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What's your view?

By the time you finish reading this line, or maybe the next one, you will have an opinion, a view
on this piece. You might be thinking that this article deals with exhorting you, to express your
views on a certain issue, possibly on something contentious. Or a far cry would be, that it could
be dealing with some philosophy of having a view.
How do you think youre able to form a view, an opinion so soon, so fast? Well, you must be
smart. In fact, we all of are. Our smartness is not just an accumulation of your experience over
the past so many years, but rather of generations and centuries of human existence. Now, one
could be thinking that what nonsense this article is aiming at. Your conviction that your first
thought about this article being unsubstantial piece, is now definitely growing.
Integral to us, among a few select things, are our views on something (or thats how we like to
think). Now, this thought might be so radical that its futility is almost evident to us. For one
might wonder, how could one be without views! Thats what defines us, dont they? You had an
opinion on the vegetable you ate as a child, type of clothes you wore, places you went, friends
you made, courses you studied, people you met, jobs you did, and almost everything you did.
Actually, not mostly, indeed everything!
Did we form those views on our own or were we induced those beliefs, those opinions, those
takes? If we happen to undertake the arduous task of critically thinking on how those thoughts
developed, we might actually have some startling revelations. But believe me, it will be
extremely difficult to have those realizations. Our opinions, our views, however formed are so
natural that we dont realize it, just like we dont realize that we are breathing.
Now that you paid attention to your breathing, you thought about the process of inhalation and
exhalation. But in the normal course, you obviously dont. But isnt or shouldnt our views be
our hallmark? Where would we stand without a view on your colleague or the Prime Minister of
the country? Though, it is of a minor significance to have a view on things, that dont radically
change our lives, like your favorite color (unless one is a firm believer in astrology), most of our
woes can be traced back to the belief, the views, the opinions we are so possessive about.
The colleague in your adjoining cabin is an irritant, because in your view his ringtone is archaic;
the neighbor is an idiot, because he does not park his car perfectly; your cousin is out of his
mind, because he is marrying someone of a caste that you despise because of your views on it;
your work is dreary, because your views do not align with your employers; and so on and so
forth our views form those thorns which prick the everyday living, the conscience, the life.
Are our views constant? Are they our real identity? Are we just made of flesh and bone and it is
our view, our opinions, and in larger picture, our ideologies that give our inner self the form? Or
is it that we have been made to believe so? Right from when we gained senses. Right when we
started identifying things. Right when we started living our lives. So ingrained is this thought
that thinking beyond it appears almost laughable, ridiculous, unfathomable.
Ever gave it a thought? Whats your view on it?

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