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By Biuce Ruben, N.B., Neuical Biiectoi of Encompass BealthCaie anu Wounu

In oiuei to unueistanu the use of Bypeibaiic 0xygen Theiapy (BB0T)
to heal buins, it is fiist impoitant to unueistanu the foui buin

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A fiist-uegiee oi supeificial buin affects only the epiueimis oi outei
layei of skin. The buin site is ieu, painful, anu uiy with no blisteiing. A
milu sunbuin is one example of a fiist-uegiee buin. Long-teim tissue
uamage is iaie anu usually consists of a lightening oi a uaikening in the
skin coloi.

In a seconu-uegiee oi paitial-thickness buin, the epiueimis anu pait of
the ueimis layei of skin aie uamageu. The buin site appeais ieu,
blisteieu, anu may be swollen anu painful.

With a thiiu-uegiee oi full-thickness buin, the epiueimis anu ueimis aie
uestioyeu. Buins wheie theie is also uamage to the unueilying tenuon,
muscle, anu bone aie consiueieu to be fouith-uegiee buins. The buin
site appeais white oi chaiieu anu no sensation is felt in the aiea
because the neive enuings have been uestioyeu anu woise, the bloou
vessels caiiying neeueu oxygen have also been uestioyeu.

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Theiapeutic use of Bypeibaiic 0xygen Theiapy in buins is most often
utilizeu foi seconu anu thiiu uegiee buin cases. In thiiu uegiee buins,
the initial theimal injuiy occuis followeu by ciicumfeiential, wiuening
tissue loss. This means that the suiiounuing tissue of the buin also
becomes uamageu because the bloou vessels have been uestioyeu as a
consequence of the buin. When the bloou vessels aie uestioyeu,
uownstieam bloou flow fiom the buin site is aiiesteu, piopagating
fuithei tissue ueath uue to a lack of oxygen.

When tissue ueath occuis, the bouy uoes not iecognize that tissue as its
own anu peiceives that it is a potentially haimful invauei. This
jeopaiuizeu tissue becomes a taiget foi its own immune system anu
"attacks" the uying anu suiiounuing tissues, iesulting in moie tissue
ueath. This piocess is calleu ischemia iepeifusion injuiy.

BB0T given within the fiist 48 to 72 houis following theimal injuiy
incieases the oxygen satuiation to the bouy by up to 12 times that of
bieathing aii at sea level. This can mitigate ischemia iepeifusion injuiy
anu the possibility of auvanceu tissue uestiuction beyonu the initial
aiea of theimal injuiy by supplying the bouy with auueu oxygen that, in
tuin, can biing the uamageu aiea "back to life." This signals the bouy
that the tissue is no longei a foieign invauei anu consequently, noimal
wounu-healing piocesses aie able to take place.

Beyonu 72 houis, BB0T helps by continuing to piomote new tissue
giowth, which encouiages healing by aiuing in the manufactuiing of
new bloou vessels, which, in tuin, make fibioblasts that aie iesponsible
foi collagen piouuction. In auuition, BB0T ieuuces the bouy's
inflammation which otheiwise woulu slow uown the healing piocess.
Finally, BB0T also offeis infection contiol, as oxygen is the white bloou
cell's weapon to kill bacteiia.

In shoit, seiious theimal buins patient aie gieat canuiuates foi
hypeibaiic oxygen theiapy uue to the mitigation of ischemia
iepeifusion injuiy, the piomotion of new bloou vessels anu tissue
giowth, anu the contiol of infections

About the Authoi:
Bi. Biuce Ruben is the Founuei anu Neuical Biiectoi of Encompass BealthCaie anu
Wounu Neuicine, locateu in West Bloomfielu, Nichigan. Encompass Bealthcaie is an
outpatient facility featuiing auvanceu wounu caie, Iv antibiotic theiapies,
hypeibaiic oxygen tieatment, nutiitional assessment, anu othei tieatment
moualities. Bi. Ruben is boaiu ceitifieu in Inteinal Neuicine, Infectious Bisease, anu
in 0nueisea anu Bypeibaiic Neuicine. Be is a membei of the Neuical anu Scientific
Auvisoiy Committee anu National Spinal Coiu Injuiy Association (NSCIA) boaiu.

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