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Chablais Geopark FRANCE

EGN Designated 2012

GGN Designated 2012

N462225, E0062839 872 km
"La Savoie", Lake Geneva typical sailboat and Chablais mountains.

The Chablais reveals

Antoine Berger

the story of the formation of the Alps and glacial history.

The Chablais Geopark, located in the Chablais region of Haute-Savoie, sits in a 50km long, remarkable natural landscape, between Lac Leman and Mont Blanc, which has influenced the culture and life of both its inhabitants and numerous visitors.

Rich geological history, large number of lakes and a wealth of renowned mineral waters (Evian, Thonon).
Chablais Geopark, France SIAC


The Chablais region is unique, with a landscape that recounts an ancient geological history of over 250 million years. Along the 50km which separates Lac Lman (lack Geneva) and the Joux Plane Pass (Morzine Avoriaz), the Chablais reveals the story of the formation of the Alps, but also the recent glacial events that have carved out the landscape. The riches of this geological history are visible, notably through a large number of lakes and a wealth of renowned mineral waters (Evian, Thonon). Natural landscape seen in the Chablais Geopark, has also strongly influenced the traditional architecture, the working of the land, the high mountain farms, or even the local stories and legends, which are all witness to the strong links between man and nature. Close links have been developed with our substantial network of tourist stakeholders, museums, mountain guides, heritage guides

and organizations such as the Portes du Soleil. Communicating through arts projects is also of central importance to the Geopark with recent initiatives in land art, theatre, music and photography. Actions such as the structured training of mountain guides and other tourist professionals have expanded our network to over 84 accredited guides in France and Switzerland. The eight day annual walking festival, the Itineraires Alpestres, is intertwined with educational talks covering all aspects of heritage (geological, cultural and popular), and is an example of the discovery events offered by the Chablais Geopark. Furthermore, educational workshops approved by the National Education Authority are now available to both local schools and field trips with the Museum of Prehistory and Geology, the Discovery Centre of the Valley dAulps and the Pont du Diable Gorges.

"La Pierre Martin", glacial erratic rock.


Itinraires Alpestres", field trip with mountains guides accredited by the Chablais Geopark.

Tel.: +33(0)4 50 04 24 24


The Global Geoparks Network is supported by UNESCO at the request of Member States.

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