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Little Red Riding Hood

Narrator: Once there was a little girl who lived with her mother in a house at the
edge of the forest. The little girl always wore a red cloak and hood that grandmother
had made for her. That's why everyone, even her mother, called her Little Red
Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother said to her:
Mother: Grandmother is not feeling well. have !acked a "asket with fruit, cakes
and honey. #ill you take it to her$
Red Riding Hood: %es, &other.
Mother: 'e careful going through the forest. (nd don't !lay around along the way.
Grandmother is waiting for you.
Red Riding Hood: %es, &other.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood took the "asket and was on her way to
Grandmother's house. Little Red Riding Hood had gone "ut a short way into the
forest when a great wolf ste!!ed out from "ehind a tree.
Wolf: Good &orning , Little Red Riding Hood. #here are you going on this fine day$
Red Riding Hood: am going to see Grandmother on the other side of the forest.
)he is ill and am "ringing her fruit, cakes and honey.
Wolf: #hy not "ring her some wild flowers as well$ There are so many to !ick from
here in the forest.
Red Riding Hood: cannot sto!. &other said must not !lay around along the way.
Wolf: *icking flowers is not !laying around. 'esides, a "unch of !retty flowers will
cheer your grandmother u! and make her feel "etter.
Red Riding Hood: *erha!s you are right.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood !ut down her "asket and "egan to !ick wild
flowers. &eanwhile, the wolf sli!!ed away and s!ed to the other side of the forest.
#hen he came to Grandmother's cottage, he cre!t u! to the door and knocked.
Grand &other: #ho is it$
Wolf: t is , Little Red Riding Hood. have "rought you fruit, cakes, and honey.
Grand Mother: +ome in dear. The door is o!en.
Narrator: (s soon as the wolf was inside, he ran over to the "ed and go""led u!
grandmother whole, leaving only her "lanket and nightca!. He !ut on the night ca!
and wra!!ed himself in the "lanket. Then he crawled into "ed to wait for Little Red
Riding Hood. 'efore long there was a knock at the door.
Wolf: #ho is it$
Red Riding Hood: t is , Little Red Riding Hood. have "rought you fruit, cakes and
honey, and a "unch of !retty wild flowers to cheer you.
Wolf: +ome in. The door is o!en.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood went in and stood for a moment in the doorway.
Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother, #hat "ig ears you have,
Wolf: The "etter to hear you with, my dear. +ome closer.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood walked closer to the "ed.
Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother, #hat "ig eyes you have,
Wolf: The "etter to see you with my dear. +ome closer.
Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood walked even closer to the "ed.
Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother, #hat "ig teeth you have,
Wolf: The "etter to eat you with,
Narrator: The wolf gra""ed Little Red Riding Hood and go""led her u! whole. Then,
feeling full and satisfied, the wolf lay down and fell aslee!. -ow it ha!!ened that a
woodcutter was !assing Grandmother's cottage .ust then. He knew the old women
had "een feeling !oorly, and he decided to look in on her. #hen he saw the wolf
snoring on the "ed, he knew at once what had ha!!ened.
Woodcutter: have you at last, you devil,
Narrator: The woodcutter slew the wolf with his a/e. Then the woodcutter took a
carving knife, and very carefully he slit o!en the wolf's "elly. Out !o!!ed Little Red
Riding Hood and her grandmother, safe and whole, .ust as the wolf had swallowed
Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother, How ha!!y am to see you,
Grand Mother: (nd am ha!!y to see you, child.
Narrator: Grandmother gave Little Red Riding Hood a hug. Then Little Red Riding
Hood, Grandmother, and the woodcutter sat down to feast on fruit, cakes, and
honey. They all lived ha!!ily from that day on, never to "e trou"led "y the wicked
wolf again.

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