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Pass The Gatekeeper on a Cold Call PART I

Written on June 20, 2010 by as!ha "ronber# in Cold Callin#

eries, ales, Telephone ales
1 Co$$ent % &ea'e a !o$$ent(
The key ele$ent and !ertainly ne!essary to #et ahead in the
sales pro!ess, is to rea!h the de!ision $aker) A de!ision $aker
is a person *ho !an say yes, e'en thou#h e'eryone else said no)
A de!ision $aker !an o'errule anybody) That+s the person you
should be ai$in# ,or)
-ependin# on the si.e and stru!ture o, the !o$pany, these
de!ision $akers are 'ery senior e/e!uti'es) It does not need to
be the C01, as it !learly depends on the 'alue and si.e o, the
In 223 o, all senior e/e!uti'es, true de!ision $aker has an
assistant or se!retary) I, they don+t, it is sa,e to su##est to re%
e'aluate that you are really speakin# to the de!ision $aker) While
assistants are a !lear indi!ator that *e are about to speak to
so$eone *ho is in a hi#her !o$$and o, the prospe!ts+s
!o$pany, it is also a pain and a barrier) There is a reason that the
se!retary is also !alled 4The Gatekeeper5)
There are *ays to #o around the se!retary and there is the *ay
throu#h 4hell5 'ia the se!retary) We *ill look into strate#ies ,or
both *ays)
-e,inition o, the ulti$ate -e!ision 6aker
Can allo!ate additional bud#et ,or any depart$ent o, the
7as ulti$ate de!ision $akin# authority
Can o'errule any de!ision o, anybody in the !o$pany
6ostly also kno*n as the C01, Chair$an or 6ana#in# -ire!tor
Co$$on ,or all ulti$ate -e!ision 6akers
7ard to rea!h
8ery short on ti$e on the phone to unannoun!ed !allers
harp $inded and hard to !on'in!e
o$eti$es appre!iates a #ood sales pit!h i, real 'alue is
eldo$ keeps !all appoint$ents 9i, it all:
7as at least one personal assistant kno*n as the Gatekeeper
There are probably a ,e* e/tra points *e !ould list, but the one
$entioned abo'e are the $ost !o$$on ones)
The Personal Assistant
The role o, the assistant is to keep the ba!k o, the -e!ision
6aker ,ree o, unne!essary tasks and ti$e *asters) The role is to
s!reen the i$portant ,ro$ the uni$portant) They are also trained
to spot a sales person) An assistant $ost o,ten stays *ith the
-e!ision 6aker ,or a lon# ti$e) They not also kno* a lot about
the business, they also kno* ho* to 4handle5 the boss) 1ne o,
the bi##est horrors o, all pro,essional sales people is that she
!an sni,, a sales #uy a 100 $iles a#ainst the *ind) ;nless it is a
$atter o, li,e and death, the assistant *ill blo!k the path to the
$aster) In addition, she *ill #uard his e$ail inbo/ and his daily
a#enda) he is not <ust the ears and the 'oi!e o, the -e!ision
6aker, she is also his eyes and !ontrols all !o$$uni!ation
a!!ess points= e/!ept one> The personal or business $obile
phone) &ike in a ,airy tail, the assistant is the dra#on *ho #uards
the #ate so no ,earless kni#ht or sales !o*boy !an pass)
-o not underesti$ate the assistant) That person !an s$ell any
s!u$ and al$ost any approa!h) 1n top o, that, the assistant has
rules he or she has to obey) I, the rule is no one *ho unkno*n
!an #o throu#h) ?ou !an be as !har$in# as Ro$eo, or as bra'e
as Prin!e &ionheart, !han!es to pass are 'ery lo*)
tudies and e/perien!e sho*s that the best *ay to deal *ith a
Gate "eeper is not to deal *ith the$ at all) The !han!es o, losin#
in the #a$e are <ust ,ar too hi#h) It is *orth #ettin# the dire!t
nu$ber o, the person you really like to rea!h, or to !all *hen the
assistant is not at his or her desk) We *ill look into ho* this !an
be done separately)
The @uali,yin# Pro!ess o, the Gate "eeper
The de!ision $akin# pro!ess o, an assistant is to 'eri,y the
i$portan!e) In essen!e, any approa!h *ill lead in one o, the three
possible out!o$es>
?ou #et re<e!ted
?ou #et throu#h
Aurther in'esti#ation o, your !redentials and sub<e!t $atter
9*hi!h o,ten leads to re<e!tion:
Typi!al Buestions any assistant *ill ask ,or the de!ision $akin#
*here are you !allin# ,ro$
*hat is it re#ardin#
*hy do you need to speak to the -e!ision 6aker, $aybe
so$eone else !an help youC
Typi!al standard responses *hi!h indi!ate that you are re<e!ted
7e is in a $eetin#
7e is out o, the o,,i!e
7e does not a!!ept unkno*n !alls
Can you please send an e$ail
I$portant to reali.e> I, in doubt, the assistant *ill inBuire $ore
in,or$ation) I, you are un!ertain *ith your ans*ers, you *ill be
re<e!ted) Dut in $any s!enarios you *ill be asked to send
e'erythin# by e$ail, and so$eone *ill !onta!t you 9i, *hat you
send is interestin# to the$:)
I, you don+t $ake it throu#h to the de!ision $aker *hile bein# on
the !all, your !han!es o, #ettin# throu#h a,ter ,urther
4in'esti#ations5 shrink to 103 or lo*er)
The White &ist
The -e!ision 6aker, one o, the $ost #uarded person in a
!o$pany, does intera!t *ith the outside *orld, but is 'ery
sele!ti'e *ith *ho$) o$e -e!ision 6akers are e'en hard to
rea!h ,or !olle#es *ho report dire!tly to hi$) In order to either
$ake it onto the *hite list, you need to ha'e the appro'al o, the
de!ision $aker hi$sel,) The !ru/ is, that you ha'e to $ake it
throu#h in the ,irst pla!e, to #et the ne!essary blessin#)
In order to be rea!h the -e!ision 6aker you ha'e to $ake it on to
the 4White &ist5) Assistants ha'e a list o, people *ho !an #o
throu#h to the -e!ision 6aker) These people in!lude ,a$ily
$e$bers, personal do!tors or la*yers, people *ith hi#her
authority 9board $e$bers, Chair$an et!: or #o'ern$ental
representati'es) In !ase that the erious Araud 1,,i!e or the
White 7ouse are on the phone, !han!es are $u!h better than
AC60 In!) Also people *idely kno*n in the !orporate *orld or
4!elebrities5 ha'e better !han!es) Dill Gates *ill !ertainly be
trans,erred throu#h) ?ou #et the pi!ture)
Dreakin# the White &ist
The key ,or breakin# the list is to be i$portant, really i$portant)
0'ery syste$ and all rules ha'e loopholes) Certain in!idents $ay
be so se'ere, *hi!h o'erride any rules) -ependin# on the si.e o,
the !o$pany, this $ay result in bein# trans,erred to so$eone
else do*n to ,urther e'aluate, to a sub<e!t $atter e/pert *ho *ill
spot any ,ake approa!h) 1r it takes you to the reBuested -e!ision
6aker, *hi!h is the key ob<e!ti'e)
Creditability and I$portan!e
To $ake it throu#h, besides not bein# listed as so$eone *ho is
allo*ed to talk to the -e!ision 6aker, you need to be a spe!ial
!ase) As stated abo'e, you need to be 'ery i$portant, al$ost like
a Warren Du,,et, or so$eone kno*n in the industry no one *ould
re<e!t) In !ase you are not Warren Du,,et 9and the !han!es are
pretty solid that you are not:, you need to build !reditability in the
Creditability does not ha'e to be around you as a person, it !an
be build on re,eren!es, on the sub<e!t $atter or on so$eone else
*ho is re,errin# you to the -e!ision 6aker) The beauty o, this
#a$e is, that you $i#ht not be a !elebrity yet, but so$eone
i$portant enou#h has asked you to speak to the -e!ision 6aker)
That person !an be the best and bi##est !lient o, the !o$pany
you are !allin#, it !an be so$eone 'ery hi#h ranked *ithin the
!o$pany 9like a CA1:, or anyone i$portant to the !o$pany)
This re,eren!e *orks espe!ially *ell in the 0n#lish lan#ua#e,
*hen bein# re,erred ,ro$ an outside party 9like the bi# !lient, or a
#o'ern$ental a#en!y:) I ,ound that the prin!iple o, ,ear *orks
best in this !ase) Aear pro'okes a !ertain pani!, *hi!h $ore
o,ten than not result in pushin# the pani! button) And here is an
e/a$ple ho* it *orks>
4Good 6ornin# &inda, $y na$e is as!ha "ronber#, and I a$
*orkin# *ith the erious Araud 1,,i!e in &ondon) I need to speak
to 6r) John $ith, please) Please !onne!t $e) Thank you5)
I ha'e done this se'eral ti$es, and I *as not lyin#) 1ur !o$pany
*as partnerin# *ith the erious Araud 1,,i!e at one o, our
Co$plian!e Dusiness 0'ents, and I *as truth,ul about that I need
to speak to 6r) Di#) I did not say that I *as *orkin# ,or the
#o'ern$ent a#en!y, but the 0n#lish lan#ua#e allo*s the double
$eanin#) A,ter I ,inished $y reBuest, I added a 4thank you5 in the
end, *hi!h also si#nals no ,urther !on'ersation ne!essary, <ust
obey as told) In order to pro'oke the ri#ht rea!tion, you $ust
sound serious, not !heer,ul or outra#es happy)
1, !ourse it is up to you, and *hen Buestioned you should be
truth,ul) Dut as lon# as no one asks, let the$ belie'e *hate'er
they *ant) Also, you !an be !ertain that your !all *ill be
announ!ed *hile you *ait to be !onne!ted) o you should use
si$ilar lines *hen speakin# to the -e!ision 6aker) Althou#h you
should use a !o$plete opposite tone) Eot happy but really
,riendly, repeatin# the line, but t*eakin# it sli#htly)
4Good 6ornin# John, $y na$e is as!ha "ronber#, and $y
!o$pany is *orkin# to#ether *ith the erious Araud 1,,i!e in
&ondon) I *on+t take a lot o, your ti$e)5
In this e/a$ple I !orre!ted $y state$ent= by repla!in# a ,e*
*ords in $y introdu!tion, probably the *ei#ht o, a ton is li,ted
,ro$ the -e!ision 6aker+s shoulder and he is happy that he
probably does not ends up in <ail a,ter the phone !all) ?ou !an
also add so$e little hu$or in the end by addin# 4don+t *orry, the
poli!e has not surrounded you buildin# <ust yet5)
Eote> I, the -e!ision 6akers replies in a relie'ed hu$orous *ay,
you kno* that he is open to talk) I, his reply is $ore serious, you
also kno* *here you stand) 7is rea!tion *ill de,ine the pa!e o,
the !on'ersation)
Ta!ti!al tate$ents
I, you ,eel it is inappropriate to use ,ear in your approa!h to #et
past the #ate keeper, or in !ase she is a!tually darin# to Buestion
you 9be!ause you sound like a 1F year old teena#er *ith pi$ples:
you need to prepare ,urther) Re$e$ber the nature o, the
assistant is to assist and #uard) The role is to or#ani.e and to
de!ide on the i$portan!e o, in!o$in# inBuiries, *ho de$and
ti$e *ith the -e!ision 6aker)
The proble$ o, the assistant is that he or she is not a sub<e!t
$atter e/pert, and $ay only ha'e li$ited details on strate#i!
dis!ussions) ?ou $ay use this to your ad'anta#e by preparin# a
ta!ti!al state$ent)
"ey ob<e!ti'e o, ta!ti!al state$ents
These state$ents are the ans*ers to the usual Buestions o, an
assistant) It+s the return o, the 4*hat is it re#ardin#C5) The key is
to put the assistant at unease) ?ou ha'e to break the routine, you
ha'e thro* hi$ or her o,, the usual path, the *ay he or she is
dealin# *ith in!o$in# phone !alls, #uardin# the #ate *ith her
*hite list)
What are the ele$ents o, a ta!ti!al state$ent
-ependin# o, *hat you sell, you !an use 'ery strate#i! and
te!hni!al ter$s out o, your o,,erin#, an#le or solution) ;se letters
and sy$bols *hi!h re,er to 'ery strate#i! $ana#e$ent tools like
return o, in'est$ent 9R1I:, pro,it or earnin#s be,ore interest and
ta/es 90DIT:, ?ear o'er ?ear 9?o?: per,or$an!e, or *hate'er ,its
your solution, ,eatures or asso!iates bene,its in prin!iple) -on+t
be too spe!i,i!= the key is that the state$ent is o'er*hel$in# and
!on,usin# the assistant) ?ou ha'e to position yoursel, on the
sa$e le'el as her boss= to talk his talk, to share the sa$e set o,
I, you are sellin# ad'ertise$ent it !an look like this>
4It is re#ardin# last Buarter+s "PIs on 0DIT, and the R1I on ?o?
key in'est$ent areas, to supple$ent pre%sales a!ti'ities)5
As said, also prepare a $ore len#thily and sli#htly $ore detailed
'ersion, *hi!h !ould e'en be $ore !on,usin#)
7o* to present a ta!ti!al state$ent
De ,riendly but ,ir$) I, you are asked to be $ore spe!i,i!, ,ire o,,
your lon#er detailed 'ersion, *hi!h should be <ust as !on,usin#
to the assistant) Add the ,ollo*in# senten!e to your state$ent
*hen asked to e/plain> 4&ook I !ould e/plain it to you ,ully i,
you and I had the spare ti$e and o, !ouple o, hours) It is
i$portant= !an you put $e throu#h, pleaseC Thank you(5 A#ain,
the *ords 4thank you5 i$plies that this !on'ersation has ended,
and there is no need ,or any ,urther talk, <ust a!tion)
PART II> Alternati'e trate#y> The Charis$ati! Approa!h
The ta!ti!s abo'e are *ays to #et to the -e!ision 6aker)
Certainly the best *ay is to a'oid the assistant at all ti$es, by
obtainin# dire!t nu$bers) We *ill look into the best *ays to #et
those in a di,,erent arti!le)
The arti!le abo'e is a short pre'ie* o, a book dedi!ated o, sales
by phone) I appre!iate all !o$$ents and thou#hts, as *ell as
ho* this $i#ht help you) I, you are interested in $ore, please let
$e kno*)
Gettin# Past Gatekeepers
21 trate#ies ,or Rea!hin# -e!ision 6akers
Dy Crai# 7arrison
-oes it so$eti$e see$ as thou#h hirin# $ana#ers and
!usto$ers are residin# in a #ated !o$$unityC As a <ob seeker or
salesperson, you donGt ha'e to #rope ,or the a!!ess !ode) &earn
ho* to rea!h de!ision $akers so you too !an enter the #ates o,
&etGs ,a!e it, hal, the di,,i!ulty in #ettin# a <ob is #ettin# to the
de!ision $aker to $ake your !ase) Traditionally there *as a
se!retary or ad$inistrati'e assistant to !ir!u$na'i#ate) Eo*
there are ele!troni! ne$eses as *ell> !hallen#es like 'oi!e
$ailbo/es and blind e%$ail addresses) The !onstant> itGs still
tou#h to #et past the #atekeepers H those pro,essionals *ho
I#uardI the de!ision $akers and o,ten run inter,eren!e ,or the$
H to #et in ,ront o, de!ision $akers)
Gatekeepers 9G"s:, those entrusted *ith #uardin# the -e!ision
6akers 9-6s: you *ish to rea!h, !an be your ad'ersaries or
allies, dependin# on your approa!h) They ser'e as a ,ilter or
s!reen ,or their bosses) ?our !hallen#e> to be re#arded as
i$portant enou#h to be allo*ed into their inner san!tu$)
Gatekeepers $ay be ad$inistrati'e assistants, se!retaries, 'oi!e
$ail syste$s or $ain s*it!hboard operators) They $ay also be
te$porary *orkers or hu$an resour!e representati'es)
7ere are $y rules o, thu$b ,or IPassin# GateI and re!ei'in#
!onsideration by de!ision $akers>
1) Turn Gate"eepers into allies> treat the$ *ith respe!t, hu$or
and !o$passion) Their <ob !an be tou#h too) They #et it ,ro$
both ends) Re#ard the$ as people *ith their o*n personality, not
as ,a!eless obsta!les to be o'er!o$e at all !osts)
2) 7elp de!ision $akers look #ood in their bossGs eyes) Can you
sol'e hisJher proble$C &et the G" kno* and they *ill I!arry your
tor!hI ,or you) &et the G" present you as hisJher solution to the
-6Gs proble$)
K) Re!o#ni.e G"s as 'ital to your in,or$ation #atherin# $ission)
&earn $ore about the -6, hisJher depart$ent, re!ent trends,
internal $a!hinations *ithin !o$pany, ,ro$ the G")
L) Call at di,,erent ti$es i, your initial atte$pts are rebu,,ed)
&earn your -6Gs s!hedule M $oods(
N) Callin# be,oreJa,ter G"Gs shi,t *ill #et you throu#h dire!tly)
6any -e!ision 6akers *ork lon# hours and ,eel less pressured
be,oreJa,ter hours)
O) ;se hu$or, !reati'ity and topi!ality to distin#uish yoursel,
,ro$ others)
F) Take the ti$e to establish rapport *ith ea!h person you !o$e
in !onta!t *ith) Whether or not theyGre the a!tual person you
*ere *ishin# to speak to, they are a!tual people H deser'in# o,
your !ourtesy, respe!t and attention)
P) Gather in,or$ation *ith e'ery !all you $ake, *hether or not
you a!!o$plish your pri$ary purpose in !allin#) Ask appropriate
Buestions and #ather pertinent in,or$ation on the -e!ision
6aker, his or her s!hedule, *hat else is happenin# in the
depart$ent o, !o$pany at the ti$e you are !allin#) ?ouGre also
interested in insi#hts into the psy!holo#i!al $ake%up o, the
person you are !allin#) Aor instan!e, *hen is the best 9and *orst:
ti$e to !allC 7o* do you pronoun!e your de!ision $akerGs
na$eC -oes he or she pre,er an in,or$al na$e> ITI ,or 7orten!e
or Condy ,or Condele..a)
2) ;tili.e $ultiple ,or$s o, !o$$uni!ation to $ake !onta!t) Calls
alone $ay or $ay not result in su!!ess) Consider usin# !alls,
post!ards, ,a/es and e%$ails to $ake !onta!t) o$e
!onsultantsJ'endorsJ!andidates ask de!ision $akers 9and their
#atekeepers: *hat the best *ay is to !o$$uni!ate) o$e
$ana#ers pre,er e%$ail, others ,or$al letters or ,a/es) 1n!e you
kno*, play it their *ay)
10) The phrase Ireturnin# hisJher !allI up#rades your !allGs
i$portan!e in G"Gs eyes) When a!!urate, use it to indi!ate past
11) When lea'in# repeated 'oi!e $ail $essa#es, list a di,,erent
bene,it you pro'ide or skill you possess durin# ea!h $essa#e,
as a *ay to both Buali,y and distin#uish yoursel,)
12) -onGt use up entire 'oi!e $ail tape) 6ake your $essa#es
su!!in!t> short and s*eet)
1K) tay upbeat H e'en i, itGs the 10th unreturned $essa#e
youGre lea'in#)
1L) De !reati'eJ,unnyJdistin#uishable so as to #et !onsideration)
1ne pro,essional !ould ne'er #et her !alls taken *hen she le,t
her ,ull na$e) 1ne ti$e, *hen asked by the Gatekeeper ,or her
na$e, she used a literary na$e ,ro$ the tele'ision series I
Claudius) he replied IClyde$onestra)I he nearly ,ainted *hen
the #atekeeper then asked her to spell her na$e) The -e!ision
6aker, intri#ued, took her !all and turned out to also be a ,an o,
the sa$e PD series)
1N) 7u$or *orks) el,%e,,a!in# hu$or and hu$or in solidarity
*ith the #atekeeper help open doors)
1O) When all else ,ails, ha'e your Gatekeeper !all theirs(
1) Call and !lai$ youGre ,a$ily, or !lai$ to be !allin# ,ro$ the
poli!e, IR or ADI) 1ne !andidate thou#h heGd #et throu#h to an
7R rep *ho *as ,ro$ India) 7e told the re!eptionist he *as a
relati'e !allin# ,ro$ India) The repGs ,ather had been si!k and she,
,earin# the *orst, dropped e'erythin# to take this !all, !ertain the
ne*s !on!erned her ailin# ,ather) Eeedless to say this !andidate
ne'er *orked ,or her !o$pany as a result o, his $is#uided stunt)
2) De!o$e surly, rude or sar!asti!) ItGs a turn%o,, and su##ests
i$$aturity and a la!k o, ,le/ibility)
K) A'oidin# ,illin# up your re!ipientGs 'oi!e $ailbo/ *ith lon# and
detailed $essa#es) Whether or not they are retrie'ed lo!ally, itGs
in!onsiderate and sho*s bad <ud#$ent on your part) Instead
sho* o,, your !o$$uni!ation skills *ith a short and pertinent
Iele'atorI spee!h) I, lea'in# $ultiple $essa#es 'ary your
$essa#e, listin# a di,,erent Buali,i!ation or bene,it you pro'ide
ea!h ti$e you !all)
L) -onGt $ake the -e!ision 6aker *ron# ,or not bein# there to
ans*er you in person, or ,or not ha'in# responded yet) To you it
$ay see$ like a si$ple thin# to do 9returnin# your !all: yet
!onsider the $any priorities busy pro,essionals already ha'e on
their to%do lists) Delie'e it or not, youGre not the !enter o, their
N) tri'e to $ake an i$pression) ;sin# !li!hQs and ,ollo*in#
s!ripts lea'es you indistin#uishable ,ro$ the !o$petition) ho*
so$e personality and spunk su!h that youGll stand apart ,ro$ the
!ro*d *hen you !all and be $e$orable *hen they de!ide *ho
to !all ba!k)
While !old !allin# !an be a nu$bers #a$e, the essen!e o, !allin#
is a people #a$e> treat others like the 'alued indi'iduals they are
and re$ain !on,ident youGre so$eone *hose !all de!ision
$akers *ill be #lad they took) The only Gates you $ay not
$aster on your ,irst !allR
Ra* truth about 5Gettin# Past The GatekeeperS
A reader asks> Michael, how can I get past the gatekeeper
when I cold call? It seems like I always get stuck with the
assistant. I feel like Im banging my head up against a wall,
day-in and day-out, trying to get through to the people who
can buy my [widget?!
Dear Reader,
Imagine the look on my a!e ater eating the mo"t "o#r ood on
the $lanet Earth % I mean a!e "!r#n!hed&and&'#!kered "o#r
% and yo# ha(e my rea!tion to yo#r )#e"tion* Don+t get me
,rong, I #nder"tand ,hy yo# a"ked it* E(en em'athi-e ,ith
yo#r "it#ation* B#t i yo# ,ant to gro, yo#r organi-ation, yo#
ha(e to re!ogni-e that%
The +#et past the #atekeeperT Buestion H yes, <ust the
Buestion itsel,((( H is da$a#in# to your pro,its and lon#%
ter$ su!!ess)
.hy i" it damaging/
0#e"tion" o!#" attention % and the gatekee'er )#e"tion i"
1* It o!#"e" yo#r attention on "ta, not the de!i"ion maker
yo# need to "ee*
2* Em3edded in the )#e"tion i" the nagging idea that yo#
"ho#ld 3eg to "ee the 3ig&"hot, not the other ,ay aro#nd*
That yo#r time i" not to 3e (al#ed a" highly a" the 3ig&"hot*
And that yo# are an #n,el!ome 'e"t, not a "o#ght&o#t and
in&demand g#e"t*
4* The an",er" oered 3y 5the e6'ert"7 are e(en more
damaging than the )#e"tion* 8a(e yo# e(er read or li"tened
to 5get 'a"t the gatekee'er7 ad(i!e/ It+" !entered on de!eit
and tri!kery a" the "ol#tion* 9all 3eore the gatekee'er i" in*
A!t like yo# already kno, the 3ig&"hot* So#nd in!red#lo#"
,hen !hallenged to intimidate yo#r ,ay in* BS, all o it* I, you
ha'e a #ood o,,er you do E1T need to tri!k the prospe!t
into learnin# about it) ?ou <ust need to learn ho* to
$arket e,,e!ti'ely(
Let me oer a ar 3etter )#e"tion, one that e, 3#"ine""e" a"k
and e(en e,er an",er:
7o* !an I $ake *hat I o,,er so irresistable, $oti'ated
de!ision $akers seek $e outC
S#!!e""#lly an",er thi" )#e"tion and % 3eore yo#r (ery eye"
% the gatekee'er ,ill mira!#lo#"ly tran"orm into a riendly
a!iliator ,ho"e ;o3 it i" to get you to agree to meet ,ith the
3ig&"hot* I yo# are good at ,hat yo# do, ha(e real (al#e to
oer "aid 3ig&"hot % that+" e6a!tly the ,ay it "ho#ld 3e*
I there i" intere"t in thi" to'i!, I+ll 'o"t "ome !lient !a"e "t#die"
,here ,e 5t#rned the ta3le7 on traditional !old&!alling, 3eg&or&
3#"ine"" 3#ll* Let me kno, in the !omment"* (Update: Its on
keep an eye on the blog over the next couple of weeks as I
dig out stimulating case studies.
Get Past the Gatekeeper - Better Cold Calling Results Part III
By T.J. Tedesco | Posted on March 3! "#"

Te$t %i&e-'Print

(or the past t)o )eeks! (*I sales leader +oot has gi,en young
sales-an Gany-ede ,alua.le tips /or -ore e//ecti,e cold
calling. This )eek0 a /e) -ore cold calling tips /ro- the -aster.! /ire 1 print.
It )as such a nice sunny day that +oot decided to )ork outside.
2hile entering ne) custo-er data into (*I3s CRM syste-! he
)as approached .y a despondent Gany-ede.
4Cold calling not going so...hot56 +oot asked! laughing at his
terri.le 7oke.
4I3- ha,ing trou.le getting past the gatekeeper!6 Gany-ede
-oaned. 4*ris! the receptionist at Pappy3s Pottery! keeps
stopping -y cold calls in their tracks. %o-eti-es she3ll say! 8I3-
sorry! .ut he3s not a,aila.le at the -o-ent.3 %o-eti-es she3ll
say! 8I3ll trans/er you right to hi-.3 Then three seconds later I3-
in ,oice -ail96
4Getting th)arted .y the gatekeeper is one o/ the -ost
/rustrating parts o/ cold calling!6 +oot co--iserated. 4:et -e
-ake a couple o/ suggestions that )ill help ease your -isery.
4;ne o/ a gatekeeper3s -ost po)er/ul de/enses against cold
callers is /i,e little )ords!6 +oot continued. 48Is he e$pecting
your call536
Gany-ede shuddered. 4It3d .e -uch easier to get through to
Pappy Pappadopoulos<Pappy3s Pottery /ounder and President
<i/ I could honestly ans)er! 8=es93 to that >uestion.6
4=ou can!6 +oot said. 4?e$t ti-e *ris puts you in Pappy3s ,oice
-ail! end your -essage .y saying 8I/ I don3t hear .ack /ro-
you! I3ll try you again this 2ednesday at # a.-.3 Then! call at
that e$act ti-e. 2hen *ris utters those /i,e pain/ul )ords! you
can honestly say that! yes! he should .e.6
4Great96 Gany-ede e$clai-ed. 4I3,e .een calling Pappy3s -id-
a/ternoon. 2ould I ha,e .etter luck at another ti-e56
4:et3s think this through!6 +oot said. 4=our goal is to get past
*ris to Pappy hi-sel/. 2hen do you think )ould .e the .est
ti-e to call56
Gany-ede ru.s his hairy chin. 42hen *ris is out o/ the o//ice56
4Bingo. Try calling .e/ore @ a.-.! on holidays or )eekends and
e,en (ridays during the su--er. Ad-inistrati,e assistants are
o/ten not )orking at these ti-esB e$ecuti,es o/ten are. Calling
at these ti-es! you3re -ore likely to catch Pappy )ith his guard
do)n! and )ith -ore ti-e to talk.6
4Brilliant96 Gany-ede cried.
4I ha,e one -ore tip /or you!6 +oot continued. 42hat do you say
to *ris )hen she ans)ers the phone56
4I say! 8May I please speak )ith Mr. Pappadopoulos536
+oot shook his head. 4?o good. Think a.out it. 2ho does *ris
let through to Pappy56
4Cis clients! .usiness partners! good /riends and /a-ily!6
Gany-ede ans)ered! starting to understand. 4In other )ords!
people )ho are close to hi-.6
4Right. %o your 7o.! )hen speaking )ith *ris! is to sound like
one o/ those people. Do so-e research and /igure out )hat
Pappy likes to .e called. %i$ty percent o/ people pre/er to .e
called .y so-ething other than their gi,en na-e. Those )ho
kno) Pappy -ight call hi- 8Pappy!3 8Pap!3 or so-ething else
entirely. I/ *ris has any .rains! she3ll understand that -ost
callers asking /or 8Mr. Pappadopoulos3 are tele-arketers! and
e$ile the- to ,oice--ail land.6
4I3- learning! I3- learning!6 Gany-ede said.
:atter that day! Gany-ede called Pappy and le/t the negati,e
check-o// ,oice -ail +oot had suggested. T)o days later! he
called .ack and got through to Pappy directly. A hal/-hour
phone con,ersation and a couple o/ in-person -eetings later!
Pappy3s Pottery )as (*I3s latest custo-er.
4Congrats on ,aulting past *ris!6 +oot said! handing Gany-ede
a cigar. 4I ha,e one -ore tip that )ill help in case you e,er
stu-.le o,er the gatekeeper again.
4Can3t )ait!6 Gany-ede replied! che)ing on his cigar glee/ully.
4Eh! Gany-ede56 +oot said. 4=ou3re supposed to suck on the
other end.6
(IR*9 Point
Getting th)arted .y the gatekeeper is one o/ the -ost
/rustrating parts o/ cold calling. Three si-ple tips<lea,ing a
negati,e checko// ,oice -ail! calling )hen the gatekeeper3s
-ore likely to .e out o/ the o//ice! and using the prospect3s /irst
na-e<could .e all it takes to ,ault o,er the gatekeeper and
get your prospect3s attention.
Co) to Get Past the Gatekeeper 2hen Cold Calling
Posted on ; "F! "#" .y keith
Part o/ .eing a /reelancer is persistence0 cold calling! checking
up on a pitch! or setting up an inter,ie) )ith an i-portant
source all take a .it o/ deter-ination to pull o// success/ully. But
o/ten! an o.stacle lies in your )ay0 so-eone )hose 7o. it is to
protect the person you need /ro- such calls.
Pre,iously! 7ust a ,oice on the phone! today3s gatekeepers
ha,e a -uch )ider reach0 they /ilter phone calls and e-ail!
shield the recipient /ro- t)eets and other social -edia! and si/t
through their snail -ail. But the result is still the sa-e! they
-ake it di//icult /or you to get through.
It can certainly .e /rustrating! .ut getting angry )on3t /urther
your career! nor )ill gi,ing up co-pletely. I/ you really need to
get through to so-eone! try these )ays to so/ten the
5 %tay polite0 ?o -atter ho) terse the gatekeeper -ay act!
re-ain polite and unru//led. *,entually! he or she )ill /eel guilty
.eha,ing nastily to so-eone )ith such good -anners! and
they3re .ound to so/ten a .it.
5 Get on their le,el0 recogni&e that you kno)
they3re 7ust doing their 7o.. %uggest that i/ they 7ust pass along
your -essage! or set up an appoint-ent! you3d .e happy to get
out o/ their hair.
5 2ork )ith the-0 Ask ho) you can .etter acco--odate
the- H )hen )ould they like you to call .ack5 2hat is Mr. I3s
pre/erred -ethod to set up a -eeting5
5 Butter the- up0 A gi/t can )ar- the heart o/ anyone. Take
ad,antage o/ a near.y holiday or seasonal specialty to .reak
do)n .arriers.
5 Get personal0 I/ you ha,e a )ay )ith )it! try a lighthearted
approach to )ar- your chilly reception. ;r try to tap into a
-utual interest or connection.
It3s /rustrating to -ake repeated e//orts to get through to
so-eone! only to .e shut do)n. that sho)ing your
annoyance! either , or )ritten! is seldo- going to help
your cause. I/ you /eel like you3re a.out to .urn a .ridge! step
a)ay /ro- the situation and gi,e yoursel/ ti-e to cool o//.
I/ the gatekeeper )on3t .udge! seek an alternate route0 try to
connect through so-eone else at that co-pany! or hook up
)ith your source through a pro/essional organi&ation. ;r! )ait a
couple -onths! then try again. Perhaps a change in sta//ing or
,acation )ill -i$ up the people you deal )ith.
(inally! i/ nothing )orks! it -ay .e ti-e to put your energy
else)here. Perhaps you3ll cross paths )ith this person
in/or-ally so-e other ti-e.
2hat success/ul tactics ha,e you used to get past the
gatekeeper and through to the person you )ant to connect
Getting Past Gate Keepers
Copyright 2006 Tom Hopkins International,
In business situations, when you are trying to
reach the person who has the authority to
make decisions regarding your product you are
very likely to have to go through one or more
people beore reaching that person. !or the
sake o eiciency, there will likely be a
receptionist and"or assistant who takes the
initial calls or the decision#maker.
It$s important that you reali%e most assistants
are taught to protect decision#makers. &r, shall
we say, screen calls so the decision#makers
only speak with the people they want to speak
with. It$s very likely the assistant has been
given instructions with regard to who to put
through and who to keep at bay.
'nderstanding this element is critical(the
assistant is used to taking instruction rom
others. Thereore, you must come across with
I you know the name o the decision#maker,
you would simply say, )*ood morning, please
put me through to +ary ,mith.) -ou will be
pleasantly surprised at how well and how oten
this works.
I +ary has her calls screened, you may be
asked or your name and"or what the call is
regarding. Here$s what you say.
)+y name is /acob +artin and I$m calling
regarding0) and you would give a beneit o
your product or service(not a eature, not a
name, but a beneit.
)0saving the company money on health care
)0increasing proits through technology.)
)0improving the company$s image in the
I you can tie your beneit to something that
might beneit the screener, all the better. I
they suspect you$re calling about something
that might make their 1ob easier, more un or
provide added beneits to them as an
employee, they$ll be 2uick to connect you.
In situations where you$re cold calling and do
not know the name o the decision#maker,
here$s how the conversation might sound like
)+y name is /acob +artin and I am in business
in the community. I$m calling regarding your
telephone system. 3ho in your company is
responsible or that4 5y the way, who am I
speaking with4)
It$s important that you get the name o the
assistant or gate#keeper. -ou want to make
this a personal conversation. -ou want to enlist
that person$s aid and nothing is more personal
than your name.
*atekeeper. )+y name is 6nne.)
-ou. )Thank you, 6nne. I really need your help.
3ho in your company would I talk to regarding
the telephone system4)
3hat happens most o the time when you ask
someone or help4 They eel important. They
want to help. It$s tough or most people to turn
down a re2uest or help. ,o, use that to your
*atekeeper. )That would be /ack
7eterson.)How to *et 7ast the *atekeeper
3hen Cold Calling
7osted on &ctober 26, 2082 by keith
7art o being a reelancer is persistence. cold
calling, checking up on a pitch, or setting up an
interview with an important source all take a
bit o determination to pull o successully. 5ut
oten, an obstacle lies in your way. someone
whose 1ob it is to protect the person you need
rom such calls.
7reviously, 1ust a voice on the phone, today9s
gatekeepers have a much wider reach. they
ilter phone calls and email, shield the recipient
rom tweets and other social media, and sit
through their snail mail. 5ut the result is still
the same, they make it diicult or you to get
It can certainly be rustrating, but getting
angry won9t urther your career, nor will giving
up completely. I you really need to get
through to someone, try these ways to soten
the gatekeeper.
4 ,tay polite. :o matter how terse the
gatekeeper may act, remain polite and
unruled. ;ventually, he or she will eel guilty
behaving nastily to someone with such good
manners, and they9re bound to soten a bit.
4 *et on their level. <erbally recogni%e that
you know they9re 1ust doing their 1ob. ,uggest
that i they 1ust pass along your message, or
set up an appointment, you9d be happy to get
out o their hair.
4 3ork with them. 6sk how you can better
accommodate them = when would they like you
to call back4 3hat is +r. >9s preerred method
to set up a meeting4
4 5utter them up. 6 git can warm the heart
o anyone. Take advantage o a nearby holiday
or seasonal specialty to break down barriers.
4 *et personal. I you have a way with wit,
try a lighthearted approach to warm your chilly
reception. &r try to tap into a mutual interest
or connection.
It9s rustrating to make repeated eorts to get
through to someone, only to be shut down.
?emember that showing your annoyance,
either verbally or written, is seldom going to
help your cause. I you eel like you9re about to
burn a bridge, step away rom the situation
and give yoursel time to cool o.
I the gatekeeper won9t budge, seek an
alternate route. try to connect through
someone else at that company, or hook up with
your source through a proessional
organi%ation. &r, wait a couple months, then
try again. 7erhaps a change in staing or
vacation will mi@ up the people you deal with.
!inally, i nothing works, it may be time to put
your energy elsewhere. 7erhaps you9ll cross
paths with this person inormally some other
3hat successul tactics have you used to get
past the gatekeeper and through to the person
you want to connect with4
-ou. )/ack 7eterson. Thank you, 6nne. 7lease
put me through to him.)
-ou want to repeat the name to ensure that
you have it correct. I it$s an unusual name,
this is when you would ask or the correct
spelling and double#check the pronunciation.
3hen you irst reach the decision#maker, you
need to capture their interest and establish
rapport. &ne o the steps in rapport#setting is
to give them a sincere compliment. In business
situations, compliment them on the person who
1ust put you through. )+r. 7eterson, my name
is /acob +artin. Thank you or taking my call.
6nne was very helpul and represents your
company well.)
It$s that ast and simple. -ou$ve begun on solid
There will be cases when the decision#maker is
not immediately available or when the
assistant is stalling your call. They may ask you
to leave a message, trying to get more
inormation about why you$re calling(in
essence, si%ing you up. Aon$t go into a great
amount o detail. -ou$re not trying to sell the
assistant on your business, 1ust on yoursel.
)6nne, I$m in and out a good bit during the day
and I$m sure he is very busy. ?ather than
having him waste time trying to reach me, I$ll
1ust call back. 3hen is the best time to reach
I she$s not sure or can$t answer that, simply
say. )7lease leave a message or him that
/acob +artin called regarding increasing proit
to the company and that I$ll call back later
3hen you inish your initial call, take a 2uick
moment to write a note to 6nne and mail it o.
Dear Anne,
I enjoyed talking with you on the telephone. I
hope the company realizes how important the
first image is when someone answers the
phone. You do a wonderful job. Thank you in
adance for all your help.

!acob "artin
I you think about it, assistants and
receptionists probably don$t get a lot o
recognition in most companies. 5y sending this
simple note, you$ll make her day and win her
over or the ne@t time you ask or help.

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