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Its a Love Story

Today we all live in a world where we want to be the best. Best in everything, w
e want to have the best house, best interiors, best cars, maximum revenue and no
t just that, we even want our social networking status updates, pictures and pos
ts to get maximum likes and comments. We are all selfish in some way or the othe
r. We all want to push someone down and climb up the ladder and make our spot th
ere. My story is slightly different. I wasnt running behind fame, money or power.
I was running behind love. In the sense I love to get love and I was living in
a world of my own where everyone loved me, my family, my relatives, my friends,
my neighbours and everybody whom I knew. I had no clue what it felt like to not
be loved, I did not know the feeling of dejection or animosity. There was no su
ch soul I could think of, who despised me or hated my presence in this world.
Then there came a phase in Life when all that I had was suddenly turning away fo
r me. No matter how hard I tried to impress people, be nice to them it was turni
ng out to be completely futile. I tried a lot to be the best, tried day and nigh
t to get that care and importance back. ThEn one day I was just thinking to myse
lf that, what one earth am I running behind? What am I doing with the time that
Allaah (swt) has given me? What will I get even if these people love me or dont?
My tears and heart aches mean nothing to them. That was the moment which turned
my interest and passion towards someone else. Someone who has always been there
with me, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in victory and in failu
re, when the whole world loved and when no one did, when I looked the best and e
vn when I looked shabby. He has loved me from each days dusk to dawn so truthfull
y. I have realised that His is the only Love that is genuine. He is none other t
han my Lord my God my Allaah swt. I have started to love Him so much that I want
to die loving Him, I want to fall more madly and more deeply in love with Him.
Love which will never be revoked or diminished Inshallah. He is the One who taug
ht me the true definition of Love. He is the one who kept looking at me even whe
n I was busy looking at others. He is the one who gets hurt when I get hurt, He
is the one who loves me seventy time more than what my mother does. He is the on
e who makes ways and means to make me happy, he is the one who sends someone to
make me smile when I get hurt and dejected. He is the one gives me hope that eve
rything is going to be fine. He is the one who tells me that everything that I w
ant will be gifted to me in the most beautiful way, soon. He is the one who turn
s my tears into blessings. Who blesses me with every small and large block that
come my way. From getting bitten from an ant to getting afflicted by decease/cal
amity. How could I have wasted so much time not seeing His love. Not understandi
ng how much I have let him down running behind useless things. Not realising tha
t the only one who truly loves me is the one who wanted me to come into this wor
ld. Who gave me life and made my life so beautiful. I will not say I want to tha
nk Him I will say that I want to Love him, more and more every day for all the L
ove that his given me, for letting me live and making me realise the meaning of
Life, which is so simple. My life, my sacrifices, my dreams, my prayers, my Love
and my death is all for my Lord Allaah, who deserves all the praise, grandeur w
orship and Love.
This is my Love Story and I have said Yes!
Its a Love Story
Today we all live in a world where we want to be the best. Best in everything, w
e want to have the best house, best interiors, best cars, maximum revenue and no
t just that, we even want our social networking status updates, pictures and pos
ts to get maximum likes and comments. We are all selfish in some way or the othe
r. We all want to push someone down and climb up the ladder and make our spot th
ere. My story is slightly different. I wasnt running behind fame, money or power.
I was running behind love. In the sense I love to get love and I was living in
a world of my own where everyone loved me, my family, my relatives, my friends,
my neighbours and everybody whom I knew. I had no clue what it felt like to not
be loved, I did not know the feeling of dejection or animosity. There was no su
ch soul I could think of, who despised me or hated my presence in this world.
Then there came a phase in Life when all that I had was suddenly turning away fo
r me. No matter how hard I tried to impress people, be nice to them it was turni
ng out to be completely futile. I tried a lot to be the best, tried day and nigh
t to get that care and importance back. ThEn one day I was just thinking to myse
lf that, what one earth am I running behind? What am I doing with the time that
Allaah (swt) has given me? What will I get even if these people love me or dont?
My tears and heart aches mean nothing to them. That was the moment which turned
my interest and passion towards someone else. Someone who has always been there
with me, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in victory and in failu
re, when the whole world loved and when no one did, when I looked the best and e
vn when I looked shabby. He has loved me from each days dusk to dawn so truthfull
y. I have realised that His is the only Love that is genuine. He is none other t
han my Lord my God my Allaah swt. I have started to love Him so much that I want
to die loving Him, I want to fall more madly and more deeply in love with Him.
Love which will never be revoked or diminished Inshallah. He is the One who taug
ht me the true definition of Love. He is the one who kept looking at me even whe
n I was busy looking at others. He is the one who gets hurt when I get hurt, He
is the one who loves me seventy time more than what my mother does. He is the on
e who makes ways and means to make me happy, he is the one who sends someone to
make me smile when I get hurt and dejected. He is the one gives me hope that eve
rything is going to be fine. He is the one who tells me that everything that I w
ant will be gifted to me in the most beautiful way, soon. He is the one who turn
s my tears into blessings. Who blesses me with every small and large block that
come my way. From getting bitten from an ant to getting afflicted by decease/cal
amity. How could I have wasted so much time not seeing His love. Not understandi
ng how much I have let him down running behind useless things. Not realising tha
t the only one who truly loves me is the one who wanted me to come into this wor
ld. Who gave me life and made my life so beautiful. I will not say I want to tha
nk Him I will say that I want to Love him, more and more every day for all the L
ove that his given me, for letting me live and making me realise the meaning of
Life, which is so simple. My life, my sacrifices, my dreams, my prayers, my Love
and my death is all for my Lord Allaah, who deserves all the praise, grandeur w
orship and Love.
This is my Love Story and I have said Yes!
Its a Love Story
Today we all live in a world where we want to be the best. Best in everything, w
e want to have the best house, best interiors, best cars, maximum revenue and no
t just that, we even want our social networking status updates, pictures and pos
ts to get maximum likes and comments. We are all selfish in some way or the othe
r. We all want to push someone down and climb up the ladder and make our spot th
ere. My story is slightly different. I wasnt running behind fame, money or power.
I was running behind love. In the sense I love to get love and I was living in
a world of my own where everyone loved me, my family, my relatives, my friends,
my neighbours and everybody whom I knew. I had no clue what it felt like to not
be loved, I did not know the feeling of dejection or animosity. There was no su
ch soul I could think of, who despised me or hated my presence in this world.
Then there came a phase in Life when all that I had was suddenly turning away fo
r me. No matter how hard I tried to impress people, be nice to them it was turni
ng out to be completely futile. I tried a lot to be the best, tried day and nigh
t to get that care and importance back. ThEn one day I was just thinking to myse
lf that, what one earth am I running behind? What am I doing with the time that
Allaah (swt) has given me? What will I get even if these people love me or dont?
My tears and heart aches mean nothing to them. That was the moment which turned
my interest and passion towards someone else. Someone who has always been there
with me, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in victory and in failu
re, when the whole world loved and when no one did, when I looked the best and e
vn when I looked shabby. He has loved me from each days dusk to dawn so truthfull
y. I have realised that His is the only Love that is genuine. He is none other t
han my Lord my God my Allaah swt. I have started to love Him so much that I want
to die loving Him, I want to fall more madly and more deeply in love with Him.
Love which will never be revoked or diminished Inshallah. He is the One who taug
ht me the true definition of Love. He is the one who kept looking at me even whe
n I was busy looking at others. He is the one who gets hurt when I get hurt, He
is the one who loves me seventy time more than what my mother does. He is the on
e who makes ways and means to make me happy, he is the one who sends someone to
make me smile when I get hurt and dejected. He is the one gives me hope that eve
rything is going to be fine. He is the one who tells me that everything that I w
ant will be gifted to me in the most beautiful way, soon. He is the one who turn
s my tears into blessings. Who blesses me with every small and large block that
come my way. From getting bitten from an ant to getting afflicted by decease/cal
amity. How could I have wasted so much time not seeing His love. Not understandi
ng how much I have let him down running behind useless things. Not realising tha
t the only one who truly loves me is the one who wanted me to come into this wor
ld. Who gave me life and made my life so beautiful. I will not say I want to tha
nk Him I will say that I want to Love him, more and more every day for all the L
ove that his given me, for letting me live and making me realise the meaning of
Life, which is so simple. My life, my sacrifices, my dreams, my prayers, my Love
and my death is all for my Lord Allaah, who deserves all the praise, grandeur w
orship and Love.
This is my Love Story and I have said Yes!
Its a Love Story
Today we all live in a world where we want to be the best. Best in everything, w
e want to have the best house, best interiors, best cars, maximum revenue and no
t just that, we even want our social networking status updates, pictures and pos
ts to get maximum likes and comments. We are all selfish in some way or the othe
r. We all want to push someone down and climb up the ladder and make our spot th
ere. My story is slightly different. I wasnt running behind fame, money or power.
I was running behind love. In the sense I love to get love and I was living in
a world of my own where everyone loved me, my family, my relatives, my friends,
my neighbours and everybody whom I knew. I had no clue what it felt like to not
be loved, I did not know the feeling of dejection or animosity. There was no su
ch soul I could think of, who despised me or hated my presence in this world.
Then there came a phase in Life when all that I had was suddenly turning away fo
r me. No matter how hard I tried to impress people, be nice to them it was turni
ng out to be completely futile. I tried a lot to be the best, tried day and nigh
t to get that care and importance back. ThEn one day I was just thinking to myse
lf that, what one earth am I running behind? What am I doing with the time that
Allaah (swt) has given me? What will I get even if these people love me or dont?
My tears and heart aches mean nothing to them. That was the moment which turned
my interest and passion towards someone else. Someone who has always been there
with me, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in victory and in failu
re, when the whole world loved and when no one did, when I looked the best and e
vn when I looked shabby. He has loved me from each days dusk to dawn so truthfull
y. I have realised that His is the only Love that is genuine. He is none other t
han my Lord my God my Allaah swt. I have started to love Him so much that I want
to die loving Him, I want to fall more madly and more deeply in love with Him.
Love which will never be revoked or diminished Inshallah. He is the One who taug
ht me the true definition of Love. He is the one who kept looking at me even whe
n I was busy looking at others. He is the one who gets hurt when I get hurt, He
is the one who loves me seventy time more than what my mother does. He is the on
e who makes ways and means to make me happy, he is the one who sends someone to
make me smile when I get hurt and dejected. He is the one gives me hope that eve
rything is going to be fine. He is the one who tells me that everything that I w
ant will be gifted to me in the most beautiful way, soon. He is the one who turn
s my tears into blessings. Who blesses me with every small and large block that
come my way. From getting bitten from an ant to getting afflicted by decease/cal
amity. How could I have wasted so much time not seeing His love. Not understandi
ng how much I have let him down running behind useless things. Not realising tha
t the only one who truly loves me is the one who wanted me to come into this wor
ld. Who gave me life and made my life so beautiful. I will not say I want to tha
nk Him I will say that I want to Love him, more and more every day for all the L
ove that his given me, for letting me live and making me realise the meaning of
Life, which is so simple. My life, my sacrifices, my dreams, my prayers, my Love
and my death is all for my Lord Allaah, who deserves all the praise, grandeur w
orship and Love.
This is my Love Story and I have said Yes!
Its a Love Story
Today we all live in a world where we want to be the best. Best in everything, w
e want to have the best house, best interiors, best cars, maximum revenue and no
t just that, we even want our social networking status updates, pictures and pos
ts to get maximum likes and comments. We are all selfish in some way or the othe
r. We all want to push someone down and climb up the ladder and make our spot th
ere. My story is slightly different. I wasnt running behind fame, money or power.
I was running behind love. In the sense I love to get love and I was living in
a world of my own where everyone loved me, my family, my relatives, my friends,
my neighbours and everybody whom I knew. I had no clue what it felt like to not
be loved, I did not know the feeling of dejection or animosity. There was no su
ch soul I could think of, who despised me or hated my presence in this world.
Then there came a phase in Life when all that I had was suddenly turning away fo
r me. No matter how hard I tried to impress people, be nice to them it was turni
ng out to be completely futile. I tried a lot to be the best, tried day and nigh
t to get that care and importance back. ThEn one day I was just thinking to myse
lf that, what one earth am I running behind? What am I doing with the time that
Allaah (swt) has given me? What will I get even if these people love me or dont?
My tears and heart aches mean nothing to them. That was the moment which turned
my interest and passion towards someone else. Someone who has always been there
with me, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in victory and in failu
re, when the whole world loved and when no one did, when I looked the best and e
vn when I looked shabby. He has loved me from each days dusk to dawn so truthfull
y. I have realised that His is the only Love that is genuine. He is none other t
han my Lord my God my Allaah swt. I have started to love Him so much that I want
to die loving Him, I want to fall more madly and more deeply in love with Him.
Love which will never be revoked or diminished Inshallah. He is the One who taug
ht me the true definition of Love. He is the one who kept looking at me even whe
n I was busy looking at others. He is the one who gets hurt when I get hurt, He
is the one who loves me seventy time more than what my mother does. He is the on
e who makes ways and means to make me happy, he is the one who sends someone to
make me smile when I get hurt and dejected. He is the one gives me hope that eve
rything is going to be fine. He is the one who tells me that everything that I w
ant will be gifted to me in the most beautiful way, soon. He is the one who turn
s my tears into blessings. Who blesses me with every small and large block that
come my way. From getting bitten from an ant to getting afflicted by decease/cal
amity. How could I have wasted so much time not seeing His love. Not understandi
ng how much I have let him down running behind useless things. Not realising tha
t the only one who truly loves me is the one who wanted me to come into this wor
ld. Who gave me life and made my life so beautiful. I will not say I want to tha
nk Him I will say that I want to Love him, more and more every day for all the L
ove that his given me, for letting me live and making me realise the meaning of
Life, which is so simple. My life, my sacrifices, my dreams, my prayers, my Love
and my death is all for my Lord Allaah, who deserves all the praise, grandeur w
orship and Love.
This is my Love Story and I have said Yes!
Its a Love Story
Today we all live in a world where we want to be the best. Best in everything, w
e want to have the best house, best interiors, best cars, maximum revenue and no
t just that, we even want our social networking status updates, pictures and pos
ts to get maximum likes and comments. We are all selfish in some way or the othe
r. We all want to push someone down and climb up the ladder and make our spot th
ere. My story is slightly different. I wasnt running behind fame, money or power.
I was running behind love. In the sense I love to get love and I was living in
a world of my own where everyone loved me, my family, my relatives, my friends,
my neighbours and everybody whom I knew. I had no clue what it felt like to not
be loved, I did not know the feeling of dejection or animosity. There was no su
ch soul I could think of, who despised me or hated my presence in this world.
Then there came a phase in Life when all that I had was suddenly turning away fo
r me. No matter how hard I tried to impress people, be nice to them it was turni
ng out to be completely futile. I tried a lot to be the best, tried day and nigh
t to get that care and importance back. ThEn one day I was just thinking to myse
lf that, what one earth am I running behind? What am I doing with the time that
Allaah (swt) has given me? What will I get even if these people love me or dont?
My tears and heart aches mean nothing to them. That was the moment which turned
my interest and passion towards someone else. Someone who has always been there
with me, through thick and thin, in sickness and health, in victory and in failu
re, when the whole world loved and when no one did, when I looked the best and e
vn when I looked shabby. He has loved me from each days dusk to dawn so truthfull
y. I have realised that His is the only Love that is genuine. He is none other t
han my Lord my God my Allaah swt. I have started to love Him so much that I want
to die loving Him, I want to fall more madly and more deeply in love with Him.
Love which will never be revoked or diminished Inshallah. He is the One who taug
ht me the true definition of Love. He is the one who kept looking at me even whe
n I was busy looking at others. He is the one who gets hurt when I get hurt, He
is the one who loves me seventy time more than what my mother does. He is the on
e who makes ways and means to make me happy, he is the one who sends someone to
make me smile when I get hurt and dejected. He is the one gives me hope that eve
rything is going to be fine. He is the one who tells me that everything that I w
ant will be gifted to me in the most beautiful way, soon. He is the one who turn
s my tears into blessings. Who blesses me with every small and large block that
come my way. From getting bitten from an ant to getting afflicted by decease/cal
amity. How could I have wasted so much time not seeing His love. Not understandi
ng how much I have let him down running behind useless things. Not realising tha
t the only one who truly loves me is the one who wanted me to come into this wor
ld. Who gave me life and made my life so beautiful. I will not say I want to tha
nk Him I will say that I want to Love him, more and more every day for all the L
ove that his given me, for letting me live and making me realise the meaning of
Life, which is so simple. My life, my sacrifices, my dreams, my prayers, my Love
and my death is all for my Lord Allaah, who deserves all the praise, grandeur w
orship and Love.
This is my Love Story and I have said Yes!

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