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What is Profi?

Profi is an experiential learning and

mentoring programme initiated by Pontio
that challenges young people to look at
issues facing their community and to be
proactive in finding solutions that result in
positive change, all the while gaining the
skills and attitudes necessary to succeed in
todays world. After taking part in a series
of workshops, teams from across Anglesey
will pitch their ideas in an event hosted by
Pontio, competing for a cash prize towards
implementing their solution.
Become a Volunteer Proficator and:

Receive tailored training to support the
programme and your own

Develop valuable facilitation,
mentoring and coaching skills

Apply knowledge of your degree
specialism to a real life challenge

Gain hands-on experience working
with young people

Expand your networks

Gain Bangor Employability Award XP

Interested? For more information or to
register your interest contact Elen Bonner,
Profi Project Manager: / 01248 382813.
Profi is based on Bangor Universitys flagship undergraduate experiential learning programme Enterprise by Design and is funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation with support from
Reaching Wider. The activities have been co-produced by Pontio, Chris Walker - People Systems International, Bangor University students and pupils from Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni. Pontio is
grateful to the growing Profi community which includes: Esme Fairbairn Foundation, North and Mid Wales Reaching Wider Partnership, Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni, Bangor University, Careers
Wales and Families First Project, STEMnet Cymru, Technocamps, Bangor Employability Award, The People and Work Unit, GISDA, Cwmnir Frn Wen, WJEC.
What will I do?

Design and facilitate workshop
activities in schools as part of the Profi

Mentor and coach young people to
reach their potential

Apply knowledge of your degree
specialism to a real life challenge

Get involved with the development of
your role and the overall project
* Opportunities are limited and you will be required to attend an
informal interview. Workshops will take place in schools across
Anglesey from September December 2014 and so the ability
to speak Welsh and to be able to drive is desirable, although
anyone with an interest in getting involved is encouraged to
apply. Workshop dates will be determined by the availability of
participants and volunteers.
I had worked with young adults before but
this was a completely new experience mainly
because we had so much involvement with the
planning and running of the scheme. It was
also a great way to meet a range of new
people from the University and across courses
and got me applying my course skills in a
novel setting. Volunteer Proficator

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