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To 1980 the Clarin Group had become the largest distributor of journals in the Spanish-speaking
world (when profits reached 900 million dollars).8 the Group diversified enormously since 1990,
when it came into the sector with the acquisition of Channel 13 television, and also ventured into
radio with the purchase of Radio Mitre. Following its expansion in television cable in 1992
(multichannel), Todo Noticias (news of the Group channel) was established in 1993 and continues to
be one of the most influential in the industry. The conglomerate also controls Patagonik Film Group
and numerous provincial newspapers (among the most notable, the Andes of Mendoza and the voice
of the Interior of Cordoba).9 Clicking Here.
To 1980 the Clarin Group had become the largest distributor of journals in the Spanish-speaking
world (when profits reached 900 million dollars).8 the Group diversified enormously since 1990,
when it came into the sector with the acquisition of Channel 13 television, and also ventured into
radio with the purchase of Radio Mitre. Following its expansion in television cable in 1992
(multichannel), Todo Noticias (news of the Group channel) was established in 1993 and continues to
be one of the most influential in the industry. The conglomerate also controls Patagonik Film Group
and numerous provincial newspapers (among the most notable, the Andes of Mendoza and the voice
of the Interior of Cordoba).9
Its major shareholders are Hctor Magnetto, Ernestina Herrera de Noble and Rafael Lucio
Pagliaro, Jos Antonio Aranda. Together make up 70,99% of the shares; In addition, all of them
occupy jobs in the company. The remaining percentage is divided between a 8.75% that corresponds
to the investor group Booth American Company Investment LLC and 20.26% is considered capital
flotante.10 since 2008, from the nationalization of the administrators of retirement and pension
funds, the Government owns 9% of the group, through the guarantee fund's sustainability, however
the company refused to accept the participation of the State in the directory and the asambleas.11
Between 2009 and 2013 held a judicial proceedings against the Executive Branch which exempted it
fulfil the law of Audiovisual communication services with regards to pads of quantity of licenses and
market share.
Despite its recent formation in 1999, the Group's history dates back to the year 1945, when Roberto
Noble founded the Diario Clarn. After the death of Noble in 1969, his widow, Ernestina Herrera de
Noble, assumes the direction of the morning, forming the newspaper of Argentines as the newspaper
that reported objectively.
In 1976, year in which occurs the military coup that gives home to the last dictatorship in Argentina,
opens the first subsidiary of Clarin, the company graphic arts Rioplatense (AGR).13 in 1982, Clarin,
along with newspapers La Nacin - that is politically related through their owners- and reason take
actions in the recycle paper press S. A. In a way irregular.14 the journal participates in the creation
of news agency Newspapers and news (DyN) in 1982. With the acquisition of Papel Prensa, (the
producer of the country's most important role) group ensured the supply of paper at a price almost
nil, since it sells raw himself. In the following years the journal grows like no other in the Argentina.
In the year 1990, with the privatization of several media, Clarn begins to spread to other media.
First acquires Radio Mitre.15 then, wins the tender to operate the Channel 13 through its subsidiary
art Radiotelevisivo Argentino (ARTEAR). It also ventured into television by cable by multichannel in
1992. In 1993, Artear launches cable channel: Todo Noticias (TN), and in 1994, the signal return,
transmitting historical Argentine television programs and series.
In the year 1996 is the online version of Clarn and comes to the streets daily Ole, specializing in
sports. The city Internet portal is also created in 1997. In that same year, it also creates the
company Inversora de media of communication S. A. (CIMECO), next to La Nacin. The firm
manages morning in the interior of the country; among them, Los Andes.16 El Grupo Clarn and La
Voz del Interior is formally constituted as a corporation in 1999 and introduced as a minority
shareholder to Goldman Sachs.
In 2000, the Group buys La Razn, 17 is associated with Pol-ka television producer and takes part
in the actions of the Patagonik film. Between 2005 and 2007, Clarn Group acquires cable system,
18 19 TV provider cable competing with multichannel. Then, both companies merged and presented
together a Digital Television Service.
El Grupo Clarn - until 1982 as Diario Clarin - held varied forms interact with public authorities of
Argentina and, mainly, with its Presidents.
The newspaper was favorable to the self-proclaimed coup Revolucin Libertadora that toppled Juan
Domingo Pern in 1955. Although Peronism was proscribed, its lid on September 22 he published
"is total tranquility in the country and the Gral. Lonardi swore morning as President", also
published the biography of dictator.
Wrote the following day on its front page: "appointment of honor with liberty. Also for the Republic
the night is behind us". Amidst the exultant joy citizen assumes the new President.
Enthusiastic standard bearer will receive Buenos Aires to general Lonardi.20
El Clarn newspaper not antagonizo with the arrival of the Government de-facto. According to
Graciela Mochkofskynota 1 this can be verified by journalistic treatment of the military Government
had and self censorship periodistica.21
The morning of March 24, 1976, the day of the coup, Marcos Cytrynblum, editor-in-Chief of the
newspaper, was summoned to Government House by two ship captains who will serve as director of
press and public information Secretary. They informed him that all journalistic material should be
previously overseen by them, so requesting him testing page from the diary prior to publication. A
few approved pages only had returned at 4 in the morning of March 25. Frankinho88177 protested
by phone Is it who do not want to leave the newspaper?. Immediately returned them the rest of
the pages with a few anotaciones.21
According to Mochkofsky, an editor of the Daily Bugle, who not appointment at the request of the
latter, said respect of prior censorship of the Government de-facto: 22
"the only information we had was that came from the Government. If by censure, we understand
deletions, I don't remember. They were some assholes in the annotations. They were nothing.
They said that it could not say or fucking, or poop or Montoneros, and not screwed more.
Next morning page tests were all returned on time and almost no objections. On the third day the
control office was closed. The auto press censorship was enough to make unnecessary beforehand
by the Government de-facto. Until 1981 the journal remained an essentially non-critical editorial
line. The editorial of March 24, 1979, third anniversary of the coup said:
... Date - March 24, 1976 - divided the political history of the country in a clear-cut manner. On
the eve, a vacuum of power that it was covered by the disorder, anarchy and the guerrillas. The next
day, a slow and safe process of reorganization, for which lent their acquiescence citizenship.22
The supposedly irregular purchase of producer of newspaper paper press S.A., which investigates
the Argentine justice from 2010, would have been validated by the dictatorship supposedly in
Exchange for not to mention in their media crimes against humanity, or presenting them as crosses
between criminals and the forces of seguridad.23 24
The only critical voices were on Jos Alfredo Martnez de Hoz ultra-liberal economic policies.
Until 1981, the year in which there was an internal restructuring of the daily imposed by Ernestina
Herrera de Noble, Publisher Rogelio Frigerio had kept the editorial within the ideology
Clarin begins to distance Government de-facto when the economic crisis deepened. On March 30,
1981, he published the first requested asking that missing persons appear with life.[25]

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