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Solar Energy Student Innovation Program

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad & Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Initiative

Indian Institute of Management% Ahmedabad Centre for Innovation In#ubation and Entre$reneurshi$

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad Initiative

About the Centre Set u$ in !!& by IIMA% CIIE is su$$orted by the 'u(arat government% )e$artment of S#ien#e and *e#hnology and +adhwani ,oundation- *he need for su#h a Centre was e.$ressed during a wor/sho$ held at IIMA in &001% whi#h brought together innovators% entre$reneurs% venture #a$italists% te#hnology administrators and a#ademi#s to understand the $ro#esses and $oli#ies for #ommer#iali2ing innovations- E.$erien#e and e.$ertise at IIMA in the areas of management% innovation% te#hnology networ/s along with entre$reneurshi$ develo$ment $rogrammes $rovided Fostering innovation & the ne#essary im$etus and intelle#tual basis for this entrepreneurship development through research, incubation, consultancy and initiative*he (ourney so far has been full of new e.$eriments hi-tech and mass impact and learning with the $romise of e.#iting develo$ments technologies to enhance welfare and in the future- *he Centre% whi#h manages the competitiveness of the Indian in#ubator at IIMA #alled Indian In#ubator for Innovation economy based Enter$rises 3I4E5% has also set in motion a variety of a#tivities- *he tas/ of integrating in#ubation with resear#h and training #an only be a##om$lished through the a#tive involvement of IIMA fa#ulty% #urrent students% alumni and other $artners and sta/eholders*he Centre6s a#tivities are $rimarily fo#used on three main areas7 &- Research: CIIE is a #enter of e.#ellen#e that a#tively $ursues resear#h relating to various dimensions of te#hnologi#al #hange and innovation based entre$reneurshi$- Current resear#h $ro(e#ts in#lude7 a5 b5 #5 d5 e5 f5 g5 )eterminants of $rodu#t% $ro#ess and organi2ational innovations in develo$ing #ountries es$e#ially among small and medium enter$rises Clusters & building te#hnologi#al #a$abilities in Indian I* and Ele#troni#s firms *e#hnology networ/s for develo$ing innovations in SMEs Strategi# and $oli#y as$e#ts of IPRs Effi#a#y of different in#ubation models finan#ing innovation based enter$rise and valuation of early startu$s *e#hnologi#al #hange in the Indian Auto Industry Pri#ing & *e#hnology Choi#es in the Auto8Re$la#ement Mar/ets
training in

- Dissemination and Training: *he Centre is emerging as resear#h hub and also ho$es to be#ome a #ase $ubli#ation and #learing house on innovation and entre$reneurshi$ related themes through systemati# do#umentation of the in#ubation $ro#ess- CIIE offers seminar #ourses% wor/sho$s on new ventures% intera#tions with entre$reneurs along with student $ro(e#ts around in#ubation and #ommer#iali2ation needs- *he Center wel#omes #ollaboration with resear#hers interested in the area of innovation and entre$reneurshi$- CIIE offers seminar |Page Solar Energy Student Innovation Program

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad Initiative #ourses% wor/sho$s on new ventures% intera#tions with entre$reneurs along with student $ro(e#ts around in#ubation and #ommer#iali2ation needs- ,uture training $rogrammes and initiatives would target students% #or$orate e.e#utives% s#ientists% entre$reneurs9self em$loyed $rofessionals- *he Centre also envisages organi2ing short duration in#ubator #lini#s in sele#t $arts of the #ountry 3es$e#ially industrial #lusters5 to hel$ innovators a#ross the #ountry-

4- Incubation: CIIE $rovides in#ubation to outstanding te#hnologies- *hese te#hnologies are identified through :Anveshan6% whi#h is the Annual Sear#h for Innovation- So far &; $ro(e#ts have been offered in#ubation and #ommer#iali2ation su$$ort- As a $art of the in#ubation $ro#ess% the Centre wor/s #losely with design and $rodu#t develo$ment Centres as well as laboratories to su$$ort the in#ubatees-

CIIE manages the in#ubator at IIMA #alled I4E 3Indian In#ubator for Innovation <ased Enter$rises5- Innovators sele#ted through Anveshan Partners of CIIE are $rovided in#ubation and other su$$ort- *he sele#tion $ro#ess DST, ovt! of India involves various rounds of evaluation and verifi#ation of IP status- A u"arat overnment mentor $rogram is initiated for the in#ubatees- Mentoring teams are IIT Delhi formed for the sele#ted innovators- *y$i#ally% these teams are headed IIT #anpur by a fa#ulty member of IIMA and #onsist of e.$erts in the te#hnology $ID %hmedabad domain of the innovation% entre$reneurs and members of the =C &adhwani industry- *he Mentoring teams identify the in#ubation needs of the Foundation in#ubatees- Needs that re>uire managerial in$uts are #onverted into 'and many more student $ro(e#ts su$ervised by IIMA fa#ulty- ?ther in#ubation needs in#luding te#hnology 3in#luding testing5% legal 3e-g-% IP $rote#tion5 and design in$uts are $rovided through the networ/ of CIIE- As $art of the in#ubation fa#ility% the Center $rovides basi# infrastru#ture and asso#iated servi#esInfrastru#ture su$$ort in#ludes offi#e s$a#e% library% #anteen% tele#om% ba#/ offi#e and #om$uting fa#ilities- Commer#iali2ation su$$ort a#tivities range from business $lan develo$ment% mar/et resear#h% #onsultan#y to legal% finan#e and other forms of assistan#e'raduation $eriod of the in#ubatee is e.$e#ted to be around ! months- *he Center $refers to in#ubate innovators that have a $rototy$e available for evaluation by a team of te#hni#al e.$erts- @owever% in e.#e$tional #ases% $roto8ty$ing su$$ort is also $rovidedSuccess Stories at CIIE ?ver the last few years% CIIE has been su##essfully able to #ommer#iali2e some of the innovations a#ross the #ountry- Several #ommer#ially viable startu$s have s$rung out of CIIE A in various domains- *hese in#lude7 E.oti# *e#hnologies A whose $rodu#t A##uflow to monitor flow of intra8venous fluid has now rea#hed 4; #ountries CE?N Solutions A a startu$ whi#h has already im$lemented its $rodu#t iS#hool in over &; s#hools and also re#eived a Rs 4 #rore funding from a to$ =C

4|Page Program

Solar Energy Student Innovation

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad Initiative Aura @erbal A a #leante#h venture $rodu#ing herbally dyed te.tiles aimed at minimi2ing #arbon emissions

Background - Energy Concern and Innovation Energy has be#ome the /ey driver for the modern e#onomy- Sin#e the Industrial Revolution% fossil fuelsB#oal% oil% and natural gasBhave $owered immense te#hnologi#al $rogress@owever% su$$lies of fossil fuels are limited% and #ontinued relian#e on them may have signifi#ant environmental #onse>uen#es- Reali2ing the growing energy needs of the #ountry and in#reasing de$enden#y on fossil fuels and its im$a#t on the global #limate% CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad has de#ided to laun#h two /ey initiatives in its attem$t to identify and develo$ te#hnologies for sustainable develo$menta- Solar Energy Student Innovation Program b- Cleante#h =enture Program Solar Energy Student Innovation Program Objective: *he $rogram is aimed at solving the energy $roblems in India through $roa#tive and innovative thin/ing and e.e#ution by the students- *he ob(e#tives of the $rogram #an be summari2ed as follows7 *o #reate a sustained effort in resear#h and a#ademi# world for resear#h in solar *o $romote out8of8bo. thin/ing amongst the Indian youth towards solving $roblems of mass im$a#t Create awareness regarding the $ossible alternative solar energy available abundantly <uild the ultimate solar te#hnology to #ater to energy needs on the #ountry

Structure of the Program: *he Solar Energy Student Innovation Program% shall be an annual $rogram targeting the students 3s#hool as well as #ollege students5 from a#ross the #ountry*he $rogram aims at $romoting the s$irit of innovation amongst students towards solving a $roblem having mass im$a#t A that of energy- *he $rogram would hel$ nurture and groom the ideas of youth a#ross the #ountry into #ommer#ially viable $rodu#ts- *he $rogram would have the following stru#ture a5 A$$li#ation7 *he SESIP $rogram shall begin with inviting entries from students from a#ross the #ountry- Ea#h entry shall be sent by teams of 48; members A and may also #onsist of tea#hers% resear#hers and fa#ulty- Cross #ollege teams shall not be $ermitted*he $rogram will start in Se$tember% !!" when entries would be invited from the teams A last date of sending entry shall be November 4!% !!"- *he a$$li#ation shall #onsist of team details% des#ri$tion of the idea% $rototy$e if any et#

C|Page Program

Solar Energy Student Innovation

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad Initiative b5 S#reening7 ?n re#ei$t of entries from various students% a $anel of (udges #om$rising of MNRE s#ientists and CIIE E.e#utive Committee% shall s#reen the entries for novelty and innovation- *he to$ 4 entries from a#ross the #ountry shall be shortlisted and allotted a Mentor for develo$ment of their ideas- *he results of s#reening shall be out by November beginning- Ea#h team shall be given a budget of u$ to Rs C la/hs for $lanning and $rototy$ing of the idea- CIIE and MNRE shall $rovide all $ossible networ/ing and mentoring su$$ort to the teams A in#luding $utting in tou#h with the right $rototy$ing e.$erts% s#ientists et#- *his $ro#ess shall be #losely monitored and a lo#al mentor shall be a$$ointed in the #ollege that the team belongs to-

#5 Prototy$e )evelo$ment7 Ea#h team would be given around D months 3between Eanuary !!1 and May !!15 for develo$ing the #rude $rototy$e9$roof of #on#e$t-

d5 )emonstration7 In early A$ril% demonstration of $rototy$es develo$ed by the students shall be #arried out at IIM Ahmedabad6s $remises- ,ollowing $resentation and su##essful demonstration of a $roof of #on#e$t9$rototy$e% to$ three teams shall be offered summer internshi$ at IIM Ahmedabad and MNRE- )uring this $eriod% the team shall wor/ #losely with CIIE and its $artner organi2ations in further develo$ing the $rodu#t and $re$aring its #ommer#iali2ation strategy-

e5 In#ubation7 ,or $ro(e#ts found suitable at the end of this #y#le% in#ubation su$$ort shall be offered- In#ubation su$$ort would in#lude $roviding seed funding of u$ to Rs ; la/hs $er team 3to be de#ided on a #ase to #ase basis5% mentoring su$$ort% networ/ing% te#hnology su$$ort et#-

Target Students &5 *he $rogram is mainly targeted at students with a s#ientifi# tem$erament A these #ould in#lude all students- Although we e.$e#t to re#eive ma.imum entries from S#ien#e and *e#hnology students 3<-*e#h9M-*e#h9<-S#9M-S#5% we shall not limit it to anyone based on the >ualifi#ation- @owever at least two members of the a$$li#ant team should be still a student and shall a$$ly in a team of at least three and at most five members- Any team #an #om$rise of not more than fa#ulty9tea#hers9$rofessors- )uring summer internshi$% ea#h student sele#ted shall be $rovided a sti$end of Rs 1%!!! $er month-

Application Criteria ;|Page Program Solar Energy Student Innovation

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad Initiative Any entry being sent for the Program should either be a novel idea by any9all of the team members or a $atented9$atentable innovation9invention by any member of the team 3or fa#ulty asso#iated with the team5- *he idea should be geared towards solving the energy $roblems of the #ountry through use of renewable resour#es- *he te#hnology need not be a dire#t a$$li#ation one- It #ould be a small #om$onent in the entire solar energy ta$$ing $ro#ess or it #ould be a #om$lete end8to8end te#hnology as well- *he ideas #an be in a broad domain in#luding a mobile or la$to$ #harger to a sun tra#/ing system for solar thermal generated ele#tri#ity-

*he team #an also $i#/ u$ any innovation by a third $arty A in this #ase the $ermission to use the innovation needs to be $rovided at the time of entry- Su#h an innovation should not have been already #ommer#iali2ed and there should be #lear value being added by the student team to the e.isting te#hnology-

Cleantech Venture Program: CIIE has very re#ently laun#hed a Cleante#h =enture Program aimed at identifying and #ommer#iali2ing some of the to$ te#hnology whi#h have a $roof of #on#e$t or $rototy$e in $la#e- *he Centre6s mission is to a##elerate the ne.t and ne#essary wave of venture innovation and investment*hese entre$reneurs shall be $rovided in#ubation su$$ort from CIIE to #ommer#iali2e their te#hnologies and bring them to the mar/et- *he #leante#h te#hnologies and start8u$s that CIIE shall $romote% en#om$ass a broad range of $rodu#ts and servi#es% from alternative energy generation to wastewater treatment to more resour#e8effi#ient industrial $ro#esses- CIIE believes that #leante#h industry in India hasn6t re#eived the due attention and is still in its embryoni# state% and there is need to in#ubate these te#hnologies into #ommer#ial enter$rise in an attem$t to #reate >uality (obs% generate new wealth% im$rove our environment% and $rote#t the nature*o be #onsidered as a F#leante#hG $rodu#ts or servi#es the te#hnology must meet the following #riteria7 a5 *he te#hnology must o$timi2e use of natural resour#es% offering a #leaner and environment friendly alternative to traditional $rodu#ts and servi#esH b5 Must be based on an innovative or novel te#hnology or a$$li#ationH #5 Must have #om$arable e#onomi# value A the $ro$osed solution should not be drasti#ally e.$ensive as #om$ared to e.isting alternatives but be more or as mu#h effi#ient CIIE defines the following #ategories of Cleante#h for its Cleante#h =enture $rogram7
Area Energy *e#hnologies Energy 'eneration Energy Storage Energy Effi#ien#y +ater Purifi#ation & Management Example Solar P=% solar thermal% wind% fuel #ells et# <atteries% thin films% flywheels et# Energy #onservation systems% intelligent metering +ater re#y#ling% $urifi#ation% desalination

D|Page Program

Solar Energy Student Innovation

A CIIE @ IIM Ahmedabad Initiative

Manufa#turing9Industrial Materials re#overy and re#y#ling E#o8friendly $ro#ess% natural $rodu#tion Re#y#ling te#hnologies% waste treatment

"|Page Program

Solar Energy Student Innovation

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