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PA Standards:

Standard areaCC.1.1: Foundational Skills: Students gain a working lnowledge of concpets of print,
alphabetic principle, an other basic conventions.
CC:1 : PA Core: English Language Arts
CC.1.1.K.C: Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Recognize and pronounce rhyming words
CC.1.4 : Writing:Students write for different purposes and audiences. Students write clear
and focused text to convey a well-defined perspective and appropriate content.

Subject area - 1: Reading, Writing, Speaking and listening
1:Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening
1.3:Reading, Analyzing, and Interpreting Literature- Fiction and Non-Fiction
1.3.1 A: Read, understand, and respond to works of literature

Standard Area 1.6 Speaking and Listening

1.6.1A:Listen actively and respond to others in small and large group situations with appropriate
questions and ideas
1.6.1.B: Use appropriate volume and clarity in individual or group situations. Deliver brief oral
presentations on a topic supported by visual aids.

Essential Questions:
1. What is a rhyming word?
2. Are there words that do not have a word that rhymes?
Students will be able to use motor skills to do smart board activity.
Students will be able to connect pictures that rhyme
Students will be able to identify words that rhyme and belong to the same word family
Enduring Understandings
1. What does it mean for a word to rhyme?
2. Can any two words rhyme?
Stage 2:
1. Students will be asked to participate during the story to see if they are paying attention and
understanding he concept
2. Students will be given a worksheet at the end of the lesson to show the rhyming concpets
that they learned

Stage 3:
- Smart board
- Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss
- Chart paper or white board
- Crayons or markers
- Rhyming worksheet
Step 1: Teacher- Gather students together and get their attention to the front of the room. Asks if
anyone has ever heard or knows what a rhyming word is
Student- Responds to teacher. Has discussion with people around them.

Step 2:(T)-Begins to read Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss and as reading stops and points our rhyming
words. Once the children seem to understand have them take turns pointing out the rhyming words
on the page.
(S)-Will be able to take turns locating the rhyming words in the book.

Step 3: (T) Bring up the smart board rhyming activity
(S) Will sit quietly around and raise hand to participate in activity. Students will drag the words that
rhyme with each other into the same groups.

Step 4: (T) Once smart board activity is done, try to start up a conversation of what they learned and
any words they may know that they didnt learn from the lesson.
(S) Discuss with teacher and other classmates.

Step 5: (T)Asks students to each come to the Writing pad and write rhyming words that they
remember from the book, Hop on Pop.
(S) Not all students will participate, just ones who are willing to go up.

Step 6: (T) Sends the students back to their seats to complete a worksheet.
(S) Complete worksheet, matching rhyming words and writing words that rhyme. Turn in on the
teachers desk.

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