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Yamileth Avendano
February 20, 2014
Professor Adler
English 1A
Fight For A Dream

When reading Grandes novel, The Distance between us, there are many problems
encountered. One in general is poverty. It shows how poverty among children can have
consequences in the long run. More and more children are suffering from poverty in the
United states, specifically in California. In fact, California has the highest poverty rate as
well as the wealthiest rate in the US. Most of these children suffering from poverty come
from immigrant families. Immigrant families come to make a better living and its not
easy. Its difficult for them to get a job due to not having legal documentation or speaking
English. These immigrant migrating families also have undocumented children wo tend
to face difficulties when it comes to education.
Of course, there are different types of immigrants in California. To be more
specific according to Sonya Christian, President of Bakersfield College, When I think of
immigrants in California, broadly speaking they can be clustered into three categories:
naturalized, documented non-citizens and the undocumented immigrants (1). With all
these certain types of immigrants the main focus here are undocumented immigrants.
Those specific students are the ones who are in need of the most help when it comes to
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Public school is free when it comes to elementary, middle, and high school, but
what happens when these children become young adults and cant afford to get a college
education? Many young adults that come from immigrant families arent able to get a
decent education due to coming from a low-income family. It varies from person to
person, some more poor than others. These young adults deserve to have an education
that prepares them and gets them one step closer to the American Dream.
There are many scholarships out there that can help these teenagers receive
money, but it is not enough. In fact, it not easy to get a scholarship because of how much
competition there is. There are loans that are given to students, but that only benefits
those students who have legal documentation. There is a BOG waiver available, but
many of these students are not informed. This BOG waiver is basically a form where
students fill out their information including income. They later get notified if they qualify
for this waiver that helps them pay for their studies. Authorities need to make sure they
advertise and inform students about all kinds of financial help out there, so these low-
income young adults can have an opportunity at receiving an education.
I propose more advertising and setting up more meetings that can help students
pay for their education. On top of this there should be a specific type of financial help
that helps only those that come from immigrant families suffering in poverty. There is
FAFSA available, but that only benefits those whom are born in the United States and
doesnt benefit those who are undocumented. There has to be an equal share among those
whom are born in the US and those who are not.
There is a Cal Grant that is granted to students who are undocumented for their
college studies, but it is not as much as what a documented student gets. According to a
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newspaper article written by Monte, undocumented immigrant students who pass the
high school competency exam can apply to go to college in New Mexico under a state
provision, according to Briseno. But they would not be able to qualify for federal
funding, he said (1). With this said, there is no problem when applying to college, but
when it comes to financial needs there definitely is. The Dream Act helps undocumented
students further their education, but that is temporary. As of right now it only has an
expectancy of two years, we dont exactly know what will happen after that. That is a
great start for these undocumented teenagers, but not enough. Not enough is being done
to help these undocumented students out. Its as if congress is focusing on greater
issues and not caring about whats in store for the undocumented.
According to a study done, financial status affects student behavior and drop out
rates in college (Ishitani 853). With this being said, most of those college drop outs are
undocumented students because they dont have sufficient money to keep on furthering
their education. Undocumented students deserve to graduate without having to worry
about not having enough money. Some even drop out due to them having to get a job
because their parents are in such poverty. Its not easy to get a job if a college degree is
not granted. Minimum wage wont be enough. It is not fair to see all these legal
Americans graduating because they do have the money to do so while these
undocumented students dont get the opportunity. Sure there are certain exceptions where
undocumented students graduate as well, but that number is low.
We need to consider the fact that some of these low- income, undocumented
students really do want to pursue a great career. The state needs to prioritize and help
them financially. As mentioned earlier there needs to be a specific document that helps
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the undocumented financially. It should help those who are willing to study and stay
committed to school and further their education. Equal opportunities should be available
for these students.
Coming from a low- income, immigrant family suffering in poverty is not easy.
My proposal should be taken in consideration to help these minorities have a decent
education. It wont hurt to help give them financial help as long as theyre studying. It
doesnt seem fair for minorities to stay in poverty when they are really trying to do
something out of their lives. Undocumented students should not be considered any less
than those who are documented.
We should all try and help these students who really want an education. Many of
those who are documented take it for granted while these undocumented wish they had an
opportunity. Everyone can contribute little by little. Anything that can help grant these
undocumented students a better education should be considered. Remember being
undocumented doesnt make a person any less.

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