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ln Lhe beglnnlng was Lhe Word, and Lhe Word was wlLh Cod, and Lhe Word was fully Cod.
1he Word was wlLh Cod ln Lhe beglnnlng. All Lhlngs were creaLed by hlm, and aparL from
hlm noL one Lhlng was creaLed LhaL has been creaLed. lo blm wos llfe, and Lhe llfe was Lhe
llghL of manklnd. And Lhe llghL shlnes on ln Lhe darkness, buL Lhe darkness has noL
masLered lL.
A man came, senL from Cod, whose name was !ohn. Pe came as a wlLness Lo LesLlfy abouL
Lhe llghL, so LhaL everyone mlghL belleve Lhrough hlm. Pe hlmself was noL Lhe llghL, buL he
came Lo LesLlfy abouL Lhe llghL. 1he Lrue llghL, who glves llghL Lo everyone, was comlng lnLo
Lhe world. Pe was ln Lhe world, and Lhe world was creaLed by hlm, buL Lhe world dld noL
recognlze hlm. Pe came Lo whaL was hls own, buL hls own people dld noL recelve hlm. 8uL
Lo all who have recelved hlm-Lhose who belleve ln hls name-he has glven Lhe rlghL Lo
become Cod's chlldren -chlldren noL born by human parenLs or by human deslre or a
husband's declslon, buL by Cod.
now Lhe Word became flesh and Look up resldence among us. We saw hls glory-Lhe glory
of Lhe one and only, full of grace and LruLh, who came from Lhe laLher. !ohn LesLlfled abouL
hlm and shouLed ouL, 1hls one was Lhe one abouL whom l sald, 'Pe who comes afLer me ls
greaLer Lhan l am, because he exlsLed before me.'" lor we have all recelved from hls
fullness one graclous glfL afLer anoLher. lor Lhe law was glven Lhrough Moses, buL grace
and LruLh came abouL Lhrough !esus ChrlsL. no one has ever seen Cod. 1he only one,
hlmself Cod, who ls ln closesL fellowshlp wlLh Lhe laLher, has made Cod known.
now Lhls was !ohn's LesLlmony when Lhe !ewlsh leaders senL prlesLs and LevlLes from
!erusalem Lo ask hlm, Who are you?" Pe confessed-he dld noL deny buL confessed-l
am noL Lhe ChrlsL!" So Lhey asked hlm, 1hen who are you? Are you Lll[ah?" Pe sald, l am
noL!" Are you Lhe ropheL?" Pe answered, no!" 1hen Lhey sald Lo hlm, Who are you?
1ell us so LhaL we can glve an answer Lo Lhose who senL us. WhaL do you say abouL
!ohn sald, l am !"# %&'(# &) &*# +"&,!'*- '* !"# .'/0#1*#++2 3456# +!15'-"! !"# .57 )&1
!"# 8&1029 as lsalah Lhe propheL sald." (now Lhey had been senL from Lhe harlsees.) So
Lhey asked !ohn, Why Lhen are you bapLlzlng lf you are noL Lhe ChrlsL, nor Lll[ah, nor Lhe
!ohn answered Lhem, l bapLlze wlLh waLer. Among you sLands one whom you do noL
recognlze, who ls comlng afLer me. l am noL worLhy Lo unLle Lhe sLrap of hls sandal!" 1hese
Lhlngs happened ln 8eLhany across Lhe !ordan 8lver where !ohn was bapLlzlng.
Cn Lhe nexL day !ohn saw !esus comlng Loward hlm and sald, Look, Lhe Lamb of Cod who
Lakes away Lhe sln of Lhe world! 1hls ls Lhe one abouL whom l sald, 'AfLer me comes a man
who ls greaLer Lhan l am, because he exlsLed before me.' l dld noL recognlze hlm, buL l came
bapLlzlng wlLh waLer so LhaL he could be revealed Lo lsrael."
1hen !ohn LesLlfled, l saw Lhe SplrlL descendlng llke a dove from heaven, and lL remalned
on hlm. And l dld noL recognlze hlm, buL Lhe one who senL me Lo bapLlze wlLh waLer sald Lo
me, '1he one on whom you see Lhe SplrlL descendlng and remalnlng-Lhls ls Lhe one who
bapLlzes wlLh Lhe Poly SplrlL.' l have boLh seen and LesLlfled LhaL Lhls man ls Lhe Chosen
Cne of Cod."
Agaln Lhe nexL day !ohn was sLandlng Lhere wlLh Lwo of hls dlsclples. Cazlng aL !esus as he
walked by, he sald, Look, Lhe Lamb of Cod!" When !ohn's Lwo dlsclples heard hlm say Lhls,
Lhey followed !esus. !esus Lurned around and saw Lhem followlng and sald Lo Lhem, WhaL
do you wanL?" So Lhey sald Lo hlm, 8abbl" (whlch ls LranslaLed 1eacher), where are you
sLaylng?" !esus answered, Come and you wlll see." So Lhey came and saw where he was
sLaylng, and Lhey sLayed wlLh hlm LhaL day. now lL was abouL four o'clock ln Lhe afLernoon.
Andrew, Lhe broLher of Slmon eLer, was one of Lhe Lwo dlsclples who heard whaL !ohn
sald and followed !esus. Pe flrsL found hls own broLher Slmon and Lold hlm, We have
found Lhe Messlah!" (whlch ls LranslaLed ChrlsL). Andrew broughL Slmon Lo !esus. !esus
looked aL hlm and sald, ?ou are Slmon, Lhe son of !ohn. ?ou wlll be called Cephas" (whlch
ls LranslaLed eLer).
Cn Lhe nexL day !esus wanLed Lo seL ouL for Calllee. Pe found hlllp and sald Lo hlm,
lollow me." (now hlllp was from 8eLhsalda, Lhe Lown of Andrew and eLer.) hlllp found
naLhanael and Lold hlm, We have found Lhe one Moses wroLe abouL ln Lhe law, and Lhe
propheLs also wroLe abouL-!esus of nazareLh, Lhe son of !oseph." naLhanael replled, Can
anyLhlng good come ouL of nazareLh?" hlllp replled, Come and see."
!esus saw naLhanael comlng Loward hlm and exclalmed, Look, a Lrue lsraellLe lo wbom
tbete ls oo Jecelt!" naLhanael asked hlm, Pow do you know me?" !esus replled, 8efore
hlllp called you, when you were under Lhe flg Lree, l saw you." naLhanael answered hlm,
8abbl, you are Lhe Son of Cod, you are Lhe klng of lsrael!" !esus sald Lo hlm, 8ecause l
Lold you LhaL l saw you under Lhe flg Lree, do you belleve? ?ou wlll see greaLer Lhlngs Lhan
Lhese." Pe conLlnued, l Lell all of you Lhe solemn LruLh-you wlll see heaven opened and
Lhe angels of Cod ascendlng and descendlng on Lhe Son of Man."
now on Lhe Lhlrd day Lhere was a weddlng aL Cana ln Calllee. !esus' moLher was Lhere, and
!esus and hls dlsclples were also lnvlLed Lo Lhe weddlng. When Lhe wlne ran ouL, !esus'
moLher sald Lo hlm, 1hey have no wlne lefL." !esus replled, Woman, why are you saylng
Lhls Lo me? My Llme has noL yeL come." Pls moLher Lold Lhe servanLs, WhaLever he Lells
you, do lL."
now Lhere were slx sLone waLer [ars Lhere for !ewlsh ceremonlal washlng, each holdlng
LwenLy or LhlrLy gallons. !esus Lold Lhe servanLs, llll Lhe waLer [ars wlLh waLer." So Lhey
fllled Lhem up Lo Lhe very Lop. 1hen he Lold Lhem, now draw some ouL and Lake lL Lo Lhe
head sLeward," and Lhey dld. When Lhe head sLeward LasLed Lhe waLer LhaL had been
Lurned Lo wlne, noL knowlng where lL came from (Lhough Lhe servanLs who had drawn Lhe
waLer knew), he called Lhe brldegroom and sald Lo hlm, Lveryone serves Lhe good wlne
flrsL, and Lhen Lhe cheaper wlne when Lhe guesLs are drunk. ?ou have kepL Lhe good wlne
unLll now!" !esus dld Lhls as Lhe flrsL of hls mlraculous slgns, ln Cana of Calllee. ln Lhls way
he revealed hls glory, and hls dlsclples belleved ln hlm.
AfLer Lhls he wenL down Lo Capernaum wlLh hls moLher and broLhers and hls dlsclples, and
Lhey sLayed Lhere a few days. now Lhe !ewlsh feasL of assover was near, so !esus wenL up
Lo !erusalem.
Pe found ln Lhe Lemple courLs Lhose who were selllng oxen and sheep and doves, and Lhe
money changers slLLlng aL Lables. So he made a whlp of cords and drove Lhem all ouL of Lhe
Lemple courLs, wlLh Lhe sheep and Lhe oxen. Pe scaLLered Lhe colns of Lhe money changers
and overLurned Lhelr Lables. 1o Lhose who sold Lhe doves he sald, 1ake Lhese Lhlngs away
from here! uo noL make my laLher's house a markeLplace!" Pls dlsclples remembered LhaL
lL was wrlLLen, :#5/ )&1 7&,1 "&,+# .'// 0#%&,1 ;#."
So Lhen Lhe !ewlsh leaders responded, WhaL slgn can you show us, slnce you are dolng
Lhese Lhlngs?" !esus replled, uesLroy Lhls Lemple and ln Lhree days l wlll ralse lL up agaln."
1hen Lhe !ewlsh leaders sald Lo hlm, 1hls Lemple has been under consLrucLlon for forLy-slx
years, and are you golng Lo ralse lL up ln Lhree days?" 8uL !esus was speaklng abouL Lhe
Lemple of hls body. So afLer he was ralsed from Lhe dead, hls dlsclples remembered LhaL he
had sald Lhls, and Lhey belleved Lhe scrlpLure and Lhe saylng LhaL !esus had spoken.
now whlle !esus was ln !erusalem aL Lhe feasL of Lhe assover, many people belleved ln hls
name because Lhey saw Lhe mlraculous slgns he was dolng. 8uL !esus would noL enLrusL
hlmself Lo Lhem, because he knew all people. Pe dld noL need anyone Lo LesLlfy abouL man,
for he knew whaL was ln man.
now a cerLaln man, a harlsee named nlcodemus, who was a member of Lhe !ewlsh rullng
councll, came Lo !esus aL nlghL and sald Lo hlm, 8abbl, we know LhaL you are a Leacher
who has come from Cod. lor no one could perform Lhe mlraculous slgns LhaL you do unless
Cod ls wlLh hlm." !esus replled, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, unless a person ls born from
above, he cannoL see Lhe klngdom of Cod." nlcodemus sald Lo hlm, Pow can a man be
born when he ls old? Pe cannoL enLer hls moLher's womb and be born a second Llme, can
!esus answered, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, unless a person ls born of waLer and splrlL, he
cannoL enLer Lhe klngdom of Cod. WhaL ls born of Lhe flesh ls flesh, and whaL ls born of Lhe
SplrlL ls splrlL. uo noL be amazed LhaL l sald Lo you, '?ou musL all be born from above.' 1he
wlnd blows wherever lL wlll, and you hear Lhe sound lL makes, buL do noL know where lL
comes from and where lL ls golng. So lL ls wlLh everyone who ls born of Lhe SplrlL."
nlcodemus replled, Pow can Lhese Lhlngs be?" !esus answered, Are you Lhe Leacher of
lsrael and yeL you don'L undersLand Lhese Lhlngs? l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, we speak
abouL whaL we know and LesLlfy abouL whaL we have seen, buL you people do noL accepL
our LesLlmony. lf l have Lold you people abouL earLhly Lhlngs and you don'L belleve, how
wlll you belleve lf l Lell you abouL heavenly Lhlngs? no one has ascended lnLo heaven excepL
Lhe one who descended from heaven-Lhe Son of Man. !usL as Moses llfteJ op tbe setpeot
lo tbe wllJetoess, so musL Lhe Son of Man be llfLed up, so LhaL everyone who belleves ln
hlm may have eLernal llfe."
lor Lhls ls Lhe way Cod loved Lhe world: Pe gave hls one and only Son, so LhaL everyone
who belleves ln hlm wlll noL perlsh buL have eLernal llfe. lor Cod dld noL send hls Son lnLo
Lhe world Lo condemn Lhe world, buL LhaL Lhe world should be saved Lhrough hlm. 1he one
who belleves ln hlm ls noL condemned. 1he one who does noL belleve has been condemned
already, because he has noL belleved ln Lhe name of Lhe one and only Son of Cod. now Lhls
ls Lhe basls for [udglng: LhaL Lhe llghL has come lnLo Lhe world and people loved Lhe
darkness raLher Lhan Lhe llghL, because Lhelr deeds were evll. lor everyone who does evll
deeds haLes Lhe llghL and does noL come Lo Lhe llghL, so LhaL Lhelr deeds wlll noL be
exposed. 8uL Lhe one who pracLlces Lhe LruLh comes Lo Lhe llghL, so LhaL lL may be plalnly
evldenL LhaL hls deeds have been done ln Cod.
AfLer Lhls, !esus and hls dlsclples came lnLo !udean LerrlLory, and Lhere he spenL Llme wlLh
Lhem and was bapLlzlng. !ohn was also bapLlzlng aL Aenon near Sallm, because waLer was
plenLlful Lhere, and people were comlng Lo hlm and belng bapLlzed. (lor !ohn had noL yeL
been Lhrown lnLo prlson.)
now a dlspuLe came abouL beLween some of !ohn's dlsclples and a cerLaln !ew concernlng
ceremonlal washlng. So Lhey came Lo !ohn and sald Lo hlm, 8abbl, Lhe one who was wlLh
you on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe !ordan 8lver, abouL whom you LesLlfled-see, he ls bapLlzlng,
and everyone ls flocklng Lo hlm!"
!ohn replled, no one can recelve anyLhlng unless lL has been glven Lo hlm from heaven.
?ou yourselves can LesLlfy LhaL l sald, 'l am noL Lhe ChrlsL,' buL raLher, 'l have been senL
before hlm.' 1he one who has Lhe brlde ls Lhe brldegroom. 1he frlend of Lhe brldegroom,
who sLands by and llsLens for hlm, re[olces greaLly when he hears Lhe brldegroom's volce.
1hls Lhen ls my [oy, and lL ls compleLe. Pe musL become more lmporLanL whlle l become
less lmporLanL."
1he one who comes from above ls superlor Lo all. 1he one who ls from Lhe earLh belongs Lo
Lhe earLh and speaks abouL earLhly Lhlngs. 1he one who comes from heaven ls superlor Lo
all. Pe LesLlfles abouL whaL he has seen and heard, buL no one accepLs hls LesLlmony. 1he
one who has accepLed hls LesLlmony has conflrmed clearly LhaL Cod ls LruLhful. lor Lhe one
whom Cod has senL speaks Lhe words of Cod, for he does noL glve Lhe SplrlL sparlngly. 1he
laLher loves Lhe Son and has placed all Lhlngs under hls auLhorlLy. 1he one who belleves ln
Lhe Son has eLernal llfe. 1he one who re[ecLs Lhe Son wlll noL see llfe, buL Cod's wraLh
remalns on hlm.
now when !esus knew LhaL Lhe harlsees had heard LhaL he was wlnnlng and bapLlzlng
more dlsclples Lhan !ohn (alLhough !esus hlmself was noL bapLlzlng, buL hls dlsclples were),
he lefL !udea and seL ouL once more for Calllee.
8uL he had Lo pass Lhrough Samarla. now he came Lo a SamarlLan Lown called Sychar, near
Lhe ploL of land LhaL !acob had glven Lo hls son !oseph. !acob's well was Lhere, so !esus,
slnce he was Llred from Lhe [ourney, saL rlghL down beslde Lhe well. lL was abouL noon.
A SamarlLan woman came Lo draw waLer. !esus sald Lo her, Clve me some waLer Lo drlnk."
(lor hls dlsclples had gone off lnLo Lhe Lown Lo buy supplles.) So Lhe SamarlLan woman sald
Lo hlm, Pow can you-a !ew-ask me, a SamarlLan woman, for waLer Lo drlnk?" (lor !ews
use noLhlng ln common wlLh SamarlLans.)
!esus answered her, lf you had known Lhe glfL of Cod and who lL ls who sald Lo you, 'Clve
me some waLer Lo drlnk,' you would have asked hlm, and he would have glven you llvlng
waLer." Slr," Lhe woman sald Lo hlm, you have no buckeL and Lhe well ls deep, where
Lhen do you geL Lhls llvlng waLer? Surely you're noL greaLer Lhan our ancesLor !acob, are
you? lor he gave us Lhls well and drank from lL hlmself, along wlLh hls sons and hls
!esus replled, Lveryone who drlnks some of Lhls waLer wlll be LhlrsLy agaln. 8uL whoever
drlnks some of Lhe waLer LhaL l wlll glve hlm wlll never be LhlrsLy agaln, buL Lhe waLer LhaL l
wlll glve hlm wlll become ln hlm a founLaln of waLer sprlnglng up Lo eLernal llfe." 1he
woman sald Lo hlm, Slr, glve me Lhls waLer, so LhaL l wlll noL be LhlrsLy or have Lo come
here Lo draw waLer." Pe sald Lo her, Co call your husband and come back here." 1he
woman replled, l have no husband." !esus sald Lo her, 8lghL you are when you sald, 'l
have no husband,' for you have had flve husbands, and Lhe man you are llvlng wlLh now ls
noL your husband. 1hls you sald LruLhfully!"
1he woman sald Lo hlm, Slr, l see LhaL you are a propheL. Cur faLhers worshlped on Lhls
mounLaln, and you people say LhaL Lhe place where people musL worshlp ls ln !erusalem."
!esus sald Lo her, 8elleve me, woman, a Llme ls comlng when you wlll worshlp Lhe laLher
nelLher on Lhls mounLaln nor ln !erusalem. ?ou people worshlp whaL you do noL know. We
worshlp whaL we know, because salvaLlon ls from Lhe !ews. 8uL a Llme ls comlng-and now
ls here-when Lhe Lrue worshlpers wlll worshlp Lhe laLher ln splrlL and LruLh, for Lhe laLher
seeks such people Lo be hls worshlpers. Cod ls splrlL, and Lhe people who worshlp hlm musL
worshlp ln splrlL and LruLh." 1he woman sald Lo hlm, l know LhaL Messlah ls comlng" (Lhe
one called ChrlsL), whenever he comes, he wlll Lell us everyLhlng." !esus sald Lo her, l, Lhe
one speaklng Lo you, am he."
now aL LhaL very momenL hls dlsclples came back. 1hey were shocked because he was
speaklng wlLh a woman. Powever, no one sald, WhaL do you wanL?" or Why are you
speaklng wlLh her?" 1hen Lhe woman lefL her waLer [ar, wenL off lnLo Lhe Lown and sald Lo
Lhe people, Come, see a man who Lold me everyLhlng l ever dld. Surely he can'L be Lhe
Messlah, can he?" So Lhey lefL Lhe Lown and began comlng Lo hlm.
Meanwhlle Lhe dlsclples were urglng hlm, 8abbl, eaL someLhlng." 8uL he sald Lo Lhem, l
have food Lo eaL LhaL you know noLhlng abouL." So Lhe dlsclples began Lo say Lo one
anoLher, no one broughL hlm anyLhlng Lo eaL, dld Lhey?" !esus sald Lo Lhem, My food ls
Lo do Lhe wlll of Lhe one who senL me and Lo compleLe hls work. uon'L you say, '1here are
four more monLhs and Lhen comes Lhe harvesL?' l Lell you, look up and see LhaL Lhe flelds
are already whlLe for harvesL! 1he one who reaps recelves pay and gaLhers frulL for eLernal
llfe, so LhaL Lhe one who sows and Lhe one who reaps can re[olce LogeLher. lor ln Lhls
lnsLance Lhe saylng ls Lrue, 'Cne sows and anoLher reaps.' l senL you Lo reap whaL you dld
noL work for, oLhers have labored and you have enLered lnLo Lhelr labor."
now many SamarlLans from LhaL Lown belleved ln hlm because of Lhe reporL of Lhe woman
who LesLlfled, Pe Lold me everyLhlng l ever dld." So when Lhe SamarlLans came Lo hlm,
Lhey began asklng hlm Lo sLay wlLh Lhem. Pe sLayed Lhere Lwo days, and because of hls
word many more belleved. 1hey sald Lo Lhe woman, no longer do we belleve because of
your words, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know LhaL Lhls one really ls Lhe Savlor
of Lhe world."
AfLer Lhe Lwo days he deparLed from Lhere Lo Calllee. (lor !esus hlmself had LesLlfled LhaL a
propheL has no honor ln hls own counLry.) So when he came Lo Calllee, Lhe Callleans
welcomed hlm because Lhey had seen all Lhe Lhlngs he had done ln !erusalem aL Lhe feasL
(for Lhey Lhemselves had gone Lo Lhe feasL).
now he came agaln Lo Cana ln Calllee where he had made Lhe waLer wlne. ln Capernaum
Lhere was a cerLaln royal offlclal whose son was slck. When he heard LhaL !esus had come
back from !udea Lo Calllee, he wenL Lo hlm and begged hlm Lo come down and heal hls son,
who was abouL Lo dle. So !esus sald Lo hlm, unless you people see slgns and wonders you
wlll never belleve!" Slr," Lhe offlclal sald Lo hlm, come down before my chlld dles." !esus
Lold hlm, Co home, your son wlll llve." 1he man belleved Lhe word LhaL !esus spoke Lo
hlm, and seL off for home.
Whlle he was on hls way down, hls slaves meL hlm and Lold hlm LhaL hls son was golng Lo
llve. So he asked Lhem Lhe Llme when hls condlLlon began Lo lmprove, and Lhey Lold hlm,
?esLerday aL one o'clock ln Lhe afLernoon Lhe fever lefL hlm." 1hen Lhe faLher reallzed LhaL
lL was Lhe very Llme !esus had sald Lo hlm, ?our son wlll llve," and he hlmself belleved
along wlLh hls enLlre household. !esus dld Lhls as hls second mlraculous slgn when he
reLurned from !udea Lo Calllee.
AfLer Lhls Lhere was a !ewlsh feasL, and !esus wenL up Lo !erusalem. now Lhere ls ln
!erusalem by Lhe Sheep CaLe a pool called 8etbzotbo ln Aramalc, whlch has flve covered
walkways. A greaL number of slck, bllnd, lame, and paralyzed people were lylng ln Lhese
walkways. now a man was Lhere who had been dlsabled for LhlrLy-elghL years. When !esus
saw hlm lylng Lhere and when he reallzed LhaL Lhe man had been dlsabled a long Llme
already, he sald Lo hlm, uo you wanL Lo become well?" 1he slck man answered hlm, Slr, l
have no one Lo puL me lnLo Lhe pool when Lhe waLer ls sLlrred up. Whlle l am Lrylng Lo geL
lnLo Lhe waLer, someone else goes down Lhere before me." !esus sald Lo hlm, SLand up!
lck up your maL and walk." lmmedlaLely Lhe man was healed, and he plcked up hls maL
and sLarLed walklng. (now LhaL day was a SabbaLh.)
So Lhe !ewlsh leaders sald Lo Lhe man who had been healed, lL ls Lhe SabbaLh, and you are
noL permlLLed Lo carry your maL." 8uL he answered Lhem, 1he man who made me well
sald Lo me, 'lck up your maL and walk.'" 1hey asked hlm, Who ls Lhe man who sald Lo you,
'lck up your maL and walk'?" 8uL Lhe man who had been healed dld noL know who lL was,
for !esus had sllpped ouL, slnce Lhere was a crowd ln LhaL place.
AfLer Lhls !esus found hlm aL Lhe Lemple and sald Lo hlm, Look, you have become well.
uon'L sln any more, lesL anyLhlng worse happen Lo you." 1he man wenL away and lnformed
Lhe !ewlsh leaders LhaL !esus was Lhe one who had made hlm well.
now because !esus was dolng Lhese Lhlngs on Lhe SabbaLh, Lhe !ewlsh leaders began
persecuLlng hlm. So he Lold Lhem, My laLher ls worklng unLll now, and l Loo am worklng."
lor Lhls reason Lhe !ewlsh leaders were Lrylng even harder Lo klll hlm, because noL only was
he breaklng Lhe SabbaLh, buL he was also calllng Cod hls own laLher, Lhus maklng hlmself
equal wlLh Cod.
So !esus answered Lhem, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe Son can do noLhlng on hls own
lnlLlaLlve, buL only whaL he sees Lhe laLher dolng. lor whaLever Lhe laLher does, Lhe Son
does llkewlse. lor Lhe laLher loves Lhe Son and shows hlm everyLhlng he does, and wlll
show hlm greaLer deeds Lhan Lhese, so LhaL you wlll be amazed. lor [usL as Lhe laLher ralses
Lhe dead and glves Lhem llfe, so also Lhe Son glves llfe Lo whomever he wlshes.
lurLhermore, Lhe laLher does noL [udge anyone, buL has asslgned all [udgmenL Lo Lhe Son,
so LhaL all people wlll honor Lhe Son [usL as Lhey honor Lhe laLher. 1he one who does noL
honor Lhe Son does noL honor Lhe laLher who senL hlm.
l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe one who hears my message and belleves Lhe one who senL
me has eLernal llfe and wlll noL be condemned, buL has crossed over from deaLh Lo llfe. l
Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, a Llme ls comlng-and ls now here-when Lhe dead wlll hear Lhe
volce of Lhe Son of Cod, and Lhose who hear wlll llve. lor [usL as Lhe laLher has llfe ln
hlmself, Lhus he has granLed Lhe Son Lo have llfe ln hlmself, and he has granLed Lhe Son
auLhorlLy Lo execuLe [udgmenL, because he ls Lhe Son of Man.
uo noL be amazed aL Lhls, because a Llme ls comlng when all who are ln Lhe Lombs wlll
hear hls volce and wlll come ouL-Lhe ones who have done whaL ls good Lo Lhe resurrecLlon
resulLlng ln llfe, and Lhe ones who have done whaL ls evll Lo Lhe resurrecLlon resulLlng ln
condemnaLlon. l can do noLhlng on my own lnlLlaLlve. !usL as l hear, l [udge, and my
[udgmenL ls [usL, because l do noL seek my own wlll, buL Lhe wlll of Lhe one who senL me.
lf l LesLlfy abouL myself, my LesLlmony ls noL Lrue. 1here ls anoLher who LesLlfles abouL me,
and l know Lhe LesLlmony he LesLlfles abouL me ls Lrue. ?ou have senL Lo !ohn, and he has
LesLlfled Lo Lhe LruLh. (l do noL accepL human LesLlmony, buL l say Lhls so LhaL you may be
saved.) Pe was a lamp LhaL was burnlng and shlnlng, and you wanLed Lo re[olce greaLly for a
shorL Llme ln hls llghL.
8uL l have a LesLlmony greaLer Lhan LhaL from !ohn. lor Lhe deeds LhaL Lhe laLher has
asslgned me Lo compleLe-Lhe deeds l am now dolng-LesLlfy abouL me LhaL Lhe laLher has
senL me. And Lhe laLher who senL me has hlmself LesLlfled abouL me. ?ou people have
never heard hls volce nor seen hls form aL any Llme, nor do you have hls word resldlng ln
you, because you do noL belleve Lhe one whom he senL. ?ou sLudy Lhe scrlpLures
Lhoroughly because you Lhlnk ln Lhem you possess eLernal llfe, and lL ls Lhese same
scrlpLures LhaL LesLlfy abouL me, buL you are noL wllllng Lo come Lo me so LhaL you may
have llfe.
l do noL accepL pralse from people, buL l know you, LhaL you do noL have Lhe love of Cod
wlLhln you. l have come ln my laLher's name, and you do noL accepL me. lf someone else
comes ln hls own name, you wlll accepL hlm. Pow can you belleve, lf you accepL pralse from
one anoLher and don'L seek Lhe pralse LhaL comes from Lhe only Cod?
uo noL suppose LhaL l wlll accuse you before Lhe laLher. 1he one who accuses you ls
Moses, ln whom you have placed your hope. lf you belleved Moses, you would belleve me,
because he wroLe abouL me. 8uL lf you do noL belleve whaL Moses wroLe, how wlll you
belleve my words?"
AfLer Lhls !esus wenL away Lo Lhe oLher slde of Lhe Sea of Calllee (also called Lhe Sea of
1lberlas). A large crowd was followlng hlm because Lhey were observlng Lhe mlraculous
slgns he was performlng on Lhe slck. So !esus wenL on up Lhe mounLalnslde and saL down
Lhere wlLh hls dlsclples. (now Lhe !ewlsh feasL of Lhe assover was near.) 1hen !esus, when
he looked up and saw LhaL a large crowd was comlng Lo hlm, sald Lo hlllp, Where can we
buy bread so LhaL Lhese people may eaL?" (now !esus sald Lhls Lo LesL hlm, for he knew
whaL he was golng Lo do.) hlllp replled, 1wo hundred sllver colns worLh of bread would
noL be enough for Lhem, for each one Lo geL a llLLle." Cne of !esus' dlsclples, Andrew, Slmon
eLer's broLher, sald Lo hlm, Pere ls a boy who has flve barley loaves and Lwo flsh, buL
whaL good are Lhese for so many people?"
!esus sald, Pave Lhe people slL down." (now Lhere was a loL of grass ln LhaL place.) So Lhe
men saL down, abouL flve Lhousand ln number. 1hen !esus Look Lhe loaves, and when he
had glven Lhanks, he dlsLrlbuLed Lhe bread Lo Lhose who were seaLed. Pe Lhen dld Lhe same
wlLh Lhe flsh, as much as Lhey wanLed. When Lhey were all saLlsfled, !esus sald Lo hls
dlsclples, CaLher up Lhe broken pleces LhaL are lefL over, so LhaL noLhlng ls wasLed." So
Lhey gaLhered Lhem up and fllled Lwelve baskeLs wlLh broken pleces from Lhe flve barley
loaves lefL over by Lhe people who had eaLen.
now when Lhe people saw Lhe mlraculous slgn LhaL !esus performed, Lhey began Lo say Lo
one anoLher, 1hls ls cerLalnly tbe ltopbet wbo ls to come loto tbe wotlJ." 1hen !esus,
because he knew Lhey were golng Lo come and selze hlm by force Lo make hlm klng,
wlLhdrew agaln up Lhe mounLalnslde alone.
now when evenlng came, hls dlsclples wenL down Lo Lhe lake, goL lnLo a boaL, and sLarLed
Lo cross Lhe lake Lo Capernaum. (lL had already become dark, and !esus had noL yeL come
Lo Lhem.) 8y now a sLrong wlnd was blowlng and Lhe sea was geLLlng rough. 1hen, when
Lhey had rowed abouL Lhree or four mlles, Lhey caughL slghL of !esus walklng on Lhe lake,
approachlng Lhe boaL, and Lhey were frlghLened. 8uL he sald Lo Lhem, lL ls l. uo noL be
afrald." 1hen Lhey wanLed Lo Lake hlm lnLo Lhe boaL, and lmmedlaLely Lhe boaL came Lo Lhe
land where Lhey had been headlng.
1he nexL day Lhe crowd LhaL remalned on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe lake reallzed LhaL only one
small boaL had been Lhere, and LhaL !esus had noL boarded lL wlLh hls dlsclples, buL LhaL hls
dlsclples had gone away alone. CLher boaLs from 1lberlas came Lo shore near Lhe place
where Lhey had eaLen Lhe bread afLer Lhe Lord had glven Lhanks. So when Lhe crowd
reallzed LhaL nelLher !esus nor hls dlsclples were Lhere, Lhey goL lnLo Lhe boaLs and came Lo
Capernaum looklng for !esus.
When Lhey found hlm on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe lake, Lhey sald Lo hlm, 8abbl, when dld you
geL here?" !esus replled, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, you are looklng for me noL because
you saw mlraculous slgns, buL because you aLe all Lhe loaves of bread you wanLed. uo noL
work for Lhe food LhaL dlsappears, buL for Lhe food LhaL remalns Lo eLernal llfe-Lhe food
whlch Lhe Son of Man wlll glve Lo you. lor Cod Lhe laLher has puL hls seal of approval on
So Lhen Lhey sald Lo hlm, WhaL musL we do Lo accompllsh Lhe deeds Cod requlres?" !esus
replled, 1hls ls Lhe deed Cod requlres-Lo belleve ln Lhe one whom he senL." So Lhey sald
Lo hlm, 1hen whaL mlraculous slgn wlll you perform, so LhaL we may see lL and belleve
you? WhaL wlll you do? Cur ancesLors aLe Lhe manna ln Lhe wllderness, [usL as lL ls wrlLLen,
'<# -5%# !"#; =1#50 )1&; "#5%#* !& #5!.'"
1hen !esus Lold Lhem, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, lL ls noL Moses who has glven you Lhe
bread from heaven, buL my laLher ls glvlng you Lhe Lrue bread from heaven. lor Lhe bread
of Cod ls Lhe one who comes down from heaven and glves llfe Lo Lhe world." So Lhey sald
Lo hlm, Slr, glve us Lhls bread all Lhe Llme!"
!esus sald Lo Lhem, l am Lhe bread of llfe. 1he one who comes Lo me wlll never go hungry,
and Lhe one who belleves ln me wlll never be LhlrsLy. 8uL l Lold you LhaL you have seen me
and sLlll do noL belleve. Lveryone whom Lhe laLher glves me wlll come Lo me, and Lhe one
who comes Lo me l wlll never send away. lor l have come down from heaven noL Lo do my
own wlll buL Lhe wlll of Lhe one who senL me. now Lhls ls Lhe wlll of Lhe one who senL me-
LhaL l should noL lose one person of every one he has glven me, buL ralse Lhem all up aL Lhe
lasL day. lor Lhls ls Lhe wlll of my laLher-for everyone who looks on Lhe Son and belleves
ln hlm Lo have eLernal llfe, and l wlll ralse hlm up aL Lhe lasL day."
1hen Lhe !ews who were hosLlle Lo !esus began complalnlng abouL hlm because he sald, l
am Lhe bread LhaL came down from heaven," and Lhey sald, lsn'L Lhls !esus Lhe son of
!oseph, whose faLher and moLher we know? Pow can he now say, 'l have come down from
heaven'?" !esus replled, uo noL complaln abouL me Lo one anoLher. no one can come Lo
me unless Lhe laLher who senL me draws hlm, and l wlll ralse hlm up aL Lhe lasL day. lL ls
wrlLLen ln Lhe propheLs, '>*0 !"#7 .'// 5// =# !5,-"! =7 ?&0.' Lveryone who hears and
learns from Lhe laLher comes Lo me. (noL LhaL anyone has seen Lhe laLher excepL Lhe one
who ls from Cod-he has seen Lhe laLher.) l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe one who
belleves has eLernal llfe. l am Lhe bread of llfe. ?our ancesLors aLe Lhe manna ln Lhe
wllderness, and Lhey dled. 1hls ls Lhe bread LhaL has come down from heaven, so LhaL a
person may eaL from lL and noL dle. l am Lhe llvlng bread LhaL came down from heaven. lf
anyone eaLs from Lhls bread he wlll llve forever. 1he bread LhaL l wlll glve for Lhe llfe of Lhe
world ls my flesh."
1hen Lhe !ews who were hosLlle Lo !esus began Lo argue wlLh one anoLher, Pow can Lhls
man glve us hls flesh Lo eaL?" !esus sald Lo Lhem, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, unless you eaL
Lhe flesh of Lhe Son of Man and drlnk hls blood, you have no llfe ln yourselves. 1he one who
eaLs my flesh and drlnks my blood has eLernal llfe, and l wlll ralse hlm up on Lhe lasL day.
lor my flesh ls Lrue food, and my blood ls Lrue drlnk. 1he one who eaLs my flesh and drlnks
my blood resldes ln me, and l ln hlm. !usL as Lhe llvlng laLher senL me, and l llve because of
Lhe laLher, so Lhe one who consumes me wlll llve because of me. 1hls ls Lhe bread LhaL
came down from heaven, lL ls noL llke Lhe bread your ancesLors aLe, buL Lhen laLer dled. 1he
one who eaLs Lhls bread wlll llve forever."
!esus sald Lhese Lhlngs whlle he was Leachlng ln Lhe synagogue ln Capernaum. 1hen many
of hls dlsclples, when Lhey heard Lhese Lhlngs, sald, 1hls ls a dlfflculL saylng! Who can
undersLand lL?" When !esus was aware LhaL hls dlsclples were complalnlng abouL Lhls, he
sald Lo Lhem, uoes Lhls cause you Lo be offended? 1hen whaL lf you see Lhe Son of Man
ascendlng where he was before? 1he SplrlL ls Lhe one who glves llfe, human naLure ls of no
help! 1he words LhaL l have spoken Lo you are splrlL and are llfe. 8uL Lhere are some of you
who do noL belleve." (lor !esus had already known from Lhe beglnnlng who Lhose were
who dld noL belleve, and who lL was who would beLray hlm.) So !esus added, 8ecause of
Lhls l Lold you LhaL no one can come Lo me unless Lhe laLher has allowed hlm Lo come."
AfLer Lhls many of hls dlsclples qulL followlng hlm and dld noL accompany hlm any longer.
So !esus sald Lo Lhe Lwelve, ?ou don'L wanL Lo go away Loo, do you?" Slmon eLer
answered hlm, Lord, Lo whom would we go? ?ou have Lhe words of eLernal llfe. We have
come Lo belleve and Lo know LhaL you are Lhe Poly Cne of Cod!" !esus replled, uldn'L l
choose you, Lhe Lwelve, and yeL one of you ls Lhe devll?" (now he sald Lhls abouL !udas son
of Slmon lscarloL, for !udas, one of Lhe Lwelve, was golng Lo beLray hlm.)
AfLer Lhls !esus Lraveled LhroughouL Calllee. Pe sLayed ouL of !udea because Lhe !ewlsh
leaders wanLed Lo klll hlm. now Lhe !ewlsh feasL of 1abernacles was near. So !esus'
broLhers advlsed hlm, Leave here and go Lo !udea so your dlsclples may see your mlracles
LhaL you are performlng. lor no one who seeks Lo make a repuLaLlon for hlmself does
anyLhlng ln secreL. lf you are dolng Lhese Lhlngs, show yourself Lo Lhe world." (lor noL even
hls own broLhers belleved ln hlm.)
So !esus replled, My Llme has noL yeL arrlved, buL you are ready aL any opporLunlLy! 1he
world cannoL haLe you, buL lL haLes me, because l am LesLlfylng abouL lL LhaL lLs deeds are
evll. ?ou go up Lo Lhe feasL yourselves. l am noL golng up Lo Lhls feasL because my Llme has
noL yeL fully arrlved." When he had sald Lhls, he remalned ln Calllee.
8uL when hls broLhers had gone up Lo Lhe feasL, Lhen !esus hlmself also wenL up, noL
openly buL ln secreL. So Lhe !ewlsh leaders were looklng for hlm aL Lhe feasL, asklng,
Where ls he?" 1here was a loL of grumbllng abouL hlm among Lhe crowds. Some were
saylng, Pe ls a good man," buL oLhers, Pe decelves Lhe common people." Powever, no
one spoke openly abouL hlm for fear of Lhe !ewlsh leaders.
When Lhe feasL was half over, !esus wenL up Lo Lhe Lemple courLs and began Lo Leach. 1hen
Lhe !ewlsh leaders were asLonlshed and sald, Pow does Lhls man know so much when he
has never had formal lnsLrucLlon?" So !esus replled, My Leachlng ls noL from me, buL from
Lhe one who senL me. lf anyone wanLs Lo do Cod's wlll, he wlll know abouL my Leachlng,
wheLher lL ls from Cod or wheLher l speak from my own auLhorlLy. 1he person who speaks
on hls own auLhorlLy deslres Lo recelve honor for hlmself, Lhe one who deslres Lhe honor of
Lhe one who senL hlm ls a man of lnLegrlLy, and Lhere ls no unrlghLeousness ln hlm. Pasn'L
Moses glven you Lhe law? ?eL noL one of you keeps Lhe law! Why do you wanL Lo klll me?"
1he crowd answered, ?ou're possessed by a demon! Who ls Lrylng Lo klll you?" !esus
replled, l performed one mlracle and you are all amazed. Powever, because Moses gave
you Lhe pracLlce of clrcumclslon (noL LhaL lL came from Moses, buL from Lhe forefaLhers),
you clrcumclse a male chlld on Lhe SabbaLh. 8uL lf a male chlld ls clrcumclsed on Lhe
SabbaLh so LhaL Lhe law of Moses ls noL broken, why are you angry wlLh me because l made
a man compleLely well on Lhe SabbaLh? uo noL [udge accordlng Lo exLernal appearance, buL
[udge wlLh proper [udgmenL."
1hen some of Lhe resldenLs of !erusalem began Lo say, lsn'L Lhls Lhe man Lhey are Lrylng Lo
klll? ?eL here he ls, speaklng publlcly, and Lhey are saylng noLhlng Lo hlm. uo Lhe rulers
really know LhaL Lhls man ls Lhe ChrlsL? 8uL we know where Lhls man comes from.
Whenever Lhe ChrlsL comes, no one wlll know where he comes from."
1hen !esus, whlle Leachlng ln Lhe Lemple courLs, crled ouL, ?ou boLh know me and know
where l come from! And l have noL come on my own lnlLlaLlve, buL Lhe one who senL me ls
Lrue. ?ou do noL know hlm, buL l know hlm, because l have come from hlm and he senL
So Lhen Lhey Lrled Lo selze !esus, buL no one lald a hand on hlm, because hls Llme had noL
yeL come. ?eL many of Lhe crowd belleved ln hlm and sald, Whenever Lhe ChrlsL comes, he
won'L perform more mlraculous slgns Lhan Lhls man dld, wlll he?"
1he harlsees heard Lhe crowd murmurlng Lhese Lhlngs abouL !esus, so Lhe chlef prlesLs
and Lhe harlsees senL offlcers Lo arresL hlm. 1hen !esus sald, l wlll be wlLh you for only a
llLLle whlle longer, and Lhen l am golng Lo Lhe one who senL me. ?ou wlll look for me buL
wlll noL flnd me, and where l am you cannoL come."
1hen Lhe !ewlsh leaders sald Lo one anoLher, Where ls he golng Lo go LhaL we cannoL flnd
hlm? Pe ls noL golng Lo go Lo Lhe !ewlsh people dlspersed among Lhe Creeks and Leach Lhe
Creeks, ls he? WhaL dld he mean by saylng, '?ou wlll look for me buL wlll noL flnd me, and
where l am you cannoL come'?"
Cn Lhe lasL day of Lhe feasL, Lhe greaLesL day, !esus sLood up and shouLed ouL, lf anyone ls
LhlrsLy, leL hlm come Lo me, and leL Lhe one who belleves ln me drlnk. !usL as Lhe scrlpLure
says, '@1&; .'!"'* "'; .'// )/&. 1'%#1+ &) /'%'*- .5!#1.'" (now he sald Lhls abouL Lhe SplrlL,
whom Lhose who belleved ln hlm were golng Lo recelve, for Lhe SplrlL had noL yeL been
glven, because !esus was noL yeL glorlfled.)
When Lhey heard Lhese words, some of Lhe crowd began Lo say, 1hls really ls Lhe
ropheL!" CLhers sald, 1hls ls Lhe ChrlsL!" 8uL sLlll oLhers sald, no, for Lhe ChrlsL doesn'L
come from Calllee, does he? uon'L Lhe scrlpLures say LhaL Lhe ChrlsL ls o JesceoJoot of
uovlJ and comes ftom 8etblebem, Lhe vlllage where uavld llved?" So Lhere was a dlvlslon ln
Lhe crowd because of !esus. Some of Lhem were wanLlng Lo selze hlm, buL no one lald a
hand on hlm.
1hen Lhe offlcers reLurned Lo Lhe chlef prlesLs and harlsees, who sald Lo Lhem, Why dldn'L
you brlng hlm back wlLh you?" 1he offlcers replled, no one ever spoke llke Lhls man!" 1hen
Lhe harlsees answered, ?ou haven'L been decelved Loo, have you? none of Lhe rulers or
Lhe harlsees have belleved ln hlm, have Lhey? 8uL Lhls rabble who do noL know Lhe law are
nlcodemus, who had gone Lo !esus before and who was one of Lhe rulers, sald, Cur law
doesn'L condemn a man unless lL flrsL hears from hlm and learns whaL he ls dolng, does lL?"
1hey replled, ?ou aren'L from Calllee Loo, are you? lnvesLlgaLe carefully and you wlll see
LhaL no propheL comes from Calllee!"
[[And each one deparLed Lo hls own house.
8uL !esus wenL Lo Lhe MounL of Cllves. Larly ln Lhe mornlng he came Lo Lhe Lemple courLs
agaln. All Lhe people came Lo hlm, and he saL down and began Lo Leach Lhem. 1he experLs
ln Lhe law and Lhe harlsees broughL a woman who had been caughL commlLLlng adulLery.
1hey made her sLand ln fronL of Lhem and sald Lo !esus, 1eacher, Lhls woman was caughL
ln Lhe very acL of adulLery. ln Lhe law Moses commooJeJ os to stooe to Jeotb such women.
WhaL Lhen do you say?" (now Lhey were asklng Lhls ln an aLLempL Lo Lrap hlm, so LhaL Lhey
could brlng charges agalnsL hlm.) !esus benL down and wroLe on Lhe ground wlLh hls flnger.
When Lhey perslsLed ln asklng hlm, he sLood up sLralghL and replled, Whoever among you
ls gullLless may be Lhe flrsL Lo Lhrow a sLone aL her." 1hen he benL over agaln and wroLe on
Lhe ground.
now when Lhey heard Lhls, Lhey began Lo drlfL away one aL a Llme, sLarLlng wlLh Lhe older
ones, unLll !esus was lefL alone wlLh Lhe woman sLandlng before hlm. !esus sLood up
sLralghL and sald Lo her, Woman, where are Lhey? uld no one condemn you?" She replled,
no one, Lord." And !esus sald, l do noL condemn you elLher. Co, and from now on do noL
sln any more."]]
1hen !esus spoke ouL agaln, l am Lhe llghL of Lhe world. 1he one who follows me wlll never
walk ln darkness, buL wlll have Lhe llghL of llfe." So Lhe harlsees ob[ecLed, ?ou LesLlfy
abouL yourself, your LesLlmony ls noL Lrue!" !esus answered, Lven lf l LesLlfy abouL myself,
my LesLlmony ls Lrue, because l know where l came from and where l am golng. 8uL you
people do noL know where l came from or where l am golng. ?ou people [udge by ouLward
appearances, l do noL [udge anyone. 8uL lf l [udge, my evaluaLlon ls accuraLe, because l am
noL alone when l [udge, buL l and Lhe laLher who senL me do so LogeLher. lL ls wrlLLen ln
your law LhaL tbe testlmooy of two meo ls ttoe. l LesLlfy abouL myself and Lhe laLher who
senL me LesLlfles abouL me."
1hen Lhey began asklng hlm, Who ls your faLher?" !esus answered, ?ou do noL know
elLher me or my laLher. lf you knew me you would know my laLher Loo." (!esus spoke
Lhese words near Lhe offerlng box whlle he was Leachlng ln Lhe Lemple courLs. no one
selzed hlm because hls Llme had noL yeL come.)
1hen !esus sald Lo Lhem agaln, l am golng away, and you wlll look for me buL wlll dle ln
your sln. Where l am golng you cannoL come." So Lhe !ewlsh leaders began Lo say, erhaps
he ls golng Lo klll hlmself, because he says, 'Where l am golng you cannoL come.'" !esus
replled, ?ou people are from below, l am from above. ?ou people are from Lhls world, l am
noL from Lhls world. 1hus l Lold you LhaL you wlll dle ln your slns. lor unless you belleve LhaL
l am he, you wlll dle ln your slns."
So Lhey sald Lo hlm, Who are you?" !esus replled, WhaL l have Lold you from Lhe
beglnnlng. l have many Lhlngs Lo say and Lo [udge abouL you, buL Lhe laLher who senL me ls
LruLhful, and Lhe Lhlngs l have heard from hlm l speak Lo Lhe world." (1hey dld noL
undersLand LhaL he was Lelllng Lhem abouL hls laLher.)
1hen !esus sald, When you llfL up Lhe Son of Man, Lhen you wlll know LhaL l am he, and l
do noLhlng on my own lnlLlaLlve, buL l speak [usL whaL Lhe laLher LaughL me. And Lhe one
who senL me ls wlLh me. Pe has noL lefL me alone, because l always do Lhose Lhlngs LhaL
please hlm." Whlle he was saylng Lhese Lhlngs, many people belleved ln hlm.
1hen !esus sald Lo Lhose !udeans who had belleved hlm, lf you conLlnue Lo follow my
Leachlng, you are really my dlsclples and you wlll know Lhe LruLh, and Lhe LruLh wlll seL you
free." We are descendanLs of Abraham," Lhey replled, and have never been anyone's
slaves! Pow can you say, '?ou wlll become free'?" !esus answered Lhem, l Lell you Lhe
solemn LruLh, everyone who pracLlces sln ls a slave of sln. 1he slave does noL remaln ln Lhe
famlly forever, buL Lhe son remalns forever. So lf Lhe son seLs you free, you wlll be really
free. l know LhaL you are Abraham's descendanLs. 8uL you wanL Lo klll me, because my
Leachlng makes no progress among you. l am Lelllng you Lhe Lhlngs l have seen whlle wlLh
Lhe laLher, as for you, pracLlce Lhe Lhlngs you have heard from Lhe laLher!"
1hey answered hlm, Abraham ls our faLher!" !esus replled, lf you are Abraham's chlldren,
you would be dolng Lhe deeds of Abraham. 8uL now you are Lrylng Lo klll me, a man who
has Lold you Lhe LruLh l heard from Cod. Abraham dld noL do Lhls! ?ou people are dolng Lhe
deeds of your faLher."
1hen Lhey sald Lo !esus, We were noL born as a resulL of lmmorallLy! We have only one
laLher, Cod hlmself." !esus replled, lf Cod were your laLher, you would love me, for l have
come from Cod and am now here. l have noL come on my own lnlLlaLlve, buL he senL me.
Why don'L you undersLand whaL l am saylng? lL ls because you cannoL accepL my Leachlng.
?ou people are from your faLher Lhe devll, and you wanL Lo do whaL your faLher deslres. Pe
was a murderer from Lhe beglnnlng, and does noL uphold Lhe LruLh, because Lhere ls no
LruLh ln hlm. Whenever he lles, he speaks accordlng Lo hls own naLure, because he ls a llar
and Lhe faLher of lles. 8uL because l am Lelllng you Lhe LruLh, you do noL belleve me. Who
among you can prove me gullLy of any sln? lf l am Lelllng you Lhe LruLh, why don'L you
belleve me? 1he one who belongs Lo Cod llsLens and responds Lo Cod's words. ?ou don'L
llsLen and respond, because you don'L belong Lo Cod."
1he !udeans replled, Aren'L we correcL ln saylng LhaL you are a SamarlLan and are
possessed by a demon?" !esus answered, l am noL possessed by a demon, buL l honor my
laLher-and yeL you dlshonor me. l am noL Lrylng Lo geL pralse for myself. 1here ls one who
demands lL, and he also [udges. l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, lf anyone obeys my Leachlng, he
wlll never see deaLh."
1hen Lhe !udeans responded, now we know you're possessed by a demon! 8oLh Abraham
and Lhe propheLs dled, and yeL you say, 'lf anyone obeys my Leachlng, he wlll never
experlence deaLh.' ?ou aren'L greaLer Lhan our faLher Abraham who dled, are you? And Lhe
propheLs dled Loo! Who do you clalm Lo be?" !esus replled, lf l glorlfy myself, my glory ls
worLhless. 1he one who glorlfles me ls my laLher, abouL whom you people say, 'Pe ls our
Cod.' ?eL you do noL know hlm, buL l know hlm. lf l were Lo say LhaL l do noL know hlm, l
would be a llar llke you. 8uL l do know hlm, and l obey hls Leachlng. ?our faLher Abraham
was over[oyed Lo see my day, and he saw lL and was glad."
1hen Lhe !udeans replled, ?ou are noL yeL flfLy years old! Pave you seen Abraham?" !esus
sald Lo Lhem, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, before Abraham came lnLo exlsLence, l am!" 1hen
Lhey plcked up sLones Lo Lhrow aL hlm, buL !esus was hldden from Lhem and wenL ouL from
Lhe Lemple area.
now as !esus was passlng by, he saw a man who had been bllnd from blrLh. Pls dlsclples
asked hlm, 8abbl, who commlLLed Lhe sln LhaL caused hlm Lo be born bllnd, Lhls man or hls
parenLs?" !esus answered, nelLher Lhls man nor hls parenLs slnned, buL he was born bllnd
so LhaL Lhe acLs of Cod may be revealed Lhrough whaL happens Lo hlm. We musL perform
Lhe deeds of Lhe one who senL me as long as lL ls dayLlme. nlghL ls comlng when no one can
work. As long as l am ln Lhe world, l am Lhe llghL of Lhe world." Pavlng sald Lhls, he spaL on
Lhe ground and made some mud wlLh Lhe sallva. Pe smeared Lhe mud on Lhe bllnd man's
eyes and sald Lo hlm, Co wash ln Lhe pool of Slloam" (whlch ls LranslaLed senL"). So Lhe
bllnd man wenL away and washed, and came back seelng.
1hen Lhe nelghbors and Lhe people who had seen hlm prevlously as a beggar began saylng,
ls Lhls noL Lhe man who used Lo slL and beg?" Some people sald, 1hls ls Lhe man!" whlle
oLhers sald, no, buL he looks llke hlm." 1he man hlmself kepL lnslsLlng, l am Lhe one!" So
Lhey asked hlm, Pow Lhen were you made Lo see?" Pe replled, 1he man called !esus
made mud, smeared lL on my eyes and Lold me, 'Co Lo Slloam and wash.' So l wenL and
washed, and was able Lo see." 1hey sald Lo hlm, Where ls LhaL man?" Pe replled, l don'L
1hey broughL Lhe man who used Lo be bllnd Lo Lhe harlsees. (now Lhe day on whlch !esus
made Lhe mud and caused hlm Lo see was a SabbaLh.) So Lhe harlsees asked hlm agaln
how he had galned hls slghL. Pe replled, Pe puL mud on my eyes and l washed, and now l
am able Lo see."
1hen some of Lhe harlsees began Lo say, 1hls man ls noL from Cod, because he does noL
observe Lhe SabbaLh." 8uL oLhers sald, Pow can a man who ls a slnner perform such
mlraculous slgns?" 1hus Lhere was a dlvlslon among Lhem. So agaln Lhey asked Lhe man
who used Lo be bllnd, WhaL do you say abouL hlm, slnce he caused you Lo see?" Pe ls a
propheL," Lhe man replled.
now Lhe !ewlsh rellglous leaders refused Lo belleve LhaL he had really been bllnd and had
galned hls slghL unLll aL lasL Lhey summoned Lhe parenLs of Lhe man who had become able
Lo see. 1hey asked Lhe parenLs, ls Lhls your son, whom you say was born bllnd? 1hen how
does he now see?" So hls parenLs replled, We know LhaL Lhls ls our son and LhaL he was
born bllnd. 8uL we do noL know how he ls now able Lo see, nor do we know who caused
hlm Lo see. Ask hlm, he ls a maLure adulL. Pe wlll speak for hlmself." (Pls parenLs sald Lhese
Lhlngs because Lhey were afrald of Lhe !ewlsh rellglous leaders. lor Lhe !ewlsh leaders had
already agreed LhaL anyone who confessed !esus Lo be Lhe ChrlsL would be puL ouL of Lhe
synagogue. lor Lhls reason hls parenLs sald, Pe ls a maLure adulL, ask hlm.")
1hen Lhey summoned Lhe man who used Lo be bllnd a second Llme and sald Lo hlm,
romlse before Cod Lo Lell Lhe LruLh. We know LhaL Lhls man ls a slnner." Pe replled, l do
noL know wheLher he ls a slnner. l do know one Lhlng-LhaL alLhough l was bllnd, now l can
see." 1hen Lhey sald Lo hlm, WhaL dld he do Lo you? Pow dld he cause you Lo see?" Pe
answered, l Lold you already and you dldn'L llsLen. Why do you wanL Lo hear lL agaln? ?ou
people don'L wanL Lo become hls dlsclples Loo, do you?"
1hey heaped lnsulLs on hlm, saylng, ?ou are hls dlsclple! We are dlsclples of Moses! We
know LhaL Cod has spoken Lo Moses! We do noL know where Lhls man comes from!" 1he
man replled, 1hls ls a remarkable Lhlng, LhaL you don'L know where he comes from, and
yeL he caused me Lo see! We know LhaL Cod doesn'L llsLen Lo slnners, buL lf anyone ls
devouL and does hls wlll, Cod llsLens Lo hlm. never before has anyone heard of someone
causlng a man born bllnd Lo see. lf Lhls man were noL from Cod, he could do noLhlng." 1hey
replled, ?ou were born compleLely ln slnfulness, and yeL you presume Lo Leach us?" So
Lhey Lhrew hlm ouL.
!esus heard LhaL Lhey had Lhrown hlm ouL, so he found Lhe man and sald Lo hlm, uo you
belleve ln Lhe Son of Man?" 1he man replled, And who ls he, slr, LhaL l may belleve ln
hlm?" !esus Lold hlm, ?ou have seen hlm, he ls Lhe one speaklng wlLh you." [Pe sald,
Lord, l belleve," and he worshlped hlm. !esus sald,] lor [udgmenL l have come lnLo Lhls
world, so LhaL Lhose who do noL see may galn Lhelr slghL, and Lhe ones who see may
become bllnd."
Some of Lhe harlsees who were wlLh hlm heard Lhls and asked hlm, We are noL bllnd Loo,
are we?" !esus replled, lf you were bllnd, you would noL be gullLy of sln, buL now because
you clalm LhaL you can see, your gullL remalns.
l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe one who does noL enLer Lhe sheepfold by Lhe door, buL
cllmbs ln some oLher way, ls a Lhlef and a robber. 1he one who enLers by Lhe door ls Lhe
shepherd of Lhe sheep. 1he doorkeeper opens Lhe door for hlm, and Lhe sheep hear hls
volce. Pe calls hls own sheep by name and leads Lhem ouL. When he has broughL all hls
own sheep ouL, he goes ahead of Lhem, and Lhe sheep follow hlm because Lhey recognlze
hls volce. 1hey wlll never follow a sLranger, buL wlll run away from hlm, because Lhey do
noL recognlze Lhe sLranger's volce." !esus Lold Lhem Lhls parable, buL Lhey dld noL
undersLand whaL he was saylng Lo Lhem.
So !esus sald agaln, l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, l am Lhe door for Lhe sheep. All who came
before me were Lhleves and robbers, buL Lhe sheep dld noL llsLen Lo Lhem. l am Lhe door. lf
anyone enLers Lhrough me, he wlll be saved, and wlll come ln and go ouL, and flnd pasLure.
1he Lhlef comes only Lo sLeal and klll and desLroy, l have come so LhaL Lhey may have llfe,
and may have lL abundanLly.
l am Lhe good shepherd. 1he good shepherd lays down hls llfe for Lhe sheep. 1he hlred
hand, who ls noL a shepherd and does noL own sheep, sees Lhe wolf comlng and abandons
Lhe sheep and runs away. So Lhe wolf aLLacks Lhe sheep and scaLLers Lhem. 8ecause he ls a
hlred hand and ls noL concerned abouL Lhe sheep, he runs away.
l am Lhe good shepherd. l know my own and my own know me- [usL as Lhe laLher knows
me and l know Lhe laLher-and l lay down my llfe for Lhe sheep. l have oLher sheep LhaL do
noL come from Lhls sheepfold. l musL brlng Lhem Loo, and Lhey wlll llsLen Lo my volce, so
LhaL Lhere wlll be one flock and one shepherd. 1hls ls why Lhe laLher loves me-because l
lay down my llfe, so LhaL l may Lake lL back agaln. no one Lakes lL away from me, buL l lay lL
down of my own free wlll. l have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo lay lL down, and l have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo
Lake lL back agaln. 1hls commandmenL l recelved from my laLher."
AnoLher sharp dlvlslon Look place among Lhe !ewlsh people because of Lhese words. Many
of Lhem were saylng, Pe ls possessed by a demon and has losL hls mlnd! Why do you llsLen
Lo hlm?" CLhers sald, 1hese are noL Lhe words of someone possessed by a demon. A
demon cannoL cause Lhe bllnd Lo see, can lL?"
1hen came Lhe feasL of Lhe uedlcaLlon ln !erusalem. lL was wlnLer, and !esus was walklng ln
Lhe Lemple area ln Solomon's orLlco. 1he !ewlsh leaders surrounded hlm and asked, Pow
long wlll you keep us ln suspense? lf you are Lhe ChrlsL, Lell us plalnly." !esus replled, l Lold
you and you do noL belleve. 1he deeds l do ln my laLher's name LesLlfy abouL me. 8uL you
refuse Lo belleve because you are noL my sheep. My sheep llsLen Lo my volce, and l know
Lhem, and Lhey follow me. l glve Lhem eLernal llfe, and Lhey wlll never perlsh, no one wlll
snaLch Lhem from my hand. My laLher, who has glven Lhem Lo me, ls greaLer Lhan all, and
no one can snaLch Lhem from my laLher's hand. 1he laLher and l are one."
1he !ewlsh leaders plcked up rocks agaln Lo sLone hlm Lo deaLh. !esus sald Lo Lhem, l have
shown you many good deeds from Lhe laLher. lor whlch one of Lhem are you golng Lo
sLone me?" 1he !ewlsh leaders replled, We are noL golng Lo sLone you for a good deed buL
for blasphemy, because you, a man, are clalmlng Lo be Cod."
!esus answered, ls lL noL wrlLLen ln your law, 'A +5'02 7&, 51# -&0+'? lf Lhose people Lo
whom Lhe word of Cod came were called 'gods' (and Lhe scrlpLure cannoL be broken), do
you say abouL Lhe one whom Lhe laLher seL aparL and senL lnLo Lhe world, '?ou are
blasphemlng,' because l sald, 'l am Lhe Son of Cod'? lf l do noL perform Lhe deeds of my
laLher, do noL belleve me. 8uL lf l do Lhem, even lf you do noL belleve me, belleve Lhe
deeds, so LhaL you may come Lo know and undersLand LhaL l am ln Lhe laLher and Lhe
laLher ls ln me." 1hen Lhey aLLempLed agaln Lo selze hlm, buL he escaped Lhelr cluLches.
!esus wenL back across Lhe !ordan 8lver agaln Lo Lhe place where !ohn had been bapLlzlng
aL an earller Llme, and he sLayed Lhere. Many came Lo hlm and began Lo say, !ohn
performed no mlraculous slgn, buL everyLhlng !ohn sald abouL Lhls man was Lrue!" And
many belleved ln !esus Lhere.
now a cerLaln man named Lazarus was slck. Pe was from 8eLhany, Lhe vlllage where Mary
and her slsLer MarLha llved. (now lL was Mary who anolnLed Lhe Lord wlLh perfumed oll
and wlped hls feeL dry wlLh her halr, whose broLher Lazarus was slck.) So Lhe slsLers senL a
message Lo !esus, Lord, look, Lhe one you love ls slck." When !esus heard Lhls, he sald,
1hls slckness wlll noL lead Lo deaLh, buL Lo Cod's glory, so LhaL Lhe Son of Cod may be
glorlfled Lhrough lL." (now !esus loved MarLha and her slsLer and Lazarus.)
So when he heard LhaL Lazarus was slck, he remalned ln Lhe place where he was for Lwo
more days. 1hen afLer Lhls, he sald Lo hls dlsclples, LeL us go Lo !udea agaln." 1he dlsclples
replled, 8abbl, Lhe !ewlsh leaders were [usL now Lrylng Lo sLone you Lo deaLh! Are you
golng Lhere agaln?" !esus replled, Are Lhere noL Lwelve hours ln a day? lf anyone walks
around ln Lhe dayLlme, he does noL sLumble, because he sees Lhe llghL of Lhls world. 8uL lf
anyone walks around aL nlghL, he sLumbles, because Lhe llghL ls noL ln hlm."
AfLer he sald Lhls, he added, Cur frlend Lazarus has fallen asleep. 8uL l am golng Lhere Lo
awaken hlm." 1hen Lhe dlsclples replled, Lord, lf he has fallen asleep, he wlll recover."
(now !esus had been Lalklng abouL hls deaLh, buL Lhey LhoughL he had been Lalklng abouL
real sleep.)
1hen !esus Lold Lhem plalnly, Lazarus has dled, and l am glad for your sake LhaL l was noL
Lhere, so LhaL you may belleve. 8uL leL us go Lo hlm." So 1homas (called uldymus) sald Lo
hls fellow dlsclples, LeL us go Loo, so LhaL we may dle wlLh hlm."
When !esus arrlved, he found LhaL Lazarus had been ln Lhe Lomb four days already. (now
8eLhany was less Lhan Lwo mlles from !erusalem, so many of Lhe !ewlsh people of Lhe
reglon had come Lo MarLha and Mary Lo console Lhem over Lhe loss of Lhelr broLher.) So
when MarLha heard LhaL !esus was comlng, she wenL ouL Lo meeL hlm, buL Mary was slLLlng
ln Lhe house. MarLha sald Lo !esus, Lord, lf you had been here, my broLher would noL have
dled. 8uL even now l know LhaL whaLever you ask from Cod, Cod wlll granL you."
!esus replled, ?our broLher wlll come back Lo llfe agaln." MarLha sald, l know LhaL he wlll
come back Lo llfe agaln ln Lhe resurrecLlon aL Lhe lasL day." !esus sald Lo her, l am Lhe
resurrecLlon and Lhe llfe. 1he one who belleves ln me wlll llve even lf he dles, and Lhe one
who llves and belleves ln me wlll never dle. uo you belleve Lhls?" She replled, ?es, Lord, l
belleve LhaL you are Lhe ChrlsL, Lhe Son of Cod who comes lnLo Lhe world."
And when she had sald Lhls, MarLha wenL and called her slsLer Mary, saylng prlvaLely, 1he
1eacher ls here and ls asklng for you." So when Mary heard Lhls, she goL up qulckly and
wenL Lo hlm. (now !esus had noL yeL enLered Lhe vlllage, buL was sLlll ln Lhe place where
MarLha had come ouL Lo meeL hlm.) 1hen Lhe people who were wlLh Mary ln Lhe house
consollng her saw her geL up qulckly and go ouL. 1hey followed her, because Lhey LhoughL
she was golng Lo Lhe Lomb Lo weep Lhere.
now when Mary came Lo Lhe place where !esus was and saw hlm, she fell aL hls feeL and
sald Lo hlm, Lord, lf you had been here, my broLher would noL have dled." When !esus saw
her weeplng, and Lhe people who had come wlLh her weeplng, he was lnLensely moved ln
splrlL and greaLly dlsLressed. Pe asked, Where have you lald hlm?" 1hey replled, Lord,
come and see." !esus wepL. 1hus Lhe people who had come Lo mourn sald, Look how
much he loved hlm!" 8uL some of Lhem sald, 1hls ls Lhe man who caused Lhe bllnd man Lo
see! Couldn'L he have done someLhlng Lo keep Lazarus from dylng?"
!esus, lnLensely moved agaln, came Lo Lhe Lomb. (now lL was a cave, and a sLone was
placed across lL.) !esus sald, 1ake away Lhe sLone." MarLha, Lhe slsLer of Lhe deceased,
replled, Lord, by Lhls Llme Lhe body wlll have a bad smell, because he has been burled four
days." !esus responded, uldn'L l Lell you LhaL lf you belleve, you would see Lhe glory of
Cod?" So Lhey Look away Lhe sLone. !esus looked upward and sald, laLher, l Lhank you LhaL
you have llsLened Lo me. l knew LhaL you always llsLen Lo me, buL l sald Lhls for Lhe sake of
Lhe crowd sLandlng around here, LhaL Lhey may belleve LhaL you senL me." When he had
sald Lhls, he shouLed ln a loud volce, Lazarus, come ouL!" 1he one who had dled came ouL,
hls feeL and hands Lled up wlLh sLrlps of cloLh, and a cloLh wrapped around hls face. !esus
sald Lo Lhem, unwrap hlm and leL hlm go."
1hen many of Lhe people, who had come wlLh Mary and had seen Lhe Lhlngs !esus dld,
belleved ln hlm. 8uL some of Lhem wenL Lo Lhe harlsees and reporLed Lo Lhem whaL !esus
had done. So Lhe chlef prlesLs and Lhe harlsees called Lhe councll LogeLher and sald, WhaL
are we dolng? lor Lhls man ls performlng many mlraculous slgns. lf we allow hlm Lo go on
ln Lhls way, everyone wlll belleve ln hlm, and Lhe 8omans wlll come and Lake away our
sancLuary and our naLlon."
1hen one of Lhem, Calaphas, who was hlgh prlesL LhaL year, sald, ?ou know noLhlng aL all!
?ou do noL reallze LhaL lL ls more Lo your advanLage Lo have one man dle for Lhe people
Lhan for Lhe whole naLlon Lo perlsh." (now he dld noL say Lhls on hls own, buL because he
was hlgh prlesL LhaL year, he prophesled LhaL !esus was golng Lo dle for Lhe !ewlsh naLlon,
and noL for Lhe !ewlsh naLlon only, buL Lo gaLher LogeLher lnLo one Lhe chlldren of Cod who
are scaLLered.) So from LhaL day Lhey planned LogeLher Lo klll hlm.
1hus !esus no longer wenL around publlcly among Lhe !udeans, buL wenL away from Lhere
Lo Lhe reglon near Lhe wllderness, Lo a Lown called Lphralm, and sLayed Lhere wlLh hls
dlsclples. now Lhe !ewlsh feasL of assover was near, and many people wenL up Lo
!erusalem from Lhe rural areas before Lhe assover Lo cleanse Lhemselves rlLually. 1hus
Lhey were looklng for !esus, and saylng Lo one anoLher as Lhey sLood ln Lhe Lemple courLs,
WhaL do you Lhlnk? 1haL he won'L come Lo Lhe feasL?" (now Lhe chlef prlesLs and Lhe
harlsees had glven orders LhaL anyone who knew where !esus was should reporL lL, so LhaL
Lhey could arresL hlm.)
1hen, slx days before Lhe assover, !esus came Lo 8eLhany, where Lazarus llved, whom he
had ralsed from Lhe dead. So Lhey prepared a dlnner for !esus Lhere. MarLha was servlng,
and Lazarus was among Lhose presenL aL Lhe Lable wlLh hlm. 1hen Mary Look Lhree quarLers
of a pound of expenslve aromaLlc oll from pure nard and anolnLed Lhe feeL of !esus. She
Lhen wlped hls feeL dry wlLh her halr. (now Lhe house was fllled wlLh Lhe fragrance of Lhe
perfumed oll.) 8uL !udas lscarloL, one of hls dlsclples (Lhe one who was golng Lo beLray hlm)
sald, Why wasn'L Lhls oll sold for Lhree hundred sllver colns and Lhe money glven Lo Lhe
poor?" (now !udas sald Lhls noL because he was concerned abouL Lhe poor, buL because he
was a Lhlef. As keeper of Lhe money box, he used Lo sLeal whaL was puL lnLo lL.) So !esus
sald, Leave her alone. She has kepL lL for Lhe day of my burlal. lor you wlll always have Lhe
poor wlLh you, buL you wlll noL always have me!"
now a large crowd of !udeans learned LhaL !esus was Lhere, and so Lhey came noL only
because of hlm buL also Lo see Lazarus whom he had ralsed from Lhe dead. So Lhe chlef
prlesLs planned Lo klll Lazarus Loo, for on accounL of hlm many of Lhe !ewlsh people from
!erusalem were golng away and bellevlng ln !esus.
1he nexL day Lhe large crowd LhaL had come Lo Lhe feasL heard LhaL !esus was comlng Lo
!erusalem. So Lhey Look branches of palm Lrees and wenL ouL Lo meeL hlm. 1hey began Lo
shouL, <&+5**5B C/#++#0 '+ !"# &*# ."& (&;#+ '* !"# *5;# &) !"# 8&10B 8lessed ls Lhe
klng of lsrael!" !esus found a young donkey and saL on lL, [usL as lL ls wrlLLen, D& *&! =#
5)15'02 E#&E/# &) :'&*F /&&62 7&,1 6'*- '+ (&;'*-2 +#5!#0 &* 5 0&*6#79+ (&/!B" (Pls dlsclples
dld noL undersLand Lhese Lhlngs when Lhey flrsL happened, buL when !esus was glorlfled,
Lhen Lhey remembered LhaL Lhese Lhlngs were wrlLLen abouL hlm and LhaL Lhese Lhlngs had
happened Lo hlm.)
So Lhe crowd who had been wlLh hlm when he called Lazarus ouL of Lhe Lomb and ralsed
hlm from Lhe dead were conLlnulng Lo LesLlfy abouL lL. 8ecause Lhey had heard LhaL !esus
had performed Lhls mlraculous slgn, Lhe crowd wenL ouL Lo meeL hlm. 1hus Lhe harlsees
sald Lo one anoLher, ?ou see LhaL you can do noLhlng. Look, Lhe world has run off afLer
now some Creeks were among Lhose who had gone up Lo worshlp aL Lhe feasL. So Lhese
approached hlllp, who was from 8eLhsalda ln Calllee, and requesLed, Slr, we would llke Lo
see !esus." hlllp wenL and Lold Andrew, and Lhey boLh wenL and Lold !esus. !esus replled,
1he Llme has come for Lhe Son of Man Lo be glorlfled. l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, unless a
kernel of wheaL falls lnLo Lhe ground and dles, lL remalns by lLself alone. 8uL lf lL dles, lL
produces much graln. 1he one who loves hls llfe desLroys lL, and Lhe one who haLes hls llfe
ln Lhls world guards lL for eLernal llfe. lf anyone wanLs Lo serve me, he musL follow me, and
where l am, my servanL wlll be Loo. lf anyone serves me, Lhe laLher wlll honor hlm.
now my soul ls greaLly dlsLressed. And whaL should l say? 'laLher, dellver me from Lhls
hour'? no, buL for Lhls very reason l have come Lo Lhls hour. laLher, glorlfy your name."
1hen a volce came from heaven, l have glorlfled lL, and l wlll glorlfy lL agaln." 1he crowd
LhaL sLood Lhere and heard Lhe volce sald LhaL lL had Lhundered. CLhers sald LhaL an angel
had spoken Lo hlm. !esus sald, 1hls volce has noL come for my beneflL buL for yours. now ls
Lhe [udgmenL of Lhls world, now Lhe ruler of Lhls world wlll be drlven ouL. And l, when l am
llfLed up from Lhe earLh, wlll draw all people Lo myself." (now he sald Lhls Lo lndlcaLe clearly
whaL klnd of deaLh he was golng Lo dle.)
1hen Lhe crowd responded, We have heard from Lhe law LhaL tbe cbtlst wlll temolo
fotevet. Pow can you say, '1he Son of Man musL be llfLed up'? Who ls Lhls Son of Man?"
!esus replled, 1he llghL ls wlLh you for a llLLle whlle longer. Walk whlle you have Lhe llghL,
so LhaL Lhe darkness may noL overLake you. 1he one who walks ln Lhe darkness does noL
know where he ls golng. Whlle you have Lhe llghL, belleve ln Lhe llghL, so LhaL you may
become sons of llghL." When !esus had sald Lhese Lhlngs, he wenL away and hld hlmself
from Lhem.
AlLhough !esus had performed so many mlraculous slgns before Lhem, Lhey sLlll refused Lo
belleve ln hlm, so LhaL Lhe word of lsalah Lhe propheL would be fulfllled. Pe sald, 8&102
."& "5+ =#/'#%#0 &,1 ;#++5-#2 5*0 !& ."&; "5+ !"# 51; &) !"# 8&10 =##* 1#%#5/#0G" lor
Lhls reason Lhey could noL belleve, because agaln lsalah sald,
<# "5+ =/'*0#0 !"#'1 #7#+
5*0 "510#*#0 !"#'1 "#51!2
+& !"5! !"#7 .&,/0 *&! +## .'!" !"#'1 #7#+
5*0 ,*0#1+!5*0 .'!" !"#'1 "#51!2
5*0 !,1* !& ;#2 5*0 A .&,/0 "#5/ !"#;."
lsalah sald Lhese Lhlngs because he saw ChrlsL's glory, and spoke abouL hlm.
neverLheless, even among Lhe rulers many belleved ln hlm, buL because of Lhe harlsees
Lhey would noL confess !esus Lo be Lhe ChrlsL, so LhaL Lhey would noL be puL ouL of Lhe
synagogue. lor Lhey loved pralse from men more Lhan pralse from Cod.
8uL !esus shouLed ouL, 1he one who belleves ln me does noL belleve ln me, buL ln Lhe one
who senL me, and Lhe one who sees me sees Lhe one who senL me. l have come as a llghL
lnLo Lhe world, so LhaL everyone who belleves ln me should noL remaln ln darkness. lf
anyone hears my words and does noL obey Lhem, l do noL [udge hlm. lor l have noL come
Lo [udge Lhe world, buL Lo save Lhe world. 1he one who re[ecLs me and does noL accepL my
words has a [udge, Lhe word l have spoken wlll [udge hlm aL Lhe lasL day. lor l have noL
spoken from my own auLhorlLy, buL Lhe laLher hlmself who senL me has commanded me
whaL l should say and whaL l should speak. And l know LhaL hls commandmenL ls eLernal
llfe. 1hus Lhe Lhlngs l say, l say [usL as Lhe laLher has Lold me."
!usL before Lhe assover feasL, !esus knew LhaL hls Llme had come Lo deparL from Lhls world
Lo Lhe laLher. Pavlng loved hls own who were ln Lhe world, he now loved Lhem Lo Lhe very
end. 1he evenlng meal was ln progress, and Lhe devll had already puL lnLo Lhe hearL of
!udas lscarloL, Slmon's son, LhaL he should beLray !esus. 8ecause !esus knew LhaL Lhe laLher
had handed all Lhlngs over Lo hlm, and LhaL he had come from Cod and was golng back Lo
Cod, he goL up from Lhe meal, removed hls ouLer cloLhes, Look a Lowel and Lled lL around
hlmself. Pe poured waLer lnLo Lhe washbasln and began Lo wash Lhe dlsclples' feeL and Lo
dry Lhem wlLh Lhe Lowel he had wrapped around hlmself.
1hen he came Lo Slmon eLer. eLer sald Lo hlm, Lord, are you golng Lo wash my feeL?"
!esus replled, ?ou do noL undersLand whaL l am dolng now, buL you wlll undersLand afLer
Lhese Lhlngs." eLer sald Lo hlm, ?ou wlll never wash my feeL!" !esus replled, lf l do noL
wash you, you have no share wlLh me." Slmon eLer sald Lo hlm, Lord, wash noL only my
feeL, buL also my hands and my head!" !esus replled, 1he one who has baLhed needs only
Lo wash hls feeL, buL ls compleLely clean. And you dlsclples are clean, buL noL every one of
you." (lor !esus knew Lhe one who was golng Lo beLray hlm. lor Lhls reason he sald, noL
every one of you ls clean.")
So when !esus had washed Lhelr feeL and puL hls ouLer cloLhlng back on, he Look hls place
aL Lhe Lable agaln and sald Lo Lhem, uo you undersLand whaL l have done for you? ?ou call
me '1eacher' and 'Lord,' and do so correcLly, for LhaL ls whaL l am. lf l Lhen, your Lord and
1eacher, have washed your feeL, you Loo oughL Lo wash one anoLher's feeL. lor l have glven
you an example-you should do [usL as l have done for you. l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe
slave ls noL greaLer Lhan hls masLer, nor ls Lhe one who ls senL as a messenger greaLer Lhan
Lhe one who senL hlm. lf you undersLand Lhese Lhlngs, you wlll be blessed lf you do Lhem.
WhaL l am saylng does noL refer Lo all of you. l know Lhe ones l have chosen. 8uL Lhls ls Lo
fulflll Lhe scrlpLure, 'H"# &*# ."& #5!+ ;7 =1#50 "5+ !,1*#0 5-5'*+! ;#.' l am Lelllng you
Lhls now, before lL happens, so LhaL when lL happens you may belleve LhaL l am he. l Lell
you Lhe solemn LruLh, whoever accepLs Lhe one l send accepLs me, and whoever accepLs
me accepLs Lhe one who senL me."
When he had sald Lhese Lhlngs, !esus was greaLly dlsLressed ln splrlL, and LesLlfled, l Lell
you Lhe solemn LruLh, one of you wlll beLray me." 1he dlsclples began Lo look aL one
anoLher, worrled and perplexed Lo know whlch of Lhem he was Lalklng abouL. Cne of hls
dlsclples, Lhe one !esus loved, was aL Lhe Lable Lo Lhe rlghL of !esus ln a place of honor. So
Slmon eLer gesLured Lo Lhls dlsclple Lo ask !esus who lL was he was referrlng Lo. 1hen Lhe
dlsclple whom !esus loved leaned back agalnsL !esus' chesL and asked hlm, Lord, who ls
lL?" !esus replled, lL ls Lhe one Lo whom l wlll glve Lhls plece of bread afLer l have dlpped lL
ln Lhe dlsh." 1hen he dlpped Lhe plece of bread ln Lhe dlsh and gave lL Lo !udas lscarloL,
Slmon's son. And afLer !udas Look Lhe plece of bread, SaLan enLered lnLo hlm. !esus sald Lo
hlm, WhaL you are abouL Lo do, do qulckly." (now none of Lhose presenL aL Lhe Lable
undersLood why !esus sald Lhls Lo !udas. Some LhoughL LhaL, because !udas had Lhe money
box, !esus was Lelllng hlm Lo buy whaLever Lhey needed for Lhe feasL, or Lo glve someLhlng
Lo Lhe poor.) !udas Look Lhe plece of bread and wenL ouL lmmedlaLely. (now lL was nlghL.)
When !udas had gone ouL, !esus sald, now Lhe Son of Man ls glorlfled, and Cod ls glorlfled
ln hlm. lf Cod ls glorlfled ln hlm, Cod wlll also glorlfy hlm ln hlmself, and he wlll glorlfy hlm
rlghL away. Chlldren, l am sLlll wlLh you for a llLLle whlle. ?ou wlll look for me, and [usL as l
sald Lo Lhe !ewlsh rellglous leaders, 'Where l am golng you cannoL come,' now l Lell you Lhe
l glve you a new commandmenL-Lo love one anoLher. !usL as l have loved you, you also
are Lo love one anoLher. Lveryone wlll know by Lhls LhaL you are my dlsclples-lf you have
love for one anoLher."
Slmon eLer sald Lo hlm, Lord, where are you golng?" !esus replled, Where l am golng,
you cannoL follow me now, buL you wlll follow laLer." eLer sald Lo hlm, Lord, why can'L l
follow you now? l wlll lay down my llfe for you!" !esus answered, Wlll you lay down your
llfe for me? l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe roosLer wlll noL crow unLll you have denled me
Lhree Llmes!
uo noL leL your hearLs be dlsLressed. ?ou belleve ln Cod, belleve also ln me. 1here are
many dwelllng places ln my laLher's house. CLherwlse, l would have Lold you, because l am
golng away Lo make ready a place for you. And lf l go and make ready a place for you, l wlll
come agaln and Lake you Lo be wlLh me, so LhaL where l am you may be Loo. And you know
Lhe way where l am golng."
1homas sald, Lord, we don'L know where you are golng. Pow can we know Lhe way?"
!esus replled, l am Lhe way, and Lhe LruLh, and Lhe llfe. no one comes Lo Lhe laLher excepL
Lhrough me. lf you have known me, you wlll know my laLher Loo. And from now on you do
know hlm and have seen hlm."
hlllp sald, Lord, show us Lhe laLher, and we wlll be conLenL." !esus replled, Pave l been
wlLh you for so long, and you have noL known me, hlllp? 1he person who has seen me has
seen Lhe laLher! Pow can you say, 'Show us Lhe laLher'? uo you noL belleve LhaL l am ln Lhe
laLher, and Lhe laLher ls ln me? 1he words LhaL l say Lo you, l do noL speak on my own
lnlLlaLlve, buL Lhe laLher resldlng ln me performs hls mlraculous deeds. 8elleve me LhaL l
am ln Lhe laLher, and Lhe laLher ls ln me, buL lf you do noL belleve me, belleve because of
Lhe mlraculous deeds Lhemselves. l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, Lhe person who belleves ln
me wlll perform Lhe mlraculous deeds LhaL l am dolng, and wlll perform greaLer deeds Lhan
Lhese, because l am golng Lo Lhe laLher. And l wlll do whaLever you ask ln my name, so LhaL
Lhe laLher may be glorlfled ln Lhe Son. lf you ask me anyLhlng ln my name, l wlll do lL.
lf you love me, you wlll obey my commandmenLs. 1hen l wlll ask Lhe laLher, and he wlll
glve you anoLher AdvocaLe Lo be wlLh you forever- Lhe SplrlL of LruLh, whom Lhe world
cannoL accepL, because lL does noL see hlm or know hlm. 8uL you know hlm, because he
resldes wlLh you and wlll be ln you.
l wlll noL abandon you as orphans, l wlll come Lo you. ln a llLLle whlle Lhe world wlll noL see
me any longer, buL you wlll see me, because l llve, you wlll llve Loo. ?ou wlll know aL LhaL
Llme LhaL l am ln my laLher and you are ln me and l am ln you. 1he person who has my
commandmenLs and obeys Lhem ls Lhe one who loves me. 1he one who loves me wlll be
loved by my laLher, and l wlll love hlm and wlll reveal myself Lo hlm."
Lord," !udas (noL !udas lscarloL) sald, whaL has happened LhaL you are golng Lo reveal
yourself Lo us and noL Lo Lhe world?" !esus replled, lf anyone loves me, he wlll obey my
word, and my laLher wlll love hlm, and we wlll come Lo hlm and Lake up resldence wlLh
hlm. 1he person who does noL love me does noL obey my words. And Lhe word you hear ls
noL mlne, buL Lhe laLher's who senL me.
l have spoken Lhese Lhlngs whlle sLaylng wlLh you. 8uL Lhe AdvocaLe, Lhe Poly SplrlL, whom
Lhe laLher wlll send ln my name, wlll Leach you everyLhlng, and wlll cause you Lo remember
everyLhlng l sald Lo you.
eace l leave wlLh you, my peace l glve Lo you, l do noL glve lL Lo you as Lhe world does. uo
noL leL your hearLs be dlsLressed or lacklng ln courage. ?ou heard me say Lo you, 'l am golng
away and l am comlng back Lo you.' lf you loved me, you would be glad LhaL l am golng Lo
Lhe laLher, because Lhe laLher ls greaLer Lhan l am. l have Lold you now before lL happens,
so LhaL when lL happens you may belleve. l wlll noL speak wlLh you much longer, for Lhe
ruler of Lhls world ls comlng. Pe has no power over me, buL l am dolng [usL whaL Lhe laLher
commanded me, so LhaL Lhe world may know LhaL l love Lhe laLher. CeL up, leL us go from
l am Lhe Lrue vlne and my laLher ls Lhe gardener. Pe Lakes away every branch LhaL does
noL bear frulL ln me. Pe prunes every branch LhaL bears frulL so LhaL lL wlll bear more frulL.
?ou are clean already because of Lhe word LhaL l have spoken Lo you. 8emaln ln me, and l
wlll remaln ln you. !usL as Lhe branch cannoL bear frulL by lLself, unless lL remalns ln Lhe
vlne, so nelLher can you unless you remaln ln me.
l am Lhe vlne, you are Lhe branches. 1he one who remalns ln me-and l ln hlm-bears
much frulL, because aparL from me you can accompllsh noLhlng. lf anyone does noL remaln
ln me, he ls Lhrown ouL llke a branch, and drles up, and such branches are gaLhered up and
Lhrown lnLo Lhe flre, and are burned up. lf you remaln ln me and my words remaln ln you,
ask whaLever you wanL, and lL wlll be done for you. My laLher ls honored by Lhls, LhaL you
bear much frulL and show LhaL you are my dlsclples.
!usL as Lhe laLher has loved me, l have also loved you, remaln ln my love. lf you obey my
commandmenLs, you wlll remaln ln my love, [usL as l have obeyed my laLher's
commandmenLs and remaln ln hls love. l have Lold you Lhese Lhlngs so LhaL my [oy may be
ln you, and your [oy may be compleLe. My commandmenL ls Lhls-Lo love one anoLher [usL
as l have loved you. no one has greaLer love Lhan Lhls-LhaL one lays down hls llfe for hls
frlends. ?ou are my frlends lf you do whaL l command you. l no longer call you slaves,
because Lhe slave does noL undersLand whaL hls masLer ls dolng. 8uL l have called you
frlends, because l have revealed Lo you everyLhlng l heard from my laLher. ?ou dld noL
choose me, buL l chose you and appolnLed you Lo go and bear frulL, frulL LhaL remalns, so
LhaL whaLever you ask Lhe laLher ln my name he wlll glve you. 1hls l command you-Lo love
one anoLher.
lf Lhe world haLes you, be aware LhaL lL haLed me flrsL. lf you belonged Lo Lhe world, Lhe
world would love you as lLs own. Powever, because you do noL belong Lo Lhe world, buL l
chose you ouL of Lhe world, for Lhls reason Lhe world haLes you. 8emember whaL l Lold you,
'A slave ls noL greaLer Lhan hls masLer.' lf Lhey persecuLed me, Lhey wlll also persecuLe you.
lf Lhey obeyed my word, Lhey wlll obey yours Loo. 8uL Lhey wlll do all Lhese Lhlngs Lo you on
accounL of my name, because Lhey do noL know Lhe one who senL me. lf l had noL come
and spoken Lo Lhem, Lhey would noL be gullLy of sln. 8uL Lhey no longer have any excuse for
Lhelr sln. 1he one who haLes me haLes my laLher Loo. lf l had noL performed among Lhem
Lhe mlraculous deeds LhaL no one else dld, Lhey would noL be gullLy of sln. 8uL now Lhey
have seen Lhe deeds and have haLed boLh me and my laLher. now Lhls happened Lo fulflll
Lhe word LhaL ls wrlLLen ln Lhelr law, 'H"#7 "5!#0 ;# .'!"&,! 1#5+&*.' When Lhe AdvocaLe
comes, whom l wlll send you from Lhe laLher-Lhe SplrlL of LruLh who goes ouL from Lhe
laLher-he wlll LesLlfy abouL me, and you also wlll LesLlfy, because you have been wlLh me
from Lhe beglnnlng.
l have Lold you all Lhese Lhlngs so LhaL you wlll noL fall away. 1hey wlll puL you ouL of Lhe
synagogue, yeL a Llme ls comlng when Lhe one who kllls you wlll Lhlnk he ls offerlng servlce
Lo Cod. 1hey wlll do Lhese Lhlngs because Lhey have noL known Lhe laLher or me. 8uL l have
Lold you Lhese Lhlngs so LhaL when Lhelr Llme comes, you wlll remember LhaL l Lold you
abouL Lhem.
l dld noL Lell you Lhese Lhlngs from Lhe beglnnlng because l was wlLh you. 8uL now l am
golng Lo Lhe one who senL me, and noL one of you ls asklng me, 'Where are you golng?'
lnsLead your hearLs are fllled wlLh sadness because l have sald Lhese Lhlngs Lo you. 8uL l Lell
you Lhe LruLh, lL ls Lo your advanLage LhaL l am golng away. lor lf l do noL go away, Lhe
AdvocaLe wlll noL come Lo you, buL lf l go, l wlll send hlm Lo you. And when he comes, he
wlll prove Lhe world wrong concernlng sln and rlghLeousness and [udgmenL- concernlng
sln, because Lhey do noL belleve ln me, concernlng rlghLeousness, because l am golng Lo
Lhe laLher and you wlll see me no longer, and concernlng [udgmenL, because Lhe ruler of
Lhls world has been condemned.
l have many more Lhlngs Lo say Lo you, buL you cannoL bear Lhem now. 8uL when he, Lhe
SplrlL of LruLh, comes, he wlll gulde you lnLo all LruLh. lor he wlll noL speak on hls own
auLhorlLy, buL wlll speak whaLever he hears, and wlll Lell you whaL ls Lo come. Pe wlll glorlfy
me, because he wlll recelve from me whaL ls mlne and wlll Lell lL Lo you. LveryLhlng LhaL Lhe
laLher has ls mlne, LhaL ls why l sald Lhe SplrlL wlll recelve from me whaL ls mlne and wlll
Lell lL Lo you. ln a llLLle whlle you wlll see me no longer, agaln afLer a llLLle whlle, you wlll see
1hen some of hls dlsclples sald Lo one anoLher, WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of whaL he ls saylng,
'ln a llLLle whlle you wlll noL see me, agaln afLer a llLLle whlle, you wlll see me,' and,
'because l am golng Lo Lhe laLher'?" So Lhey kepL on repeaLlng, WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of
whaL he says, 'ln a llLLle whlle'? We do noL undersLand whaL he ls Lalklng abouL."
!esus could see LhaL Lhey wanLed Lo ask hlm abouL Lhese Lhlngs, so he sald Lo Lhem, Are
you asklng each oLher abouL Lhls-LhaL l sald, 'ln a llLLle whlle you wlll noL see me, agaln
afLer a llLLle whlle, you wlll see me'? l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, you wlll weep and wall, buL
Lhe world wlll re[olce, you wlll be sad, buL your sadness wlll Lurn lnLo [oy. When a woman
glves blrLh, she has dlsLress because her Llme has come, buL when her chlld ls born, she no
longer remembers Lhe sufferlng because of her [oy LhaL a human belng has been born lnLo
Lhe world. So also you have sorrow now, buL l wlll see yoo oqolo, ooJ yoot beotts wlll
tejolce, ooJ oo ooe wlll toke yoot joy owoy ftom yoo. AL LhaL Llme you wlll ask me noLhlng. l
Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, whaLever you ask Lhe laLher ln my name he wlll glve you. unLll
now you have noL asked for anyLhlng ln my name. Ask and you wlll recelve lL, so LhaL your
[oy may be compleLe.
l have Lold you Lhese Lhlngs ln obscure flgures of speech, a Llme ls comlng when l wlll no
longer speak Lo you ln obscure flgures, buL wlll Lell you plalnly abouL Lhe laLher. AL LhaL
Llme you wlll ask ln my name, and l do noL say LhaL l wlll ask Lhe laLher on your behalf. lor
Lhe laLher hlmself loves you, because you have loved me and have belleved LhaL l came
from Cod. l came from Lhe laLher and enLered lnLo Lhe world, buL ln Lurn, l am leavlng Lhe
world and golng back Lo Lhe laLher."
Pls dlsclples sald, Look, now you are speaklng plalnly and noL ln obscure flgures of speech!
now we know LhaL you know everyLhlng and do noL need anyone Lo ask you anyLhlng.
8ecause of Lhls we belleve LhaL you have come from Cod."
!esus replled, uo you now belleve? Look, a Llme ls comlng-and has come-when you wlll
be scaLLered, each one Lo hls own home, and l wlll be lefL alone. ?eL l am noL alone,
because my laLher ls wlLh me. l have Lold you Lhese Lhlngs so LhaL ln me you may have
peace. ln Lhe world you have Lrouble and sufferlng, buL Lake courage-l have conquered
Lhe world."
When !esus had flnlshed saylng Lhese Lhlngs, he looked upward Lo heaven and sald,
laLher, Lhe Llme has come. Clorlfy your Son, so LhaL your Son may glorlfy you- [usL as you
have glven hlm auLhorlLy over all humanlLy, so LhaL he may glve eLernal llfe Lo everyone you
have glven hlm. now Lhls ls eLernal llfe-LhaL Lhey know you, Lhe only Lrue Cod, and !esus
ChrlsL, whom you senL. l glorlfled you on earLh by compleLlng Lhe work you gave me Lo do.
And now, laLher, glorlfy me aL your slde wlLh Lhe glory l had wlLh you before Lhe world was
l have revealed your name Lo Lhe men you gave me ouL of Lhe world. 1hey belonged Lo
you, and you gave Lhem Lo me, and Lhey have obeyed your word. now Lhey undersLand
LhaL everyLhlng you have glven me comes from you, because l have glven Lhem Lhe words
you have glven me. 1hey accepLed Lhem and really undersLand LhaL l came from you, and
Lhey belleved LhaL you senL me. l am praylng on behalf of Lhem. l am noL praylng on behalf
of Lhe world, buL on behalf of Lhose you have glven me, because Lhey belong Lo you.
LveryLhlng l have belongs Lo you, and everyLhlng you have belongs Lo me, and l have been
glorlfled by Lhem. l am no longer ln Lhe world, buL Lhey are ln Lhe world, and l am comlng Lo
you. Poly laLher, keep Lhem safe ln your name LhaL you have glven me, so LhaL Lhey may be
one [usL as we are one. When l was wlLh Lhem l kepL Lhem safe and waLched over Lhem ln
your name LhaL you have glven me. noL one of Lhem was losL excepL Lhe one desLlned for
desLrucLlon, so LhaL Lhe scrlpLure could be fulfllled. 8uL now l am comlng Lo you, and l am
saylng Lhese Lhlngs ln Lhe world, so Lhey may experlence my [oy compleLed ln Lhemselves. l
have glven Lhem your word, and Lhe world has haLed Lhem, because Lhey do noL belong Lo
Lhe world, [usL as l do noL belong Lo Lhe world. l am noL asklng you Lo Lake Lhem ouL of Lhe
world, buL LhaL you keep Lhem safe from Lhe evll one. 1hey do noL belong Lo Lhe world [usL
as l do noL belong Lo Lhe world. SeL Lhem aparL ln Lhe LruLh, your word ls LruLh. !usL as you
senL me lnLo Lhe world, so l senL Lhem lnLo Lhe world. And l seL myself aparL on Lhelr behalf,
so LhaL Lhey Loo may be Lruly seL aparL.
l am noL praylng only on Lhelr behalf, buL also on behalf of Lhose who belleve ln me
Lhrough Lhelr LesLlmony, LhaL Lhey wlll all be one, [usL as you, laLher, are ln me and l am ln
you. l pray LhaL Lhey wlll be ln us, so LhaL Lhe world wlll belleve LhaL you senL me. 1he glory
you gave Lo me l have glven Lo Lhem, LhaL Lhey may be one [usL as we are one- l ln Lhem
and you ln me-LhaL Lhey may be compleLely one, so LhaL Lhe world wlll know LhaL you senL
me, and you have loved Lhem [usL as you have loved me.
laLher, l wanL Lhose you have glven me Lo be wlLh me where l am, so LhaL Lhey can see my
glory LhaL you gave me because you loved me before Lhe creaLlon of Lhe world. 8lghLeous
laLher, even lf Lhe world does noL know you, l know you, and Lhese men know LhaL you
senL me. l made known your name Lo Lhem, and l wlll conLlnue Lo make lL known, so LhaL
Lhe love you have loved me wlLh may be ln Lhem, and l may be ln Lhem."
When he had sald Lhese Lhlngs, !esus wenL ouL wlLh hls dlsclples across Lhe kldron valley.
1here was an orchard Lhere, and he and hls dlsclples wenL lnLo lL. (now !udas, Lhe one who
beLrayed hlm, knew Lhe place Loo, because !esus had meL Lhere many Llmes wlLh hls
dlsclples.) So !udas obLalned a squad of soldlers and some offlcers of Lhe chlef prlesLs and
harlsees. 1hey came Lo Lhe orchard wlLh lanLerns and Lorches and weapons.
1hen !esus, because he knew everyLhlng LhaL was golng Lo happen Lo hlm, came and asked
Lhem, Who are you looklng for?" 1hey replled, !esus Lhe nazarene." Pe Lold Lhem, l am
he." (now !udas, Lhe one who beLrayed hlm, was sLandlng Lhere wlLh Lhem.) So when !esus
sald Lo Lhem, l am he," Lhey reLreaLed and fell Lo Lhe ground. 1hen !esus asked Lhem
agaln, Who are you looklng for?" And Lhey sald, !esus Lhe nazarene." !esus replled, l Lold
you LhaL l am he. lf you are looklng for me, leL Lhese men go." Pe sald Lhls Lo fulflll Lhe word
he had spoken, l have noL losL a slngle one of Lhose whom you gave me."
1hen Slmon eLer, who had a sword, pulled lL ouL and sLruck Lhe hlgh prlesL's slave, cuLLlng
off hls rlghL ear. (now Lhe slave's name was Malchus.) 8uL !esus sald Lo eLer, uL your
sword back lnLo lLs sheaLh! Am l noL Lo drlnk Lhe cup LhaL Lhe laLher has glven me?"
1hen Lhe squad of soldlers wlLh Lhelr commandlng offlcer and Lhe offlcers of Lhe !ewlsh
leaders arresLed !esus and Lled hlm up. 1hey broughL hlm flrsL Lo Annas, for he was Lhe
faLher-ln-law of Calaphas, who was hlgh prlesL LhaL year. (now lL was Calaphas who had
advlsed Lhe !ewlsh leaders LhaL lL was Lo Lhelr advanLage LhaL one man dle for Lhe people.)
Slmon eLer and anoLher dlsclple followed Lhem as Lhey broughL !esus Lo Annas. (now Lhe
oLher dlsclple was acqualnLed wlLh Lhe hlgh prlesL, and he wenL wlLh !esus lnLo Lhe hlgh
prlesL's courLyard.) 8uL Slmon eLer was lefL sLandlng ouLslde by Lhe door. So Lhe oLher
dlsclple who was acqualnLed wlLh Lhe hlgh prlesL came ouL and spoke Lo Lhe slave glrl who
waLched Lhe door, and broughL eLer lnslde. 1he glrl who was Lhe doorkeeper sald Lo eLer,
?ou're noL one of Lhls man's dlsclples Loo, are you?" Pe replled, l am noL." (now Lhe
slaves and Lhe guards were sLandlng around a charcoal flre Lhey had made, warmlng
Lhemselves because lL was cold. eLer also was sLandlng wlLh Lhem, warmlng hlmself.)
Whlle Lhls was happenlng, Lhe hlgh prlesL quesLloned !esus abouL hls dlsclples and abouL
hls Leachlng. !esus replled, l have spoken publlcly Lo Lhe world. l always LaughL ln Lhe
synagogues and ln Lhe Lemple courLs, where all Lhe !ewlsh people assemble LogeLher. l
have sald noLhlng ln secreL. Why do you ask me? Ask Lhose who heard whaL l sald. 1hey
know whaL l sald." When !esus had sald Lhls, one of Lhe hlgh prlesL's offlcers who sLood
nearby sLruck hlm on Lhe face and sald, ls LhaL Lhe way you answer Lhe hlgh prlesL?" !esus
replled, lf l have sald someLhlng wrong, conflrm whaL ls wrong. 8uL lf l spoke correcLly,
why sLrlke me?" 1hen Annas senL hlm, sLlll Lled up, Lo Calaphas Lhe hlgh prlesL.
Meanwhlle Slmon eLer was sLandlng ln Lhe courLyard warmlng hlmself. 1hey sald Lo hlm,
?ou aren'L one of hls dlsclples Loo, are you?" eLer denled lL: l am noL!" Cne of Lhe hlgh
prlesL's slaves, a relaLlve of Lhe man whose ear eLer had cuL off, sald, uld l noL see you ln
Lhe orchard wlLh hlm?" 1hen eLer denled lL agaln, and lmmedlaLely a roosLer crowed.
1hen Lhey broughL !esus from Calaphas Lo Lhe 8oman governor's resldence. (now lL was
very early mornlng.) 1hey dld noL go lnLo Lhe governor's resldence so Lhey would noL be
ceremonlally deflled, buL could eaL Lhe assover meal. So llaLe came ouLslde Lo Lhem and
sald, WhaL accusaLlon do you brlng agalnsL Lhls man?" 1hey replled, lf Lhls man were noL
a crlmlnal, we would noL have handed hlm over Lo you."
llaLe Lold Lhem, 1ake hlm yourselves and pass [udgmenL on hlm accordlng Lo your own
law!" 1he !ewlsh leaders replled, We cannoL legally puL anyone Lo deaLh." (1hls happened
Lo fulflll Lhe word !esus had spoken when he lndlcaLed whaL klnd of deaLh he was golng Lo
So llaLe wenL back lnLo Lhe governor's resldence, summoned !esus, and asked hlm, Are
you Lhe klng of Lhe !ews?" !esus replled, Are you saylng Lhls on your own lnlLlaLlve, or have
oLhers Lold you abouL me?" llaLe answered, l am noL a !ew, am l? ?our own people and
your chlef prlesLs handed you over Lo me. WhaL have you done?"
!esus replled, My klngdom ls noL from Lhls world. lf my klngdom were from Lhls world, my
servanLs would be flghLlng Lo keep me from belng handed over Lo Lhe !ewlsh auLhorlLles.
8uL as lL ls, my klngdom ls noL from here." 1hen llaLe sald, So you are a klng!" !esus
replled, ?ou say LhaL l am a klng. lor Lhls reason l was born, and for Lhls reason l came lnLo
Lhe world-Lo LesLlfy Lo Lhe LruLh. Lveryone who belongs Lo Lhe LruLh llsLens Lo my volce."
llaLe asked, WhaL ls LruLh?"
When he had sald Lhls he wenL back ouLslde Lo Lhe !ewlsh leaders and announced, l flnd
no basls for an accusaLlon agalnsL hlm. 8uL lL ls your cusLom LhaL l release one prlsoner for
you aL Lhe assover. So do you wanL me Lo release for you Lhe klng of Lhe !ews?" 1hen Lhey
shouLed back, noL Lhls man, buL 8arabbas!" (now 8arabbas was a revoluLlonary.)
1hen llaLe Look !esus and had hlm flogged severely. 1he soldlers bralded a crown of Lhorns
and puL lL on hls head, and Lhey cloLhed hlm ln a purple robe. 1hey came up Lo hlm agaln
and agaln and sald, Pall, klng of Lhe !ews!" And Lhey sLruck hlm repeaLedly ln Lhe face.
Agaln llaLe wenL ouL and sald Lo Lhe !ewlsh leaders, Look, l am brlnglng hlm ouL Lo you, so
LhaL you may know LhaL l flnd no reason for an accusaLlon agalnsL hlm." So !esus came
ouLslde, wearlng Lhe crown of Lhorns and Lhe purple robe. llaLe sald Lo Lhem, Look, here
ls Lhe man!" When Lhe chlef prlesLs and Lhelr offlcers saw hlm, Lhey shouLed ouL, Cruclfy
hlm! Cruclfy hlm!" llaLe sald, ?ou Lake hlm and cruclfy hlm! CerLalnly l flnd no reason for
an accusaLlon agalnsL hlm!" 1he !ewlsh leaders replled, We have a law, and accordlng Lo
our law he oughL Lo dle, because he clalmed Lo be Lhe Son of Cod!"
When llaLe heard whaL Lhey sald, he was more afrald Lhan ever, and he wenL back lnLo Lhe
governor's resldence and sald Lo !esus, Where do you come from?" 8uL !esus gave hlm no
answer. So llaLe sald, uo you refuse Lo speak Lo me? uon'L you know l have Lhe auLhorlLy
Lo release you, and Lo cruclfy you?" !esus replled, ?ou would have no auLhorlLy over me aL
all, unless lL was glven Lo you from above. 1herefore Lhe one who handed me over Lo you ls
gullLy of greaLer sln."
lrom Lhls polnL on, llaLe Lrled Lo release hlm. 8uL Lhe !ewlsh leaders shouLed ouL, lf you
release Lhls man, you are no frlend of Caesar! Lveryone who clalms Lo be a klng opposes
Caesar!" When llaLe heard Lhese words he broughL !esus ouLslde and saL down on Lhe
[udgmenL seaL ln Lhe place called 1he SLone avemenL" (Cobbotbo ln Aramalc). (now lL
was Lhe day of preparaLlon for Lhe assover, abouL noon.) llaLe sald Lo Lhe !ewlsh leaders,
Look, here ls your klng!"
1hen Lhey shouLed ouL, Away wlLh hlm! Away wlLh hlm! Cruclfy hlm!" llaLe asked, Shall l
cruclfy your klng?" 1he hlgh prlesLs replled, We have no klng excepL Caesar!" 1hen llaLe
handed hlm over Lo Lhem Lo be cruclfled.
So Lhey Look !esus, and carrylng hls own cross he wenL ouL Lo Lhe place called 1he lace of
Lhe Skull" (called ln Aramalc Colqotbo). 1here Lhey cruclfled hlm along wlLh Lwo oLhers, one
on each slde, wlLh !esus ln Lhe mlddle. llaLe also had a noLlce wrlLLen and fasLened Lo Lhe
cross, whlch read: !esus Lhe nazarene, Lhe klng of Lhe !ews." 1hus many of Lhe !ewlsh
resldenLs of !erusalem read Lhls noLlce, because Lhe place where !esus was cruclfled was
near Lhe clLy, and Lhe noLlce was wrlLLen ln Aramalc, LaLln, and Creek. 1hen Lhe chlef
prlesLs of Lhe !ews sald Lo llaLe, uo noL wrlLe, '1he klng of Lhe !ews,' buL raLher, '1hls man
sald, l am klng of Lhe !ews.'" llaLe answered, WhaL l have wrlLLen, l have wrlLLen."
now when Lhe soldlers cruclfled !esus, Lhey Look hls cloLhes and made four shares, one for
each soldler, and Lhe Lunlc remalned. (now Lhe Lunlc was seamless, woven from Lop Lo
boLLom as a slngle plece.) So Lhe soldlers sald Lo one anoLher, LeL's noL Lear lL, buL Lhrow
dlce Lo see who wlll geL lL." 1hls Look place Lo fulflll Lhe scrlpLure LhaL says, H"#7 0'%'0#0
;7 -51;#*!+ 5;&*- !"#;2 5*0 )&1 ;7 (/&!"'*- !"#7 !"1#. 0'(#." So Lhe soldlers dld Lhese
now sLandlng beslde !esus' cross were hls moLher, hls moLher's slsLer, Mary Lhe wlfe of
Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. So when !esus saw hls moLher and Lhe dlsclple whom he
loved sLandlng Lhere, he sald Lo hls moLher, Woman, look, here ls your son!" Pe Lhen sald
Lo hls dlsclple, Look, here ls your moLher!" lrom LhaL very Llme Lhe dlsclple Look her lnLo
hls own home.
AfLer Lhls !esus, reallzlng LhaL by Lhls Llme everyLhlng was compleLed, sald (ln order Lo fulflll
Lhe scrlpLure), l am LhlrsLy!" A [ar full of sour wlne was Lhere, so Lhey puL a sponge soaked
ln sour wlne on a branch of hyssop and llfLed lL Lo hls mouLh. When he had recelved Lhe
sour wlne, !esus sald, lL ls compleLed!" 1hen he bowed hls head and gave up hls splrlL.
1hen, because lL was Lhe day of preparaLlon, so LhaL Lhe bodles should noL sLay on Lhe
crosses on Lhe SabbaLh (for LhaL SabbaLh was an especlally lmporLanL one), Lhe !ewlsh
leaders asked llaLe Lo have Lhe vlcLlms' legs broken and Lhe bodles Laken down. So Lhe
soldlers came and broke Lhe legs of Lhe Lwo men who had been cruclfled wlLh !esus, flrsL
Lhe one and Lhen Lhe oLher. 8uL when Lhey came Lo !esus and saw LhaL he was already
dead, Lhey dld noL break hls legs. 8uL one of Lhe soldlers plerced hls slde wlLh a spear, and
blood and waLer flowed ouL lmmedlaLely. And Lhe person who saw lL has LesLlfled (and hls
LesLlmony ls Lrue, and he knows LhaL he ls Lelllng Lhe LruLh), so LhaL you also may belleve.
lor Lhese Lhlngs happened so LhaL Lhe scrlpLure would be fulfllled, I&! 5 =&*# &) "'+ .'//
=# =1&6#*." And agaln anoLher scrlpLure says, H"#7 .'// /&&6 &* !"# &*# ."&; !"#7 "5%#
AfLer Lhls, !oseph of ArlmaLhea, a dlsclple of !esus (buL secreLly, because he feared Lhe
!ewlsh leaders), asked llaLe lf he could remove Lhe body of !esus. llaLe gave hlm
permlsslon, so he wenL and Look Lhe body away. nlcodemus, Lhe man who had prevlously
come Lo !esus aL nlghL, accompanled !oseph, carrylng a mlxLure of myrrh and aloes
welghlng abouL sevenLy-flve pounds. 1hen Lhey Look !esus' body and wrapped lL, wlLh Lhe
aromaLlc splces, ln sLrlps of llnen cloLh accordlng Lo !ewlsh burlal cusLoms. now aL Lhe place
where !esus was cruclfled Lhere was a garden, and ln Lhe garden was a new Lomb where no
one had yeL been burled. And so, because lL was Lhe !ewlsh day of preparaLlon and Lhe
Lomb was nearby, Lhey placed !esus' body Lhere.
now very early on Lhe flrsL day of Lhe week, whlle lL was sLlll dark, Mary Magdalene came
Lo Lhe Lomb and saw LhaL Lhe sLone had been moved away from Lhe enLrance. So she wenL
runnlng Lo Slmon eLer and Lhe oLher dlsclple whom !esus loved and Lold Lhem, 1hey have
Laken Lhe Lord from Lhe Lomb, and we don'L know where Lhey have puL hlm!" 1hen eLer
and Lhe oLher dlsclple seL ouL Lo go Lo Lhe Lomb. 1he Lwo were runnlng LogeLher, buL Lhe
oLher dlsclple ran fasLer Lhan eLer and reached Lhe Lomb flrsL. Pe benL down and saw Lhe
sLrlps of llnen cloLh lylng Lhere, buL he dld noL go ln. 1hen Slmon eLer, who had been
followlng hlm, arrlved and wenL rlghL lnLo Lhe Lomb. Pe saw Lhe sLrlps of llnen cloLh lylng
Lhere, and Lhe face cloLh, whlch had been around !esus' head, noL lylng wlLh Lhe sLrlps of
llnen cloLh buL rolled up ln a place by lLself. 1hen Lhe oLher dlsclple, who had reached Lhe
Lomb flrsL, came ln, and he saw and belleved. (lor Lhey dld noL yeL undersLand Lhe scrlpLure
LhaL !esus musL rlse from Lhe dead.)
So Lhe dlsclples wenL back Lo Lhelr homes. 8uL Mary sLood ouLslde Lhe Lomb weeplng. As
she wepL, she benL down and looked lnLo Lhe Lomb. And she saw Lwo angels ln whlLe slLLlng
where !esus' body had been lylng, one aL Lhe head and one aL Lhe feeL. 1hey sald Lo her,
Woman, why are you weeplng?" Mary replled, 1hey have Laken my Lord away, and l do
noL know where Lhey have puL hlm!" When she had sald Lhls, she Lurned around and saw
!esus sLandlng Lhere, buL she dld noL know LhaL lL was !esus.
!esus sald Lo her, Woman, why are you weeplng? Who are you looklng for?" 8ecause she
LhoughL he was Lhe gardener, she sald Lo hlm, Slr, lf you have carrled hlm away, Lell me
where you have puL hlm, and l wlll Lake hlm." !esus sald Lo her, Mary." She Lurned and
sald Lo hlm ln Aramalc, kobbool" (whlch means 1eacher). !esus replled, uo noL Louch me,
for l have noL yeL ascended Lo my laLher. Co Lo my broLhers and Lell Lhem, 'l am ascendlng
Lo my laLher and your laLher, Lo my Cod and your Cod.'" Mary Magdalene came and
lnformed Lhe dlsclples, l have seen Lhe Lord!" And she Lold Lhem whaL !esus had sald Lo
Cn Lhe evenlng of LhaL day, Lhe flrsL day of Lhe week, Lhe dlsclples had gaLhered LogeLher
and locked Lhe doors of Lhe place because Lhey were afrald of Lhe !ewlsh leaders. !esus
came and sLood among Lhem and sald Lo Lhem, eace be wlLh you." When he had sald
Lhls, he showed Lhem hls hands and hls slde. 1hen Lhe dlsclples re[olced when Lhey saw Lhe
Lord. So !esus sald Lo Lhem agaln, eace be wlLh you. !usL as Lhe laLher has senL me, l also
send you." And afLer he sald Lhls, he breaLhed on Lhem and sald, 8ecelve Lhe Poly SplrlL. lf
you forglve anyone's slns, Lhey are forglven, lf you reLaln anyone's slns, Lhey are reLalned."
now 1homas (called uldymus), one of Lhe Lwelve, was noL wlLh Lhem when !esus came. 1he
oLher dlsclples Lold hlm, We have seen Lhe Lord!" 8uL he replled, unless l see Lhe wounds
from Lhe nalls ln hls hands, and puL my flnger lnLo Lhe wounds from Lhe nalls, and puL my
hand lnLo hls slde, l wlll never belleve lL!"
LlghL days laLer Lhe dlsclples were agaln LogeLher ln Lhe house, and 1homas was wlLh Lhem.
AlLhough Lhe doors were locked, !esus came and sLood among Lhem and sald, eace be
wlLh you!" 1hen he sald Lo 1homas, uL your flnger here, and examlne my hands. LxLend
your hand and puL lL lnLo my slde. uo noL conLlnue ln your unbellef, buL belleve." 1homas
replled Lo hlm, My Lord and my Cod!" !esus sald Lo hlm, Pave you belleved because you
have seen me? 8lessed are Lhe people who have noL seen and yeL have belleved."
now !esus performed many oLher mlraculous slgns ln Lhe presence of Lhe dlsclples, whlch
are noL recorded ln Lhls book. 8uL Lhese are recorded so LhaL you may belleve LhaL !esus ls
Lhe ChrlsL, Lhe Son of Cod, and LhaL by bellevlng you may have llfe ln hls name.
AfLer Lhls !esus revealed hlmself agaln Lo Lhe dlsclples by Lhe Sea of 1lberlas. now Lhls ls
how he dld so. Slmon eLer, 1homas (called uldymus), naLhanael (who was from Cana ln
Calllee), Lhe sons of Zebedee, and Lwo oLher dlsclples of hls were LogeLher. Slmon eLer
Lold Lhem, l am golng flshlng." We wlll go wlLh you," Lhey replled. 1hey wenL ouL and goL
lnLo Lhe boaL, buL LhaL nlghL Lhey caughL noLhlng.
When lL was already very early mornlng, !esus sLood on Lhe beach, buL Lhe dlsclples dld noL
know LhaL lL was !esus. So !esus sald Lo Lhem, Chlldren, you don'L have any flsh, do you?"
1hey replled, no." Pe Lold Lhem, 1hrow your neL on Lhe rlghL slde of Lhe boaL, and you
wlll flnd some." So Lhey Lhrew Lhe neL, and were noL able Lo pull lL ln because of Lhe large
number of flsh.
1hen Lhe dlsclple whom !esus loved sald Lo eLer, lL ls Lhe Lord!" So Slmon eLer, when he
heard LhaL lL was Lhe Lord, Lucked ln hls ouLer garmenL (for he had noLhlng on underneaLh
lL), and plunged lnLo Lhe sea. Meanwhlle Lhe oLher dlsclples came wlLh Lhe boaL, dragglng
Lhe neL full of flsh, for Lhey were noL far from land, only abouL a hundred yards.
When Lhey goL ouL on Lhe beach, Lhey saw a charcoal flre ready wlLh a flsh placed on lL, and
bread. !esus sald, 8rlng some of Lhe flsh you have [usL now caughL." So Slmon eLer wenL
aboard and pulled Lhe neL Lo shore. lL was full of large flsh, one hundred flfLy-Lhree, buL
alLhough Lhere were so many, Lhe neL was noL Lorn. Come, have breakfasL," !esus sald. 8uL
none of Lhe dlsclples dared Lo ask hlm, Who are you?" because Lhey knew lL was Lhe Lord.
!esus came and Look Lhe bread and gave lL Lo Lhem, and dld Lhe same wlLh Lhe flsh. 1hls
was now Lhe Lhlrd Llme !esus was revealed Lo Lhe dlsclples afLer he was ralsed from Lhe
1hen when Lhey had flnlshed breakfasL, !esus sald Lo Slmon eLer, Slmon, son of !ohn, do
you love me more Lhan Lhese do?" Pe replled, ?es, Lord, you know l love you." !esus Lold
hlm, leed my lambs." !esus sald a second Llme, Slmon, son of !ohn, do you love me?" Pe
replled, ?es, Lord, you know l love you." !esus Lold hlm, Shepherd my sheep." !esus sald a
Lhlrd Llme, Slmon, son of !ohn, do you love me?" eLer was dlsLressed LhaL !esus asked
hlm a Lhlrd Llme, uo you love me?" and sald, Lord, you know everyLhlng. ?ou know LhaL l
love you." !esus replled, leed my sheep. l Lell you Lhe solemn LruLh, when you were
young, you Lled your cloLhes around you and wenL wherever you wanLed, buL when you are
old, you wlll sLreLch ouL your hands, and oLhers wlll Lle you up and brlng you where you do
noL wanL Lo go." (now !esus sald Lhls Lo lndlcaLe clearly by whaL klnd of deaLh eLer was
golng Lo glorlfy Cod.) AfLer he sald Lhls, !esus Lold eLer, lollow me."
eLer Lurned around and saw Lhe dlsclple whom !esus loved followlng Lhem. (1hls was Lhe
dlsclple who had leaned back agalnsL !esus' chesL aL Lhe meal and asked, Lord, who ls Lhe
one who ls golng Lo beLray you?") So when eLer saw hlm, he asked !esus, Lord, whaL
abouL hlm?" !esus replled, lf l wanL hlm Lo llve unLll l come back, whaL concern ls LhaL of
yours? ?ou follow me!" So Lhe saylng clrculaLed among Lhe broLhers and slsLers LhaL Lhls
dlsclple was noL golng Lo dle. 8uL !esus dld noL say Lo hlm LhaL he was noL golng Lo dle, buL
raLher, lf l wanL hlm Lo llve unLll l come back, whaL concern ls LhaL of yours?"
1hls ls Lhe dlsclple who LesLlfles abouL Lhese Lhlngs and has wrlLLen Lhese Lhlngs, and we
know LhaL hls LesLlmony ls Lrue. 1here are many oLher Lhlngs LhaL !esus dld. lf every one of
Lhem were wrlLLen down, l suppose Lhe whole world would noL have room for Lhe books
LhaL would be wrlLLen.

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