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INDIAN ARMY Fax : 0755-2735980 (0930-1330 hr) Tele : 0755-2702223 (0930-1330 hr) IVRS : 0755-2731245/ 2731255 Web : www.

!"#"#$"a#ar%&.#"'."# SCC 7304/77/C! T! (a#$"$a)e* +lea*e e#*,re -!,r R!ll .,%ber a#$ .a%e !# web*")e

BY SPEED POST Selection Centre Central Sultania Infantry Lines Bhopal (MP)-462001 0" #ct 201$

SS/ I.T0RVI0W 10S (2F-)-23 : 314 2014 (51RS0 I. T60 7R8%ear can&i&ate' 1( )e are please& to infor* that you are no*inate& to atten& SSB inter+ie, for -oinin. the In&ian Military /ca&e*y( 0our 1oll 2o is *entione& ,ithin 3rac4ets a.ainst your na*e in your a3o+e a&&ress( Please 5uote the reference alon. ,ith your 1oll 2o in all future correspon&ence( 2( 0ou are re5uire& to report at 2ar9"#: ;!#e !,)*"$e +la)<!r% .! 5= 6/65274 R7I4W7ST7TI5.> on the &ate an& ti*e as .i+en 3elo,. #ur representati+e ,ill recei+e you an& arran.e your con+eyance to the Selection Centre( S .! (a) (3) Re+!r)"#: $a)e a#$ )"%e 24 .!? 2013 (1400 h!,r*) 09 @e' 2013 (1400 h!,r*) (h!"'e 2r"%ar& Secon&ary /a)'h Re:,lar / 7b*e#)ee Re:,lar /3sentee

$( 0ou are re5uire& to pro&uce the un&er *entione& &ocu*ents in 5RIAI.74 alon. ,ith t,o photocopies of each &ocu*ent &uly atteste& 3y a 7a8ette& officer' at the ti*e of reportin. at this centre for SSB inter+ie, 9(a) Mar4s Sheets an& Passin. Certificates of 10th : 12th stan&ar&s( (3) Se*ester year ,ise in&epen&ent *ar4s sheets of 7ra&uation up to I; se*ester( (c) 0our I&entity Proof ,ith photo.raph( (/nyone of colle.e I% car&' ;oter I% car&' P/2 car&' /&*it car&' Passport' %ri+in. license' etc() (&) Bonafi&e Certificate on the ori.inal letter hea& o3taine& fro* your Principal (Speci*en Certificate .i+en at /ppen&i< =B> to this letter) .!)e 1 :?or ease of *ana.e*ent an& 3etter a&*inistration of test' ") "* a$?"*e$ a#$ ex+e')e$ )ha) &!, a?a"l !< !++!r),#")& w")h )he BRe:,lar ba)'h> ,)"l"C"#: )he +r"%ar& 'h!"'e. !n&er e<ceptional circu*stances only' you *ay &eci&e to report on the &ate of secon&ary choice in ,hich case you ,ill 3e re5uire& to 3rin. a certificate o3taine& fro* the concerne& authority as in&icate& 3elo,' enu*eratin. the circu*stances un&er ,hich you coul& not report on the pri*ary choice 9(a) Ser .! (i) (ii) (3) F!r 0$,'a)"!#al/ 6eal)h (!#*)ra"#)* ("r',%*)a#'e*/ (er)"<"'a)e )! be S":#e$ /& (!#*)ra"#)* @&ucational Principal Aea& of the Institute Aealth 7o+ern*ent Me&ical #fficer

F!r S!'"al/ 7$%"#"*)ra)"!# (!#*)ra"#)* (er)"<"'a)e )! be S":#e$ /& Place of your ;illa.e Bo,n City Metropolitan resi&ence Sarpanch /%M %M Co**issioner 7ra* Pra&han SP SSP I7P Mayor

.!)e 2 :Co**on Call !p instructions for SSB inter+ie,s are a+aila3le on the a3o+e *entione& ,e3site( Ao,e+er' Coinin. Instructions are enclose& here,ith for your infor*ation an& co*pliance( Please' ensure your eli.i3ility criteria as per a&+ertise*ent for this course( In case' you fail to pro&uce any re5uisite &ocu*ents as *entione& a3o+e' you are lia3le to 3e returne& ,ithout 3ein. inter+ie,e& an& .5 B/ ,ill 3e pai&( Photostatte& or &o,nloa&e& copies fro* the internet in place of #1I7I2/L &ocu*ents ,ill not 3e accepte&( .!)e 3 9In case' you are a local can&i&ate of Bhopal or your parent .uar&ian is e*ploye& in this Centre' please' inti*ate his her particulars to this Centre i**e&iately 3y fa< spee& post an& a,ait further instructions( 7$?"*!r& : In or&er to fa*iliari8e yourself ,ith the SSB proce&ure 3ein. follo,e&' you are a&+ise& to ,atch the *o+ie D5 @a&* a) SS/E 3y follo,in. lin4s 9http9 ,,,(-oinin&ianar*y(nic(in #fficerDs SSB inter+ie, proce&ure : Mo+ie SSB Sche&ule Mo+ie " %ays at SSB 4( #ur representati+e ,earin. an ar* 3an& (B#P A/L? 1@% an& B#BB#M A/L? BL/CE ,ith the inscription FSSBF) ,ill 3e present at Mo+e*ent Control #ffice (MC#) locate& at Bhopal 1ail,ay Station' ,ho ,ill arran.e your reception an& con+eyance to this Centre( In case of &ifficulty you *ay contact the Call !p #fficer or the %uty #fficer at the Belephone 2o .i+en a3o+e( "( Te*)"#: Bhis ,ill last for fi+e &ays' in t,o e<clu&in. the &ay of arri+al( Bhe &etails are as un&er 9(a) S)a:e IBhe Sta.e I testin. shall co**ence at 069$0/M on the first &ay an& ,ill co*prise the follo,in. 9(i) /n intelli.ence Best( (ii) (3) (c) / Picture Perception an& %iscussion Best( (PP%B) In case of your re-ection in Sta.e I' you shall 3e returne& fro* the Centre 3y 1 PM that &ay( S)a:e II Bhe Sta.e II tests co*prise the follo,in. for the ne<t four &ays 9(i) (ii) (iii) 6( G( H( I( entry( Psycholo.ical Bests( 7roup Best I an& II for t,o &ays (in case of e<cess nu*3er of can&i&ates' 7B# Bests *ay 3e con&ucte& in one &ay) Inter+ie,(

?ree 3oar&in. an& lo&.in. ,ill 3e pro+i&e& to you for the perio& of your stay at the Selection Centre( Coinin. instructions for your .ui&ance an& co*pliance are enclose&( Please 3rin. this letter ,ith you an& &eposit the sa*e at the Centre on arri+al( 0ou are entitle& to .et tra+ellin. allo,ance in case you are co*in. to SSB for the first ti*e for this

10( Please note that no lunch ,ill 3e pro+i&e& 3y the Selection Centre on the &ay you report to the Selection Centre( 11( 8e$"'al 0xa%"#a)"!#. (a) 0ou shoul& 3e physically fit an& free fro* ail*ent or any health pro3le* ,hich *ay ha*per your perfor*ance in the physical tests inter+ie,( (3) In case' you 5ualify in the Sta.e-II testin.' you shall 3e re5uire& to un&er.o a Special Me&ical Boar& (SMB) o+er the ne<t four to si< &ays( In e<ceptional an& una+oi&a3le circu*stances' it *ay ta4e up to &ays( (c) In your o,n interest your are a&+ise& to un&er.o a preli*inary *e&ical chec4-up for ,a< in ears' refractory error of eyes' infections of s4in' eosinophilia' 4noc4 4nee an& flat foot or any other &isease 3efore reportin. for SSB inter+ie,(

.!)e :In case you are foun& unfit in the SMB' you are eli.i3le for /ppeal Me&ical Boar& (/MB) ,ithin 42 &ays fro* the &ate of appro+al of the SMB( In case' you are foun& unfit e+en in the /MB' a final appeal i(e( 1e+ie, Me&ical Boar& (1MB) application has to 3e su3*itte& ,ithin 24 hours of appro+al of the /MB( 7rant of 1MB is at the &iscretion of the Me&ical /uthorities( 12( 1$( Can&i&ates ,ill strictly a&here to lai& &o,n ti*in.s( Can&i&ate ,ill not +isit testin. areas after testin. hours(

14( Bhe con&uct of the can&i&ates 3oth in the Selection Centre as ,ell as ,hen +isitin. outsi&e areas shoul& 3e .entle*an li4e( 1"( /ny contra+ention of a3o+e or&ers or any act of in&iscipline ,ill in+ite i**e&iate cancellation of can&i&ature on &isciplinary .roun&s( 16( Cases of serious 3reach of &iscipline an& con&uct ,ill 3e han&e& o+er to ci+il police an& ?I1 re.istere& accor& 1G( Can&i&ates are not per*itte& to use *o3ile phones &urin. the con&uct of tests(

*$/(all 1+ 5<<"'er 0#'l!*,re* :(a) 3!"#"#: I#*)r,')"!#* (b) 7++e#$"'e* B7> )! B0> Sele')"!# (e#)re (e#)ral /h!+al (82) - 4F2001 F!r (!%%a#$a#)

35I.I.A I.STR1(TI5.S F5R A1I@7.(0 7.@ (5824I7.(0 5F (7.@I@7T0S 7TT0.@I.A S0RVI(0 S040(TI5. /57R@ I.T0RVI0W 1( I)e%* )! be /r!,:h). Bhe follo,in. ite*s ,ill 3e re5uire& for the inter+ie, 9-


(a*h a#$ Val,able*. / *a<i*u* of 1upees #ne Bhousan& o+er an& a3o+e ,hat is re5uire& for

tra+ellin. e<pense *ay 3e carrie&( 2o +alua3les shoul& 3e carrie&( Safe custo&y of cash an& +alua3les ,ill 3e the responsi3ility of the can&i&ate( $( @!',%e#)*. Please 3rin. the follo,in. &ocu*ents at the ti*e of reportin. at this centre alon. ,ith t,o photocopies each &uly atteste& 3y a 7a8ette& #fficer an& a&here to the instructions ,ith to the &ocu*ents as .i+en 3elo, 9(a) Matriculation Ai.her Secon&ary or e5ui+alent pass certificate for +erification of your &ate of 3irth( (2o other &ocu*ent e<cept Matriculation Ai.her Secon&ary or e5ui+alent pass certificate is accepta3le for a.e proof() (3) (c) (&) (e) (f) Inter*e&iate 10J2 pass certificate( Mar4s Sheet of Matriculation Ai.her Secon&ary or e5ui+alent( Mar4s Sheet of Inter*e&iate 10J2 e<a*ination( Se*ester 0ear ,ise in&epen&ent *ar4s sheets of 7ra&uation Post 7ra&uation( (?or %e.ree Pro+isional %e.ree Certificate( (?or 7ra&uation Post 7ra&uation entries()

7ra&uation Post 7ra&uation entries()


(Si.nature of can&i&ate)

(.) (h) (i) (-)

2CC 6CD Certificate( (?or 2CC 2CC) entries() Certificate of 1e.istration ,ith the Bar Council of In&ia State( (?or C/7 entries() !PSC a&*it car&( (?or !PSC entries() I&entity Proof ,ith photo.raph (any one of School Colle.e I% Car&)' P/2 Car&' ;oter I% Car&'

Passport' %ri+in. License etc( (In case of can&i&ates of 2%/ 10J2 (B@S) entries' a certificate ,ith photo.raph issue& 3y Principal as proof of i&entity() 7))e#)"!# :- In case' you fail to pro&uce any re5uisite &ocu*ent in #1I7I2/L' as *entione& a3o+e at the ti*e of reportin.' you are lia3le to 3e returne& ,ithout 3ein. inter+ie,e& an& 2# rei*3urse*ent of B/ ,ill 3e *a&e( I#*)r,')"!#* <!r 4a$& (a#$"$a)e* In case a la&y can&i&ate is *arrie& (e<cept ,ho are issueless &i+orcee issueless ,i&o, ,i&o, of &efense personnel)' she is not eli.i3le' an& nee& not report for SSB inter+ie,( Bhe call up letter *ay 3e treate& as cancelle&( I%+!r)a#) .!)e :(a) In case the result of final year se*ester e<a* is a,aite&' the can&i&ate ,ill 3e re5uire& to su3*it a 3onafi&e certificate o3taine& fro* the hea& of the institution on his ori.inal letter hea&' statin. the current status of the can&i&ateL &ate of co*pletion of final year e<a* an& &eclaration of result( (See *+e'"%e# a) 7++e#$"x B7>) (3) F!r <"#al &ear *),$e#)* !#l& - If you are stu&yin. in final year of &e.ree course' you are re5uire& to 3rin. a certificate o3taine& fro* the hea& of the institute Colle.e !ni+ersity statin. that you are stu&yin. in final year of &e.ree course an& .oin. to appear in the final e<a*ination &urin. (*onth : year) failin. ,hich you ,ill not 3e inter+ie,e& 3y SSB( (See *+e'"%e# a) 7++e#$"x B/>) (c) (a#$"$a)e* wh! ha?e *,b%"))e$ )he"r (er)"<"'a)e* a#$ 8ar9*hee)* "# (!lle:e/ 1#"?er*")& <!r 2,r*,"#: 6":her S),$"e*. Please 3rin. a 3onafi&e custo&ian certificate alon. ,ith certifie& true copies of those &ocu*ents( (See *+e'"%e# a) 7++e#$"x B(>) (&) (e) R"*9 (er)"<"'a)e 7++l"'able )! .@7 / T0S / 10G2 (Te'h) (a#$"$a)e*. 0ou ,ill 3rin. 1is4 .! (la"% (er)"<"'a)e - 1e5uire& to 3e su3*itte& 3y the can&i&ates for 7ra&uation Post Certificate as per *+e'"%e# a))a'he$. 7ra&uation entries( (See speci*en attache&) F!r 7))e#)"!# !< (a#$"$a)e* :(a) (3) (c) 0ou are re5uire& to 3rin. ori.inal 2CC 6CD Certificate (/r*y 2a+y /ir ?orce )in.) ,ith one Brin. certifie& true copy &uly authenticate& 3y the co*petent authority of e+ery Can&i&ates &eclare& successful in the SSB inter+ie, are re5uire& to su3*it at the earliest a atteste& copy' if co*petin. a.ainst reser+e& +acancies for 2CC 6CD Certificate hol&ers( achie+e*ent you ha+e o3taine& in the fiel& of 2CC' 7a*es' sports an& other e<tra curricular acti+ities( photocopy &uly atteste& 3y Class-I 7a8ette& #fficer of all such pro+isional &e.ree &e.ree certificate' ac5uire& after the SSB inter+ie, to the follo,in. 9?#1 /1M0 @2B1I@S - /&&itional %irector 7eneral of 1ecruitin.' Inte.rate& Aea&5uarters Ministry of


(Si.nature of can&i&ate)

%efence (/r*y) )est Bloc4 - III' 1 E Pura*' 2e, %elhi - 110066( ?#1 2/;/L @2B1I@S - %irectorate of Manpo,er Plannin. an& 1ecruit*ent (%MP1)' 1ecruitin. Car& Li3rary (2a+y) IAM of M#% (2a+y)' 6CD )in.' Sena Bha,an' 2e, %elhi - 110011( (&) Can&i&ates are further a&+ise& that &ocu*ents alrea&y +erifie& at Selection Centre nee& not 3e su3*itte& a.ain to IAM Mo% (/r*y 2a+y)( In case of loss of such &ocu*ents' the onus ,ill entirely rest upon the can&i&ate( 4( Tra?ell"#: 7ll!wa#'e (T7). (a) B/ is a&*issi3le for the shortest route only(

(3) /C III Bier fare (inclu&in. reser+ation-cu*-sleeper 3y *ain route fro* ho*e station to Bhopal an& 3us fare fro* ho*e to the nearest rail,ay station (if not connecte& 3y rail) ,ill 3e pai& as per .o+ern*ent rates on pro&uction of tic4ets( (c) 2o re-i*3urse*ent of rail 3us fare reser+ation-cu*-sleeper ,ill 3e per*itte& in the a3sence of ori.inal tra+el &ocu*ents( (&) 0ou are entitle& to B/ ,hen you atten& the SSB inter+ie, for a co**ission for the first ti*e( Such allo,ance is not a&*issi3le for secon& or su3se5uent atte*pts for the sa*e type of co**ission( (a,)"!# 0ou are lia3le to forfeit tra+ellin. allo,ance if you fail to 9Meet the eli.i3ility criteria an& e&ucational 5ualifications as re5uire&( Pro&uce the ori.inal &ocu*ents as .i+en in the instructions( Pro&uce I% proof as *entione& in the instructions( "( (ha#:e !< 7$$re** - Chan.e of a&&ress' if any' after su3*ission of application ,ill 3e inti*ate& to

/&&itional %irectorate 7eneral of 1ecruitin. (1t.-6)' /&-utant 7eneralDs Branch' IAM of Mo% /r*y Aea&5uarters' )est Bloc4 - III' 1(E( Pura*' 2e, %elhi-I0010H' C o "6 /P# (for /r*y @ntries) an& %irectorate of Manpo,er Plannin. an& 1ecruit*ent (%MP1)' 1ecruitin. Car& Li3rary (2a+y) IAM of M#% (2a+y)' 6CD )in.' Sena Bha,an' 2e, %elhi - 110011( (for 2a+al @ntries) an& this centre( (See *+e'"%e# a) 7++e#$"x B0>) 6( War#"#:. / can&i&ate shoul& ,ithhol& his *o+e if he is a resi&ent of Bhopal' his per*anent a&&ress

is Bhopal or has a .uar&ian relati+e frien& ser+in. in this Selection Centre or his unit is locate& in BhopaI (?or ser+in. can&i&ates only)' inti*ate this centre i**e&iately the particulars of the person concerne& an& a,ait further instructions( /ny atte*pts *a&e 3y can&i&ate' his relati+es or frien&s to influence the *e*3ers of Ser+ices Selection Boar& in his fa+our either +er3ally or in ,ritin. ,ill result in his na*e 3ein. re*o+e& fro* the list of can&i&ates( In all *atters of &iscipline' the Centre Co**an&ant ,ill 3e the final authority an& no appeal a.ainst his &ecision ,ill 3e entertaine&( G( (!%+e#*a)"!#. 7o+ern*ent is not responsi3le for any co*pensation to the can&i&ates or to their .uar&ians heirs for in-uries sustaine& 3y the* &urin. the perio& of testin.( Ao,e+er' facilities e<ist to atten& to the can&i&ates fallin. sic4 or sustainin. in-uries &urin. their stay at the Centre(



In all correspon&ence' please 5uote this letter 2o an& &ate' !PSC

1oll 2o' 2a*e of the @ntry' re.istration nu*3er an& full postal a&&ress( @*ail J Contact 2u*3er(

I( Ser?"'e +er*!##el !#l&. In case you are alrea&y ser+in. in the /r*y 2a+y /ir ?orce' this letter ,ill 3e put up to your #fficer Co**an&in. an& your *o+e in connection ,ith this inter+ie, ,ill 3e treate& as te*porary &uty un&er the pro+isions of B1-1 I2 (f) (ii)( /s such' you ,ill 3rin. a return -ourney rail,ay ,arrant for your -ourney( 0ou are re5uire& to 3rin. one set o f unifor*( 10( F!r I#<!r%a)"!# !< 5<<"'er (!%%a#$"#: 1#"). (a) In case' the can&i&ate has 3een poste& out of your !nit' please' for,ar& this letter to his present unit i**e&iately' un&er inti*ation to this Centre( (3) Copies of *o+e*ent or&er an& %# Part II ,ill not 3e en&orse& to this Centre Separate

*o+e*ent or&er ,ill 3e issue& to e+ery in&i+i&ual re5uire& to report to this Centre( (c) In case' the in&i+i&ual cannot present hi*self for inter+ie,' this Centre shoul& 3e infor*e& i**e&iately( (&) 2o /r*s an& /**unition ,ill 3e carrie& 3y the can&i&ate(

(e) Can&i&ates ,ill 3e in possession of free return rail,ay ,arrant' I&entity Car& an& Aealth 1ecor& Car&( (f) (.) Can&i&ates is re5uire& to 3rin. a set of unifor* ( /pprise this Selection Centre i**e&iately in case your unit is &eploye& in Bhopal(

11( 2h&*"'al (!#$")"!#"#: - Can&i&ates ,ho 5ualify the SSB inter+ie, an& *e&ical e<a*ination are a&+ise& to follo, the un&er *entione& re.i*en &aily in or&er to 4eep the*sel+es in .oo& physical con&ition at the ti*e of reportin. at the /ca&e*y 9(a) (3) (c) (&) 1unnin. 2(4 E*s in 1" Minutes Sit ups-2" Push ups-1$ Chin ups (*ini*u* 06)

1ope Cli*3in. ($ to 4 Meters)

Can&i&ates reportin. for their SSB shoul& ta4e care of the follo,in. *e&ical points failin. ,hich he she is lia3le for re-ection 9-


(a) I$eal 7:e= 6e":h) a#$ We":h) (8ale) :- It shoul& 3e ,ithin per*issi3le li*its (J or -10N) of the i&eal , .i+en in the ta3le( In recor&in. fraction lo,er than 0(" E. ,ill 3e note& an& 0("E.' a3o+e ,ill 3e recor&e& as 1 E.( / correlation ta3le 3et,een a.e' an& a+era.e , is .i+en 3elo, for .ui&ance of can&i&ates 9-


(Si.nature of can&i&ate)

In case of can&i&ates to the 2orth @ast an& hilly areas li4e 7or4has' 2epalese' /ssa*ese an& 7arh,alis' the ,ill 3e rela<e& 3y " c*s an& , co**ensurate ,ith re&uce& hei.hts( (3) I$eal 7:e= 6e":h) a#$ We":h) (Fe%ale) :20 )! 24 -r* We":h) (H:) $I(0 40(0 42(0 4$(0 4"(0 46(0 4G(0 4I(0 "0(0 25 )! 29 -r* We":h) (H:) 41(0 42(0 4$(0 44(0 4"(0 46(0 4G(0 4I(0 "0(0 30 -r* We":h) (9:) 4$(0 4$(0 4"(0 46(0 4H(0 4I(0 "1(0 "$(0 "4(0

7:e 2er"!$ 6e":h) ((%) 14H(0 1"0(0 1"$(0 1""(0 1"H(0 160(0 16$(0 16"(0 16H(0

Bhe *ini*u* accepta3le an& , for ,o*an can&i&ate is 1"2 c* an& 42 4.( In case of can&i&ates to the 2orth @ast an& hilly areas li4e 7or4has' 2epalese' /ssa*ese an& 7arh,alis' the ,ill 3e rela<e& 3y " c*s an& , co**ensurate ,ith re&uce& hei.hts( (c) (&) (e) (f) (.) (h) 2o ,a< in the ear( 2o s4in &isease i(e( /cne +ul.aris' ,arts' infection( 2o &ental ca+ities inclu&in. te*porary fillin. an& *ini*u* 14 &ental points( 2o +ision &efect i(e( +ision correcte& 3y .lasses( 2o hernia a3&o*inal operation in past one year( 2o hy&rosil' +aricose( .5 (47I8 (0RTIFI(7T0 (?or 7ra&uation Post 7ra&uation @ntries) I (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( father .uar&ian of ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ,ho is a can&i&ate for 2%/ IM/ #B/ 2a+al /ca&e*y entry in the /r*y 2a+y' here3y certify that I fully un&erstan& that *y son

&au.hter ,ar& ,ill' if re5uire&' atten& the Ser+ices Selection Boar& Inter+ie, ,ith *y full an& free consent an& at *y o,n ris4 an& that I or *y son &au.hter ,ar& shall not 3e entitle& to clai* any co*pensation or other relief fro* the .o+ern*ent in respect of any in-ury or &isa3ility ,hich *y son &au.hter ,ar& *ay sustain in the course of or as the result of any of the tests .i+en to hi* at the SSB inter+ie,' ,hether &ue to his o,n or the of any other person or other,ise(

Si.nature of Parent 7uar&ian /&&ress (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((( Place 9 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( %ate 9 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( RISH (0RTIFI(7T0 (?or 2%/ 10J2 (B@S) 10J2 (Bech) @ntries)

I KKKKKKKKKKKKKK(2a*e) father .uar&ian of KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(2a*e of can&i&ate) ,ho is a can&i&ate for 2%/ 10J2 (B@S) 10J2 (Bech) 1e.ular Co**ission in the /r*y 2a+y' here3y certify that I fully un&erstan& that *y son ,ar& ,ill' if re5uire&' atten& Ser+ice Selection Boar& Inter+ie, ,ith *y full an& free consent an& at *y o,n ris4 an& that I or *y son ,ar& shall not 3e entitle& to clai* any co*pensation or retest for the sa*e course or any other relief fro* the 7o+ern*ent if son ,ar& sustains any in-ury &urin. the course of as result of any of the tests a&*inistere& to hi* at the sai& Ser+ices Selection Boar& or ,hile usin. *ilitary transport &ue to any reasons( Si.nature of Parent 7uar&ian a&&ress OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO(( Place 9 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( %ate 9 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 7++e#$"x D7E (7.@I@7T0S W65 7R0 ST1@-I.A I. FI.74 -07R 5F T60IR 7(7@08I( S0SSI5./72207R0@ F5R FI.74 0I78I.7TI5./R0S14T .5T @0(47R0@ (Bhis certificate is re5uire& on the ori.inal letter hea&)

certifie& that

s o Shri

is a 3onafi&e

stu&ent ofKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK (School Colle.e) an& is presently stu&yin. in ( Ais final Boar& se*ester e<a*ination ,ill 3e ,as con&ucte& &urin.K (*onth an& year of e<a*) an& the results are e<pecte& to 3e &eclare& 3yKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(*onth an& year)


(Si.nature of can&i&ate)

Place 9 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Si.nature of Principal 1e.istrar of the %ate 9 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Colle.e !ni+ersity ,here stu&yin. ,ith sta*p)

Colle.e !ni+ersity roun& sta*p

7++e#$"x B/> (0RTIFI(7T0 F5R 2R0 FI.74 / FI.74 -07R ST1@0.TS 5F 1.IV0RSIT- 0.TR- S(6080 (10S) (2R0 FI.74 -07R / FI.74 -07R @0AR00) (51RS0 5.4(Bhis certificate is re5uire& on the ori.inal letter hea&)

It is certifie& that MrKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKis in Pre-?inal ?inal 0ear of &e.ree course an& is .oin. to appear in ?inal 0ear Se*ester @<a*ination &urin.KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKan& ?inal 0ear e<a* results ,ill 3e &eclare& 3yKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(*onth an& year of e<pecte& &ate of &eclaration of the e<a* results() Mar4sheets of all the se*esters (up to I; se*ester for Pre ?inal year can&i&ates up to ;I se*ester for final year can&i&ates) alon. ,ith t,o photocopies each &uly atteste& are also enclose& here,ith( Place 9 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(Si.nature of Principal 1e.istrar of the %ate 9 (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Colle.e !ni+ersity ,here stu&yin. ,ith sta*p)

Colle.e !ni+ersity roun& sta*p

7++e#$"x D(E (0RTIFI(7T0 F5R (7.@I@7T0S W65 67V0 S1/8ITT0@ T60IR (0RTIFI(7T0S 7.@ 87RHS S600TS I. (5440A0/1.IV0RSIT- F5R 21RS1I.A 6IA60RST1@I0S (Bhis certificate is re5uire& on the ori.inal letter hea&) Certifie& that KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKs o Shri KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK is a 3onafi&e stu&ent of KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK(colle.e uni+ersity) an& presently stu&yin. in (na*e of course to 3e *entione&)( Bhe follo,in. certificates an& *ar4s sheets in respect of the a3o+e in&i+i&ual ha+e 3een &eposite& ,ith this Colle.e !ni+ersity Institution in ori.inal for +erification purpose 9(a) (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (3) (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (c) (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 2( It is further certifie& that photostat copies of the a3o+e &ocu*ents ha+e 3een +erifie& 3y the un& an& atteste&(

S20(I80. 7224I(7TI5. F5R (67.A0 5F 7@@R0SS

Place 9

(Si.nature of Principal 1e.istrar of the %ate 9Colle.e !ni+ersity ,here stu&yin. ,ith sta*p)

Colle.e !ni+ersity roun& sta*p

7++e#$"x B@>

Fr!% 1oll 2o 2a*e ?atherDs 2a*e Postal /&&ress 9



(Si.nature of can&i&ate)

Selection Centre Central Sultania Infantry Lines Bhopal 462001 7224I(7TI5. F5R (67.A0 5F 7@@R0SS Sir' 1( Please refer to your Call !p letter 3earin. 2o SC C G$0KKKK C! &ate&KKKKKKKKKK (

2( /s per your Call !p letter 5uote& a3o+e' I a* re5uire& to report to your Centre on ( KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK My correspon&ence a&&ress .i+en in *y application for the su3-ect course has no, 3een chan.e&( Bhe &etails are as un&er 9Postal /&&ress (as .i+en in the application) 2e, Postal /&&ress (Bo 3e chan.e& in the application)

$( 4(

May I re5uest you to please inclu&e *y postal a&&ress in the application for correspon&ence Bhan4in. 0ou( 0ours faithfully


(Si.nature of can&i&ate)

7++e#$"x B0>

S20(I80. 7224I(7TI5.F5R (67.A0 5F @7T0 5F SS/

Fr!% 1oll 2o 2a*e ?atherDs 2a*e Postal /&&ress

@*ail KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Mo3 2o( KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Bo Bhe Call !p #fficer Selection Centre Central Sultania Infantry Lines Bhopal 462001 7224I(7TI5. F5R (67.A0 5F @7T0 5F SS/ I.T0RVI0W Sir' 1( 2( (a) (3) $( (a) (3) 4( "( May I re5uest you to postpone *y &ate of SSB inter+ie, to the a3sentees 3atch( Bhan4in. 0ou( Bhe follo,in. Certificates %ocu*ents are enclose& here,ith in support of the a3o+e reasons 9Please refer to your Call !p letter 3earin. 2o SC C G$0KKKK C! &ate&KKKKKKKKKK (

/s per your Call !p letter 5uote& a3o+e' I a* re5uire& to report to your Centre on KKKKKKKKKKKK(

But I a* una3le to report for SSB inter+ie, on the &ate as 5uote& a3o+e' &ue to the follo,in. reasons 9-

0ours faithfully

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