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1. 1.

Based on an understanding that the word crib is being used to refer to one's current living space,
and not where one slumbered as an infant, how would you describe your crib, dawg?
Yo yo yo! My familys crib is a pretty normal house as houses go in Canada. And no, its not an igloo.
Its 2 stories. The top floor has a bunch of pictures and some paintings on the walls, the color of the
inside is various shades of yellow and brown. Theres a few bedrooms, a couple bathrooms, a living room
with a TV, and a family room that includes the dinner table and the kitchen. Downstairs is blue, has a
ping pong table, another TV with all the gaming systems, a bathroom, the laundry room, and two
bedrooms. The upstairs bedrooms are for my parents, brother, and sister, whereas the downstairs
only houses me.
2. Now that you've described your current residence, what sort of decor would you enjoy in your
idealized home?
3. Pretty much the same. I wouldnt want a big house, but big enough to have a lot of paintings and
artwork to hang up.
3. Ooh, that sounds right purty. Okay, now I'd like to know how you derive enjoyment from video
games. What is it about video games that makes you want to play them, and drives which titles you
Im a fan of the story in video games. Zelda titles are my favourite because of the
amazing fantasy worlds and beautiful fiction that revolves around them. I also like
party games such as Smash Bros and Mario Kart when playing with friends.
4. Speaking of entertainment, what are some examples of entertainment you enjoy but would admit
are rather stupid?
iPhone apps. Cookie Clicker all the way!
5. On the trend of being analytical of one's own weak spots, what are some examples of fallacious
arguments to support a conclusion that, in your opinion, isn't itself fallacious?

6. How would one's answers, or lack thereof, for the previous two questions affect your view on one's
ability in the realm of critical thinking?

7. Eventually, you're gonna die. Sorry if that's news to you. In light of the life you intend to live
before this happens, what would your ideal obituary say?

8. Hm. Interesting. Okay, time to talk about your life in the meantime. If you could work for any one
real-world employer (no Aperture Science), who would it be and why?

9. Switch up! Analytically, how would you define the elements of what makes something funny or not

10. The New Year is almost upon us. What is something that you're realistically hoping to accomplish in

11. Okay, time for the big finish. This is a long one. Dear Generic Advice Columnist, each year I hold a
hypothetical holiday party for all my hypothetical friends and relatives. There are two people who
hypothetically have a rather bitter disagreement on a certain hypothetical generic controversial topic,
and one of them always picks a fight as soon as he sees the other. So before this year's party, I had a
talk with the argument-monger, telling them that if they started another row I'd stop inviting them
to my parties that celebrate hypothetical holidays. But then the second person decided that in the
absence of provocation, they would begin the festivities themselves, and hypothetically goaded the
other person until they finally responded. How should I deal with this situation, assuming that it is not
hypothetical after all?
Find some friends who are easy to look after.

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