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William Wu, United States, Orange County The OC News Center, June 28, 2015, 4:24 PCT The National Bioengineer Development Center had announced that the first cloning of human is successful and this is a huge advance on the development of cloning technology. Many scientists and biologist are really excited about this new revolutionary development. This new announcement by the NBD Center quickly spread through the whole world. Many Country shows their concern about this new technology by calling the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The other specific details of the Cloning experienment is released on the website by the President of NBD, James White. According to the details on the website, the first successful clone human is a male. His temporary name is X2. He is an infant and look exactly like a normal human being. These cloned human grows faster than normal people,their metabolism is faster compare to other normal human which allows them to have a healthier life. They have their own mind and the ability of critical thinking. The NBD will place X2 at a big room which they build for him and observe any of his action, they want to know more about this new huaman who is created through mechine. Although this is consider a huge step in the area of bioengineer, this new technology is still controversial said by the President of United Nation, Mr. Hayes. Hayes clamied that the cloning of human might cause a lot of issue. Human diversity, threat of eugenic, Natural procreation and evolution, these are the three major concerns from Hayes due to the labotory of cloning human. He advocates that the experiment should be stop for awhile until every nation has a solution on whether it is suitable to operate the cloning technology or not. A famous news website, CCN, had started a poll on the successful of cloning human experiment. Due to the final result of the poll, it shows that almost 70 percent of people are not ready for this new technology yet. 9 percent of people agree and support with the cloning on human. Nearly 11 percent of people says that they dont care about this topic because the government will figure it out.

20th & 21th centry cloning history timeline

1902-Artificial embryo twinning in a vertebrate (Salamander) Found by Hans Spemann. This experiment showed that embryos from a morecomplex animal can also be twinned to form multiple identical organisms but only up to a certain stage in development. 1928-The cell nucleus controls embryonic development (Salamander). Discovered by Hans Spemann. He temporarily squeezed a fertilized salamander egg to push the nucleus to one side of the cytoplasm. It showed that the nucleus from an early embryonic cell directs the complete growth of a salamander. 1952-First successful nuclear transfer(Frog) Robert Briggs and Thomas King transferred the nucleus from an early tadpole embryo into an enucleated frog egg. The experience shows that nuclear transfer was a viable cloning technique. 1975-First mammalian embryo created by nuclear transfer (Rabbit). Bromhall transferred the nucleus from a rabbit embryo cell into an enucleated rabbit egg cell. The experience shows mammalian embryo could be created by nuclear transfer 1984-First mammal created by nuclear transfer (sheep) This experiment by Steen Willadsen shows that it is possible to clone a mammal through nuclear transfer. 1987-Nuclear transfer from embryonic cell It add cow to the list of mammal that can be cloned through nuclear transfer. 1997-The sheep, Dolly, first mammal created by somatic cell nuclear transfer

This is the most famous cloning experiment. It brought cloning into the limelight. 2013-Human embryonic stem cells created by somatic cell nuclear transfer 2015-the first cloning on human is successful Reported by William Wu

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