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Nginx l g
- Nginx l 1 my ch web ( web server ) , proxy ngc ( reserve proxy ) v email proxy ( IMA
P/POP3 )
- Hot ng nh, hiu nng cao
- C th chy trn UNIX, Linux, cc dng BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris v Microsoft Windows.
2. Ci t Nginx
- wget
- giai nen : tar xvfz nginx-1.4.7.tar.gz
- cac option cai dat
--prefix=path : duong dan thu muc chua cac file server nginx, mac dinh l
a /usr/local/nginx
--sbin-path=path : duong dan toi file thuc thi chay nginx, mac dinh o t
rong profix/sbin/nginx
--conf-path=path : duong dan toi file config cua nginx : nginx.conf, mac
dinh o trong profix/conf/nginx
--pid-path=path : duong dan toi file,chua process id cua main
process, co the thay doi sau khi cai dat nginx o file nginx.conf, mac dinh la pr
--error-log-path=path : duong dan toi file log error chinh, co the thay
doi sau khi setup nginx o file nginx.conf, mac dinh o prefix/logs/error.log
--http-log-path=path : duong dan toi file log access chinh, co the thay
doi sau khi setup nginx o file nginx.conf, mac dinh o prefix/logs/access.log
--user=name : set user duoc su dung boi cac process lam viec, co the th
ay doi sau khi setup nginx o file nginx.conf, mac dinh la user nobody
--group=name : set group duoc su dung boi cac process lam viec, co the
thay doi sau khi setup nginx o file nginx.conf, mac dinh la group cua user duoc
dung o config tren
- Setup :
./confiruge --...
make install
3. Control nginx
- prefix/sbin/nginx -s signal :
stop : shutdown nginx
quit :

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