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Vox AC15 Custom Classic Product Description

Figure 1 Vox AC15 Custom Classic (Front View)

Timothy McDowell 4/7/2014

Audience and Scope

The purpose of this document is to inform musicians of the sound-shaping features of the Vox AC15 Custom Classic guitar amplifier, or the AC15C. This amplifier comes in two variations: a solid state, and a tube amp. This document focuses on the tube-driven version of the AC15C. The audience, then, is musicians looking for information on guitar amplifiers, or current AC15C owners looking specifically for information on their amp. This document will cover the functionality of the different dials on the AC15C, and how those dials can be used to effect the tone coming out of the amplifier.

The Vox AC15C is a tube-driven guitar amplifier that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Tubedriven amps are also becoming more and more popular in general, as the tone they generate compared to solid-state amplifiers is seen as preferential. The Vox AC15C has nine dials to help shape the sound running through the amp. These dials can be used for a range of functions, from simply boosting volume to applying varying levels of effects and drive.

The dials are divided into five categories, and the dials themselves are as follows, from left to right: TopBoost master volume and tone cut, tremolo depth and speed, reverb level, Top-Boost bass, treble, and volume, and finally the normal master volume. There are also two switches, one that control amplifier power and standby, and the Top-Boost on/off switch.

Figure 2 Vox AC15 Custom Classic (Dial Top View)

Tube Driven
The Vox AC15 Custom Classic is powered by vacuum tubes. The vacuum tubes are also used heavily in generating and modifying the sound played through the amplifier. Vacuum tubes, as they are used most commonly, provide a warmer, less harsh tone to guitar sounds than solidstate (or, entirely electronic) amplifiers. Tubes also naturally overdrive when a lot of voltage is ran through them. This means that a guitar player can achieve a grungier sound just by playing loud.

Figure 3 Vox AC15 Custom Classic (Vacuum Tubes)

Normal Volume and Effects

The right most dial controls master output volume of the amp, when Top-Boost is not activated. Top-Boost is covered later in this document, so we will skip that explanation for now. The master volume dial is simple and intuitive. Rotate clockwise for louder sound, rotate counter-clockwise for quieter sound. The reverb dial controls the volume of the reverb effect. Reverb, or reverberation, is defined as a reverb is created when a sound is produced in an enclosed space causing a large number of echoes to build up and then slowly decay as the sound is absorbed by the walls and air, by Llewelyn Lloyd in his book M USIC AND S OUND . This effect is most noticeable when the sound source stops but the echoes continue, decreasing in volume until they can no longer be heard. The Vox AC15C is always applying an effect that simulate reverb, and the reverb dial simply controls the volume of that effect. The higher the dial is set, the louder the reverb effect is, and thus the spacier and more echo-y the sound is. The tremolo dials control the depth and speed of the tremolo effect. Tremolo modulates the amplitude of sound, to create pulsating, underwater style sounds. Tremolo was especially popular in surf style music, but it is used in lower intensities in all kinds of music today. The depth dial controls how greatly the amplitude of the sound is modified, while the speed dial controls how many times per second the amplitude range (as set by the depth dial) is cycled through. These dials, except for the normal master volume, are always applied to the amps sound, whether TopBoost is activated or not.

Top-Boost Tone Controls

When the Top-Boost switch is turned on, the real magic begins. When this switch is flipped, an extra pair of vacuum tubes come online. These enable fine tone and drive controls. Top-Boost allows a guitar player to get excellent overdrive and tone out of their Vox AC15C without using a distortion pedal, pictured one the right. The real power of the Vox AC15C lies in the Top-Boost controls. The amp has two dials to control specific tonal ranges. That is, the treble (or highs), and the bass (or lows). By adjusting these dials, you can fine-tune the sound coming through your amplifier. Next to these two dials is the Top-Boost volume dial. This dial controls the voltage levels running through the tubes, but not the actual master volume of the amplifiers speaker. This allows you to increase the gain independently of the master volume.

Figure 4 Boss DS-1 Distortion Guitar Effects Pedal

The real power of the Vox AC15C lies in the TopBoost controls.
The two dials on the farthest left of the amp are the Top-Boost master volume and tone-cut dials. The master volume dial here functions identically to the normal master volume dial, but it only applies when Top-Boost is activated. It lets you increase gain (and thus distortion) via the Top-Boost volume dial, but still have a soft volume if you so desire. Tone-cut cuts out the tonal qualities of the sound, making the sound bright and thin or deep and full. Utilizing these five Top-Boost dials allows a musician to really develop his own, personal tone.

The Vox AC15 Custom Classic, through the use of vacuum tubes and tone controls, is a top contender in the realm of guitar amplifiers. Its unique Top-Boost functionality gives the user an amazing range of options, at least as far as sound and tone is concerned. The tremolo and reverb effects on the AC15C give the user even more options to consider, and help define a personal tone. Utilizing this amplifier will help any musician lock down a professional, high-quality sound for their guitars.

Works Cited M USIC AND S OUND , by Llewelyn Lloyd. Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4:

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