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hat an experience at the Imagine Con-
ference to be a part of a group of
more then 4,000 young people joining in
for one intention to glorify Jesus Christ,
our Savior. That was a lot to absorb.
Arriving there was breathtaking. There
were tents everywhere, no seriously. There
were big tents and small tents. Some people
preparing to put up a tent and of course, a
few just standing in confusion not knowing
how to even get the tent out of its bag. I was
immediately ripped out of my comfort zone
but at the same time felt so tiny in this big
crowd. Seeing a few familiar faces brought
comfort and excitement in this situation.
The next day we started off the day in
worship. WOW! It was one of the high-
lights of that weekend. The band, singers
and audience came together in great har-
mony. We were dancing and singing but
most important enjoyed the freedom of be-
ing young. Experiencing that awoken a few
deep desires in me. While standing there
looking at how young people was on re
for something, standing together worship-
ping brought me to a point of thinking on
how this even could change our genera-
tion. I started realizing what I was a part
of. A Movement that could spark up a long
awaited revival in our county. This gave me
hope and inspiration to join in and contrib-
ute something.
With hunger and compassion I wanted to
meet the puppeteers of the event, the
people behind the scenes. I started asking
around who started with the idea of Imag-
ine. With a lot of patience I nally got to
speak with one of the speakers that was a
part of the leader board. He told a story of
how one man got a vision and was driven
by it. Imagine was just one of the fruits pro-
duced by this vision. We had a great talk.
At the end of the weekend I was lled
with inspiration, joy and hope. The great-
est revelation I got from Imagine was that
if one man or woman obeys God that could
change the destiny of millions.
It was truly great.
rom the ground to the top God takes me!
Lately Ive realized that God has opened
up my world of understanding and my world
of seeing things and experiencing while I
was on an outreach to my home, Calitsdorp.
When I look back on my home I see broken-
ness, empty hearts that long to be lled with
love from their parents and close ones.
For the week that I went back home I real-
ized that I have Jesus as a true friend and dad
though I learned that I can only rely on God.
God is always there and always sees how my
home is like.
It just gave me more excitement for next
year when I go back home to serve the peo-
ple in my hometown. In a week, God has
shown me to be still and know that He is
God who is always there and every where to
be found. I know that He is going to use me
for His purpose in Calitsdorp to make people
see what he has done for us as his children
on the cross.
o I went on my rst outreach with JAM to
Koue Bokkeveld. I was super excited but
also super nervous. I didnt know what to
expect but for some reason I felt God need-
ed me there. One thing I will never forget
about that outreach was a special moment I
had with a very special lady.
One of our leaders introduced her to me.
All he said was she needed prayer and some-
one to talk to. She got really emotional and
couldnt stop crying. She shared with me
her story and what I realized was that she
was a broken woman trapped in a world of
bitterness and unforgiveness. God gave me
words to speak and I shared a little bit of
my story with her. I dont know what hap-
pened but she stopped crying and looked
at me with this big smile on her face. She
told me that my story gave her hope and
that she wanted to be like me, working
for Jesus. In that moment she forgave the
people who have hurt her but most impor-
tantly she forgave herself. It was just so cool
to see that although bad things happened
to me God is now using it to change other
peoples hearts.
reetings from Bambisana, Transkei!
Bambisana means working together
in the Xhosa language. This is the name giv-
en to the village by the early missionaries
in the 1950s. Today we get the opportunity
to continue building on the foundation of
these great men and woman of faith. Like
Paul said: it is God who makes it grow.
There has been so many highlights during
the last few months from the start of a rug-
by club to the restoration of the old church
building in the mission base. And of course,
the baby steps of River of Life Pre-School
where 13 kids receive great education and
much love.
But allow me to share one that made a big
impact on me.
Bambisana with Mr.Wong. One of our
key focuses is to build strategic partnerships
with likeminded leaders for greater im-
pact. I had the privilege of accidentally
meeting Mr.Wong a man from Cameroon
who has been teaching in Nyathi (one of the
villages close to Bambisana) for the last four
years. I met him when I started facilitating
weekly Bible studies at Makokhanye High
School. We instantly became friends and
knew this was a divine appointment. Mr.
Wong was part of YWAM in Worcester
when he felt called to serve in the Eastern
Cape...He and his family moved to the area
in 2010 and trusted God to open the doors.
He discovered that there was a vacant post
at this High School and he, being a qualied
teacher, knew that this could be a great ac-
cess point for ministry.
We have spent a lot of time together ever
since I met him. It has been encouraging,
on both sides, to see that we are not alone
in the mission of raising young leaders. He
had a desire to do a camp for 30 key young
people from the school, and we are going
to present it at Bambisana later this month.
Seeing young leaders from the area mak-
ing an impact for Christ has been our vision
and this was another way that God showed
us that He was in the business of raising
workers for ripe harvest.
here are so many pieces to the JAM puzzle,
so many people. Weve been thinking about
how fortunate we are to have so many people
involved and also that JAM is bigger than just a
little ministry in South Africa. JAM is a small rep-
resentation of the work Jesus is doing around the
globe therefore, JAM includes so much.
As we thought about it, we said to ourselves: I
wonder if the preschoolers in Miggie and Phumlas
school know there are tannies and ooms praying
for them in Stellenburg. I wonder if the camper
from last years Ambleside camp knows that their
camp money is helping to renovate the campsite
for future camps?
We wanted to commemorate everyone involved
in the story of Jam, so; Heres to the Pick N Pay
baggers. Heres to the 7-year-old shoeless Tran-
skei child with the brightest smile youve ever
seen. Heres to the business men who kiss their
wife goodbye every morning and go keep the
economy turning.
Heres to the longstreet night-goers and the Sun-
day morning worshipers. To the tourists, the surf-
ers and the skateboarders. To the single mothers
of ve, doing all they can to keep their families
aoat. Heres to all the young people, the old
people, the in between people, the smokers and
drinkers and the Ive never stepped my foot
out of line do gooders. Heres to you, whoever
you are. All these people are part of JAMs story.
Because JAMs story is Jesus story. And you my
friend play a role in it.
The Cross of Jesus for the Cross of Arica. Thats
our story. And every chapter is just a reiteration
of that theme. Whether you are aware or not,
you are a character in this tale.
Jesus cross isnt just for the African children
in the rural communities who dont get enough
food or dont have shoes on their feet. Its not
just for the middle class white woman who has
everything shell ever need but its still not quite
what she wants.
Jesus cross is for everyone.
So I implore you to jump in and start noticing
that everyones life is just telling the same story
yours is. A story that begins and ends with love
and redemption.
We as JAM are starting a project that will reiter-
ate everything were saying now.
Through bracelets that say JamStory or by the
multiple media feeds with #JamStory attached,
we hope it will be a reminder to you that you are
a part of the story of the Cross of Jesus for the
Cross of Africa.
Every time you see a picture or a post with ei-
ther a bracelet in it, or a #JamStory youll re-
member just how very connected we all are. I
encourage you to add your own chapters to the
story by posting to facebook, instagram or twit-
ter and adding #JamStory at the end.
So come on. Join in. Start telling your story.
Pray for long term ministry work-
ers in the eld which include
local leaders in Muhvuza, Prince
Albert, Calitzdorp, Transkei, Cape
Town and Koue Bokkeveld and
also missionaries from outside to
support the local leaders.
Pray for wisdom for the staff,
humility and a hunger to seek
God above all else, that the
ministry would ow from that.
Pray for nancial partners as well
as general support for things such
as a place for students to stay on
off weekends, etc.
Jabulani Africa Ministries is now a
registered non-prot.
Donations Receipt to Validate
Issued in terms of section 18A of the
Income Tax Act of 1962, as amended.
The donation received will be used exclusively
for the objects of Jabulani African Ministries
in carrying out public benet.
The Cross of Jesus for
the Cross of Africa.

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