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Memorandum To From Date RE Dan Brekke, Chair of College Curriculum Committee of College of Business & Innovation Emily Dieken

April 11, 2014 Proposal To Change Marketing Emphasis Requirements

Introduction: This memo is a proposal to change the requirements for the degree of Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing to add MC 210 Layout and Typography. Problem: There has been an increasing demand for desktop publishing knowledge within the marketing major. The majority of marketing internships require complete understanding of desktop publishing, which marketing students at MSUM are Lacking, resulting in deprived students. Many marketing internships are looking for students who know desktop publishing programs and have had prior experience. There is a disconnection between the new demands of marketing profession and what is being required for a marketing degree. Objectives: To solve this issue and to add a requirement of desktop publishing, we will have to do the following: Keep students informed about the current marketing demands and trends. To broaden students with technology that will be used in their workforce. Solution: There is a restriction of a 120 credits maximum per major place by the State of Minnesota. Therefore, one class requirement will have to be cut from the major. I propose cutting Marketing 311 Marketing Management. It is possible to infuse the objectives of Marketing 311 Marketing Management between two classes: Marketing 310 Principles of Marketing and Marketing 421 Consumer Behavior. The objectives of Marketing Management are similar to the two classes mentioned before. It is possible to split the objectives between the classes as they expand upon their original.

There are no prerequisites to Layout and Typography I. This class would cover terminology, design principles, use of software, critical analysis, and the publication ready production of projects in layout and typography (Course Outlines). Method: This proposal will first be presented to the Chair of College Curriculum Committee of College of Business & Innovation. If this is passed by the Curriculum Committee, it will then be passed on to the Faculty Senate and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Resources: A resource that would be beneficial would be research that can support this new requirement proposal. Support from local businesses to this proposal as a positive addition to the major. Schedule: These changes can be completed by the school year of 2015-2016. 1 Month Propose to the Chair of College Curriculum Committee of College of Business and Innovation 1 Month Propose to the Curriculum Committee 1-2 Months Propose to the Faculty Senate, and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs 3-4 Months Final changes to proposal

Qualifications: Members of the College Curriculum Committee, Faculty Senate, the provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs are suitable to research program revisions. Other students, including present and past, are aware of the demands in marketing workforce and would be able to assist. Costs: There will be a bigger demand for MC 210 Layout and Typography, thus there will have to be more classes added. This could add cost to the university in the long run if another professor needs to be hired. Conclusion: Overall, this change will be for the greater good of both the student and the university. This will help students in this major be prepared for the changes in their workforce. This major will be

more distinct, creating an incomparable advantage to the students. It is important that universities are updating the requirements of all their majors to ensure that they are within the necessities of their workforce. Doing so is what makes a university more appealing to prospective students.

References View Course Outlines for Minnesota State University Moorhead . (n.d.). View Course Outlines for Minnesota State University Moorhead . Retrieved April 3, 2014, from

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