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The following is an example of a yearlong PD for a Turnaround Arts School (middle school) in Year 1.

August: Whole staff PD on backwards design unit planning and creating rigorous assessments (formative and summative) Whole staff experiences related to artful teambuilding are woven throughout pre-school year professional development (and throughout the rest of the year) September: Whole Staff Visioning Exercise This staff experience is the catalyst for the creation of the schools Turnaround Arts Roadmap Lesson and project studies begin (arts integration team time) Bi-weekly teacher teams (interdisciplinary and including arts specialists) meet to get feedback on an arts integrated lesson or project and to look at student work associated with the lesson/project Protocols are used to support this work and notes/plans/student work is documented in a WikiSpace that all staff have access to October: Five teachers and Arts Team Leader attend a three-day arts integration conference led by a local arts organization, Think360Arts. Focus of conference is on the aesthetic dimensions of teaching and learning, called CRISPA ((connections, risk-taking, imagination, sensory, perceptivity and active engagement). In arts integration teacher time, staff learns about the importance of and how to incorporate CRISPA into their lesson and project plans. Staff that attended Think360 conference take active leadership role. Whole staff workshop on the high impact strategy Tableau with specific connections to CCSS Teachers are responsible for creating lesson plans that incorporate tableau and receive feedback during arts integration team time. November:

Whole staff workshop on Visual Thinking Strategies with specific connections to CCSS Teachers are responsible for creating lesson plans that incorporate VTS and receive feedback during arts integration team time. December: Building a Culture of Critique Workshop (whole-staff) Origin of critique is the visual arts classroom Emphasis on how revision leads to Quality Work School-wide language is established around giving Kind, Specific and Helpful feedback (KSH) January: Mizel Museum Stories Matter Project begins 8 week residency that brings three prominent local artists into the school. The Stories Matter Project culminates in the creation of a large piece of installation art. Three teachers are actively involved in supporting/developing this project alongside artists. Whole staff workshops on: Theatrical approach to literacy The arts as a means for enlisting students (and families) as collaborators February: Creative Leadership Team brainstorms an end-of-year event to celebrate the hard work of non-arts teachers and staff related to arts integrated projects (that were developed during arts integration team time as well as during artist residences). Event is named the ThinkShow. Rubric is drafted by the Creative Leadership Team to guide the teacher/student preparation for the ThinkShow. Rubric is revised by Instructional Leadership Team. Rubric is reviewed and revised by wholestaff. March: Storytelling workshop (whole-staff) Scientific evidence behind stories and memory How the arts have been used throughout history to tell stories (especially invisible stories) Storytelling as an art form and as a means for embedding/teaching content Making Learning Visible workshop

The importance of making student and teacher thinking visible related to such processes as arts integration and project-based learning Documentation boards as one means for making learning visible Teachers are responsible for creating one documentation board for the ThinkShow

April: All staff meeting regarding ThinkShow details Roles and responsibilities Schedule Peer-to-peer feedback loop On-going throughout the year: Artist Residencies Most residencies last for four days 13 occur throughout the year representing partnerships with three organizations Each residency includes a planning session between the teaching artist and classroom teacher and an end of residency reflection. Residencies are strategically placed across the faculty in order to provide professional development for all teachers May: ThinkShow event celebrates Quality Arts Integrated work across all content areas

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