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Rosaly Rodriguez

Mr. Keith Schoen

Historical Analysis
4 November 2013
Animal Farm
In 1916 the people in Russia were horrible, oppressed,poor, and with any hope from the
government. While this Revolution was taking place two differents revolutions were taking part
in Russia. The first was the February and October Revolution . In February the people removed
Tsar Nicholas from the government, as a result of not obtaining what they had been expecting
from his government. In October the government that was known as provisional become the
Soviet Union. Orwell wrote Animal Farm during this time ,writing of a poor government were
differents type of leaders had taken control over Russia. After Tzar Nicholas removal Lenin
come in to take power, but this one died and replaced by Joseph Stalin. In Animal farm Orwell
writes a funny story about animals talking and having control of a farm. Each animal has an
important part in this book. It starts with Old major the wisest animal in the farm . When this
one dies the animals are very sad because he was the one who guided and told them what to do.
He had taught them that they shouldn't be friends with any humans, and things that humans do.
Old Major represents Lenin , his ideas and how he treat them.Communism was the idea that
Lenin wanted the people to follow. Orwell uses Animalism to the animals to describe the
behaviors of Lenin, thats what Old Major introduce them , with a song that the animals had been
been singing when they had problems. The book Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegory
for the power struggle during the Russian Revolution in 1916.
Tsar Nicholas poor leadership ,this resembles Mr. Jones bad treatment to the animals. Tsar
Nicholas ruled over Russia, but was an unpopular leader that did nothing for the people or show
interest in helping them. Tsar Nicholas was elected by the people that worked for the leaving
out others opinions. During his time as a ruler Russia was a disaster. Nicholas didn't put that
important on his people, he wasn't like the type of ruler that do things on the things that occurred
around him. Mr Jones the owner of the farm fed the animals and cared to their necessities. Mr.
Jones thought was an alcoholic and one day forgot to feed the animals. He forget all of his duties
in the farm , at first Mr. Jones had been taking care the animal, well not taking care but giving
food to them. One night Mr. Jones gets drunk and falls asleep on a table and forgets the animals.
This is what starts the animals towards Mr. Jones. Nicholas bad leadership had brought a bad
reaction out of the people , Mr Jones bad treat bring the animals tired of him.
During October Revolution the people rebelled against Tsar Nicholas government , which is
similar to the animals rebellion against Mr. Jones. In Russia the people had stop working, some
had left the factories and went to the streets and protest against Nicholas government . Womens
threw themselves to the streets protesting of how their families were hungry and tired of working
long hours. More and more people took part in the protest most of the city was closed and
everyone stopped working. Nicholas disregarded the situation and did not pay attention to these
he didn't even take it seriously. By March 1, everyone concluded that Nicholas government was
over, and then the next day he left the government. The animals were now running all over the
farm . The cows and the horses started kicking their food containers, Mr. Jones start whipping
the animals and the animals had started getting mad with Mr. Jones resulting in the animals
furiously attacking him and his wife.
After Nicholas government Lenin took power, and then Stalin took power of his ideas and
of Russia.This resembles the pigs taking power of the other animals . Joseph Stalin had been
using many methods to control the country . He wanted the people to focus on saying what he
wanted heard which was everything related to his propagandas. Stalin eliminated anyone who
was against his opinions. Napoleon one of the pigs from Animal farm had taken control over the
farm. Old major end of living had come. He had organize a meeting for that all the animals to go
and heard what he had to tell them. Old major was the one that had talked about Animalism to
the others animals. He gave the animals commands that they have to follow. After Mr. Jones
death they were all alone in the farm. This is when Napoleon , Squealer and Showball rised to
control and start taking the power over the farm. Napoleon wanted that all animal to do
something . Each animal have to try to learn how to read and write. Some of them didn't wanted
to learn , but others were interested in doing so. This is when Napoleon makes everyone on the
farm to be under his authority. The dogs were the military force that Napoleon had. He had been
intimidating all the animals , to keep his power.
Overall Animal Farm is an allegory for the power struggle during Russian Revolution. During
this Revolution Russia the had a lot of different governments that give different treatment to the
people . From Tsar Nicholas irresponsible government to Stalin powerful government . The
people from Russia had been mistreated like the animals of Animal farm. These animals had to
take their place and do all things as humans. When Mr. Jones dies the pigs had take control on
the other animals and did what Mr. Jones use to do, some even learned to read and write. The
pigs had been forcing the others animals to do things, like Russia that had become from a trust
country to a war country.

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