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1200 AD- the fourth Christian Crusade is launched.

This is significant because it

shows that during the time of the High Middle Ages, there was an extremely strong
influence of Christianity in Europe, which means that the society the artifact was
made in was very Christian.

1204 AD- the Crusaders capture Constantinople, which begins the spread of the
Latin Empire. This means that Latin Christianity overtakes most of Eastern Europe,
which sparks a rivalry between Eastern and Western churches. This is significant
because it affected the beliefs of Germany, they churches of their society were
impacted heavily by the crusades.

1205 AD- Pope Innocent III outlawed lawyers and heretics to help in justice cases,
which sparked less rational thought when judging cases, and began some very
unusual and torturous ways to judge whether someone is guilty or innocent. These
were called the Ordeal Formuals, and this is significant because the Ordeals clearly
demonstrated the connection between fantasy and reality.

1207 AD- Pope Innocent III encourages and begins a new crusade. This is important
because although the crusades were dangerous and violent, they converted many
people and converted many areas to Christianity.

1208 AD- the first ever witchcraft trial in England takes place, against an accused
sorcerer called Gideon. This is significant because it demonstrates how heavily the
society relied on and believed in fantasy to prove reality, which shows how they
were connected.

1212 AD- the Childrens Crusade happens, overall selling over 50,000+ children into
slavery. This is important because it showed how radically religious parts on the
society sometimes were at that time, causing them to spend time and money on
making art for religious purposes like the aquamanile.

1216 AD- Pope Innocent III dies, and Honorius III is elected as the new pope. This is
significant because it marks the end of a very radical Christian rule, and the
beginning of a new rule, which affects many peoples way of worshipping.

1220 AD- Pope Honorius III pushes for the fifth crusade by electing Holy Roman
Emperor Frederick to support the church. This is significant because it shows that
even though a new rule was established, the society was still very radically

1227 AD- Pope Honorius III dies, which makes Gregory IX the new pope, who
excommunicated Frederick, this is significant because it was calling for an end to the
fifth crusade and the start of a new Christian rule.

1231 AD- being burned at the stake because of heresy becomes permitted, which
shows how radical the society still was.

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