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Brittany Ward Ashlyn Walden Reflection for Assignment 2 March 28, 2014 Reflection This project as a stretch for

me! " had ne#er p$t together a hole research paper %efore! " &ne ho to research, and ho to annotate, %$t " had ne#er p$t each component into a cohesi#e paper! " act$ally enjoyed most of it, tho$gh' (inding the right so$rces as a challenge! "t too& me a long time, %$t " e#ent$ally fo$nd some good so$rces! " thin& my strengths are finding good, helpf$l so$rces that or& ith my topic! " also comm$nicated my topic #ery ell, according to my gro$p! " also ha#e met the re)$ired so$rce co$nt *" $sed 11 so$rces+, and met the ord co$nt *o#er 2,,00 ords+! There ere #ery fe grammatical errors pointed o$t %y my gro$p, as ell, so " thin& that is a strength! -ome of my ea&nesses ere finding things to go a%o#e and %eyond on! " asn.t s$re hat else to incorporate into my paper to go %eyond the re)$irements, %eca$se this is a hea#y paper as it is, and " asn.t s$re hat to add to it so it o$ldn.t ta&e a ay from the paper! My or&shopping gro$p as a esome! /a#ernia and 0h$c& *a&a 0harles+ ga#e great feed%ac&, and " too& e#erything they said into consideration! 1ne e2ample of this as " had a 30omm$nication is 4ey5 paragraph, in my 6ntering the 0on#ersation area of my paper! My gro$p told me that they felt li&e it as more of a concl$sion, and " sho$ld loo& at either mo#ing it to the act$al concl$sion, or ta&e it o$t! " ended $p ta&ing it o$t of the paper, %eca$se " felt it as red$ndant to hat " already rote in the concl$sion! That as #ery helpf$l! There as also another paragraph in my 6ntering the 0on#ersation section of the paper that they said o$ld or& %etter in the %eginning of that section! -o, " mo#ed it to the first paragraph of that section and added to it! " thin& it as a great s$ggestion, and it flo s %etter no ! My gro$p also ga#e me a fe minor grammatical things to fi2, s$ch a sentence flo and finding different ords to e2plain hat " as trying to say! The only feed%ac& that " didn.t ta&e as in my 6ntering the 0on#ersation, " ma&e a statement that tal&ing to a friend of the opposite gender can plant the seeds to ho affairs get started! 0h$c& tho$ght that so$nded really harsh and said it asn.t tr$e! B$t in se#eral of my personal e2periences, it is, so " left it in the paper, %$t " re orded it, to ma&e it so$nd less harsh! 1#erall, their feed%ac& as e2tremely helpf$l in the re#ision of my paper, and " thin& it ma&es it a %etter paper! (or going a%o#e and %eyond, " incl$ded a clip of a fight scene from The Big Bang Theory, hich " $sed as an e2ample in 6ntering the 0on#ersation section of my paper! " also created a little flier hich is a step %y step g$ide for resol#ing conflict! "t p$lls o$t the major points " made in the paper and t$rns them into a little, helpf$l hando$t!

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