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The 13th World Korean Business Convention

2014. 9. 24 (Wed) ~ 26(Fri) B!"C#$ Busan

Application of Young Business Leaders Forum

!"#$ %&'()*+,- ./012 3456 789: ; <= >?@ AB C.D [ EFGHI JK L.: M@NO P9Q RSTUG \] ^ _`GHI & a./Z b cdmaile> Please fill out this form completely and submit via e-mail( by Friday 23 May. Those selected will be informed via e-mail by une. Please fill out the form carefully and completely as the information will be published. !or this reason" forms submitted with errors will be omitted. 2V 3456 WXYZ 2V 1 78

1. Personal Information /
Korean Name First Name !"in Pass#ort$ Nationality %ast Name "in Pass#ort$

& ' "1((K) * +,-

6ale / Female

7ate of )irt8 9:;, "<<<</ 66/ 77$

./ 0123$ %an=>a=e ?@

A@"Kor.$ / @"Bn=.$ / CD"Et8er %an=>a=eF

Gesi5ential Ho>ntry I Hity JK I /L Gesi5ential Hell #8one JK OPQR "So>ntry So5e $



Hell #8one in Korea A OPQR

T. B5>Sation I Hareer / UV W XV
B5>Sation UV

BY$ T(((Z [\]PU^ XU_ `a"bcU Qd$

BY#erienSe")>siness eStifity$ K2XV

BY$ T(((Z [\]0gb& hijk _l T((mZ <I% Intnopq"rsb&$

fage g&'

t. Hom#any Information / b&

Hom#any Name "in Korean$ b& 7e#artment uv In5>stry yy#e az Hom#any Name "in Bn=lis8$ b& Position wx"in Korean/ in Bn=lis8$ 6a{or Pro5>Sts"|erfiSe$ K2}~

enn>al |ales 1"| $

Ha#ital "| $

Hom#any e55ress b& K "inSl>5e i# So5e$

<ear of Bstalis8ment pq:/

No. of Bm#loyee w

EffiSe yel. b& QR "So>ntry So5e


istory of )>siness b&/

. Geason for e##liSation / C

fage '&'

m. Information of GeSommen5er /
pq RE1 rs )teu candidates svould attacv tve letters of recommendationI+
Korean Name Hom#any / Er=aniation Name I Position W w

yel. QR "So>ntry So5e



/ HontaSt Information A*&au P / Jungmin Seok, Hansang Businesss Department yelF TMTMt1mM(1mm / BMmailF {minof.or.r eF

%etters of reSommen5ation / v
pq9: pqYw RE1 2xD 012 3yGH GeSommen5er are in5ly re>este5 to fill o>t t8e lan.

/ GeSommen5er Name(Please print) :

fage (&'


2014 4 5* 67. 89
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n 2014

oP gp* +2 3 qS S @

3 1U4 JP rst, 1U4 eB k uv0 w 8 rx7.

2014 G H I : (D y )

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Consent %or& %or 'rovision and a''li(ation o% 'ersonal in%or&ation

Under Article 15 ~ 22 of the Act on the Protection of Per on!l "nfor#!tion, $ith re%!rd to2014 &o'n% B' ine conference. Consent to (olle(tion and use o% 'ersonal in%or&ation
"te# P'r/o e of collection !nd ' e of /er on!l infor#!tion )'t're (e!der 0 1onference
Photo, 3!#e, 4ender, D!te of *irth, P! /ort 3o., Addre 1ont!ct 3o. 6d'c!tion !nd e7/erience rel!ted #!tter (Ac!de#ic *!c8%ro'nd, 9!:or, D!te of %r!d'!tion, 1!reer, etc) "dentific!tion

(e!der )or'# !ho ted *+ ,-er e! .ore!n )o'nd!tion(,.)),

" con ent to /ro-ide ,.) $ith #+ /er on!l infor#!tion for 'cce f'l /re/!r!tion of the

2!lented Peo/le DB

Period of ' e !nd retention

A//lic!tion of the o-er e! t!lented /eo/le DB - U ed for con 'ltin% !*o't n!tion!l Anno'nce#ent, Pro-i ion of i#/ort!nt /olicie - U ed ! the #!n/o$er /ool for infor#!tion /'*lic !//lic!tion !#on% %o-ern#ent 1onfir#!tion of ;'!lific!tion de/!rt#ent - U ed ! the /reli#in!r+ d!t! for for election for#'l!tion of /olicie for o-er e! .ore!n .


n A//lic!nt for <2014 &o'n% B' ine

(e!der )or'# < h!-e the ri%ht to re:ect con ent for !//lic!tion of

/er on!l infor#!tion. "f o, he( he) #!+ *e e7cl'ded fro# the li t of c!ndid!te for election.

2014, (9onth), (D!te) 3!#e : (5e!l or 5i%n!t're)

fage %&'

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