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Animal Farm Essay

Murielle H. #7 8B

Power is a cycle fueled by manipulation. To maintain power, you must complete the cycle of manipulation. This is a twisted cycle, because manipulation begins to take effect on power itself, leading to the oppressed become the oppressors and the cycle goes on. The key points to manipulation is through language; convince them with your words, through the re-education of the young generations; and finally through authority and force, conceive fear upon your people THIS PROMISES TO FOLLOW THE CYCLE--IS THIS WHAT THIS ESSAY DOES? Manipulation comes in many forms; for example through language Orwell proves the point when, Four legs good, two legs bad changes to Four legs good, two legs better (134). All leaders, even the ones with the good intentions in the beginning, eventually become the very thing they despised. Manipulation and propaganda need to be fueled by something, but by what? That something is the cooperation of others (forced and willingly). For example, the animals had Squealer to direct them and lead them on the right path. This was only capable with the cooperation from both Squealer/Napoleon and the animals (whether they liked it or not). Animal Farm described this with ...but Squealer was soon able to convince them that their memories had been a fault (98). Also, the spread of propaganda through slogans and songs definitely helped broadly manipulate throughout the animal/human population. Propaganda can be passed by word-of-mouth, spreading the manipulated teachings to everyone. Another form of manipulation is through education or re-education. Since the younger animals were educated to believe that if they have hope while working diligently for an undetermined amount of time, the fear of Mr. Jones and his men coming back, will vanish from their minds. If you grew up believing something is right for your whole life, you wouldnt go against that belief because thats the only thing you know is the right thing growing up. If all the animals were taught that the purpose at the end of the day is greater than the hardships they endured throughout the day. No matter what obstacles they face, they were taught keep moving forward, to do it for the greater purpose. Boxers work ethic is a good example of determination with his main saying, I will work harder. His work-ethic establishes respect and heroism amongst the animals. Boxer also accepts Napoleons decisions without a doubt saying, Napoleon is always right. Napoleon was always right before and protected them against Mr. Jones and his men, therefore Boxer backed him up completely. It is better to be feared than to be loved. Authority and force is key to maintain power. Napoleon supports this with his actions in Animal Farm by making

the trained dogs kill and injure anyone who disagrees with him. Napoleon demonstrates his manipulation of authority through the control of information to limit any possible opportunities for rebellion. If the animals are in fear, they are more likely to obey their orders. When the pigs stood up to argue with Napoleon, he unleashed his dogs on them and announced There will be no more debates (54). Having authority is like having the upper-hand in an argument. You have more supporters, more intelligence, more luxuries and especially more influence. Also, if someone disagrees with you, you can unleash the beasts to attack the rebels, therefore eliminate the chances of rebellion.


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