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mLabs, a uelhl based research lab sLarLup, ls seeklng englneers/blo-englneers as lnLerns for 3/6
monLh duraLlon Lo asslsL ln Lhelr 8&u Leam and work on new producL developmenL ln Lhe space of:
CuLLlng-edge clrculL deslgn for new Lechnologles and subsLraLes ln nanoelecLronlcs.
SofLware developmenL for cuLLlng edge elecLronlc deslgn.
Molecular elecLronlcs and nanoelecLronlcs research.
ClrculL deslgn, slmulaLlons and board deslgn.
We are looklng for englneers who have a passlon for dolng acLlve research and applylng lL Lo
pracLlcal problems. CS and LL/LCL sLudenLs preferred. CLhers may also apply lf have relevanL
experlence Lhrough pro[ecL work, courses or boLh.

mLabs ls lnvlLlng sLudenLs for Lhe followlng pro[ecL and lnLernshlp opporLunlLles for uec 2012 - !an
2013 :
1. 8esearch AssoclaLe lnLern (uelhl based lull Llme one monLh poslLlon)
2. ro[ecL 2012 (uelhl based arL Llme one monLh pro[ecL asslgnmenL)

1. kesearch Assoc|ate Intern : lnLerns are requlred for Lhe followlng poslLlons :
a) Ardu|no m|crocontro||er programm|ng
1he candldaLe musL have an experlence ln mlcroelecLronlcs.
An LlecLrlcal englneer who has worked wlLh Ardulno ro[ecL bullds, knows how Lo LesL and
bulld analogue clrculLry and knows some low level Llnux programmlng (parallel porL).
1he candldaLe should demonsLraLe lnlLlaLlon and be lnqulslLlve.
b) Web deve|opment
1he lnLern musL have an experlence ln web developmenL especlally P/A!Ax based webslLes and
musL have had worked on facebook apps.1he ueveloper musL have:
A solld undersLandlng of web developmenL concepLs lncludlng P/[Cuery/A!Ax and P1ML/
good knowledge of l1 and uu,
creaLed webslLes ln Lhe pasL,
be a self-sLarLer and able Lo work lndependenLly.
c) kaspberry | deve|opment
1he candldaLe musL have an experlence ln mlcroelecLronlcs.
An LlecLrlcal englneer wlLh experlence ln mlcro-conLroller bullds and who knows how Lo LesL
and bulld dlglLal and analogue clrculLry.
1he sLudenL should demonsLraLe lnlLlaLlon and be lnqulslLlve.
An ln-depLh knowledge of yLhon and Llnux programmlng (parallel porL) ls musL.
L||g|b|||ty Cr|ter|a :
SLudenLs currenLly ln 3rd year and 4Lh year 8L/81ech or M1ech years are ellglble.
SLudenLs of 1sL and 2nd year, lf have demonsLraLed excepLlonal work ln any of Lhe fleld can
also apply.
St|pend or fees : lL ls an un-pald poslLlon. Powever, deservlng candldaLe who demonsLraLe
excepLlonal LalenL and hard work wlll be rewarded wlLh 8s 3000/- for Lhe enLlre duraLlon of Lhelr
Start date : We wlll sLarL our flrsL baLch from 7Lh uec, 2012. noLe LhaL geLLlng aL mLabs ls qulLe
compeLlLlve. LlmlLed seaLs only. App|y fast.
Work|ng hours : 1he sLudenLs are requlred Lo work from 10am Lo 6pm on all weekdays lncludlng
now to app|y: lnLeresLed appllcanLs are requesLed Lo send Lhelr deLalled resume Lo contact[aL}
m|abs[doL }|n. lease wrlLe kAsh|p <CCDL CI kCILC1 (menLloned above) > ln sub[ecL mall. WrlLe
CuL8? ln sub[ecL mall, lf you have any query.
1he cand|dates are a|so requ|red to subm|t some of the|r work for the assessment of the|r
app||cat|on a|ong w|th the resume.

2. ro[ect 2012
lL ls one monLh pro[ecL module where sLudenLs wlll come Lo mLabs over Lhe weekend
(10a.m. - 6p.m.) and wlll work from home durlng Lhe weekdays.
SLudenLs can form a Leam (of noL more Lhan Lhree) and wlll be requlred Lo submlL same
number of pro[ecLs as Leam members.
A compleLed pro[ecLs musL be accompanled by pro[ecL reporL, sofLware codes, hardware
resulLs and oLher modules requlred for Lhe pro[ecL.
rerequ|s|tes for the modu|es:
An exLenslve knowledge of elLher of Lhe followlng domalns
a) Ardulno based clrculLs deslgn (CCuL: AkD)
b) Analog and dlglLal clrculLs (CCuL: Ck1)
c) lhone/Andorld app developmenL (CCuL: AS)
d) P/A!Ax/[Cuery (CCuL: WL8)
e) Web layouL deslgnlng (CCuL: LACU1)
f) 3u-modellng (CCuL : 3D)

L||g|b|||ty Cr|ter|a :
SLudenLs currenLly ln 3rd year and 4Lh year 8L/81ech or M1ech years are ellglble.
SLudenLs of 1sL and 2nd year, lf have demonsLraLed excepLlonal work ln any of Lhe fleld can
also apply.
kequ|rements :
SLudenL musL be well versed ln clrculL deslgn concepLs. MusL have Laken some clrculL deslgn
courses, analog or dlglLal elecLronlcs eLc.
SLudenL musL have creaLed some clrculLs uslng Ardunlo ln Lhe pasL. lf you have noL yeL done
so, buy an Ardulno unC klL from lLs webslLe and spend 3-4 days wlLh lL. 1haL ls Lhe baslc
SLudenL musL have creaLed some baslc clrculL layouLs ln Lagle or any oLher C8 maklng Lool.
?ou can download and learn Lhem on your own.
1hose applylng for webslLe developmenL musL have deslgned P/A!Ax based webslLes ln
Lhe pasL.
lor Lhose lnLeresLed ln dolng a pro[ecL on web layouL musL demonsLraLe Lhelr pasL work. An
ln-depLh knowledge of phoLo edlLlng sofLware ls musL.
SLudenLs applylng for Androld/lhone app developmenL musL demonsLraLe Lhe same wlLh
Lhelr pasL pro[ecLs and musL be versed wlLh uslng Lcllpse and/or xcode.
SLudenLs applylng for 3u modellng Lask musL demonsLraLe Lhe work Lhey have done ln Lhe
pasL. lf you have noL done any, check google skeLch up, Solldworks, 8lender and spend few
days wlLh lL. 1hls Lask ls more abouL creaLlvlLy.
SLudenLs are expecLed Lo brlng Lhelr own lapLops and musL have Lhe requlred sofLware pre-
lnsLalled on Lhelr sysLems.
knowledge and hands-on Llnux / Mac wlll be preferred, Lhough noL mandaLory.

ro[ect oss|b|||t|es :
conLrolllng Lhe llghLs of your home vla an lhone app. (SomeLhlng llke hLLp:// )
deslgnlng a vacuum cleaner whlch cleans Lhe enLlre floor even before you wake up.
(SomeLhlng llke :hLLp://!ke6puC010 )
a lock llke locklLron. (SomeLhlng llke hLLp:// )
developlng an ln-house 3u prlnLer. (SomeLhlng llke hLLp://
developlng much slmpler Lhlngs llke LLu cube, fllcker rod, wlreless gun (?ouLube lL)
(ulsclalmer: none of Lhese pro[ecLs have been done aL mLabs. 1hese examples have been Laken Lo
demonsLraLe Lhe klnd of posslblllLles on for we are dolng. )
Some sLudenLs fancled someLhlng slmllar and were able Lo deslgn some cool pro[ecLs durlng our lasL
pro[ecL 2012.

Iees: 1he sLudenL wlll have Lo pay a refundable amounL of 8s. 1300/- Lo convlnce managemenL of
serlousness. 1he money ls refunded on Lhe successful compleLlon of Lhe pro[ecL.
Start date: We wlll sLarL our flrsL baLch from 7Lh uec, 2012. LlmlLed seaLs only. App|y fast.
now to app|y: lnLeresLed appllcanLs are requesLed Lo send Lhelr deLalled resume Lo contact[aL}
m|abs[doL }|n. lease wrlLe kCILC12012<CCDL CI kCILC1 (menLloned above) > ln sub[ecL mall.
WrlLe CuL8? ln sub[ecL mall, lf you have any query.

Along wlLh resume, you are requlred Lo submlL a 1/2 pager whaL klnd of pro[ecL do you Lhlnk you can
do aL mLabs. (8e reallsLlc and Lry Lo relaLe lL Lo Lhe klnd of work you have done earller).

1ake nome :
Lxperlence of developlng 'cool' llve producLs.
A cerLlflcaLe of compleLlon, on successful compleLlon of Lhe pro[ecL or lnLernshlp.
A posslblllLy Lo exLend Lhe work furLher whlch may lead Lo publlcaLlon / presenLaLlon ln peer
revlewed conferences.
About m|abs : www.mlabs.ln
About past students: All Lhe pasL sLudenLs who have worked wlLh us are elLher pursulng Lhelr
MS/hu or are worklng wlLh companles llke S1mlcroelecLronlcs, 1exas lnsLrumenLs, Clsco, Cosmlc
clrculLs, ulrecLl, nvlulA among oLhers.
ueLalled proflle of some of Lhe sLudenLs and Lhelr work can be found aL www.mlabs.ln/sLudenLs
Some of Lhe sLudenLs who pursued ro[ecL 2012 conducLed earller have been offered wlnLer
lnLernshlp Lo work on 'cool' pro[ecLs. Some of Lhem are also golng for summer lnLernshlps abroad.

Some pro[ecLs lnlLlaLed durlng ro[ecL 2012 lnclude :
kemote contro||ed car
Inte|||gent vacuum c|eaner
nome ||ght automat|on system (|hone contro||ab|e home ||ghts)
1|me based ||ght|ng contro|
LLD cube
Ik dartboard
W|re|ess mus|c p|ayer
among oLhers.

C|osed os|t|ons
1he fo||ow|ng pos|t|ons have been c|osed.

Ardu|no m|crocontro||er programm|ng
We are looklng for an lnLern wlLh experlence ln mlcroelecLronlcs.
Lxperlence: elecLrlcal englneer, experlence wlLh Ardulno ro[ecL bullds, knows how Lo LesL and bulld
analogue clrculLry, knows some low lever Llnux programmlng (parallel porL). 1he person should
demonsLraLe lnlLlaLlve, be lnqulslLlve, and musL have worked wlLh Ardulno earller.
Pe/She wlll be expecLed Lo submlL some of hls work for Lhe assessmenL of hls appllcaLlon.

Web deve|opment
We are looklng for an lnLern wlLh experlence ln web developmenL especlally P/A!Ax based
webslLe. Lxperlence wlLh lacebook apps.1he ueveloper wlll have:
A solld undersLandlng of web developmenL concepLs lncludlng P/[Cuery/A!Ax and P1ML/CSS,
MusL have good knowledge of l1 and uu,
MusL have creaLed webslLes ln Lhe pasL,
A self-sLarLer and able Lo work lndependenLly.
Pe/She ls expecLed Lo submlL some of hls work for assessmenL of hls appllcaLlon.

Andro|d]|hone apps deve|opment
We are looklng for an lnLern wlLh experlence ln Moblle app developmenL especlally Androld/lhone
apps. 1he Androld ueveloper should have:
A solld undersLandlng of developmenL on Androld devlces lncludlng relaLed prlnclples and
Lechnologles (eg Androld Suk, !ava, C++)
AL leasL one appllcaLlon compleLed, ldeally on Lhe markeL place
A self-sLarLer and able Lo work lndependenLly.
Pe ls expecLed Lo submlL some of hls work for assessmenL of hls appllcaLlon.

Soc|a| med|a |ntern
lf you are a soclal person who loves maklng frlends, posLs conLenL onllne, ls avld blogger or wanL Lo
express hls/her oplnlon, Lhls ls an lnLernshlp opporLunlLy for you.
?our maln role wlll be asslsLlng wlLh our Soclal Medla efforLs. 1hls wlll lnclude wrlLlng blogs, wrlLlng
up our lacebook and 1wlLLer pages, posLlng conLenL and any oLher acLlvlLles LhaL you're mlnded Lo
geL lnvolved ln.
As parL of a small Leam, you wlll need Lo geL lnvolved ln oLher areas of Lhe buslness Loo.
uLLlng our Soclal Medla sLraLegy aL Lhe hearL of whaL we do
lncrease our base of followers & lmprove our brand awareness
lmprove our SLC poslLlonlng
SupporLlng Lhe Leam wlLh Lhelr efforLs elsewhere
Skllls 8equlred.
knowledge and genulne lnLeresL ln dlglLal and soclal medla markeLlng
knowledge of soclal medla plaLforms llke lacebook, 1wlLLer, ?ouLube, and preferably an
exlsLlng soclal medla presence
Cood copy wrlLlng skllls
A good eye for deslgn (lf you can deslgn, even beLLer!)
Cood MlcrosofL offlce skllls
CreaLlve Lhlnklng
1o apply for any of Lhe role please send your Cv along wlLh a cover leLLer deLalllng Lhe relevanL
pro[ecLs Lo contact[aL}m|abs[doL }|n. AppllcaLlons submlLLed wlLhouL a coverlng leLLer wlll noL be

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