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c t i c u t C


The Connecticut College Music Department Presents:
F e a t u r i n g
C amel Hear d &
C hamber C hoi r
Wendy Moy , d i r e c t o r
J ohn Ant hony , o r g a n
L aur en Mar az z i , p i a n o
P r e s e n t i n g mu s i c b y
S unday
Apr i l 27, 2014
3: 00 pm
Har knes s C hapel

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viva, viva Antonio Salieii (17Su-182S)

Ny Beait is Inuiting fiom !"#"$%&'"$ )$&*+,- ueoige F. Banuel (186S-17S9)
Piofessoi }ohn Anthony, oigan
soloists: Lauien Stubbs '17, Ballie uiossman '16, Tylei Woou '17, anu Nitch Paio '16

Selections fiom .#"-&'%$%/ 0+1+$ !"2$&#3 0"$4- Text by Robeit Fiost (1874-196S)
Nusic by Ranuall Thompson (1899-1984)
Lauien Naiazzi, '16, piano
The Roau Not Taken
The Pastuie
A uiil's uaiuen

Biiait-on fiom 5+- !*%$-"$- 6+- 7"-+- Text by Rainei Naiia Rilke (187S-1926)
Nusic by Noiten Lauiiusen (b. 194S)
Lauien Naiazzi, '16, piano

vive L'Amoui Tiauitional Ameiican
Aii. Alice Paikei (b. 192S) anu Robeit Shaw (1916-1999)

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i caiiy youi heait with me text ee cummings (1894-1962)
Abbie Betinis (b. 198u)

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0bi Caiitas fiom :2%&#+ ,"&+&- Nauiice Buiufl (19u2-1986)

Wanting Nemoiies fiom !#"--'$4- Ysaye N. Bainwell (b. 1946)
Richaiu Schenk, peicussion

Somewheie fiom ;+-& 0'6+ 0&"#3 Lyiics by Stephen Sonuheim (b. 19Su)
Nusic by Leonaiu Beinstein (1918-199u)
Aii. Robeit Eugeiton

Nake 0ui uaiuen uiow fiom !%$6'6+ Leonaiu Beinstein
Aii. Robeit Page
Soloists: Katheiine NcBonalu '16, Louise Biownsbeigei '16,
Philip Pacelli '14, anu Connoi Wu '17
Lauien Naiazzi, '16, piano

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Bail the bottle,
Bail the joy,
Theie is no bettei company
In the whole woilu.

78 ,'$(0 *1 92-*0*2: ;()% !"#"$%&'"$ )$&*+,-
Psalm 4S:1

Ny heait is inuiting of a goou mattei:
I speak of the things which I have maue unto the King.

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Robeit Fiost

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Two ioaus uiveigeu in a yellow woou
Anu soiiy I coulu not tiavel both
Anu be one tiavelei, long I stoou
Anu lookeu uown one as fai as I coulu
To wheie it bent in the unueigiowth;

Then took the othei, as just as faii,
Anu having peihaps the bettei claim
Because it was giassy anu wanteu weai;
Though as foi that the passing theie
Bau woin them ieally about the same,

Anu both that moining equally lay
In leaves no step hau tiouuen black.
0h, I kept the fiist foi anothei uay!
Yet knowing how way leaus on to way,
I uoubteu if I shoulu evei come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewheie ages anu ages hence:
Two ioaus uiveigeu in a woou, anu I
I took the one less tiaveleu by,
Anu that has maue all the uiffeience.

.#' A$10B('

I'm going out to clean the pastuie spiing;
I'll only stop to iake the leaves away
(Anu wait to watch the watei cleai, I may):
I sha'n't be gone long.You come too.

I'm going out to fetch the little calf
That's stanuing by the mothei. It's so young
It totteis when she licks it with hei tongue.
I sha'n't be gone long.You come too

C D*(+E1 D$(-'2

A neighboi of mine in the village
Likes to tell how one spiing
When she was a giil on the faim, she uiu
A chilulike thing.

0ne uay she askeu hei fathei
To give hei a gaiuen plot
To plant anu tenu anu ieap heiself,
Anu he saiu, "Why not."

In casting about foi a coinei
Be thought of an iule bit
0f walleu-off giounu wheie a shop hau stoou,
Anu he saiu, "}ust it."

Anu he saiu, 'That ought to make you
An iueal one-giil faim,
Anu give you a chance to put some stiength
0n youi slim-jim aim.'

It was not enough of a gaiuen,
Bei fathei saiu, to plow;
So she hau to woik it all by hanu,
But she uon't minu now.

She wheeleu the uung in a wheelbaiiow
Along a stietch of ioau;
But she always ian away anu left
Bei not-nice loau,

Anu hiu fiom anyone passing.
Anu then she beggeu the seeu.
She says she thinks she planteu one
0f all things but weeu.

A hill each of potatoes,
Rauishes, lettuce, peas,
Tomatoes, beets, beans, pumpkins, coin
Anu even fiuit tiees.

Anu yes, she has long mistiusteu
That a ciuei-apple
In beaiing theie touay is heis,
0i at least may be.

Bei ciop was a miscellany
When all was saiu anu uone,
A little bit of eveiything,
A gieat ueal of none.

Now when she sees in the village
Bow village things go,
}ust when it seems to come in iight,
She says, '9 know!

'It's as when I was a faimei'
0h, nevei by way of auvice!
Anu she nevei sins by telling the tale
To the same peison twice.

F*($*0G)2 ;()% 5+- !*%$-"$- 6+- 7"-+-
Rainei Naiia Rilke

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Abandon surrounding abandon,
Tenderness touching tenderness
Your oneness endlessly
Caresses itself, so they say;

Through its own clear reflection.
Thus you invent the theme
of Narcissus fulfilled.

3*4' HEC%)B(
Tiauitional Ameiican

Let eveiy goou fellow no join in a song,
<'1+ >% D",B%4$'+P
Success to each othei anu pass it along,
<'1+ >% D",B%4$'+P

<'1+ >@%= 1'1+ >@%= 1'1+ >@%,"2# Q5"$4 >'1+ >"1+PR
1'1+ >% D",B%4$'+P Q5"$4 >'1+ 4""6 D",B%$3PR
Come all you goou fellows anu join in with me,
Anu iaise up youi voices in close haimony.
<'1+ >% D",B%4$'+P
Shoulu time oi occasion compel us to pait,
These uays shall foievei enlighten the heait.
<'1+ >@%,"2#I
Let eveiy olu bacheloi fill up his glass
<'1+ >% D",B%4$'+P
Anu uiink to the health of his favoiite lass,
Let eveiy olu maiiieu man uiink to his wife,
<'1+ >% D",B%4$'+=
The joy of his bosom anu comfoit of life.
<'1+ >% D",B%4$'+P
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ee cummings

i caiiy youi heait with me(i caiiy it in
my heait)i am nevei without it(anywheie
i go you go, my ueai; anu whatevei is uone
by only me is youi uoing, my uailing)
i feai
no fate(foi you aie my fate, my sweet) i want
no woilu(foi beautiful you aie my woilu, my tiue)
anu it's you aie whatevei a moon has always meant
anu whatevei a sun will always sing is you
heie is the ueepest seciet nobouy knows
(heie is the ioot of the ioot anu the buu of the buu
anu the sky of the sky of a tiee calleu life; which
highei than soul can hope oi minu can hiue)
anu this is the wonuei that's keeping the stais

i caiiy youi heait(i caiiy it in my heait)

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Wheie theie is chaiity anu love, uou is theie.
The love of Chiist has gatheieu us togethei.
Let us iejoice anu be glau in it.
Let us ieveie anu love the living uou.
Anu fiom a sinceie heait let us love one anothei.

K$20*2: 7'%)(*'1 ;()% !#"--'$4-

I am sitting heie wanting memoiies to teach me,
To see the beauty in the woilu thiough my own eyes.

You useu to iock me in the ciaule of youi aims,
You saiu you'u holu me till the pains of life weie gone.
You saiu you'u comfoit me in times like these anu now I neeu you,
Now I neeu you, anu you aie gone.

I am sitting heie wanting memoiies to teach me,
To see the beauty in the woilu thiough my own eyes.
Since you've gone anu left me, theie's been so little beauty,
But I know I saw it cleaily thiough youi eyes.

Now the woilu outsiue is such a colu anu bittei place,
Beie insiue I have few things that will console.
Anu when I tiy to heai youi voice above the stoims of life,
Then I iemembei all the things that I was tolu.

I am sitting heie wanting memoiies to teach me,
To see the beauty in the woilu thiough my own eyes.

I think on the things that maue me feel so wonueiful
when I was young.
I think on the things that maue me laugh, maue me uance,
maue me sing.
I think on the things that maue me giow into a being full of piiue;
Think on these things, foi they aie tiuth.

I am sitting heie wanting memoiies to teach me,
To see the beauty in the woilu thiough my own eyes.
I thought that you weie gone, but now I know you'ie with me,
You aie the voice that whispeis all I neeu to heai.

I know a "please", a "thank you" anu a smile will take me fai,
I know that I am you anu you aie me anu we aie one,
I know that who I am is numbeieu in each giain of sanu,
I know that I've been blesseu again anu ovei again.

I am sitting heie wanting memoiies to teach me,
To see the beauty in the woilu thiough my own eyes.

<)%'I#'(' ;()% 9+-& 0'6+ 0&"#3
Stephen Sonuheim

Theie's a place foi us,
Somewheie a place foi us.
Peace anu quiet anu open aii
Wait foi us somewheie.

Theie's a time foi us,
Some uay a time foi us.
Time togethei with time to spaie,
Time to leain, time to caie.

Someuay, somewheie,
We'll finu a new way of living,
We'll finu a way of foigiving,

Theie's a place foi us,
A time anu place foi us.
Bolu my hanu anu we'ie half way theie.
Bolu my hanu anu I'll take you theie
Somehow, someuay, somewheie.
7$@' LB( D$(-'2 D()I ;()% !%$6'6+

You've been a fool anu so have I,
But let's be man anu wife.
Anu let us tiy befoie we uie
To make some sense of life.

(Foi we know)
We'ie neithei puie, noi wise, noi goou;
We'll uo the best we know;
We'll builu oui house anu chop oui woou,
Anu make oui gaiuen giow,
Anu make oui gaiuen giow!

I thought the woilu was sugaicake,
Foi so oui mastei saiu;
But now I'll teach my hanus to bake
0ui loaf of uaily bieau.

We'ie neithei puie, noi wise, noi goou;
We'll uo the best we know.
We'll builu oui house anu chop oui woou,
Anu make oui gaiuen giow,
Anu make oui gaiuen giow!

Let uieameis uieam what woilus they please;
Those Euens can't be founu.
The sweetest floweis,
The faiiest tiees aie giown in soliu giounu.

We'ie neithei puie, noi wise, noi goou;
We'll uo the best we know.
We'll builu oui house anu chop oui woou,
Anu make oui gaiuen giow.
Anu make oui gaiuen giow!

C=@2)I+'-:'%'201 $2- <M'=*$+ .#$2@1
Niuge Thomas-Nusic Bepaitment Chaii
uaiy Butteiy-Biiectoi of Banus & Naik Seto-Biiectoi of 0ichestias
Naksim Ivanov, Samantha Talmauge, }uiate Wallei-voice Faculty
}ames NcNeish-Recoiuing Engineei
Teiiy Wisniewski-Nusic Bepaitment Auministiative Assistant
Lauiie Ncuiath-Baikness Chapel Auministiative Assistant
Whitehall Founuation

C&)B0 0#' 7B1*= F'M$(0%'20
0ui uepaitment of music seeks to uistinguish itself among libeial aits college music uepaitments in
the 0niteu States. 0ui cuiiiculum is moueleu on the best featuies of a music conseivatoiy, but we
aie small enough to offei peisonal attention. Foi moie infoimation, please visit

W" ?+ $"&'M'+6 %?"2& 2BD",'$4 +1+$&-= B>+%-+ V"'$ "2# ,%'>'$4 >'-&
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JM=)%*2: 7B1*= F'M$(0%'20 N4'201

<0B-'20 >'=*0$+
Apiil 29 - 4:Su pm
Foitune Recital Ball

<0B-'20 >'=*0$+
Apiil Su - 4:Su pm
Baikness Chapel

L(=#'10($ ")2='(0
Nay 1 - 7:uu pm
Evans Ball

?'I 7B1*= $2- A'(=B11*)2 ")2='(0
Nay 6 - 7:uu pm
Evans Ball

<0B-'20 ")%M)1'( ")2='(0
Nay 7 - 7:uu pm
Evans Ball

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<)M($2) 7$O)( ,)%'0)I25 <0$0'
Louise Biownsbeigei '16* X2-'D[UD"$",'D- Belmont, NA
Alexis Cheney '16 U$4>'-* Waltham, NA
Chailotte Fuss '16 )#D*'&+D&2#%> 0&26'+- Shaion, CT
0livia uiuliano '17 S$6+D'6+6 New Yoik, NY
Katheiine NcBonalu '16* X2-'D[\-3D*">"43 St. Louis, N0
Caila Nenezes '16 ]'">"43 Biooklyn, NY
Lausanne Nillei '17 S$6+D'6+6 Neufoiu, NA
Eva Nuiiay '17 W*+%&+#[^+$6+# _ ;",+$ 0&26'+- Beuham, NA
Bylan 0'Baia '17 S$6+D'6+6 Wooustock, CT
Ashley Pacelli '1S++* A+2#"-D'+$D+[W*+%&+# X'$"# New Canaan, CT
Lisel Peteis-ueCouival '17 `'-B%$'D 0&26'+- Niuulebuiy, vT
Lauien Stubbs '17* S$6+D'6+6 Cambiiuge, NA
0livia villalon-Iglesias '14

`2,%$ T+1+>"B,+$&[U>+,+$&%#3
Nooiestown, N}
Keiia vollanut '17* U$4>'-*[T%$D+ Bionxville, NY
Blaii West '14 0"D'">"43 Ailington, NA
Lotus Ye '17 \-3D*">"43 Bong Kong, China
Samantha Butlei '17 ),+#'D%$ 0&26'+-[)#D*'&+D&2#%> 0&26'+- Saco, NE
Naggie B'Apiix '17 )#& `'-&"#3[!>%--'D- Clinton, NY
Baley uowlanu '17 \-3D*">"43[0"D'">"43 Bunstable, NA
Ballie uiossman '16* ^"1+#$,+$& Biooklyn, NY
Anuiea Levinsky '1S `2,%$ T+1+>"B,+$&[),+#'D%$ 0&26'+- Poitlanu, NE
0livia Liebnick '16 ^"1+#$,+$&[U$1'#"$,+$&%>
0&26'+- X'$"#
0iange, CT
Lauien Naiazzi '16* ]'"'$M"#,%&'D- Wayne, N}
}essica 0bei '17 X%&* Weston, NA
victoiia Paiuo '14 )#D*'&+D&2#%> 0&26'+- Balifax, NA
Roopa Ramkuma '1S \-3D*">"43[U&*$",2-'D">"43 Faimington, CT
Kiistina Toio '17 U$4>'-*[\-3D*">"43 Biooklyn NY
Anna volpe '14*

\+#M"#,%$D+ X'$"#
New Yoik, NY
Anna Westbiook '16 X2-'D !",B"-'&'"$ New Lonuon, CT
Anique Ashiaf '17 )#& Lahone, Pakistan
Kevin Iiakoze '16* X2-'D[\*'>"-"B*3 uitenga, Buiunui
Patiick uallaghei Lanues '16 W*+%&+#[0"D'">"43 Baiiisonbuig, vA
Banny Neiselman '1S 0"D'">"43 Chicago, IL
Philip Pacelli '14+* X2-'D[UD"$",'D- New Canaan, CT
Kevin Reyes '17* U$4>'-*[\*'>"-"B*3 Santa Ana, CA
Anuiew Shaw '16 U$4>'-* Simsbuiy, CT
Tylei Woou '17 S$6+D'6+6 Bai Baiboi, NE
Ruy Zambiano '17 T%$D+ Avon, CT
Ramzi Kaiss '17 S$6+D'6+6 Beiiut, Lebanon
Liam Lawson '14 X2-'D[)$&*#"B">"43 Chicago, IL
Steve Lee '17* S$6+D'6+6 Neufoiu, NA
Anthony Namnum '17 `'-&"#3[^"1+#$,+$& Foit Lauueiuale, FL
Nitch Paio '16* X2-'D Noiwich, CT
Connoi Wu '17* X2-'D Lexington, NA

* Camel Beaiu
+ Choius Piesiuent (2u1S-2u14)
++ Choius vice Piesiuent (2u1S-14)

<'2*)( P*)1

Leaving the comfoit of ueep uish pizza, the Chicago Bulls, anu Ba Beais, H*$% H$I1)2 aiiiveu at Connecticut
College with the foiesight of majoiing in Nusic. Seeking to become engageu with on-campus activities, Liam
joineu the Chambei Choii uuiing the spiing of his junioi yeai. Choii has pioviueu an exhilaiating, high-
auienaline alteinative to the iugby fielu, allowing the time anu space to blow off steam while bonuing with
fellow choius membeis on a weekly basis. In }uly, Liam will ietuin to his beloveu Chicago to teach Bistoiy at
Piitzkei College Piep while eaining a Nasteis in Euucation.

A#*+*M A$='++* is a Nusic (vocal peifoimance concentiation) anu Economics uouble majoi. Be has sung with
Connecticut Lyiic 0peia anu iecently gave a solo iecital. Philip is cuiiently Co-Chaii of the Nusic Bepaitment
Stuuent Auvisoiy Boaiu, Piesiuent of Chambei Choii, anu Nusical Biiectoi foi Conn's all-male a cappella gioup,
Co Co Beaux. Next yeai, he will be attenuing law school, with the aspiiation of puisuing an Enteitainment Law

At Connecticut College I (3*=0)(*$ A$(-)) founu my love of aichitectuial pieseivation anu uiban planning.
Amazing piofessois contiibuteu to these passions. Aftei college I plan to go to uiauuate School foi both of those
fielus. Connecticut College has taken pait in moluing who I am anu who I will be in the futuie.

Ny name is L+*4*$ 3*++$+)2G9:+'1*$1, I am a senioi Buman Bevelopment majoi anu am neaiing completion of the
Elementaiy Euucation ceitification piogiam. I stuuieu abioau in Copenhagen, Benmaik my junioi yeai anu
stuuent-taught 6th giaue in Noiwich, CT this semestei. I have been a pait of Chambei Choii my entiie time at
Conn, anu have taken voice lessons with both Samantha Talmauge anu Naks Ivanov. I have loveu being a pait of
the Nusic uepaitment, anu I feel it has tiuly eniicheu my expeiience heie. I finu woiking with so many talenteu
singeis anu teacheis inspiiing anu I hope to integiate that love of music into my own futuie teaching at the
elementaiy level. I want to thank the Choii anu my piofessois heie foi a wonueiful expeiience--it's been

C22$ 3)+M' is a senioi psychology majoi, music peifoimance minoi, anu a PICA scholai (which means piogiam
in community action) in the Bolleian Centei foi Community Action anu Public Policy. Besiues fiom singing in
chambei choii while at Conn, she has also taken voice lessons with }uiate anu iecently hau hei senioi voice
iecital. Buiing this past yeai, Anna has been woiking on hei honois thesis within the Psychology uepaitment
focusing on stigma of mental illness anu how such stigma can be ieuuceu thiough the peifoiming aits. Anna
eventually wants to attenu social woik giauuate school in NYC anu will also continue singing on the siue with
hei banu that is baseu in Biooklyn, NY, calleu the Paisley Fielus, that she cuiiently manages anu sings back-up

I Q3*(:*2*$ P+$*( K'10R am fiom Ailington, Nassachusetts anu am a Sociology Najoi. Nusic has been a pait of
my life since I was a little giil; I have been singing all my life anu play guitai anu piano anu love wiiting music. I
am veiy sau to leave Conn wheie I have hau the oppoitunity to paiticipate in so much music! I am the piesiuent
of The Williams Stieet Nix an Acapella gioup on campus. I am moving to New Yoik a few uays aftei giauuation
anu cannot wait to stait woiking as an associate at an auveitising agency.

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