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Mr. Mohammed Umar Vodafone no. 9920970583 Questions?


Excom House 7 Bill number 000000010000012030 Talk to us
Saki Vihar Road Bill date 01.11.09
Sakinaka Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09 BILL to 111(toll free)
Mumbai 400072 Service tax regn AAACH5332BST001
Relationship number 8.10901127.00.00.902515

Amount due Amount due

Previous balance Payments Adjustments Current charges Due date
before due date after due date
- + + =
791.07 790.00 0.00 761.30 762.37 862.37 19.11.2009
Pay previous balance if any, immediately to avoid disconnection. Pay your current charges by 19.11.2009 to avoid late payment charges.

Summary of current charges (Rs)

A) One time charges 0.00
B) Monthly charges 328.00
C) Usage charges 448.20
D) Messaging charges 0.00
E) Conference call charges 0.00
F) Roaming charges 0.00
G) Discounts / other charges 86.00 (-)
H) Misc credit / charges 0.00

Sub total 690.20

I) Tax 71.10
Total current charges 761.30
For your use
Amount paid__________Receipt / cheque / DD no._________
Bank & branch__________________Date________________

Tear this slip off and return it with your payment. Be sure not to staple.

Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Vodafone no. 9920970583 Bill dt 01.11.2009 Due dt 19.11.2009 Amount due Rs 762.37

Cheque / DD should be payable to "Vodafone no. 9920970583"

Cheque / DD no.______________________Dated__________________Bank___________________Branch_____________________
When paying by credit card, fill in the details below.
Charge Rs____________against my card no. Master VISA Diners AMEX
Card holder's name_____________________Expiry date(mm/yy) / Signature______________________________
Vodafone Essar Limited
Peninsula Corporate Park, Ganpat Rao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013.
Email us - pg 1 of 7
Vodafone no. 9920970583
Details Bill number
Bill date
Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09
Mr. Mohammed Umar Your plan Corp Super Saver 199
GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Local pulse rate VF 2 VF 60 seconds and VF 2 Others 60 seconds
Dynamic credit limit Rs 3400

Monthly charges Charges (Rs) Reversals (Rs) Net charges (Rs)

Call Filter (01.10.09 to 31.10.09) 99.00
Sub total 99.00
Entp Loc_SMS_100 (01.10.09 to 31.10.09) 30.00
Sub total 30.00
Monthly Rental (01.10.09 to 31.10.09) 199.00
Sub total 199.00
Total 328.00

Usage charges Duration Charges Discounts Net charges

(min:sec) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)
Local 488:00 187.80 0.00 187.80
STD 172:00 258.00 0.00 258.00
Usage Charges Discounts Net charges
(in KB) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)
Vodafone live! 240 2.40 0.00 2.40

Total 448.20 0.00 448.20

Messaging charges Nos. Discounts (Rs) Net charges (Rs)

SMS - local 26 12.00 0.00

Total 26 12.00 0.00

Discounts / other charges (Rs)

Entp-STD Rs.1.5 to Re.1 86.00 (-)

Total 86.00 (-)

Tax (Rs)

Service Tax @10%+Edu. Cess@3% on S. Tax 71.10

Total 71.10

Payment details Date (Rs)

Payment received 19.10.09 790.00
Total 790.00

SMS 'BILL' to 111 for bill information pg 2 of 7

Vodafone no. 9920970583
Itemised calls Bill number
Bill date
Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09
Mr. Mohammed Umar Your plan Corp Super Saver 199
GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Local pulse rate VF 2 VF 60 seconds and VF 2 Others 60 seconds

Time Number Duration Charges Time Number Duration Charges

(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
Outgoing calls 18:08:21 9819728358 5:00 1.50
18:37:16 919892711254 1:00 0.40
Local 19:57:12 9022166583 2:00 0.80
22:44:47 9022950491 1:00 0.40
Call date : 01.10.2009
10:04:17 9324404345 1:00 0.40 Call date : 08.10.2009
11:12:29 919324404345 1:00 0.40 14:24:31 9594383725 1:00 0.40
11:39:57 919022822532 3:00 1.20 14:55:35 9619561122 1:00 0.30
16:55:16 9619561122 1:00 0.30 15:21:18 919619561122 1:00 0.30
17:41:04 9619561122 4:00 1.20 15:38:15 02240956906 5:00 2.50
15:43:14 09920928850 1:00 0.30
Call date : 02.10.2009 17:03:24 09920928850 1:00 0.30
12:06:57 9322056449 1:00 0.40 21:27:51 9221035599 1:00 0.40
14:46:25 9022950491 1:00 0.40
15:06:31 919022950491 1:00 0.40 Call date : 09.10.2009
15:07:27 919820870383 5:00 1.50 13:26:43 9324404345 3:00 1.20
15:12:45 9594383725 1:00 0.40 18:46:41 9224760698 2:00 0.80
15:14:45 919022950491 1:00 0.40 18:48:36 919870770979 1:00 0.40
15:56:56 919022210815 1:00 0.40 18:49:21 9224760698 1:00 0.40
16:00:12 919022210815 1:00 0.40 19:06:27 919223232759 2:00 0.80
21:49:12 919022950491 2:00 0.80 19:08:46 919870770979 3:00 1.20
21:53:29 919022950491 1:00 0.40 Call date : 10.10.2009
00:01:59 9920926795 3:00 0.90
Call date : 03.10.2009
10:08:30 09920928850 1:00 0.30 09:37:40 9324404345 1:00 0.40
11:32:16 919022950491 2:00 0.80 09:41:17 9619561122 2:00 0.60
11:49:03 919221685792 1:00 0.40 17:51:28 9022950491 2:00 0.80
11:51:45 919221685792 1:00 0.40 18:49:22 919892711254 2:00 0.80
11:55:43 919221685792 2:00 0.80 20:57:03 919892272917 3:00 1.20
13:55:54 919022950491 1:00 0.40 21:05:18 9769476568 1:00 0.30
14:16:00 919892711254 1:00 0.40 21:05:51 9769476568 1:00 0.30
15:49:15 919022950491 2:00 0.80 Call date : 11.10.2009
18:24:55 9819901132 1:00 0.30 00:44:21 9870529256 2:00 0.80
18:27:59 9960273247 2:00 0.80 07:36:39 919820870383 5:00 1.50
20:01:30 919892711254 1:00 0.40 09:21:55 919224434497 2:00 0.80
09:35:22 9320687399 2:00 0.80
Call date : 04.10.2009
11:02:16 919820870383 1:00 0.30 09:52:11 9322288946 1:00 0.40
19:09:34 9321325115 3:00 1.20 11:56:09 912226476471 2:00 1.00
19:39:51 9224760698 1:00 0.40 12:05:49 912226476471 1:00 0.50
21:35:17 9594383725 1:00 0.40 17:56:11 912226470414 1:00 0.50
21:36:56 9594383725 1:00 0.40 18:52:39 9022950491 2:00 0.80
23:12:26 919892711254 2:00 0.80 Call date : 12.10.2009
10:40:12 919220564726 2:00 0.80
Call date : 05.10.2009
14:43:29 9619561122 10:00 3.00 11:21:31 09920928850 1:00 0.30
18:43:57 919892711254 2:00 0.80 17:04:23 919220564726 1:00 0.40
18:45:40 919766313879 7:00 2.80 17:15:49 9324404345 2:00 0.80
21:12:37 9820802281 1:00 0.30 20:09:53 9594383725 1:00 0.40
21:20:29 9029845343 1:00 0.40 21:10:47 9224760698 1:00 0.40
21:43:08 912226476471 1:00 0.50
Call date : 06.10.2009
12:26:06 9619561122 2:00 0.60 Call date : 13.10.2009
12:33:49 9970555687 1:00 0.40 09:52:19 9324404345 10:00 4.00
18:47:49 919892711254 2:00 0.80 10:14:46 919920928850 1:00 0.30
23:22:08 9022950491 3:00 1.20 10:15:50 9324404345 1:00 0.40
10:16:07 9324404345 6:00 2.40
Call date : 07.10.2009 18:35:29 919220564726 2:00 0.80
10:43:07 9324404345 5:00 2.00 21:17:45 9594383725 1:00 0.40
11:29:46 9324404345 3:00 1.20

SMS 'BILL' to 111 for bill information pg 3 of 7

Vodafone no. 9920970583
Itemised calls Bill number
Bill date
Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09
Mr. Mohammed Umar Your plan Corp Super Saver 199
GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Local pulse rate VF 2 VF 60 seconds and VF 2 Others 60 seconds

Time Number Duration Charges Time Number Duration Charges

(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
Outgoing calls 14:50:01 919920928850 1:00 0.30
22:28:28 919022032125 1:00 0.40
Local Call date : 22.10.2009
10:18:11 9324404345 2:00 0.80
Call date : 14.10.2009
10:51:04 919920928850 1:00 0.30
09:42:05 09920928850 2:00 0.60
12:18:22 02226434493 1:00 0.50
12:01:30 9220564726 1:00 0.40
12:33:55 9224760698 3:00 1.20
13:30:13 9220564726 1:00 0.40
14:08:28 919920928850 1:00 0.30
15:24:21 919220564726 2:00 0.80
14:56:22 111 4:00 0.00
16:53:30 919220564726 1:00 0.40
15:54:42 9821417223 3:00 1.20
18:35:57 919029719035 2:00 0.80
19:38:02 919322240497 1:00 0.40
18:48:01 919222172690 1:00 0.40
20:49:18 919920928850 2:00 0.60
19:08:17 9867956764 5:00 2.00
19:58:27 919029641359 11:00 4.40 Call date : 23.10.2009
22:47:03 919821383804 9:00 3.60 12:52:39 9324404345 2:00 0.80
22:55:57 919821383804 21:00 8.40 14:19:20 919870770979 2:00 0.80
14:21:45 919022822532 3:00 1.20
Call date : 15.10.2009
15:20:58 9324404345 7:00 2.80
13:28:09 919821383804 1:00 0.40
16:42:03 919920928850 1:00 0.30
13:28:43 919821383804 1:00 0.40
17:09:45 919324404345 2:00 0.80
13:30:17 919819287616 1:00 0.00
20:36:40 919220564726 5:00 2.00
18:08:01 919619424687 2:00 0.60
22:40:48 919664777232 2:00 0.80
20:47:07 919222172690 1:00 0.40
21:36:08 919892711254 1:00 0.40 Call date : 24.10.2009
11:44:03 912226476471 1:00 0.50
Call date : 17.10.2009
13:50:45 9920926795 3:00 0.90
14:43:23 912225039689 16:00 8.00
14:54:27 02266989738 1:00 0.50
17:07:38 919224760698 1:00 0.40
15:51:15 919892711254 2:00 0.80
17:08:11 919224760698 7:00 2.80
23:49:22 919987765758 1:00 0.40
Call date : 18.10.2009
19:44:07 919773288336 2:00 0.80
Call date : 25.10.2009
13:39:53 919892711254 2:00 0.80
21:12:28 9594707752 4:00 1.60
17:21:14 919220564726 3:00 1.20
23:13:07 9224760698 1:00 0.40
20:38:13 919892711254 2:00 0.80
23:17:44 919870529256 1:00 0.40
21:42:05 919892711254 1:00 0.40
Call date : 19.10.2009 21:59:46 919224760698 2:00 0.80
09:57:20 919224434497 3:00 1.20 22:50:03 919220564726 12:00 4.80
11:28:04 9022068396 1:00 0.40 23:13:03 919892711254 1:00 0.40
Call date : 20.10.2009 Call date : 26.10.2009
09:42:12 919920928850 2:00 0.60 10:32:28 919920928850 1:00 0.30
17:14:03 9224760698 1:00 0.40 15:11:16 9619561122 3:00 0.90
17:16:56 9321325115 1:00 0.40 18:17:48 919820870383 1:00 0.30
17:19:49 9766092811 1:00 0.40 23:01:41 919220564726 7:00 2.80
17:23:55 9022625714 1:00 0.40
17:25:14 9022625714 2:00 0.80
Call date : 27.10.2009
09:51:49 09920928850 1:00 0.30
19:51:28 919022950491 3:00 1.20
20:44:41 919220564726 1:00 0.40
19:58:44 919022950491 1:00 0.40
22:32:36 9022625714 3:00 1.20
22:14:13 919892711254 1:00 0.40
22:39:42 9224148483 4:00 1.60 Call date : 28.10.2009
22:59:35 919224434497 4:00 1.60 10:29:36 9029641359 29:00 11.60
23:03:15 9224760698 2:00 0.80 14:14:01 919321325115 2:00 0.80
16:08:54 919220564726 3:00 1.20
Call date : 21.10.2009
16:29:04 9699345003 2:00 0.80
09:40:16 919920928850 2:00 0.60
16:58:01 9221377860 2:00 0.80
10:25:15 9324404345 3:00 1.20
19:35:47 919220564726 1:00 0.40
12:58:02 919022950491 1:00 0.40
20:03:14 919892711254 2:00 0.80
13:03:42 919322878152 1:00 0.40
13:14:05 919022950491 1:00 0.40 Call date : 29.10.2009

SMS 'BILL' to 111 for bill information pg 4 of 7

Vodafone no. 9920970583
Itemised calls Bill number
Bill date
Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09
Mr. Mohammed Umar Your plan Corp Super Saver 199
GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Local pulse rate VF 2 VF 60 seconds and VF 2 Others 60 seconds

Time Number Duration Charges Time Number Duration Charges

(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
Outgoing calls

07:57:54 9768431572 2:00 0.80
14:02:50 9224749847 3:00 1.20
14:05:48 9970555687 2:00 0.80
14:36:03 919892711254 1:00 0.40
15:45:38 919892711254 1:00 0.40
15:48:15 919022950491 1:00 0.40
16:24:27 9820802281 1:00 0.30
16:32:36 9321325115 1:00 0.40
16:37:40 9321325115 1:00 0.40
16:56:34 9320191585 1:00 0.40
18:05:59 919820870383 1:00 0.30
18:09:16 9029641359 4:00 1.60
18:27:04 9821417223 2:00 0.80
18:30:46 919920862819 4:00 1.20
20:57:40 919892711254 1:00 0.40
21:41:36 9920926795 5:00 1.50
Call date : 30.10.2009
09:49:42 09920928850 1:00 0.30
16:51:25 919220564726 3:00 1.20
19:08:16 9819067833 1:00 0.30
22:11:10 912226476471 2:00 1.00
Call date : 31.10.2009
23:34:21 9224760698 6:00 2.40

Total 199 Calls 488:00 187.80

SMS 'BILL' to 111 for bill information pg 5 of 7

Vodafone no. 9920970583
Itemised calls Bill number
Bill date
Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09
Mr. Mohammed Umar Your plan Corp Super Saver 199
GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Local pulse rate VF 2 VF 60 seconds and VF 2 Others 60 seconds

Time Number Duration Charges Time Number Duration Charges

(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
Outgoing calls

Call date : 03.10.2009
08:33:08 919598866302 1:00 1.50
08:46:11 919598866302 2:00 3.00
Call date : 04.10.2009
10:54:08 919695158903 8:00 12.00
14:07:21 919335182264 1:00 1.50
Call date : 06.10.2009
21:57:18 919598866302 12:00 18.00
Call date : 09.10.2009
09:27:55 919695158903 18:00 27.00
Call date : 10.10.2009
20:33:32 919695158903 2:00 3.00
20:37:12 919598572856 4:00 6.00
Call date : 11.10.2009
21:12:19 919792594801 4:00 6.00
Call date : 12.10.2009
15:22:20 919651447029 20:00 30.00
Call date : 14.10.2009
19:16:13 09919179967 26:00 39.00
19:46:41 919598572856 2:00 3.00
Call date : 19.10.2009
10:01:30 09919179967 4:00 6.00
11:36:30 919792594801 8:00 12.00
20:53:36 919792594801 4:00 6.00
Call date : 20.10.2009
11:17:21 09919179967 5:00 7.50
Call date : 23.10.2009
14:14:02 919792594801 4:00 6.00
Call date : 24.10.2009
15:54:20 919891572871 24:00 36.00
Call date : 29.10.2009
10:58:50 919598572856 15:00 22.50
22:09:58 919792594801 1:00 1.50
22:31:12 919792594801 7:00 10.50

Total 21 Calls 172:00 258.00

SMS 'BILL' to 111 for bill information pg 6 of 7

Vodafone no. 9920970583
Itemised calls Bill number
Bill date
Relationship no. 8.10901127.00.00.902515 Bill period 01.10.09 to 31.10.09
Mr. Mohammed Umar Your plan Corp Super Saver 199
GLENMARK PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Local pulse rate VF 2 VF 60 seconds and VF 2 Others 60 seconds

Time Number Duration Charges Time Number Duration Charges

(min:sec) (Rs) (min:sec) (Rs)
Outgoing calls SMS date 28.10.2009
09:42:39 Local 0:00 0.00 **
Usage Charges
(in KB) (Rs) SMS date 30.10.2009
Call date : 19.10.2009 09:54:16 Local 0:00 0.00 **
11:29:27 Vodafone live! 10 0.10
Total 26 Messages 0.00
Call date : 22.10.2009
14:51:57 Vodafone live! 230 2.30

Total 2 Calls 240 2.40


SMS - local
SMS date 01.10.2009
14:09:10 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 03.10.2009
00:37:23 Toll free 0:00 0.00
13:36:09 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 05.10.2009
20:43:28 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 06.10.2009
23:03:41 Local 0:00 0.00 **
23:03:52 Local 0:00 0.00 **
23:04:06 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 07.10.2009
10:39:07 Local 0:00 0.00 **
10:39:09 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 08.10.2009
15:25:10 Local 0:00 0.00 **
15:25:13 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 09.10.2009
09:19:47 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 10.10.2009
17:49:11 Local 0:00 0.00 **
18:48:33 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 14.10.2009
18:04:54 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 21.10.2009
14:53:00 Local 0:00 0.00 **
14:54:24 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 22.10.2009
14:13:28 Local 0:00 0.00 **
14:55:21 Toll free 0:00 0.00
17:21:18 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 23.10.2009
13:00:53 Local 0:00 0.00 **
16:41:25 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 24.10.2009
13:47:27 Local 0:00 0.00 **
SMS date 26.10.2009
12:54:04 Local 0:00 0.00 **

** indicates calls at discounted rate

SMS 'BILL' to 111 for bill information pg 7 of 7

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