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Geothermal as renewable energy
its role in Indonesia and the world
1. Geothermal energy among others
2. The energy and electricity demand
3. The role of geothermal
4. Indonesia energy demand and
geothermal potential
5. The usage of geothermal energy
6. History of geothermal utilization in
the world and in Indonesia
1. Geothermal Energy among others
2. The energy and electricity demand
What the energy need for?
2. The energy and electricity demand
From where world get its energy?
2. The energy and electricity demand
How much the energy is needed?
2. The energy and electricity demand
How much the energy is needed?
2. The energy and electricity demand
How is the trend on energy demand in the future?
World demand grows for all energy sources.
The fossil fuels energy consumption falls slightly from 81% in 2010 to
75% in 2035.
Natural gas is the only fossil fuel to increase its share in the global mix
over the period to 2035.
Absolute growth in natural gas demand is similar to that of oil and coal
Oil demand increases by 15% and is driven by transport demand.
Coal demand, dictated largely by emerging economies, increases for
around the next ten years but then stabilises, ending around 17%
higher than 2010.
The share for renewable energy is continue to grow
2. The energy and electricity demand
How much the energy by power generation / electricity is needed?
3. The role of geothermal
Geothermal energy as one of renewable energy is also
But development of geothermal is slower compared with
other renewable energy
The worldwide problems are:
-The lack of available drilling rigs (due to
competition with the oil and gas industry)
-The lack of a qualified workforce has presented
challenges in Kenya and elsewhere
3. The role of geothermal
2008 = 10
2008 = 50
3. The role of geothermal
4. Indonesia Energy Demand and Geothermal Potential
The peak power demand of the whole country reached 20,4 MW
in 2006 and showed the 5.1% increase from the previous year.
The amount of energy demand in 2006 also records 113,2 GWh,
the 5.1% increase from the pervious year.
The National Electricity Development Plan 2005 (RUKN 2005)
estimates that the peak power demand of the country will
increase at the average annual rate of 7.5% and will reach 79,900
MW in 2025.
It also estimates that the energy demand will increase at almost
same rate and will reach 450,000 GWh in 2025
Indonesia Geothermal Prospects
Total of 276 prospects
4. Indonesia Energy Demand and Geothermal Potential
Projected Indonesia Geothermal Development
4. Indonesia Energy Demand and Geothermal Potential
Status of Indonesia Geothermal Prospects
Berproduksi :
1. Kamojang (200 MW)
2. Wayang Windu (220 MW)
3. Darajat (260 MW)
4. Gunung Salak (375 MW)
5. Dieng (60 MW)
6. Lahendong (40 MW)
7. Sibayak (12 MW)
Siap dikembangkan / diusahakan 8 area (3.1%)
Tahap Eksplorasi 78 area (30,5%)
Tahap survey pendahuluan 163 area (63,7%)
Nenny MS
4. Indonesia Energy Demand and Geothermal Potential
Status of Indonesia Geothermal Prospects
Geothermal Prospects which are ready for development
Nenny MS
4. Indonesia Energy Demand and Geothermal Potential
The Challenge for Indonesia Geothermal Development
1. Lack of Qualified Human Resources
2. Unclear Regulation and Law for
3. Electricity price is considered too low
(from operator point of view)
4. Etc
4. Indonesia Energy Demand and Geothermal Potential
5. The usage of
geothermal energy
What are the application of
geothermal energy?
Lindal Diagram
Geothermal Heat Pumps
Heat is transfered from buried long
pipe loop. The loop is able to
maintain temperature difference
10-25 C,,20162296-2,00.html
6. History of geothermal utilization in
the world and in Indonesia
The History of Geothermal Utilization in the World
Suatu sistempanas bumi umumnya menghasilkan air panas atau fumarol
sebagai ekspressi adanya reservoir geotermal dibawahnya
Air panas dan mineral yang diendapkannya (sulfur , brome dsb) banyak
dipakai untuk pembersih, terapi atau obat.
Sejak awal Masehi, air panas untuk penyembuhan sudah dikenal (Kata
Emaus dalambible berarti air panas)
Orang Romawi telah memanfaatkan untuk pemanas ruangan dan mandi
Abad pertengahan; nilai komersial endapan mata air panas menyebabkan
perang diantara mereka
Di New Zealand (orang Maori) dan Jepang, masyarakat memakai air panas
ini untuk memasak dan pemandian.
Tahun 1904, listrik pertama kali dihasilkan dari sumur uap Larderello
Tahun 1913, listrik geotermal pertama kali di pasarkan.
The History of Geothermal Utilization in the World
Hingga 2011 terdapat sekitar 11 GWh kapasitas listrik terpasang dari energi
panasbumi, ditambah sekitar 51 GWh dari direct use (atau setara 36 000 BOE)
Total penggunaan energi panas bumi sekitar 4.4% dari energi terbarukan
Konsumsi energi listrik dunia adalah 21248 TWh atau setara dengan 12.5 X
barel minyak ekivalen /tahun (12.5 GBOE)
Dengan demikian penggunaan energi panas bumi baru sekitar 0.36 % dari
penggunaan energi listrik dunia
Sebanyak 24 negara termasuk Indonesia memanfaatkan energi ini secara tidak
Sedangkan 72 negara lainnya memanfaatkan untuk direct use
Produksi listrik ini akan terus meningkat karena cadangan minyak dunia yang
cenderung terus menurun
dan karena sifatnya yang terbaharukan dan ramah lingkungan
The History of Geothermal Utilization in Indonesia
Tahun 1918, pertama kali dilakukan eksplorasi panas bumi di daerah Kawah Kamojang.
Tahun 1926 hingga tahun 1929 lima sumur eksplorasi dibor di Kamojang.
Sumur KMJ-3 masih memproduksikan uap panas kering (dry steam) sampai sekarang
Sekitar 1943-1945 Kegiatan eksplorasi di Kamojang terhenti karena Pecahnya perang
dunia dan perang kemerdekaan Indonesia
Tahun 1972 Kegiatan eksplorasi panasbumi di Indonesia baru dilakukan secara luas oleh
Direktorat Vulkanologi dan Pertamina dan dengan bantuan Pemerintah Perancis dan
New Zealand melakukan survey pendahuluan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Hasil survey mengindikasikan terdapat 217 prospek panasbumi di Indonesia, yaitu di
sepanjang jalur vulkanik mulai dari bagian Barat Sumatera, terus ke Pulau Jawa, Bali,
Nusatenggara dan kemudian membelok ke arah utara melalui Maluku dan Sulawesi.
Survey berikutnya berhasil menambah jumlah prospek menjadi 256 prospek, yaitu 84
prospek di Sumatera, 76 prospek di Jawa, 51 prospek di Sulawesi, 21 prospek di
Nusatenggara, 3 prospek di Irian, 15 prospek di Maluku dan 5 prospek di Kalimantan.
Nenny MS;
1. Energy demand is increasing
2. Fossil fuels as the major energy supply is decreasing
3. While the utilization of renewable energy is increasing
4. Geothermal energy as one of renewable energy play an
important role in producing electricity
5. The long history of geothermal utilization is the evidence
that geothermal technology has been established
6. One of the big challenge in geothermal development is lack
of qualified human resources

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