Insightful Background of Tarot Cards

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Tarot cards were presented during the early 14th century in Italy and France as an early type of a
contemporary deck of playing cards to play a card game called Tarocchi, but it had nothing to do
with the telling of fortunes. The 22 major arcana cards were used as trumps and the 56 minor
arcana cards were really like today's playing cards except of course that every suit was made up
of 14 cards. There are plenty of theories about how precisely the name was created and one of
them is that the name had come from the Arabic word Turuqthat means four ways.

In the second half of the 15th century, the manufacturers of cards began to standardize the main
arcana as opposed to before where players could stipulate the conditions on which they played
the trumps. Certain cards such as Death were considered by some people to be offensive leading
a lot of spiritual leaders to fight for a prohibition. The re-emergence of the Tarot around 1780 is
generally due to Gebelin who thought it had originated in Egypt and contained mystical
information which could be utilized for fortune-telling. The cards themselves did start to change
and the alterations were made in line with the various secret societies which made the cards.

There really was no basis in fact or historical information for the Egyptian origin nevertheless the
myth endured with the introduction of the belief in 1857 that the Gypsies (then considered of
Egyptian origin) had spread the usage of these cards through Europe. In the 19th century, the
renowned occultist Eliphas Levi put forth a relationship between the Tarot and the Jewish mystic
work called the Kaballah, which in turn instigated the theory that it had descended from Israel and
possessed the secrets of the Tree of Life. Since that time, it is often linked them with many
various religions and groups.

The resurgence of Tarot in the 20th century began with Arthur Waite who commissioned the
production of what he called the "rectified" Tarot. This rendition has been widely accepted as
legitimate and is widely the most famous deck. The most significant improvement was in the
treatment of the minor Arcana as well as the graphic image designs that made it clear to see the
meaning of each tarot card. Today's cards indicate the different developments in religious and
cultural thinking and the diversity helps users to select the design which matches them best. The
Tarot has been able to sustain its identity and personality through the large number of changes
and enables people who perform readings to really make it a personalized experience for
anybody whose fortune is being told.

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