sly hidden in the br*sh$ -heir confidence shaken by the concealed traps% they regro*ped% ha&ing belatedly disco&ered that the Scottish front was &irt*ally impenetrable$ 'ircling aro*nd to attack from the side wo*ld necessitate skirting the swampy 'arse% while Scottish spearmen sat the high gro*nd% waiting to pick them off$ <dward was chagrined by how well the (r*ce had chosen his battle site% and how foolishly his troops had disco*nted the Scots. abilities$ -he end of the first day saw <dward.s hea&y horsemen rep*lsed twice% and large n*mbers of <nglishmen slain$ -he (r*ce.s camp retired to the fringes of the forest of the 9ew 6ark that night% elated by their s*ccess in repelling the <nglish troops$ -he <nglish camp made their second deadly mistake by taking ref*ge in the soggy gro*nd between the b*rn and the >i&er 2orth% a tactical error that wo*ld call its d*e in the morning$

/hen Sir ,le)ander Seton% a Scottish knight in <dward.s <nglish army% defected late the first night% ad&ising all who wo*ld listen that the Scots wo*ld win on the morrow% and if they didn.t he wo*ld willingly forfeit his own head% the <nglish troops were f*rther demorali#ed$ On the second day the <nglish swiftly reali#ed the error they.d made in choosing their campsite$ -he Scots descended *pon them% trapping the <nglish army immediately after their first charge% cornering them between the (annock (*rn and the >i&er 2orth% in a space too constricted for them to mane*&er into formation for another charge$ -he Scots had c*nningly chosen their position% forcing the <nglish to wage war on foot a tactic for which they were grossly *nprepared$ -he Scots were far s*perior to the <nglish on the gro*nd% well acc*stomed to fighting in the swampy bogs and marshes% and free to mo&e easily witho*t the binding weight of armor$ -he <nglish began to break into *norgani#ed formations% and it was at that weakened moment that the laird of (rodie arri&ed with his -emplars$ Into the fray they galloped as one% the holy knights ripping off their plaids% re&ealing the stark white robes and blood= red crosses of their Order$ ,cross the field of m*d and broken bodies% the wa&e of brilliant white knights c*t like a scythe of death$ 8any of the battle=weary% disco*raged <nglishmen simply t*rned and fled *pon glimpsing the robes$ -he -emplars were legendary for their in&incibility in battle$ 2ew enco*ntered a warrior -emplar and li&ed to tell of it$ -he <nglishmen who were ast*te eno*gh to notice that they rode into battle *nder the banner of the notorio*s laird of (rodie reared their mo*nts abo*t and raced away from certain death$ ,long the (annock (*rn% 'ircenn (rodie was an animal% merciless and swift$ :ater the men wo*ld claim he &ied with the (erserkers in his deadly rage% and epics wo*ld be composed in his honor$ 1e was cold and sharp and hard% and good for nothing b*t sla*ghter$ 1e lost himself in a blackness so complete that he cared na*ght if he slew legions% he simply raged% hoping to e)ha*st himself and gain the respite of *nconscio*sness% a temporary kind of death$ /hen at last one of his lie*tenants took the <nglish king.s mo*nt by the bridle and r*shed <dward from the battlefield in a blatant admission of defeat% a bellow of tri*mph echoed across the bogs$ -he <nglish swiftly decamped and fled *pon seeing <dward.s standard lea&e the field% while the Scots roared their joy$

In the midst of the celebration% 'ircenn felt only a sa&age sorrowit was finished too swiftly$ One measly day of battle% and he had no choice b*t to face both his pain and his ancient enemy$ , month=long war wo*ld ha&e made him far happier$ /hile the men celebrated and paraded thro*gh the co*ntry proclaiming the <nglish defeat% 'ircenn (rodie t*rned his mo*nt and% witho*t stopping to eat or rest% rode back to 'astle (rodie to destroy his nemesis$ BBB 'ircenn sensed ,dam the moment he entered 'astle (rodie$ /hile riding% he.d conceded the possibility that a nat*ral disaster or an accident had befallen his belo&ed$ (*t ,dam.s presence co*ld mean only one thing? -he fairy had fo*nd :isa and disco&ered she.d bro*ght the flask$ .ither you do it, or ! will% the blackest elf had insisted$ -he blood roared in his ears% howling for recompense$ 1e wo*ld be satisfied with nothing less than the immortal.s death$ 'ircenn belatedly *nderstood that he sho*ld ne&er ha&e left her alone% e&en for a moment% no matter how safe he.d tho*ght she was at (rodie$ ,ltho*gh ,dam had sworn ne&er to come there witho*t an in&itation% apparently he tho*ght as little of breaking &ows as 'ircenn did$ 6erhaps they tr*ly were two of a kind% he tho*ght bitterly$ 1e berated himself endlessly on the ride back to (rodie$ 1e sho*ld ha&e stayed to comfort her% then this ne&er wo*ld ha&e happened$ 1e sho*ld ha&e slipped the immortality potion into her wine months ago% then this ne&er wo*ld ha&e happened$ 1e sho*ld ha&e e)plained to her that he co*ld make her immortal$ 1e sho*ld ne&er ha&e left her side% not e&en for a moment$ 2ighting in a battle now seemed as tri&ial as it tr*ly was% meas*red against the loss of his lo&e$ 1e sho*ld ha&e sent his -emplars ahead witho*t himthey wo*ld ha&e won anyway$ 1e slammed his packs to the floor and stalked into the 7reathall$ 1e wo*ld die inside later% after he.d taken action to ens*re that the sin siriche du wo*ld ne&er again manip*late another mortal$ 9ow he *nderstood why his &ision had shown him that he wo*ld soon be mad% for once he finished with ,dam% his rage wo*ld dissipate and he wo*ld be cons*med by bottomless grief$ 1e wo*ld *nra&el and embrace insanity$ ,s ,dam t*rned to greet him% 'ircenn raised a hand$ "Stay right there$ Doona mo&e$ Doona e&en speak to me%" he gritted thro*gh clenched teeth% and loped *p the stairs$

1e snorted as he tra&ersed the corridor$ ,dam was so arrogant that he failed to foresee what 'ircenn was abo*t to do$ -hrowing back the door to his chambers% he kicked open the hidden room and swiftly *nearthed the Sword of :ight$ /hen he stalked back down to the 7reathall% the sword swinging in his grip% ,dam flinched$ "/hat do yo* plan to do with that% 'ircenn (rodie0" the fairy asked stiffly$ 'ircenn.s ga#e held no mercy$ "Do yo* recall the &ow I took o&er fi&e h*ndred years ago0" "Of co*rse I do%" ,dam said irritably$ "9ow p*t that thing down$" 'ircenn contin*ed as if ,dam hadn.t spoken$ "I said? .I will protect the hallows$ I will ne&er permit them to be *sed for mortal gain$ I will ne&er *se them for my or Scotland.s gain$. (*t most important to you% I swore that I wo*ld ne&er permit the hallowed weapons to be *sed to destroy an immortal "uatha de anaan$ 1e hefted the shimmering sword in one swift stroke$ "I no longer belie&e in oaths% ,dam$ ,nd I hold the means of yo*r destr*ction$ ,n oathless man co*ld destroy yo*r entire race% one by one$" ",nd then what wo*ld yo* ha&e0" ,dam co*ntered$ "5o* wo*ld be left alone$ (esides% yo* don.t know how to find the rest of my kind$" "I will find them$ ,nd once I ha&e slain them all% I will impale myself *pon yo*r damned sword$" "It won.t work$ ,n immortal cannot kill himself% not e&en with the sacred hallows$" "1ow do yo* know0 1as one e&er tried0" "She is not dead%" ,dam snapped$ "3*it being so melodramatic$" 'ircenn went &ery still$ "I cannot feel her$ She is dead to me$" "I ass*re yo* she is ali&e$ I gi&e yo* my word *pon myself% since yo* think that is all I hold sacred$ She is safe$ She wished *pon the mo*nd% and it am*sed ,oibheal to appear and confer a boon *pon her$" "/here is she0" he demanded$ She was alive$ >elief co*rsed thro*gh his body so strongly that he sh*ddered with the intensity of it$ ",nd what did she wish0" "She wished to go home%" ,dam said% more gently$ "(*t she didn.t really mean it% I was there$ I.&e been st*ck to ,oibheal.s side for +*ite some time now% e&er since she took my powers$"

"/hy did she take yo*r powers0" 'ircenn was so st*nned that ,dam had been so harshly p*nished% that he was briefly sidetracked$ ,dam looked abashed$ "2or interfering with yo*$" ",h% there is some small j*stice in yo*r world% after all%" 'ircenn said dryly$ "So% :isa has ret*rned to the twenty=first cent*ry0" 1e co*ld end*re se&en h*ndred years of solit*de to be with her again$ "9o$" "/hat do yo* mean no0 5o* said she wished to go back$" "She did$ Sort of$ She was &ery *nresol&ed on that point$ I co*ld feel her indecision$ So I neither complied nor failed to comply$ ,oibheal ga&e me the order to.send her$. I obeyed the gist of her command by sending her to a safe place% o*t of time% *ntil yo* ret*rned$ -hat.s why yo* cannot feel her$ She is not +*ite in this world$" "/here is she0" 'ircenn said thro*gh gritted teeth$ ,dam cast him a mocking glance$ "I knew better than to send her home$ 1ad I ret*rned her to the f*t*re% yo* wo*ld ha&e patiently sat on yo*r disciplined warrior.s ass and waited se&en h*ndred years to see her again$ So passi&e% so damned h*man$ ,nd then I wo*ldn.t ha&e gotten what I wanted$" "/here is she0" 'ircenn roared% swinging the sword$ ,dam grinned$ BBB :isa kicked at the sand in disbelief$ She was on a tropical island$ "@n=bee= lee &able%" she m*ttered$ (*t it wasn.t really% she amended$ It was perfectly in keeping with the sorry state of her e)istence$ Somewhere% 7od was con&*lsing with la*ghter% each time she #oomed aro*nd another blind c*r&e along the mad co*rse he.d mapped o*t for her life$ She ga#ed o*t o&er the ocean% breathing deeply$ Despite her irritation% she adored the beach% had ne&er gotten to spend m*ch time at it% and co*ldn.t help b*t greedily inhale the salt air$

/a&es swept the sand gently$ -he sea was so bea*tif*l that it was diffic*lt to regard it for any protracted length of time$ -he water was *n*s*ala breathtaking% e)otic a+*a one glimpsed only inside the pages of misleading% photo=shop=enhanced tra&el broch*res$ It lapped at the perfect white beach with foamy tendrils$ Sparkling white froth% glittering white sand% endless e)panse of a+*a crystalline water$ She narrowed her eyes$ It was too perfect$ Something was askew here$ <&en the air felt strange$ It smelled She sniffed ca*tio*sly$ :ike 'ircenn$ 1ow co*ld an island smell like 'ircenn0 She felt a pain deep inside at the tho*ght of him$ 2irst she.d had her mother% b*t no life$ -hen she.d had 'ircenn% b*t no mother$ 9ow she had neither% and missed them both with the whole of her heart$ "/hat did I do to deser&e this0" she demanded of the clo*dless sky$ ",s if there is anyone *p there who cares%" she heard someone say dryly$ "/hy do they always look up when they wa) rhetoric0 (etter the creat*re sho*ld tithe to *s$" She pi&oted on the sand$ -wo *tterly bea*tif*l men stood on the beach% dressed in simple white robes$ One was as dark as the other was fair% and both were regarding her with disdain$ -he blond ,donis gest*red to his companion$ "1ow strange% for a moment I almost tho*ght it heard me$ It appears to be looking at *s$" "9ot possible$ It can neither see nor hear *s *nless we permit it$" "I hate to b*rst yo*r sm*g b*bble% b*t I do see yo* and I am mortal$ ,re yo* more of those pernicio*s fairy=things0" she asked irritably$ -he hell with them$ -hey were not going to manip*late her$ (esides% how m*ch worse co*ld her life get0 "2airy=things0" -he blond one.s eyes widened$ "It called *s a fairy=thing%" he informed his companion$ "It sees *s$ Do yo* think it may be one of those meddling mortals who see both worldsthe ones o*r 3*een and 4ing kidnap at birth0" -he dark one arched a brow$ "-hen where has it been since then0 2or it appears f*lly grown to me$"

"I am not an .it. and I am f*lly grown and I was not kidnapped at birth and I wo*ld appreciate it if yo* did not speak of me as if I didn.t e)ist$" "-hen how did yo* come to be here0" "/here is here0" :isa asked swiftly$ She was going to ass*me control of e&ents from moment one in this strange place$ "8orar$ It is where the "uatha de anaan repaired after the 'ompact%" the ,donis said$ "-ake me to yo*r 3*een%" :isa commanded imperio*sly$ -hey e)changed glances% then simply &anished$ :isa.s sho*lders sl*mped$ So m*ch for imperial demeanor$ She.d tho*ght she.d so*nded pretty regal$ She blew o*t a breath and started walking down the beach% determined to greet with aplomb whate&er new phenomenon fate chose to spew from the ocean.s teeth$ , whale= si#ed piranha biking down the beach wo*ldn.t ha&e s*rprised her right now$ BBB "8orar%" 'ircenn repeated% his jaw tightening$ ",nd why did yo* send her to the isle of yo*r people0" "-o keep her o*t of time for a bit% while I awaited yo*r ret*rn$ -o b*y yo* time to make *p yo*r mind$" "8ake *p my mind abo*t what0" 'ircenn asked icily$ ",bo*t what yo* wish to do with her$" "I doona need time to decide that? I want to marry her% I want her here% and I want her immortal$ (*t I doona *nderstand yo*r moti&es$ I tho*ght yo* wanted her dead% ,dam$ Did yo* not force an oath from me "9e&er take anything I say or do at face &al*e% 'ircenn$ It was ne&er abo*t that$ 5o* needed to break some of yo*r ridic*lo*s r*les$ I merely p*t yo* in a position where yo* wo*ld be forced to +*estion them$ 1ad yo* tr*ly killed her% I wo*ld ha&e been &astly disappointed$ 5o* ne&er *nderstood what I was really after$" 'ircenn shook his head% m*ttering beneath his breath$ ,ll his angst abo*t breaking the &ow had been for na*ght% beca*se ,dam had ne&er wished it f*lfilled to begin with$ ",nd I doona *nderstand now% so why not e)plain it to me0"

,dam circled aro*nd him% st*dying him$ "/hy don.t yo* p*t down that sword0" 1e sh*ddered$ "/e ga&e it to yo* so we wo*ldn.t be tempted to fight among o*r own kind$ /e tr*sted yo*$" "5o* coerced me into the g*ardianship and well yo* know it%" he said bitterly$ Still% he let the tip dip toward the floor% altho*gh he kept his hand firmly on the hilt$ ,dam rela)ed$ "-he way I see it% yo* ha&e se&eral choices$ 5o* can go join her where she is$ In my world%" he added sm*gly$ "Or yo* may bring her back here$ Or yo* may go fi) her f*t*re and then send her back$ She is safely o*t of time while yo* decide$" "/hy do yo* mock me% ,dam0 5o* know I doona know how to accomplish any of those things$ ,re yo* offering to perform s*ch magic for me0" ,dam looked pained$ "I cannot$ ,oibheal has clipped my wings% so to speak$" "-hen e)actly how do yo* e)pect me to dart abo*t thro*gh time0 8orar is not accessible by mortal means$ 5o* ha&e trapped my woman on a fairy isle to which I ha&e no means of tra&eling%" he said% growing angry again$ ,dam eyed 'ircenn challengingly$ "5es% yo* do$" 'ircenn fl*ng a hand *p in the air$ "I cannot sift timeif I co*ld% I wo*ld ha&e offered to ret*rn her when I disco&ered what she.d lost and how m*ch it pained her$" "5o* can sift time$ 5o* know that$ 5o* know also that there was a time recently when yo* wo*ld ha&e gi&en anything to ha&e long ago accepted my lessons$ 5o* ref*sed to let me teach yo*% b*t yo* know yo* ha&e the powerit seethes within yo*$ It begs to be freed$ 5o* wo*ld learn +*ickly$ It wo*ld take me mere days to teach yo* how to sift time$ /e can practice with short ja*nts$" 'ircenn regarded him% saying nothing$ , m*scle in his jaw twitched$ "'ircenn% I ha&e been telling yo* for fi&e h*ndred years that I can teach yo* how to mo&e thro*gh time and place$ 5o* ha&e always sneered and walked away$ 9ow I offer again? I can teach yo* how to sift time% wea&e worlds% how to change her f*t*re so her parents don.t die$ I can teach yo* eno*gh that yo* can pre&ent the car wreck% perhaps e&en pre&ent the cancer% and ret*rn her to her f*t*re with her memory of yo* intact$ /hen it is done yo* may join her there% or bring her back$ Or split yo*r li&es between the two places$ 5o* can do anything yo* want% 'ircenn (rodie$ I.&e always told yo* this$" ",nd what price for s*ch knowledge% ,dam0 /hat price for my woman back0"

"Oh% it.s so simple%" ,dam said gently$ "It.s all I ha&e e&er wanted% all along$" 1e nodded enco*ragingly$ "5o* know what I want$ I offer yo* a trade$ :et me teach yo*$ :et me take yo* where yo* belong$ :et me show yo* my world$ It is not e&il$" 'ircenn gr*nted and r*bbed his eyes$ 2i&e h*ndred years ago he.d sworn to a&oid this moment at all costs$ -hro*gho*t the cent*ries ,dam had tempted him repeatedly with anything he co*ld think of% and failed each time$ ,pparently ,dam had reali#ed that the trap wo*ld ha&e to be more c*nningly laid% and this one had s*cceeded brilliantly$ -hat which 'ircenn had ref*sed for fi&e cent*ries had now become ine&itable$ -he ninth= cent*ry man within him shr*gged% stepped down% and ceded defeat$ /as it e&il0 /ere ,dam and his race e&il0 Or had 'ircenn simply ne&er forgi&en ,dam for slights inflicted long ago0 1is choices were painf*lly simple? (e with :isa% or not be with :isa$ -he latter was *nacceptable% and ,dam knew that$ 'ircenn felt bitterly manip*lated by ,dam% and anger b*rned within him$ -his sit*ation had been designed and orchestrated by ,dam (lack from the onset$ (*t then he tho*ght of :isa$ /hat e)isted between them had nothing to do with ,dam$ ,dam may ha&e cle&erly manip*lated e&ents% b*t 'ircenn alone had fallen in lo&e with :isa$ 1e wo*ld ha&e lo&ed her no matter where he.d fo*nd her$ 1is anger melted away$ If he accepted what ,dam was offering% he co*ld change her life? 1e co*ld slip to the f*t*re and sa&e her parents and ret*rn to her e&erything she.d e&er wanted% and be with her again$ ,nd hadn.t he been toying with that idea for some time now0 /hen he.d asked her to tell him e&erything abo*t her life% when he.d listened and taken mental notesaye% e&en then he.d been analy#ing possibilities in the back of his mind$ 1is bitterness o&er ,dam.s making him immortal fi&e h*ndred years past had ca*sed him to &iolently reject e&erything abo*t the "uatha de anaan$ (*t perhaps it wo*ldn.t be so bad after all$ 1e knew she lo&ed him$ Since he had to accept ,dam.s lessons% if only to resc*e her from the fairy isle% why not go all the way0 /hy not perfect her world and gi&e her all her heart.s desires0 /hat a gift% to be so powerf*l that he co*ld ens*re her wildest dreams$ /hat else might he be able to gi&e her0 .verything% ,dam said wordlessly$ 'ircenn glanced at ,dam$ Dare he bra&e her time0 Dare he go forward and lo&e her there0 1e wo*ld lo&e her anywhere$

Dare he gi&e ,dam what he wanted0 'ircenn (rodie drew a deep breath and regarded the blackest elf$ 1e saw before him the potential for corr*ption% *nlimited power% terrifying freedom$ 6erhaps he saw a bit of himself in those dark eyes$ "It.s so easy%" ,dam ass*red him$ "It won.t h*rt a bit% once yo*.&e said it for the first time$ 5o*.ll find it feels +*ite nat*ral after a while$" 'ircenn nodded$ "-hen teach me$ -each me e&erything yo* know 2ather$" SOARING So sweet a kiss yestreen frae thee I reft% In bowing do*n thy body on the bed% -hat e&en my life within thy lips I left$ Sensyne Jsince thenK from thee my spirits wald ne&er shed$ "o (is MistressGAlexander 8ontgomerie CHAPTER 29 "doona think this means i forgi&e yo* for sed*cing my mother%" 'ircenn said later$ "I didn.t ask yo* to%" ,dam said with a chiding% paternal e)pression that made 'ircenn *ncomfortable$ "She was irresistible% yo* know$ >arely has one of o*r kind s*ccessf*lly bred with a mortal% and had the child s*r&i&e to mat*rity$ (*t yo* (r*des ha&e s*ch life force that it was possible% as I.d s*spected when I sed*ced her$" "5o* destroyed my father$" "1is own jealo*sy destroyed him$ I did not raise a hand against him$ ,nd that man had nothing to do with siring yo*$ 5o* are my son% and mine only$ 9o seed of his made yo*$ /hen 8organna died% I ref*sed to lose yo*% too$" "So yo* made me immortal$ I hated yo* for that$" "I know that$"

-he two men were silent for a time$ "Is it tr*ly possible to alter her f*t*re and ret*rn her to a better one0" 'ircenn asked$ "5es$ /e will go to her f*t*re and change it% twice$ ,ct*ally%" he amended% "we will likely need many trips to her time to get it right$ -hen we will go to 8orar% and we will send her on to the new f*t*re$" "(*t won.t she ha&e li&ed portions of it twice0" "She will ha&e the e+*i&alent of fi&e years of d*al memory$" "/ill it damage her mind0" ":isa0 9eed yo* ask that0 -he woman is nearly (r*de$" 'ircenn felt a flash of pride$ ",ye% that she is$" 1e was silent for a moment$ "(*t I doona *nderstand how to do it$" "6atience$ 5o*.&e been a +*ick st*dy on yo*r own% yo* know$ I.&e watched yo*$ I know yo* *se heightened speed% I know yo* scry% I know yo*.&e altered space aro*nd yo* witho*t e&en being aware of it$ /e will proceed slowly$" "Slowly is good%" 'ircenn said$ "8y head po*nds with too many strange concepts$" "/e will mo&e at a snail.s pace%" ,dam ass*red him$ "-here is m*ch to be learned abo*t o*r kind% 'ircenn% b*t yo* m*st learn it in stages$ -he madness doesn.t res*lt from immortality$ It is an annoying and temporary side effect of o*r far=&ision$ /e see how e&erything interconnects% and if yo* seek that knowledge too +*ickly% it can make yo* lose perspecti&e% e&en ca*se madness$" "Someday I will be able to see those things too0" "5es$ I learned too +*ickly% arrogantly certain that nothing co*ld e&er harm me$ /hen the *nderstanding came% it o&erwhelmed me j*st as ,oibheal had warned it wo*ld$ (*t I will bring yo* to the knowledge of o*r race slowly eno*gh that yo* can absorb it while learning it$" ",damthe spear%" 'ircenn said hesitantly$ "/hat of it0" ,dam replied% a hint of am*sement c*r&ing his lip$ "-he spear and the sword are the only weapons that can kill immortals$ -he spear was *sed to wo*nd 'hrist$" "5o*.re beginning to see connections$ 4eep looking$"

"(*t what" "5o* will find yo*r own way$ -hese are the things that m*st come slowly$ 5o* cannot e)pect to o&erthrow too +*ickly e&erything yo*.&e tho*ght was tr*e$ 5o* are still a ninth= cent*ry man in many ways$ -here will be plenty of time to talk of these things later$ 2or now% let *s concentrate on :isa% and yo* disco&ering who and what yo* are$ -his is all I e&er wanted from the beginning% 'ircennfor yo* to accept that I am yo*r father and be willing to learn abo*t yo*r heritage$ I am the only "uatha de anaan who has a f*ll= grown son%" he added sm*gly$ "Some of them resent me for it$" 'ircenn rolled his eyes% and ,dam% ca*ght *p in adoring himself% ignored it$ "I can teach yo* to sift time% b*t a f*ller *nderstanding of yo*r abilities will not come for many years$ ,re yo* certain yo* wish to proceed0 I will not ha&e yo* later cry fo*l and be angry with me again$ 2i&e h*ndred years of yo*r bad temper is all I can stand$" "I am certain$ -each me$" "'ome$" ,dam e)tended his hand$ ":et *s begin and regain yo*r mate$ /elcome to my world% son$" BBB 'ircenn.s instr*ction at ,dam.s hands commenced the ne)t morning% and the laird of (rodie began slowly to *nderstand what he.d always sensed within him% and feared? the potential for *nlimited power$ 1e began to see why it had frightened him% hea warrior who feared nothing$ S*ch power was terrifying beca*se the ability to *se it carried immense responsibilities$ /hat had once seemed a &ast *ne)plored wildernesshis co*ntry% Scotlandwas now p*t into astonishing perspecti&e$ -here were other worlds% far beyond the one they inhabited$ 1e reali#ed why the "uatha de anaan seemed detached to mortals$ -he tiny bit of land called Scotland and their tiny war for independence was one of millions in the *ni&erse$ O&er the ne)t few days of learning j*st a tiny bit abo*t himself% he began to de&elop Jloath tho*gh he was to admit itK some respect for the man who had sired him$ ,dam was indeed gi&en to strange am*sements% prone to meddle and to be prankish$ 1owe&er% considering the e)tent of what his "blackest elf" co*ld act*ally do% 'ircenn reali#ed that ,dam generally e)ercised admirable restraint$ 1e also began to reali#e how mortals% who had no s*ch magic% co*ld so gra&ely mis*nderstand those who wielded it$ 1e eyed his father% who was bent o&er an ancient tome from which he.d been reading alo*d% gi&ing 'ircenn more backgro*nd on his race$ It was diffic*lt to concei&e of the e)otic man as his father% for ,dam wore his c*stomary glamo*r that made him seem e&en yo*nger than 'ircenn$

",dam% what of this bond I ha&e with her0 /hat happened that night when she and I" "8ade lo&e0 ,h% t*pped as D*ncan wo*ld say$" ,dam raised his head from the book$ "/hat did 8organna tell yo* when yo* were a lad0" ",bo*t what0 She told me many things$" 'ircenn shr*gged$ "/hat did she tell yo* abo*t spilling yo*r seed in a woman0" ,dam asked% trying not to la*gh$ "Oh% that$ She told me it wo*ld fall off%" 'ircenn m*ttered darkly$ ,dam tossed back his head% shaking with mirth$ "-hat is e)actly something 8organna wo*ld ha&e said$ She knew better than to reason with the st*bborn boy yo* were$ ,nd did yo* e&er spill in a woman0" "9ay$ ,t first I belie&ed her and feared it wo*ld indeed fall off$ -hen% when I was old eno*gh to reali#e she.d been jesting with me% I didn.t beca*se I didn.t wish to scatter my bastards across the land$ 2inally% when I wed 9aya and was ready to ha&e a family% I disco&ered what yo* had done "I told yo* the same day% didn.t I0 I knew yo* wo*ld plan children$" "5o* told me to pre&ent me0" 'ircenn said% startled$ "Of co*rse$ I knew what wo*ld happen if yo* did$ 5o* wo*ld ha&e been bo*nd to a woman yo* did not lo&e% and that is the p*rest hell for *s$" "So spilling my seed in a woman links *s0" "It seems to be a side effect of o*r immortality$ O*r life force is so strong% so potent% that when we find o*r release inside a mortal woman the *nion that is forged connects *s$ ,nd that link will soon incl*de yo*r child$" ":isa.s not pregnant%" 'ircenn said +*ickly$ ,dam glanced at him mockingly$ "Of co*rse she is$ 5o*half=fae and half=mortalare m*ch more &irile than we are$ 5o* might be o*r hope for the f*t*re$" ":isa is carrying my child0" 'ircenn roared$ "5es% from the moment yo* spent yo*r seed% the first time yo* made lo&e to her$" 'ircenn was st*ck silent$

"-he first se&en months are splendid$ It.s ama#ing when the child.s force starts to mingle with yo*rs and hers$ 5o* feel the babe.s awakening% its e)citement% and b*rgeoning life$ 5o* mar&el at what yo* ha&e created% yo* h*nger to see it arri&e$ -hen the last two months become hellish$ 5o*% 'ircenn% were a pain in the ass$ 5o* wanted o*t% yo* kicked and brooded and arg*ed% and s*ddenly I de&eloped cra&ings for ridic*lo*s foods I.d ne&er wanted before% and ahthe birth% sweet DagdaA I s*ffered her labor$ I felt the pain% and I felt the creation% the wonder$ (y the time yo* birth yo*r first child% yo* and :isa will be so deeply bo*nd yo* won.t be able to imagine breathing witho*t her$" 'ircenn was silent% awed by the tho*ght of :isa.s pregnancy and what was to come$ -hen the enormity of what ,dam had j*st admitted str*ck him$ "5o* had s*ch a bond with my mother0" "I am not witho*t emotion% 'ircenn%" ,dam replied stiffly$ "I endea&or to keep it still$" "(*t she died$" "5es%" ,dam said$ ",nd I ran to the farthest ends of the earth trying not to feel her death$ (*t I co*ldn.t escape it$ <&en on 8orar% e&en on other worlds% I felt her dying$" "/hy did yo* let her0" ,dam ga&e him a black look$ ",t least now that yo* *nderstand that what I had with 8organna is what yo* ha&e with :isa% imagine what I end*red permitting her to die$ 6erhaps yo* can find it within yo* to be less harsh in yo*r j*dgment of me$" "(*t why did yo* let her0" 'ircenn repeated$ ,dam shook his head$ "8y life with 8organna is another story and we ha&e no time for it now$" 'ircenn st*died the e)otic man% who wo*ld no longer meet his ga#e$ 6ermit :isa to die0 9e&er$ "(*t yo* could ha&e made her immortal0" he pressed% with a sense of desperation$ ,dam.s jaw was rigid$ 1e shot 'ircenn a f*rio*s ga#e$ "She wo*ldn.t accept it$ 9ow lea&e it$" 'ircenn closed his eyes$ /hy had his mother ref*sed the potion if ,dam had offered it0 /o*ld :isa ref*se0

1e wo*ld not allow her to do so% he resol&ed$ 9e&er wo*ld he permit her to die$ 7one were the &ag*e feelings of g*ilt for his tho*ghts of making her immortal$ ,fter what ,dam had j*st told him% he knew he co*ld ne&er end*re losing the *nion they shared$ , childA She carried his babe% and the bond wo*ld swell to incl*de their son or da*ghter$ :i&e thro*gh :isa.s death0 9o$ (*t in recompense for taking her mortality he wo*ld gi&e her the perfect f*t*re with her family$ It wo*ld be his way of making amends$ BBB 'ircenn materiali#ed at dawn on the day of her grad*ation$ Swiftly he scaled the wall s*rro*nding the Stone estate$ Swiftly he p*nct*red the wheels on the small machine to pre&ent it from mo&ing$ -hen he regarded the bigger machine irritably$ 'hich one is a Mercedes0 he wondered with a scowl$ 8o&ing +*ickly% he p*nct*red those wheels% too$ (*t what if they changed the wheels0 /hat if they had new wheels somewhere in their keep0 1e glared at the keep% then he glowered at the machines for a long moment% holding them personally responsible for h*rting his woman$ 1e str*ggled against an intense desire to creep into the home and peer down at the sleeping eighteen=year=old :isa he hadn.t yet met$ "Stay away from her$ 5o* are so dense sometimes% 'ircenn%" ,dam.s bodiless &oice mocked$ "5o* still don.t *nderstand the power yo* ha&e$ /hy are yo* trying to harm the machines% when yo* can simply make them go away0 2or that matter% why did yo* appear o*tside the gate and climb the wall% when yo* might ha&e appeared within the gates0" 'ircenn frowned$ "I am *nacc*stomed to this power$ ,nd where wo*ld I send them0" "Send them to 8orar$ -hat sho*ld be interesting$" ,dam la*ghed$ 'ircenn shr*gged and foc*sed his newfo*nd center of power$ 1e closed his eyes and &is*ali#ed the silica sands of 8orar$ /ith a small n*dge% the machines disappeared$ If they landed on the isle of 8orar with a soft woosh of white silica sand% only one mortal was there to see it% and she hadn.t been s*rprised by anything in +*ite some time$ BBB "O*r cars ha&e been stolenA" 'atherine e)claimed$ Gack peered o&er his newspaper$ "Did yo* look for them0" he asked absently% as if a 8ercedes and a Geep co*ld be o&erlooked$

"Of co*rse I did% Gack%" 'atherine said$ "1ow are we going to get to :isa.s grad*ation0 /e can.t miss her big dayA" BBB 'ircenn t*gged the cap low on ,dam.s forehead% stepped back% and grinned$ "6erfect$" "I don.t see why ! ha&e to do this$" "I doona wish to risk being seen% nor dare I tr*st myself to see her$ I doona know that I co*ld restrain myself% so yo* m*st do it$" "-his *niform is ridic*lo*s$" ,dam t*gged at the crotch$ "It.s too small$" "-hen make it bigger% O powerf*l one%" 'ircenn said dryly$ "3*it procrastinating and call their n*mber$ -ell them the cab is on the way$" "(*t they didn.t call for one$" "I.m co*nting on whoe&er answers to think someone else m*st ha&e$" ,dam arched a brow$ "5o*.re good at this$" "'all$" S*re eno*gh% 'atherine ass*med that Gack had called and ordered a cab to arri&e at precisely L?!! ,$8$ /hen it appeared% Gack ass*med that 'atherine had called$ In the f*ss o&er filing stolen=car reports with the police and the ins*rance company% neither tho*ght to ask the other$ BBB "/hat.s ne)t0" ,dam asked% r*bbing his hands$ 'ircenn shot him a dark look$ "5o* seem to be enjoying this$" ,dam shr*gged$ "I ha&e ne&er before manip*lated in s*ch fine detail$ It.s +*ite fascinating$" "'ancer$ She said her mother was dying of cancer%" 'ircenn said$ "/e doona e&en know what kind$ I s*spect this is not going to be as simple as making two machines disappear$ /e m*st find a way to pre&ent her from catching this disease% and from what I.&e read% they doona seem to know what ca*ses it$ I.&e been flipping thro*gh these books all

night$" 1e gest*red to the medical books scattered across his desk in the st*dy at 'astle (rodie$ ,dam picked *p se&eral and scanned them$ -1< 'I9'I99,-I 6@(:I' :I(>,>5 was stamped on the spine$ "5o* pilfered from the library0" ,dam said with mock dismay$ "I had to$ I tried to borrow them b*t they wanted papers I didn.t ha&e$ So I went back when they were closed% and a sec*rity g*ardthey protect their books e&en in the f*t*re nearly attacked me before I.d finished finding what I wanted$" 1e sighed$ "(*t I.m no closer to disco&ering how to pre&ent the disease$ I m*st know what type of cancer she had$" ,dam tho*ght for a moment$ ",re yo* *p to some more noct*rnal raiding0 I belie&e there are no more than a half=do#en hospitals in her city$" "1ospitals0" 'ircenn.s brow f*rrowed$ "5o* really are a medie&al br*te$ 1ospitals are where they treat the ill$ /e will go to her time and steal her records$ 'ome$ Sift time% and I will be yo*r faithf*l g*ide$" BBB "She has cer&ical cancer%" 'ircenn said softly% glancing o&er his sho*lder at ,dam% who was reclining on the desk in a pri&ate office at 7ood Samaritan 1ospital$ ":isten to this? -he diagnosis was se&ere dysplasia$ O&er time it became ad&anced in&asi&e cancer$ -hey refer to something called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia0 1is tong*e felt thick o&er the strange words% and he prono*nced them &ery slowly$ "-he notes indicate 'atherine might ha&e been diagnosed in time to pre&ent the cancer had she had something called a 6ap test$ -he notes indicate that 'atherine told the doctor her last 6ap test was eight years before they diagnosed the cancer$ It seems cer&ical cancer is ca*sed by a type of &ir*s that is easily treated in the early stages$" ,dam fanned rapidly thro*gh the te)tbook he had pl*cked off the desk$ :ocating an applicable entry% he read alo*d? " .6ap screening test? a cancer screening test de&eloped in 1LF by Dr$ 7eorge 6apanicolao*$ -he 6ap test e)amines cells from the cer&i)% or the mo*th of the womb% located at the top of the &agina$. " ,dam was silent for a long moment$ "It says a woman sho*ld ha&e a 6ap test ann*ally$ /hy didn.t she0" 'ircenn shr*gged$ "I doona know$ (*t it so*nds as if we go back a few years% we sho*ld be able to pre&ent it$" ,dam arched a brow$ "1ow can we fi) this0 G*st how do yo* intend to get a woman who ob&io*sly hates to go to the doctor to go see the doctor0" 'ircenn grinned$ ", little gentle pers*asion$"

BBB 'atherine th*mbed thro*gh the mail% h*nting for a letter from her friend Sarah% who was in <ngland for the s*mmer$ She tossed aside two fliers% snorting indelicately$ >ecently she.d been recei&ing a rash of j*nk mail dealing with one thinggynecologists and cer&ical cancer$ (ave you had your Pap smear this year0 one banner screamed$ 2ervical 2ancer is preventableA a bright pink flier e)claimed$ -hey were all from a nonprofit organi#ation she.d ne&er heard of$ ,pparently some do= gooder who had money to b*rn$ She tossed them in the wastebasket and res*med flipping thro*gh the mail$ (*t something nagged at her% so she retrie&ed the last flier$ She m*st ha&e recei&ed fifty of those things o&er the past month% and each time she threw one away% she felt a pec*liar sense of deja &*$ She.d e&en recei&ed a call from a doctor.s office this week% offering a free e)am$ She had ne&er heard of any doctor offering free 6ap tests before$ 'hen was my last checkup0 she wondered% fingering the flier$ ,t nearly si)teen% :isa was ready to start ha&ing ann*al check*ps$ It might be a bit diffic*lt to pers*ade her da*ghter to ha&e her first &isit when 'atherine wasn.t faithf*l abo*t making and keeping her own appointments$ She regarded the pamphlet tho*ghtf*lly$ It said that cancer of the cer&i) was pre&entablethat a ro*tine 6ap smear co*ld detect many abnormalities$ ,nd that women in all age gro*ps were at risk$ Decisi&ely% she pl*nked down the pamphlet and called her gynecologist to sched*le appointments for herself and :isa$ Sometimes she and Gack tended to be irresponsible abo*t things like check*ps and life ins*rance and ser&icing the cars$ She.d not seen her gynecologist beca*se she felt perfectly fine$ (*t that was like saying the car didn.t need ser&ice beca*se it was r*nning perfectly fine$ 8aintenance was different from repairs$ Preventive medicine can save your life% the pamphlet said$ :ife was good% and 'atherine certainly didn.t want to miss one moment of :isa.s growing *p$ She had grandchildren to look forward to one day$ 6erhaps she sho*ld ha&e Gack look into some life ins*rance% while she was at it$ CHAPTER 30 "yo* are certain this will work0" circenn worried$ "5es$ /e will remo&e her from 8orar while she sleeps and ret*rn her to her new f*t*re$

I.&e done this before; howe&er% this is the only time I ha&e allowed the person to retain d*al memories$ ,re yo* certain yo* wish her to recall the other reality0 -he one where her father died and her mother is ill0" "5es$ If we take it from her she will not know me$ She will ha&e no memory of o*r time together$ /itho*t those memories she wo*ld be a different person% and I lo&e her precisely the way she is$" "-hen let.s do it%" ,dam said$ "She will be &ery conf*sed at first$ 5o* will need to get to her +*ickly% to help her *nderstand$ Once she has been ret*rned% race to her side$ She.ll need yo*$" BBB :isa was drifting when she heard the &oices$ "5o* m*st do it now% 'ircenn$" 2ircenn, my love% her dreaming mind p*rred$ !'m coming, )isa$ BBB :isa woke from a sleep that felt dr*gged$ 1er pillow smelled f*nny$ She sniffed it? jasmine and sandalwood$ -he scent bro*ght tears to her eyes; it reminded her of 'ircenn% the way the faint smell had always seemed part of his skin$ ,nother scent o&erpowered it swiftly? frying bacon$ She kept her eyes closed and p*##led o&er that tho*ght$ /here was she0 1ad she st*mbled down the beach and in her deliri*m fo*nd a ho*se and a bed0 She opened her eyes ca*tio*sly$ She looked abo*t the room% seeking traces of the fo*rteenth cent*ryher first tho*ght was that she.d blessedly tra&eled back to 'ircenn$ (*t as her ga#e skimmed again o&er the pale bl*e walls% her heart th*dded painf*llyshe recogni4ed this room% and had tho*ght to ne&er see it again$ She dropped her disbelie&ing ga#e to the bed in which she lay$ , fo*r=poster of blond wood with a frothy white canopy% she.d adored this bed in their home in Indian 1ill% a lifetime ago$ She shot straight *p in bed% trembling &iolently$ (ad she finally, irrevocably lost her mind*

"8=8om0" she called% knowing f*ll well no one was going to answer her$ ,nd beca*se no one wo*ld answer her she felt safe tossing her head back and wailing it$ 0Mom-0 She heard the r*sh of feet on the stairs% and held her breath as the door opened$ It seemed to inch inward in slow motion% as if she were watching a mo&ie and the door opened frame by frame$ 1er heart tightened painf*lly when 'atherine stepped in% a spat*la in her hand% her brows drawn together in an e)pression of concern$ "/hat is it% :isa0 Did yo* ha&e a bad dream% darling0" :isa swallowed% *nable to speak$ 1er mother looked precisely as she wo*ld ha&e looked had the car accident ne&er happened% had the cancer ne&er taken her$ <yes wide% she feasted on the impossible &ision$ "8om%" she croaked$ 'atherine looked at her e)pectantly$ "Is% *m D=Daddy here0" :isa asked faintly% str*ggling to comprehend this new "reality$" "Of co*rse not% sleepy=head$ 5o* know he lea&es for work at se&en$ ,re yo* h*ngry0" :isa stared$ /f course not, sleepy%head$ So normal% so ro*tine% as if 'atherine and :isa had ne&er been separated$ ,s if Daddy had always been ali&e and the tragic past that had torn their family apart had ne&er happened$ "/hat year is it0" she managed$ 1er mother la*ghed$ ":isaA" She reached o*t a hand and to*sled her hair$ "It m*st ha&e been +*ite a dream$" :isa narrowed her eyes% thinking hard$ Downstairs% the doorbell chimed% and 'atherine t*rned toward the so*nd$ "/ho co*ld that be this early0" She glanced back at :isa$ "'ome down for breakfast% darling$ I made yo*r fa&orite$ 6oached eggs% bacon% and toast$" :isa watched her mom lea&e the room% st*nned$ She fo*ght the *rge to leap from her bed% wrap her arms aro*nd her mother.s departing knees% and hang on for dear life$ 1er mother.s knees were *nscarred and strong$ Goy flooded her$ She m*st ha&e died% she decided% on that strange beach in the stranger land$ /as this hea&en0

She.d take itwhate&er it was$ Snatches of con&ersation floated *p from the foyer$ She t*ned them o*t% st*dying her room$ She.d kept a calendar on her desk and was itching to know "when" she was now% b*t before she co*ld mo&e% her mother called *p$ ":isa% darling% come down$ 5o* ha&e a g*est$ 1e says he.s a friend of yo*rs from the *ni&ersity$" 1er mother.s &oice so*nded e)cited and oh=so=appro&ing$ @ni&ersity0 She was in college0 Oh% this was hea&en$ 9ow all she needed was 'ircenn to make it complete$ :isa leaped from the bed% t*gged on her fa&orite white fl*ffy robe Jastonishing that it was hanging right on her bedpost where she.d always h*ng itAK and h*rried down the stairs% wondering who co*ld possibly be calling for her$ ,s she ro*nded the c*r&ed staircase% her heart th*mped hard in her chest$ 'ircenn (rodie arched a brow and smiled$ Sim*ltaneo*sly% a wa&e of lo&e hit her% sent along their special bond$ :isa nearly whimpered% o&erwhelmed with pleas*re% disbelief% and conf*sion$ 1e was wearing charcoal tro*sers and a black silk polo shirt that rippled across his m*sc*lar chest% from which he was d*sting a light misting of rain$ 1is hair had been trimmed and was p*lled back in a leather thong$ <)pensi&e Italian boots made her blink and shake her head$ She.d ne&er seen him in s*ch fitted clothing and co*ld only imagine the stir he m*st ha&e ca*sed strolling aro*nd in the twenty=first cent*ry$ 'lothing didn.t make this man% he made the clothing% molding it with his powerf*l body; si) feet se&en inches of rippling brawn$ She briefly en&isioned him in a pair of faded jeans and nearly swooned$ "8rs$ Stone% wo*ld yo* mind terribly if I took yo*r da*ghter o*t to breakfast0 /e ha&e some catching *p to do$" 'atherine eyed the magnificent man standing in the doorway$ "9o% not at all$ /hy don.t j*st come in and ha&e some coffee while :isa gets dressed%" she in&ited gracio*sly$ "/ear jeans% lass$" 'ircenn said% his ga#e intense$ ",nd yo*r .yo*=knows%. " he added in a &oice ro*ghened by desire$ 'atherine glanced back and forth between them% taking in the tender% passionate look from the tall% elegant man in the doorway and the startled yet dreamy e)pression on :isa.s face$ She wondered why :isa had hidden the fact that she was in lo&e% and from her own mother% at that$ 9ot once had :isa mentioned a boyfriend% b*t 'atherine decided that perhaps she hadn.t spoken of it beca*se it was the "real thing$" /hen 'atherine had first met Gack% she.d told no one abo*t him; she.d felt that talking abo*t it might somehow debase the pri&ate sanctity of their bond$

:isa still hadn.t mo&ed from the base of the steps$ She co*ldn.t breathe; she was ri&eted by him$ 1ow had this come to pass0 1ow was 'ircenn (rodie standing in the doorway of her Indian 1ill home% talking to her li&ing% healthy mother% while her li&ing% healthy father was at work% when she.d left him se&en h*ndred years in the past0 -he dream flooded back o&er her? 'e must do it now$ " 'hat did yo* do0" she asked weakly$ "/hat did he do abo*t what% :isa0" 'atherine asked c*rio*sly$ "/e ha&e m*ch to disc*ss% lass%" he said tenderly$ "Is that a brog*e I detect0" 'atherine e)claimed$ "I.&e always tho*ght Scotland was s*ch a romantic co*ntry$ Gack and I ha&e been disc*ssing going for s*mmer &acation this year$" 'ircenn mo&ed to 'atherine% raised her hand to his lips% and br*shed her kn*ckles with a kiss$ "6erhaps yo* co*ld &isit my home when yo* come%" he said$ "I wo*ld be pleased to welcome :isa.s parents into my keep$" :isa had ne&er seen 'atherine so fl*stered$ "4eep0" she e)claimed$ "Don.t tell me yo* ha&e a castle$ OhA I.ll j*st get that coffee%" she said with a breathless la*gh$ ,s she t*rned toward the kitchen% she glanced back at her da*ghter% who was still standing fro#en at the foot of the stairs$ ":isa% did yo* hear him0 1e wants to take yo* to breakfast% altho*gh the way he.s dressed% I.m not certain jeans wo*ld be appropriate% darling$ 6erhaps the beige dress with those strappy sandals I like so m*ch$" :isa nodded st*pidly% j*st to get her mother o*t of the room$ -hen she reali#ed that she was enco*raging her healthy mother to lea&e the room$ She fl*ng a startled look at 'ircenn and mo*thed% 5ust a minute% don.t move% then flew across the foyer% catching *p with her mother as she entered the hall$ "/aitA" she cried$ 'atherine t*rned aro*nd and looked at her +*i##ically$ "5o*.re acting &ery odd today% :isa$" She smiled% leaned near to :isa.s ear% and whispered$ "I like him$ Oh myA /hy didn.t yo* tell me abo*t him0" :isa threw her arms aro*nd 'atherine$ "I lo&e yo*% 8om%" she said fiercely$ 'atherine ga&e a startled and pleased little la*ghj*st the kind of half=breathless so*nd of joy :isa remembered from before Gack had died% in the other reality$

"I don.t know what this is all abo*t% :isa% b*t I lo&e yo* too% darling$ Only tell me yo*r ne)t words aren.t going to be .and I.m sorry b*t I.m pregnant and r*nning off to get married%. " she teased$ "I.m not ready for an empty nest$" :isa.s hand flew to her abdomen and her eyes widened$ "@h OhA I sho*ld get dressed$" :ea&ing her mother with raised brows and a &ery intrig*ed e)pression on her face% :isa fled the hallway before she co*ld think m*ch harder abo*t the possibility her mother had raised$ CHAPTER 31 lisa glanced aro*nd the s*ite% be&ildered$ after she had slipped on lacy yo*=knows% jeans% and a blo*se% 'ircenn had efficiently na&igated traffic and dri&en them downtown to -he 'incinnatian% where he.d reser&ed a s*ite$ She was st*nned by how capable he was% how +*ickly he.d adapted to and taken control of her modern=day world$ (*t then she remembered that the man was a born con+*eror and warrior% and the twenty=first cent*ry% while o&erwhelming% was j*st one more challenge for him% and he wo*ld master it with the same aplomb as he.d mastered his own cent*ry$ 1e.d e)plained a bit on the ride there% and gra&ely informed her that he forga&e her for lea&ing him% altho*gh his lower lip had been set at s*ch an angle that she.d known his feelings had been h*rt$ 1e.d also e)plained that they.d kept her on the isle of 8orar while he and ,dam had changed her f*t*re% and filled her in on how they.d pre&ented the car wreck and the cancer$ "(*t I tho*ght yo* hated ,dam$" 'ircenn sighed as he popped open a bottle of champagne and po*red two glasses$ Dropping onto the bed% he ga&e her a g*ilty look and patted the bed beside him$ 1e opened his arms$ "'ome$ I need yo*% lass%" he whispered before closing his mo*th o&er hers$ -hen he proceeded to show her how &ery m*ch he needed her$ 'lothing fell swiftly away as they *ndressed each other *rgently$ /hen she was clad in nothing b*t a lacy pale pink bra and panties% he lifted her high in his arms abo&e him and fell back onto the bed$ :isa sat astride him and ran her hands o&er his m*scled chest% following the trail of silky dark hair with a feather=light finger$ Slipping the strap of her bra down% he groaned softly$ "I lo&e these lacy things$" :isa la*ghed and dropped her head forward so that her hair c*rtained his face$ "I lo&e you$"

"I know%" her said sm*gly$ ,nd for a few moments she was lost in a wa&e of passion and tenderness and lo&e that s*rged silently along their *ni+*e bond$ Never leave me, lass, you are the one and only, forever# "/hat0" she e)claimed$ "Did yo* hear me0" /ith la#y sens*ality% he dragged his tong*e o&er the peak of her nipple thro*gh the thin silk of her bra$ It crested eagerly$ "/ordsA I heard yo* in wordsA" "8mm%" he m*rm*red% nipping gently at the b*ds he.d teased beneath the silk$ /ith a +*ick snap her bra was off% and he c*pped her breasts in his hands% br*shing the pads of his th*mbs o&er her nipples$ 'ill you love me forever0 1e ca*ght a nipple between his th*mb and forefinger% t*gging gently$ :isa shook her head% trying to clear it$ <&en after all the times she.d made lo&e with him% she still co*ldn.t think clearly when he was to*ching her$ "/hat are yo* saying0" "hat ! need you forever, )isa +rodie# 'ed me and have babies with me and give me forever# ":isa (rodie0" she s+*eaked$ $ou doona think !'d leave you in shame, do you* +e my wife# ! promise you will want for naught$ 1e slipped his hands inside her panties and c*pped her bottom$ 1is ga#e was fi)ed on her abdomen% as if he were trying to see inside her$ 1er hand flew to her stomach$ "Do yo* know something I don.t know0" she asked s*spicio*sly$ 5ust that you've already done one of the three things ! am asking you to do# "I.m pregnant0 I.m going to ha&e yo*r baby0" she e)claimed% a shi&er of delight racing *p her spine$ O*r baby# $es, lass, he already grows within you and he will be veryB special# Marry me, love$ "5es%" she said$ "Oh yes yes yes% 'ircennA" ! am the luckiest man in the world# "5es%" :isa agreed% then tho*ght no more for a long time$

BBB ,fterward% they showered together% slipping and sliding in the h*ge marble shower that had si) spo*ts% three on each wall$ 'ircenn ind*lged with the *nfettered pleas*re of a fo*rteenth=cent*ry barbarian who.d ne&er seen a shower before% standing in the streams of the water% shaking his head and spraying it e&erywhere$ -hey made lo&e on the marble floor% in the corner against the wall% and in the Gac*##i$ :isa% wrapped in a fl*ffy white robe% was toweling her hair dry when she heard 'ircenn yelling in the bedroom$ Startled% she slipped from the bathroom only to disco&er 'ircenn standing n*de in front of the -H% roaring at it$ "/illiam /allace did not look like thatA" 1e gest*red irritably at the -H :isa la*ghed% as she reali#ed he was pointing at a bl*e=faced 8ell 7ibson% storming into battle in +raveheart$ ",nd >obert doona look like thatA" he complained$ "6erhaps yo* sho*ld try writing a script yo*rself%" she teased$ "-hey.d ne&er belie&e it$ It is ob&io*s yo*r time has no idea what my time was really like$" "Speaking of yo*r time and my time% whereor sho*ld I say whenwill we li&e% 'ircenn0" 'ircenn pressed the Off b*tton on the remote control like a pro% and t*rned to her$ ",ny place yo* wish% :isa$ /e can spend si) months in my time and si) months here% or go week to week$ I know yo* wish to be near yo*r family$ /e co*ld take them back too$" :isa.s eyes grew wide$ "/e co*ld0 /e co*ld take my mom and dad to yo*r time0" "1ow wo*ld yo* like to be married in a fo*rteenth=cent*ry ceremony with yo*r mother and father in attendance0 5o*r father may be+*eath yo* to me% and I in t*rn will grant him a handsome manor% sho*ld yo*r parents choose to retire there$ Of co*rse >obert% D*ncan% and 7alan will insist *pon being present as wellI.m afraid it may t*rn into +*ite a spectacle$" :isa co*ldn.t stop smiling$ "I wo*ld lo&e thatA , fairytale wedding$" "6ro&ided we are ca*tio*s not to change too many things% I see no problem arranging it$ I.m beginning to *nderstand what ,dam meant when he said if one looks down the timeline% one can discern which things are irre&ocable and sho*ld not be manip*lated% and which things will make little difference$"

",dam%" :isa said hesitantly$ She hadn.t forgotten for a moment that 'ircenn hadn.t answered her earlier +*estion$ "5es%" a &oice said behind her% as ,dam materiali#ed in their s*ite$ 1e grinned at 'ircenn$ "So yo* finally got aro*nd to asking her to marry yo*$ I was beginning to despair$ <&ery time I tried to pop in% the two of yo* were" She sp*n aro*nd$ "5o*A" ,dam grinned p*ckishly% t*rned into <irren% then t*rned back into ,dam$ :isa was speechless$ (*t only for a moment$ She ad&anced on him$ "5o* saw me in my bathA" "/hat0" 'ircenn th*ndered$ "1e &isited me the whole time I was in yo*r cent*ry%" she clarified$ 'ircenn glared at his father$ "Did yo*0" ,dam shr*gged% the cameo of innocence$ "I was concerned yo* might not be treating her well eno*gh and checked in from time to time$ 5o* sho*ld be gratef*l that I decided *pon f*ll disclos*reI had considered j*st telling her that <irren had r*n off% when she got aro*nd to asking abo*t him$ (*t I.&e decided to try to be a new person henceforth% at least aro*nd yo* and :isa$" "/hy do yo* p*t *p with him0" :isa said% shaking her head$ ":isa% it.s all right%" 'ircenn said% mo&ing swiftly to her side$ "It.s not what yo* think$" 1e scowled at ,dam$ "Doona think I.&e forgotten yo* saw her in her bath$ /e will speak of it later% the three of *s% and ha&e the whole story o*t$ (*t how did yo* come here by yo*rself0 1as ,oibheal forgi&en yo*0" ,dam preened% casting his silky dark hair o&er his sho*lder$ "Of co*rse$ I am once again all=powerf*l$" "/hy are yo* being nice to him0" :isa snapped$ ":ass% he helped me do all that I.&e done$" "1e made yo* immortalA" ",nd if he hadn.t% I ne&er wo*ld ha&e met yo*% b*t wo*ld ha&e died o&er a tho*sand years before yo* were born$ 1e helped sa&e yo*r mother and father$ ,nd ,dam is

my father$" "5o*r fatherA" She gaped for a moment% as the information s*nk in$ 1ea&ens% b*t there was ob&io*sly a great deal she still didn.t know abo*t 'ircenn (rodie$ (*t she was more than willing to learn$ 'ircenn g*ided her to a chair and sat her down% then the two men took t*rns filling in her gaps of knowledge regarding the man who wo*ld be her h*sband$ ,nd once she knew% it made perfect sense% and e)plained e&erything? his *n*s*al powers% his resentment toward ,dam% ,dam.s *nwillingness to let his son die$ , few moments of silence passed while she pondered all they.d told her% then she reali#ed they were both watching her intently% and it seemed that they were waiting for something$ ,dam mo&ed to her side and reached in his pocket% and :isa watched c*rio*sly% wondering what new thing they were going to spring on her ne)t$ "5o* know now that I am half=fairy% :isa%" 'ircenn said gently$ "'an yo* accept that0" :isa stood on her tiptoes and kissed him f*ll on the lips$ $es% she ass*red him$ No regrets* No regrets# /hen ,dam withdrew a shimmering flask and a pair of goblets% and po*red three drops of glowing li+*id into one of the glasses% :isa scarcely breathed$ She watched in silence as ,dam passed the glasses of champagne to 'ircenn% whowith great deliberationoffered :isa the glass with the potion in it$ 1e regarded her gra&ely% then ga&e her a tender smile$ )ove me forever, lass# :isa looked deep into his eyes$ )ive with me forever# 2ease my endless solitude# ! will cherish you# ! will show you worlds you've only dreamed of# ! will walk beside you, hand in hand, until the end of days# :isa reached for the goblet$ 'hampagne had ne&er tasted sweeter$

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