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According to the text, how do the authors define an actor? artifact? figured worlds?

How do Bartlett and Holland define a literacy practice? What counts as literacy? How does figured worlds come into play concerning actors and artifacts? List three questions you have concerning the content or your understanding of this article.

1. Figure worlds are based on cultural and social interpretations. In figure worlds, there are actors and artifacts that signify and exemplify the figure worlds. An artifact can be tangible or be an idea that is specific to a figured world. Artifacts help make up and develop figure worlds. They demonstrate and symbolize the figure worlds in which they are in. Actors help make and remake what is a considered an artifact. An actor is a person within the figure world who is part of the culture and social interactions. Artifacts help remake and make actors. Actors also represent and make up the figure worlds. Literacy Practices are what is practiced in the figure worlds and literacy is whatever adds to social, cultural, political events in the figure worlds. Within figure worlds, there are actors that interact with the figure world and help develop it. With actors, there are also artifacts that hold significance in the figure world, showing the social and cultural context. They impact the make-up of the figure world. How do literacy and discourse link? Is this article all figurative or supposed to relate to reality? As in, are we the actors? Is the educated person just a standard for the figurative world or is it something completely different?

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