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1. For each sentence on the left, find the most natural response on the right.
1. You mustnt tell a soul (a) Its on the tip of my tongue
2. Do you know what Its called? (b) Yes by the skin of my teeth.
3. Did you catch the train? (c) My lips are sealed.
(d) A little bird told me
2. Are idioms used correctly? Write C for correct or V for incorrect (if incorrect, supply the
appropriate idiom):
1. Everything had been going so well for them, he was making money hand and foot and as far as
knew everything was just rolling along perfectly
2. Donald half turned saw her, and mumbling an excuse retreated rapidly and gave a leg, running in
the direction of the playing fields.
3, Answer these questions
1. If you are too big for your boots, youre overweight, youre feeling so important, or your foot aches
2. If you hit the roof, you are angry (lose your temper), you knock your head against the roof, jump
too high, or youre absent-minded
3. If you turn thumbs up you want to show your dissatisfaction, show that you agree, or you want to
stop the car
4. Complete the following sentences by adding one of the idioms.
1. Its already eight oclock! If you dont hurry, were going to be late. Come on! ...
(a) Take to your heels! (b) Put your foot down!
(c) Shake a leg! (d) Stretch your legs!
2 The waiter set glasses of wine
(a) with open arms. (b) at elbow room
(b) at his elbow (d) at the arm of the law
5. Choose the appropriate expressions
1. This is Sam, said Mr. Chutterbach. And, (by the way, last but not least), my wife.
2. What (on the other hand, in hell, at all) are you doing here?
3. They (in fact, as well as, by the way) Mr Collway, had gone to the state capital...
6. Choose the correct equivalent
1. Now we got a line on both our players... (zskali sme linku, mme spojenie, mme informcie)
2. Tiger would regard it as dishonourable to lead you up the garden path (chodi po krivch
chodnkoch, vodi niekoho za nos, vodi niekoho za ruiku)
3. My blood pressure has gone through the roof. (vyparil sa, prudko stpol, klesol)
7. Give at least on synonymous/related proverb to fit the following
1. No pain, no gain.
2. Make hay while the sun shines.
3. Like father, like son.
8. Match the proverbs up with the proverbs (on the right-hand side) with opposite meaning
1. Absence makes the heart grow fonder (a) The cowl do not make the monk
2. Haste makes waste (b) Out of sight out of mind.
(c) Strike while the iron is hot
9. Rearrange the words to make standard probverbs
1. The broth spoil too many cooks.
2. Once shy twice bitten.
3. Fine birds make fine feathers
10. Give English equivalents for the following Slovak proverbs
1. Pes, ktor tek, nehryzie.
2. Kto sa top, aj slamky sa chyt.
3. Star lska nehrdzavie.
11. Supply Slovak equivalents to the following proverbs/sayings
1. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
3. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

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