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LIEBHERR 2010 World Team Table Tennis Championships, Mosco, R!" Ma# 2$
% Ma# $0 , 2010 WTTC
H&I&"& 200' World Table Tennis Championships, (o)ohama, *+, Apr 2- % Ma# . ,
200' WTTC
Ever/rande Real Es0a0e 200- World Team Table Tennis Championships, 12an/3ho2 ,
CH, 4eb 25 % Mar 2 , 200- WTTC
LIEBHERR 2006 World Table Tennis Championships, 7a/reb, HR8 Ma# 21 % Ma#
26 , 2006 WTTC
LIEBHERR 2009 World Team Table Tennis Championships, Bremen, 1ER Apr 25 %
Ma# 1 , 2009 WTTC
200. World Table Tennis Championships, "han/hai, CH, Apr $0 % Ma# 9 , 200.
2005 World Team Table Tennis Championships, :oha, ;AT Mar 1 % Mar 6 , 2005
200$ World Championshps, +aris, 4RA Ma# 1' % Ma# 2. , 200$ WTTC
2001 World Championshps, <sa)a, *+, Apr 2$ % Ma# 9 , 2001 WTTC
2000 World Championshps, =2ala L2mp2r, MA" *an 1 % *an 1 , 2000 WTTC
1''' World Championshps, Eindhoven, ,E: A2/ 2 % A2/ - , 1''' WTTC
1''6 World Championshps, Manches0er, E,1 Apr 25 % Ma# . , 1''6 WTTC
1''. World Championshps, Tian>in, CH, Ma# 1 % Ma# 15 , 1''. WTTC
1''$ World Championshps, 1o0henb2r/, "WE Ma# 11 % Ma# 2$ , 1''$ WTTC
1''1 World Championshps, Chiba Ci0#, *+, Apr 25 % Ma# 9 , 1''1 WTTC
1'-' World Championshps, :or0m2nd, 4R1 Mar 2' % Apr ' , 1'-' WTTC
1'-6 World Championshps, ,e :elhi, I,: 4eb 1- % Mar 1 , 1'-6 WTTC
1'-. World Championshps, 1o0henb2r/, "WE Mar 2- % Apr 6 , 1'-. WTTC
1'-$ World Championshps, To)#o, *+, Apr 2- % Ma# ' , 1'-$ WTTC
1'-1 World Championshps, ,ovi "ad, (!1 Apr 15 % Apr 29 , 1'-1 WTTC
Compe0i0ive 0able 0ennis is pop2lar in Asia and E2rope and has been /ainin/ a00en0ion in 0he
!ni0ed "0a0es&
The mos0 impor0an0 in0erna0ional compe0i0ions are World C2p, World Championships, 0he
<l#mpics and 0he ITT4 +ro To2r, as ell as con0inen0al compe0i0ions li)e E2ropean
Championships, E2rope Top%12, Asian Championships and Asian 1ames& China con0in2es 0o
domina0e mos0 orld 0i0les, hile o0her s0ron/ 0eams come ?rom Eas0 Asia and E2rope incl2din/
4rance, 1erman#, "erbia, Hon/ =on/, *apan, "o20h =orea, "in/apore, "eden, and Taian&
There are also pro?essional compe0i0ions a0 0he cl2bs level& The na0ional lea/2e o? co2n0ries li)e
China @0he China Table Tennis "2per Lea/2eA, 1erman#, 4rance, Bel/i2m and A2s0ria are some
o? 0he eBamples bein/ a0 0he hi/hes0 level& There are also some impor0an0 in0erna0ional cl2b
0eams compe0i0ions s2ch as 0he E2ropean Champions Lea/2e and i0s ?ormer compe0i0ion, 0he
E2ropean Cl2b C2p, hich 0he 0op cl2b 0eams ?rom di??eren0 E2ropean co2n0ries compe0e&
Chinese pla#ers have on 0he menCs World Championship 90D o? 0he 0ime since 1'.'E in 0he
omenCs compe0i0ion, Chinese pla#ers have on all b20 0o o? 0he World Championships since
The In0erna0ional Table Tennis 4edera0ion @ITT4AF orldide /overnin/ bod# i0h na0ional bodies
responsible ?or 0he spor0 in each co2n0r#& There are o0her local a20hori0ies applicable as ell&
G The E2ropean Table Tennis !nion @ETT!A is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis
in E2rope&
G The En/lish Table Tennis Associa0ion is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis in
G The Irish Table Tennis Associa0ion is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis in
G The +olish Table Tennis Associa0ion is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis in
G The "co00ish Table Tennis Associa0ion is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis in
G The Table Tennis Associa0ion o? Wales is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis in
G The Canadian Table Tennis Associa0ion is 0he /overnin/ bod# responsible ?or 0able 0ennis in
G The !"A Table Tennis @!"ATTAF na0ional /overnin/ bod# ?or 0able 0ennis in 0he !ni0ed "0a0es&
G The ,a0ional Colle/ia0e Table Tennis Associa0ion @,CTTAAF o??icial /overnin/ bod# ?or
colle/ia0e 0able 0ennis in 0he !ni0ed "0a0es& I0 cond2c0s 0he !&"& in0ercolle/ia0e championships
G The Table Tennis 4edera0ion o? India @TT4IA is 0he /overnin/ bod# ?or 0able 0ennis in India&

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