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)/)01) Intio to }ouinalism

Instiuctoi: }oe Nilan }i.
1.) What is a 'buuget' anu uo you anyone that makes a buuget.
2.) Bow often to uo you go 'ovei buuget,' how about unuei.
S.) Beficit means uebt. What is the pioblem when you'ie in uebt. Bo you
think it's the same foi a countiy oi uiffeient.

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Reau moie: http:www.foxnews.compolitics2u1Su41uiepublicans-iip-unbalanceu-

Republicans iippeu Piesiuent 0bama's long-awaiteu buuget pioposal
Weunesuay, uesciibing it as a "ieheateu" plan that ievives contioveisial tax
hikes in the name of ueficit ieuuction without evei balancing the buuget.
The 2u14 plan, ueliveieu to Congiess Weunesuay moining, was pitcheu by
0bama as a compiomise - twinning |attachingj tax incieases, which Republicans
uislike, with changes to Social Secuiity, which libeial Bemociats uespise.
"I have alieauy met Republicans moie than halfway," 0bama saiu in
the Rose uaiuen Weunesuay.
But Republican leaueis, while piaising the piesiuent foi pioposing a
change to cuib the giowth of Social Secuiity, saiu they hau no inteiest in
agieeing to new tax incieases foi a buuget that woulun't balance anyway.
"We uon't neeu an extieme unbalanceu buuget that won't balance in
youi lifetime oi mine," Senate Republican Leauei Nitch NcConnell saiu on the
flooi Weunesuay.

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Piesiuent Baiack 0bama unveileu his pioposeu Fiscal Yeai 2u14 buuget
plan Weunesuay in the White Bouse Rose uaiuen, offeiing a combination of new
spenuing initiatives anu tax incieases aimeu at cieating jobs anu ieuucing futuie
buuget ueficits.
In his iemaiks, 0bama calleu his plan "a fiscally iesponsible bluepiint foi
miuule-class jobs anu giowth."
Be saiu, "We can giow oui economy anu shiink oui ueficits. In fact, as we
saw in the 199us, nothing shiinks ueficits fastei than a giowing economy."
Be acknowleugeu that "too many Ameiicans still looking foi woik" anu
saiu he'u auuiess that pioblem by new spenuing which he calleu "taigeteu
investments in aieas which will cieate jobs iight now." Be calleu foi $1 billion on
cieation of new manufactuiing innovation institutes.

!"#$% '() $*+',) -"..)/)01) Intio to }ouinalism

Instiuctoi: }oe Nilan }i.
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WASBINuT0N -- The unveiling of Piesiuent Baiack 0bama's buuget on
Weunesuay moining has iestaiteu the ongoing uebate ovei how best to puisue
ueficit ieuuction.
The piesiuent's pioposal couples |attachesj tax hikes with cuts to the
feueial goveinment's safety net foi the pooi anu elueily to achieve $1.8 tiillion
in ueficit ieuuction ovei 1u yeais. Alongsiue an austeie |seveiej Bouse
Republican buuget anu a moie piogiessive-minueu Senate Bemociatic bluepiint,
the White Bouse pitcheu its pioposal as a "seiious" effoit towaius finuing
"miuule giounu."
Lost in the analysis is that the White Bouse buuget acknowleuges the
nation is still in the miust of a jobs ciisis but pioviues few new iueas to auuiess
the pioblem. The $S.7 tiillion buuget incluues a vaiiety of stimulative measuies,
some of which aie new. But lawmakeis have seen most of them befoie anu aien't
any likeliei to pass them now.

1.) What aie the uiffeiences in the thiee aiticles.
2.) Looking at the thiee aiticles, which one woulu you say is politically
'conseivative,' 'libeial,' oi neutial.
S.) In what ways uo you see bias in the thiee aiticles above. Bo you think
that the bias makes the stoiies less faii anu honest.

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