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Parent Results

iPad Survey
March 2014
Canadian International
School Bangalore
completed anonymously
using Survey Monkey
results compiled by
Melanie Kells April 2014
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
1 / 15
27.27% 15
10.91% 6
23.64% 13
10.91% 6
3.64% 2
10.91% 6
12.73% 7
Q1 Which grade is your son or daughter in?
If you have more than one chiId, pIease
compIete a different survey for each.
Answered: 55 Skipped: 0
TotaI 55
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
2 / 15
9.09% 5
65.45% 36
12.73% 7
12.73% 7
Q2 The iPad has enhanced your son's or
daughter's Iearning experience.
Answered: 55 Skipped: 0
TotaI 55
StrongIy Agree
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
Strongl y Agree
Di sagree
Strongl y Di sagree
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
3 / 15
31.48% 17
42.59% 23
25.93% 14
Q3 Parents, do you reguIarIy seek to see
what your chiId is creating with their iPad?
Answered: 54 Skipped: 1
TotaI 54
UsuaIIy (more
than 1/week)
RareIy (Iess
than 1/week)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
Usual l y (more than 1/week)
Someti mes (1/week)
Rarel y (l ess than 1/week)
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
4 / 15
85.45% 47
14.55% 8
Q4 Does your house have internet and
iPad use guideIines?
Answered: 55 Skipped: 0
TotaI 55
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
5 / 15
20.41% 10
46.94% 23
20.41% 10
12.24% 6
Q5 If you answered yes, are the internet
and iPads use guideIines enforced?
Answered: 49 Skipped: 6
TotaI 49
Not reaIIy
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
Al ways
Usual l y
Someti mes
Not real l y
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
6 / 15
20.00% 11
30.91% 17
27.27% 15
9.09% 5
12.73% 7
Q6 Have you found Edmodo to an effective
way of documenting your chiId's
homework and assignments?
Answered: 55 Skipped: 0
TotaI 55
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
Defi ni tel y
Mostl y
Someti mes
Rarel y
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
7 / 15
66.67% 36
33.33% 18
Q7 Is Find my iPhone instaIIed on your
chiId's iPad?
Answered: 54 Skipped: 1
TotaI 54
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
14 / 15
21.15% 11
78.85% 41
Q11 If CIS heId a spring session on iPad
questions for our parents, wouId you
attend? Our boot camps were required and
we had 100% compIiance. Our optionaI
iPad discussions have had fewer than 5
parent participants, so we are not confident
that this is a "need" at CIS currentIy.
Answered: 52 Skipped: 3
TotaI 52
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
8 / 15
5.00% 2
15.00% 6
80.00% 32
Q8 If you answered yes, have you had to
use this app to find your iPad?
Answered: 40 Skipped: 15
TotaI 40
Many Times
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Answer Choices Responses
Many Ti mes
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
9 / 15
Q9 What is the most exciting iPad activity
that you have seen in this year? PIease teII
us about the activity, teacher, subject,and
how your chiId was motivated and excited
by the activity.
Answered: 55 Skipped: 0
# Responses Date
1 L 4/4/2014 2:08 PM
2 Learni ng vocabul ary Asha ESL 4/3/2014 2:43 PM
3 Keynote presentati on. 4/3/2014 2:22 PM
4 The i n-cl ass app i n busi ness and management cl ass 4/3/2014 2:10 PM
5 The i n-cl ass app i n busi ness and management cl ass 4/3/2014 2:09 PM
6 i movi es and proj ects usi ng i pad appl i cati ons 4/3/2014 8:38 AM
7 My son tol d me that he was i nterested Engl i sh l i terature from i Pad. 4/3/2014 12:15 AM
8 Ni l n ni l 3/28/2014 4:50 PM
9 Game 3/28/2014 3:44 PM
10 O 3/28/2014 3:18 PM
11 Codi ng 3/28/2014 3:10 PM
12 Rrrr 3/28/2014 2:27 PM
13 None 3/25/2014 11:24 PM
14 Comi c l i fe - my chi l d l i kes Comi cs and she made a comi c versi on of The Boy i n the Dress book as
a book report i n Engl i sh subj ect.
3/25/2014 11:11 PM
15 i Movi e, creati ng a vi deo easi l y and they can share i t easi l y wi th fri ends or teacher 3/23/2014 5:12 PM
16 Nothi ng. 3/21/2014 7:27 PM
17 Vi deos creati on. 3/21/2014 6:31 PM
18 NA 3/19/2014 11:04 PM
19 Presentati ons i n Soci al Studi es i s an exampl e as they hel p for Exam study. 3/18/2014 11:05 PM
20 They grade and communi cati on s faster. My grand i s happy about i t. 3/17/2014 6:41 PM
21 My son doesn't share wi th me hi s achi evements, so 'm not abl e to answer thi s. 3/17/2014 12:11 PM
22 bel i eve i t was i n the Engl i sh cl ass that they made a movi e about the Depressi on - very i nteresti ng
to see how the i mages and i nformati on came together.
3/17/2014 11:21 AM
23 t makes l earni ng easi er and l ooki ng up for i nformati on i s qui ck. 3/17/2014 10:17 AM
24 Movi e trai l er for book report i n Engl i sh. 3/16/2014 10:57 AM
25 Fi nd homework and no need to bri ng too much when travel l i ng 3/15/2014 2:58 PM
26 i Pad i s used mostl y for pl ayi ng. 3/15/2014 10:50 AM
27 i MOVE acti vi ty, studi ed i n Strategi es for Success i mparted by Mr. Shwa. 3/15/2014 9:05 AM
28 i Movi es created for Engl i sh Cl ass- Anne Frank- Adi ti Pant- 3/15/2014 6:11 AM
29 Less books to carry 3/15/2014 5:27 AM
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
10 / 15
30 Subj ect-rel ated research i n psychol ogy for Mr Chri s's cl ass. Sai -Pri ya was al ways a 'natural ' i n
busi ness, but now she i s appl yi ng psych to busi ness!
3/15/2014 12:22 AM
31 my chi l d enj oyed the l i ghtbot app. & i too found i t exci ti ng & i nnovati ve 3/14/2014 11:22 PM
32 Home Work sendi ng through Edmodo. Prepari ng presentati on through Key Note. 3/14/2014 11:06 PM
33 l i ke the appl i cati on "movi e" because i t's i nteresti ng to make research and after create a movi e
about i t
3/14/2014 5:57 PM
34 Presentati ons, new apps, i nteresti ng stuff 3/14/2014 5:49 PM
35 my chi l d seems to enj oy l i steni ng to her musi c on i t most. homework wi se i t i s better than carryi ng a
huge vol ume of books but i noti ce she has a huge bag ful l of books as wel l ?
3/14/2014 4:02 PM
36 some ni ce presentati ons 3/14/2014 2:21 PM
37 Presentati ons for di fferent subj ect 3/14/2014 2:09 PM
38 Nothi ng from CS, my ki ds usi ng i Pad si nce when i t's publ i shed. CS need to use more for the
subj ect whi ch unabl e to offer from CS, there are many way to support Japanese ki d to mai ntai n
Japanese by appl i cati on or nternet study.
3/14/2014 1:19 PM
39 Nothi ng, as i f now 3/14/2014 12:24 PM
40 There are some educati ve games that are useful . Other than that sti l l bel i eve they need to use
paper, pen and textbook for l earni ng and studyi ng. There are some di sadvantages wi th the use of
i Pad.
3/14/2014 12:10 PM
41 none 3/14/2014 12:09 PM
42 STUDYNG FOR CT Exam usi ng a game l i ke App 3/14/2014 12:01 PM
43 the 6 graders coul d have done most thi ng i n thei r notebooks, and that coul d have been much
more creati ve, because they woul d have been usi ng thei r actual motor ski l l s etc.. i nstead of onl y
cut and paste
3/14/2014 11:00 AM
44 Mr Rector use of di fferent medi a for hi s book reports 3/14/2014 10:52 AM
45 Ppt presentati ons 3/14/2014 10:51 AM
46 He once created a Spy movi e. 3/14/2014 10:49 AM
47 di d not fi nd my chi l d doi ng anythi ng that exci ti ng on the i -Pad. Wi thout i -pad they have done
some exci ti ng proj ects i n Engl i sh/Soci al Sci ences.
3/14/2014 10:01 AM
48 None that woul d cal l exci ti ng, however, maki ng movi es and comi cs were pretty good. 3/14/2014 9:58 AM
49 Updates,technol ogy and creati vi ty 3/14/2014 9:57 AM
50 ? 3/14/2014 9:57 AM
51 maki ng posters?? not exci ti ng real l y though. 3/14/2014 9:55 AM
52 For B2 thi nk the i pad i s frustrati ng. 3/14/2014 9:55 AM
53 Creati ng a movi e/presentati on for gl obal perspecti ves 3/14/2014 9:55 AM
54 educreati ons 3/14/2014 9:48 AM
55 Ani mati on made as a book report for Engl i sh 3/14/2014 9:46 AM
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
11 / 15
Q10 Thank-you for providing feedback! We
appreciate your time and wiII consider aII
suggestions. Is their an iPad experience
(positive or negative) that you wouId Iike to
bring to our attention, if so pIease
Answered: 37 Skipped: 18
# Responses Date
1 No 4/3/2014 2:43 PM
2 Posi ti ve. 4/3/2014 2:22 PM
3 Posi ti ve: Good and effecti ve communi cati on between chi l d and teacher and peers. New
techonol gy to l earn. Negati ve: Eye strai n. Handwri tten homework gone and no handwri ti ng ski l l s
anymore. Games and soci al networki ng di stracti on.
4/3/2014 8:38 AM
4 Very posi ti ve 4/3/2014 12:15 AM
5 O 3/28/2014 3:18 PM
6 Edmodo i s a very good app i n documenti ng chi l d's homeworks, proj ects and reports. My daughter
doesn't forget her Math homework because Ms. Veena Kumar al ways use Edmodo effi ci entl y. She
cl earl y wri tes the due date too. hope she can gi ve an i nformal trai ni ng to other teachers who
don't know how to use i t. t wi l l be most useful i f al l teachers wi l l use i t. Just by l ooki ng at Edmodo,
the student can easi l y see what tasks she needed to fi ni sh fi rst. Ki ds are doi ng l ots of work i n mi ddl e
school . Pl ease obl i ge al l your teachers to use Edmodo. f they don't know then l earn! Some
teachers ask to downl oad apps that ki ds never get to use. Grade 6 students new to i Pad shoul d be
taught on how to organi ze thei r fi l es. t's a bi t overwhel mi ng for them and someti mes a total waste
of ti me browsi ng through di fferent apps to fi nd the document that they are supposed to study
because there are many opti ons on where they can open and store a document for exampl e
(i books, goodnotes and googl e dri ve for exampl e). Strategi es for success?
3/25/2014 11:11 PM
7 We recei ve emai l s from Edmodo wi th sent an Assi gnment to . However, unabl e to see much
i nformati on, except an assi gnment sent. Better to communi cate meani ngful i nformati on, such as
assi gnment submi tted i n ti me/l ate and subj ecti ve comments on the assi gnment.
3/21/2014 7:27 PM
8 Chi l dren have to be very "strong" not to use the pad duri ng the cl ass for pl ayi ng or tchatti ng wi th
each other. Free access to the i nternet contai nt coul d someti me be used for downl oadi ng,
watchi ng and shari ng i napropri ate thi nks. t wi l l be better i f i n the CS at l east a tech sol uti on can
be fi nd to automati cal l y l i mi t access to such ki nd of contai nt.
3/21/2014 6:31 PM
9 They are al ways watchi ng YouTube or message at home. We can't di sti ngui sh whether they are
doi ng homework or are pl ayi ng. thi nk that i t i s too earl y for Grade6 students to use i Pad as a tool
for studyi ng.
3/19/2014 11:04 PM
10 Feel that no way to know or Check Home work at l east duri ng Week ends even?? 3/17/2014 6:41 PM
11 've had some i ssues wi th Edmodo. Now, i ts OK. Neverthel ess, t coul d be mai nl y i mproved. wi sh
coul d check my son's marks on Edmodo. That woul d be hel pful for me as Marti n rarel y says hi s
resul ts.
3/17/2014 12:11 PM
12 Overal l very posi ti ve. thi nk the onl i ne posti ng of homework assi gnments i s a bi g hel p for the ki ds as
wel l as bei ng abl e to submi t assi gnments onl i ne.
3/17/2014 11:21 AM
13 She i s not usi ng the pen much and i s used to the key board. n order to prepare the chi l d for wri ti ng
whi l e taki ng exams, more wri tten work needs to be i ncorporated.
3/17/2014 10:17 AM
14 i Pad experi ence i s posi ti ve for chi l dren. Negati ve for parents. 3/15/2014 10:50 AM
15 We feel i s the technol ogi cal progress that arri ved at home and i n the day to day l i fe and we are
very happy for thi s. The onl y i nconveni ent that we see i s that now i t i s di ffi cul t to know when our
chi l d i s maki ng homework and when i s pl ayi ng ;-) so we need to control a l i ttl e bi t more.
3/15/2014 9:05 AM
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
12 / 15
16 How much ti me does my chi l d need to spend on hi s/her i Pad for school work each eveni ng? 3/15/2014 6:11 AM
17 My 13-yr ol d son Sai -Ki shan i s j oi ni ng CS i n Aug. How to ensure mi ni mum 'negati ve/di stracti ng'
access wi thout bei ng too stri ct?
3/15/2014 12:22 AM
18 feel chi l dren are mi ssi ng out on wri ti ng as they ul ti matel y go for a pen and paper test. 3/14/2014 11:06 PM
19 My son use too much hi s pad. but i t's hel p hi m to i mprove hi s engl i sh. meet new fri ends 3/14/2014 5:57 PM
20 My ki d got gl asses wi thi n 4 months of usi ng i Pad for school . Not sure i f they are connected. Too
much messagi ng and al ways connected...but that i s not any di fferent from emul ati ng the adul ts at i t i s not a probl em...needs moderati on and supervi si on at home.
3/14/2014 5:49 PM
21 my daughter broke her screen wi thi n the fi rst month of bri ngi ng i t home. we have poor and
unrel i bal e i nternet, wi thout the i nternet there seems to be no way of doi ng homework, thi s can be
an i ssue.
3/14/2014 4:02 PM
22 Negati ve experi ence when we found out that Use Gui del i ne i n the school i s not careful l y appl i ed,
my daughter recei vi ng i nsul ti ng communi cati ons. We expect the school not to encourage over-use
of i Pads. One exampl e i s that teachers are sendi ng Edmodo new assi gnments any ti me duri ng the
day, the ni ghts and the week-ends, Sundays i ncl uded, whi ch push our daughter to l og any ti me to
check. Al so, there i s no parti cul ar attenti on gi ven to paper/book wri tten exerci ses: how cl ean are
the notes taken does not seem to be a real concern.
3/14/2014 2:21 PM
23 Al l text books shoul d be avai l abl e on the i Pad 3/14/2014 2:09 PM
24 Before j oi ni ng to CS my son had hi s own i Pad to use everyday anyhow, but now he j ust need to
use l aptop more to compl ete documents and access to appl i cati on , i Pad usage i s more effecti ve
to younger age but not B students.
3/14/2014 1:19 PM
25 t i s mi xed. There are some posi ti ves l i ke qui ck communi cati on wi th the teachers and cl eari ng
doubt on the spot wi th out havi ng to wai t to see the teacher the next day. There have been a few
negati ves as wel l , someti mes i Pads freeze and qui t worki ng. Thi s happened to my son. We
pani cked, but eventual l y i t started worki ng agai n. Handwi rtti ng, spel l i ngs have been a maj or
concern. Al so they tend to get easi l y di stracted, wi th pi ng messages etc.
3/14/2014 12:10 PM
26 never know i f my ki d i s studyi ng or pl ayi ng. . t i s di ffi cul t to reduce screen ti me wi th homework
bei ng on the i pad
3/14/2014 12:01 PM
27 our chi l d had been experi enci ng a l ot of stress around the i Pad l earni ng, bugs i n the systems,
documents on pages that suddenl y di sappeared and the worst i s spendi ng way too many hours i n
front of the i Pad screen. whi ch al l researches agree i s very unheal thy for nervous systems, i mpacts
of radi ati on speci al l y harmful to growi ng brai ns and bodi es. the ki ds had to cope wi th too much
techni cal sti mul ati ons whi ch i s i nappropri ate to thei r age. We are very di sappoi nted and unhappy
wi th thi s program.. and to ask a questi on l i ke :do parents fol l ow i Pad use gui del i nes i s an unfai r
questi on, si nce we coul d have not prevented our chi l d from submi tti ng her homework that many
many ti mes used war too much of her ti me and forced her to rui n her eyes i n front of the screen.
3/14/2014 11:00 AM
28 The onl y i ssue woul d poi nt out i s that for some cl asses the l earni ng materi al i s spread across a
number of appl i cati ons and paper handouts maki ng i t more di ffi cul to fi nd the materi al for
reference when studyi ng
3/14/2014 10:52 AM
29 Total l y the chi l d i s di stracted and al ways on i Pad and the wri ti ng ski l l s are total l y gone. 3/14/2014 10:51 AM
30 Mostl y Posi ti ve but at ti mes i t becomes a probl em as he starts pl ayi ng games on i t. Al so students
are Jai l breaki ng thei r i Pads and al so downl oadi ng from the App Store wi th thei r Appl e D on other
student's i Pads often Age i nappropri ate content/games. A good i dea woul d be to regul arl y check
the i Pads for the content/games whi ch are not age appropri ate.
3/14/2014 10:49 AM
31 Too many unnecessary Edmodo messages among the chi l dren. Weekl y statement of the work
covered i n cl ass by teacher shoul d be forwarded to parents regul arl y through i -Pad. Teachers
shoul d use edmodo for communi cati ng monthl y pl an.
3/14/2014 10:01 AM
CS iPad Feedback March 2014- Parents
13 / 15
32 We thi nk that the i Pad as a tool shoul d be i ntroduced i n a l ater grade. t has been a huge cause of
stress, and we feel that the vari ous assi gnments coul d have been done wi th more conventi onal
tool s, wi th l esser effort. At thi s stage of thei r devel opment, we need to encourage more real worl d
i nteracti ons, and the i Pad envi ronment i s encouragi ng j ust the opposi te. Our chi l d spends too
much ti me j ust compl eti ng her homework and vari ous assi gnments ont he i pad each day! teachers
do not seem to be coordi nated enough to understand the actual i mpact that these assi gnments
have on a chi l d's ti me away from the school . thi nk i f you want to ask about enforci ng appropri ate
gui del i nes for use of the i Pad at home, the teachers need to fi gure out how to l i mi t thei r demands
i n a coordi nated way. Regardl ess, starti ng thi s i n 6th grade i s a bi g mi stake. 8th grade mi ght be
more appropri ate.
3/14/2014 9:58 AM
33 Students usi ng i pads for shoppi ng,Facebook,especi al l y Korean Facebook constantl y are.l i ttl e
di stracti ng.
3/14/2014 9:57 AM
34 My son was sooo bad wi th papers. They woul d fl y around everywhere. That probl em i s sol ved! They
mi ght be fl yi ng i n i Cl oud maybe though.
3/14/2014 9:57 AM
35 Unfortunatel y, am strongl y agi nst the i dea that ki ds carry thei r own i pads al l the ti me. Especi al l y
young ones. My chi l d i s onl y 12 years ol d. He/She i s too young to control hi m/hersel f. t's al so not
easy for my husband or moni tor what he/she i s doi ng al l the ti me. f he/she says "'m doi ng my
homework." what can we do, even thuogh he/she i s actual l y pl ayi ng a game or watchi ng Youtube.
don't fi nd any conveni ences wi th the i Pad usi ng as a parent of a student. Probabl y, i t's very handy
for the teachers though. bel i l eve that usi ng i Pad coul d be very hel pful and effecti ve at school ,
but ki ds don't need to carry thei r own al l the ti me. know a l ot of parents who don't l i ke CS's i pad
pol i cy. heard some students have l eft the school because thei r parents can't accept the system,
understand how they feel .
3/14/2014 9:55 AM
36 don't bel i eve that the i pad i s the most adapted tool for the B Program. The fact that the students
have access to onl y on wi fi code, and that i t i s for the i pad makes use of a l aptop di ffi cul t. The
i pad has no usb port and i s di ffi cul t to type on. Why must they have an i pad? They are ol d enough
to be expected to compl ete a very ri gorous program of study- they shoul d be al l owed to sel ect what
tool they feel most comfortabl e wi th to compl ete i t.
3/14/2014 9:55 AM
37 do feel the chi l dren have to carry too many text books to school . deal l y al l text books shoul d be
on the i Pad. Paper text books shoul d be at home for reference onl y.
3/14/2014 9:46 AM

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