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If my life were transient like a flower,

I would be in full bloom by your side,
And after watching your smile,
I would like to fall alone, just quietly.
If i could flutter like a bird,
I would like to fly to you,
And offer my wings
To your wounded back
If I could flow like a wind,
I would like to reach you,
If I could shine like a moon,
I would keep shining on you.
Ill be anything
If it can make you never be seied with fear,
!o, we can remember every moments""
#very moments that trough our feelings

I feel asleep that night, my heart full of unease feeling.
I remember dreaming a sad, sad dream.
That morning, the telephone broke all the silence
'eaving the scars that will never disappear from my heart
That was a summer day that I will never forget
The sky kept crying, because I couldnt
After all, it was so much like a dream I had
#ven now, I still cant manage to let the tears out.
The sadness probably will never end through the year,
The cold of the changing seasons penetrates my bone
(lease tell me why, until the very end
All you left behind just a memory""..
(lease tell me, that this is just a dream"..
%nly a bad dream""""
)ithout asking for the true reason of sadness,
I tightly held you"""..
The moons light illuminated you""..
I simply invited the love""""
A truth of a reality can be hurt so bad
The fact that you were crying in a glimpse""""
)ere you simply lonely *"""..
Is this feeling a fragile dream *"""..
If i still intend to love you,
Ill be hurting as much as I love you"""
$y thoughts have lost their life,
Its painful isnt it*
#ven though everyone wishes for love,
They keep passing by each other""..
+o one can stop the feelings of becoming to love someone""..
I just want you to know that I want to be by your side""..
Trough the sadness and tomorrow onwards,
I can interlude my feelings and become stronger gently
,ecause i wont ever give up the feelings of thinking of you
-cause I love you so much"""
'ove that all the people search".

. % ( #
A dream..
I was dreaming
The person inside my dream lost his composure.
He was shouting a name of someone..
Someone who is very precious to him.
And he was screaming and breaking things around him
Till he realize theres nothing left to do even himself
Then I thought..
I thought to myself that Im !ealous
Im !ealous cause "That person# was so dear and kind to him.
If only that special person in your heart was me.
I would be very happy..
If it was me.
! . A / # ! % 0 T # A & !
1uietly awakening""..
I always, always wish"""
)ish that these fleeting thoughts
)ould reach you"""..
2nable to move forward across 34ust a little more5 distance
A distance that never be moved away"""".
The way I see before me is always blocked"".
,locked by the eternal walls of unknown
#very time and every days i want to see you but cant pile up,
#very time I want to see you"""""..
$y strong heartbeat turns into heartbreak"""".
A heartbreak that turns into a million pieces of tears
If there is such a thing called 3eternity5,"".
I want to believe, even if I have to take the long way,
Although i know that Ive been hurt before""..
I wont stop6 I wont give in to anyone
Theres definitely things I want to show you,
And so many words I want to say,
I want to see all sides of you, when you laugh and cry
Ive known all too well about pretending to be strong
I always wish""""..
That these fleeting thoughts would reach you
If there were many tears falling down,
#very heart would be gentle.
If everybody e9presses what they think,
#very heart can be satisfied.
In endlessly,
)e were searching for love,
,ecause we wanted to be stronger,
)e look up to the far away sky
I was frightened by the never ending night,
!o I prayed to the distant stars.
!omeday our souls will unite,
)e will give peace approval
In endlessly repeating time,
)e know why we are living.
)e go trough the nighttime laughing,
,oth of us are mourning, yet we walk on.
$emories of everything has settled,
This is a warm place to be.
The stars separate us from the future,
)e are always brilliant,
!o shine
I!+T IT ,#A2TI02'
The wind, like a heart that swarm in the accumulated words
The clouds, like a voice that was shot into the holding future
The moon, a shaking heart in an unsteady mirror
The star, were like a gentle tears in an overflowing stream.
Isnt it beautiful,
To walk together in each other hands
I do so want to go
To your city, your house, and into your arms
The wind, its halting words a gentle illusion
The clouds, the broken future like a distant voice
The moon, like a heart flowing in the clouded mirror
The stars, broken and swaying, like tears unable to be hidden
That heart,
.eld within your body, in those confusing nights
That face,
A soft touch, dissolving into morning
$ # ' % / I # !
I was wandering without a destination
I continued to search without any clues
$aking the memories you gave to me
Into a song to heal my heart""""..
The days when and changing""..
:hanging without making any promises
8ou embraced me and sought me out
That day will never return
I wonder how many memories have been left
To the sky beyond the flying birds
)hile forgetting even fleeting hopes and dreams
In unreachable place
#ven thought Im fated to fade away,
As long as you alive"""".
'ive will go on for eternity6
All the way to the limit of that strength.
&#!I!TA+:# %0 'I0#
If the dream you searching for is a fragile dream"""
Trust your own wings as the future begins.
If theres any meaning in fighting there and then,
I can take flight without fearing to lose something.
I understand that everyone hides pain in their heart.
,ut if you have something important you want to protect""..
8ou may lose even your gentleness
And brandish only your fury"""""""
I dont think that anybody really want to hurt anyone else,
,ut, if you have something important you want to protect"".
8ou may end up resisting even yourself,
Im living now, bearing it all
There are places I want to return"""
To return to a places and people who I love"
That was my only reason to survive"".
They are the only reason why I wont fall into despair
/&A!TI: $8 !%2'
I want to myself away
The one that wears a mask of deceit
The shining moon and the darkness
Are crossing in the spiral sky
I can tell that i am in hell for sure
I just want you to visit me
I fed on cellmates dream"..
4ust like the glorious old times
It gave me fine ideas when they cut me loose
The time had serve me very well, nice and pleasant
I made allies in .eaven""".
I made allies in .ell"""
I made angels dance and drop to their knees
)hen I enter a church""".
The feet of statues bleed deeply"..
I understand the fate of all my enemies"..
&edeemed trough pain not trough joy""..
+obody want to look back for sure"""..
)heres the felon, the demonic felon
The name of the crook who committed in crime forever
!eorang sahabat menyukaimu
sebagaimana adanya, bukan karena
penampilanmu, sebab dirimulah yang
paling penting.
!eorang sahabat tidak selalu berpikir
sama seperti dirimu dan akan
menegurmu dengan baik;baik kalau kau
berbuat kesalahan.
!eorang sahabat tidak pernah
menimpahkan kesalahannya pada
dirimu. !ebaliknya akan mengakui
kesalahanmu sebagai kesalahannya.
!eorang sahabat, selalu memberi
dengan gratis, karena ia bebas pamrih.
Tidak menuntut atau berharap
mendapatkan sesuatu darimu.
!eorang sahabat tetap mengasihimu
walau apapun yang terjadi.
!eorang sahabat selalu berdoa
untukmu menginginkan yang terbaik
!eorang sahabat akan mendampingimu
hingga akhir. Abadi dan selamanya.
<arena dia adalah orang yang telah
diatur dan dipercayakan Tuhan untuk
berjalan bersama denganmu dalam
kehidupan ini.
= forever friend =
!eorang sahabat tidak akan menertawai
atau menghakimimu saat kau berbuat bodoh.
!eorang sahabat tidak akan pernah
menertawakan apa pun yang kaumiliki dan kau lakukan.
!eorang sahabat akan tertawa
mendengar lelucon;leluconmu walau tidak lucu.
!eorang sahabat tidak akan ikut
tertawa, pada saat ada orang yang
membuat lelucon tentang dirimu.
!eorang sahabat akan selalu
memaafkan dirimu setelah bertengkar.
!etia menunggumu walau dirimu telah berpaling darinya.
!eorang sahabat membuatmu merasa nyaman dengan dirimu sendiri.
$endorongmu untuk meraih cita;citamu.
Tak pernah iri dan curiga padamu.
!eorang sahabat tidak akan melanggar janjinya untuk tidak buka rahasia.
Tidak membicarakanmu pada teman; teman lain.
!eorang sahabat akan selalu mengerti
akan dirimu, pada saat kau merasa
seluruh dunia menentangmu. Akan
selalu mempercayaimu, walau tiada lagi
yang dapat mempercayaimu.
!eorang sahabat tidak akan
membiarkanmu merusak diri sendiri.
!enantiasa punya waktu untuk
mendengarkan masalah;masalahmu dan
memberikan nasihat terbaik.
,isa bersikap terbuka dan apa adanya di
Tidak merasa segan menerima saranmu.
Tidak akan pernah mencoret namamu.
!eorang sahabat akan selalu menepati
janji, bicara jujur, meluangkan waktu
untukmu, dan bisa tertawa bersamamu.
!eorang sahabat akan tahu apa yang
ingin kaukatakan, meski kau tidak
$emahami perasaanmu, meski kau
sendiri tak bisa memahaminya.
Akan selalu memaafkanmu, biasanya
sebelum kau sendiri bisa memaafkan
!eorang sahabat datang
menyemangatimu saat kau lemah.
Akan membuatmu bangkit saat engkau
!eorang sahabat mempunyai tempat
istimewa di hatimu dan selalu ada saat
!eorang sahabat akan menjaga dan
merawatmu pada saat engkau sakit
hingga kembali sembuh. $enemanimu
dalam kesulitan, bersama melewati

) I ! . # !
As the time goes by,
)e continue our life""..
/ay after day, minutes after minutes""
)e walk our life as the time running by"".
a year has passed guiding you into the future""
The time is coming for you with a gift".
A gift which never cant be returned"..
A gift which only can be granted by our 0ather of .eaven""
This gift was so precious".
#verything that happened in one year was transient into memories
The memories of life""".
.appy birthday >??????>,
)ish u always have the best in your life".

T I $ #
I still remember it the first day we met"
8ou looked down as if you were shy And you just turned your eyes away
I thought that action was so lovely".
,ut i wonder since when i started to miss that action
The future and present that we@ve talked all night".
They were too daling for me and I treasured them
)hen I think of it would be good if the day I could forgive come
And my tears had started to flow.
)hen we are still in misunderstanding
%r even when we disagree of something
In the days of tears or even laughters
8es, even when we meet in what kind of time or days they are
I@ll always react towards them
)hite snow is melting
And even when the city colored is so clear""
0or me, you are still important""..
And it can@t be helped that I@d like to be with you

, ' 2 # / & # A $
#veryone has a dream which nobody cant tell"..
A dream which even greater than inaccessible thoughts
8ou take fresh hearts and get up again
The remembrance of profound love is the proof that youre life
Aet up in the sky for tomorrow when you embrace victory
8ou wish hope more beautiful than noble"""
8our wings are flapping in the sky
To smile kindly to each other
The road is full of paths and decisions
I wonder if theres something at the end
&einforce the precious strength
!truggle along the winding road
At night, as the town is quiet like the bottom of the ocean
I continue down the road by myself"""
Auided by the distant voice"""..
I keep searching for the soft blue light""..

Queen of My Heart
When I met you..
I had no idea how much my life will be going to change
As I lay here alone in my bed.
The thoughts of you keep running trough my head
When you here by my side the time goes by so uickly
The present disappears into the past
!f all the people in the uni"erse who would e"er guess I#d
found you first
I#m so lucky that you#re here with me.
If there is a sadness in the world that won#t disappear
There is refuge in a picture painted by an $Angel%
Always felling this paradise in my hearts and my life
I &ust want to stare at only you fore"er in my life
'o let me come to you and say.
How I lo"ed your peaceful eyes on me..
With that look on your face
(lease tell me this is not a dream.
And if there#s a shooting star flying o"er in the sky
I only ha"e one wishes
A wish that only can be heard trough our feelings
A wish where the words that I#m holding will be carry on by the
winds to you heart fore"er
Di suatu waktu dan masa dalam perjalanan hidupku
Ku terpana oleh sebuah keindahan
Keindahan yang akan merubah semua kehidupanku
Keindahan yang terlukiskan dalam setangkai bunga
Hari-hari pun terus berganti
Bunga tersebut tumbuh dan berkembang dengan penuh warna
Begitu antik dan indahnya dia dibawah sinaran mentari pagi!
Ku terpesona pada pandanganku yang pertama akan dia!!
"aktu pun berjalan tanpa henti dan hari-hari datang silih bergati
#etiap pagi hari aku ingin melihat keindahannya dibawah mentari
Keindahan yang tak bisa diungkapkan dan dilukiskan!
$eniptakan suasana yang yang tak terlukiskan oleh kata-kata
%anpa kusadari!!
&esonanya selama ini membuatku merasakan sebuah gejolak didalam hatiku
#ebuah gejolak yang tak pernah kurasakan sebelumnya
Apakah gejolak yang sedang melanda hatiku ini'
Bilakah dia tahu apa yang telah terjadi!
Bilakah dia mengerti apa yang telah terajdi

')*+AH (+I'I TA,(A -+.+/
Aku ingin men&adi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu
Aku ingin men&adi sesuatu yang muingkin bisa kau rindu
Aku ungin men&adi sesuatu yang selalu bisa kau sentuh
Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa aku selalu memu&amu
0arenanya berat ku melangkah tanpa dirimu
Tanpamu sepinya waktu merantai hati
Tertegun ku memandangmu yang semakin men&auh
Andaikan sa&a engkau dapat mengerti..
.erasnya hu&an yang turun..
Membuat hatiku semakin bimbang memikirkanmu
0uber&alan1 ber&alan untuk memutar waktu..
'amar dira&ut mega1 garis wa&ahmu lembut tercipta
Telah &auh kutempu per&alanan
Hampir semua menit telah kupunya didalam kehidupan
Tapi hanya satu menit yang kudamba tak pernah
*iarkanlah rasa itu hidup untuk sekali ini sa&a
'esaat malam datang men&emput kesendirianku
*agaikan bintang2bintang yang hilang ditelan malan.
Meski waktu datang dan berlalu sampai kau tiada bertahan
'emua takkan mampu mengubahku.
0au bukan hanya sekedar indah.
0arena hanyalah dirimu yang mampu membuatku &atuh
dan mencinta
0au takkan terganti..
Friendship is a quiet walk in the park with the one you trust
Love is when you feel like you are the only two around Friendship is
when they gaze into your eyes and you know they care
Love is when they gaze into your eyes and it warms your heart
Friendship is being close even when you are far apart
Love is when you can still feel their hand on your heart when they are
not near Friendship is hoping that they experience the very best
Love is when you bring them the very best Friendship occupies your mind
Love occupies your soul Friendship is knowing that you will always try
to be there when in need
Love is when you will give up everything to be at their side
Friendship is a warm smile in the winter
Love is a warming touch that sends a pulse through your heart Love is a
beautiful smile to which nothing compares
A tender laugh, which opens your heart
A single touch that melts away your fears
A smell that reminds you of the tenderness of heaven
A voice that reminds you of the innocence of youth Friendship can
survive without love
Love cannot live without friendship
***** ! " # A *****

Pernahkah kamu merasakan
Bahwa kamu sanggup melakukan apa saja demi seseorang yang kamu cintai
Meski kamu tahu ia takkan pernah peduli ataupun ia peduli dan mengerti,
tapi ia tetap pergi..

Pernahkah kamu merasakan hebatnya cinta
Tersenyum kala terluka, menangis kala bahagia,
bersedih kala bersama, tertawa kala berpisah

Aku pernah menangis kala bahagia,
karena kutakut kebahagiaan cinta ini akan sirna begitu saja.
Aku pernah tertawa saat berpisah dengannya. karena sekali lagi cinta tak harus memiliki,
dan Tuhan pasti telah menyiapkan cinta yang lain untukku

Hidup itu bagaikan roda yang terus berputar
atu saat akan berada di bawah dan hidup terasa
begitu sulit, tetapi keadaan itu tidak untuk selamanya.

Buka hatimu.
jangan menutup mata akan keindahan yang ada di dunia..
!arena cinta yang indah tidak terjadi dalam sekejap..
!arena cinta bukanlah suatu kehampaan, karena cinta ada dalam jiwa
'ove ,efore Time
!uch a long time ago""""..
I had given up finding this emotion ever again"".
And for the first time""""..
I am looking in your eyes""""
Are those your eyes""".
Is that your smile"""".
Ive been looking at you forever yet I never saw you before
I cant believe how much I see
Ive never been so sure about anything before""..
,ut this love feeling, gonna be a feeling I feel forever more
+ow I wonder, how I could have been so blind
Am I the person I was this morning"""".
'ooking in your eyes""".
Tomorrows all I see""".
)hen theres someone that you know, then just let your feeling show
8oull be my world as long as theres a world turning around
(ieces of /ream
Tossing around a senseless dream"".
)e played around with them as if they were toys".
If only we had known that once we turned our backs
It was a place to which we could never return
Its not that Im to pretend to be strong"""
,ut I have the feeling that I shouldnt stand still
0or the morning sun in all its glory""..
Areets the day with hope and comfort too
Theres a love thats divine"""..
And it-s yours and its mine like the sun..
(ure love is always leading someone astray
All this an9iety and nervousness is sending my heart into disorder
#ven though right now, i may try to turn back
And I keep on being stubborn about it"""""
I@ll believe in the love that@s in my heart forever
2ntil my dreams come true...
(ain and tears are the beginning that paints tomorrow over today
The pulse piercing trough the scattered loneliness is the farthest reach of uncertainty
If I look back on the road Ive walked in my soiled state""..
I see that its the road of contradictions and love"".
This place, where I am now, is just a game that wears me down
0rom where Im standing now, is about how far I can fall"".
And if thats so, I should be able to win just by thinking about it
A dream that crosses over along the night""..
I only have one wish for the shooting star
+othing to lose, please give me strength".
+o matter where it leads to, well continue on this path
)e can only walk on""""
!oon the rhythm thats lost all words and everything else will start beating
2ntil this song that I cough out, left after both moments and eternity which slowly faded away
#ven if you are tossed about in the sea of time, you keep on moving forward"..
-:ause we wanted to become stronger than before"""..
D ( ) A $
* was dreaming!!!
&erhaps it may ha+e been a long ,orgotten memory!!!
A dream!!!

A memory!!!
%hings remembered when one is asleep!!!
%hings ,orgotten when one is awake!!
"here the deepest layers o, memories!
*t beome the outmost layers o, one-s dreams!!!
"hih one is the reality'
"hih one are illusions'

.ne annot tell until one awakes!!!
.r perhaps they are
At the same time/ both truth and ,ition!!!
A +ast nebulous with no boundaries
An emptiness e0ui+alent to my own e1istene!!!
* dream suh a dream!!!
A long and ne+er ending dream!!!
Can You Hear Me?
The sky is limitless and blue
The sea is endlessly large.
Wanting to cry
Wanting to run
The cloud is white and drifts aimlessly.
The rain isnt black and crying anymore
When you look up, youll notice a single line..
Light and dark, both was born together in a single harmony
Like suddenly noticing the sound of bird for the first time.
I was looking at nothing but the sky..
Sending my thoughts flying to right below those clouds
From the window, at far distance..
What colour are the tears in the fountain of the heart.
The moment you opened your eyes and smile..
In both hands of the overflowing of pure emotions..
I want to dedicate them to you.

As I kneel at the altar in a gown of white
I close my eyes and bow my head
As I speak in silent prayer with an open heart,
I feel His warmth of blessing for the one I choose to wed
With tearful eyes I arise to find myself weakened
By the strength of His love that surround my heart
As long as we live in righteousness and listen openly to the spirit
I know that you and I will never be apart
With face of purity and love draping my body
I know one day we will join with the angels of the sky
But first we must prove ourselves and our love
Before the Creator will grant us wings to fly
This day let us be sealed for eternity and
Let us pray that we will never give into sway
Promise to walk with me into forever and
Let us promise the Creator that we will live the righteousness way

Ive been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you"".
I would send them but I know that its just not enough".
$y words were cold and flat"""".
And you deserve more """""".
:o youre always in my mind, all day just like the time
8oure everything to me, brighten star to let me see
8ou touch me in my dream and"""..
I pray to be with you trough rain and shining day".
Ive been wishing upon the star but I cant have imagine""..
I wanna show you such a beautiful night full with shining stars
And i wanna stay with this moment forever""
,ut if the years take away every memory that I have".
I would still find my way by the light I see in your eyes"..
I would still know the way that would lead me back to your side"..
'it by the love we have shared before time"""
To3 Mr. 4ischer 5ohanes 6 Ms. 7egina '.
Its all because of you.
I#m ne"er sad and blue1
5ou#"e brightened up my days
In your own special way.
How I can get you to understand1
That I lo"e you more than I can1
How can I get you to see1
5ou the only one for me.
It#s all because of you1
My dreams came true1
5ou e"erything I#"e wished for1
And I could ne"er wish for more.
I can#t describe how much I care1
*ut when you need me I will be there1
To wipe you tears when you sad1
To make you happy when you are mad.
,obody is as special as you are to me1
,ow I hope you are beginning to see1
-ust how much I care for you
And all my feelings will always be true.
Happy Bday Zhang Rina

.on8t ask1 don8t speak1 lea"e e"erything unspoken.
This moment cuddles the candlelight1 letting us uietly pass through.
.on8t wa"e your hands9 don8t turn back1 when I sing this song.
My only fear is that tears will softly begin to flow.

How many worries1 how many concerns1 life is ine"itably bitter and painful
:old and warmth1 little by little1 drop by drop1 are taken to heart
The dusty past becomes a cloud of smoke1 scattering before your eyes
-ust close your eyes1 take a deep breath1 and then mo"e forward with new meaning

The skies that you ha"e tra"eled1 they ha"e a freedom which is similar to solitude
There are things which will become tainted and time that flows on
Whene"er you close my eyes1 whene"er you look up at the sky1
Memories of those mirage2like days come back to life.

A year has passed guiding you into the future
The past can ne"er come back1 but it will be reborn
And the road is full of paths and decisions
5our soul now has a new meaning

The time is coming for you with a warmth gift.
Happy birthday ;<<<<<<;1
Wish u always ha"e the best in your life.
If only my wish is still to come true
I daydream such things
And spend all day lost in thought
It8s alright if there aren8t more meanings to it than this
If my hands are able to wipe away your tears
That is wonderful
but you
ha"e a room where no one is allowed to step in
I8"e seen you from so many angles
and e"ery one of them was ama=ing
Taken along by a silent song...
Will the "oice in my heart reach you>
:rying and laughing
It8s an unstable emotion but
that is the mark between you and me
Madly "i"id is what8s filling my memories
'inging a lo"e songs uttering whispers of lo"e
!nly want you to hear it clearly
$I lo"e you% is the only word I wanna say..
Tell me1 where can I find rainbows>
:an you return my wish back to me>
Why is the sky still so calm>
All the clouds ha"e amassed abo"e me
I wonder if we#"e come to belie"e in something
since then1 beyond the night sky1 tomorrow is already waiting
I wonder if we#"e come to belie"e in something
I softly open the window and smell the winter wind
I wonder if sadness is something that will someday disappear...
My sigh remained in white for a moment and then instantly disappeared
Words cannot o"ercome our hearts
It wishes to con"ey the message but cannot win o"er the heart
I wonder if these days will continue like this fore"er...
The cloudless starry sky continues beyond the window
/et our dreams come together1 &ust the two of us
and li"e together naturally
There will naturally be times when we are down as long as life goes on#
:rying in the weak rays of sunlight which embrace me
'miling while standing in the wind which always shows me the way
:an that sea still be "iewed from the window>
After peaceful times challenges will arise again
The memories which lay still cry
I wish to arouse them awake
Hearing the sound of the wa"es
7unning around the sandy beach barefooted
'o happy1 so en&oyable
When the season of blooming sunflowers arri"e
It#s &ust that the future I en"isioned back then had been brighter
The night is turning into a shade of cobalt
The chilly star studded sky is glimmering
Humming along a song
.o you ga=e at the sky of your hometown>
5ou don#t know how I#m feeling.
I ha"e yet to "ocali=e the desire deep inside me.
:an you see it in my eyes>

I tremble when I#m Hear you
Heat tra"els up my ,eck and I want you with an urgency
That I &ust can#t describe.

.are I reach out to touch you>
.o you think you#d reali=e how much I want and need you>
:an you see it in my eyes>

I long to say1 $I like you1% but am scared of your reply.
Terrified like a child
I#"e become paraly=ed.

The camouflaged emotions lead to pain and silent cries.
And yet I &ust can#t tell you.
.on#t you see it in my eyes>

:onfessing through this poem my dilemma summari=ed.
The feeling#s uite cathartic1
*ut will lead to my demise.
Prisoner of Love
The boring days started to shine suddenly since the day you appeared.
I felt my mind neither the solitude nor agony.
5ou touch me with the lo"e you8re bring
I can8t really lose when you8re near
'o many times when the city seems to be a lonely place
It8s nice to know that you8ll be there if i need you
And you8ll always smile
It8s nice to know that there8s someone i can turn to
When the horrifying reality separates us1
I#m more attracted to you strongly than before..
I#m choosing the unknown hard path
I &ust want you to stay with me and i won8t let you be alone
'ince the day my heart was stolen
And confessing through this poem
I lo"e you along with a "ague melody
I8m &ust a prisoner of lo"e
As the cold coffee lea"es the coaster
I desperately tried to hold my emotions far behind
7ainy days are not the most beautiful
It8s the shelters that I once shared with you in the rain
What kind of dreams should I en"ision>
What kind of hopes should I take with me as i go forward>
These seemingly impossible to answer uestions
?et buried in my day to day life.
I ne"er imagined that simply meeting you
:ould make the world seem so beautiful
Would you laugh at me for being simple minded>
I want to say $thank you% to you from my heart.
I#m writing for you a simple song
This simple song is a uniue story about it all
It8s tearing me up inside..
:o= you are my precious wealth
Song in my Heart
/o"ing you
Is the most wonderful and furthest "acation
/ike a song of in my heart
(laying underneath the blue and cloudy sky...
Happiness matching with sadness1
:rossing each other at the same moments in my heart
)"ery time you and me apart
The tears of defeat can#t test the weight of lo"e
*utterfly on the window sill
Is like the beautiful chapter that flutters in this song
5ou will always find serenity in folk songs
I use a few lines to describe who you are to me
?a=ing at your smile makes me lose myself
?i"e me a minute to concentrate
And really appreciate your beauty
Together hand in hand we walked through e"ening gloom
/ong shadows on the pa"ement1 cast from the sunset sky
If only this would last until the end of time
And if this is fore"er I swear that I could cry
The northern wind starts to blow
And the smell of winter#s in the air
As we take each step upon the ground
The season of lo"e grows near
The nights were so cold without you
And the days were always short on light
,ow a fire#s warming me through
And suddenly this upturned world is feeling right
If there comes a time when you ha"e lost your way
I#ll turn myself into a star to guide you through
If e"er you find tears upon your face
I will be there1 always be there for you
Wings of Words
,othing is going the way it should
I hastily subdue these feelings of impatience
All this an@iety and ner"ousness is sending my heart into disorder
-ust a boy hugging his knees in the midst of it all
'hi"ering and in tears1 i repress all my regret
I cried all night1 but now it seems dawn is breaking...
I surrendered myself to a dismal emptiness
I8ll start walking again1 this time e"en farther1 and I won8t gi"e up
5our tear2filled face is too beautiful and i can8t help it
Though I cannot fly to the skies1 i can gi"e you my wings.
They will say1 A5ou8re not alone anymoreA1
And the words will tear off your loneliness.
Withstanding the current1 i can8t e"en raise my "oice
To ha"e an unbroken dream is to be fighting with oneself.
It could ha"e been the end right there1 but...
In this world1 there some doors can only be opened with two people
*ecome as wings that outshine your sadness
:utting through the white darkness
Illuminated by the cold sun1
The sound of snow and the glimmers of moonlight embrace the stillness1
!n the other side of the crumbling wall
.espair and hope wear the same face
!n the miraculous night reflected in the mirror
My soul began to remo"e its mask
What is between you and I
Is the sea of noise where dreams mi@ together
?ently I take my feelings that still o"erflow for you
I8d like to belie"e that someday we can understand each other
+nknowingly1 my tears o"erflow
)"ery time when I remember you1 always
I feel so painful that I tremble
*ut I lo"e you so much
In this world where the wind blows like a knife
What is it that I should protect>
In this &ourney where I know one pain
After another I draw closer to my true self
!n our endless &ourney..
There are times when we come to a stop1
We hea"e a deep sigh.
And i found myself casually sauntering the streets
4ar away1 far away1 no matter how far you are
Within the time that flows by
The memories of the times we spent together
Will ne"er e"er disappear
When I was feeling troubled1
And frightened of the future
5ou were there1 though you said nothing
5ou softly reached out your hand to me
My sadness diminished to one2half
My happiness swelled twice o"er
If our places were re"ersed1
I promise that I will come rushing to your side
To all the people who ha"e supported me1
This heartfelt rhapsody goes out to you
To send you my feelings of appreciation
I8m grateful for you where"er you may be1
That sea went on fore"er into the blue distance
That road went on fore"er continuing straight ahead
)"en if i were farther away than anyone else1
When i close my eyes suddenly i can smell the scent of a summer day
Will you be able to get close slowly>
My dreams fragments are the people i lo"e
The shape of lo"e i imagined1
'oaring through the endless blue sky
?a=ing at the distant sky
I was looking at nothing but the sky
4rom the window1 at the far distance
'ending my thoughts flying to right below those clouds
My memories will ne"er disappear.
I8ll definitely keep my promise and take you with me.
I embrace my o"erflowing dreams and wishes and put them into this song.
And let us hope for the happiness we can see
The lo"ing warmth surrounds my entire body.
The sweet scent at the end of my dream en"elops my heart1
And with it i want to try li"ing beautifully like the flowers that bloom e"ery day.
Across the changing times to eternity
Ha"e u e"er li"ed my life>
'pent one minute in my shoes>
If u ha"en#t then tell me why
+ &udge me as u do..
When I look in the mirror1
I see an ordinary girl who really appreciates fun 6 a good laugh.
I see a person who loathes lies...
I also see someone who feels disgusted by disloyalty 6 cannot bear to lose anything....
I see a person who "alues the time and &ourney of life1
who en&oy beauty 6 intelligence1
who feels comfortable around li"ely 6 funny people1
who likes day dreamin....
The mirror also re"eals a child.
I am still a child who listens to the ad"ise gi"en by those who are older...
I want to be a child fore"er...
i ne"er want my eyes to stop shining...
i always want to ha"e a smile for my /I4)....

Dear 2ord/
%oday we pray ,or mothers!
.ur own mothers/ and mothers e+erywhere/
"ho ha+e made suh a major ontribution to the good 0ualities we ha+e/
#ometimes through genetis/ more o,ten through great e,,ort and patient instrution/
And who ha+e done their best to gently polish away our rough edges!
&lease bless our mothers!
3or the endless hours o, time they spent and the boundless energy they in+ested in us!
Bless our mothers ,or their sari,ies on our behal,!!
As they o,ten ga+e up or de,erred their own dreams so that we ould ha+e ours!

Bless our mothers ,or always being there ,or us ,or being the person we know we an turn to
when we need om,ort/ enouragement/ or just a hug!
Bless our mothers ,or making a home ,or us where we ould ,eel sa,e/ where we ,elt we
$ost o, all!
Bless our mothers ,or their unonditional lo+e/ ,or lo+ing us no matter what and ,or ,re0uently
lo+e in ways that make us ,eel +alued and herished!
&lease bless our mothers mightily!
#trengthen them/ soothe them/ wrap them in 4our in,inite lo+e
and shower them with blessings too numerous to ount/ too magni,ient to desribe!
"e lo+e them/ admire them/ respet them/ and we wish that 4ou would gi+e them bak many
times the good they ga+e to us!

3rom the beginning a mother is writing a poem o, li,e
3rom the time * was little and then as * grew
4ou5+e made a di,,erene in my li,e
3or the many unspoken ways

4ou ha+e taught me so muh
Always with tenderness/ lo+e and are
4ou told us that we should always reah ,or a star

4ou ha+e always beha+ed heer,ully
%he thought o, you by me just makes me smile
4ou did your best ,or me/ now i6m the person you hope i6d be!
$y greatest happiness will be that * an thank you ,or that

*, e+er * do anything to be proud o,
.nly just want to show how muh we really are
And we want to say you5re the greatest mother anywhere
%hank you ,or being the mom that you are

Happy $other5s Day!
*t5s ok to kiss a ,ool
*t5s ok to let a ,ool kiss you
But ne+er e+er let a kiss ,ool you!

*t5s still best to wait ,or the one that you want than settle ,or the one a+ailable!
Best to wait the one you lo+e than settle ,or one who5s around!
Best to wait ,or the right one
2i,e is so short to waste on the wrong person!

*t is better to meet the person/ who will truly lo+e you later/
%han meet someone now who promises to lo+e you but
#ooner or later lea+e you ,ore+er!

Ne+er try to impress someone to make him 7 her ,all in lo+e with you
*, you do/ you will be e1peted to keep the standard ,or the rest o, your li,e
3ate determines who omes into our li+es!!
%he heart determines who stays
#o $hang %ina, on &alentine's (ay
Ha+e you e+er wondered what li,e is about'
*n a world where anything goes
*t5s about ha+ing ,aith through it all
No matter what the path is/ it-s the present that-s important

#itting here on the sand dunes with you at midnight
Aompany by the melody o, the sea wa+es
%here5s a handelier o, stars when we look at the sky
* wish at this moment the time would stop ,or a day!

As the shooting star sparkles in the sky
Did you know what i wished ,or'
* want your shining eyes to see e+ery bit o, me
* an-t stop unonsiously searhing ,or your smile

*5m grate,ul that i met you in the ,irst plae
"hen you put your arms around me * learned ,or the ,irst time what lo+e meant
*5+e deided ,or mysel, what it means to lo+e someone
* lose my eyes and make a +ow in my heart

%his lo+e/ just one lo+e that i ha+e ,or you
* will try my best to make up ,or it
8o9 you are my most preious treasure
And i want to tell you how i ,eel right now

* lo+e you more and more than e+er!
*t5s the only thing on my mind * wanna to say
Definition of Love

* Ne+er really knew you os you were just like the other ,riend!
"hen * learned to know you more/ i let my heart unbend
* ouldn5t help the past memories that would only make me ry
i an only say i-+e been lost

"rite it down a thousand times
3our letter o, words that makes me ry!
About how * ,eel and what i an-t deide
3rom the day that you walked into my li,e

Boundless through spae and time it grows stronger e+eryday
"ith the knowledge that you-ll always be mine
Bear in my mind that * ouldn5t a,,ord to lose someone *5+e ared so muh
4ou may ne+er know how important you are to me

* may be not saying this e+eryday!!
But * wanna tell the world how luky * am to ha+e you in my li,e
And i want to thank you ,or all that you do
%hanks ,or brightening my world with the warmth o, your lo+e
Palette of Life
%he olour o, rosy heeks
resemble lo+e and a,,etion!
8olour o, how deep your lo+e is
to interat with other people sine time is limited and not slow!
%he olour o, glossy lips
resemble spirit o, youth,ul!
8olour o, how deep your soul is
to be able to breathe li+ely sine li,e omes with hurriane!
%he olour o, beauti,ul nails
resemble strength o, power in li,e!
8olour o, how good your heart is
in letting go and ,orgetting others sine none an ,ul,ill all need o, others!
%he olour o, shimmering eyes
resemble purity in the herish o, li,e!
8olour o, how good your brain is
in remembering all days o, your li,e sine memories are so preious!
)oz *f +ou,,,
! an ount *n +ou -

+ou Lift .y /pirits -

+ou 0ring *n #he /un,,,

+ou)re #ruly ared )0out -
Like 0read And 0utter -
A /houlder #o Lean *n,, (ay *r "ight -

#ake 1ggs2tra are *f +ourself -

#ake are -

A 3arm )#ake are) 4ug 5ust For 6 -

All #he 0est #o 6 -

(ouble Fun 3ith +ou,
"hen # need $riend, you are here with me.
"hen # need help, you are here with me.
"hen # need someone who care, %ou are here with me.
"hen # need someone who lo&e, %ou are here with me.
"hen # need someone who special, you also are here with me.
# miss you so much ..
# lo&e you so much ..
( ' ; ' ) Stay Cute!!
( ' @ ' ) Sleep More!!!
( ='.'= ) Be GOoD!!
( ' ; ' ) Be HaPPY!!!
( ' @ ' ) Be Cool!!!
( ='.'= ) Be Loved!!!
( ' ; ' ) Be Smart!!!
( ' @ ' ) Be Strong!!!
( ='.'= ) Be Fun!!!
( ' ; ' ) GuD Luck!!!
( ' @ ' ) TaKe CaRe
___***_____Valentine______ ***___
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............... //))(\ ................
.................(/ ))..................
...................((.. ...............

Hi.........Let's a dolphin cheer u up
everyday......thanx 4 adding me in ur
take care & happy always...(^(Oo)^)
=......... , . - . - , _ , .......
=......... ) ` - . .> ' `( .......
=........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........
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Thankx 4 havin me in ur account!
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") . fRiEnD
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") .bored!?? *No MoRe*
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") .uNhApPiEz??! *NaHzZz* ]
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") .SaD??! *nO WaY*
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") . StAy Cu+e!!!
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") .& HaPp! aLwAyXx!!
(>""<)"*<).tat wat
( ,'o' )'o', ) .
(,,)(")(")(") .FRienD call
nIcE tO MeET yOU!!
( 'o' ) ") 10 kM
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( 'o' ) ") 7 kM
("( 'o') 6 kM
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. . . . .*. . . . . . **.*
Flower ^^ for ^^
HaPpYB'dAy GaLs
Message: ~oOo~ DiS DaY Is YoUr
BiRtHdAy, RiGhT?~oOo~
Zo, I DrOp tHeM To SaY HAPPY
~~~~~ I WiSh : ~~~~~
:: U r HeaLtHy.. (^^,)
:: U r HaPpY.. (^_^)
:: U r SaFe..(^o^)
^^ EvErY MiNuTe..^^
^^ EvErY HouR.. ^^
^^ EvErY DaY..!! ^^
aLL Da BeZt iN WhAtEvEr U Do...
AnD TaKe a GooD CaRe (^o^))
-----888----- Be HaPpY ****
ThanKs FoR BeCoMinG My FriEnD *
HoPe U HaVe a NiCe and HapPy
EveRydaY ** =)
Smile AlWayS ~
KeeP Sm|LinG....
Jangan hitung tahun-tahun yang lewat,
hitunglah saat-saat yang indah &.
Hidup tidak diukur dengan banyaknya
napas yang kita hirup;
Melainkan dengan saat-saat di mana
kita menarik napas bahagia!
Mereka yang paling berbahagia tidaklah
memiliki yang terbaik dari segala
mereka hanya mengoptimalkan
segala sesuatu yang datang dalam
perjalanan hidup mereka.
Masa depan yang paling gemilang akan
selalu dapat
diraih dengan melupakan masa lalu
yang kelabu;
engkau tidak akan dapat maju dalam
hidup hingga
engkau melepaskan segala kegagalan
dan sakit hatimu, serta belajar menjalani
hidup dengan santai.
_______ CUTE GERL___
~"A true friend is one who is
about what we are becoming, who
beyond the present relationship, and
who cares deeply about us as a
~"Thats what a friend is for, when
lost in darkness and searching for
light, to help you through those
nights, when everything around you
just hold out your hand, and i'll come
running, thats what a friend is for."
HaPpY BirThDaY....
**@""@* (`v)
***('o')** `*..*
*(@)-"-(@) *.*.*) .*)
**'(@)(@)'* (. (. . .`.
H a p p y B i r t h D a y..
( . _ . )
when u r down...pls dun 4get tat i'm
still by ur side...
( =. = )
when u r seeking 4 sum1 tat u can
trust...dun boggle....i'm the 1 u
( ~v^ )
when u r happy and willing 2
share...pls remember tat i'm waitng
4 u 2 share...
( \ _ / )
when u r angry, pls drink a glass of
water and think sumthing tat can
make u can cool u down...
( @_@ )
when ur eyes r tired, pls go sleep
immediately...i won't accept a
panda as my fren...
( ? _? )
if u 4got who am i, i'll knock ur
head, open it and find the memory
out inside ur brain....
so.....pls dun 4get me...
i can b an angel and also a devil....
Asal percaya pada penantian maka
segalanya akan menjadi kenyataan
Feel fre3 like a dlphin, just let it flw!
Sankyuuu for adding me^_______,^
___8888888888888888888888 --
_000000____0____00000____ 0_
_______0___0___0_____0___ 0_
_000000____0__0_______0__ 0_
.+.=.*tTO beE.=.+.
.+.=.*eUur frEnN.=.+.
`thankz for having me Too**:"
_PLs Drop Me bAck A TestiMOnial
Too..THanKS,,,^^ U vEry Pr3tty
......... , . - . - , _ , .......
......... ) ` - . .> ' `( .......
........ / . . . .`\ . . \ ........
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..... '-...'-._..\||/ .............
......... >_.-`Y| ..............
.............. ,_|| ...............
................ \|| ...........
................. || .....
................. || .....
................. |/ ......
A rose 4 a gal who's as beautiful as the flower itself..!!
( ' ; ' ) mUsT B cUtE...
(,,)('")('") aNd mUsT B hApPiEz!!
***( ='O'= )***
*** ("")-("")***
thank u for being my friend.
" ******* "
" ***** "
" *** "
" * "
**( ' 0 ' )**
'()*(('() +,+,+
' - . - ) don be bored///
'()*(('() 000
' 1 . 1) don be u2hApPee...
'()*(('() ////3
' T 4 T) don be sad//
'()*(('() 5555
' * 6 * ) must be cute///
'()*(('() 7777
' 7 6 7 ) and must be happee//
thanks $or accept/ng me..
is a 89:T#;#9<...
-1 good looking...
-1 alluring...
-1 charming...
-1 da,,ling...
-1 gorgeous...
-1 eye catching...
-1 head turner...
-1 stunning...
A2< HA A ...
??????? :A@#2A B9ABT% CCCCCCC
B9 P:DB< TD B9 D29 D; B///
!99P :D8!#2E...///
TA% B9ABT#;BF///
555555555'...beinH my...)55555
5,,,,,'C-? )
5,,,,, ' o )
55 sTa% HaPPy aFwAy,+,.. 55
?? 2i8e I B u: $:en< He:eCC
?? Ta!e 8a:e CC
?? ta% c>>F CC
..J*K...55..55..5.oD..5...55 ...Do..5..55. oD.55
5. .5 L55555$:en<sHiP ;or9&9r55555M
J.5.K ..55.,.55.5.Do..5..55 ...Do..5..55. oD.55
en< u a Fu8k% FeA&e
Hop9 tat e@ery second u will be GinA ;u
Hop9 tat e@ery minute u will be HaPp%
Hop9 tat e@ery hour u will be HeaFth%
Hop9 tat e@eryday u will be Fu8k%
a bFesing ;rom m% h9a:t
To wisH u 9&erthing sMooth AoinA...
8haracter cannot be de&eloped in ease and Ouiet. Dnly through ePperiences o$ trial and su$$ering can
the soul be strengthened, &ision cleared, ambition inspired and success achie&ed.
*t is easier to ,orgi+e an enemy than to ,orgi+e a ,riend!
(e+enge is a on,ession o, paid
3orgi+eness does not hange the past/ but it does enlarge the ,uture!
"hen deep injury is done to us/ we ne+er reo+er until we ,orgi+e!
%o ,orgi+e is to set a prisoner ,ree and diso+er that the prisoner was you!
2et us ,orgi+e eah other/ only then we li+e in peae!
8ourage onsists in the power o, sel, reo+ery!
&eae annot be kept by ,ore: it an only be ahie+ed by understanding!
*, you annot ,ind peae within yoursel,/ you will ne+er ,ind it anywhere else!
A ;riend like a tissue when u can*t stop crying..
a shoulder when u $eel like dying..
always listen when u ha&e something to say...
like a week when u just need a day..
a crutch when u ha&e a broken heart..
some glue when e&erything $alls apart..
a sun when the rain just won*t stop..
your mom when you run into a cop
phone call when you can*t lea&e your home
hand when u $ell all alone..
wing i$ u want to $ly..
understanding without knowing why..
an ear $or a secret to tell..
an aspirin when u $eel unwell..
a lo&e that can ne&er let go..
# cherish those moments o$ our $riendship
# shared with u../////

>> BB . C D D D
ED FC;D GD CD C;D 6D 6GD 6;D HD >o> >.> >.>D G>.>G
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!hivering, I am mesmeried
drawn into their world
seeing in living color
$other +ature@s plan unfurled
,est and dearest flower that grows,
(erfect both to see and smell,
)ords can never tell the beauty of a rose
buds that open to disclose,
0old on fold of purest white, 'ovely pink, or red that glows deep.
!weet;scented what delightU
To be the twinkling dew of a rose.
!ome fall earthward giving life
to nurture new growth@s humming
others rise skyward as mist
on a different journey to their ne9t destination
under crisp new sunrise in quiet anticipation

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