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Empado de frango

1/2 kg de farinha de trigo
200 g de margarina
150 g de gordura vegetal
2 gemas
1 xcara de caf de gua
1 gema para pincelar
2 peitos de frango j cozidos e desfiados
1 cebola picada
2 dentes de alho amassados
1 tomate sem pele e sem semente em cubos
Salsa e cebolinha picadas
1 colher de sopa de farinha de trigo dissolvida em um pouquinho de leite
Sal e pimenta a gosto
Requeijo culinrio em lascas.
Misturar a farinha com as gorduras e fazer uma farofa com as mos
Acrescente as gemas e a gua, misturando mais, sem trabalhar muito a massa
Ela no fica homognea, fica quebradia (isso faz com que fique crocante)
Deixe descansar por meia hora
Refogue em um pouco de manteiga o alho e a cebola
Depois acrescente o frango desfiado e o tomate em cubos
Refogue mais um pouco
Acrescente a farinha dissolvida no leite (1/2 xcara de ch) e mexa at ficar tudo ligado
Junte o salsa e cebolinha, sal e pimenta
Reserve e deixe esfriar
Abra metade da massa em uma frma - de preferncia com fundo removvel - nos fundos e
nas laterais com as mos, abrindo o mais que puder
Recheie a massa e distribua por cima do recheio lascas do requeijo
Abra a outra metade da massa com um rolo sobre um pedao de filme plstico e disponha
por cima do recheio, fechando o empado nas laterais
Pincele por cima a massa com uma gema e leve ao forno pr-aquecido at dourar bem
Desenforme ou sirva na prpria forma imediatamente
Fica parecendo uma massa folhada, crocante

1/2 kg of flour
200g margarine
150 g vegetable fat
2 egg yolks
1 coffee cup of water
1 egg yolk for brushing
2 chicken breasts already cooked and shredded
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tomato, peeled , seeded and diced
Chopped parsley and chives
1 tablespoon of flour dissolved in a little milk
Salt and pepper to taste
Culinary curd in chips .
Mix the flour with the fat and make a crumbly with hands
Add egg yolks and water , mixing more , without working the dough too
She is not homogeneous , it is brittle ( this causes is crispy )
Let sit for half an hour
Saute in a little butter garlic and onion
Then add the shredded chicken and diced tomatoes
Saute some more
Add flour dissolved in milk (1/ 2 cup ) and stir until all connected
Stir in the parsley and chives , salt and pepper
Reserve and let cool
Open half the batter into a cake pan - preferably with removable bottom - the back and
sides with her hands , opening as much as possible
Fill the dough and hand over the cream cheese filling chips
Open the other half of the dough with a rolling pin on a piece of plastic wrap and arrange
over the filling , closing the pie on the side
Brush over the dough with egg yolk and bake in preheated oven until golden brown
Unmold or serve as own immediately
1 cup of milk
1 and 1/2copo flour
1 whole egg
1/2 teaspoon baking royal
2 tablespoons of butter
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
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Cards Annuity 1st Free It takes less than 3 minutes. Enjoy!
Pizza Ready In 2
Without Pizzaiolo. With Quality Of woodstove.
1. Beat all ingredients in blender and let sit for 1/2 an hour
2. Grease shape or tray with butter and sprinkle with flour
3. Pour the dough and place slices of cheese and ham
4. Doing a sauce aside, with tomatoes, onion and butter and pour on top
5. Bake in oven gently for 30 to 35 minutes each
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