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A F1RFT 2008 mod csak rFactor alatt mkdik, melyet eltte felkell installlni.A Formula
1-es modifikci a 2008-as vad autit tartalmazza. Sajnos mg nem kszlt el a Valencia s a
ingapur plya. A modhoz kszl hamarosan a Trackpack is..
Az autk festse a 2008 mrciusi llapotot tkrzi. Folyamatosan fog kszlni hozz skin s mo
osts, ahogy a valsgban is vltozik. A piltk sisakja s ruhzata is a ksbbiekben lesz f
F1RFT 2008: Alaprtelmezett modifikci
F1RFt 2008 L: Az F1RFt liga "teli tankos kvalifikcis rendszer"
TVstyle install. A 0.91-es update az utils/tvstyleinstall mappban tallhat.
2007 es setupok az utils/setup mappban
Az F1RFT 2008 letlthet a oldalrl. Ez a modifikci elssorban az F1RFt l
ignak kszlt. Illetlensg, ha a mod egybb rszeit ms clra hasznljk fel, vagy annak tart
liga a sajtjaknt tnteti fel.
Ksznet az FSONE csapatnak, illetve Codex-nak, aki engedlyt adott arra, hogy az F1RF
T 2008 modifikciban hasznlhatjuk az ltaluk ksztett albbi termkeket: arms, rims, sound.
Az F1RFT 2008 F1 2001 es konverzi. Mindennem hasonlsg ms moddal szemben csak a vletlen
mve lehet.
modellezs, grafika, project: Sompir (Magldi Imre)
Grafika: Robson (Kollr Rbert)
arms. rims. sound.sfx: FSONE

Elrhetsg: web:, E-mail:
Mindenkinek j szrakozst az F1RFT 2008 hasznlathoz.
What should you know, about the F1RFT 2008 modifications!
The F1RFT 2008 mod work only, with the complete installation, of the rFactor, so
first makes the full install of the game. In this modification you have the com
plete 2008 Formula One Season cars and teams. Unfortunately the Valencia and the
Singapore tracks arent ready yet. Soon we will make a track pack for this mod.
The cars designs and paintings bring you the 2008 situation. We will make perman
ent skin and model modifications when the real designs will change. The driver s
uits and helmets will be upgraded so.
You can download the F1RFT 2008 mod from web page. Thi
s modification is made in first place for F1RFT League. The files in this mod ma
y not be modified by anyone or converted to another mod or video game unless per
mission is granted by me. All files in this Mod are Copyrighted by F1RFT League.
The F1RFT 2008 mod is a conversion of F1 2001. Any kind of similitudes with oth
er modes it is poor accidental.
Thanks for the FSOne Team and for Codex who gave me permission to use the next m
aterials which were made by them in the F1RFT 2008 Mod: arms, rims, sound.sfx
Copyright & Permissions
This mod is freekly available to anyone, is strictly not for profit, and may not
be used for commercial purposes. I have no relationship with the FIA or any of
the teams or sponsors, and copyrights of those products reside with the individu
al copyright holders. The material provided
in this mod is not connected to Image Space Inc. This mod may not be profited fr
om commercially by a third party .I accept no responsibilities for losses or dam
age resulting from the use of this mod.
- Modeling, graphics, project: Sompir (Magldi Imre)
- Design: Robson (Kollr Rbert)
- rims, arms, sound.sfx : FSONE

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