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Kronologi Konflik Timur Tengah

Kronologi ini saya copas dari buku Conflicts in the Middle East since 1945, Beverley Milton-Edwards and Peter Hinchcliffe 1945 End of Second World War. 1946 Lebanon achieves full independence from France. 1947 (November) UN adopts Partition Plan for Palestine. 1948 (May) The outbreak of the first ArabIsraeli war and birth of the Palestinian refugee issue. 1950 Jordan annexes the West Bank. 1951 (July) King Abdullah of Jordan assassinated at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. 1952 Free Officer Coup in Egypt. Gamal Abdel Nasser becomes President in 1954. 1956 (October) Suez crisis following nationalization, brings Britain, France and Israel into military confrontation with Egypt. 1957 (January) Eisenhower Doctrine issued by US government. 1958 US marines land in Beirut at request of President Chamoun following widespread disorder. 1963 (March) Baath Party to power in Syria following coup detat. 1964 The Palestine Liberation Organization founded by Egypt. 1967 (June) Six Day War. Arab armies defeated, Israel occupies Palestinian, Syrian and Egyptian territory. 1968 (January) Fatah, the Palestinian resistance movement led by Yasser Arafat formed. (July) Baath Party coup in Iraq. 1970 (September) President Nasser dies and Anwar Sadat becomes president. (September) Civil war in Jordan as Palestinian resistance forces and Jordanian armed forces clash. (November) Hafez al-Assad becomes President of Syria. 1973 (October) Yom Kippur war brings Egyptian and Syrian troops into confrontation with Israel. Israel defeats the Arab armies once more. 1974 (March) Autonomy foisted on Iraqi Kurds by Saddam Hussein. 1975 (April) Outbreak of the Lebanese civil war. 1976 (January) Syrian army enters Lebanese arena. 1977 (November) President Sadat of Egypt pays historic visit to Jerusalem. 1978 (March) Israeli forces invade Lebanon. (September) Israel and Egypt sign Camp David Peace Accords. UN establishes multi-national peacekeeping force (UNIFIL) for South Lebanon

. 1979 (January) Revolution in Iran. Shah is toppled and Ayatollah Khomeini returns from exile. 1980 (September) Outbreak of the IranIraq War. 1981 (October) President Sadat of Egypt assassinated by Islamic militants. 1982 (June) Israel invades Lebanon. (September) Massacres in Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla in Lebanon by Phalangist allies of Israel. 1983 (May) IsraeliLebanese Accords signed. 1984 (March) IsraeliLebanese Accords abrogated. 1985 (January) Israel withdraws some troops from Lebanon. 1986 (April) US raid on Libyan capital of Tripoli. 1987 (December) The outbreak of the Palestinian uprising (Intifada). 1988 (March) Iraq uses chemical weapons on Iraqi Kurds at Halabja. (July) King Hussein abrogates annexation of West Bank. (August) Ceasefire agreed between Iran and Iraq. 1989 (October) Taif Peace Agreement brings civil war in Lebanon to an end. 1990 (August) Saddam Hussein orders Iraqi troops to invade and occupy Kuwait. 1991 (February) Allied Forces successfully end Iraqs occupation of Kuwait. Outbreak of Kurdish and Shia Uprisings in Iraq. (October) First multi-lateral peace conference on the ArabIsraeli dispute held in Madrid. 1993 (September) Israel and the PLO sign the Oslo Accords establishing Palestinian autonomy and agenda for final status negotiations. 1994 (August) Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza. (October) Israel and Jordan sign a peace treaty ending conflict. 1995 (November) Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by Jewish right-wing fanatic at a Peace rally in Tel Aviv. 1996 (March) Palestinian Islamists embark on a suicide bomb campaign against Israel. (June) Israelis elect right-wing Likud leader Binjamin Bibi Netanyahu as Prime Minister. 1999 (February) King Hussein of Jordan dies. His son Abdullah is crowned. (June) Former Army general Ehud Barak elected in Israel as Prime Minister on pro-peace process platform. 2000 (May) Israeli troops withdraw from South Lebanon and its local proxy the South Lebanon Army collapses. (June) Hafez al-Assad of Syria dies. His son Bashar elected Presidential successor. (September) Following the visit by Israeli Likud leader to Temple Mount and al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem Palestinian protest and Israeli violence leads to a subsequent Israeli declaration of time out from the peace process and the second Intifada is announced. (October) Al-Qaeda attack on USS Cole moored in Yemeni waters.

2001 (September) al-Qaeda, led by Usama Bin Laden, launch attacks on New York and Washington. (October) Allied alliance begins military operations against Afghanistan. (November) Kabul falls. (December) New interim administration led by Hamid Karzai takes power. 2002 (April) Israel reoccupies West Bank and the government of Ariel Sharon declares Yasser Arafat an enemy of the state. (June) President George W. Bush recognizes that two states must form solution to PalestinianIsraeli conflict. (November) UNSCR 1441 passed against Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. 2003 (March) War against Iraq launched by Allied forces led by the United States of America. (April) Baghdad falls and the regime of Saddam Hussein collapses. (June) Leader of Algerias outlawed Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) Abassi Madani and his deputy Ali Belhadj are freed after serving twelve-year sentences. (December) Saddam Hussein captured in Tikrit. 2004 (March) Suicide bomb kills 140 in Karbala and Baghdad (April) Abdelaziz Bouteflika is elected to a second term as President of Algeria in a landslide poll victory. (September) UN Security Council resolution aimed at Syria demands that foreign troops leave Lebanon. Syria dismisses the move. Parliament extends pro-Syrian President Lahouds term by three years. Rafiq Hariri resigns as Prime Minister. (November) Yasser Arafat dies. 2005 (January) Mahmoud Abbas elected President of the Palestinian National Authority. Elections in Iraq. (February) Former Syrian Prime Minister Rafik Hariri assassinated in Beirut. (March) Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese attend pro- and antiSyrian rallies in Beirut. (August) Israeli evacuation of the Gaza Strip. 2005 (September) In Algeria voters support reconciliation referendum including an amnesty for many of those involved in post-1992 killings. (December) Elections in Iraq. 2006 (January) Hamas wins majority of seats in Palestinian Legislative Council and form government. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon collapses and falls into a coma. Ehud Olmert appointed to replace him. (July) Israel attacks Lebanon following Hizballah raid on Israeli soldiers. (November) Ministers from Hizballah and the Amal movement

in Lebanon resign shortly before the cabinet approves draft UN plans for a tribunal to try suspects in the killing of former Prime Minister Hariri. (December) Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of opposition supporters demonstrate in Beirut to demand the resignation of the government led by Fouad Siniora. 2007 (January) US government announces new strategy for Iraq. (February) Mecca Declaration ends inter-factional fighting and leads to formation of Palestinian government of national unity. Suicide bomb in Baghdad kills more than 130 people. Fighting between Hamas and Fatah in Ramallah and Gaza.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Konflik yang terjadi di Mesir rupanya telah tertulis dalam Alquran. Sekjen Majelis Intelektual dan Ulama Muda Indonesia (MIUMI), Ustaz Bachtiar Nasir mengatakan, ayat Alquran yang memprediksi konflik Mesir terdapat dalam Surat At-Tin ayat 1-3. "Demi (buah) Tin dan (buah) Zaitun. Dan demi bukit Sinai. Dan demi kota (Makkah) ini yang aman," tutur Bachtiar membacakan terjemahan Surat At-Tin ayat 1-3, saat menjadi narasumber dalam Forum Solidaritas Muslimah Indonesia untuk Derita Mesir di Masjid Baitul Ihsan Bank Indonesia, Sabtu (21/9). Bachtiar berkata, tafsir dari surat tersebut adalah, "Demi bumi tin di Damaskus (Suriah), dan demi bumi zaitun di Palestina, dan demi bukit Thur yg ada di Sinai (Mesir). Dan demi kota Makkah yang aman." Jika dilihat dari kacamata sederhana surat At-Tin, lanjutnya, maka konflik yang terjadi di Suriah, Palestina, dan Mesir, adalah perang global yang sudah Allah takdirkan. Perang itu, kata Bachtiar, bahkan melibatkan seluruh dunia. Karenanya, Bachtiar menilai, persoalan Mesir jangan dianggap sebagai konflik politik. Sebab, jika melihat persoalan tersebut dari sisi politik saja maka hati akan terasa kosong. Lebih dari itu, ia melihat Allah telah menyiapkan skenario besar dalam peristiwa ini. Bachtiar meyakini, akhir dari konflik Mesir juga sudah termaktub dalam Surat Al-Qashshash ayat 5 yang menceritakan kisah Musa melawan Firaun. "Dan Kami hendak memberi karunia kepada orang-orang yang tertindas di bumi (Mesir) itu dan hendak menjadikan mereka pemimpin dan menjadikan mereka orang-orang yang mewarisi (bumi)," bunyi terjemahan dari Surat Al-Qashshash ayat 5. "Pada akhirnya di ayat itu digambarkan orang-orang yang dilemahkan nanti akan dikuatkan dan diwariskan kekuasaan di Mesir," tutup Bachtiar.


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